SPRiNG OPENING Greenes News Stand E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. JohnyAvenue WMSISnYefli-Mm THEEGEANDPARKPRESS Entered as second-ch“ mane: Much 1.1911.“ the post ofï¬ce a: Hxxhland Park. l‘linons. under the Act of March 3.157%. mum) Wamv BY JOHN L Unsu. at Highland Park, Lake County. Illinois Telephone :: : Highland Park W REAL SATISFACTION You must use )u-l‘iui-h WW haw rm: 'almnng ~un~.3cmm f ._ \I)u kammt gr: Nu-l'iniuh 4 results wilhvul Nuâ€" ‘iniph. Evcry uwr bccnnrm an en (hus! HI â€"\ Ind! Mil «‘nmim‘r you 1: hJ.‘ no Nudl NU FINISH Teleohone 546 Hour! 9 to 12 T5: 33 w, nmw Of our Shipment of May Sample Records Zome in and let us play them over for you Tel. 1158 .\ aux-v: |l1v damned rake for (3131111,; and cumzu uvf hmdx‘ of danrlelmn blnsnums, arm-(mm; » exr sprz-adlng anddxalmunm: rhv lawn I! is alsn a «Ipv-r’nr all purpose lawn rake. in u cleans up the smallest :wngs .md leaves wnhout (lugging as does .m urclxnnry Luke. and never mmrm >ud. Embrmdeï¬ng and Braiding Ca. 36 5 Male >1 . Room 614 Nonh Amer-can Bldu‘ Slue Monroe St: Phnne Central :53 {Miss ï¬larjorie Thomson Harpist Etc-Crud. Dre; Plump. said," Telephone 1052 Highland Park I 1311137 clvuauxgquvhthg h- W. ’ quxd. “'1th mm jug Jun in Ihc uiim'n ww / but wh." A dmrrt-mr' No dust flxmx m the rum to scule down again. Everv ‘ ¢.1'ch-(ixtakc-nup and [(1er out “not mxt stirred up And. at the same time. warh no extra work, \nur turnnure, w-mdwnrk an! hardwood floors are * «i and ,n‘ns‘hcd. Try a 2.;- bottle. All work m ldl: up andmuicd bm n same dav as rare! rd ()l‘l HF TOWNHerl-LR5 Rl-CHVE ()l'K LAREH L ATTENTIUX Wm:- ur phone fur Phiung Chant D. C. PURDYn" SONS M: 'W IS KW" Will play for Luncheom Receptions, Wedd'flhs, cu THURSDAY. MAY 20. 1915 Vote We use but the ï¬nest of papers and our En- graving is superlative. Erwin Dandelion Rake Miss Alma Salo H J mdn'clnua A. J. Fadon 203 W. Central Avenue Swedinh Manage 207 E. Central Ave. 2 (If) Hiuhhud Park PARKER All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines BigHaldM Mr. and Mn. Frederick Moon are It ceiving congratulatmns on the bll’lh o! a daughter. born Tuesday. “by lith, Berngece Tucker. who underwent an operation {or appendicms a! the Presby- tenan Hospital is domg nicely and :3 Hr pened home next week. Dr. and Mrs. Julius Scdgwick of Mm- neapuhs are the guests this week of Mr and Mrs. E. i‘ Sedgwnck u! N Sheridan Rd. Mr. and Mrs. 14 M. Coon have rcIurn- w“ “"1 D W" ed to their home un Second St.. after Mr» \rHu- \Yn spending the past tour months m 5!. werk (‘Hd gum o Patersburgh. Ha. 5‘ Nrund >: Mrs. George A. Mason uf Hazel Aw. Mr Kcnnrth L has as her guest. Mrs George T. Holland lurnlcl!) n: [ma r of NorwichL‘onh. hurr‘ tur scwml v Mrs. J. Leuer. who has been sum-ring with blood poisonmgm horlinger for the past month, mll hau- it amputated at the St. Francis Hnspltal.‘ Evanstun. as soon as she gams sumcwnt strength. Mrs. Barn-(t and small son. of El Pam, Texas. the former being formerly Miss Nellie Clark. are expected to arnvc ‘91: week m be the guests 0! Mn‘ Barron‘s mother, Mrs, E J. Clark of McGovern St. Mrs. Jacob P Khne of S. (Ereen Bay Rd.. who fell and bruke hcr ankle about a month ago. us getting on niu-ly though it will be sometime before, she will tx- able to walk. Mr. C. E Schautfler. formerly «.f Um city, mm 0! No“ Yurk City, Spt-nt 11n- week-end hero sisitlng friends before gu- ing on to St Paul. He’ was the guest at the’ hay residence an Haul Au Mr‘and Mrs. Rwy anht and mm- gxrl of Libertyvillc, were Sunday 2mm“ of Miami Mrs. George C Wright ul (ilencue Ave, Mrs. W. R. Runner of Dew Aw, has as her guests Mrs. L‘harlrs [I Raymond and Mrs. Albert .\C Sultan of Daymn. ()ino. Mr. I), P. Lamnn-zlux, who has b! sumh nn busnm- returned this m-ek ML»: Mildred Mlhllls IS spending a {cu days of [Ins weck wuh hersuster, Mrs. (L W. Rossettcr of Chxmgn. We publxsh on another page. a putuxc of Darius H.1’ingrcy L. L I) a Hlxh land Park men Mn) 15 duing Lhaut.’ .mqua and [yceum uurk Mrs. Elisha Mnrxdn an‘ chxldn-n n- turned last week from St I.r)Ul> wlurr they have spent 9h? past three urn-Lu Vlsmng relatives, We wish to correct an error which ap- ' peared in last week'stssue of THE PRESS , The item which told of Mr. Frank Lem-r returning home from the hespttal was tn-' correct to the extent that its is not home i from the hospital to stay but just camel to Highland Park for the ride un Wed~ nesday afternoon; however he ts doing nicely and W1†probably return hum:- tn SlX or eight weeks. Mr. and Mrs, J. Welch and their daugh- ter, Miss Mildred Welch spenx a part 0! the week-end in Urbana~ [1].. whcrr, on Friday evening Muss Welch spoke at the intelscholastic speaking contest. Mr. and Mrs. F. Mac Danald Lowe of Chicago, took possession 0! their summer home on S. Sheridan Rd. Its! week. They expect to spend the entire summer in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs W. Dmlcy'and'Mm Jam- Hills were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave Mrrkhn or Lake Forest. furmerly of [his city. Mrs. Charles H. Chapin of Hawthurnr Place, has rented her hnmc to Mr. and Mrs. Hamid Furenmn of. Chicago, who took possession on Saturday. Mrs. Chapin and her diughter, Miss iInhï¬ï¬ Chapin will spend the summer In the east. as guests of relatives. Arthur Amswald who underwent an operation four weeks ago at the Augus' tana Hospital re(urned to his home Sun day very much improved. Mia Mnrnret Men!“ bl Milwauhe. m the goes: over the wk-end 0! Mi- Helen Sullivan of Put Ave. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Slut" of Chicago have rented the Paul L. Udell apartment on w. Vine Ave. for the ummer. They will take possession on June ï¬rst. Dr. J. P. O'Neil. in company with I)! Hersleadcr of North Chicago. left on Monday for Springï¬eld. [1]., where Dr O'Neil is going asadelegmr for Lake County to attend the “Imus State Mcdr C1]S‘vwic-tyCunvemian hang held [hon- Thr canvcntwn began l\ue_.\d.:y and uni. end Fndav. ' Mrs. 10hr} McBean left for New York last week where she will spend a fur!- night. lMiss Margaret Schapliegh of St. 1.0m: arrived last week to bc the guest of Mlss Dorothy Schoneld for two weeks; Mia- Nellie Fitzgerald was the gueu on Sunday of Mia lung William: of Winneth. The Mixs‘cs Catherine- and Mlhhud Shcuhcn and (‘yrcgnry Sheahc-n Wt‘n' the- week and guests of Miss Mabel Egan Hf Chicago. V Mr and Mrs Thomas Horn of Ink:- tort-st were the Sund n fllltSYS 0: Mn I)‘ P. Shedhen of \V. Centrill Avc. M r a. :\ Nurmul. \VIHIJIH)\'I Place. Mr. and \h» C J Clark of W L'rmml Aux. are sprndxng thls werk mlh erI “Vt" in Evanstnn and (bingo. Ill lelmnh And mull Art‘ â€11‘1816‘515 5M, ML ‘5 N!“»Hl< >1 0! F. i “:11 ‘m‘I’ 'l‘hc Hum-uh mmsc on Lakr As‘r‘ h.“ who? rbc-cn remrd to Mr and Mn. Willmm MI; ; Hay:- ut (Imago lm the MJIIHHC'L For a nrth- ‘ part of the summcr mnmhs Mr. and Mn». the 1 (laments wxll ocuxpy the John Harman {home on Park .-‘\\cv. altrr the hut 0! York :July Mrs, Hum-ms 4nd Ihc Chlldftn will fun- ' go easL Mr. and Mrs. John Harmun and family will spend thc summer In the urslv Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brand It“ In! 1 F ¢ :on busmess and "pet! to be gone [on 1 an 3 days or two weeks. Mr and Mr. k’ I Huynlon, Mm Edllh Hovnlnn and Mn Sunburn Smnh “H. B n'nlun \ sun-r .Irc rnrnutr (rum L‘all'urnla llh'r kn~mf “(fk‘l “an! In the vuul .Iml ml“ rrluvn :hu wnk to their >u.nm¢r hum: on S Sheridan Rd Mr And Mrs. Raunnnd “C Schneider had 3.. their gun! lul week Mn- Schnnder'l mother. Mn. Power: 0! Chlcago. Mr. and Mn Funk (L. Mayne and daughtcn. the Mme: Lennon 1nd H‘clm Hovnc have returned from xhnr Inn!" home In Chwago m the" lummu horm- on l..4kr~ Axc. when- thr) exp"! [U n- †am in! the warm {Months Muss \larmn .‘hmrr was Hu- “all: end guru u! Mn I \V “rl. h of Lhnlgu H|~~J M De Run uh [int-v1 tn hf! hm“ Huh 1hr p4“ neck. I) xmprmm.‘ 7:: ._ (In .75: A; 1â€". TE“? .u .70 531 i 7â€"; x r11: Civic: .; 72.3.. var.» >1... 31155 \haxlnne\ Kits E I).â€1-snlrf kxh [duh [I (-1! nun-{hufh \‘}\\ RAH. (:H‘K I.'\ “In. h.l‘.e \pcm thz- wmu'x In Chung ‘IHlu-‘f ‘un \\'rdm~sd..y .md mli he III than harm- on S. Shuldml Rd [w 1hr summer The E. E. -\ndn-'»~.~ humr un Lauul ‘Anï¬. 1s n-uu‘sd [0 MI A h' Felt wt th traigu MLand Mrs Andrews and {hm jdaughzer, Mun (2mm- Amhrws v.:ll 11w jat the Exmmn for [hr summer ‘ ) I z z I'mb: \\c n \N A uudml mnuumn :5 c-urndcd publu' (u .nlvmi 1hr \an‘r w} Km; .1! churn u'nlm k The Mlxx‘s Htla .md Amta 5! ul Slaumnn. 1H. 4:1' \mlmg 5 Mrs I". RMMVY Ru! .1 Wu “(Tb Muss Marv l’z-trar/ n! [2115 \ (am-d In Ler home In \\ xsu-nsln L‘uunt «it {he scrum; Him >301 ku. Lmle~ Frnhnand and: arr M inh (hr mra‘ln The Luflwr League of the Swedish Lulhrrun (hurch. nghwoud‘ wal entrr tdxnvd In the (hurrh parlors Tuesday Hrmng by 1hr Mum-s Ellen and â€11621 Andrrum. Bishup Andrrmn «Ill make his annual vmmtmn tn ’Innn) L'hun'h un Sunday um'mng. Mav lint and Will pyrarh and and administer the nu- uf K nnnrnmnun measles The Bldanmn home nn Laure! Ave and chkmy SL is quarannncd wuh {hr measles. Mrs.Ph1hp dc Angera of Chn‘ago. is the guest [hlS week of her sonqn Innfnnd daughter, Mr. Ind Mrs. H‘ A‘ Porter of ()nwenum Ave, on [or appendncms. Mrs. Walter: in getting along mccly, Mr. and Mrs‘ A. T. Larson 0! N. 5!. Johns Avev. announce the bulb of 2* daughter. born Sunday. May 161}: Mrs James Waller: was uken to lhe Augustana “Uspllfll Sunday cvcning where on Tuesday she was operated up- mmumnwmim m a nu. and m; mug-I will uwwaum convention held CavityolW.Cen Am mmmrwmcnm -‘ unusual. .Gmnol 100 mn- TheWoman’I Hotnenud Fenian Mio- nut St. and Mr. Mn C. 1.00.. mmwnmmu nimgumhmnm olN.Gn.B-y’ld. ummaunwmhm Tulm. maudloAn one my on: o- Mm Frededck C Number: vull leave today tor Reddic. UL. when the will no u I delegate (tom here to utmd the twenty-wand annual coma-man o! (be lllinons conferenré brunch Woman'p Home and Foreign Minions u! the l'nued Evangelical chunhu. Tm- cnucnuou is to last from May '20"! In May 24m Rc-t-v-nmn [I Mr; (C E. Thumpuon. who was npcratr ed upon List Wen-k In a private hmpxul m (mango. Is dumg luuly well. \UIHH‘t‘r Miss l‘ezlrl Arnold sprm a In. days 0! last wrck .u 1hr gut-«I nl her (4111: m \\ hrrllng. lii 3,! Mn! Mrs |rxx|ng \Ixjand \lrx .~\'1:)..m1 l (m m Chicago «.mn- h Ln! \M-rk whux- Ilmv Sir l‘l.(lf!'\\' \ mlcd rrldth‘cx? â€Mowinx mm \1r~ h L‘qumn W lunhm tumor, and Rut-tn Lmle Harold [Hnnmtirld I: III wuh [Lt r} Mr, and MI .-\m!‘xvvm- H (' ut'x‘lk i'fll‘ Lhu" 1~ Ha rm: mm mm: Mmemkmm PEI, \hs MK uh Frnhnand and Mnhida Mun hard! 9H \1['~ \zed arrï¬n “Nb of I!.1)lun, 0th, :n. v: nsmng lrwndn .3, .75 >...: L. i::... Z 3 iii .3 £412.»; .51? “21:91.1 3:71». UH u! L‘hu‘ngn r h.“ u ha» born (‘nn x Hard, was the .xmc Smith of «mm Serlxuh \u v" \(‘3 If u her gun! r! Ndr‘ds uf â€grandam-n: Mav thud LIHs'n fur the lflxwux Amvun m xny Ma.- um hah L" nd Mr, and h KJXIKJlk {amt-1 ‘|\(‘ mg the \un .n Min-1‘! :"prnnrm by «mmnmg nu L n.v'| nun m." l‘udthIl (0|aner Hu eff‘bnw t‘ Hr lfxldlm and I!†tend l » -‘«' .. "mu thulnu'r ummflrdgt [wiurr " nt‘yn." uh Hm: The Rasher- m ctugr ulr Indium IiIYLUUU)K) m m.“ n: uruim an fuil upr' a! l'h' [Adlf‘l An! N!†um. Mic Ind lu- â€rah tux anembly n-xm tub I: Hunt ‘1â€.‘ofl)fl(u*rh 1m {Ur udrmulnn F\fl\ In (H i’n‘lrxofl Sunday Hum 01 Lair Fun-fl NH 1111 the pulpit lhc nudvu-tk wxuo~«:1:\\nim-sdu ru- n-nx w.“ u. «huge «41 Mr F M Nut)! who quix- nn â€â€˜WIKiH \ hhzr and My: nl â€nuns" 'Hzr Spun}: â€My n! {he Lake L'Arunh (hlhhi'l Phdnnny Nutrhrg n (u be ‘wM A! 2hr (h9h‘* 1? u1\l‘.‘\ ru- nzmu Inn ï¬nd i)! \hklmr “I†Id “11:5, '“Ll 1' 1hr» 1| «- L ‘v .u fbu! hmr Juno mmfy H n In hr msluHc-v‘. anx l‘rnhurr nual urn 1.2! â€Arm: \ «7 l-n «hm. hm h: H! .1: R. ‘1‘!(‘ \ ï¬C.‘51HH“lL KathuourrM In" I’vï¬v'mn's aha-rut- In jun.†l. \luxt o! Lair Fun-fl uxll 1:11 Iln lhc nudvu-tk wnw m: “ldhfl DU â€1]"?! 0‘\ P‘ .' de)’ r x1:t\l\l by hnlci Inlrn‘. M! and V†I‘ F (m Monday Imam-on. Hu- “unmn't kHK (In!) of Ravima‘ wane-d the hush school, and enjvvyrd bung shuun Hm new building‘s. .1 su'lc Themslruclorg who have (huge ol the gymnastic wotk m the tvrhlhxx unh to nau- large-r (lam. This muzucuon ll uflttcd aboolutcly free 0! chargr, Ind more people may ï¬om. the ncmng- to! men. are Monday, Tucidl), Thundny Ind Fridav. lo! woman Mondn’ and Thursdai pvt-mm, at all hum: (ht-fr u an opportunity (0 ox- Ihr g) mnnmum Ind pool (m Frndav csrmng w! thin week. the (lanes \I'IH not mud, on mum!“ of (hr 50mm play a! Ranma link The bma who urn: duun to l [han- Iorlhe {cums lourn.xmrnx weâ€: Urn, Hum. Exrn-H Ind Dun; whu dud nut um plan's, but dld \cl) “Nu-d uuxk A large crowd of enthuuaxh. :prru (ors Minna-d the swmmnng nun-l hrld In! Friday Inlhe gymnasium Mrâ€) Much won all [he cvrnl‘ numely, 20 yard “um, plunge, and 20 yard swim on buck [Lu-n1! me. H. .\ wart, hnMuxu, H 11.11,; In“. “NH“, ll'n'n'll. \uHI\.m, I'I. LthrIt-r {N-ir hum. Karin-Ir! Nu Mm kiln-I12, J anu-n â€RHHIUHL 5'")! p Hula!) Muunr)‘, 5?: nil. (hit up Bu! Mnlunc)‘. Mir-II “wâ€. \AIH hr .1 1r nun m whn h (ht bus uIHt'nlc'! Hm Ila-{full} was lrry urls {(1:1(‘tfhlf‘d m the cx’u-nmurauams ape-akin; (“nu-M .n l'rbann,un Fndl) (‘\'¢‘l\1ll|{ when MI» Mildred ervh spnkr who. azlhuugh she lusL nhuurd the good man-rm] lkchu-Ld hm m nhrr mmudloAn Ohio It: on: a cream 0! lhc o! thdr mun, Mt. S W.Gmn. N L N. (imam C. L. Green "can’t! home Sand†M (be Madame. Gran no "mummy a". cul day: lung". ;. MI and MM J mn' [he '.\ If!" â€1.1.!!er :rnux (HxSah (hrve uIJ Coop" L‘hrntljtn Ind Eduard FlyI mm! Sunday mil tnrnd; and rrluwa In Krmn’m Hun hall.†H'v “.Q A pl.“ n "I \Ju (- nru \um‘ It†.‘H van, Lutheran Chun‘h “Hr High School Notes Moraine Hotel Notes “It'll-â€1(‘huit'h h [Hru' n-Unn lmhnux \mnrufl (m Mrdm ~41.“ mrmng n Rnbrvh (v! la-kr hunt Au! w!†um.h:nr m: npnlfl (rt-afï¬x NKIIHV‘ al the m 1M; If!" Ythday Im (â€*rh mm uv thug" KI I‘ [~3th flhvmxm A1 H..h uwi dun :"pl'lrhrhl by 1" Unit In." rink-WI! .ï¬nwt‘t'r 1'â€le .‘(' .. "mu Ih«tlfh\l"‘ haul! l'mggr :30 \.ald h La'lnn $ Pm; J. .‘mrdh- HIM h . ‘rL nnvr r'Y'd (In- In- I ~r1-hvtflhn \ \ The J! \t‘n ru- nr ulH Id :1 \(1Irllfl h.oMu xu, HHI l \\ PM hOVt r m- lust _.; \ the†rum! juml h ptrnil IIH‘\ (â€it un- 1.1L!- 5'")! pm nu Rn hr ob .c- :‘krn hC-I Irma \\ hu h SIM-ll .1 l‘ Highland Park Fuel Company Phone 1071? 2nd door Went of Theme Highland Rain Building Material 102 N. 1:! SI. HERMAN DENZEL President Telephone 335 AIYIUI I max hub-I “(A 1 cm, Va Pull-I Maknm n sgm‘mlh' ui lnnns «m xmpl'uu-(i rm] «Muir 2r, an Nunh Shun-ttxx’11ufl In lud'ng Rum-Is I'mk. lirmr‘hm. Wil mule. Kt-mlwn'th. \‘. :nm-tku. (â€CHHK‘. Highland link um Lake I-urmx. Suumv undcx mongugw m â€11> tummy i: ("mlmually rnhuncmg whxle the x‘att- o! mun->1 1: min“ tin‘ North Shore Trust Company Capital $100, 000 A wagon will (all for and dditw your garments Why not have vour dothmg renovated here thus “wk and um: ullf work a fair ma]? ()1)! (LEAMM‘. AM) DYEIM; 0! lndws' and gents gzlm)('n1.\urll'n1;11ruflx rarpms. pnnwn. drmx'ru-x‘, pumn (H\('Y\. lm r (mums, «up. cannot be duplualt-d h) um Luna} dram-r. as u? have the LARGE“ and Mus! sun/um Manx m the West. 214 EAST CENTRAL AVEAUE Tabb-e W Fat 265. :g; Daily’s Ready to Wear Store Styl:shly Dressed Women \ N"? hf I’lt Jill: «M ‘ \ we (3n rule-a Mn \ r . A †_\ huh mm... Hum! North Shore Trust Company Coal Solvay Coke N~NU.N~UU r3097 >103¢9 ï¬:-O>03 r901! . .0: Pt Orgunized under the Banking LAW. of the State of Illinois MORTGAGE BANKERS MAIN OFFICE AND WMKS Highland Park, lllinoiu INCORPOUTED One lot, Beautifd Organdy Shirt Waisuf, Hemstitched and Em- broidered. Special at 981. . We (In vie-an sud. huh mm... HthHm such mm nuwh a man Somfllmre at mu-g‘ {ht-m um), um . L'n'mx lbllny “'I know uhal (tunnn 12.: “as 1 'cï¬dethe Say One Sample hne of Street Dresses madcbf Vail Lavâ€) m Silk 1618- 36 i8 spt ciully priced at $2. 25 ‘ .umc belt and AM In I1 mg rwrx \ Hung Illa! would hm m umlmut “runny On Sale This Week vamcy - 8152 i t J mm (A. 111 K H 41! marm: Y I an 31V 133‘ It