Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 6 May 1915, p. 4

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Whiufljfinlwilflnne .51.” £212 «0 .u< I: his .325: Jinn 33:9: 3 360 ion 95 .122 .~ 19:2 58!: liven-80- .. gnu MWPARKPRESS Ply-Luann Wm“ n JonxL. UDILL at Highland mm: Cmmty,mmou Telephone :: : WMW Greenes News Stand EQF. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue REAL SATISFACTION You must use Nil-Finish to have real “dusting satiataction'. You cannot get Nmk‘ini-h results without Nu-Fini-h. Every user becomes an en- thusiast. A trial will convince you it has no equal. dust in the usual way~ / but what a difference! No dust flying in the mom to settle down a in. Even’ speck islaken up and la en nub-nut Just stirred upr And. atlhcsame time. wuh no extra work. your furniture. woodwork and hardwood floors are cleaned and pohshed. Trv a lit bottle. “7m urn Of our Shipment of May Sample Records Come in and let us play them over for you All Columbia ‘ Record; play on Victor Talkifg‘ Machines Tdcpbone 546 How-9:0 12 n G PURDYu‘ sons “COIMATID Mead Bicycles A specxally desumcd rake for catching and cumng off heads of dandehun blossoms. prevemenq the” sprradmg and disfuunng the lawn. h is dist) a supermr all-purpose awn rake. .15 n cleans up the smalk-sl anus and leaves wuhnux ckmxxng as does an ordxnarv rake. and never Injures sod Tel. 1158 We have made arrange- ments to deliver Mead Bicycles and Tires at their regular catalogue prices. ‘ SPRING OPENING D. C. PURDYH‘ SONS In Vaughan’s Seeds THURSDAY. MAY 6. 1915 Erwin Dandelion Rake Place your order with us is a marvelous dusting clean'mgfl- polishing, ll Miss Alma Salo A, J. Fallon 203 W. Central Anne lean'm - llahmx h- ;uld. "at it you just 'WIS m' Swodich Manage 207 E. Central Ave Purdy’s IOTA-Limo I07. >~> -.*W «ta»: '1“- at (m Highland Park Hicbhnd Purl A family by the name of Carlson (f of Lake Forest moved into: one of the 0. andblom flats last week; I A second bug Suburban ‘dance WI“ .)1 held at the Casmn a! Ravmm I'ax‘n Thursday evening. May thirteenth in H21 shape of a Mav part) and Jana: ”and Orchestra Will have rhargr of !h«- mumc Mrs. William E. Bersch and chxldre-n. formerly of Highland Park. now u! Ravenswuod, were the guests on Thur» day of Mrs. G. U. Greene of N. Lindrn Ave‘ Mrs. Frank Deming and heridaughter, Muss Margaret Deming have rcturned from a threc'months’ stayfin Southern Camorma. Mr and Mm M. M Cloudman and d «ughtcr Caroline and Mn L Hamlin of Elgm were guests on Sunday 0! Mr and Mrs. E. E. Andrews. The last Vesper servnco of the ymr was held at the Presbyterian L'hurrh nn Sunday afternoon at half garter {our Appropriate n-murks cumunmg the Yr» per seruccs wcre mndc by Rev. “champ. and very beautiful music was rendered by {he solmsts. Mr. Arthur PIalz, Mrs. Carleron Vail, and the organist. Mr Allah B. Benedict. Mrs. M. A. Milnlls. who has been visu- ing her daughu-rs, Mrs. C. Willard Ready of Niles, Much. and Mrs. (E. W. Rossetter of Chicago fnr the past months. refurned home on Saturday. Miss Mildred Mihxlls returned on Fnday from a month's stay In California. Mrs. Robert B Gregory 1s (1 paIrunrs: for the Spring festxval which the (.Irlx' Friendly And 80(1er of (Mama Is gn'mg today. Muss Grace Andrcws w:ll‘.zp;e;n in a series of interpretive dances. and Miss Lounse Trussmg, of Chxcagn‘ fur- merly of Highland link will also haw solo dances. The Festnal Is to take plmc at Huyler's lmlhm Gardens on S. Muchi gan Ava Miss-Marjorie Small, who has 5; the winter m Chu‘uxn. urn‘wd Ins: u to be {he gut->1 u! M-r uuné, Mr:. A Srmth. until July (inf, Al which Lum- WI” gm to Lake Ucncnl whcrr >hc spend the summer. The Misses Berg moved from Lincoln Ave. to 133 5. Second 5:. lat! week. Mr. Alvar Bourmque left on Friday mr North Mammu Island. Ninth” .whc-re hc Will be Jomed by Mrs. Botumquc Junc first, Robert Bishop, formerly of Ft. Shcndan. now of Washington, D. Q, has had the honor of passxng the West Point exam- inations. Robert wnll spun. west the latter part of May to Vlsn fnemh befure entering West Point for his tour years training June fiftcenth, Mr. WA Cummings was Called hnme- on. Mnh from his ranch In Florida llast week I!“ Mr Um account of thescrmus Illnah~ «rt hxs mm .\u.:u~nm.n Mrs. Cummings. who underwrm .m wuh WV“ operation tor apwndmlxs In the Augtm MM“ .1 J ana Hospxml last week. ' \I ll Miss Ht-len Conrad of Md‘mu-rn 5!. will be thv werk-end guest of ht'l’ bruthc-r and snster-m-law, Mr. and Mrs M, H Conrad at Wnndstwk. HI Sew-Id Rebling 01 W. lCerium] Ave vitited relatives in Editor: Park Sundty. Mrs. Arthur Johnson and her daughter. Miss Grace Johnson of Irving Park, spent Saturday as the guests of Mrs. S. J. Baker and family Mrs. D. P Sheahen left Saturday fur Oakfield. Wm. where she “11! \“>l[ rehtwes. Mrs. Shmhen cxpcus to u- main an indefinite length a! tune, Mr. W. J. Loudcrback of Muralnr Rd.. left Thursday for a 51x weeks' absence. Mr. Louderback sailed from New York on Saturday for the Pannrha-Pacnic Ex- position by way 0! the Panama Canal. Mr. and MKS. 1'. M‘ \Vllli.lnl~ h.1\v re turned ”mm .1 51x nmmhp' abscmc 1n Chicago. Mr Williams has born mumr mg m the weal fur the past {T‘n‘t‘ months and JOIHCd Mrs. Wllhams on Ffldny when they tame bavk In thé‘xr humc un Green Bay Rd.. where they vuli spend the summer. Mrs. Fred Greenslade. who for thc p.15! twu months has been Visiting relauu-s in Los Angeles and the Fair. ls expertrd to return to her home on 5 Second Sr, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fisher 0! S. Green Bay Rd” moved this week to Wnukegan, where they will reside in the future. Dr. and Mrs. B. A. Hamilton have gm: for a ten days' stay at their summer home at White Lake. Mich. Mrs. Zeigler and her son Huber! Chlcago. are (he gucsm of ”\er \V Luuderback (If Moraine Rd Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Reescman haw moved from the house at 145 Glcnucw Ave. and are now residing m the John Borchardt home at 214 Homeme Aw Mnand Mrs Borrhardt hzne gum- (u Elmhurst to dwell In the future. Miss Emma Evans has returned to her home on First 81.. after a six weeks, stay in Green Bay and Baylics Harbor, W132, where she visited relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Meyer have Lulu-n the Ernest Maas home on 216 Homewmd Ave. Mr. and Mrs. Mans have gone In La Porte.,lnd., where they are making their home With their son ‘w hn owns a farm near {hat at): Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walkcr or Lake Forest Were the Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Recseman‘ md'~ mm of Robert Ban hallcr and Mn: )inldrrd (Lane of L‘hicagh‘ wen- 0.1- urrk-rmj guests of Mr and Mn Ray Howe, 2!) Green Bay Rd \irs \\ Dunbu and Mrs (Large 0. Karrnk k am. Lauuhh-r, era. 0! St. Joseph. “1va . sprn! M" \xm-k with Mrs George- ll<)W‘(~tIfCtnm1t)' Lu! Rd. Thu are on their um humr from 1 n )_ A1... where (hey hun- spent (to u :n'rr thh‘ wz-ek .mJ .- wanna-Mm} hv lmhcw than all pans 01‘ {he countn nmnv w! whnm haw been In fuyexxn muxlf‘y' u "'L thrmwlxri T'rmn‘tmu I~‘ undrr th- dlrv-ux ~n 01 MI: Lush o! (ilrnux. Rm and “N J Frwlrr Van Fu-m hme J~ tl'r-Ir g'lrsh H2"; firth \h- Ruhrrzkhm‘v‘vfiAm and vi'l;g.‘1vm \1'\\ M!“ H: 1'qu HJr‘ngh u! E PAIR Axr. 'MH iprrd Hts \urk rm! with friends In 8! LI". 131'" H, uhvrc shr wxll attend d dmnvt yum gn-M‘. m 'h(- frwnds o! “19‘ En‘eumx- Sthuxuh \\h(h«‘ mnrnagr In Mr Harald HAthug‘I Ln‘xm plan- an \Vcdnh‘d RHI‘IY‘L null \IUH |Y\' thw wre than all whnm h Ru'wr! k? “and k "x Sture Nebun ”turned M nghhnd Park Tuesday {mm Munmng, Mu h. where h:- ath-nds (hr Scrum! n1 Fugunn LCM! Wt‘(‘} \11 H‘l'flcfl p'npnr'w! u! the Bartlett 'I‘hcutrr, nghumxi. mum the fixtures of (hr Fumlh Thratrr .m-i alrdume t)? Hughunmi, from Mr Znilgm' I‘hr Fannzv '1 train: “Ll xwl M- um .|~ A m nu- show hm a~ «mu .1! the urathm prrnn's My “MHz-H uni nprn Ihc an» Mr and Mn ZnngJn and {mulls m Chlxdgu Ins! \\ rrk whcxt Ihry u Side 111 {he future Mrs (-rn‘r §W\I\W‘trl’_ svmtr .n n Nnnrlltucsh'rn Rhinatv and Naval ademy. Isthc gucsx n! Mrs. M M Name: (hm wce‘k . Mus Christin. hum-r u! Huxlzngz W15. madrd rru day-a \l\l[ :hn m wnh Mrs. “(Mum hupp and Mrs Shpe The Nredmumk (ym'd u! Anwrnu whuh has sch-n 'c-d Mn )nf.n MIA» J! :u pramdent u.LI §tulf work mum-Ml) m the Iall ‘Ihr (ILHM, “huh nut-s Ms orlgln In an anflsh “(mun n! the nublr class. 15 mm «Hanan and npcn In me- mrmbcrshlp In men‘ umprn and \ blldrrn Thru- 1) an .‘mnual w-llmhnn of g4! mcntsnmdr h» lhv members, and Im- Clothing 13 (1|~Hl?‘u!(‘d unmnx huuvlmlg, day nursrnr‘ and ~.m:l.|num~ uhrrr {hr nerd h always ,4er Mar 1: a dumv l0 dw all the charity “mk um- vmr do quct, [hm hum»; (hr In! urn-{mg . year >1hl'lu?).r“~\;|3 \t‘n NHL 3: dn‘nranuns' u! punk mum! pens .md scaxlrrcd .Ihm: an! .m nbumhn pink nhtxm sh mum vmm {L‘- dn: em‘h plavr 111.: .mrmmvn {ht-I r1 Yr A number of “dailies. who summer here annullly. have tetumcd within thq putrcethey Inc: Mr. and Mn H. Austrian, who have taken the H. Toner house on Prospect Ave; Mr. and Mn. W. Lehman of ChiClgu. who have taken lheC. W. Buckley con-ac on Rum: Place. and the R. D. Hubbaru, who hue taken the J, W. Esmund home on E, Central Ave. Mr. George S. Tanker h.“ moved in; electric.“ supply shup Ind ufi'ue (rum 2:6 N. Green Bay Rd. 10 mom: 9 and 10 at 47 S St Johns Au- We wush In vmrn’t .m Itrm whuh up pcarcd in last vwrk's Issue of Tm. PM.» whcrc u Maxed that Hank Jr. 13 cuntmcd In his bqr‘. \Mxh slrud t 1' It rrudmg 11-.» ”all n to his bed \kith pncumumu It) “Piaf Ln) prcm'mrm 2!. uvn'mu! \\( The M. J Hudacrr (tmnly n'ed Inn! wrcl Hum [he hung: on LL53 Cuy An- Inm their new home also on (my Aw- Mrs lum- lkfulr Ia Inning hr: Jlug lrr Mr: PrrdcrnLNm In krnuflm “u {0| and Mn \\ fur! \‘urmmn .zn- r'n‘rH'Wlhnh' 1L» urrk MI J NIhnlu-n u! MM Mrs \ Inh- hxrA-t mm- m! Max:114 uh“ .ur (Hum: In! [.nmim. CnlrllJlnml H'c pun “hen l?n\ Arlhm »\n\a.nld uh a.“ ”4,.” upun in! Zl[‘[‘('n(!hl:!\ lvl" urvlw “Kt [hr Augustzum Hm; u..;. xx (1-,): hum:- ans' wrrk He :‘ grumg .1 m eh Thr pupxh n! 1‘ r H‘\CI\H' gradr (1 \‘mm “Pm“! \\("(‘ pvrsh .2! Hr ihmxl Tmm 'm “.‘u-n- flu". H‘Ilml .,I and run-um! .a gum! nix-J n! hm‘ 3L“ \I. (‘t‘ k dub a'r plrascd In mid 1hr» urvk, mu nznprm mg Mr Jamm 1m Anuyun: mm‘m Ill LAM “(wk Mr Chulew (Lr \ugu‘nuzm H ~~p1 «Uh an“: ‘lrr do h: umr \‘h‘ hvm‘ MI Mrs Ra\l lh .\h m5 mom PARK PRESS. mom PM [111N015 Hht‘( “K r‘ M her hmxm m I! [hm hump; (hr Ins! mum” \\ Mid MI H llt'" H 0H M \\ vw 1'.rH .HHH (twain \\ :1 wnnrs‘ (hr pm (’Utxd): nvm pl.u\1n| “.H'YIH . J.-‘1n Hc-nn H r-u (law ml 'hn auruh .‘\ (Wt‘llll'fl M“ H [PW hum of A In IX hr'd in! ”1" rrrn Pun-:31) .1'th1- \1 1H \hr I > \‘h Mx Hie \ rd 5 Min Marjorie Fol scoot-mm! fby her coo-m. Mia eh. Coburn o: Carthage. N. Y._ Ivnv on Wedneqhy to attend the weddi' o! M:- Cam] Vailand Mr MmillM' «on FM. MIuCoburn will rcmni. I month on I vm't mlh her aunt. qu‘C E Fall-nob“. In .11 l.\ pm: nu- ~hru' rum K}\7 lk-rlfind A.” M: and \In Mum“: M Lunxn-rum hi thn “Wk tn Highland Fat .11!” war-Kuhn}; 1hr uxntrt m lusqh m» .\‘.g Miss Alma Peck lell fbn Tue-day lot her home m Indium-poll Ind. “mum wnll remain Indefinurly. The M. J Hudacrr (tmnly n'ed Inn! wrcl Hum [he hung: on LL53 Cuy An- Inm their new home also on (my Aw- Mrs lum- lkfulr Ia Inning hr: Jlug (LN \-»rk lhn [Lukr .1 5pm xall)‘ au- rind? d;) an}: and Itud) In! bu. 1m- pas! Ih< M‘ .‘u .d P'Alb A B4 ‘4'. thr (Mum NM k ml) \n pnl~ '1 )“f‘ In». RI\ an Thrre n M Yr a \r.'\ m g ()1 (he Hu'Lr K! \MUIA. :- l’xnlnlcrmn L huh :cnmon Mn Irv”) .‘x \Ir MM It“: :_ H,\1~H1r ”prim g M NH! vb handwumg (Mahlu' ‘Yhtll 11hr } nkxnr Hank “”161“. H5 Vat Mu” Tu blc kt (bulimia \\ 1.2m win Au “mam .m In! am- Adda min-r nu? Mrs \trw‘r: Rr Mrmur HH‘H Land .4 ”1'4!!! lbrmxr Hm “mum? ,zlnp wt 1 I \ \1! M‘Muliln and «hnul \\ ritrs (”1!an Br k Hulda”; Ihr\ mhr: ummg and mud“ n rgu pine-m H HM Fmrur ~!.u)mg win” gmng 1U \itHuEim all” V‘Y‘C h'nr NI!" » '.; \irtpllfi I!“ 'x-ux. \nll; .m-n. lulu-d 'rrrml‘ng mm! khxp luv-t 1‘ H‘ .1» v! ”alflr Annualin-Y \ru Thu: Him “ago an. Hex? lund HI m \unr (Jlo‘S ht M nun-h! pal ”pd 1hr\ Pf! .md and Mid UH ul Highland Park Fuel Company Making a sua‘mhy of Mans on improved u-ul csmu- m [In W1} Nurxh Show u-rmm‘y nu'luding Rogers Park. liVanstun. mcmn Kvmlanh. Wmm-tka, Glenn», Highland Park am Lulu- Fun-st mum; under mungamax m this tvrrixm'y 'n Continuum (-nhgmmng whxlc the raw of ”11va Ls unravtiw Building Material Cole Solvay Coke , AIYIUI I vuuu M North Shore Trust Company 102 N. 1st St. HERMAN DENZEL President Telephone 335 Why nu! hun- umr (‘luthmg n-nuvated herr thib “wk and xnc nu; Work a fair tnal" Hm ( l MMM. AM) lh'HM; n1 ladu-s‘ and firm} gnnncnh. (nu-mm rugs. camels. ponu-rs. (infirm-s, pumu «mph. Lu (‘ cumnns, tux. cannot be dupin :m-d b) :m} lu.’x1«1(‘.’flu'l’.;1s we have the LARLLNI :mfi must SAMMM plum m the We“ Telephone 331 Special for Saturday Only Raymond W. Schneider Men’s Fumisher 21‘ EAST CENTRAL AVERUE Idem Highland Park 265 wagon will (all for and delitw your gammti North Shore Trust Company mvtllv Imdv dvmgmds MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 b-(olll Avenue. CHICAGO Lunch! - ID“ DIV Ihghlzmd (};n‘tt-rs~-rm metal to lu-lfi a pair better than the Organized under the Banking Law- of the Sute of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS How about you? Highlnnd Park, Illinois I IuJQanh-u l I wanna... INCORPORATED 13 S. St. John: Av. m an H \UUY and m mint-81mm \HH mam a “hilt 1H Guns-ml Pm. u! I]!!! \ r rk m “()Ud Rf! surpy ITIUt I um , V > Y (.L pin!” :1; tr vuh how Hi1] mum in tin rk IiVanstun W1} Dlnmy - 81‘2 apps”: my hr“ .1!” \‘HL: 1‘ kmm mun uulh M121 vull reg um Mn an :zytI} um till In .45 1‘3!

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