Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 6 May 1915, p. 2

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.w, The leading event in society this week' is the marriage of Miss Cecil Vail, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman Vail. 319 E. Laurel Ave. to Mr. Merrell M. Follansbee. son oLMr. and Mrs. Charles E. Follansbee of 335 Moraine Rd.. which will be solemenized in the Presbyterian Church at eight o'clock Saturday night; Rev. R. Calvin Dobson will otficiate. Mrs. Carleton Vail. sister-in-law of the bride. will be matron offlionor. and Miss Mar- jorie Follansbee. the bridegroom's sister, will be honored maid. The bridsmaids will be the Misses Margot Cushing, Catherine Cushing, Gladys Spencer. Mar- garet Small. all of Highland Park. Ruth Johnson of Chicago, and Mar- garet Nye of Cleveland. Flower children will be Edith Carleton Vail. ring bearer and Edwin Rockwell. nephew of the groom. Malcolm Vail. the bride's brother. will act as best man. while Roger Vail, another brother, will be master of ceremonies. The ushers will include Roy Bard, Egbert Spencer. Allen Jones. Thomas Troxer. and Carle- ton Vail. all of Highland Park. Thomas Sheridan of Evanston. A recep- tion at the residence ot the bride's par- ents will follow the service. Mary S. Baker of W. Vine Ave, enterA tained informally for :i number of her little friends on Friday afternoon. Games and refreshments formed the afternoon's entertainment. Those present were: Elizabeth. Margaret. Thomas and Isabelle Mann. 'Mary and Elizabeth Kimball. Cleona and Gladys Udell. Junior Cope, and George and Neal Karcher of Evans ton. One hundredand fifty guests enjoyed the dance given by the Sigma Alpha lota c___...:... Ar \VA-.L...M....-â€" l'nivnvehn no and i This Week Highland Park society is more than busy with theatre parties. bridge parties and luncheons given in compliment to Miss Cecil Vail, whose marriage to Mr. Merrell Follansbee will take place Saturday night at eight o'clock, On Saturday evening the bridal party was entertained at a theatre party at the circus at the Coliseum. followed by a dinner at the Moraine given by the Misses Cushing. On Sunday evening Mrs. Earl W. Spencer entertained twenty guests at an English high tea. forthe bridal party. After tea, which was served at seven- thirty. music and games were enjoyed. The house was beautifully decorated in the delicate trilliums and pink snap dragons. Monday evening Miss Mariorie Small was hostess at a seven o'clock dinner for the nine girls of the bridal party. while the groom. hlr. Mereil Follansbee entertained all the gentlemen of the bridal party at a dinner at the University Club, Chicago _ Miss [)orolli) Schofield gave aninformal four table bridge party on Tuesday afternoiin for lilK‘ bridal party in compliment to Miss Cecil Vail and Miss Margaret NyepiCleveland, 1Ohio. who is Miss Vail's guest. Tut-s ‘day night the ushers. Messrs Ray Bard, Egbert Spencer. Allen Jones. Thomas Troxell. Carleton .Vail. all iii this city. and Thomas Sheridan of Evans- ton. gave a theatre party at Cohan'~ Grand Opera House where the "Song Birds" is being given. The bridal dinnri was given on Wednesday evening at (llt‘ home of the bride's parents. Mr and Mrs Henry Sherman Vail of E. Laurel An- and on Friday night Mrs. Carleton \fliil will entertain at dinner tor the pilrh pie ceeding the rein-anal which Will Like place at the church. Mary S. Baker of W. Vxne Aver, enterA tained informally for a number of her little friends on Friday afternoon. Games and refreshments formed the afternoon's entertainment. Those present were: Elizabeth. Margaret. Thomas and Isabelle Mann. 'Mary and Elizabeth Kimball. Cleona and Gladys Udell. Junior Cope, and George and Neal Karcher of Evans~ ton. One hundredfland fifty guests enjoyed the dance given by the Sigma Alpha lota Sorority of Northwestern University at the Moraine Hotel, Friday evening Mr; Fred Zahnle of 212 W. Vine Ave. will be hostess this afternoon at a mis. \ cellaneous shower in compliment to Miss Emily Sorenson of Neenah. Wis. who for the past year has been hung in High- wood, whose marriage to Mr. William Ives of Highwood will be an event of the near future. The decorations are to be pink and white. Twenty guesrs have been hidden. The Social Side of. Life Chas. H. Warren Co. UR SPECIAL RATE and work onvDry Cleaned Rugs at -'20c per' square yard for Domestic and 25c per spuare yard for Orientals, regular price 35c, was so successful and so very satisfactory that we are going to renew this Special Rate for 2 weeks more, beginning May 3rd, to give'other families that are cleaning house a chance to have their rugs Dry Cleaned, which is absolutely the best way. Every particle of dirt and all spots are re- moved and your rugs will look like new. High Class Laundererl and French Dry Cleaners Butterick Patterns for June now on sale Children’s Dresses Zepher Ging- ham, Pecay and Percale from 50¢ to $5. Ladies Shirt Waists in Silk, Lawn and Crepe de Chine $1.25 to $5 offers a beautiful line of Ladies Muslin Underwear from one of the most exclusive eastern houses Phone 178-179-471 for u. to call Ind gel your my Clothing and Furnishing Dept. verything for the Man and Boy who cares Headquarters for Arrow Collars PHONE 110 = Dry Goods Department â€"â€" Hgmravfi vocal Affairs of the week Bv the Obscncr Elisha and Chhhuhn Slubbs were h«|\'.\ at a party on Ffldd)’ evening at (hm! home on Hazel Aw. The young pcoplc emuyed dancxng and snngmg until a late hour: :he house decoranuns wu-rc the m- llghtful wzld rlnwels. Mrs. S. B. Chmenden “as hush-w nu Sunday evening at an Informal :uppcr partv tur Slum-n gum“ . The Embrmdery dub met )esxcrdav the home of Mn 0 5. Peabody Moraine Rd. THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PAQK IUJNOIS George E Phillips. Attorney for said (‘0 partnfn H:,;"14mfl’axk.lll May J. 131'- VUN: mm c \ hvn‘u gl-I‘fi {hat 1hr mm o! {rt-«um ‘mli /¢? 1:3de as (hr [mah- Edge-x uni Farm “any La: Hm (Ln been (1 “'13.“! m mu'ual <un vsu rm- bumnrsx u .I?t-.ux:t1ru¢-dm Mr I‘m-dunk I ".ahnm z ‘ “mum all .u‘» counts ran-nahir an- dux- and payable, and all accnunts payahlc u! saui Mm the bn-n assumed by him Chum Ln\und.|_\ Mr 31AM” X (ha-Ir H‘ZHD‘ In: Mr“ Jnsrphu‘c Txum .. hn~ :1 Hull!) Hume m (. vxw‘nn rn'llal nu Sumtn :1 J I" Ir‘mnng thzzh- «z. Mrs M M MvNanx-r wnll cnlrrum (has memnx :H dmmâ€"r far right gurus vnmphmrntu) In Cal and Mrs Judgmn uf L‘hu‘ngo. Lu] Judgsun is an me-rr nmcvr nn duly “:th the star! at Hmagu Attrr dmncr the unit. “I“ gum {hr- (2.1mm mvrrn a! flu- Hfiwcr's \ lub. at For! 5hr: Hint: MN I" H “:i'um r-nh {L'Illh’d twviu- 11' mum” nflrrnmm In! (Leltrlrdr “211).:an H'k'lcnk, HH' IAIJMH Xrudx- ~‘ Munh Mum} thh- wxn \rx)‘ .HYLM 0' n! Dink .mt! M1: l‘hv :v: nrmgv w! \hxs \hn’ [Marduk u! Huhhud \MnnN, In Mr I‘mnkLarls-nn. sun u! Mr um! Mrs (.ustaxr Ldrl-um u! Highwm-d, “a5 \UII‘HHHIr'd M Lx'hrl _\ J (“11(me JA'I.('\ t .nthnln \ ‘zun In, HIK‘vad, H «mm HZHIY I‘m-ML” l‘\f'- The Mnsscs Anna and Martha Wellel entertained a number of friends at dinner Tuesdav evening, The Ladies And Some” of {he Evan gelwalChun‘h ml! hold a meeting I! the hnme of Mn Edward Enchler tad-y, Thursday. HIK‘MHML I! ~eu mm: In [hr prc-v The marriage of Mm Ernestine Schmidt, daughter of Mr and Mn. C. J Schmidt 0! St. Charla. Ill. loMr Haroid Harbaugh of St Charles, formefly 01 thus (My, son of Mr and Mrs Lharles I Harhaugh n! E Park Au- . wxll rake plan- a! the home at [hr bndc- Wednesday aflernmm. May twvltth AMI-r a short honeumwn trip 1hr 5mm“ {uuplr qu he a! hume In fhrxr m-w hnmc )n \! (hark-s the rnd n! Jum- Mr. Harhaugh h [hr manage-r 0! the- (hark-s Harhdugh lvum .. be: (mummy w! it (hark-s ' (hr pink .~\ number 0! friends pleasantly Iurf prncd Theodorr Knpp on Saturday eve- ning at his home on W Lincoln Ava Games and dancwg formed pan of 1hr evening's entertainment Mn Edwin A. Armstrong entertained eight Chm-go friends on Wednadlv of Int week.and m guest: on Saturday, both affairs being Iunchwns followed by bridge (Hmlvs Larson the ~:\ u-m old (1.4mm trr of Mr and Mrs Hum Invwn n! \ Sn’nnd <1, \r‘chrumi hr! mm hlnht‘.” annnersary nn Tuvwim’ afh-rnnun tram ”1ft“? lhlru untzl mr lhlrh' ukl-u k when she e-nh-rnnnet! tut-nu tum (r! hr! lmlr turndx “11h guru-x IN‘thUU‘ ”tn-sh Tuefidgn‘ zifwrmron a! {war 0% lu(k u curred the nurnagc of Mm Hilda Blank. daughler of Mr and Mn. F. Wank n! Jrffcrsnn. “'15, and Mr Reginald Sunk furd of lhu (in: .1! [he Eplsg‘npdlxan Chun‘h, Rrv Dr l‘rtrr C Wnlcou or hcxaied Mr and Mrs Siratfurd wlll be a! home after Mav 15th, M 1026 N leren Bay Rd. Mr. and Mn. 1. W. Prindiville emer- uined a number 0; their friends at an Informul danciru party. Saturday evening to celebrate their wedding Innivcmm Camobcll Chapter Eastern Star 1: hold ing an all dav met-1mg Thurxiav Chu‘krn dunner Is to be scrvrd at the noon hour Mrfidames H A Halabxrd 01H Sheridan and Hrrben Strung n! Highum-d. vnH be gmi .1! [t‘ menu \M-rr ~07 '. ed wrrr punk um! “hue A. Schofield 0! Highland Plrk m yr pink .1! arr-350$ Clthwh-u WHOM“ [chubâ€" lahd SIU m Gowns. Tailor Made Cutout! and Ling-vi. \l: mm c \ hvh‘n g 'l {rt-«um m-i / «Mal ‘rxh- Edge-x un'. P.” .\ bet“ (1 “.13.“! Kn rht' bumnvsx u {mirth L I "n' HT of Ihc dm n nkltxk A. Said/er [tvu'hr- Ilttlv gin-‘15 nn \5 rd ’rnmm In! hrr dauxhxrr, llulc \zllmmy Hnm lhrre In hu- «- [Haunt] u-lvbratmg (.cr {urnds a! N71 Hnudmn Maker [Night W Trrx Frrdrnck J 7.1hnir x' \urh Aw M f a] H .mmu‘rxan‘ The rum-1mg he run-rpm. (- lx-mg JII‘ .1! \\ 1M «In-w urn I‘m it hum:- uh» lrnu-c who}! Ytrrnm-n a! n: \ \‘er lddn kd {Le- ~lslH~ t‘ h» .1 111a 5m and '_\t Hrr Aim ULIHHII‘ (Minna m pd Inn! u h'r \ «M.- u HM lit-l [mnh Into 1! Mn! :1 Ind vie-fond H In: rrflurl [HHKI muvl l1. rnllwr ,\ 'hmnmn L'lrl hm- m. thuhlf HY nmrnnxu- HIM-cm rho In“ [In- s-nlr ll '2'“ luau-dx null 1.. (hut Nu) mm mm. "www- In {nth-n wlwn slu- |~ (Mu-eh )9:er 0ch She- Ill" lm-dhlm- and -.|l~ ‘1 grunt ulo-n‘ u! nun-I flufl nnd \ ”’0 In [nu-Ir]: IIIC‘ [with u M~Irm I‘lxrluush c-nuugt Inb- n-urlnpor I- qqu :u ”Lt-U to “(furl Hu- mu-l n: hunt “mini-rm u! (lav gun vrr" ll ”W ”Yum uhh [nun-r Mun-mum. nnd Iran-I llu rn-lnnun In the- lmlh Mum . (‘ullrn‘r H In dm- lo a Mark of sunk kn! nun-nu» no“ N of H).- hvnn. \l m. h l- dbl-rudrm us-un Ihr uuulll: u! lln- ln-nn nun-PIN. nnd lhcrv l: nu kno‘n llu-ulnl n! F!“ umtln; um lulwn-m quum} run (I; n! [hr 'Sr'nln! Hutu] uzn-n Hu- rx: Ih-uwm "In! mu). m! unplvru "\\ h} nut llwu ‘u f-vruln! and Ill’H-e l‘w uvhtlhmu‘?‘ ‘l (rm! Mil-wry nl .M-h' IhHrn In]! It “uni-l rm! “HYK.” 1"» m... um- “r un-Iun n‘nu Im- hell ymllv)‘ Mr ('lnrl 110(an [mum-uter- In tune the Irvin Mum-«I nl (‘hnrtn-r “at, M)! pruning! nonn- dn)’ In um Maud 8. ”021ml witnml Hu- nth-mp: m bribery Ind Un- frnuk vnufmu‘km u' luv oat-le N113]!!! l'J I'll‘flM‘ hlm {Ilm “In-n the hale [lulu-r! Manner pur- cbnu-d Maud H [w mm lwr to ( barter Unk park 1.. II" lmhml Um any n fl’knd of MI', “Ohm-r 11‘“ .\I" \‘m (I) ‘I‘ll him H! “M Lull‘i NI! (0000 that the lrnln dhl hul ulnp nu Hun nu ll) \ that Hv-u mud don A! .\c-\\ Hun-n D hall “m mmlc- Ind HI. lh-nm-r'u {He’d (flu! in hnl-e lln' runner mm 1: tr“ dullnr Mil. I-ul In \nm llr“::~ll|r1|Indlhal|vllnr|vfi PM] {MUM-l] H- mm” "Why do! lulu-d .\lr ‘ 'l hAlq'. I In add!” ’1 Hum Hm v41 GOT THE TRAIN STOPPED. ‘wo Attempt. “In Dom-l Fuck-u. but 1M 77hr! Won. Hm! .‘Hu \hn Y», L.“ Fat ‘II'L, “Ir {u’f‘l‘h'll NY “-I‘ raw! [-1. the (rain. and [w \u-nl 11,: bun 1-»llh-Ij hum-uni! Hm! (hr amt;- The Iulullxxur ”In! he- «num u [HI BIG NAVAL GUNS. Cauu Faun. I! Joy 0’ Oak-wanna.” .1.\ \-' b.1- [‘H ' ‘nwrhlv'l‘ 'I Mr” \Ihv I. Spam-h So'rnomon lvm h- (Inn-Q nr fnur l‘hnstum Spain-h . .hd l-v-m- l! v. «n Try a 359 Ad Ir. A Hnrd Tank. ‘ «Wt-Um: In" ”W mHo '1 Int [rt-1 “HY Ihi‘ N l .xuu N" Hu- (‘mdut lur" lurk ‘ ‘1” h.- ulll Dbl «Mud-r) U! ”I 1. Kim Inruume- nu ~lnl h, Hu- I luv «yo-«ll llc-r - u~lulnr h n- ¢~d|~~ln‘_\ If hhr hr in?! Kim \H - Iulhc-d 1n rn-qvv'luhm l.m-~ u! u 'hv I. '.'v-|h.’ 'v‘ hr V H» H‘lnr‘r \nuv‘ an I “(run mnd~ 0‘ \"U man ”’0 In [nu-Ir]: IIIC‘ Ilflm‘n him 1: \N\ fl! Cut}. In Tum. f L'H-rn 1H “ml-rd In uh 'n than who u rrul‘ Ya In!" morn um! dam!) 1 “hp I. heard ‘ for! \mmyr'o‘ ml‘i NI! (0000 I‘l’P “I (IIIC .1. am- wmr, but I gvn Ignlnnl or . A L-H |‘L' uln ”- n; l.‘ hr n-rv HIV hr! um! «5% H nu Nu h: 7 ‘uMII plu- I-r "H.311“ t'il'hlJ ”rum; LAI wen! K «~11! THE ERSKINE BANK It’s Old and Strong, 3 percent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loam and Insurance Telephone: Highland Park )7 Lth Fmol Phone 335 We. Furninhcd New Method Tea and Coffee Store 17 W. Central Avenue ()nv shun Mm k Have You Visited} 0m New Store?‘ YELFJ'HUNFN Bowman Dairy Company G Nov Alhyn Bowman Dairy Company Tm, Capper, Sheet Metal, Furnace Work Interior Decorators and Paintem 128 E. Central Avenue Phone 573 ’If'\'l> Alla!" Do not buy from us unless \‘UU find our prices and goods right. We sell things that are good to cat and guar- antee them. You do not pay if not satisfied. A” 1”th “BOWLING” MIL»! O’NEILL’S TIN SHOP Drew Savege ' Rerfectly Pasteurized The Butler with (he Mild, Sweet, Delicate Flavor GOOD BANK Con-ennui ( ‘ M. E. Sofvlu Ln]:- BUTTER Wm! M. Ifivm‘pnth ."hvnuc. LAKE FOREST 15 West Elm Place 121 Vine Avenue ,.1 In“! B Pure Cream ALL BRANCHES Suuun I. Hm” I D“. mum AN!) PARK, 9 (.l 8?“ (Hi. 70 .‘W’f HAP” Phone 169 Boo! oi Equipment. IN III u gamma rapt-1mm Hat Highland H pr!" IWL “(Th ”If Manda) TUC‘NL"\ and Thur!» FlfNotDoSo. M A X Lake Forest 210 vuflon ans-mm Wu" ”AW m: n,‘ Mgr, no.3 can 75K -4 til ... «It'll 3:331? 9’!( a?! u}. Mu mmhrv the nu Sylvm ( hncnm luau (KIM (OHIHII 4 hun‘h u'rlodn Inn, 1)! held In; Mm end ya u! (Hen In!” lht ha LJIIC“ N hue-m m MI- ulpn‘ ( ()1 her Mu Run-l Mu cue-t evenbl IngM field libr- In th Ir fl: Rc’u hm knead: nmg. da) 9 Index the Cl "I“ n Pr mi Mu held mun Push [he Mu M61

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