Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 13 May 1915, p. 2

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Miss Dorothy Baker entertained ten guests at a party Wednesdav afternoon celebrating her birthday Games and music passed the afternoon hours pleasantly. Dainty refreshments were served; pink decorations prettily carried out with pink camations made the table attractive. The out of town guests came fi'om Lake Bluff and Lake Forest. Telephone 110 Little Robert Seyfanh was host to a number of his httle friends on Wednes- day aftemoon of last Week at a bmbday party. The tiny lots enjoyed games and a general frolic. and were delighted with the beautiful lighted birthday cake with five candles on it. Dwight. Mildred and Emeline Moore of Ravine Drive. entertained seventy of their little friends at a May party on Saturday afternoon. Refreshments and games. in- cluding the beautiful May pole dance. which today charms the young folks as in times past, helped to pass the after- noon pleasantly. six in number, all wore gowns of pussy‘ willow taffeta oi delicately contrasting colors veiled with tulle forminga rainbow combination of colors; they carried shower bouquet: of sweet peas of the color to match their gone. The maid of honor, Miss Marjorie Pollnmhee wore orchid pink taffeta, while Mm Carleton Vail. matron of honor. wore apple bloaom sink tafieta. Mr; Allan Benedict at the pipe organ filled the church with the‘ beautiful strains of the wedding marches: from Lohengrin hv Wagner and from ' Mid- Summer Night' 9 Dream bv Men-j delaohn. After the ceremony a recep tion for the young couple was held at the home of the bride's parents. Three hun~ I dred and fifty guests were present. The house decorations were pink flower; After September first Mr. and Mrs. F ollanshee will be at home at 417 E. Laurel Ave. Specially priced lot of Ladies House Dresses at $1.25 The Presbyterian Church was gay with colors and pretty gowns on Saturday evening when the wedding of Miss Cecil Vail. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sherman Vail. to Mr. Merrell Follansbee. son of Mr. and Mrs.Charles E. Follansbee. was solemnjzed. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson read the service. The bride was lovely in a gown of mechlin lace with a full court train of bride's satin held in place with ropes of pearls. the bridal cap was of pearls from which the veil dropped ‘ gracefully along the train; the bride car‘ ' ried lilies of the valley. The bridesmaids. Dottie Dimple Automobile Caps 50c to $1.25 The Social Side of Life . Local Affairs of the week CHAS. H. WARREN CO. We are not satisfied to do “good laundry wor’ ’or “fine dry cleaning”. We see to it that every garment entrusted to our care is so handled as to prove to the sender that he or she is receiving the very best service money can buy. CHAS. H. WARREN CO. Niagara Maid Silk Gloves 50c to $1.50 Perfect Cleansmg ‘3 Porosknit and Athlete Underwear High c1... Launderen mi French Dry Cleaners -â€" Mcu'n Furnishing Dopfluent â€" The latest in Panama: and Straw Hat: â€"-- Dry Goods Depu-unenl ~â€" Silk Hose 50c to $1.00 ME??? 1.491% Butterick Patterns Arrow Collars Phonon 1 78-17947! By the Obcervcr The Big Store on the Comet The Beta Chapter of the Westminster quld met at the home of Mm. Axthur Purdy on ()kaood Am. Tucsday after noon. Miss Lida Gourlev led the dc votionals. the study being led by Mus Edtth Moss and Mrs. John Ruthacher Several piano Selections werq u-ndered by Mrs. Arthur Purdy, followed by re- treshments. On Tuesday the twenh‘ fifth the Misses Gourley WI” act as host asses for the Guild. the mectmg in take place at the Presbyterian Church A very pleasant afternoon was spent. Miss Alice [)avndson led the devotionals and Mrs. H. B. Roberts led the uudv class. Refreshments were served after deciding thin Mrs. B. .~\,Hamllton would entertain the Chapter .1 week from Tut‘sday Mr: George M. Howe entertained sax teen members of the Bible class of the Presbyterian Church of Waukegan on Tuesdav afternoon. The party rambled in the woods gathering flowers. A de- licxous lunchc 2n was served at five o'clock. Mrs. O. S. Peabody entertamed the members of the Alpha Chapter of the Westminster Guild (m Tuesday-afternoon son David. Irving Engel of Chicago WI” play the piano. Mrs. Curtis Kimball of S. Green Bay Rd.. will entertain sixteen young people at dinner on Friday evening tor her son A change in the program of the May meeting of the local chapter 0! the D. A. i R. has been made. The meeting is to be ' on the subject “Domestic and Farm Help of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods" in place of Colonial Music and Musical Instruments." Mn Frank Green’gs to .be the essavist The meeting will take place Monday afternoon. May Seventeenth at two-thirty at the home of Mrs. O. H. Morgan on N. Sheridan Rd. BefOre the' program a business meetng will be held at which time the annual election of of» ficers will take place. Music will be in charge of Mr. Harley Horan tenor. who will be accompanied by Mr. Sidney Arno Dietch on the piano. ' Ind French Dry Cleaners 3 Life . Affairs of the week Oboe rver ' On Friday afternoon the musical club met at the home of Mrs J. H. Barnard. The study of the day was Coleridge-Taylor; the soloists were: Mrs. Tate who sang “Life and Death." and “Explanations." and Mn Burt who sang “Big Lady Moon." Mrs. Miller read the paper on the life of Coleridge-Taylor.‘ Refreshments were served. A change in the program of the May. meeting of the local chapter 0! the D. A. R. has been made. The meeting is to be on the subject “Domestic and Farm Help ' of the Colonial and Revolutionary Periods" And at dawn she must have kissed him good-bye. placed him hurriedly in the ark among the reeds and rushes, ‘and with an aching heart. turned sway ‘to her days hard work, leaving her lit ltie daughter Miriam to watch lest some harm befall the child And hin- inx done her best as directed throuxh prayer. God did His part as He al» :ways does. And He did it in the best Away as He nlweys does. He doesn't always do it in our wsy. but ”is way {is always the best way. You remem- 'ber the story how Pharmh's deugh~ Vter came down to the river to bathe. and discovered the ark Ind sent her maid for it. and looked into it, end dis covered the child weeping. And those tears blotted out all that won ngeinst it, and gave it a chance {or its lite. That baby's tears were the jewels with Which God's people were somed from the Egyptien bondage. The princess had a woman's heart. and when the baby's tears got tangled ' up with her heart-strings, they were rsn- ‘ “There are dainty jade-ta are worn, Wv “111 only tn“! and “all. And thy-n- are many an! hearh-d nznthru ‘04-) {hm huu- kept thlr vmxl- fly the Rn‘ er ine u! death and dlulppolnlt’d how». and anus-(ms umi rarea, 1nd hnve {almrml and prayui fur the price and safely 0! the rth And some» times they have {ch when find}. me» senger came out of NH ruynl houu. and took the 111119 01:? that He was cruel. But wan unnl nnmhor memen- ger comes to call you Ind you In” find yourself vnth your own In the King's palace. menving God's ‘12" u a reward for your cue. Juq su “There are whips and tops and pmes of string And shoes that no httle for! ever wear; Thar? are lut.‘ of mm...“ and broken through du)~ lt.’ -! nmmh~ hm! )t-nr‘ uf anxmu: \mlls, um! brain-(how. Lu! eventually the day dnxnu and the shadows flee awuy; Ind nur happines- WIII hr- greater than all our sornm. and tnalA (End has I \lun-ia-rful an) of compensaung and rewlrdmg us If There are Days and mudeh n! uhips wanted I “MIR nu: And {reams of gnHr-Y: hm: and {m} (“,0“) crtrodllou “u! the p11“? nf mffiy and Me for ”As chosen one. And way buck hrn- 1n the ptnu» {UU('h no haw: (he «:nm- Eta-5m: thM Jenn guvr In hH dhrmics m Gethse- mm~ "“i‘ih" .u‘r-T .v‘.1\ ' \Uvrxlm wan-ha! uhtlv hrr r'mthvr prayed. and watched (no, {or {he unfit) 0! (hr child And such pray-r usn nnsurr ed In ()ud'< {mm and um), mvd huu unnde-rfully m. i'huruah'w dzughtcr \‘illd In hl-r: "T‘Akv (hm fluid awn) and nurw It fur nu-, an! l “(H mun er's anxuety as she saw her coming. and how she wondertd whnt had hapâ€" penedlo [hr L‘hlld And when Mir-am tells her her rmssmn. KN“ xhe must have quaked Wth {ear lea! some (“'11 were ubou! tn befall hum Yuu am» God did no: answer her prayer all m a day. She must still walk by huh, and trust and obey. Her prayer I'm not being answered In her way, as she expeded It to he atlswerc‘d “(h-d mmes m n mystnrn-zh wny, Hm won- derx‘ 2n prrfurm' And 1! h passurg 5 \er}' rnrr H‘. whlrh 5 Hebrew rhlldrrn had H I'mgs Is! “I! . Aw I X ht l ‘ Frlthlul Mmam )amed the Lompary m.n oug ‘) u" mother. of r . Iabout thnt baby's crib out there by the . river Nile. and no doubt she too wept "XII. "(It With rlnnon or lattlg shot, with her little brother. And she dev th "word or noble: pen tected kindness m the l‘rincesx' face, Na)‘. hot \nth eluqugnt word or and she asked whether she couldn't ”WORM. go among the Hebrew-s Ind find the I“mm "luuLhn of Wonderful men. child an ndopted mother. And the “Hut deep n. . “in“ up wum-n'u princess told her to go, and how xhe handâ€"â€" must “‘1" run to her mother And “'1‘ n! uumm than \Ioul‘ not )Ield can imagine something u! the moth Hut l'rmel) snlentl) how be! partâ€":â€" er's anxuety as she saw her coming. I» there 1! the l-lttlaheld um! Ln..- 4L... ...,_.‘.4.,_-J ...L_. L, J 1 a mightier army than Ph-roch'n and vanquished it. lfpoundstunlcn HT THE mom PARK PRESS. mam maximums u m} ~[rr'nu~i_\ 1} Mom. Ru- an went as {arm-chin; as that concerned heaven as it con- ceméd all earth. And I believe that God is proportionately interested In the prayerful and wise preparation and care of every othcr mother for her child. No doubt God whispered lhls very plan to the Mother of Mo.“ when she prayed to me {or help. and He answered her prayer in a very strange commonplace way by? lradmg her by His spirit to prepare lhla cra- dle ark that Was to conuln II [rt-armh- more previous than (he crown jewel» of Egypt. Hebrew \\ r passurg “name that the and broken {hm ne‘er man _\‘ I)! the iwher. “r \pdr tiruu‘m-d pnnu 1 IA cnu-uraglvu in he Lnuzu-d in- !r." and ,mr 0! H04. n‘. (hr grnuw .I'1,n‘f'.:".lp!l_\ff and Mil-le- Mud), i'. Uu- Lunar) ur- u-narmra n! (he nrvfnuoru of 'l’lt‘f, 1'. the blernmw u.’ the .ubmth mud n; rhunh litrhdlm’r and tum-art. m Pn'h.’ m (hrhlmr. mur.‘ (hr mulhr! and '9‘; 1!. «r I! “1.1 not he dump m. h): N 511 nlnh H (Win) Thu \ml in. mm «2N ‘lkf hu- nwthrr mum the "with: puparxng 1hr « Prun. Lo} hood (0 (hr ‘rl\r " Mulhvn an- ahrn). (Jr-w uhen the ugh-l) of 1hmr chlidnn u «ohm-rhea. And mum-hm“ (hr) “may.“ It.» tvr|\ rr) !‘ the-1r thMrc.’ More. .urv-drd Just 1hr lrnmng Ihd mum-(ml. 1h“ hu- hrnur mum-r umid [no hit“. to prrpan- hum (of his 11!": ‘urh, So uhrr‘ Mud, m Mu Prundrmr, vumlad In {nun Mun-n fur 1hr Irudrrnhnp of ”I! [R-nph'. And [he {HUI Ind (mung! hen-sun) for 1h“ null hr am not (an. mm me: u some Immod man In rhlhblh'n M‘hmv.‘ fur hi. mnlrnrhnn ut Hut Hh m fluh'm'. .1“ I! I g 41 ’1)!" Am}. .:!.I'. unn Tn. lnla {ho- And Mnsgs's moth" u only 1n 9:7 nmple unto u! of th. bruery Ind hrruum. ut nnuhrrs “rub-fly The In an age when an" unannon u be- Ing culled afresh m horoum m unfe, and fortitude in having dannn And In undergomg truls. ‘And we should not mmxmlle m lhc Ia“! then.- M hut brlw explmu of the battlefield, Uul \Ql‘ “'Uuld lli'nrn ram-m}... oLâ€"t in Ms nux, muUu-r mum-11 ln- pun m '. $4 I10. In (ha! (Hy I'Hh ~tmu 0! (old; And how they uh uh. through a)! the \ears P rom sirkncsx and Inn! and ‘ur W0 mam 'he great God ml): hum: tear» ” banner to git-am Ind wan- "But when we thmk of our dear one. dead Our children who nan-r grow old, \nd hm» they are udhng Ind vutrh» mg {or us In (ha! (113' With «mu n! 00"" 'I hm Somnunu when w. try to pray. Than the Reaper hu "mud to many flower: And (then our: “my, And no sometime; doubt If the Land van know Hou our rxn-n heart; dud Im- mom lung {hflf marshaihng Hoops, no lmounc 0 I' [hr \et 11 some Igmod man In M‘MMv.~ fur hi. mururlmn. nut. nmnzu At her knee {1- pin) an! trust In God “th «urm- Ira! N um- r can- unun.) mrh hi”) ”1-! ‘thrr And no on ripe l-r nuthrr (14’. HQ (hr \Iqu m’ 1hr «mid fur Mr'n Inuit-u (hm-e lultlea, they hm Mk In 1h things .‘n the cabinet drl“ uh not J'X’Y av than they hearts dud love them mm d iPau, Hu- ‘1') Yu! f. IT? K'nd MN do ”1hr! Thr The Ethane Furniuhed [Ah- For.“ PL... 335 It's Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Sm Real Estate, Loam and Insurance Telephone 67 THE ERSKINE BANK "0”” SHEER] Supply Co Bowman Dairy Company T ELI-IHIONES‘ Bowman Dairy Company New Method Tea and Coffee Store Interior Decorators and Pai 128 E. Central Avenue Phone 573 FOR o'm-I WEEK ONLY for - - $1.05 Pure Apple Cider per qt. 10c for - - $1.00 3 can: Hominy - 25c 3 lbs. Manor Home Coffee 17 W. Central Avenue Phone 169 GOOD BANK The Butler with the Mild. Sweet. Delicate Flavor Perfectly Puteurized 121 \'ine' Avenue HIGH! AND PARK. 9 (SLEN( ()8, 70 Pure Cream 230N I DI" ‘- 5L Johm Ave. vlnuoa Phone ‘5‘, ainters ‘11 H-nsinn TN

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