Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 27 May 1915, p. 6

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“le, ~ ,u. .......... . e .. ... .- u- . mum... ., . .a- a woflww I i i i E i E E E ""I‘*‘- t ~ "was. .it. . . . . ~ ‘ ‘ w ”a. l 1 .y m : manor: .m- r.~â€"...M-w in"... .4. WV“. , f . .. ”Mt...“ , «have...» a...» .., m"“{fԤ"”‘?'.’“ a. fishing h.-. anhshsdhsroatmy ‘bsn Mthstrwhleofm Macmwhenmdany n. ehavethenmfiary; materials and iadlitiss‘fot pm- dncingthobsst . ‘ cinemas. ever made. Only the bmtoi‘fruits. flour. flavoring:t can, butter. etc. isusedbyus. A trial ordd' will heenough toconvinceyou. ‘ ‘ Goary‘s Home Bakery 30W.ContsnlAs-o. Memorial Park Cemetery Harrison Street and Gross Point Road One-Half Mile West of Evanston .A beautiful. new, non-sectarian Park' Cemetery where choice family lots may . be purchased with perpetual care at . reasonable prices on liberal terms for . a limited time. Many families are surprised when death ' enters the home and this is a splendid opportunity to make preparation for the unforseen. Attend our Formal Opening June 12th and 13th. I; Central Cemetery Company 701-234 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, Illinois GENTLEMEN: Phone l Evonuon ass ( mo E Control . l 833! d t Without obligation to me kindly ‘ send catalogue descriptive of Memorial ‘ Park Cemetery. NAME ............ ADDRESS ......... k m DIDN’T GET A JOB. 3“ 3’" Sim-“5 “a" Lind“ ll 5' When a Mother's Lot Is On. or wm- Norvs Was a Recommendation. “I've seen u lot of cool ones in my time. but believe me I caught one the other day llzzll Iuld ‘elu all skinned for nerve." The speaker. ii detective ill one of be large downtown dcpilrtnioot Harem? was leaning ngninst thi- rull in :1 police court waiting for her case to be czllied “l sputletl i1 woman whose :ll'llt)“ didn‘t Just suit me. i trailed llt'l‘ for about ten minutes and their. presto. she gobbled on to :1 bar of tire con: soap. That wasn‘t hardly enough iii itself to hang a case on. so I kept my mouth shut and my eyes open as she made her way toward the elevator . When she‘ got into the cage 1 was right behind her. and I almost stepped on her skirt as she ‘traipsed' along the aisle toward the office. “Apparently. as if in search of work. i played with a slip as she told the boos her story, and. would you believe me. she was trying to get a job. She wanted to get a place in the soap do partment. saying that she had been 11‘ demonstrator for a large soap concern: that she was tired of the outdoor work, d‘onsdthobarofsoapshohad Just notes as evidence of the rat-r mu she was an experienced saleewoman. “l stood It as long as I could and then gave the superintendent the ‘hlgh sign' to ‘can‘ her. Can you beat that for newerâ€"Detroit Saturday Night. A Scoop. Reporter-Wre- a good piece of news here this morning. I found it persan who had been confined to one room his E entire life. Editor-Good! Send him 1 up. Who Is it? Reporterâ€"Why. a ' three-daysold baby down :it our house â€"Wisconsin State JournaL Not His Fault. Lady of Houseâ€"What caused you to; become a trump? [lagged Robertâ€"Tile? finally physician. mum. fie advhcd or. to take long Walks after my meals. an . I’ve been walking after 'em ever since . Judge of ii men by his questions rather than by his answers-Voltaire. The Only Chance. "Hurry. George- or we will be late to the picture show." “Oh. we don't want to get there be fore It starts." “Yes. we do. tooâ€"if we don't i can‘t see what the other women are Wear lng.”-Exchanga. Ps's Definition. L'enfant-Father. what is a “sepul chral" tone of voice? La Pereâ€"Thar means to speak gravely-Dartmouth Jack-o'-IAntern. A hopeless man Is deserted by him- self. and he who deserts himse‘l is soon deserted by his friends ' “l ‘~’ ~ 4 , .,. .z-zcrwz-ri- y... 2 «.2134: i‘lfi‘l on». ' It,._;J-..B_ were mum owe-m ................. r .............. ..- HER ABSENT BOY. ful, Weary Waiting. It‘s mighty hard to be a roothor of Minted. I muhl plm'o them with a new magazine and tnystify them with a circular or il business lettel‘. lltit if I untried to light tin-ill up litr- til they took the shadows out of the corners as they went out’l would gil'c them a letter from it son way of! some- where making good. Tile best of them didn‘t write any too often. Once a week is pretty regular. i suppose. from . angrily, "not to see the suffering inl . lilt'lllll‘tl'l! filt‘t‘ " ‘ Oldf‘l'd n“, forwarding of then Phfl‘kl SM” 1" ”"nwlmn‘" l worked I” the} i'l’l‘k suffering!" “MUM“ excislrrwd in the minds of the old solicitor from postotiii-o for it your once. braided out. Em-finiugmq.‘ mail‘ and I got to know just exactly" what most of the nlothonl ,ln town HIE llirlr ~ 600 2%? Philippa and Richard had been luau! "Add sweethearts for so long that no one "-I 500le 0' III-0. RM" maid remember when the “urn. M" faltorod. "inteodhg to pay lint cluluied them for his own. Whoa my own money]? liichnrd mu. still . buy in high school “Your money!"- no born out too- It n. Philippa who settled upon an ton-womanly m In your outsho- future urn-er as a lawyer. and. harm‘’ marriage dou mt make two poop“ i l i no father to old him In accomplishing ‘ M E lug plans for its fulfillment Armed only with his high school - t‘otllllry M Iloollt'ut'ller In a town which I l . E hill lady lun- .\ud as tllue Emu tin-f within rm How it hl- minute ‘ b0! managed with the aid of a friend : “You should not hare married mo.“ “it'll-rd critical utterly. “if you “be. . ly old solicitor. to begin a course of. ‘llight Iuw study. if Richard worked to Indulge \I-ur Italian." I hard for line's sake be was not alone :Iu the sacrifice. I'lilllppn. who was lyollng and tend to look upon, might I one Wllmu- Illiud bowed over iawbooks E liut shi- laughed her admirers niudc. Espendlng her own evenings drawing . lifelike ski-tulle:- of all the Chubby ba- E bies in the neighborhood And at last this night.“ -be wrote. “one In true- pen I liltm mil.- ‘the faithful ones came into their re 1 should your b‘ve married you I go wllrd»ltI«-li.lrd had successfully pans- i now to niouiy that mistake. As I wish to in- o-ilfln-Iy dependent In to. . turt- upon my legacy i will send you .ofllcc. boy." the pleased old barrister; from the t'll) rm address to which my z ed Ills final qxrlrninlltlons “You slit-ll have desk room In my promised ”Then '9'” '00 '1“! I00 annuity may be forwarded" are Ulllilo of' 1 Bo Philippa wok up her life in the And ill jmr this glorious time it won . old home “Ithra brave auurllpfhln of chi-crfulm-s- in order to hasten her “'itll uti lrn lost-d check came word that j now den-rum)". purpose sbe rented a small studio ill the lily to be in touch sketches Shi- had sent the drawing with the workers. and if the girl's eyes timer during to dream that the baby I ‘mw wistful an the [postman continued' 3 face. with It:- toothless smile. could to pan on his way her inner grief was . not betray-d to a sympathising family.‘ i the sulmtanllsl pr-rof, lllchard Was en Sn-ndily. fou-riQ'irly she worked. and st last a new “Fiery pmntcd Itself. . urnph. Without indication her annuity sod- "Wlll'. I'llII." he said. "you may lie denly cclowd payment Dismay-4. velop Ilito a great artist. Whoa we are E Philippa (build; that she had loot the married you shall have those art to- address of tb‘ trust company and derflll thing happened to Philippa a unrgnzillc had accepted one of her j win an editor's approval. yet here was thusiustic when she confided her trI “ sons." wrote to its lawyers demanding an ex But that hing looked for gull seemed planation. The response to her letter ' to fade farther itilo distance as llich came pnmiptly i < eagerly discussed with him plans for l of In"? annuity » 'ibcir future she now talked alone of l‘hilipps W‘th tho typewritten " \\ llllt‘ [ilt‘ lilllt‘ “Ollie Wbll‘ll Ill!" Wofih. ““llli ll fiuu" (“UM I"?! art. had pictured together was to her no ' DISH)?!“ of “I", savnd annuity." longer il con-red reality. but a [willie T‘bi-u “E“, had made the suct‘c-It‘r payments which had reached her through nil the iisst years? Since the “parting of their ways" Richard trad fiirllwny drciltn L "You are selfish." her sister told herE whom be h lstcd desk morn I'n-arhii’ She Jillllt'il the family group a few" mum”, Mimi-«lull “H ‘2‘” "0”. days Liti-r waving above her head a mum”; “in, n n" and ”you. “n". bulky tlII'lll‘rt'lll “Listen to this!" she t‘lh. |f lrl upm- of it...” blind min 9'19“» ”~"l’ll l'llllll'l‘fl lllll n'u't‘llll'fl" understanding, It might be tlillt “ill! me in her n‘lil. after all She has left ‘ lrd "in ("n-d: A "mm...” .1“. .m“ an nobility of sit-U in month. to be paid 1 my]... .‘,n,m..n.¢ Lht'n 'n," the soilci me its long Hi I Il\e " Etnr’n nutm- llt'r lllilllll‘r leaned forward excited "“1” .‘“” ' .m. briefly Mltlfiffil. ly "Uh. she said. “now you run! “ll-e ”kindly forunnl my snnulu n- 1"" drawing lessons as you have I'WUIE usual? It lin- tic-m long ou-niue " wishfli lo d0” 3 l‘hiiippa‘s family wondered that I'hlllppa smiled "First of all," she. honing u, H". ‘x‘ret sounv of Irr‘ the other end. but 3“)“ ”“0”"! m ”w said. “I intend to marry Dickie." .- good spirits Whui she was alone sm- mother begin to come in hungry again the second day after her letter came. And when a boy came home success- ful and prosperous and his proud "He won't Illrio your money." her sin-E and quickly we Md ““1"“ "1,1, to ter warned her "Dick will wish to. her Inquiry l'urily he Informed .“ '“l’l‘f'” his 0“.” “1"". j “that the annuity would no doubt in lllllllllld nodded understandingiy "l “um,“ u, ‘bf. u" ”mum, .“ mother toned him down .\inln street it‘ know." “I“, agreed. “and that is '1” In“! lblo m I. about At l m used to go to my heart to see the wist- ful looks of the woman friends. There is hardly a family in Home burg of the right age which hasn't a grownup son of! at war somewhere- fighting failure. It's grand when they will. but I hate to think of some boys who haven't come bacL-Qoorm Fitch ,‘h Man Magazine Tho Elgin Marti“. The adventures of tho Blgin marbles. row iii the British museum. began in Hill}. when they were wrecked at (Ieri- go on their way from Greece to Eng- land. It took the divers three years E and a vast sum of money to fish up the ‘l'artbenou relics. it is believed that Lord i-Jlgin spent over £74,011) in pro- curing these priceless fragments left by l TUrkish vandals, who would probably have made an end of even these had the earl not rescued them in time. The house of commons \‘otul [Ilium for " their purchase. so that the enterprising peer lost heavily Ill cash and suffered from it public agitation against his nl~ . legcd "vandalism. nrptlcity rind dishon- esty." its \"t'll as from l'lyron'll “Curso- ‘ of )lirrervnfwLondon t'hroniele. Just Like Eve's Apple. A fruit supposed to bear the mark of Eve's teeth is one of the runny botan- lctli curiwlties of I'eylou. The tree on which it grows in known by the signifiâ€" czint name of "tln- i'orbidilvn fruit." or “Eve's apple tree." The blossom has a very pleasant scent. but the really remarkable feature of the tree. the one to which It owes its name, is the fruit. . it is beautiful rind hangs from the tree in a peculiar manner. (image- on the outside and deep crimson within. each , , il‘llit has the rippenrnnre of having had . | l pin-cc bilh-li out of it. This flit‘f, to :l-iln-r- nilh its poisonous quality. led lllt' \iiilldrilllli-duns to represent it as lllt' forbidden fruit of the garden of l-Lib-n and to \\'ilt‘ll lllt‘ll ligzilnst Its not loin phlllt'i'flt‘t“ The mark upon the 'ruit is attributed to the. I 4-... . i ~..,.,.,.,.H.-,...~M«~a.. .-. -.. K»-.. n . H... he must k””" nothing 0' "I“ “W" Mr. Harmon was too III to be tmublod until we are married." 1 with Hum” affairs" When s‘lc «nine to her lover. freely Dickie ill' l'blllmu's “‘1" hearted . offering to share his humble lot. ltlch m.“ vanished as sh. I‘lllifl‘d “”0 hfr' ard could scarcely believe his own good, mat. gm. mu“ ‘0 .I once u, h”, fortune "Y”u “'“I “I“? to ("9 “PE news of him Ilmlutrly she kept Mr much for my sake. dear love." he said I film from that 0'." desk with "I Ira "it will ln- for rum lake." l‘hllllvr»I ' cant chair a. .lie entemi Illr old soik‘ answerul eloquently Some things are; Itor's par-enm- ile mm“, h" um rare and beautiful beyond the power Iy as be “0‘“: in greeting of description Such was the )0)" of "l'wlsn l“ I“ a few questions." said Philippa ilrld llichard it was unppi Philippe dIrs-vliy .1“. roll snslor til-as to all In the shaded larnpllght of‘ tbom?“ ' el‘ening building air castles for I ha ‘ .1 will" N "no": in an uit ll be trust corn in upon her (muscle-rice. rind on one of" y n ’ I w. t ‘ ’ those oci-ssb-tni she made full confco ‘, failed long “my. ’ ,, "It may be a t ch of confidence. .dltifL her cheok pressed close agrrinstfi _, her husband's hair He was silent for} m? ”(7‘2" “I". "‘1' :m [‘1‘ ram so long that she bent to look Into hill; on I I" U“ ’"u ' "u ‘ "0' flice. and Its expression of sodas-Kai I shocked her "\\'ll.l‘. “HRH-i" she exclaimed. "DU? self in order in lorrotly continue lbs-so paymmts that you might not be dimp you care so much about the money?” E . lllchurd h'llthvroq] his “"9 in th ceasingly withouo hope of happlnr. is Ilrrns "Your husband Is a ”lush: I quick "‘1“ "’ln’r'm" pnutrstiou brute. dear," he said contritcly. “and ' Th?! ""1 h" Ml." ”0' fl i run nfrrlid roll will not understand ’ llllllltlfl mm", m" ”N In h” hands why this should hurt so much. it 'Is "I I “"“' K" '0 “WV Ill" “"1 u" .1 wonderful thing. you see. to believe heart “M“MM “d“run’ " "w "mm "In! 5...” lllld "“0“", [”0 till] m. the Hill? \Pv-lllr.ll‘ and r‘llilllml ll)" above i-u-rtthlri: else In the woridr ‘ "” "‘“""“"‘”‘l “Mm u'm'm" 'h' eH-n that you new willing to sacrifici- ‘4‘“, ""‘" "“‘ mailed ””‘Ml‘ for (113' “hr your below-d art." "CE "‘Vh“ 1" Iho-h-Y' “"“t‘l " 4""! h laughed short!) “Rather it shock toi milhn "mm" ambiticbard "m“ "" h” For a rilcmnli his eyes nearvb rind that you agreed to marry meonly- l WW” . only. i'hllippn when you were mrtnln E ‘d ”P" “H“ "M" ““1 "mm“ ’“m of gaining both." lug The-n wilh's tender cry. Philip The gir|.drcw away from him "You W 5"" "MU-'9: ‘0 h“ 0““‘"""'”" l ‘nre unkind." she Inid. Thus minimum" thnt ”mu.- rift within in.- lute which E In a mmm sn gallery hangs i slowly widening. silences all" And ll ] which ("l'k‘l Mlnllnr llw i-mntiful did Widen “Infant t'upi-i" Axrrlllnl its number The art studies. under the best teal-n ul lllr l‘.IY"l-"_'Ilf l. Iritiml “ltvtlnni er to be found. had not exhausted Inst llama-u EI'IlllIi!‘ by his umllwr' Ami month's annuity then-fore Philippa dl‘ when Philippa .nii bu run-land num- clded to buy a plzlno Shi- tmd u l“.-d standing .iluwsl n-irrrili'y tar-ton- viv- her own sin-‘i- lmHill: llIIllII‘ and [3' 'i mnin- the [rug- "rod of lore“ lot-finl lnl had Ion-d lo 'll'if hi-r «in; l" " - bank at tin-tn lle. with his hut-tn lulu L24 :....- """ _' - -;;.;._ an): ,- - task _' hushtol worm . bun-ath- prunes” ifyoswsnl "guns w or II hue-m WI lthst‘thsmmm snhoftroohiowitl .i-fiume“ lb" m till sspiondidcaso «intros-oil sonata-twill“ unitary-ad Ill! MI. authored» . .tnsgnst _ sottspoows hon-doses... 1|:de MM.” M.wh.“‘ manyhillsho paid-“w Reunion. mmmnhw . ._ IWpoIhswgoIngssmthn Mamm‘mmmd Dynamo-notw- more“: Philippa-anus. ks. cut in the (“It it is almost tattoo :1 least some child!!! to icall used in tho mak- rnr from edible. but in _ tho newspaper may ' a variety of gorill‘ have handled it of suns so. carry Into the. of the Inlay i this purpose. Richard set about rush ”I!!! cruel "1.1!! Kim!!! I”. N i on by his blind 0! “Mt- ; ' mont. whih- l' ippa stood serially. :dl‘litllllll. IN‘ obtained I [within Ill "I'D“!!! 8h. MIN .0! I." o“ i [reliant waitlugfber never falling onâ€"i punwam'tl the advantage of "mm to couragcmi-rli. and her heart burn-d addition to t have picked from those from the dust while upon-d. The flap of fin envelope. which h“ w "handy" a bit to un- for the teeth. may have tmflicd the lips of some or pron with tuber- . k A mH’lf‘llL F FLOWERS. the loving Comp Manor“ House. bots-ecu a homo and (hill flowers ut the abode of men. cultivated were no nsed' Tin-n l'hlliptfi closed the urine. “You nlfl\ inn“ them .0110 for ll '0 momlw.“ Illr said. When not bud-slid. i have had llrrppler cavaliers than the had gone Pinup” began In a methodi- t‘ll fashion to mrk her trunk "be-n that was it ulrnpllnht-d she not down to one with ton-i colon“. â€" New ROMANC 0 "Of all the wild things you have said The dint-fr!) I (‘fllllll 'erq illulltfll lllnxlnln per in II or. at bows-a. Tents were struck “an ItluflliL formed for localitiea cring. shiftleas. com- a woman trudged in and planted a vine or about the “hill were no Haven of nix ‘snd a new Denis wrra- D “'e “l'rl‘ l W forth-u lot mi from the thick shrub or flow called it home. It was a are his coarse-news. lug a Iii‘lJ iilt Inn: n pi and fnlgmnu- ()llly of lllflL And sin-v tb first good dlly when a flow er and Itn’t’d has bis-ti Attach- trut. and n. of course. Man. in V" thought of stick» he Hlf'fll nrid nurtur Dt- might have colm ‘ Nil-r Ill his presence. could hare thought tit tl fill» wom the Woman pin , It into " uswrrll a fixl \ Illa-minim NIT") ml. lin- liltl may be but . "If ll‘lllll' been a I‘I'llll’f of the building may be do lduul rm-rnI-u-n of the lit-red to the four omc mnuiiln n fl:- y~and the blossoms ther in the mindâ€"â€" If ll‘l. srd fought to gain a foothold Ill bill ”We an- M . .001 to undontand ,0." l’r”(“3-“’"“ 5”"9 as b” might t" mmnrurrimthnftbeletter saidinpsrt. family .could barely earn the necessaries of u“ it w... ”u, "plan," duty at m, winds. into In lilt- DN' do not little or " (‘ollllill-Iis Dir-[II ii. illg life. .\rld its time panned he awokoE time to Inform ’0“ of the “”0“". f.“_ painfully to the growing change in are of said ”u“ company. which f." l'lllllppa Where heretofore she had a un- occurnsi If!" tho second payment or Bird, i the “lid birds ill birds soon come to mine Ulla-d rup up English Will» his open window lllllt'h kill-.1 the six to his band and thin- ln'l Vl'r-s-rl f‘lis illlt'rr‘l tld used to hold til-- [did I» lllornlrlg the hill rlt ihl- tightly lllllilt r s thumb rll burl. til-.l’lvl r"‘""" u h“ ‘5 St. Johns Ave. w'iJiIr-r find tllnl know 0‘ cl) thorn “and of morning but til) the llll \\ bile l-rcnsit-d uni rilld would ll ll)!‘ but “it'll fl‘ Sulllrilliu-a my "will work it. got it lln: mu ri nir‘u' I. lulu“ Ilf lilo int tllllul:.l'l lllll tlgllil rind unlike lltlll ii in bi. lili-fht‘l. 'l in- lingvn 'l‘ln tlrll tllvllr rt‘llullllill'll'l. llll' nut pi. it“ had learned bis ’1‘! ' It Is it I'll - \\ immup in“ l. ninlnls lilo“ and the llllll n‘it'uhi’d lllu lug. without any hailinu-rl He knew. and son lll mic ni-nli l-(l’ [lull do“ its srd in Uur Dtlrtl 30L B. A, Ila-ile- llli- Ill llil' htllt‘h id‘- 67il blilill'l Marla Plunger" l fol ' poor guy do! n lie loot buy I were guy In rd of! ironic Hw- pn-dii Iit'll ihui binl roughabod as though he fcl Plunger feliUIi Nu doul) merit. and if his cause of his law to ba- called Ilr Plunger- “‘ouulrl n Home ipiomncy. I fully the en house today and all tlir lm. rind us be sinri unlhi blur with Ib- wlfr would land or) .be pour «Imp auto-i U bandit lbw! IL mlmtbetlcsllyw l'oot used his best )udg ifr turns on him be- ~s shi- Is not worthy - who was the it Ills mo â€" ‘ Murry for l $5.0m Cotton. him lint ly-«r ”Gilli!" man" * ' hold“ A Tro "You ll Mill-e [tire (Is rosi- mdored as its beginning 1 ' I t ' ~ l i b l . * . But l'llilippn‘a secret weighed heavily-i r-l lie. their, him has rec-n pay on on word in) (scope. (In trouble in till! " amid the ”NIH”. turn down all «on f the place “'brn-lrr Ii is. it! be an of ii nor-do himself is mun llial "if you'l I‘ll-In than“! tract: for the drill lives a right ‘llff‘I‘ It i any ml-lri' Your husband nan been ant-ridding him ‘ cumin-trill their W . "w" Laura] Avr [be business u but be ”~ Atlanta Constir llliull y ou~ .otrr Epolnted In your fins-r lAi-oriilg on I . .- Wit 0' “to poll: cnmrl In. and wagon lo arrive "“‘hsl friend of be Insulin; “1 am lit-filing the con â€" limit-ll a gambler by the was ting the patrol doing?" r who happens-d u ankrd the ..m am [in rty." ont't‘ltli n-pllm ‘vsomos. inks always come-s I‘llb his His H ‘ “How Is it ihsi' 06 first win” "Er Ilula-I walks of?" IM moment: no first and then l'lliln lphln lrdgl'r ' rrty rim per-rm ' i not" If lu-r gowns fhln rltlb"â€"fb ”Rbe's a very s "That no“ “fills por- "i“ 01hr? mil PM I'm- III! "I'll" “"Nl ovoan. h frlrr‘r- bath 0" use but half m- r \lllton (IVIL alarm AND County Surveyor oma 3mm» (1-1 Ins V“ w.fflcfl. lei” ' Surveying and Engineering. Ty”- Phonr 897- \ -2 Will Krumbach Csrpeier ad Baa DENTIST Tel-phone J7. Lorenz Lung Barber Shop la W. Central Ave. Owl. N. ' Thonlre Highland P“ -. .a ____ma.4.._â€" DENTISTS Suite 4, .‘\ sndh, Nair Hank lild‘. rllcliurlo null FRED SCHAEFER PLUMBING nun-aural WM VENCEL M UZIK IARII'JI snor Tm»! J. ESTEFFEN Fresh Butter, Eu; and Poultry 33l Inns-ids Anssr HIGHLAND PAIL IU. LADIES HATS let us bleach and reblock your PANAMA HAT lulu s new stylish shape at sboul one lossth the cost of s new MIC NATIONAL HAT BLEACHERY zeta-ii hhsfl's‘ifllm Every Tuesday YOU will always find a good *" It the Highland Pork The“ “Italic-dusts}! Chas. E. Russell Higlllmd I‘d DiR. WATSON; Highland not Childron's Heir Cutting a Specia‘i entrust-ll huh. lilghland m .WJE- ‘ . . -.._-â€"..â€".-‘ v-r owawzwr . . .. Haw..- . ’b‘u) ‘Bflvn «4‘1“ ‘, .1 a n v,._..--‘â€".a. ms- “”4“...“ Lara .w i . '. ....~ out.” n'n. - .n-t «aw...» , Iva-“w . ~ “V2-4Aâ€"v)’. ardent-A rzvN‘_‘<~<~«l'-QI- I) as! r- 'râ€" â€"I a" urns. 'r-‘fil...’ . . ‘ (we . n w..- Laktl” HA»-.. ; . a . 3i . 2, ’ i; :E V; l ;l r , 5‘ T3 ' _;-* '. *" i’ "E. i“: ME] 3.7 : a.“ “z 1:? i is it ‘4 , E 3. st ,2 l it all ’.'_ 3 '1- EE it, ‘. ‘9' t i, ’9‘ . l .’ a. . ,,.. Bi :3 . I. ,; .t'. .24 , . 9! Maw/u» .i éwrzwwfit

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