Mrs. A. B. Hulabiljd will be hostess on Friday attsrnoon to Campbell Chapter Guild at her home in Ft. 5herul.xn. The sophomores of the high school en- joyed a very informal plCIllC supper and dance at the high schoul on Friday. AL though the affair was planned as .1 beach party. the inclemency of the weather forced the young folks to gather in the lunch room for their supper. After sup- per the guests went to the club mom which was decorated in purple and gold. the c1355 colors. where dant'ing was en- joyed until ten-thirty. The guests of the evening were members {rum all classes in the school, some of the laculty and a few of the mothers who acted as chaperunes. Mrs. William Rudolph of Sheridan Ava, will entertain the afternoon Euchre club Thursday. Mrs. George A. Mason of Hazel Ave.. entertained for Miss Dorothy Schotield, whose marriage to Mr. Blasdell Shapliegh of St. Louis. takes place in September. at a handkerchief shower on Wednesday afternoon. The party also included cards and sewing. Very daintv refreshments of bridal suggestiveness, were served; the house decorations were spring flowers. with the snap-dragon and gladiolas bring- ing out the white and pink scheme. Forty of Miss Schorield's friends were present. A very interesting meeting of the I). A. R. was held at the home of Mrs. 0. ll. Morgan on N. Sheridan Rd. on Monday afternoon. The meeting began with roll call followed by the reading of the secre- tary's report by Mrs. J. F. [.eaming; treasurer's report. Mrs. H. l). Faxon. and the historian's report by Mrs. P. H Green. The election of ofï¬cers for the coming year followed and resulted in the elec- tion of Mrs. Learning. Regent; Mrs. Sewall Truax, 'Vice Regent. treasurer. Mrs. H. D. Faxon; secretary. Mrs. R. L. Sandwick. and four directors. who were: Mesdames Carleton Moseley, A, P. Smith. George R. Nichols, and James Watson; registrar. Mrs. W. C. Egan, and historian, Mr; F. 8. Green. Following the elec- tion Mrs. F: B Green read a delightful sketch depitting the domestic life of the Colonial and Revolutionary days. De- lightful refreshments were served follow- ed by piano selections beautifully render- ed bv Mr. Sidney Arno Dietch. Dry Goods and Men' 3 Furnishings Telephone 110 Headquarter: for Arrow Collar. Ask about the trip to Panama Expoaition Chas. H. Warren Co. The Social Side of Life Boys Department AND BLANKETS. During the week beginning May 31 we 69 will Dry Clean and Press Boys' Suits for C $3? 9.5555??? 50c These are exceptionally low prices. Don't miss them At the request of a number of our Patrons we are giv- ing a special reduction on Dry Cleaning BOYS’ SUITS Boys’ Suits Blanket SPECIAL High Class Launderer: and French Dry Cleaners Phones 178-179-471 M96913 LEW Youths' Outing Shirts. Roll Collar and Short Sleeves, Sizes 12%, to 14. 50c each. Boys Nobby Norfolk Stilts all Wool Linen lined Worsteds and Serges. Ages 6 to 16 at $5.00 each. Kaynee Shirts and Blouses for Boys. Pongee, Linen and Madras. 50c to $1.00. Boys Rompers. ages 3 to 8 years. made in Linens, Chambray. Crepe and Gingham. The latest style with the new Vestee effect. Middy Blouses. blue edge, trimming. oth- ers with low neck and short sleeves. Prices from 50c to $2.00. Boys Hats and Caps. all ages. Checks. Linens, Duck and Straw. 25c to $2.00. Local Affairs of the- week 1113.933: Park Bv the ()bscncr 51153 Charlotte Yoc cntertmned on Tuesday for Mrs. HnHand,« Mrs‘ G. A. Mason's guest, at a luncheon. fur trn guests. The enttre dermanonq werr thc- lilies of the valley The Kur>t5 enwyr-d bridge and srwmg am-r luncht-un A marriage of interest to many lllxh~ land Parkers is that of Mm Ahce Naaa, daughter of Mr. George News of W, L‘en Lral Ave., to Mr. Henry Boyes of Liberty Ville. whlch Will be an event of the n-n near future. chcral showers are being given this week In complxmen! to 1hr bnde elect. On Tuesday evcmng .\lr~ Herman Sash and Miss ldzl Naas entrr rained twenty guests at a kitchen hhnmz'r while on Friday night Miss (hau- llobnndt Wlll be hustessatalmz-n Slmum Tonight M155 [dd Ndas will emf-rum infurxnall} at hcx ll mm on W Cantu) Ave. the J‘ l" t} glub of “huh shc 13 a member. Mrs. E. A. Armstrong‘ cntertamcd eight guests on Wednesday at a lunchenn followed by bridge, The guests were all out of town guests. coming from Lake Geneva and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay entertained a number of friends at a dancing party at their home on W. Deerheld Ave. Satur- day night. Mrs. John R. l'ndcrwoo’d gave a tea on Wednesday from three to six. to meet Mrs. Ruffner‘s guests. Mrs. Charles U. Raymond and Mrs. Albert N. Sutton of Dayton, Ohio. The Embroidery club, of which there are many members from this city. met on Wednesday with Mrs Thomas Rankin of Lake Bluff. Mrs‘ Rankin entertained the members at luncheon. , Mrs. G. V. Dickinson entertained eleven guests at dinner Friday evening In mm- pliment to Mr. and MrsflHarry Wilkins 01 Chicago. formerly of th‘s cny. After dinner the party enjoyed the dance at the Highland Park Club. On Saturday. May tilteemh at {our o‘clock 1n the afternoon (x'x'urred the- marriage u! Miss Margaret Demmkk duughtcr of Mrs‘ Frank L. [)cming. In Mr John H. [)c'Muth. son or Mr. and Mls. I). F, [)6Muth at (he' hOlIk' of the groom's parents in the presence of thc two families only. Rm: R. Calvm [)0me ofï¬ciated. Mr. and Mrs. John H De- Muth will reside in Evanston [him ".n- ‘u" rn-z m [E'r «mlh .nm' L-undnt. :hxrt) <1’1Hlu‘1 :1. {hr 50th wcsxurnrr of um! :35! mm hundn-d (hm-rand exghu run hundn-dzl's (3L4 a: 1m led. smd E Ashlm Menu' p'uui Highw‘md being .1 subdnmon n! (he- north hall u! (he manhunt quauu n! secnnn ï¬lter†1."), [man {any three (4.5} nnnh Ramn- lurlw -1." (an! “{th Hun! Punupul .\.mvr! m [.1erounly: Ill [Lurd :H \\ huh-Law Ile- :~ I? H lflzhday 0t 3142. \ h 191‘ Gl‘\('n!('l blm k «12'. u.‘ \h)‘ .\ 1‘ 111‘ f" U Mow-r in (1mm rm u? tin km at Lka Cmmlv [W’Zl-Ixx u puhhc w'ndur m thr- hghru huldz-r tnr uuh on Thlu‘d.†d.n' «>1 Jum- A I) H! x a: (h: mw n'dmk 1n 1hr .vl’uvwm u! Hz: .1'\ am} 5U er *rxn Ihv h'lY lht‘ â€IE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS T F Jnhnxmn of Summrrdnlr and Rn Nnrdgn‘n nl Krnusha, \‘n‘r pawn! (:1 [hr chun‘h The lathe: (I! the path?) wnrked hard mmukr (hi! nth†the wars: 1! proved In be and mmh ‘n‘dsl :3 due- thcm Mrs Humbug, who was (hm: â€1.1anle rrtn-‘hnwm um‘n [Her and hrr rummllh-v vandnl hcduhlul!) for fur the gm‘sh uhllr Mu. W Wagnnrr and hvr vommmrr lrxv .urangc-mcnls \cr- [.3me (‘(Ԥ(‘!\(‘ A gnu: dun] n! Credit Swami] mumml “mm-n urn- gnrn I! Ihv . Luv (It (hr new. v2.1 .um! nary unc- h-h wril rrpmd f‘vr NH 1: rffurtu In L'u In“ ()n last Sunday the new luscment «II ‘the Swednshl.u1hrvan \ huuh m Hugh wood was a men) syn-no wt happy {with man) dressed In their nanw untumrs depicting the narrow: provinces 0! ;Sweden The enternunmrm was m the ‘form 0! a Ndlmnal MA) Fauna] and was ilhc occasion at dedu‘anng the new base iment v! the church 1 he mam hall la n! good sue wuh the demensmns u! w (re! by 24 Ice! and besides the mmn ha“ there IS I cummnablc hltle lmhcn er cqunpped wuh nae-wan umkmg ulcnuls, dishes. 91C. The rooms Were very effective in decorations 01 {hr hweduh nalmnfl colors and also Ameman flag: and emblems. lnsh-ad u! hmlng the usual large banquet table. a number n! small ones were prexuly arranged ullh I hostess a! each Izhlr and earh tablr rrprewnunguprovmcrntSwrden During the eveningspeeches urn- made by Rex Miss Emma Strflm. «LIUKMH Mugarvt Nrnrn Pun Jung-n Wm evening, Junr «a and m Ihr (inn marnam- In Mr Men Fuutr u! r.‘ Incm’s lint Mnnduv mrnmu. {hr mu prise uh I!) lunnr n! he! hirthdm Mr and MN k. \V Ald'ldgr arm: um:- (ht- nmrnglgr Hf Hu-lr daughh‘r Maw Hl‘ In“! R () Hruolu nl Rnrhndr afnl. tank plan- .42 (unmu. 111 m: .\.-Imd.\ the Utter-nth u! Muv Mr and Mn Hrrxfln “all 3r .1: hwm- Inkl‘ul‘1\l’(' .lHrr July ms! A»! {h lt‘IH-d 3:133} numb“! Incm’s lint .\ Immlrr,u1\ drills Mr (hr the nrw mu Krmmn and mm HIgHLH Lm ms: the l' The Mnnc Wor'hrrx M411 :1 H'rv inn-r» csling mmatum rum-(mu \Lmdax rut-mug at (hc Lodge Hall. About one hundmd pcrswns Were; prrsenl \Ahu rmuwv! XM- (.mmrtumu In hrar :Lc- (hslri‘ ' fl..â€\.lgf‘f, \lrs Keenan ml \ hn my: uh“ .n(1drr~sr<1 (he gusts Mr H I". Han-s .V‘prrn «- Mrs J \V Fyflr u|H «‘Hrrlnm te-n guexls atlunchcun un l‘meay mum) phmem In Mr; HUHJIEJ, Mrs Muwws gueq Miss Elizabeth l‘nndwille u! E‘ Laurel Ave. ante-named luunrrn «.1 her fm-ndn at :m mtnrma! dancing parlyun Saturday evcnmg, Mrs. George A. Much of HuelAm. : wnll entertain a few ladies all "1de of ‘ her guest. Mn George T Holland 01' Norwich, Conn. at a In â€1!! ahemuon‘ The Sunday School Boar! oflhc North End M. E. Church enjoyed I banquet on Friday evening, I! the panonagc. 1m.L carding their quarterly buuneu meeting. (11H! \h‘ vu-mv I Ingn \\' it I \RY Muster} Sale nth-mi h‘l‘ Eiua I" ll \S I“ 'c-fnm. the viral M [E'r «mlh .nm' (1‘! :1. the south ens! Kw» .‘vundra'd Mn! hcduhlul!) {or r Mu. W Wagnnrr xv .urangc-mcnls MW- «at? dun] n! Cred†Iw-yx urrr gnrn I! .1 .Im! mer)‘ une- : rffuru In L'u mu ~Hul) gay parry .‘1H'HKJH gmethr 1) Ivnnn 4! Am lhv 13H: mulrnlgnmi Linuu (nut! “ill at†:1! If“ and hrs! Might“ «v1 Mn 54'“ Wrdnrsday the- date In: her «‘(I [hrfc‘ s“. IIIH ruin-(kc! -« k (\n‘nh lowing dc.» 'H U! Lake- If A‘h lrv N“ l.‘(' dcw (- hundrn mh hall m L'hamer)‘ uM'V 1n <1 1215 «II 'rn H p)‘ the- s luux gm- Highland Park Club M lhr unh‘m‘r .n â€.0 “pr ..1 huhlr‘t manhu-d Surely .\‘|HHH \un huh! uh: n !r nu "I'rm'r hath he: \uturke LU In: H n mmd than Iar ' 3‘ LI nul~r1\ u! trvnum slt-Hz-s gr (dkl' A '-l.x n .n ’ lrnl kn Maw ,‘m \\ 1hr N.m'\ numvh ‘ :n suua mm; H.- 1 hand m Hm Ania“ n!lÂ¥~{r-f1ulhrt« (hr gnu-(rt p.11! .nhung th‘ nun-w “1mm: Iv hx A x1!“ It... ma hl “LA! 11ml ru-nm hm! UN m H Pan-nu {CL h )«vur bun :n wmxh mm In m-nnr xtrung Ind manh uflht-ul the Impuunon ml nu, tur ".r â€ml-1.1mm or the man wxfh (hr Il‘urkrl n .(ll.l\b In [rum llv (hr mppuatu n 1-! IL: xx an vulh Mum .1 uuidwr MI bu-d unfluuhnngly the k .mnnn .\ mnuxh. and pcxtmp. plan-d hu hunt!) 1 £113 on m. cnrm) ‘- â€mp-H. but to uunc home dcb‘m hrd 1n prison“ habits. in (11)] the flag hr \mdhnlrd an the lulllrhrld, m (ht- dun and Ihlllï¬urnY polunJl and partisan Unit-2v A Lug ’H‘IUI‘IH cumrn vnlhnut a Hrug‘lr Sn loge! down in iund-nwnlah, the Ital (onqurrun (:I the bauhhrld n rlsr‘ when an Hm «Ihohqurmu [.m- I; 0an and furrxrr a bafllc‘ and no [Inn Mam a [mu u! Lnr. hn dunr \nlunl MlVMf In the (huge that have- lu-mhlrd m :hlmcful Imbnnlxl’ on pu to! No! [he cnrmy m m: um- pan. l-ul Inmmc and (,f‘bf-lhf au- lhr mm mm! [In the luldu-l mus! fur II n no! hzrd In undruund n ungahlc "enemy" to Ma) when you In plant-d. m In 30 who-re you are dun-(1rd, but II :- hard In Iund when then- 1- nothing to huh! but dxnuuugrmenL nu to: hul dr unu- and no encrm bu! lunn’lnru n: m-Hhxh fur a przr“ xplt Mar) .- man whu 1m» .unvd a :myvm-I ‘Ilh bun-n mt<1nmmrx1hzu‘uHIuh lbs ballâ€! .NM umzl [hr false rwnmmc 01 [be [withheld uhur mm 0)? gladly chatting {he flag, tadr: au.n and ‘e hfll lhc yuan; nut {hr \hrrrmg, and we the urllhmu n! mangle-d iurmu. dun 1hr run" human: u! an! rmeal Hull If pnm 1p]:- h.†[mime )(nH bun and flu us! amplrmg Iu-ru Mitlrxl rv m the†Hm; n,u\' (mu hr hux 9" "Emoticon-ham (hm-wt thaw nu] bl no" or a In! a! (M and at n! knuu â€ml u: manly “gun; (Lon In [HI-Am rd .m hm lhrn mum and Ira-on lrrmhcâ€"s' hue: he Inn]:- l! main-v. 11.4!» mun- Inch xm:mu.L Dov-i 1hr exponent m «h» brine! think 0! the hnndu-d: 0! young mm who have lost lhrlr namn and Ira-on In the lrrmhcâ€"s' hue: he Inn]:- Um! um '11.. k r ~ I: he Hnn‘mr n! numnl) as! d. m r \h If‘H" prrw by ADELIWE‘I Arwnzn ;~\Ttwh n PEA ll'i JIM P 1.11 "HUN! \A l H’Y‘. .H? l [ ffl‘ ’ Unix Half. 31,: uni-A I? and Add Jdu .u! 14\f‘ H'r'mnn! pa" atrmrnl than; of! 1'1 Mlmt Luv (uh I) [hm nru > and d-ughrn. n ma, lrm! IM- tau-r hnl \haJ as' To†din; Mll'x nil! LU {GLHMH I‘ILK‘YI ‘III mu: If c hunt.) 1L.†{ lnnhrl Man And u’u urn! LINN!) \l M'L ht “or; Lt le A\r amf 1.r'7\~!yulg ghrsl Zylhutr hr .1\flhr(u|11l"f I†l‘. Roxy u ht La Hun Hm hr flu.†11 ‘LUMN {In 31h. u {h Hu- {hr 5'. 5!! 1 ur 11,-! H Y“\(‘ hrn I!“ ha that drum: .H I)! JIM!“ [Hf Inf .«Iu- H1 Estimate. Furn'uhed It’s Old and Strong 3 per cent interest paid on Savings Real Estate, Loans and Insurance ' Lulu For»! Phone 336 THE ERSKINE BANK Bowman Dairy Company YELHI‘HONHS Telephone 67 New Method Tea and Coffee Store Bowman Dairy Company North Shore Fuel Supply Co. F You have forgotten 'to order‘ something for your Luncheon or Dinner and can not get it at once call 169 and Interior Decorators and Painters 128 E. Central Avenue Phone 573 Watch Results 17 W. Central Avenue Phone 169 w. u. MILLAR, Manger GOOD BANK The Butler with the Mild. Sweet, Delicate Flavor Coal, Coke. and Wood Building Material and Feed BUTTER Perfectly Pasteurized 121 Vine Avenue Stun-an In Um“ I bl" Pure Cream HIGHLAND PARK (.l [45“ OH. 70 230 N. St. John. Ave Evnauon Phono .17 Wall Plunging: Via-W 2.35 29L W e ll'l bf“ ‘ll flulm "3A1 nu}!