Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 4

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‘F'v-W’Z‘ 95m Greenes News Stand E. F. PRATT, Prop. 39 St. Johns Avenue C he :\ Subscription Price $1.50 per Year in Advance Emr}. Uam m thusmat. .~\ 'n You x: has nn 6. You um (Cami: REAL SATISFACDON. PUBLISHED \VEEKLY in laws L. L’DELL at Ihghimd liark. Lum- (uunty, IlhnOIs Telrphmw .' :. Highland Park 562 n c PURDYef sons THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS 1mm Of our Shipment of May Sample Records Zome in and let us play them over for you NU-FINESEâ€"i 15 3 marvelous clqanin ‘ )h: vuxd. 'it u dust in the usu but what a dii No d in1 mom I t|< speck ' jupt it] up‘ ,thh no extra 7,, , J#,, .n, Illaâ€"Materials Used In D. G PURDYu" SONS In The Highland Park Press LAWN MOWERS SPRING OPENING THL'RSIHA‘ '0! p We use but the finest of papers and our En- graving is superlative. By LAKE FOREST COLLEGE STUDENTS 4 GOOD ACTS 2 Reels of Pictures-Joke: Comedy, Key-tone Comedy ADMISSION 25: School Children II: ‘mnnsmv' IITMLIW I074 Highland Park Theatre ‘ VAUDEVILLE BALL- BEARING ”WARD ,YSTONE H.-< All Columbia Records play on Victor Talking Machines \Ir\\ TO-NIT E WW ‘ wm‘mamfiwa ,» .6 ,> X*w$0 uh»! : TWO SHOWS Cummenunz Sunday. June 4th. masses 3: St. James Catholic Church. Highwood m“ be ax sen-n and mm: o 'clock during Ithc summer instead of at eight and ten 0 dock as at the present time. . Mrs. S. J. Baker was the gu st 0! :, friends in Chicago a part or last week‘ Miss Bessie Baker of W. Vine Am ,Ispent the week end as the guest of friends ; in Prairie View “r. and Mrs. Charles Mdgan Moss of ‘Pittsburgh were the Sunda} guuts of ; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Martyn Bacon of N. : Sheridan Rd. . t ‘ Miss Mary Sedawick, who has spent the past three weeks in Marshall, 5.10,. lreturned to her home on N. Sherxdan ‘ Rd. last week. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer A, Montgomery of N. Sheridan Rd. mil leavq the last of the Week for their large [arm at Chesan- mg. MIch. where they wnll flay two or three weeks. Miss ch'slc Mendcnhall of Oak Park l.\ (h:- gueat {his weak or Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sanbnrn of ()mwrntsm Ave. Mrs. (E. V. [)lckvnsnn spent a few days OfIhIs wcrk In lilgm .‘h the guest ui Inends. Mr‘ and Mrs Arthur R. Clark nf Ken~ wood, Chung”. spent a part 01 [flat wrck as the guests uf Mr, and . In: A. 1,. Renmng of E. Park Ana _ Mrs E A‘ Armstrong left an chnn- dd)’ owning tar >prmg Lakv, Mich. “hers, wnh a puny n! mnc guests firm". Chicago. She Will attend a hrmw party .1! the home 0! Mrs. Arthur P.1hnland tur one week. Mr. Permval Bannister of Omaha “111 arnn- won In) be thx' guest 0! his :N‘l‘h‘r. 3111s.}. Barnard of 1hr furt, whxl«-_t~nrmm: In West Palm where he wa rmrr June {met-nth. Dr. and Mrs. T. T. “Hmllexh nf Forest .~\\'r.,nmmn-d in Rockford when- lluy spun: thc “wk und Miss Belly H.“ mm a! N éhcndan RIF. enterxmm-d hz-r cuusm, Mrss Mann“:- m Bmmn mcr thc Wrekrnd Mr» Genevieve Mon spent the week end m Lakr Forest with frmnds Mr. and Mr». Chas. J. Le-mkuLI ( North :\ve.. have as their guests M: :m st. Tucker of lk‘trmt, Mlchv Mrs. Gordon Hukkzmnn of Momma Rd. has as hvr guests her tvm sun-rs. MN. Bayard 0. Dow and lmlc daughln .‘md Muss Eugenia Un'cn, .111 of I‘Ilmlra, N, Y. Major S. R. Thompkins. who has been on a leave of absence in the east, rcturn- ed last week lo the (on. Major Thomp- kins has been gone two months. Mrs. Thomas Williams of Cleveland 15 the guest of Mrs. E. Tupper at the tort. Miss Juliet Abercromby of Chicago was the week-end guest of Miss Ida Naas of W. Central Ave. Miss Fannie Joffe of Chicago. who visited friends here for several months returned to her home Sunday. Mrs. Warner E. R. McCabe and baby have come to join Lieut. MoCabc at the fort. Mrs. Johnson left last home in Albany. N. Y weeks' visit with her Sullivan of North Ave. Mr. Wm. Holmes of Highwood left on Thursday for several months' stay In New York state. \\'.\.\I‘EI‘ A I’atmlmun. npphcunb wl‘l 'xuhl Applnuumxzs gmng In“ partnuhr: .m". retrrvmrs. I’ullu- Cummhxmners. H‘ghlund Park. Ill. Miss Helen PhIch's pupils Will WW 3 DIdHU recxtul on Tuesday .nwrmmr‘, Junefirstat the home u! Mm Robert Carr «m E Laure! Aw. Among thnsr in take par! urz- Clcnhcw Mnrgun, Catherine bkh‘mcr. Edwm Ruthcthd. Calherlre (Jrr, Juhn Harnmn, Lydia Chutendrn, Erin-1 Harmon, Allcc Chltu‘hdcn. Loune Carr. Maru'n Smith. Thcudurr Kaufiman, Kdthcnnc Lyman, Grace Marsh. Mary Tyner. and Clarence Erickson All who are Interested (Ire cnrdnally muted to attend. Miss Olga Brown spent the wceK-end visiting relatives in Chicago. Mrs. John L. L'dell and small (laughter Gladys “sued for several days 0! la)! week with relatn'cs in Chicago. Miss Helen Golden of Waterman H.111. Sycamore. “L, was the week-end guest 0! Muss Helen Cnnrad ot MCGovern St We are gm! m accrpt any items {or this column or the ()bsrncr. ”W U! warm. pun Mrs) a name Is smnéd In the 11v!“ 3cm w. Mr pllbllCBIlOl’l. All mans nu»! bc m bv five o'clock “cdnenduy anarnunn. Items manic-d xm uusmnm‘, cannot be L!~(‘d. M‘ no» u.â€" week for her after several mother, Mn. On Monday mcmng the officcrs and teaclwrs of the North End M E. Church. enjoyed a pleasant mm: on the beach when- they had supper. sts Flora Cnlhn has opened up a very attracnw lrttle u-a room In Ravmia on xhc \\ human pruorn) which it (0 be called "The I’mk Rust: Tea Room." The formal uprmng Will take place Saturday afternoon at tour u‘clock. Tea and ice: may be oblamed here at ream-bk prices. Miss Coffin W111 be preparcd to sent dxnncrs on Thursday excnim 1nd Sunday. .u} «hung 11ml}. Mr H \ Vul‘wlb u? (hxhagn was the gum! mm 1hr wcck end 01 Mrs‘ Mrah l."1u;(“rf «If Hxfl.\\o|«1 Mr. and Mz.‘ J E \' Lmvk of Clcavc- land,(mm, arc the gunk! of Mr. and st. Frank K Clark of Clark St MH R. R Hmmxd and Mrs. Fred Bh-zrngrr and daug'nlrx, Mus ch n, of (hung-u, “cm the “wk-end g‘lr‘ls 01 Mr‘ hm Hmw uf kuunl)‘ anr Rd .\II~~ Dell Hughes Ir! loday In: Chl- cagnxxmrc ~he W!“ Hall Irlalivea for (“u “,-.-k, m-turv {running m her home- [m ! Berniece Tucker returned home Satur- Sdly from the Presbyterian Hospuul when ‘Ihe underwent an operuion (or appendir fciris several decks agu ; Many HIgMand Parker: rfi‘tht‘d m Hit-lions In: Wrek to the SIM" Jubxlrc cclcbrumn m [hr Birssrd Sacramrm pansh and [ht lwrnn htth unnn'cx‘un of the Ru Father} I 310111;er ~lr dlnanunln [he pru-aflxmd [H be P-rld Sunday. May .‘Ulh, a: Hie-55rd \m ”mt-Ht corner (ennui Park Aw .uu‘. va. _’.’m‘ 5L (111‘?!le khl'Ju‘Y 5‘ Ill\3(‘\ up tanner szwru‘ l';1".4r-IZ.1S(‘ k um r‘,v' IL Church 01th:! '!\ I‘m- pn-gvam “.1; be as h-Hms \mrzmx huh :v.‘~~ .u Mr. and Mrs. T L\ Williams and son, Hnward Williams muvrd nn the hlltcmh from (he Huym- hmnc on Lake .-\\e m the house at 425 5. Linden Axe, runner ly occupwd by Mr. Charles bmnh. Mr and Mrs Ruben hung u! Raumu arc rru-nmg cungmlulntums «n [In birth 0! a buy. born 13:! I‘hurumy Mrs E. Tyner of Prnspm‘t Aw, rnlz-z mmm; .u Pn-r \\ N‘k rm. gurus, MI an \!x\ tywvrgv \h'ctvll \‘vL: mv .emi Mr \I Mr. and Mn. Frlncxs ()ehr 0! La Grange. l1l., nook possession of Mr: Rienc Saffort's home in Ravmu May first when- Ihcy wnll reside {or one year. Mrs Saffort has gum- m Topeka. Kan. (or an mdtfinne stay Mr. and .‘vh’a hand M Shaw 0! Roger “'1lllarl\s.-\\c, are YCCrHlnR «(mgr-lull timw on the birth u! a sun. burn Satur- day, May 22an The Ravima commissmn wzll hold a bu§ln9§> meeting at 1hr L'ommumtv houae this tvening for [numbers only‘ Juhn [)ecring gralualed lul week from Armour Institute after taking I {our years' course m electrical engineering Mrs, McGrcgor Adlms Ind her Inter. Mr: Ferdxnand Wncgnnd, who have went the wmler m Thomasvllle. (h. and New York, ZI’HVCd home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs John Glass 01 Cary Ava. returned last week from an absence of seven weeks at Vlrmma Hm Sprung; Atlantic C l)‘ and New York Mrs Thumbs Howland u! .\ur\\1rh. Conn, who ha: been the gut-st u! Ml; George A‘ Mason {or the past wrek. re- turned homc on Tuesday Mrs. Loh'nc McClurg of Wmnetkn hu leased her home. and for (he summer months wnll raid: at (he Monme Hotel. Miss Mmgurl hum-mid was He Neck end guest ml Ml» Ruzh Lrnhnfl ul Chu‘ugu Sld\ In 5‘- tmnd and .ur hung with M! and Mrs \" ”“er on Hum-mm :\\v fur the ;)ft‘\.'ftl Mn Hum” n .1 snlr! 05 Kits Htvldx‘lz Mr and “d Arthur Hr”. uhu haw brcn 1n Lm‘ JflH for thv “min-1. rrlun ("d Smurddv and MI! makr their home vulh Mrs Mar» lieu uf Highuoud art I M bank: l'c Mnndlln'. nomad W have H'IIOudom elcholWJ’lrkANJ 3. their m an. veg: “mutual-dial mummy! Julius and Michal John-on ol 5m.»- on mm 0! “he. 0! bet-um. nu? ton. Wis. Mary Watch. 1 Mn Wm. Schmidt and um" daughter ’00 Wain-day. n." n. mods... . In a... of nay-um him Mn Wm. Schmidt and amall dlu'hlel" Marylnupcoding a In day. of this’ week with Mn. Schmidt'n dun. Mn' Edvard Mad 0! North Chicgo. 111I>D)Rev J I ,\I w the “wed RH. An ?:N:\ firrnqh'nn at (our 1 H‘ mm] ”LI‘S. Hm Inn-nun nxnr u‘dm'k‘ p.|r:~lt xv. nxnx. June-r1”! Mr and HM» Hv-nn Ft' Ix!“ ..1 I'm-N “rd m High' and [m Int-n1 n1 HR‘H IL: Ewart I» \1! Nirx I'urxdm m cmx MM ll M \\ cu? thN; 1 [hr “VII Ind Mn. \\ xlnmn d ll (HH Izlmgt \!h h $1”qu Wmnrtka. turm- :.« Murxnh 0: thus city, pvrulhvn a! the Presby- 1M; “(1 k and I5 reported :HLAND Pmmmcmb Pmmmols H (r! 1111‘! [I] ll: H \HH amrml nmnth hung with M! (mm-nun: :\\v ddh Li n Hm inugf pm! .er Mr HI.” the HH' K‘( I) NH '1 hv Quadranllnr Huh) 0! 1h: I'mu-un)‘ 01 \tm mu, sn'y In xixmlx-r, rprm lhc umkcmi .1! 1hr Mahatma ann'ng on 5.1mm”) murmug [ht )ulmg pruplr lound \-rr1(".‘lln,( (u du Lu «arty no_ mtl'l n! lhrn ~I.n win! lap-ltd unm Sundm c'xrmnx A ”rum In! :4 young ladle" and xcmlcmrq hut mt ”Hen IssrmMuf hen- and Qr) urn- so we” plrnsrd [hm (hm pwn’wd [01'0”]! “an. x Juhn E. Conrad ann‘mu-s the uprmn. or a law 093C:- In watt 1 Renpcr Nmk, N E. corner Clark an Wuhmgmn Sn, Chicago and \ull be paparrd In hnndlr all an In general pun»: alter June ls! Trl Central 918 nod rrsndrrtce Hugh [Ind “Mk 5:! l3 pd WASTE!»â€" l." u-ar Md uni uanh‘ a tnlullwu to take can- b! . hildrrn and la- sml in huukwnxh (I! Q ladln mnzd Max 195 Lakr mu" E 1‘1 pd H Mun “1“! and M s l’rxrnhnvr‘ hnvgc of Hit play. "Peru one" nhnh the fill and mh wade: ar gums In gnr 0n '1 hands.) ru-nmg ’unc zhud. in! their pan-Ills '1 hrrr “11"“? 1 \mal! ( hmgr (a! udmlvr tn um. h “1‘! Ru 'u [u\ my \lt‘ The lulpll~ v-f Ih‘ 2nd and 31d gudrt vufil appear :n a Swrdnh MIL dunn- It xhr Pugh a howl. Fn’ay mrnmg Thu Iltcrnuon nilwo thirty the Frrm'h pupuls am “we a; Frrnch plav brforr lhrn pan-ms and fiends The Frrmh IHSUUCHOH n gin-ugly) Mm Huck The publu' u nidully Inwled lo ll. tend the June medmg ol the local dup» ter 0! (he I). A‘ R.’o be held June tour lecmh at Tnnlty': Parish “out: Very mtcrnung exhibit at nnythma rela- hvc to early Hughlz‘;l Park hulon', Will be shown. All todmumunonl roncem in: any only Hrhland Park huwry shoutd he sent. :11 mung. lo Mn Scw‘ll Chlf‘ o! POIICC George Wm. hn u-n dared h» rnmnubn lo uh (fled n the pleasure of the mayor. The Publx‘ Libr‘ry will be cluoed to! the litemoon andf ncmng on Mona-y, UCCUYIUOD Day Mr. W. H Mlfiu. who in! wveral month: put, ha been mung" of Ihe North Shore Fuel F. Supply Co. hn re- signed hu ponmot‘ In “In 2500 Saturday. Ur Jlmn Suthfl, Pow employed by the firm a Whit-(peg. will fill lb: vacmcy. (.n and slanhvd {It mm pajllnlb and making: and [Ore sheets and pillou nun, bunny: th, nude. dangling on the doubt: hne ; The ‘ulpnl ha: mu been found In yet; dralh \vi [hr 150‘“ Mus Maud ( h‘rvzlur: uh “mm; M !hr hotn- 01 km Irlurhcd In her hum :1 \ Fndm Nome malnuounb Imlmni pfflm. tllrl the laundry hld [re-n hung out In dn m \ln 12¢!an hay ~ hm L uni. )nlrtdl) mncr hnrmN-r Muran hum m wunr mm .s \ukr My: Jana-I hunk-L tun gaudy-11x ( mgr .md Jame-u lhnu drn u! lhn n xh A {um-x auuum m hn \.|.r \H-L .n u The Roy-l N ' ' W and party to be given Mucus: M17541] “1"". Old Inch Euchre '1. be played be" or in coydully "WW to be prnenl. ‘ Mn N, R RdX'lll In" leavewhu “1111qu um '«ku' um with rd:- (Ivn In lndun‘olu, Ind and 01b“ (mm In lndun‘ Sh:- ‘9“ ernd the \nnxmrm‘vmenl l’lfhlhf) M Ik- )‘Iul l'xmrrsxh a: (.rén (AMI: 'lhuudm (wt-uh; manor mH hr Lawn '1 Ltd!” Eu 2hr ‘ . hm HI \"I" A Mr 1Ud\ l’.’ Jliss Marjoril Thomson Hupbt Tricptmnr 105: Highland Park meoln School News Additional Want Ads Moraine Htfiel Nun's W1!) play In Lunchco' I Receptions, We‘dmp, etc. .1! “x Anon-c6“! .«ppf. "~le ("'1 :- IL: hr I‘Iu‘d ”my; .1 \amkxlilr pmlm- gnkn n: (M Hmhl-nd l‘ul r ‘ Arm» :9 Lutr hunt nm‘ 1: n, leh thv' mmufl In [Mum‘s will hr you-11 r010“ ‘ --nr .‘u‘ srvrn u'Ux-t k h ntu “.4an “91,.“ .IKH14_'II1 L.‘l11\ an "hnr m Highland Path hflfr rank \~ rdnohda)’ ,5 I' 1‘.” .v\\r.‘ rr n‘..;\ gum! MI» I L \1n r. If.“ n An rL the nu! |slUf u! “mm 1 rlrphonc U 2n (:3, :2 Huh (fl I”: he nut \h-mmn nr And Nan \rd ”lflh' hon] PM“ hr HM Hr \A an I‘M: Mm at It?! Ln “I (I! Highland Park Fuel Daily’s Ready to Wear Store Phat-01072 2nddoochuofTha-m W Building Materia? 102 N. 1;: 5:. nmm 0mm Preside-t Telephone 333 SKIRTS SKIRTS “Till I max Muklng a :f‘x‘cmlty ()1 loans on improved real cstnu- mA flu Nnnh Show tm‘nmry Including Roam Park, Evahston, Wil Invtlr, Kcmhwrth. Wmnctka, Gleam, Highland Park W5 lgikr Furést {Rummy under mortgages in this terntoi‘yik mmmuully enhmcmg while the rate of interest is attradiu‘ N orth Shore Trust Compaliy mam 3100.000 , A raged will call for and deliver your garments Why not have vour clothing renovated here this week and give our work a fair trial? ()ur CLEAMM; AND Drama of ladies' and gents garments; oriental rugs. carat-ts. portiers. dram-max, plano mvers. lace curtaxns, etc, cannot be duplu‘au-d by am local cleaner. as we have the LARGFs'r and must SANITARY plant in the Wat. Tclo'hom 214 EN CENTRAL AVENUE North Shore Trust Company Stylishly Dressed Women Coal Solvay Coke 2123-2133 Uncoln Avonua, CHICAGO lJ-colu - I948 Div .11.”.th Omaha under the Rankin: Laws of MW , Highland Pnrk. Illinois MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS INCORPORATED One lot Tan Wash Skirts ‘1’ One lot Wash P. K Skirts $135 One lot Wash P. K. Skirts 3L” One lot Linen Skirts $1.“ One lot Palm Beach Skirts $3“ One lot Palm Beach Skirts sud Made of Poplin, Sergcs. Sit Poplin etc. Prices $4.98, $5.50, “5. Tm W Pad 265 WashSkirts unne but and ask m d we (In dcan hlnh and Iuvh “burs. hxmmt-r 2' and) and Huh 3 mnmw Somelinu-n WI‘ :uunnr them With (nu! rhmns ‘1 Iblh'y. We h Just What We Say Wt know what (a! 3n dam-1n lbr um (11 k u-..1. mg rveruhu.“ Hm! \uL “hum Mr 10 vommm wearing Divot.” - .152 l I (3mm ,4» h m ”if,“

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