Kn. Fredcnck Mani: of River side lormefly of H‘uhland Farm entertain the Noah end Emboiderï¬elub at hot honest: one o'clock Innchéon today. hardly. Sun's birthday. The pink mus. Mn Robert Carr of E. Laurel Ave. was hostess. Tuesday evening i her home, (or queen guests. In honor 'of Mm Samp~ 'I‘L, J, A banquet was given lastyreek by the Safetv-ï¬rst club a: the home of Delmer Claw of 8. Second St. The dimng mom was decorated in large safety-pins cut out of card board. A very ï¬tting address was Hide by the Vice president: Games and music passed the evening‘ hours most chaantly. Mn Henry Clow and MrsgNels Nelson won the prim at the meeting of the Afternoon Euchre club last Thursday at .thc home of Mm Louis Shetzley. Campbell Chapter Guild gill meet at the home of Mrs. Cummingsof Lakv For est. Wednesday afternoon. April 215:. Mrs Edward Huber of S. Green Bay Rd. will entertain the Euchre club on next Thursday afternoon. Yesterday morning Wednesday, at nine o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Wilhemina Lurrig Morren oi Highwood and Joseph H. (fameaon of this City in St. James Catholic Lhurch in Highwood, The Rev. Father Gates ofï¬ciated. The bride wore a gown of white and carried white sweet peas. She was attended by the Misses Catherine Kenry and Helen Ber- berich who both wore white lingerie gowns with white pictures hats. trim~ med with pink roses and carried pink sweet peas. Clyde Cameron. brother of the groom acted as best man while George Clark served as usher. Atter the cere- monya delicious breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. Mary Morten of Prairie Ave. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Camer~ on willbe at home after May Ist on Prairie Ave. Carr. Henry W. Boyd. Gerald W. Peck. Charles F. Drake. George R. Jones. Henry .-\twater. Carleton M. Vail. Leslie Mc- Pherson. and the Misses Cecxlc \‘ail, Priscilla Carver. Dorothy Clark. Anme Cobb. Helen Mayer. Frances Hmvkins. and Helen Bushee. Mrs. John A. Putnam of Pr<§pett Ave. gave a tea on Saturday afternoon in honor of her cousin. Miss Rum Stone of Camden. N. Y, The ladies assisting were Mesdames Abel A. Putnam. Walter E. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Peck chaperoned a party of eight guests on Friday night at a dmner which Mr. Peck's sister. Mlss Mardn Peck of Chicago. gave for her guest. Miss Julia Heap of Loï¬don. Eng. After dmner the party went to Miss Sterling's dance at the Virgina Hotel. Chicago. The Bridge club met at the home of Mrs. Paul Bird on Laurel Arch. on Friduv evening of last week. Mrs. Harry D. Faxon willentertain the North Shore Chapter of the D. A. R. at her home an Monday afternoon. The SUbJECI is “Amusements and Locomotion," the essayist is Mrs. Scwall Truax. Pic- tures of coaches and taverns and ap- propnate exhibxts Will be shm‘n. Mrs R. W; Stevens was hostess on Friday to forty guests at a luncheon at at her home on Green Bay Rd. Grace Andrews was pleasantly surprised 0n Saxurdav evening when twelve of tier friends came to spend the evening with her. After refreshments the young folks enjoyed dancing. Mrs. John Grenville Mott was hostess to twenty out~of~town guests on Sunday evening at her home on E. Laurel Avc. Mrs. R. W‘ Slevens will he hostess [0- day at her home on Green Bay Rd‘ In a number of guests at a musxcale and read- mg‘ Miss Catherine North-ct of ()kla- homa City. who 35 taking \‘iulm nmlruc- [ions from LUdng Becker. Will have charge of the music, while Mrs. Maggie Berry, who is a professor of literature at the L’niversny of Texas. will give negro folk-lore. The Social Side of Life main is ibunmltiuning mm: “ Trade m Highla Nd Pa rk ’ ' High Class Laundcrers and F hem/z Dry Cleaners Eb! Btliihlt In!“ is ready and wants to Lau'pder your Household Laundry and do all your Dry Clleaning of clothing, rugs, Eblankets, quilts, etc. , You all know how well we do our work. Call us on phone 178,179 or 471 mw‘xfw HI am My 35,5"; : .Wlle'ugtl’ dons were all Local Affziirs of the week (955 m- .\frs..-Roger \‘ml \HH gne a Idrge rnsr Rd‘ In a bndgefpurh' for 31135 L'ml \‘all on “'cd- BY the Charm r} in Wadkegan. in said countflon the ï¬rst Mondq‘fll of June next. 1915, when and where pl] persons having claims mains: said agate are notiï¬ed and requested to pnesent the same to and court (or ad- : Judicatjon. i Amt]. KILLII. Wauk+an Illinois. March 22. 191.5. 4- 7 Adjudication Nod“ Publ§c notice is hen-by given‘ that the Subscriber Execmor of the am: of Charle‘ Keller. deceased. will attend the countyf court of Lake County. at a term men-ct to be holden at the Court Honor Mesdames (j. W. Chtlds, A. L. Mtlla. E. W. Knapp. and R. W. Buckley. acted as hostesses on Tuesday. when the West» mmstef Gutld entertained the Second Chapter of the Westmmster ‘Guild m the parlori oftthe Presbyterian church After a bustness meeting and a welcome to the guest;1 Mrs. Henry Atwater aCCOfllplnu‘d by Mrs. Carleton Vatl sang a group a! song Miss M096 read a mlssmnary re- port. and then taking Mr; Roberts place as leader was assisted by Mesdames Lyle Uourle‘y, G. W. Childs, and F. A. Watkins, After very good refreshments. It was dc. ctded that the next meeting would take place a week from next Tuesday, at the home an Mrs. Clnlds, with mm. H. n. Roberts. and Mt-zs Estelle Clarkand Miss Helen Mayer acting as hostesses ' MissiMdbc-l Hanson, daughter of Mrs Hanson of W. Central Ave. and (‘mnrgr FQDUt’fy, son of Mrs. Bridgét Duh)- o! W. Laurel Ave. were unttrd In marriage on Wednesday cx'rmng April ch at half after Haven o‘clock at the muonrmr of SL Mary's Catholtc Church by the Rev. Father Symon Gates 0! St. James Paï¬sm Muss Julm Duffy and Joseph Duffy. sister and brother of the groom were the only attendants. After a short honeymoon Mr, and Mrs Duffy WI“ be at Home to their many friends at 131 Glenvttw Ava l The muslcale and card party gIVen by Campbell (haptcr tlmld at [hr hmm- nt Mrs. Henry Clow on mil Wvdncsdm evening proved tn lu- .l \t-ry dcltghttul at'fatr‘ About thlrtyllvr guests “erc Ill attendance. Master llcrbc-rt Fx-mllck nl lecrtynlle rc-ndc-rc-d u-r) lwautltullv sex eral selrctions on thu vmlm :u‘t'umpanu-d on the piano by Muss “lldJ Hapke .th- ut Libertynlle. Miss Anna Bahr plan-d several; numbers on the piano m hcr usual f‘scinattng way. After the musltalr number‘s were completed. cards Were cn» joyed. lThe SUCL‘I‘SSful prize umnvrs be ing; Mrgb, Hcrbcrt Strung and Mr Elmrr Brown :recelvlng ï¬rst pun-s .mtl Muss B-anché Ely and .\lr Albert Larson rt' centngf consolntmn prtzes. 'An (uttezmg was tal‘en up uhlch pruu'd \‘cry lltx-ml. The nIQney wull bv .ut‘ded to the {Luau fund The ladle: are plunnlng Ull hwldmg the Bazaar sometum m Scptemtx-r or October. as yet the dates have nut been Mrs. Herman Dcnzel rmeitmnrd the Euchre Club at hex hnmc on Sco‘nd SK Monday ext-Hing, On Monday evening a most' delightful Linen Shower was given sts lehelrmna Morten whose marriage to Joseph H Cameron took place yesterday morning. Wednesday. by {he members of St James Catholit Church choxr and their irxendx Mrs. Henry Walxher entertained a num~ bc-r uf friends on WVcdnesday eVCnan at cards at her home on S Green Bay Rd A very delightful banquet was ghen nn Suturdtv evening by the local chapter of Masons... A Six coursedlnncr was scru-d. Mrs Marshall. worthy matron of Eastern Star had the dmner In 'charge and she was asslisted by the present oï¬icersot the chaptet. The decorations were very beautifhl With red carnauons and ferns as the brevailiug flower. Each ladv who assisteï¬ was presented wrth white and pink carnations. ' Wmdhrup Jame; cmertamed lwerlty n! hxs Indnds on Thursday evening. after- wards ï¬akmg them In the Junior dunn- at the Hughland Park Club. nesduy‘ of next wrek wring. The Hague. Just now and ever smce the war began, Is the very venue of this true ktnd of patrmtmn. When we hue more tune and gone we mll tell In de- tail of the wondertul movement on the part of the women at the world In meet- tngtngether the common In ten-H at humanity the end olthu month Perhaps the nlmt unpurtant commlttee now at The Hague Is the Dutch Peace party working tn behall ot the “European Federalmn." wlmh It says a the only solution ot the names presented by the war [he pan‘phlels sent out by this t‘ommxttee a hat h hate Come to thtlcoun- tr\' are ptmtu‘. Engltsh, are grut Interest umng that only tn some sort ul Fedemnt-n or concert of Europe. Is there remedy tor the prevapllng touchy, In which each natmn ls a law unto Ilv sell. It ts mteresung to note that their there m m of ‘ principles are In atcord with every one o! the dozen or more constructtve peace programs, whu‘h have been pubhshed by dim-rent groups m the l'mted State: and Europe. but the Dutch committee has ‘by hr the moat syntematx propaganda to Europe on the matter. 1 ' . fly at interesting coinctdence. we nee at this very tune, the founding of a â€United States 0! Europe Sodety" here m our own country. Charles H. lacer- oolo! New York, in the Mat. and turned to (lurluml. Arkan- AdM'butlon Nout Publn‘ notnr II hereby gt Subscriber hxnutnx u! m.- Tatament wt Funkl hem: the lush? will attend Caunty, at a term trv. :mt (w the toutt \\ some county on the {Int Monday l9li. when and uht‘rr A“ pr t'lmms axmmt t‘~'t.cfr and tequnted tr. said (our: fut a‘tjll‘iudll‘fl. hutne tr. \al'i grew“! l l’t: .I\) l Waukegan, llnt‘mu Math 1 m w TM†J. P.5TEFFE i Fresh Butter, E] : end Poultry 131m»- ml m}: HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. 'HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS (mm In shou \um “um: What IS p.|UlHl1\IH)lmu\‘A' '1 how Is a nu:- and u \Imrr; ham! f’w'lvtm‘m Ls m»! lrslrd m \f‘um w! {n."fllhg m making muse, nor by thuhhbg 1 mm hlgnru and nu! strrnglh. but tn mu daily dcrdl nf good cmu-nshxp F1;lï¬~JHd mruaJn-nnum- u- ndid“: x‘rnw w' (aunt! ytthp u \ ush mm and sh‘x‘pirw :mhuxc wrutr «:1 Mud Pndz- ut am estH lHIrrPSI m grnculngy and «alumni {urmunc aJm:r.m<m In! mam.“ musn and gnfd .mt‘ .ur xwmcllmrs rm: taken fur pan: umm An- not Ameruans smguluxh umm'rwhc m [Huts nl peace. and that 13W - or the nmc‘ ()ur cuu “mm and general durcgard ut law has made- us a byword In Christen dam lncrcast n! wraith and (ppnrlumly has made Inuimudrs selï¬sh Ind Indlï¬er» emtnIhecuunny'sdangers Thurman. â€reason In thc Rrpubiw I! mean: wc hau- drscrh-h .md cowards. as well n panmis m Influx: Maury, shop and parlor, Ln (' sum-r: an Inm- lu she“ mun xv! hm k ' :hmx‘ .n thvy .src-m nu (he ~uHm'x‘ (w (he mnddmrnulx All abuu! u: whurk .1 '.cn~.;k~_~t 01 “I! 50 (ha! .AH at us “1w ‘xYl' Huh patriot“ mus! t1 umh mnnnrun: n! I am (hr-m In an Hmmzh mums} nu (hr «‘ Lhrmn'lu‘) I») «:6:- :IA.\ lch [(‘H\(‘ in r. Nam-uni .Ir'r ww Hlilhh gm“. :\ M .4 smali 1: -x1. as long as the but amine: m rd In th tutu punhh l'ullcr and .umxcs h.l\(‘h|ld“’ dltfnenl (unvunlh Ynlt. r \ull he necdrd unhl (hr mle-mm'nn Mihtm m“ be m-rdni as long as then- are mums and lynchrrs‘ but amne: mt! Ila-Iv: mmm be tmmsh Allhuugh â€mm sane pruplr .tdnxatr doing JWJ) mm .unm-s and names. sud: as all HAHN“) lmn‘ today, no unc person has SJld, du .nmy “In: your 5min? force, nor has an) pram prnpdngandlfl and do away mlh .m lutcumlmnal polin- lune. You 33V .nmzrs and names 'Md but “.1 uunal poln‘r, “mi ml] he needed .u long as pulu‘r .m: 14:: us punt: m mm the cummn I nwns Hr gunznmh m pmuis m Mp pnnkrfs '1 hr {mull n! H1!) bmu‘ and pmphrxn 1min x mu: .Iduplrd hlermlr nah-s h.» hum Hm! â€it'll human h.n~ fur a xcnmr) tx-vn thv sun's! m (hr “mm, Ju~l m mrn gunk-mun walking un Smu- .‘I 1~ mIr. .md (-xrn brigand n alwah In thug-r, (Imuxh hm puking br rullul putuls, .md Indrrd on (ha! m count, Ihc qLuxlnm wtmh {he prvscnl (rum Is urging upun a}! nultuna l3. hum soon wnll 1hr) hm‘c lo at! him gcnllr men and so lx- mt: gluwering .II To all sane people wu i; hornble; And yet most people admitting that. do noth- ing. or else accept the traditional uvmg “in time of peace prepare for wu,†Do we not yet realize that one of the causes of war Is the fear and summon bred of huge arnmmentsf Thls prmuple islargcly H‘spflflslbl? (or the European war. It means when you are friendly mth a nmghbm huxld up a was“ between you, be un the alt-rt tur IHBUIKS. and pre pare to knth hnu down "(Ruth-starts" 13d new wurd (mm-d h) I’rnk'ssuf lbw“); n1 1hr “mu-In Re ache l'mvrrsxl) ll IN’ vcr) suggestin- of “h.“ Intrrnucmnnl We might be 1! (hr sun-s shwuld Dcuwnzc ‘grllllcflflcsf .l: in lhI» h by ADELINE L ATWATER PEACE COLUMN HH‘I.( n e um many I If 'M‘ Hit-nu . but HHH‘I ml um! I brule rune mu .«rv wtlw \ .IN’S unnlml pulu: ll:- n-pum .md Juparu-sr 1n NIH 1hr Manx Md â€)1: \(3, “r C(‘Hx' 1‘le r H! RUB! nd nu» :rs h pnlrlom must r_ in! now l.‘ (hr “‘1er: What IS p at (Ill) Maw .‘uu .Iduplrd {w L' ï¬rmit â€it'll Ilunlu-I hm ll .\1.|\>.nl:u>rlt.~ pvllt r Ill) z“ 1! K" chIII the- Callmimn INCH Armies and gxrcmcnl u! Mr grmh- L‘f‘h mn â€(UH ulihllut be as un H' 1 {hr bring \\( «ppm hum! (1| in! H:- nn! {hr lull AdMSuuon "out. Pubhc nolnr u harm given (but (hr Subscriber hxn uhn u! â€w 11;! “Ill Ind Taxamrnl n! Funkl lkxnunldo‘ ran-<1, will amend the Mn:!.f\ um†01 Lake Caunly, It I Irrm â€13"â€! (H hr holdrn ll the xouH hmnr u; “nun-gnu m and county on th- {Int Munda) Ur Ml) nelt, l9li. when and uhrrr 41! prvlhl tuning claims axmmt xmvi «Mair am- “(mm-d Mr. lehnm (arm-r. AM Mr. S A Hobxmn uhn hln- Imez \munx lhe farmer" pun-nu- Mr and Mn. Juhz. (‘urulun {or [he pan: lhrrc weds, rer {urned m Garland. Arkmxua, Numb.) Hr, nnd Mr.» 1’34““! Innunu‘ {hr lvzrth J “'edntndn). Apn‘ ‘tr. on, died a: Pin hmrm n; I‘n'rflcld in day nfu-rzumn. If“! m. :anu n! H! van-«kt. Hrrhnt'~ ugr was m-vr'trer. years Ind ‘11 mm {hp- h:ternmm! nu years 3!: S! Mr. Hutu-:1 Xquhuusrx.‘ henna! sun I»! Mr um! MM 131ml Nr‘hn.» (nu-1n! K' LUH'Hu nmhumi my, “he- ;uut) (n â€W TIM! \ pm!) n,’ _\«m \(r«\r~ Warn A ADDITIONAL DEERFIELD pawn 4 (‘\I‘I\ l.«'1\ «mum fuli! )hd†Pr (SHIN mmuu-a :n in \ :vnr P the ï¬rr box :~ Prfl,‘ \I live bring mg: 'P w a \mialmn w! Saturn J [mu m hu sh.‘ [’Siluw 14:! r 0| an) ‘um‘, A\I«|'.‘|'I\l‘ strain In} “can: drunk umâ€. p|ir (hue! kvtllt or uH‘r-r xzrmlnr mmhxm' (vl’ \ lrhamr (H Hum (hr ‘Yl‘wkt' slink chlmnq of .m\ humid; -x pxchu-a Owned. umzrulérd w: I“ \ mugt (I P. her or their chop! :n: a 0! Cuts in abalrnmm TL.‘ hrrrnmlht w or L'mpme! Chargr nr .. “mm rullrr ~ drum, 1.†'m', chmc or man the (‘IHIsMUH or pltlanx u h .‘\\\-l (It-Anni \m! â€WINâ€, 1: I: am 1- and :1) (hr | :1) â€2.1 mm .Iulhn! om- hour ( (cpl 1m a 3x \Il‘JU krulr tux.†sla- k smu'vu' n SI) nun- [hm A“ \c- Human)“ 1hn whole 1dr: 15 suddcnw lakmg prm'tu‘ul mgmmzmr f.†gunner than (-er Ina-{nu and xhe nu..z!!4nrwn.~ Aporuauu r ,.1 that two dchLHr uzgammtmns 1m J~ plO'H‘ [Hm a! 1?); Hagur and \r» Emu .azr PYUWH I)“ Hr II An Ordin-nte lo Prohibit the fmlbuon anon. m sponuon are President: Elliot. Bulkr. and Jordan. President Bauer bu nanny publuhed an Article. .100 ad- voaling the l‘mted State: of Europe In a neceuny {or the aolunon o! the present problem. Thu auuesuon :- not mu n Vbdot Hugo urged it eluquenlly uhty year: ago, Snr Mu “'m‘hu'f m England hall been rarrymg on a aynen'uhc campaign {or the quH! fur thr lam ‘en years. Alfred M Fur-d, an enmnenl Get man mtcmatmnaz thmker has been plead ins fur 3 Pan European bureau, Lunn pondmg mum-what In Out I'm. Axhrrhmt Bureau at “ashmxh'n mmur ~\(‘IY uvn '.- H YI 1H urf‘rr xzrm‘ 1r mmhxm' (vl’ mm m Hum (hr ‘Yl‘wkt' slink n! of .m\ humid; -r wemlfl'a hm mzrulérd w: I“ \ mugt (I Mm 911‘ chop! :n: a gu-znud 0! u) n :H \ mm P U! dam“: uhn}. ox :~ Pr»); \ named H“! 17;: m-u bmlt 'Pr'cm ~l .L'f l-r guilh n! I 5‘1. [H'h hr). of Dane Smoke \I:\ [u run mum-mun 1H kl lknnnldï¬rawl, mun \nun d Lair â€13"â€! in fur holdrn ll r; “nun-gnu m and ‘ Munda) of Kit) Hflt, rrrr 41! pruum Mung vi (‘~X.|Tr nu- “(mm-d “(wwnf Hm umr In ‘1†.1! x‘ u. Luau“ m. x taughlol lmrv r Irwin) ru-L Mm} .1 d|!,ru.g Sun 1' an“ um l-[K‘Y {upulxn‘ fIntulru 191:. â€u hum K ‘ “'01an “um um: \\ hxlnx. mm lullrz dmex tax .1111 slr â€:44! n 'H MUM†â€mm“ Hf) prim†NI: 1hr ‘ummr\ In Tthonen Highland Park )7 4 N" Alloy- Bunnie. Farm-had ()nv shun block was! mm I)l‘(‘Tpth Avenue. LAK 1i FORKSW It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings (AL: Fond Phone 335 THE ERSKINE BANK Tn, Comer, Sheet Metal. Puma: Work Bowman Dairy Company 121 Vine Avenue Htl l'l'HUNl‘S New Method Tea and Coffee Store Bowman Dairy Company ' ‘ AT vafyï¬ifï¬ï¬â€˜Ã©" Telephone 169 ANYTIME Interior Decorators and Painters 128 E. Central Avenue Phone 573 A1141! Hmn nun H1" My! 3. 5pm m: Lragm Huh 3. R dn mums fArn'hxh mutrd h ‘4 ; l'ark Iran: uh“ Iran I'\ ) Bars Galvanic Soap for 39c and 1 < akvl ’alm ()hu Soap FREE With every $2.00 Order Real Estate, Loam and Insurance we also sell annns, Svrubbing Brushvs. Mops Clothes l’ins. Clothes Lines, Wash Bnards. Washing I’uwders and Soaps “BOWLING†O’NEILL’S TIN SHOP Drew Savege COIIVOIIOIN C. ‘ M L Same. GOOD BANK The Butter with the Mild, Succl, Delicate Flavnr 15 West Elm Place BUTTER Perfect] y Pasteurized ALL BRANCHES Sana-nu ME I â€I Pure Cream Sugar Exceptcd HIMHI AND PARK 9 (.IP‘\( ()I‘ ,‘u But 0! Equipment. rm» gmm luv-n Kn I‘\r'\ M-nnday Tum-dam am: 1'? p1 1r HA0 Irv-in rsprualh lhr â€Imbam .r-c-In sham-ht MA [7 \HLH \1 Evamlon Phone “)7 Lake Forest 2l6 Wnll Hanging Ulb ‘Ol'l. ‘q