L‘P-rk zll ck m! Automobile Tires, Meal; 8: Rubber: A SPECIALTY Admision 58: 10 cents Bent of Moving Pictures Box No. 664 THE BARTLETT ’ Theatre Drop me a postal card or tclcphnne me and I will call for goods North of Deerfield’ and Ea“ of C. 8: N. W. R. R. “Exploits of\ Elaine†Every Wednesday Night J. SFnith Wholesale .4 w nah '- lron Rags Metal Rubber Bottles ‘ “Perils of Pauline†every Friday Night Vaudeville Totally. Thundny. Saturday Tcchhume Hmh‘uud Park M-YJ Modern boat Ventilated Highwood, Ill. Paper, etc. and Sunday Frank Siljestrom, Local Distributor, Telephone 65 Purity Ice Refrigerating Co. ' THERE IS PEACE IN SIGHT Hi'blmd Paul: But the war on impure Ice will be ending in victory. No person should be satisï¬ed until he has procured pure articles for his consumption, for as a prominent Physician said when ordering drugs the purest is not to good. OUr Ice is manufactured under the utmost care under our personal supervision and it is our aim to extract all impurities from old Lake Michigan water before it goes into ourIce, which necessitates extra cost and labor but still we ask no more than you have been paying for common Ice of which you had. no proof or knowledge where it was sent from. Purity Ice is made in your immediate neigh- borhood and you can at any time investigate its manufacture, we shall be pleased to show you how it is made; (if 433 -â€"Will lease to party With good refer- ences. my eight room house (or $3000. or will sell on easy terms. or might con- sidcr a vacant lot in trade. Apply at Green Bay Rd. and Chicago-Ava Joseph Delhaye. Tel. 333. ‘ t1 FOR RENTâ€"Good sized room It rear- of State Bank Budding. Tel. 52 If FOR RENT Furnished rooms and light housekeeping rooms. With private gas plate and meter. Reasonable. Address 231 N. St. John's Ave. ‘ t1 FOR RENTâ€"Safety deposit b5xes and vault space for Murilgt‘ uf trunks. etc. at thc Erskine Rank . [l FUR Rmr , Szmm heated apartmem, 6 rooms :md hath, UH) cum mums If de- smred 4." Sr junn“ Aw. plumes 49 and 193;. F. P H:mkms tf FUR REV: lhruughom put an A-l o ne-rnt\‘-‘1:-;'I FOR RENTâ€"Modern apartments of 4 to 6 rooms. with or without fumishinp. In- quire of H. Palmer. cor. St. Johns Ave. and Moraine Rd. Tel. 776M. U FOR RENT â€"8-rooms and bath. hard- wood floors, oak and maple ï¬nish. 2 porches, 2 blocks from Ravinh depot. $50.00 per month. F. A. Tucker. Tel. 57. FOR RENTâ€"groom house. scmi-bunga~ low, large grounds. furnished or untur- ished. garage large enough for two can 1217 Asbury Ava, Winnetka, three block: west of Hubbard Woods station. Tel‘ 227 Winnctka. 8 pd FOR RENTâ€"Swoom house, large lot and trees. good locatlon, $65 on 3-year lease. Address N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. 8 pd FOR Rm ~Nlccly lurnlshed apartment for summer months, Grooms. sleeping porch and bath; large [wing room with ï¬replace; everything modern. Located near Exmoor Club. Tel. 155. t! pd FOR RENTâ€"7-room and bath. modern house. from May ï¬rst. cor. Woodlawn and Railroad Aves... Hubbard Wooda. lll. Apply by telephone Highland Park 847-W. or call at premises. » B â€"EuPLoYMer AGENCYâ€" Women dc- siring work. should register, with me. If you need help address Mm Geo. Smith In. over Schumacher's drug store. Tel. 320. U Eurwvum Acwcyâ€"Fim clm help received for all household positional-Im- ployment of all kinds for women And girls. Mrs. T. Walsh. 315 E. Park Ave. near Linden. Tel. 868 R. if WANTED -All kinds of ferrule help; American and foreign. Wages 87 to 810 I week. Also first class help fumithed on short notice. Apply 124 50. First Sreet Ave., telephone 263. Mm J. M. Donsing. lf [wmm FOR RENT, FOR SALE [ YIN]! 16-24 Deerfield Avenue Licensed Employment Agency $3 mom huilv' n-decarated ()uhxdv n- .N- repainted and mflnrmr‘ Linw grounds. cor- Lm PI: HM ()Jk\'fl()d Ate FOR RENT Highlandil’alk 173 European War is still raging THE HIGHLAND PARK PRES. HIGHLAND PARK FOR SALE Lou in the Montgomery subdivision. Moraine Rd.. HinhIand Park. I! verv low prvces conudrring the character of the Improvemmu and short distanre'nvnr‘, m‘htwh gulf ground. and \formno Hate} Addrru or tel P A \Lmtqomen’. Im'nn_ L'H \' thridan R1“, Hmhhnd Park “'5' fl 9 Fat: (we on F“ Mum 1m» H-mnm moth-r". huuw wx'h dev'mm' Durrh, an M rmlnmd in Highland l‘avk 2 bath ron'rs C’ rt": Imntmxu~ Tl ï¬n- places. \VIT‘ 1n‘o‘nl h‘!†In V’Hid Inl‘l‘HnP, at farm w’thin 154) "nilri will qvw- lung Mme on hahnrr‘ Prim‘ 310.!!!) (bar Address or r») [‘_ A \1.mw.~.vnerv. 128 N \horidnr RI}. Hmhland Park FOR SALE? Vnrant Int, cheap, 3500 down, balance 35!!) tn two years. Other lots small deposit. balance, any ttrmn Addrcss N A Aldridge. EfSklM Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. 8 pd FOR SHEâ€"Chicago clectrw car, {or- wnrd dnve. ï¬rst (Ilsa rnndmon, at one one half price. also Wutten generllor Tel, Winnetka 227. 8 pd FOR SALE 51mm bungalow Vlth blth hardwood ï¬nish throughout. also 50-foot lot. 112 Skokic Ave. Tel 161 M. If FUR SALEâ€" A bed and mher furniture Will «ll returnable. Addmsuow Con lral Ave or tel 441. _‘: 8 pt F0: SALaâ€"Fast driving harm buggy Madge†603 “In! A" Tel $3, a pd and hamm WI†all cheap on hccount , WAKTBD‘Compflenl “m b! [men] of buying machines. and party will hue ‘ houu'mk Ron-rem?! reqmred Tel no further use for same. Address P, 0,1,1 H GI? 15%;]; Real}; ’a’iuck. ms 5‘. cum I SL. Chicago. Ill. :1; FOR SALEâ€"A team of old ham Will sell reasonabla Address North Shore Fuel and Supply Co. 14 FOR SALE _ Beautiful new S-room bun- galow at 25 Onwcnma Ave. large room; decnraxed throughout, ï¬ne balhroom, cement cellar. furnace hut. hot and cold water connections, whm- cnlmcled plumbing ï¬xtures; late“ electric light ï¬xtures; shades and “teen: for I" wm dows; screened porch Pncc $325011). easy payment: 1! dcslrcd (l A Lam he'aper Block. Clark and Wuhington St). or 2156 Milwaukee Ave.. Cbncngo‘ K! Fol SALlâ€"Cboice 50-!L lot: in our new subdivision slung Waukqln Ave†north at Vine Ave. Price $300 and upvan‘h. termsSSO or more; cuh balunce. Easy yments. O. A_ Lewis Lo. Room 218 caper Block. Clark and Wuhington Sta. Fon SAuzâ€"Chaicelot. 100 feet trom- aac. near Vxnc Ave. unuon, Highland Park. 82000 per foot; newer and um paid. Addreuthc Highland Park Pn- or F. S. Amick. 534 Leammgton Ave., Chicago. l! pd FOR SALEâ€"A surrey. nlmoot new, with canopy top. Address Wm. Greeley. 25 N. St. Johns Ave‘ n FOR SALB v 13 tom good ruled hay, timothy and clover mixed. $16.“) I ton. J. R. Morris. Deerï¬cld. Tel. Lake Forts! 797‘Y-4. I! FOR SALE -1913 Detrontcr. Spawnger. just overhauled. m perfect condition. $350.00. Tc|.893-Y-1. MIND“ K.T|llmm. t! FOR SALlâ€"A horse Ind wuon. John Borchardt. tel. 715-M. I! FOR SALE Telephone 341 l Lostâ€"An [nth temor, Il‘.l btown. 3 'momha old. dluypured About 2 Inch Iago. Lnbenl reward (£9er to: hit re. Hum. Address ‘26 Beach “1 Tel ‘8. WANYFJ) (hr! to sun! with hour work and are of (huldren To! 730 R H WANTED A gnl 1m general house- work. alm :- laundrm In! Tuna-y}. must he I rcudcnt of Highland Part Call tel. 111 WAmznâ€"A 1er 1w general house work. Tel 11512 8 pd WANT‘IDâ€"A man to work on mute pl-cc, by the month Addim XXX Pre- ofï¬ce WANmHExpcnemed (hluflfl, mm! tx- good mechamc.vnnu-d for mu month- brgmmng Mly l, mu! be mlhng Id work uround yurd. W pct month Ad- dre- H. T Plea off)“. 3 WANHEU A mm to won by the day WANTlDâ€"To rent. I 1our or ï¬ve room; cottage m Highland Plrk or hum; All modern improvement; Addre- S. T Pros ofï¬ce. ' B ‘ “Mumâ€"All kinda a! embrosdcn 2 minding. xdlopma. etc. also vnll [in lemon. m embro‘den Adda.- ZM N Second SL Tel. H. P‘ 976 U â€"â€"Fret 0! charge to hrmm help pa .5 in; own (rlln hm We apply 9| ‘ (um hundu. dairy hunch [M m-rncd f couple thoroughly (quenched. Dunnond : Farm Hand Men ,3250.Cuu15l.2ndi floor. Chncuo. R,7)vnmottd. Phone Mun ‘ 5074. n W'KNTEU- Drawn-lung by the day or It home Emma Sttflen, 207 N S'cond SL Tel. TEN-M U “‘AN’TEDâ€"St'ln‘ by experienced rum Itrmv Tel 728K 1‘ Puma TQM I menu-d Sewer 1nd WM" Conn-clot Cement Slde Wnlh dc. - Ra 213 McDamch Ave. Hi‘hlfld Pll'k MISCHLANSOUB, Hm WANTED Fu- HA-Jn Fro. I). McNeil Highland Park, Ill. 0 ice reduces the number of “busy†signals to a minimum and makes it eas for customers or clients to reac your store or office. This stimulates business. If your tele hone is on a line let P e aided us change it to a single line. value to you more than oï¬scts the smell additional cost. Make It Easy lor Your Customers to Reach You by Telephone INGLE LINEtelcp hone serv- Ice reduces the number of Cbiago Telephone Bell Ladies Tailor and Habit M‘ 29 En! Mndhon St. . Chi Font Hm Site. 40234 ï¬end When) on are ï¬tted for a Tailoer Made Suit at AREND'I‘S youare assu of the cormt proportions of your - ual requirements. 12 You get fashion effect that will gainrm you thg confidence that you are cor y YOU SECURE mummy Excwswmass AND . summon ; F. ARENDT Iz‘xrlusiw Palms \ System