“le, ~ ,u. .......... . e .. ... .- u- . mum... ., . .a- a woflww I i i i E i E E E ""I‘*‘- t ~ "was. .it. . . . . ~ ‘ ‘4.th w â€a. l 1 .y m : manor: .m- r.~â€"...M-w in"... .4. WV“. , f . .. â€Mt...“ , «have...» a...» .., m"“{fԤ"â€â€˜?'.’“ a. ï¬shing h.-. anhshsdhsroatmy ‘bsn Mthstrwhleofm Macmwhenmdany n. ehavethenmï¬ary; materials and iadlitiss‘fot pm- dncingthobsst . ‘ cinemas. ever made. Only the bmtoi‘fruits. flour. flavoring:t can, butter. etc. isusedbyus. A trial ordd' will heenough toconvinceyou. ‘ ‘ Goary‘s Home Bakery 30W.ContsnlAs-o. Memorial Park Cemetery Harrison Street and Gross Point Road One-Half Mile West of Evanston .A beautiful. new, non-sectarian Park' Cemetery where choice family lots may . be purchased with perpetual care at . reasonable prices on liberal terms for . a limited time. Many families are surprised when death ' enters the home and this is a splendid opportunity to make preparation for the unforseen. Attend our Formal Opening June 12th and 13th. I; Central Cemetery Company 701-234 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, Illinois GENTLEMEN: Phone l Evonuon ass ( mo E Control . l 833! d t Without obligation to me kindly ‘ send catalogue descriptive of Memorial ‘ Park Cemetery. NAME ............ ADDRESS ......... k m DIDN’T GET A JOB. 3“ 3’" Sim-“5 “a" Lind“ ll 5' When a Mother's Lot Is On. or wm- Norvs Was a Recommendation. “I've seen u lot of cool ones in my time. but believe me I caught one the other day llzzll Iuld ‘elu all skinned for nerve." The speaker. ii detective ill one of be large downtown dcpilrtnioot Harem? was leaning ngninst thi- rull in :1 police court waiting for her case to be czllied “l sputletl i1 woman whose :ll'llt)“ didn‘t Just suit me. i trailed llt'l‘ for about ten minutes and their. presto. she gobbled on to :1 bar of tire con: soap. That wasn‘t hardly enough iii itself to hang a case on. so I kept my mouth shut and my eyes open as she made her way toward the elevator . When she‘ got into the cage 1 was right behind her. and I almost stepped on her skirt as she ‘traipsed' along the aisle toward the ofï¬ce. “Apparently. as if in search of work. i played with a slip as she told the boos her story, and. would you believe me. she was trying to get a job. She wanted to get a place in the soap do partment. saying that she had been 11‘ demonstrator for a large soap concern: that she was tired of the outdoor work, d‘onsdthobarofsoapshohad Just notes as evidence of the rat-r mu she was an experienced saleewoman. “l stood It as long as I could and then gave the superintendent the ‘hlgh sign' to ‘can‘ her. Can you beat that for newerâ€"Detroit Saturday Night. A Scoop. Reporter-Wre- a good piece of news here this morning. I found it persan who had been conï¬ned to one room his E entire life. Editor-Good! Send him 1 up. Who Is it? Reporterâ€"Why. a ' three-daysold baby down :it our house â€"Wisconsin State JournaL Not His Fault. Lady of Houseâ€"What caused you to; become a trump? [lagged Robertâ€"Tile? ï¬nally physician. mum. fie advhcd or. to take long Walks after my meals. an . I’ve been walking after 'em ever since . Judge of ii men by his questions rather than by his answers-Voltaire. The Only Chance. "Hurry. George- or we will be late to the picture show." “Oh. we don't want to get there be fore It starts." “Yes. we do. tooâ€"if we don't i can‘t see what the other women are Wear lng.â€-Exchanga. Ps's Deï¬nition. L'enfant-Father. what is a “sepul chral" tone of voice? La Pereâ€"Thar means to speak gravely-Dartmouth Jack-o'-IAntern. A hopeless man Is deserted by him- self. and he who deserts himse‘l is soon deserted by his friends ' “l ‘~’ ~ 4 , .,. .z-zcrwz-ri- y... 2 «.2134: i‘lï¬â€˜l on». ' It,._;J-..B_ were mum owe-m ................. r .............. ..- HER ABSENT BOY. ful, Weary Waiting. It‘s mighty hard to be a roothor of Minted. I muhl plm'o them with a new magazine and tnystify them with a circular or il business lettel‘. lltit if I untried to light tin-ill up litr- til they took the shadows out of the corners as they went out’l would gil'c them a letter from it son way of! some- where making good. Tile best of them didn‘t write any too often. Once a week is pretty regular. i suppose. from . angrily, "not to see the suffering inl . lilt'lllll‘tl'l! filt‘t‘ " ‘ Oldf‘l'd n“, forwarding of then Phfl‘kl SM†1" â€"nwlmn‘" l worked I†the} i'l’l‘k suffering!" “MUM“ excislrrwd in the minds of the old solicitor from postotiii-o for it your once. braided out. Em-ï¬niugmq.‘ mail‘ and I got to know just exactly" what most of the nlothonl ,ln town HIE llirlr ~ 600 2%? Philippa and Richard had been luau! "Add sweethearts for so long that no one "-I 500le 0' III-0. RM" maid remember when the “urn. M" faltorod. "inteodhg to pay lint cluluied them for his own. Whoa my own money]? liichnrd mu. still . buy in high school “Your money!"- no born out too- It n. Philippa who settled upon an ton-womanly m In your outsho- future urn-er as a lawyer. and. harm‘’ marriage dou mt make two poop“ i l i no father to old him In accomplishing ‘ M E lug plans for its fulï¬llment Armed only with his high school - t‘otllllry M Iloollt'ut'ller In a town which I l . E hill lady lun- .\ud as tllue Emu tin-f within rm How it hl- minute ‘ b0! managed with the aid of a friend : “You should not hare married mo.“ “it'll-rd critical utterly. “if you “be. . ly old solicitor. to begin a course of. ‘llight Iuw study. if Richard worked to Indulge \I-ur Italian." I hard for line's sake be was not alone :Iu the sacriï¬ce. I'lilllppn. who was lyollng and tend to look upon, might I one Wllmu- Illiud bowed over iawbooks E liut shi- laughed her admirers niudc. Espendlng her own evenings drawing . lifelike ski-tulle:- of all the Chubby ba- E bies in the neighborhood And at last this night.“ -be wrote. “one In true- pen I liltm mil.- ‘the faithful ones came into their re 1 should your b‘ve married you I go wllrd»ltI«-li.lrd had successfully pans- i now to niouiy that mistake. As I wish to in- o-ilfln-Iy dependent In to. . turt- upon my legacy i will send you .ofllcc. boy." the pleased old barrister; from the t'll) rm address to which my z ed Ills final qxrlrninlltlons “You slit-ll have desk room In my promised â€Then '9'†'00 '1“! I00 annuity may be forwarded" are Ulllilo of' 1 Bo Philippa wok up her life in the And ill jmr this glorious time it won . old home “Ithra brave auurllpfhln of chi-crfulm-s- in order to hasten her “'itll uti lrn lost-d check came word that j now den-rum)". purpose sbe rented a small studio ill the lily to be in touch sketches Shi- had sent the drawing with the workers. and if the girl's eyes timer during to dream that the baby I ‘mw wistful an the [postman continued' 3 face. with It:- toothless smile. could to pan on his way her inner grief was . not betray-d to a sympathising family.‘ i the sulmtanllsl pr-rof, lllchard Was en Sn-ndily. fou-riQ'irly she worked. and st last a new “Fiery pmntcd Itself. . urnph. Without indication her annuity sod- "Wlll'. I'llII." he said. "you may lie denly cclowd payment Dismay-4. velop Ilito a great artist. Whoa we are E Philippa (build; that she had loot the married you shall have those art to- address of tb‘ trust company and derflll thing happened to Philippa a unrgnzillc had accepted one of her j win an editor's approval. yet here was thusiustic when she confided her trI “ sons." wrote to its lawyers demanding an ex But that hing looked for gull seemed planation. The response to her letter ' to fade farther itilo distance as llich came pnmiptly i < eagerly discussed with him plans for l of In"? annuity » 'ibcir future she now talked alone of l‘hilipps W‘th tho typewritten " \\ llllt‘ [ilt‘ lilllt‘ “Ollie Wbll‘ll Ill!" Woï¬h. ““llli ll fiuu" (“UM I"?! art. had pictured together was to her no ' DISH)?!“ of “I", savnd annuity." longer il con-red reality. but a [willie T‘bi-u “E“, had made the suct‘c-It‘r payments which had reached her through nil the iisst years? Since the “parting of their ways" Richard trad fiirllwny drciltn L "You are selfish." her sister told herE whom be h lstcd desk morn I'n-arhii’ She Jillllt'il the family group a few" mumâ€, Mimi-«lull “H ‘2Ԡ"0â€. days Liti-r waving above her head a mumâ€; “in, n n" and â€you. “n". bulky tlII'lll‘rt'lll “Listen to this!" she t‘lh. |f lrl upm- of it...†blind min 9'19“» â€~"l’ll l'llllll'l‘fl lllll n'u't‘llll'fl" understanding, It might be tlillt “ill! me in her n‘lil. after all She has left ‘ lrd "in ("n-d: A "mm...†.1“. .m“ an nobility of sit-U in month. to be paid 1 my]... .‘,n,m..n.¢ Lht'n 'n," the soilci me its long Hi I Il\e " Etnr’n nutm- llt'r lllilllll‘r leaned forward excited "“1†.‘“†' .m. briefly Mltlï¬fï¬l. ly "Uh. she said. “now you run! “ll-e â€kindly forunnl my snnulu n- 1"" drawing lessons as you have I'WUIE usual? It lin- tic-m long ou-niue " wishfli lo d0†3 l‘hiiippa‘s family wondered that I'hlllppa smiled "First of all," she. honing u, H". ‘x‘ret sounv of Irr‘ the other end. but 3“)“ â€â€œ0â€"! m â€w said. “I intend to marry Dickie." .- good spirits Whui she was alone sm- mother begin to come in hungry again the second day after her letter came. And when a boy came home success- ful and prosperous and his proud "He won't Illrio your money." her sin-E and quickly we Md ““1"“ "1,1, to ter warned her "Dick will wish to. her Inquiry l'urily he Informed .“ '“l’l‘f'†his 0“.†“1"". j “that the annuity would no doubt in lllllllllld nodded understandingiy "l “um,“ u, ‘bf. u" â€mum, .“ mother toned him down .\inln street it‘ know." “I“, agreed. “and that is '1†In“! lblo m I. about At l m used to go to my heart to see the wist- ful looks of the woman friends. There is hardly a family in Home burg of the right age which hasn't a grownup son of! at war somewhere- fighting failure. It's grand when they will. but I hate to think of some boys who haven't come bacL-Qoorm Fitch ,‘h Man Magazine Tho Elgin Marti“. The adventures of tho Blgin marbles. row iii the British museum. began in Hill}. when they were wrecked at (Ieri- go on their way from Greece to Eng- land. It took the divers three years E and a vast sum of money to fish up the ‘l'artbenou relics. it is believed that Lord i-Jlgin spent over £74,011) in pro- curing these priceless fragments left by l TUrkish vandals, who would probably have made an end of even these had the earl not rescued them in time. The house of commons \‘otul [Ilium for " their purchase. so that the enterprising peer lost heavily Ill cash and suffered from it public agitation against his nl~ . legcd "vandalism. nrptlcity rind dishon- esty." its \"t'll as from l'lyron'll “Curso- ‘ of )lirrervnfwLondon t'hroniele. Just Like Eve's Apple. A fruit supposed to bear the mark of Eve's teeth is one of the runny botan- lctli curiwlties of I'eylou. The tree on which it grows in known by the signifiâ€" czint name of "tln- i'orbidilvn fruit." or “Eve's apple tree." The blossom has a very pleasant scent. but the really remarkable feature of the tree. the one to which It owes its name, is the fruit. . it is beautiful rind hangs from the tree in a peculiar manner. (image- on the outside and deep crimson within. each , , il‘llit has the rippenrnnre of having had . | l pin-cc bilh-li out of it. This flit‘f, to :l-iln-r- nilh its poisonous quality. led lllt' \iiilldrilllli-duns to represent it as lllt' forbidden fruit of the garden of l-Lib-n and to \\'ilt‘ll lllt‘ll ligzilnst Its not loin phlllt'i'flt‘t“ The mark upon the 'ruit is attributed to the. I 4-... . i ~..,.,.,.,.H.-,...~M«~a.. .-. -.. K»-.. n . H... he must kâ€â€" nothing 0' "I“ “W" Mr. Harmon was too III to be tmublod until we are married." 1 with Hum†affairs" When s‘lc «nine to her lover. freely Dickie ill' l'blllmu's “‘1" hearted . offering to share his humble lot. ltlch m.“ vanished as sh. I‘lllifl‘d “â€0 hfr' ard could scarcely believe his own good, mat. gm. mu“ ‘0 .I once u, hâ€, fortune "Yâ€u “'“I “I“? to ("9 “PE news of him Ilmlutrly she kept Mr much for my sake. dear love." he said I ï¬lm from that 0'." desk with "I Ira "it will ln- for rum lake." l‘hllllvr»I ' cant chair a. .lie entemi Illr old soik‘ answerul eloquently Some things are; Itor's par-enm- ile mm“, h" um rare and beautiful beyond the power Iy as be “0‘“: in greeting of description Such was the )0)" of "l'wlsn l“ I“ a few questions." said Philippa ilrld llichard it was unppi Philippe dIrs-vliy .1“. roll snslor til-as to all In the shaded larnpllght of‘ tbom?“ ' el‘ening building air castles for I ha ‘ .1 will" N "no": in an uit ll be trust corn in upon her (muscle-rice. rind on one of" y n ’ I w. t ‘ ’ those oci-ssb-tni she made full confco ‘, failed long “my. ’ ,, "It may be a t ch of confidence. .dltifL her cheok pressed close agrrinstï¬ _, her husband's hair He was silent for} m? â€(7‘2" “I". "‘1' :m [‘1‘ ram so long that she bent to look Into hill; on I I" U“ ’"u ' "u ‘ "0' flice. and Its expression of sodas-Kai I shocked her "\\'ll.l‘. “HRH-i" she exclaimed. "DU? self in order in lorrotly continue lbs-so paymmts that you might not be dimp you care so much about the money?†E . lllchurd h'llthvroq] his “"9 in th ceasingly withouo hope of happlnr. is Ilrrns "Your husband Is a â€lush: I quick "‘1“ "’ln’r'm" pnutrstiou brute. dear," he said contritcly. “and ' Th?! ""1 h" Ml." â€0' fl i run nfrrlid roll will not understand ’ llllllltlfl mm", m" â€N In h†hands why this should hurt so much. it 'Is "I I “"“' K" '0 “WV Ill" “"1 u" .1 wonderful thing. you see. to believe heart “M“MM “d“run’ " "w "mm "In! 5...†lllld "“0“", [â€0 till] m. the Hill? \Pv-lllr.ll‘ and r‘llilllml ll)" above i-u-rtthlri: else In the woridr ‘ "†"‘“""“"‘â€â€˜l “Mm u'm'm" 'h' eH-n that you new willing to sacriï¬ci- ‘4‘“, ""‘" "“‘ mailed â€â€â€˜Ml‘ for (113' “hr your below-d art." "CE "‘Vh“ 1" Iho-h-Y' “"“t‘l " 4""! h laughed short!) “Rather it shock toi milhn "mm" ambiticbard "m“ "" h†For a rilcmnli his eyes nearvb rind that you agreed to marry meonly- l WW†. only. i'hllippn when you were mrtnln E ‘d â€P" “H“ "M" ““1 "mm“ ’“m of gaining both." lug The-n wilh's tender cry. Philip The gir|.drcw away from him "You W 5"" "MU-'9: ‘0 h“ 0““‘"""'â€" l ‘nre unkind." she Inid. Thus minimum" thnt â€mu.- rift within in.- lute which E In a mmm sn gallery hangs i slowly widening. silences all" And ll ] which ("l'k‘l Mlnllnr llw i-mntiful did Widen “Infant t'upi-i" Axrrlllnl its number The art studies. under the best teal-n ul lllr l‘.IY"l-"_'Ilf l. Iritiml “ltvtlnni er to be found. had not exhausted Inst llama-u EI'IlllIi!‘ by his umllwr' Ami month's annuity then-fore Philippa dl‘ when Philippa .nii bu run-land num- clded to buy a plzlno Shi- tmd u l“.-d standing .iluwsl n-irrrili'y tar-ton- viv- her own sin-‘i- lmHill: llIIllII‘ and [3' 'i mnin- the [rug- "rod of lore“ lot-ï¬nl lnl had Ion-d lo 'll'if hi-r «in; l" " - bank at tin-tn lle. with his hut-tn lulu L24 :....- """ _' - -;;.;._ an): ,- - task _' hushtol worm . bun-ath- prunes†ifyoswsnl "guns w or II hue-m WI lthst‘thsmmm snhoftroohiowitl .i-ï¬ume“ lb" m till sspiondidcaso «intros-oil sonata-twill“ unitary-ad Ill! MI. authored» . .tnsgnst _ sottspoows hon-doses... 1|:de MM.†M.wh.“‘ manyhillsho paid-“w Reunion. mmmnhw . ._ IWpoIhswgoIngssmthn Mamm‘mmmd Dynamo-notw- more“: Philippa-anus. ks. cut in the (“It it is almost tattoo :1 least some child!!! to icall used in tho mak- rnr from edible. but in _ tho newspaper may ' a variety of gorill‘ have handled it of suns so. carry Into the. of the Inlay i this purpose. Richard set about rush â€I!!! cruel "1.1!! Kim!!! Iâ€. N i on by his blind 0! “Mt- ; ' mont. whih- l' ippa stood serially. :dl‘litllllll. IN‘ obtained I [within Ill "I'D“!!! 8h. MIN .0! I." o“ i [reliant waitlugfber never falling onâ€"i punwam'tl the advantage of "mm to couragcmi-rli. and her heart burn-d addition to t have picked from those from the dust while upon-d. The flap of ï¬n envelope. which h“ w "handy" a bit to un- for the teeth. may have tmflicd the lips of some or pron with tuber- . k A mH’lf‘llL F FLOWERS. the loving Comp Manor“ House. bots-ecu a homo and (hill flowers ut the abode of men. cultivated were no nsed' Tin-n l'hlliptï¬ closed the urine. “You nlfl\ inn“ them .0110 for ll '0 momlw.“ Illr said. When not bud-slid. i have had llrrppler cavaliers than the had gone Pinup†began In a methodi- t‘ll fashion to mrk her trunk "be-n that was it ulrnpllnht-d she not down to one with ton-i colon“. â€" New ROMANC 0 "Of all the wild things you have said The dint-fr!) I (‘fllllll 'erq illulltfll lllnxlnln per in II or. at bows-a. Tents were struck “an ItluflliL formed for localitiea cring. shiftleas. com- a woman trudged in and planted a vine or about the “hill were no Haven of nix ‘snd a new Denis wrra- D “'e “l'rl‘ l W forth-u lot mi from the thick shrub or flow called it home. It was a are his coarse-news. lug a Iii‘lJ iilt Inn: n pi and fnlgmnu- ()llly of lllflL And sin-v tb ï¬rst good dlly when a flow er and Itn’t’d has bis-ti Attach- trut. and n. of course. Man. in V" thought of stick» he Hlf'fll nrid nurtur Dt- might have colm ‘ Nil-r Ill his presence. could hare thought tit tl fill» wom the Woman pin , It into " uswrrll a fixl \ Illa-minim NIT") ml. lin- liltl may be but . "If ll‘lllll' been a I‘I'llll’f of the building may be do lduul rm-rnI-u-n of the lit-red to the four omc mnuiiln n fl:- y~and the blossoms ther in the mindâ€"â€" If ll‘l. srd fought to gain a foothold Ill bill â€We an- M . .001 to undontand ,0." l’râ€(“3-“’"“ 5â€"9 as b†might t" mmnrurrimthnftbeletter saidinpsrt. family .could barely earn the necessaries of u“ it w... â€u, "plan," duty at m, winds. into In lilt- DN' do not little or " (‘ollllill-Iis Dir-[II ii. illg life. .\rld its time panned he awokoE time to Inform ’0“ of the “â€0“". f.“_ painfully to the growing change in are of said â€u“ company. which f." l'lllllppa Where heretofore she had a un- occurnsi If!" tho second payment or Bird, i the “lid birds ill birds soon come to mine Ulla-d rup up English Will» his open window lllllt'h kill-.1 the six to his band and thin- ln'l Vl'r-s-rl f‘lis illlt'rr‘l tld used to hold til-- [did I» lllornlrlg the hill rlt ihl- tightly lllllilt r s thumb rll burl. til-.l’lvl r"‘""" u h“ ‘5 St. Johns Ave. w'iJiIr-r find tllnl know 0‘ cl) thorn “and of morning but til) the llll \\ bile l-rcnsit-d uni rilld would ll ll)!‘ but “it'll fl‘ Sulllrilliu-a my "will work it. got it lln: mu ri nir‘u' I. lulu“ Ilf lilo int tllllul:.l'l lllll tlgllil rind unlike lltlll ii in bi. lili-fht‘l. 'l in- lingvn 'l‘ln tlrll tllvllr rt‘llullllill'll'l. llll' nut pi. it“ had learned bis ’1‘! ' It Is it I'll - \\ immup in“ l. ninlnls lilo“ and the llllll n‘it'uhi’d lllu lug. without any hailinu-rl He knew. and son lll mic ni-nli l-(l’ [lull do“ its srd in Uur Dtlrtl 30L B. A, Ila-ile- llli- Ill llil' htllt‘h id‘- 67il blilill'l Marla Plunger" l fol ' poor guy do! n lie loot buy I were guy In rd of! ironic Hw- pn-dii Iit'll ihui binl roughabod as though he fcl Plunger feliUIi Nu doul) merit. and if his cause of his law to ba- called Ilr Plunger- “‘ouulrl n Home ipiomncy. I fully the en house today and all tlir lm. rind us be sinri unlhi blur with Ib- wlfr would land or) .be pour «Imp auto-i U bandit lbw! IL mlmtbetlcsllyw l'oot used his best )udg ifr turns on him be- ~s shi- Is not worthy - who was the it Ills mo â€" ‘ Murry for l $5.0m Cotton. him lint ly-«r â€Gilli!" man" * ' hold“ A Tro "You ll Mill-e [tire (Is rosi- mdored as its beginning 1 ' I t ' ~ l i b l . * . But l'llilippn‘a secret weighed heavily-i r-l lie. their, him has rec-n pay on on word in) (scope. (In trouble in till! " amid the â€NIHâ€. turn down all «on f the place “'brn-lrr Ii is. it! be an of ii nor-do himself is mun llial "if you'l I‘ll-In than“! tract: for the drill lives a right ‘llff‘I‘ It i any ml-lri' Your husband nan been ant-ridding him ‘ cumin-trill their W . "w" Laura] Avr [be business u but be â€~ Atlanta Constir llliull y ou~ .otrr Epolnted In your ï¬ns-r lAi-oriilg on I . .- Wit 0' “to poll: cnmrl In. and wagon lo arrive "“‘hsl friend of be Insulin; “1 am lit-ï¬ling the con â€" limit-ll a gambler by the was ting the patrol doing?" r who happens-d u ankrd the ..m am [in rty." ont't‘ltli n-pllm ‘vsomos. inks always come-s I‘llb his His H ‘ “How Is it ihsi' 06 first win†"Er Ilula-I walks of?" IM moment: no first and then l'lliln lphln lrdgl'r ' rrty rim per-rm ' i not" If lu-r gowns fhln rltlb"â€"fb â€Rbe's a very s "That no“ “ï¬lls por- "i“ 01hr? mil PM I'm- III! "I'll" “"Nl ovoan. h frlrr‘r- bath 0" use but half m- r \lllton (IVIL alarm AND County Surveyor oma 3mm» (1-1 Ins V“ w.fflcfl. lei†' Surveying and Engineering. Tyâ€- Phonr 897- \ -2 Will Krumbach Csrpeier ad Baa DENTIST Tel-phone J7. Lorenz Lung Barber Shop la W. Central Ave. Owl. N. ' Thonlre Highland P“ -. .a ____ma.4.._â€" DENTISTS Suite 4, .‘\ sndh, Nair Hank lild‘. rllcliurlo null FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING nun-aural WM VENCEL M UZIK IARII'JI snor Tm»! J. ESTEFFEN Fresh Butter, Eu; and Poultry 33l Inns-ids Anssr HIGHLAND PAIL IU. LADIES HATS let us bleach and reblock your PANAMA HAT lulu s new stylish shape at sboul one lossth the cost of s new MIC NATIONAL HAT BLEACHERY zeta-ii hhsfl's‘ifllm Every Tuesday YOU will always find a good *" It the Highland Pork The“ “Italic-dusts}! Chas. E. Russell Higlllmd I‘d DiR. WATSON; Highland not Childron's Heir Cutting a Specia‘i entrust-ll huh. lilghland m .WJE- ‘ . . -.._-â€"..â€".-‘ v-r owawzwr . . .. Haw..- . ’b‘u) ‘Bflvn «4‘1“ ‘, .1 a n v,._..--‘â€".a. ms- “â€4“...“ Lara .w i . '. ....~ out.†n'n. - .n-t «aw...» , Iva-“w . ~ “V2-4Aâ€"v)’. ardent-A rzvN‘_‘<~<~«l'-QI- I) as! r- 'râ€" â€"I a" urns. 'r-‘ï¬l...’ . . ‘ (we . n w..- Laktl†HA»-.. ; . a . 3i . 2, ’ i; :E V; l ;l r , 5‘ T3 ' _;-* '. *" i’ "E. i“: ME] 3.7 : a.“ “z 1:? i is it ‘4 , E 3. st ,2 l it all ’.'_ 3 '1- EE it, ‘. ‘9' t i, ’9‘ . l .’ a. . ,,.. Bi :3 . I. ,; .t'. .24 , . 9! Maw/u» .i éwrzwwï¬t