Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 10 Jun 1915, p. 2

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The Epworth League of the North End M. E. Church held their monthly busi- ness meeting at the church on Friday evening. The meeting was the first meet. ing after the election of the officers, A sooal hour followed at which time vocal solos by Ruth Mowers accompanied by Elsie Leageler. and readings bv Miss Alma Kelley who read “A Dinner at my Son Jude's" and “When Samuel Led the ‘ Singing," were enjoyed. Mr. Oscar Meyers played in his usual pleasing way. . organ solos including "To a Wild Rose" by George McDonald. and “Traumerie” by Robert Schumann. After the delight- l ful program very delicious refreshmentsl were served. ‘ lnvitatmns naw been received {or the wedding of Miss Ruth Urn-gory. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H Grvgory of S. Sheridan Rd, tn Mr Arthur Swvetser to take place at the horn:- or the bride's parents Saturday afternoon, June ninz‘» teenth. At home cards 3r:- inrlnscd tor after July first at 201 Road. Forest Hills, Long Island. On Thursday evening. June twenty- fourth, the wedding of Mr. Carl Pfanstiehl, son of Rev. A. A. Pfanstiehl. formerly of this city. and Miss Caryl Cody. daughter of Mr. Alfred B. Cody takes place at the bride's residence at 1554 E. Sixty-first St, Chicago. After a wedding trip to Panama and California the young couple will re. side in Highland Park. The bride will be attended by her sister. Mrs. Helen Cody Baker as matron of honor; the rib. bon stretchers are to be Jack Baker. Nolan Eaton. Florence Bailey. Arthur Cody, Hope Cody llattlev of Chicago. and Elizabeth Seagwick of Highland Park. ()nly relatives and intimate friends are to be present at the ceremony. Mesdames Howard Smith and Robert Smith will entertain at bridge on Satur- day afternoon at Exmoor for Miss Ger- trude Roberts of Evanston, whose mar- riage to Mr. Walter Smith of thus city takes place at Evanston next week on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Goodnow of Green Bay Rd., have cards out for a re. ception to be given at their home Friday evening, June eighteenth. for their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Clarke Goodnow of Waukegan. who since their marriage in January have been south. The Social Side of Life WE ASK YOU to consider, seriously, our reduced rate on finished family laundry. as follows We will call for. launder in the best possible manner and deliver your entire family wash for 75c per dozen. except handkerchiefs. socks. and stockings which will be charged at ’( each. Shirts, collars. shirtwaists. blankets, quilts and 11g: list price. This arrangement is made to meet the demant. of (smiliet who wish to ECONOMXZE and do away with the disagreeablc bother of having their laundry done at home and the trouble of getting a satiflactory and reliable laundress. Your washing WI“ cost you no more than it is costing you now and all you will have to do is to get it ready for the driver when he calls. Our 15 years successful experience and modern methods guarantee long life and proper laundering to your linens. Our driver will (all at a certain time each Wt't'k Call any one of our three phones 178, 179, 471V Chas. H. Warren Co. High Class Launderers and French Dry Cleaners 'Also thirty-two other beautiful prizes for adver- tising purposes. Every cent you spend i our store entitles you to one vote. Every voteriielps to secure a prize. By using our 81. $2 and $5 “due bills" which may be obtained from the conâ€" testants and at the store, you increase your num- ber of votes ten times. ' All voting acne in the store To Panama Exposition and a $350.00. Piano ' If \uu want one of these send m yuur name or (ha: ( GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES (Mb Ou IA Dry Goods and Men's F urmsblnfl Ask for Further Particulars When Used to Nominate FREE TRIP u (Judi-Jule. Chp (ha! 11ml Nomi-all Candid-fr Hadquartcn for Arrow Collars I'l t‘ngano Park ocal Affairs of the week .- PHI!“ an (hsplav .11 our «mm m ths Fra' 'Tnp of a Yncnd on the nummuuun bLmk beluw' By the Obscntr ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Noerenberg entertained at a verv pretty seven o clock dinner on Saturday evening. the occasion celebrating their fifteenth wedding an lniversary. Fifteen guest: were present. i The table was very attractive With a cen- ‘ ter piece of pink roses. Pink and white were the colorschosen for decorations. the idea being to make it as much lIke the - wedding table as possible. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Geherty of Winnetka werethe only out of town guests. Norman Schumacher of N.Sheridan Rd. entertained fortyvfive friends at a beach party and marshallow roast Friday evenâ€" ing. Those present were the members 0! the graduating class of Elm Place and their teachers. Games 'phyed on the beach were part of the evening's enter- tnined. Mrs. R, F. Peyton of Chicagu, lormerly of ”HS cilv. wull entertain the Bridge Club at her home In Chicago on Mofiday afternoon of next week. Mrs. John I. Marshall entertained at a seven table bridge party on Friday (wen- ing for Dr. and Mrs. John F. MrEwan of Orlando. Fla, who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mather Smith. Mrs. Nathan Corwith 0! E. Vine Ava. entertained the younger married and un- married set at a bridge party on Satur- day afternoon in compliment to Mrs. Gerard Van Shaick and Miss Elizabeth Wells who is staying at the Moraine Hotel. Little Edna Mae Hoskins of W Central Ave, entertained twenty-five of her little friends on Wednesday afternoon {mm two until five o'clock. the occasion celebrating her fifth birthday anniversary. The little tots played all sorts of games and reported just the best time ever. Re- freshments were served on the lawn and decorations were all in red and white. 0n last Thursday Mrs. Roland Blelmchl of S. Green Bay Rd., entertained at euchre and five hundred. The sun-ess- ful prize winners were Mrs, A‘ Knudsnn, 'Mrs Julius Johnson, Mrs. George Huber, and Mrs. N. B. Johnson. , Mrs A‘ Knudson entertained a number of guests at dinner 'on Monday evening in compliment to klwdames Julius John- son and N. B.Johnsun. both of Stoughtnn, Wis. and guests of Mrs‘ Roland Blame-hi. On Tuesday afternoon Mrs. Julius Znn~ mcr entertained at cards in their honor. anclidate Chi) ”If Coupon rm: mémm PARK muss. HIGHLAND PM nuns The marriage of Mus Charlotte Emm- 1 Frieze. daughlcr 0! Mn. A‘ W. Frieze , formerly of Highland Parkmow of Mllvuu kcc. to Mr‘ John Bapuu Hennmg o! Peon: > took plmc It the home 0! the bndc'u E mother“ Wednesdny evening. June mood In six-thirty. Rev. E. Reginnld Wilhuru tofficiciating. The bndal party confined of Miss Charlene Mount. 0! Lounvtlle Kentucky 11 maid-~01 honor Mr James :Chmenden of Milwaukee u but man. iand Mr. John McConnclc 0! Wilmette as master of ccremonin The bride: mud. lwerc. Mile! Ora Peck of Chicago. Helen .Steamland Helen (lady. bo(h of Keni|~ fworth. Ethel Van Piper of (hi: cxty, 3nd Mn. Behrau at Glance: will "and! the Campbell Chapter Guild on next Toad". Mn. Leslie Bnnd o! Decrfidd. {annex- ly Mia [learning 0! Highland Put. enta- tzined ten guest: lrom here at luncheon on Wednetdny. Mr. and Mn John McCaflrey 0! Second St., Iver: plemmly surpnu-d on Satur- day evening when thirty or the" {nond- camc in to help them ctlcbrale the” thurd chdlng anniversary A?!" re- lreshmans cards wtrc emoycd. thou wmnmfl prizes Wfft, Mm Margaret (l'Ncul. first. Mia J‘Jlll MrCaflrcy mm- solauon pnze. Mr Arlhur Mxk‘umry first gemkm“: pnzc. and Mr Frank Walker gentleman's mnmlaxmn pnu Mrs. F. H Knight ul li l'ark Aw, en- tertained twenty )mmg purple: all mrm- bcrs of hrr Sundn‘ \ilwll «law. at a beach party, Wmlm-xdu rvrnmg hum luur thuty 10me “Rh-k A?!" the yuunx prnplv' cxuwyml .I mvrrv Hulk .4an pl.1_\'r(l ‘AIHK‘\ .1 pL mp ~uppq-r «an wnrd (m [hr bcm‘ln. ‘You are having a very interesting‘ convention. I underatand, and l underv stand that you are very much Interested in peace: that the German women Intro- duced a resolution on peace, and the French: wonten seconded It. and the “(ltlSh women out It to a motion, and It was earned unnntmnusly. She and. "Your order In whtch It was done I: not exactly correct. but your Ctmclustun Ill curred; It was earned unantmously.” And he laughed and looked wtth a very stgntficant glance at some other gentle- men who stood near mm and at our Antertt'an ambassador. and Mr Page turned toward hIm and satd, "II It not remarkable thttt the only Internatmnal body of people Mm can come together and can wdrk harmoniously together In the Inn-rests of peace are the women? And It ts true. Dr, Shaw contInues. “The reason whv Wlfllltn’ hase nut been telt asa power agatnst war has been the result «It cen- turu-v. «It suppresstun and accepted Ideas that war was the bustneu ot men. and Just as we used to say. men must work And women must weep, now we say. men must tight and women must weep. and the Ideal nl women In the olden day wu the women who wept. Today we weep- Inu women have drtrd our eyes, and in- :tradn‘ submttttng tamely to the de- strurtton u! uttrltle's work and ot the whale putpOse at our betng. Ive refuse to weep, and Inxtst on betna heard tn our own delense and In the delense ut the thtngsit whtch we are \‘Itally In- terested. And It may have seemed stranaeto some at you that there was Incorprxated tn our resolution) a demand ' tor the entmnchtsement of women, and some 0! the women. In dtacuutng the adVIsathlIt)‘ mt lllt ludtng that. and It may be that‘the tnt‘orpornt on at that phrate may ka-p some women out 0! the or- gantzatjun-oand rm only answer In thu: 4A woman who dueu not want to have anythtng to sav In regard to her nation gomg Inllr am has no nght to have any- thtng to sav In regard to her nation btnh, the Me are Drought Into hll ltte' And Ioolttng Imu ht: dead late mute-one aaka a wuntaq',.“What dun a woman know about lit” What. what. In the true «It 0 tragedy ltlse that, lace (It a «Hm. hie that_ man hmm atxaut uat" lrtrnda, In the u hat dues a "That I! not all You read the nut paragraph, and what du you 5"" Intlhon dullnu‘l day - l'ne “In rnultIplytng ltl nullmna wn Immune, and what does thattrvmt' 'l tmt mean. that the natmns (It the n.” are spendtnx It: rnIllmns on ntl'htl.!. nut u! ready money but of mnrtgafi-d bran] and heart and hrnwn and blood at the generattmn yet unborn. We mortgage nut tarnta. mortgage our hornet. and we struggle tn pay lur them, but mortgage human ltte away, generatu-na ahead. the <‘rtme U, the burden n! It II ttnthtnltable " The worst "I )rt to “'hat Europe dune’ (Ierntam‘ ( alled )l'ulh. the splcnmd bYth (-ermany the rttagntttcent tzeu'tne and M» It on If when vu- t‘titllf hn hat t»! [)(Ifirf (V! (I?! man manhood lrnm N‘U’tl. .tlwng Into the manhr-Id ot ants frame ha! talled the (toner of It) t'nuntn nnd England and f‘ufllla and all the nattona (It the umld hue trtlII-tl the flower and strength mt \Igut and manhood ot the mun-n . to! uhn: 'l u laud tn: the cannon uhkt. Ihn tine, And that have the) dune? 1he\ hate lett hehmd the degenerate; the ttmasetl. the drlorm ed. the unht. tq heurnte lather; ml the generatmn that ll tv t-e' And the CrIme agatnat domanhr-ud In Inhtnng the mothen 0t thd unrld ul a tathethuod worthy 0! them In rune n! the great name- ot war‘ the dental (tune 0! war u rubbing the unborn generatmra who are )e: tu he 01 the land nt fatherhood have a rtght twin:- and out. «Itll he the the) Woman. the mother ut the rule. II the [rent 9ut7eter. trad tmauxâ€" that we Wumer. 'l-l\r a fight tu that In the counulr ut the natum: the mother- (I? demand .ot men shall haw a truce In regard to thetr Inn 4". thou thtldren' The manmgrul Mmsfn-Mrudr Kuhn“. dumh‘cr or Mr. and Mrs Charles 5 Robx-Hs ul livlmsxun, lnMr Waltz-I Mmzh son ulblr J l’ Snnlhul Ilnn \ny vnll take plax‘v on Tursd." nrnmg. Jum- Mtecmh in (he homz- n! llu' bndc's par cm: 111 Evansmn Mr R Daniel: of Eva!»- Um I.‘ to be nmum.- lehmmr, My, ltmghl Smnh of this n‘ll)’, best man, annrr, Emily and Manon fumlh ul lhu (fly. and Eleannf Roberts. of E\ansum, I Slhlfl ml the Dude, ”(nu-r girls, and Masrs J. Schunmn. Harry Smuh, [hmald and Ken- neth Edwards 0! l-Tvanslun. ushers Al- ler a shorl hum-y-mtxm trip (he )‘uung couple null resnde in NH: Ymk. A HJ‘IHK‘I o! {L'u- N-m r1» .1111 )umun of the high sch» :l r nun-d a puny \vn Saturd Iy cxcnxnx .n Hu- hu-nr A»? Ralph Whn-Kc-r. west 1-? Fan S'n-mhn (mun-u. Singing and rchcshm nls paved .a vcrv smgm and ran plenum! evrmng asmcr of the bnde. Ehutmh Frieu After a shot! honeymoon trip Mr‘ and Mn. Manning will feud: in the Cudnhy apartments It Milwaukee. "I am remlvcd no man nhall drag me down by making me hate hum." [hm mouo which hang: on the VII”: 0! the Frederick Douglau Centre we mny well apply Into cur own lives m the“ dulrm- ful umes. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw of New York. m her address given at the orulmntion conference of the Woman'n Pence Party an that when 3hr w” In Home I! the lnternatnonul Councxl m Women Ihe tn standing with a group 0! gentlemen At I recepnqu given by our American unbu- sadur, when a certain euunent gentlemln sand to her: by ADELINE L. ATWATER PEACE COLUMN mined a! rut. It In uncut hon thwton‘t Hon walkway- and. we ought not to cry out kt m to ups-l Ant-r the than has tun Am when the question m Who '1. than My mm in the nu? shall the very .q winch twink: man than mu: imfleheats 0! cm, shall that nu at dumb in the tact of the outrun numu them 1nd I” that My tun (cm: them? F01 the dth at I nun to not merely the dtuh 0! I mm. u u mun than that. I! u "(mm-Iv more thnn thu‘ A Irv month: ago I I“ out m m: (ampaxgn m Nodhnn liakull, and um day when 1 VII "ranking from nn aulu molnlc I man saki, ‘l! «r gave )uu Iv mm the nut, vull \nu Rn mm and huh! [ht Germain" I nld, "Nu, nu “In thould \H- Rd Inhnmnny u! lhphhrfl rhr l-n huh! man?” "When :1 We) (unn- hrrr. vul| )‘uu nfld Hu-m' l mud, “.\u [U Wh) should unmrn huh! mrn" Hul II [he ln-nnu‘m stud an "my u! WHIhrL usm hrxr u:- “all go dim“ In [Mr hut»: and \u- “:11rnrrlmrm‘undur will an, 'Lr! u~ .' Uh up In {hr Mruupuinun ”pun H rust- and n! dawn and tramn In grlhu " Him, an I un~ drlvn.‘ mun, ht shout“! nu! ' “n1. ML“ m: wnmrr. know abnm “at .1: Hum And I uni. know about uar .1: Hum Amt l uni. "lake the newspaper uttt at your txxhrlr huld It up Wh‘t tln )un we m the hut lune ut that nenpat-et' l'ne hundred and fttty tlmuudrl men ut the dtflerrnt nntruna u! hurt" already an. rrhed tn the war \‘nu a“ what a woman kmma about uar Whit}!!! men dead I (‘llnnnl tell ynu the meahtng at It nu unman t an underatand the hnrrut uhnh Ia emu”: passed tn the drflh 0! 550A!“ menv Whu underxtanm tta dgmtlcante who la able tu graap It: rncamng .‘i-Utlll u! the strong nrtle, epkfndld manhood of the nattuna ut the world' Nobody under- stand: that But t1 you were to tell me that one man la'y dead I mtght be able, as I looked unto that upturned tare. I might be able to underatand wmelhtng u! tta meantng. I mrght be able to go back tn the yet: and remember that yeara before a woman. whoae hear1 throbbed with [We and aympathv and hope 0! coming motherhood. walked day by day with her face toward an open grave. truth a cottage ao aubltme that no man haa ever am It. Day by day. and it by (hand ahe ltved. and u ahe drd not fill that grave-and thouaanda upon thouaandapt them 60â€"“ aha ltved and there Ivaa lard In her handa and on her heart a unytltttle bet at human ltte. there went out bum her to the very ln- finite aueh a ed 01 love and longing and .nguuu which §“‘ her target her pain. forget her t , target her tear, and re member only t boy who lay on her heart' And then that vmman In he; young nonunwod lard aude what every human betngo‘ ua hawâ€"her ambulan- (or heraelt. hen uptratrona tor heme". her ideal: tor: heraell, everythtn‘ she laid nude tor ltuelt that ahe ml‘hl give her ltle to the We whtth ahe had pven. And year alter year he (rear and ahe built heraelt tn‘o htm, year alter year, unul he became a man. and the mother who held htm In her arma looked up Into the face of the greateat miracle God haa ever wroughL; the rmracle o! a clean. aplendrd, acttw. energetu human hem; And lookrna Into the late ut that boy ahe known he ‘anda there. not httnaelt, but heme" bdlt Into htmaell, and he: ltte wrought "in his ltteT And then In an hour that; nondertul thtng. that beauttlulthmgthal beautiful )pflll m an hour he ll oiled out and Inn dead? And Iooktng Into the tare u! that one dead man we ‘e tuo dead. the man and the llle ol the" run-man who gave hln‘ truth, the Me .K' Drought tutu hra ltle' And looking tmu hrs dead late norm-one aaka a "unlaq',.”“'hll dun a woman know about air” What. uhat. Irtenda, In the fate of 0 tragedy ltlte that. m the lace at a «Hm. lLke that_ what dues a man know about war" and \u- “:11 rnrrl HM 'Lr! u~ .' Uh up I ”pun H rust- and n! grlhu " Him, an ht shout“! nu! ' \\ know abnm “at .1: "That u not .11 Van read the nu! par-graph, anduhn du \‘nu no" I'm: nulhon dullanh day- and w n gun on multiplymg Iu nullmna wn ImHumr, and what does lha‘mrm' 12ml mrlnl that the nauuns or flu- n.” .nr sprndmx n: mlllmns on nnImxa. nu! u! H-ndv money but of mmlgard luau] .md he.” Ind hmwn and blood 01 [hr urnrnumn yr! unborn. We mung-gr nu! 11mm, ur mortgage nut fiumn, and we snuggle In pay lur them, but when vu- nmrmnge human hf:- awty, grnculu-nl ahead. 1hr cnmc u! the bmdcn u! n u unlhmkablc " TM- “on! n )r! to come What hn Eumpcdnnr‘ (.nn‘nm‘ hat (idle-d II: )xvuth. 1hr splcnmd bran. nl (-crmuny the magniturnt drum: pnurr 01 (m man manhnud Irnm MHrH. “lung mlo 1hr manhrnd 01mm and ham: ha! " [Elke the Ill-usplprl u huld ll up Why do ) ixnr u! that nrnpapfl and fury thuuudd men Womun. IM- .mHu-r u! 1hr ”MP. 1- the great Suncxrr. 1nd Rm aux- (:2 that we Wunm. hmr .1 [mm In drmlnd that m the cnumzlr u! the nalnmu the mother- o! men shall hgu a nun In "1nd to their Inn 4,! [Mn nhnldu-n' THE ERSKINE BANK'Q It’s Old and Strong ,1 3 per cent interest paid on Savingsgi Real Estate, Loam and Insurance 3; .i 17-19 lib Place The North Shore Cha ter, Daughtérs‘ of the American evolUtion Bowman Dairy Compahy Bowman Dairy Company lhlfil‘Muh‘lâ€"s me People of Highlahd Park and Vicinity Zahnles Ridgewood Farm Dairy PasturizedflilkandCrean Sudden Service SAMUEL LEVIN, the Jeweler TrinityflChprchParish House V flask Laurel Avenue Monday June 1401 at 230 p, m Old Settlers Meeting ‘ The Butler with the Mild, chcl. Delicate FIE‘UY GOOD BANK BUTTER Perfectly Pasteurized 120 E. Ccntnl Avenue 121 Vine Avenue Pure Cream HIMHLAKI) PARK 9 (.l I'N( UH. 70 Phone 67 Coulially Invite at the Loan Talking Machines}. as well as Watches?“ Clocks and Jewelry; REPAIRING of all make": of W's W“ a. Mlulll du‘tnr, Irnud Suprriw 8' Ium rxnnnl Wide 1 “I‘ldw In the “pen: lie-M . ‘4 lhc Krlm Adclm l" 0K?! win-0 lent: I “ICC the and ”I! hplt‘l IIIDUII 1 one n ”In lwld Mr in In Pru! The

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