Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Jun 1915, p. 1

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:er e on the your mm: :tment r this »iping >plied f you ’orut 216 .vings :old-- Work want u 4 litâ€"and Way all IS Unmismkable and irrefutable proof; is to be found on exery hand of the} power of spiritual truth to destroy; human error. hy earnest seeker; may with comparatively little effort learn that through Christian Science his fellow men have been thoroughly and permanently healed of chronic and: acute dismm by spiritual means with-' out the Luv of mzkterial remedies. Hef Will learn :1; the result of investigl" tion that these cases of healing by‘ scientific. mental treatment include many tiiwhe: ordinarily considered‘ incurab' He will find that those, numbered imong the beneficiaries ofI Christian Science have been healed ! nntinued 01 Page 6) I Promises and Their Fulfilment Those who have become acquainted with Christian Sciepce in its applica- tion to human needs are able to as- sure the inquirer that it does all of this, and more. Unnumbered thou- M are bearing grateful witness to the fact that they have felt the bene- ficient touch of Christian Science in their lives and because of it they are being redeemed from the ills to which flu]: is heir. Weekly in the Wednes- d” evening meetings of Christian Sci- em churches. testimony is being giv- en to the healing and redemptive pow- er 01' Christian Science. Week after week. month after month, and year lfter year, a never ending, uninter- rupted stream of Feliable evidence of the healing power of truth is going out to the world through the Christian Science periodicals. In these ways, and in other wayS, the sufiering, the sinning and the sorrowing are coming to know that there is “balm in Gi- sin?" “Will it give surcease to my sorrow, and lift from me the burden of are?" “Can it break for me the spell of poverty, limitation, and fear?" “Is it able to say to the seething waves of mortal tumult, “Be still‘?" Upon first hearing of Christian Science one will quite naturally in- quire: “What does it. promise to do {or me?" “Does it promise to heal me of disease, and to save me from I take pleasure in presenting to you Mr. George Shaw Cook, C. S. B. of Chicago. We an privileged tonight to have with us a member of the official Board of Lectureship, one who after many years of faithful study and practice of Christian Science comes well quali- fied to address you,â€"his subject be- ing, “God is Good." In our own midst the interest in the subject is growing to such an extent that this church at its last Semi-An- nual business meeting in January in- structed its Board of Directors to provide {or six lectures to be given during the year in place of two each year as formerly. year by year Mary Baker Eddx the Discoverer md Founder. knowing full well that the world needs Christian Science and with the desire to correct misconcep- tions and misrepresentations of its teachings, instituted in 1898 a Board of Lecture<hip known as The Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Cllrhl. Scientist in Boston. Massachusetts. Since then thousands of authorized lectures on Christian Science have been given throughout the civilized world. with the result that. today the public is much better in formed and there is far less criticism and condemnation of its washings. and the interest in. and the For many years past no subject has demanded greater attention than has Christian Science; it has been dis- cussed pm and con and while hundreds of thousands of people have found renewed life and health. joy and peace fu- beyond their greatest expecta- tions; many other thousands failing to recognize it as the Truth which Jesus nught and practiced and believing it to be what it is not, condemned it, leading to much misapprehension in the public mind as to what Christian Science really is. g Friends:â€"â€"Un behalf of this church I tender you a most cordial Welcome. For many years past no subject has demanded greater attention than has Fridl! Evening June 4th in the Church 1 Will Open Tuooday Jun. 15th. Bad! Wee. Speaker Introduced by Fink ‘ Homo HIV. Boon Enlarged. Drink- ReAder Robert P. Walker. I in; Fountain bu Boon In- L‘r‘e Attendnnce dulled on Beach cm BY MR. GEORGE 5m coopmnx IcDERIAND mum; usm SYNOPSIS 0F LECTURE 0N CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Number 15 of the Cause is increasing T be H ig’blanh Park Press E I l .............. :1 :‘L: """" m.- Fin can; III-mute. wan, ! Pnefic. of Dayan-oat :nw‘m :2”: '1' Ab". d" In”; Do not be alarmed it you hear the fire 7'“ .m-I truck tearing down the tree“ on Thun- The Presbyterian Sunday school is to day evenings. It is tractice night. The praisent an interesting program on Child-' new chief. [- E. Farmer has inaugurated ren' 5 Day. June 13 the church and Sun- . a weeklv practise {or the department fday School uniting in the one service at l which WI” include timing themulvee an ‘eleven o'clock. fmaktng runs. stringing hose, putting up The thought of the program is along ; latters. etc. Drilling u an mnlill mat- ‘ the line of Spiritual Heroism or the child- iter with any tire company and vehicle ‘ ren's Message to the Nations. [driven are asked to keep to the right Flags of all nations will be carriedlwhen they hear the firetruck approach- Flags of all nanons will bc carried ~,among the Peace flags Come 1nd with ;the young people take a hopeful look iahead. The local chapter of the D. A. R. ex- . tends a very cordial invitation to the pub- 'lic to join them In their celebration of Flag Day, Monday afternoon June four- i teenth. at two-thirty o‘clock at the Trinity ‘ Parish House. The program which is certainly very attractive is to be as fol- lows: singing of "America", in which the audience will join. lead by Mesdames W, A. Alexander and C. G. Alexander. with Mr. S. A Dietch at the piano; prayer by the chaplain ot the chapter, Rev, l’. C. > Wolcott; singing of “Marching Through Georgia"; address of welcome by retiring ‘regent. Mrs Gordon Buchanan: singing of “Dixie". The paper of the day, on the subject, "Notes on the early history of ‘ Highland Park and Vicinity", is to be read by Mrs. Sewall Truax, followed by ‘singing of "Star Spangled Banner" and serving of refreshments. An informal reception at which it is desired to hear “ all old settlers reminisce will follow. Ex- ;cellent exhibits of all kinds of objects re- lative to early traditions of Highland Park 1 i will be shown in showcases. All informa- ition regarding pioneer life in our city, iand the loan of obiects of interest of: i early Highland Park history be welcome 1' ‘by Mrs. Sewall Truax. This is to be the: last meeting of the year. i Next Sunday. June 13th. our boy: will play their old rivals “The Pirates" Both Highland Park teams last year suffered defeat at their hands and now we are 30 ing out for revenge. a fiend, runs basesa Ia Cobb and can field his position with the best of them. A different catcher will be in there for our boys Sunday as Meyers seemed to lack experience. By “Refill-r Fan" The Regulars defeated the Ratsch Peerless team on Sunday with a score of 8 to 3. The game was well played by both teams with the exception of one or two miscues on each side. Our boys are surely hitting the pill. This new man, Wallace, certainly looks a star. He is about as nifty a ball player as we have ever seen around here; he hits them like Local Tan Won Victory Over Ranch Peerless Lou Sunday REGULARS TO PLAY “PIRATES" SUNDAY To be Held in Trinity Pariah House A! Two-(hirty. Intereuin‘ Pro- gram Prepared ‘ On next Tuesdayafternoon June 15 the ! Ossoli Club will open the bathing beach. ] Capti Frank MCDerinand. who has sailed | the great lakes for thirty years and who‘t is thoroughly Capable to till the post. as‘ he proved to be to the Citizens last sum- 2 titer. has again been engaged as bathing.I master and he Wlll’l his assistant (ieorget‘ \lcFadden Wlll be on the beach during the day and early evenings of the entire season to render such sen-ice as they can the For the past few davs workmen have been busy painting1 the bath houses which have been enlarged considerably trom those of last year. Through the kindness of the Citv a new water fountain. “high has been purchased bv the Club. has been Installed on the beach. Three electric arc lights have been promised by the city. Shrubs and flowers have been planted on the bluff to make the beach attrac- [l\'t‘ to the children It is very grutitymg to the 055011 Club to note the interest taken in the beach by the (linens and some of the Club mem- bers. shown by the generous contributions made by them Mrs. H. B. Clarke Wlll represent the ()ssoli Club as chairman ot the beach and will be assisted by tifteen ladies. to children. Assistant State Entomologist D K. McMillan arrived in Highland Park Sun- day noon and spent two hours in scouting for mosquito breeding pools thru the north end of Highland Park The running streainsin the ravmes were found to be qutte tree from mosquito “wrigglers” as yet but in small pool: or holes in the woods where writer has been standing during the past week “Flufllffa were found. One very bad breeding spot “as found in an old exravaiion at the (other ot Clark and Bloom lri lltls hole a large number ot t .inx, kegs. (‘lk streets were containing trotn a water each. niiikiiig spot lor mosquitoes , The result of this stunting expeditton showed that piiit to (“U gallons ot an bl't‘t‘lllllK \\ as very encouraging .1" it there were no ('lndlllunh whirh t‘ould not be easily (hanged so .is to prevent mos- quno breedtttg. Few people seem to understand that mosquuoes do not breed in brush but require water which stands (or being disturbed grass or in at least a Week mthout The meeting Wlllt’ll had been Called tor Ilzlttl p ni. at the Deerheld-Shields High School was opened by Mayor Samuel M Hastings; who introduced Mr McMillan to the (”128113 gathered All member: ol the city (outn‘il re upended to roll (all promptly at live o't‘luck Friday turning] June 4th lt de veloped that the muse ul (uiiirniuitmer lluber's aha-me tlt regular t‘ounril meeting was nothing more M‘HUUS than "The call of the H ild" 'lllt h turn-d him to take a tubing trip though he told to the (own It trom lzut no "tish “ones The new iiieiiitx-ts ot the polur tom mission. Messr- lbvtx l‘titriair. and Smith swore ll‘fl! .«llt-g,aitcrtiitlir (lull?! til then otlura \Allll l‘tl'l.llf‘3.'(llh‘llll) and Ltllt'! uliirh Muot nit): the appropriate without\ llJSllllh" It.\v.~ti-tl llltll badger ot the otbte in a tea it- marks lu- done ll .1 disagreeable duh to "tis ut‘ll 'twere done qtiitll» it In the payment of personal erty Lu. or wheel tax. the list being nou tunmerit II u l.rth( r tux prop iti order, whit'h ruitipletes the ol taxm. until the tht tale. are due] Hnly those ‘ttllllhdll‘ (“I onh who trite-l walkers line" toll send notne eu‘lusnely‘ on "law! and The tit\ lti are exempt tron: paying tlerk “.15 wliitle owners to p.i)' \i-hitle tax uithin requested tit tiu- days (lbb‘llllh :ind intlehnitetieu are grad null) being eliminated under the present forceful painstaking gnu-intnent Desi.- On next Tuesdayafternoon June 15 the Ossoh Club will open the bathlng beach. Captr Frank MCDermand. who has saxlcd the great lakes tar thtrty years and who 15 thumughly vapahle t0 till the post. as he proved to be to the cmzcns last sum- mer. has again been engaged as bathing master and he wrth hrs assistant ()eorge \IcFadden m” be on the beach during the day and early evenmgs of the entxrc season to render such SCYVICC as they can to the cbIMren. For the past few dnvs workmen have been busy painting the bath buuses whnch have beenenlarged conslderably tmm those of last yeart Through the kmdness of the cutv a new water fountam. “huh has been purchased bv the Club. has been Installed on the beach. Three electnc arc hghts have been promxsed by the city. CHILDREN DAY SERVICES SUNDAY THE OSSOIJ CLUB WILL OPEN BEACH OLD SEITLERS MEETING MONDAY in. A 40100! ladder has been put on the truck thu- mmbinmg the fire amp flu: and hook and loddcr. The Commission has mapped out a very liberal speed zone fur Highland Pan and ask the cooperanon of automobile owners to assist In Its maintenance. From Laurel Ave to Park Ave. and 1mm Sheridan Rd. and Central Ave. to Green Bay Rd. 3 speed hm)! of ten miles In hour Will be maintained ()utude 0! those llmlts twmlv miles Will be allowed At the regular meeting 0! the city coun- Cll tomormw aflernoon. the Police Com» mission will submit the name of Chnrles L. Boyd 0! 1320 N. Green Bay Rd. (or city marshall, subject to the councu'n approval. Polico Commission to Make Recommend- ation (9 Council Tomorro- These pools represent a very small area and could be eullv treated. The wont conditions were found in pools directly south ol the Exmoor Country Club. and there WI“ certainly be a plague of mm quitoes through that part of the-grounds," After the ntecttng. a tt'tp was made to the Skokle It was found that the mam body of the Skokte was ln-r from mot quttos and was not a breeding place but various little pools left by the rcrcdmg of the water: after the last rain were found to be alive with wriggld and "tumblers" The tumblers Were hatchmg and there was a cloud 0! mosquitoes above each pool. Mr. E M Schalk 1n chargc n! the An [Iliosquxto Survey fur Smh- Enlnmnlu gist S. A. Forbes “1“ make :1 survey 0! this section m order that xhc (-fforts of the various Amncnatums may be eflmcnt [y directed. Thlscummilmc (‘I‘H‘WSIS a! Maynr ”3:1 ings, Director of Publn~ Health Huber. Mr. Ruhl Schnmdcr, Mr, F L‘ Clark Mr F. I) [w‘rt‘lh Mr (Hat Mnhnv,.\1r Nils juhnsmL Mr H. [' Svdgwn‘k. FIRE DRILL EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT .5 commitlt‘e was nppmntrd to (any municate with the anlnm L‘n’n‘ Imprm’c- men! Ass-wiatinn‘ the (hmtvr Highland Park Assocmtion, thc City Cuunnl u! Highwood. and the L‘ at Fort Sheridan to. obtam umtv of actmn and cooperation Ln suppressan thr pest ML McMillan rxplzunrd the habits n! the mnsquxtn and tho nm‘c‘swty fur nlhng the standing water This ml shnuld be one half crude oil, such as IS used on um streets and one half krmx-nc. The (rude 011 forms the body andprevcma tow rapid evaporation audition anu Eben-m. Wont City to Cell.“ Whool Tn; Flt-chic. Unad- Stbool Iofln'M-I 04 V.- M d Loon] IN “0'! Condition Found in Pool. Dind- Con-inbo- to Invoouguo Fm- ' bu”. yuan M thhyod ‘ follow“ mun-mod ly SoutholEx-oor. Pools Found chin ol 1h Chic-go Co. in M Gm: 560“. by the cm Appoint- Cu: haily be Trusted Other Mai.“ This Week .nd No" I. luv“... mmmmmmwmmmmimmmmormmmm mm m mosommscoum: incumlmmcm swcusmoolsnow mmon smnan m cm com: um amass CHARLES L. BOYD FOR IARSHAU HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1915 M bang mowed not!” no In an the mu! that be and bu In“: hardly knew ! he was runmmV Follow a the vote, ‘ Mcflaar‘r lus- erwl Tau yum ux.“ use 3539 am ! Doom", “4‘ 1(1)] 209d .139 Pm ‘2]? 1215 033 975 Smiley mm 577 2139 37]? Frost and Claire C Eat-'6: um elected nrcuu Judge: In thn. (hr 17m damn. ll Monday: Qk‘CUOI’I, Judge hand T Srmky 01 Woodstock. an .upunul (u the Deadly. Fr.“ .34 “VIM. 3v... District h Omvtd-h. Vu- Jud‘c Chadd-n H. Donmlly. Anhuv H. The bonds of Juhn Hart, )1. an hue man 0! Pubhc Wurlu. F. In Fume: n Chic! file minimal, and Elma lulu- in mflmt chic! n! {he fin- depanmrm. were Ipprnvcd Cumin-sum” Wilma moved that Len tnl Au- nnd 1h: urnu around lhc Ch»- cngo Northwnmn Rulruad “than he oak-d. Manon prevailed Corporation Counul ”ohm: wu dunn- ed to pupa"- ln nrdmamc dengnaxmg the Norman precmru In answer to a n-pml from [hr l'ullrr Commiluon ”lung for mmuuyde Top" for Sundlyt. Commluumu Wllhll mav- ed that the Polla- L‘ommxmon beaulhorv lied to cmpluy IUCh .ddlthnIl help u {hey requmt 1mm lime to mm- Manon prcvmlcd The question 0! granting the (hunt) Telephone Co. a new funchxu. was re {erred In the Franchise L‘nmmmoe, con- sisting 01 (you. A Skhohcld, Alla-d A Mote: and Frnnk L Chaney Mayor Hating: Ippomled Dr I. M “run-n, Dr A. R. Sheldon, Dr F M Inga“- and In H. S. Hakim membrn u! (hr Board 0! Health. h I! a manor ()1 rcymcma lo prn;aty owncn that the Impmvcmrnl of both Skukne Ave and Hal-(h 5! it In be (om- mcmed In the near future While xhe rmmnucd ram'hm bran an noylng. H has also bm-n a disuncx and m lhrlmpvrwrmrnl Asyxmhon m H h.“ helped to keep down the dust that thy wmc Would have tx-cn morr annuymg. lhouxh wc could dis-print truth I! long enough [or the Sprung 011m. 01 slrcfla to be done. 1Wealhrr rlcrk plau- like nOUCP. ' Inthvdnnual10;wa A)! P L Wolxul', l’n-sldrnr u! the thffll)‘ Board I! u grunhlng {n nnlr H14! 1:! [he SHIIU hooky and Mr! m our I’ublu IAMU)‘ only Ihn-r “Mr lust List yr.” uhnh uklks urn 101 [hr (nu-ml mint-s! huh-1‘. Ink-(bk . m‘ula Hun It Would alsu be KYNLHDK 10M! kamcmr, ex er .n :u the unit-1.5 o! Hmhlnnd Park In kntm that [m ml! n! 5101!!! In! nu! I‘m In llbxuy Trumnnp sm’ured hv thr Hyghmnd i'nk Wuhan“- Hub, has born twllwuzd M n gift ”an A C Tthpym wt Al”! dbfiv hr! ad Jmnmg the 111m“) I»: m (he Ira: mm ma'mng an oucmmn u! H.4- Luxhhng poc- sxblr ()1 3 (NHL. 'Hc noble and HH- n(fi)ll'nr~~ that lu-s 1n ~ {ht-r men sin-ping, but non-r dvud uv|k use 1n noun“ [0 mu-el mm nun " ()Pmunh and unichmlrnm an- grad us”) being chmumtrd undr! (hr pin-rm force-1111 painsukmg gnu-nunrnl Dru.- nunun u! a pulhng plum- fut Ihc penplr n1 Rmmm as wr‘l as (hr Wear, Nnrlh and EM! purhnm u! the my la a sum m (hr right dim Hun Inthvdnnual10;wa A)! P L Wolxul', \lvrk “Jr rrqurstrd Kw Mnd nulnc- In whulr uwnus In pd)‘ u-huIr ux \HIhIn fur days (‘rly Lu. or “ht-cl ML [hr In! brmx mu m mdrr, whh'h (thplt'lts Hm gunmen of taxm. unhl [hr m-x: [Ale-I zuc- dm Hnly than [urtunarr (“I one: who Inn ru‘lusntly on "I'm! and waHu-n lxne .arr (-xrmpl hum paymg tall The- «I! n! Hm” ”Hut“ \Allh ud': unhmzl prulamu a?! HJslmxx ”Arsh-d I?” H wt Hu- wfli‘r m a In» ”mks H .1 dmagxrcalrlr duh Us “1'“ 'twrn- dum- \. TIRE! “SITTING JUDGB" W vrlnped that (hr muse u! (unumuumcr Hubcr's aha-me [mm X): lzul rruular counul meeting was noun-“1min wnuus thin "The call u! the H 11d" whu h turn-d hxm In take a hymn“ {up lhuuxh hr ma nu "nah "nuts in 1hr (Hum n The new Int‘XHY-(‘LN n! We pniur unlit mxssnm. Mrssr- [Nth l‘utrmn. Mu? Smith ~“Olf (I‘m! .«Eit-g,41)crtx:m¢ dutnm »nzh “dwnrtsgnmmu pm! «mu :1?!” “huh MIMI! Hm" Hun wt); lhr badge-p m a In» amrhnplmlc u- :H A)! P L “'olnul', .xhral)‘ Board I! u .4: u: the SUI-U book» u I‘IMU)‘ on!) lhn-r mall I.” piny- Ilsl brmx mm Hm gunmen! ale-I zuc- durl net who Inn-I {logos Willa-nu Avenue Sidewalk to tho [Aha About to Be Rulud E AI we so to pvt-u thr (In hngmrfl Il [may orttmg Mule. 1n! thr new ndrwalk ton the north ”d! or Roget With-mo 1A-c. 1mm Shrndu’t Road to thr PIMPH)’ ‘end at the nvrnur Thus no doubt II good new. lot I“ the peupk ut tout]: Hbghland hull ‘hu tux the put m 31-." have brcn town. In mducr the (try t-- have thn null land tn rotmect with the stom- ucps dnwn the bum “huh were «(mututtu‘ h; the Emma (In; mI-oun, Mr Julluu Mann-Id, Ihu otnl the ldymmng llllI trrl (nl tmntage “on; the Dr! walk Ind who nu h-vtng (ht wrnk done I), ptnnte umttnt, bl. I‘lln tho“ hlb publh unntrdnm by (50!“qu- umtphm‘ vnth 1M» thurrl u! the plea?!" Idntmuttltmn 1n mung thn walk, Ihlk‘ Iunm-t on nrrp mt Hm mop cfly uni-d cvrr) mum at thrn ( :vnmmnd m keepunl thr Hulk out. Ind mun-(1rd In doma no tn span o! the tart that Irv on) mdtnamn we" guard by "it nty (wan! Pris-dad Lo": In». Fund- I. So“ [Hon-nu. M.- H... Audo LUDIMI xhr kept-1 win Im an an] unauth- hu been hrm prmmn he" a:- Iacndy deported In hm new: land In ml. The deport-mun w» scam; ”dim-ed (he-eu'dmdnotbe ”Nu-whim; flaked by a in o! Lunardn’n Italian M whom-me mumu-d m baa-r M W: to: ulcn away Tact LON 1mm IIPIOVEIENT STARTED Lincoln School Thr gmdmnng rxncnm o! thr- Lin: ( 4n M‘hunl vnH Int plau- Fndny urn- mg. Junr righlwnlh It rluhl n'clm’k a! the «hon! The program 13 w mtlude Don‘t by Hu- Mlh. :nlh and urn-nth grndn The xnduws are to gn-r "The Mrn'hanl u! Vanna” undn lhc- dum‘hun 0! Mn Mugnm hot-nun the an! of whuh n ADIODIO, Flam“ Rohr‘ Bu- sonic. Sunk) L‘urr. Dulu- ul \‘cnncr_ and Duke of Mormon), Wallnce Kimball; (dummy and Launcrlm (mbbn, John Healty,1‘rnncr nl Arugun. Arthur Wes- cnxL Nlnnu. (ya-rd Wulhu, Lorrnxu, Vlnrrnl Yuhrrucn. Shy-luck. J-mn Bod; Manhunt. EH- Hardcr, l‘onm. Janr Tup- prx and Hilda Mung". Kenna. Eunue Knomeu 3:th [Mum attend-m on Pomn, Vlnnn Juhnuon o.’ (hr uhuul Ire ”nut-d An uddrru In a pn-mmrnx edm-tm Ill] be .0ch and (hr pres-1dr”! u! lhr Pmard will lnrd 1hr dlplunus Dad-OHGNQU. High School tmnmrmrmrnl I'I” ukr place Thur- da)‘ evening June Irwnlnrnlh It R-vunl l‘uk Thu-Irv Illh a "-1) stir-(1w: pru- grnm u-hn h u at inlluwa MUIIC Ivy Pugh urn-.1 on hnlr‘. Inn-canon. Rcv,‘ (.mrgr Rnbrru Jr‘ (but) Churuh, “'lhtg Hrncm an- 'Irlllng.” Haydn. "Away to thv Fu-ldm‘ “'xlsnr, .‘alutamn. Paul‘ “mush-1M1, Adan-M I‘m! W. 1) Mac. k hum: k‘ (nrls' (H «1- k luh “A l'rrimt luv," Huud pu‘hrnlahnn o! (hplumas, 114 J (:rrl Pu andrm (:1 ”Ir Hoard. “the «In Non. RN {wary vaexu. Jr urabir Inc-mums qu hr nmdr Thu will rnd Ihr wulk 01 (hr )rnx «m “ninrtday eve-Hing beginning a! 7L" (u‘imk the annual rlfH‘lm n! the ('Iflhlh unndr In“ ml: Nine In the ludi- mnum. ’Iu the-x ”rum-s. all Hmndl fur rue-Inn's nppnqnmh- In Hut (ric- brumn n! Hag In“ Hm woman. will lrgm at hu- nclmh .md yozl? (onunl of In u.:xn~m .nd hnhnn .‘u strum-- and 01 (hr ninspln u.’ 90anan 9145:. Musualmg (he huh)” m’ Hm {mini \XaH-p Hug fulhmmg [hm “IL nun: 1hr annual pnmdc- n1 ’1“) And a smut: h: {hr nylon. luruLn uh. Ix unrn up inane-1mm! u! uPun-i wmk h; 1hr mummy the pupll: vull wax! nun ultu-n 1mm» In slmh llu‘ display (:1 a: ”x 1h lhr err mum. hum nu: tr hxr {hut} udmh and from pew-n film!) In lrn m the rw-nmg. (he pumh ulfl ”(cur lhr panmn and annds n! '.‘m 3‘ hum} nhu au- mnlrd In mum! [In vmxk a! [hat Imw X‘hr mm ammhl) u! all 1hr pupil. unll llkr plmr nn \‘rdm-hdm murmng a! mu: n'duk The pupils u! the grad- uatlng ‘15» m“ gm ;1 ahml program and lhrn I u-mn Imam} auard’ and hon Th:- pru‘v-m 1m lkblnfl wrrk 2! Elm I'lmr .Nhool u (hen hrn-unh Mummy alxrrnmu mli hr w! mun mmmmm Eh Phat School mhl) u! all 1hr pupil. m V‘ mint-M11“ murmng The pupils u! the grad- Hm woman. will .md _v« 1!? thhlI! of \.'u ska-h hr- and 01 n 9145:. unwinding mini \m 10-: Hug nun: 1hr annual hr w! npun program and hon Thu will The (Anna mdwun that I lulu: ma )urtty oi the ratdrnt pmprrty ml nen In antl no In l-vnt M m» pavement in hllnilc sltret nutth 01 Hug“ “Ilium. venue. and I! u our uplntull th-t x! no mhrr Intern“ wort tmnlu-d thr hoard shuuld be guvrrned by the wuhn mart lasted by (he mum-tor? Hutu-u But we rannot bring aura-Ives tn tu-I that we mn- prwerlynvnlooh the Dinldrl and bout-v Qufonfl o! the nuhu nt (hr mute (‘Hlltnlhlp of our tnnunumt) ma 01 [hr W's] public In whnm 0m gator an uprn ”at math ul 0.! cuty welt l-nd out m I broad and mnpmhenuqc .chcme It Is our duty to use that [NI them in not narrowed any dcvumm uhould be an enlargement. When chmd W to pan-d south On Woodland Ivcmu, (fin-M1 m-rnue am! Rn'lml Part. to 1..) II yum‘lmn wu}; sham-n Road d. not. an your hunt]: unduublrdly VIII h ”queued lo do u? no diam dale. u (mum street) "'i Iurm the only through Inc" Irom m.“ .0 north, and: Iron: sumo... Road. cam oimcnilroodlnctg lluhgmy.. i Wlmmhmnbtnm 3 madman» human: lea] m9 t 1 01 than property owner: In the hviqil net-non who "\th be mama-d, lhnl ._ [Huron be sent 10 yum board by (hm. hvonng no paw-mom m Kincaid «tact. Suharquently. to gel the pro. and 00.1, we ruined a blank ballot to ouch reu- dan The pemmn hnmlth prucnttd burn the mm“ 0! lhlny propeny ow- en. repra-emmg Ipproxmulely 15,305 1rd frontngr on vnrmun street; TI. neg-(we vmn. nmnunnng to (we, reply. m lpprunmalfly 1. 75- let-I lronuge of (mncnlup I ‘ Whtle makmg our tntntxgatmn he met by requeu a unnmrttee reprenentmz mme n! the property nwuen, “1:0 urged that In any IN heme u! pmmg that might be adopted the paving nt Kim-41d street from Rug” Williams avenue north, or at lent to much 0! tin: run! a. abuttrd the orhuul property, be omitted; It It”. urged tint that the when! needed more npacc east at the” preterit burldtngsml plu}'flf0\.ttldb. 3nd second that a pavemmt there would draw to much tr-flx usto be a menace to the ochool children. be- udeo hung a hindrance to the xhooll work It wu pmnted out that Depth u-enue on the west and Bronton “rod; on the east rould uttstu‘tortly leech- modnte I" the'trnflm Wtute ym r commuter remain- tht ttm mutter II. or ihould not be, purely 3. local one. we nevenhele. august u a mum at gettmg the general mumm!‘ Your committee believe this Improve- ment ndvtmble, but strongly recommend thnt there be added to It the gap on Brannon street, from Dem avenue north to the north Ildt‘ ol the ravtne. and also the gap on Wade street from the south rude ol the rn'me through to Beuh street. This addition wtll require bulld- tna two bridge; one m Bronson stmt and one m Wade street This Will aftOrd I through thoroughllre lrom Roger Wil- llama avenue to the ventrnl and north pom ol the cnty and connect wuth lieu h, Wade, Forest and Linden streets. three‘ at which are to be paved under ret'cnt ordmnnces The two bridges tndnrnted are highly deurable and a necessary ptrti; ut the pavmg plan. I: serving not mly the property owner: abutting the streets to be paved, but the general publtc a well. We n commend mm the present woodrrl bridge "I Judson avenur be n-plnu‘d with a bub’llllllhl conucte budge. Murihmln IUH‘! from Judson avenué en! lo (hr rnvmc. Wade ulreei 1mm Manhmnn "not! nonh lo the rlvmc. Bronson sin-ex Irom Roger Willnmo venue on the south to Dean mmuq on, the north. and from the nonh add 0" (hr ravmc located north 0! Dean Ivetud l0 Mnnhman urn-t Judum avrnur 1mm luncmd on lhé noulh to the ravmc north 0! Au sun-ct; Klnflld fire-ct hum a pom! just “mill. 0! “ht-rt H )mm Juduon avenue mtrth to Dean avenue- To the Board of Local Improvementl, CH)‘ of Highland Park ~ Your cummmtc appomled 1o invetd- (no and report on (he Iubjecl of tired Improvement. In anlma section luv. bren me: the ground. and recummcn‘ that a more comprehensive plan b. adapted than was Ofl‘lnlny propaed.’ The unxmll plan Imolved pawns lhb' tullnwmg streets (Continued at H! a) THE RAMA PA‘

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