Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Jun 1915, p. 3

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fighters pany fiany fidnitv ,fter Ave. ,vings i4 Sch. 1312 Heywoflh W 39 E. Madison St. - Ch: We than have for saie Diamond- nt reasonable prices Ind old Silver piece. to good to men. Some umqucs and Ipecul pieces. Tel. Lake Forést 3t Tm» Miss Alma Salo Swedinh Mung. 207 E. Central Ave. filo-n9 to 12 (m What THOMAS DOUGLAS Veterinary Surgeon Special attention given Dogs and Cats (Assistant State Veterinarian) Tel. 1158 A spcmally desmned rake for catching and cumng off heads of dandebon blossoms. Prevent n1 their «prradmg and disfigunnx lhc lawn 1 [5 also a supenor all purpose hwn rake. a: n cleans up the smallest {MR8 and Ieaxes without Chilling 33 doe! an ordma": rake. and never injures sod‘ 1 ERANK BPYDEN_u C0. Selected Squab Bream Also Bnby Chick BENNFIELD FARM Hue] And Woodworth Ave. Doerfiold. [flinch D. McNeil Licensed Sewer and Water Contractor Cement Side-Walks etc. Res. 213 McDaniels Ave. Highland Park Erwin Dandelion Rake 203 W. Central Anne | ‘We make Handwrough! Sterling § Silver Fine JewelrymDeIngninz. , Engraving-~-Repairing-"Diamond Setting. A. J. Fadon WE BUY OLD SILVER. cow, DIAIONDS Highland Park Greenliouses .,.,. 0 § - fl “'3."'\‘.": Jv Highland Park 27 , .. Foliage plants, porch and window boxes. hanging baskets and trailing vines add ‘ ’ a wealth of color and charm to the exterior of your home. T e out-of-dmrs ' .. treatment of your home reflects most delightfully your artistic tine and skill in plant arrangement. (L We have an unusual variety of blooming foliage plants and shrubs for your selection: Geraniums, Cannas, Scarlet Sage, Begonnias an Vinca Vines. At all times our ideas and experience are at your service, either in l ilping you in choosing or in taking entire charge of your landscape planting. Call or telephone, we are always pleased to be of assistance to you an give you the benefit of our suggestions. < ”A- Chic-(o GEORGE E. Pmulrs ; Solicitor for Complainant. 12113-14 pd u: sun-e \VVV.V- , (25) and the east one hundred and fifty (150) feet of the west six hundred fifty and fifty-hundredth: (650.50: feet of the south one hundred and eighty (180) feet of block twenty-five) (25). h' in E. Ashley Mears' Plat of Highw both being a subdivision of the North (N. g) of the Northeast quarter (N. E. f) 0! Section fifteen (15). Town forty-three (43) North. Range twelve (12)' east of the Third Principal Meridian. .L:_ Ml. Public notice is hereby given that by virtue‘of an order and decree entered in the above entitled cause. in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois. at the March term A. D. 1915, on the 17th day of April. A. D. 1915. the undersigned Master in Chancery. of the Circuit Court of Lake County. Illinois. will sell at public vendue to the highest and best bidder for cash on Thursday. the 17th day of June, A. D. 1915. at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of said day at the front door of the court house in the City of Waukegan. County of Lake and State of Illinois. the following dee- cribed premises. situated in the County of Lake and State of Illinois. as follows. to-wit: - I I l l IA.A L.,- W‘IZ'he west five hundred and fitty-hun- dredths (500.50) feet 9! bl9ckltwentv-five .4 A c1... lllL . u..- . Dated at Wihiegan Illinoia. this day of May. A. D. 1915 r--. . ...\ I UM" In the Circuit Court of Lake County March Term A D 1915 Highland Pnrk State Bank. 9!. al. . In China” JamesM. Reilly. at .I QC“ N0 6053 STATE OF ILLINOIS { COUNTY or LAKE \ The Lyric Male Chorus will be in Deer- field again Saturday evening une 5th. It promises to be even better th n before because of its four new members. It is of interest to learn that the violinist recently played at the auditorium and received great praise He will be with the chorus The Parent-Teacher Assocmtion held its annual meeting Friday afternoon in the School Assembly Hall. Miss Anna Allen of Chicago a well known kinder- gartner was present and spoke on "The Value of the Kindergarten for the child ren" to an appreciative audience. The following officers were elected. Mrs. Richard Supple, Pres; Mr!» 1-. A. Reichelt. Vice Pres; Mrs. John Stryker, See; and Mrs. Clay Jarvis, Treas. Follqwmg the meeting a most interesting exhibit of school work creditable to both teachers and pupils was Viewed by the parents. The industrial exhibit beingan invocation was especially attractive. The best papers and work of each department are to he on exhibition at the Lake County Fair. The sewing will be judged byacnmmittee from members of the Parent Teachers Association. Regret was freely expressed that the inclemency of the weather pre- vented many parents being present to see the work of their children. ' Messrs Alvin Knaak and Alex Willman attended the automobile races at lndmn- apolis Monday. Mrs.10hn A. Rachel! is on the sick list. Additional Deerfield Makes for Beautiful Homks Manor's Sula EDWARD J. Hmrbncxn. Master in Chancety That the salary or the foreman o! sewer and .valcr mains be and the arm is hereby find a: the sum of one thou: and dollars \SI,(I)0.00) per annum. That the salary of lhr assusunt (o the City clerk be and the sam' us hereby That the nllry o! the water works en- ginéer be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum 0! one thousand. two hun- dred dollars (SLZWW) per nnnum. That the salary of each at the police officers (except such poln‘rmen as are appountcd {or specul duty and tor 1 limited term less than a year, be Ind it is hereby fixed a! the sum at [UM hun- dred dollars ($900.00) per nnnum. That the salary of the ”shunt en- gineer at the watnr work: be and u is hereby fixed a the sum 0! mne hun- dred dollars [Milt] per annum. wirhavtflthe 'Saiaty 6f. the foreman 0! public work be and the same 18 hereby fixed a: the sum 0! one thuusand dolhn (Sl (11100) per annum ,1 That the: salary 01 (hr nxy marshal be and the same is hereby turd a! the sum of one thousand dullars (311)0000} per annpm‘ That the salary 0! the (m- collector be and the same I: huehy mad at the sum of one thousand eighty dollarl 151.0800!» prr annum. That the salary of the City treasurer be and the same is hereby fixed at the sum of six hundred dollars ($600.00) per annum. That the salary of the Curponnon counal be and the same I: hereby fixed atthe sum 0! filteen hundred dollua ($1,500.00) 0 :r annum. per annum. That the salary of each of the com- missioners be and it I: hereby find It the sum of one hundred douars (3103(1)) per annum That the salary of the City Clerk be and the same rs hereby fixed at the mm ofcnghtcen hundred dollars (SLKXJUH per annum. Be It ordained by (he (‘uunrll ()1 {he Clly of nghland Park. Section 1 That thc diaries of the followmg mty olfiverw and rmplnyccs for the fizu‘nl year h-gmmnx May lat. 1915. and ending April IWlh, 1916. be fixed 4! such sum as 13 pxmuicd for by this ordinance for such officer or rm» ployee. (or the discharge 4»! the duties or such office .I: required under the law: 0! the Stale cf Illmms. and (he urdnnancn of the City of Highland Park during the term of his office or employment. and that such otficcr or employee shall r0 ccive no further compensanon (rum the City M Highland Park {or the dunes of such office dunna the term thereof. Thzt the ul-ry of the Mayor be and the same Is hereby fixed a! the sum (:1 two hundred and finy dullan (8250(1)) THEHIGHIANDPARKPRESSHIGEMNDPAR‘W Ordinance fixing the Sdnry of Ci” Officer. And Connn Employee. of the City of Highland Park. III. Season 5 That all or'finaniae or put: olordmancu m mom with this or ' din-nu- are Dtrrhy rcpt-N Lny Uuk Pnsnd Mn 23:5 A I) 1915. Approved. May 230:. A D‘ l 13 Section 4. Thu mdm‘nce u decltnd to be urgent and necessary lor the 1mm.- dme preservation 0! (M nublx heath and ulcty and shall take gnu?! Ind be In lure: (tom and aim nu m. Am That the salary 1»! lb: Clh’ collector shall be pmd from 1 fund lo be created Ind cumpoocd ol 2% olIDSW-nl Aunt menu and Specul (axe. collcctcd dunn. each {meal year. prondcd ”at m the oven! uuch commission not 5km; Wat. that such dcfincncy dull be pad (roan the um tund. A That the ulary 0! (he {nu-man 0! public work shall be plld from (he sure! and they fund That thc salary u! the karma!) 0! new" and watt-r mam. Ihl“ be pand from the water and sew. tundu That the “Jury 0! 1h. Engineer II (he Wner Works. Fm! and Second Aunt! an! Engineer: II lhe Wller Worlu. (ny Fireman m chug: of (N fire Hutton dur- mg the day time. only fitemnn m charge at the fin- summ dunn‘ [ht mghx mm, nre manhal.aupum On- manhnl and voludlrfl firemen lhl“ be pmd hum lhc water fund. Setuun 3 That (he sat-n n! Mnym. L'omnn-Iuncm City drtk kulpvrlhm Conny-l, (My Tye-nun auulunl (u QtyL'INLSlcnoguphfl. Luv Mnnhnl‘ and (he (I!) Puhumcn man be paid from the ulnry u! (Mum- Fund {serum} pvt annum That the ulnv of the fire manhul. M5141!“ fin- mlnhnl Ind htcmen he and it ll herrbv fixed I! the sum 0! one dollar [SIN] (or {he hm hour 0! a!» (rndlm'r ll cash hr‘ and Mty ccnu [$050] pet hour 1)! xtual un-u’r ren- demd lot cxh hour ”mum: Serum 2 Thu the “lane: pmndcd for In 51(le ()m- o! (In ordm-nte shall be due ind paynblc In murmomhly mr nullmems on the fun .nd hlxecmh day 0! each month to! tho pruu-cdmg in“ month 0! their sen-Kc during the term of [but ufi‘lcr Tbal Lhc uluy 0! ll:- uly hrvn m In (harp- o! the hr: sulum (during the day) be and the um i hen-by turd at the Inn) (1! wrca hmdxed Ind eighty dollan ($73000: pt! mnum That the salary 01 (be (My women m chargrul the fur “than (dunng the mum} be and the am ll hncb, turd a! the sum of $11 hundred doll-n (seam-:1 pvt annum That [hr Mlury 0! lb: urn-graph“ In! the CH\ clrrk's ufiu‘r b. Ind the an: In: hetcbv turd M [he nut n! nu hundred] and shay dull-n [yawn pt! aunum I fixed a! the sum u! up” hundtrd and forty (Milan [WUU'] ’rr .‘mnum E A. Warren S. M Hastings. M-yot Long 17-19 W. North eAuto Transportation Co. "05.. Aged: [a "SSH. MRS T 550 W Park SAMlEL LEVIN, the Jeweler ()ur Trm go to Chicago every day and 1! nm huu any hou )ld goods, gumg 1n wr can gn'c ;: ”awn able mic n movmg them {,5 Ridgewood Farm Dairy ,Pastmized Milk and Cream REPAIRING Distance Moving v Auto Truck 120 E. Central Avenue ’ur Spring Display of all makes of Talking Machines as well as Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. of Shoes for Men. Women and children Funk Rectenwnld Ill L Court! Avon. Highland Putlll'n-is V!

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