Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 19 Aug 1915, p. 7

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vern Street OR CONCERTS r Shcp at“! Ave .! “I'M-d Park Ob”? (x: ‘ Tubes 'IALL 3mm: “{hfil‘ UH nu u Specmky rivenIDmb apd Cats A :e thcrrrumm DOL’GLAS y Surg'eon RING ter, Eggs vultry ung swald ng and 'uiq, III. J74 rtral Ave. .ardener ’I In tnameer TSON H (Hand Park 37 leth-xlelrk KUDIM'E Fond Yd 534 i and three ml 6 rec! 'ntum. u \r‘ onnrucnon A 3 mi nhow rk TmAlre ussell M D 'eyor under me 3c jTuesday. Wed mun nag, Typo. .0 ‘h :kh he Skv" onztruc om WORK ame .mic- Ave. LOST In Om. H. Warren’a sf'we Tunduv ~umnn2. a hand sachtle rim- taininz plnr‘ri and other things valuahle to mm»: nnlv‘ Reward :f returned (’0 Mrs W T [.‘ndeerOd. ‘fi‘ Mrs. W' M' Love”. 317 Prosnect Ave. 25 9“ L0$T~RMP sifk sweater sash. Finder please ca‘l 676. 25 Pd L08T~<mall suit case. leatht‘f- '“h nlum‘v‘ng wuifiers. 82 reward if returned ‘0 T. H. Detker. 25 TL'Tanz; MATHEMATICS â€"â€"Teleohone 704R. (‘18:) G. Tavlm‘ of Dzerfifld Shields TOWnshup High S:hool. 228 E. Central Ave 25 *Free of barge to farmars help pay- "ii! Own tram fares. We supply single farm hands dairv hands and married Wale thumuthy exDerienced. Diamond 1”If"! Hand Aqencv. 32 So. CanalSt 2nd flm" Chh’ R. Diammd Phone Main 5074. (f WANTEDâ€"Ry man and wife. 3 furnwh- .ed romm mr hght housekeepmg. or 3 furnished moms with or without bn-ak- fast. Tel 18!) 23 FOR EXCHAVGR Equity in two almost new mudz-rn houses for clear. vacant lot. Adam‘- N A. Aldridge, Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. 25 pd ~â€"Mi:3 Bertha Harbaugh, who has re- Ccived her degree as graduate of the flonhwestern University School of Music. I! prepared m receive pupils desiring in- muctionin piann. Residence. 33? Park Ave. Phone 7 2-). 25 pd Straved on Ausz. 5th a very large gray cut. all white underneath. answers to whistle. or name Happy. rewardl Mrs. 1". Travis 541 ()akwood Ave. Tel. 592. 25pd FOR E \L‘HANGE â€"-Fine modern residence Grange, mrner lot 100x145; will trade ’0? Highlviml P.1rk home Price $12,520 Remy m G R. Box 563. Highland Park. 25 pl! Announcement Iwish to announce that I am again located in Room 1. State Bank Bldg. “01 my employment agency and am ready to furnish those in need with first this help. Tel. 263. Mrs‘ J. M. Dnnsing, 25-25 pd LOST In off. S. Amick. 534HLcamingtbrn Chicago. FOR SALE â€"â€"Wicker baby carriage and Wicker go-cart. Irish mail. All in good condition. Address 1. M. B. Press office. 25pd For: SALE ~If you are a carpenter or handy mechanic I WI“ furnish you with a 50 ft. lot in our new subdivision on Waukegan Age. south of Moraine Rd. station and C. M. E, electric road. and wficienz lumber and millwork to build yourself a cottage of 3 or 4 rooms and you repay me in monthly payments. We also have for‘sale a new S-room modern bungalow a} No. 27 Onwentsia Ave. 0. A. Lewis Cm. Room 218 Reaper Block. Clark and Washington Streets, or 2156 Milwaukee Ave, Chicago. If FOR SALE Two 5-year old horses. combination. Inquire Dr. C. W. Young. Tel. Lake Forest 110. ti FOR SALE â€"-Comfortable Sâ€"room cottage in good condition. nice in: with trees. shrubs andgarden. Small payment down and balance to suit purchaser. Make an ofler. Address N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. tf pd FOR SALEâ€"Choice lot. 100 feet front~ age. near :Vine Ave. station. Highland Park. 32000 per foot; sewer and water mid. Address the Highland Park Press (I F. S. Amick. 534 Lcamington Ave. FOR SALEâ€"2 good work horses. very cheap. Address Reliable Laundry. Tel 178. 25 Fonz SALE CARDSâ€"For sale at THE Puss office. 5 cents each. FOR SALEâ€"Twin Indian 1914 motor~ cycle. with Rogers side car, in first class condition. 425 Hazel Ava. garage. 25pd FOR SALE-*OHC $350 Huntington piano. in perfect order and good tone, for 3150. 1130 one No. 5 Smith Premier typewriter for $15. Apply at Major Helmick's quar- ters, No. 12, First Loop, Fort Sheridan. 25pd Fox SALE V'Good business comet acre lot, old house. cash and time; also two urea old buildings. cheap. $500 down. balance $25 per month. Address N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. 25 pd FOR RENTâ€"Safety deposit boxes and vault space for storage of trunks. etc. at the Erskme Bank. (f FOR Rawâ€"Steam heated apartment. 6 rooms and bath; two extra rooms I! de- sired. 47 St Johns Ava, phones 49 and 199. F. P. Hawkins ti FOR RENT-Furnished flat convenient in! “howl teachers, one block from grammar qr high school, two blocks from depot. 231 N, St Johns Ave. {1 ma RENTâ€"-3~r00m house at 429 W. Deerficld Aux Tel. 709-W. 1f Fox Rm 1'77} room cottage Apply to M, L. Muidxemn at office 32 N. First St. Telv 32. ZSpd Fox R55"? CARDSâ€"-â€"F0r sale at THE P1355 9mm. 3 ccnts Each. FOR REMâ€"Modem aptarmcnts of 4 to 6 rooms. wnh or wnhout furmshings. In- quire of H, E’dhnet. car. 5:. Johns Ave. and Morame Rd. Tel. 776M. 2f FOR RENT s-ripoms and bath, hard- wood floors‘ oak and maple finish, 2 porchfi. 3 blocks from Ravinia depot. 350.00 per month. F. A. Tucker. Tel. 57. {(1 Fox Rsxr-9-room house with all modern Improvements, § acre; fine fruit trees. etc. East side: also several houses and cottages for rent. Apply Room 1 State Bank Bldg. Tel. 263. J. M. Donsing. : tf’ fflfl” Mrs. T. Walsh. 315 E. Park Ave. 3., Linden. Tel. 702 R. tf WANTED «All kinds of female help; ' E“can and _(oreign. Wages :7 to $10 aweek. Abonrst‘clags llelp fumighed ran-Short notice. ADD'Y Robin 1 Sta}; wk Bldg. Mrs. J. M. Donsinz. telephone W Elam Amy www.m- AGINGâ€"Fiat clan help waved (or all household positions. Em~ W!!! of 'aH kind: for women find IIAMEDJORRENTJORMI \ MISCELLANEOUS Fun Hnndl Fro. LOST FOR SALE FOR RENT “pd THIS white- nrvw- A? thin? «ilk 1"“1'c mm); 23M .1 “Ed" fikh'v. mm -.-x lhwe \nw‘ru'l hind. u! ['1 p ,v ‘1 -m I in (TN-u. ’(‘hv Hulk-v h‘N p "I'm" of “lth green at Hm «mun 312:! a nu: u! "111- hum“: Desiznr-d by "anvil Telll‘r .t 1‘0. Nr- York. tf Summer Costume of White Crepe de Chine HE use of buttann and (he use of plans are pram-lions fur 1!:.- run. and black. navy Mm-_ dark brown and green wm mmtlute m.- ltnple valor: for Wnumn'i nmmro-l, The 008! or this charming L1H null them plan naming {rum the mom The um: plt‘ce gowns or lllwu ulul wunlmlllc umh-rlnls “hh‘h tlw Hm. ll hmuow nre «HI-Hug m'rr all lwlk n~ 2! they \n-ru «lmlxm-‘l («-r HI:- Jo-unr fl lr. NH her Amerlrzm roman nhuuld ELM: no nlmlvulzy ln nulllng lwrm'lf ln H r‘l' Jmuluu- lmmlu, 1hr vouxulner ..( .\- :l'll, ls rospon-dlhh‘ fur lulu) of [hr Ina! 0! them 'l‘llry wllnw rlu- mun- walnut clmrucu‘rlsths, (he smm- lnllkmuhl .4 m1». as tln- ulnre emu-mu: mum-c- uuns. Twu mnterulu um ”(um um blned for (tn-m, A whlu- llm-n, mum urale enough fur III afternmu) own slum, of rather flue uluh-rlll hm! u rut fled sklrt and plum hodlco. with lrlxu belt and long sleeves. and Ill Hu- mun-n everywhere are bound wllh n Mus MM of colored llnen 1n n hnl! lxu-h “mm. A (‘hockvd llmm ln trlnmml uul; plaln and A gvlnlu who with plum mu! no It guns." l‘luln whlh- um-n huu' "‘lf Inns (0 eulln-u {In-m and «mum: in-ull) er belts are unnl with goal rpm!- Sklrt poka-m make mob frwkn prnr th‘ll and help In ornament thrln nl rho- Ham:- tlmv. Slum-Hug tun tan-n m vlved as a (rlmmlnx. Ind dengmm rt sults gn- ulelmnl by mx- mean-u \\ All) waubnhk- ml-‘ml lhfi'ndn AHIIKn'HloY It Is Hm nuc- 1»! xlrls, and (ha-y llnr bowl hunurI-d ml nm'rr lwfnro M "Ir ('rentlom or m.- grunt Fn-mh nrl-tnr- ”.1de by Hick-on Ca. Not York ,0! (ushlnn sumll wmuln-r If the) 1.1-1 ”(lane-rm) by ll and Important. FIN“! nan n' hn’Ol\yxn um! n... n-.. .J A Charming Fall Stule *v-I 'rrmi mmu- rumMnH! I‘Ith Ih‘? -l 'H,» ym-mn-‘qm- Ihh‘n h»! mun Silk hand ban of Mad. and «an hrighl fiunrv tlikl. er vtflw‘nu- u‘m dnrk frwkn. “any of (In-m ham» 3 Mg colorvd stone for I «(mp l‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRES. HIGHLAND P. ,u-hln-nqur gunk-n h»! Hm: mk- 0! “hm- Frnn- h .. u!) o! Ihflo Hiwu .,1 A.\.\.\ M.\\ ANNA MAI Kmfltng MINI FeIng. (kvmu “'x- \u‘ ’7 Th... (Wyn, hnuv h 1‘! (he \immrlh- k1. “In; n.12h hn rosumru gunman vnh 3 full rrc' After a that (John not. I‘ November. Minimum. Wu. Au; ‘7 Elna \nr old but Hu-ni "v :1 Tu‘, “hr" {mu '. -( 3 , -~ 1h nu' 111‘ m the like I! v.‘ 1 . .‘Il dr. “my .cci Gem n! “(In it w"! A.” ‘u Inn-on like (h. In a. x". ... l I I -1 in VIM. 7. ‘Jnrn wt 5.”an ‘h. tm urn"! rmemi) my Ilir Ht (urn: .n and XM! PM"! 7 Manna!“ anay 1.14 MM" Long. 20 Fee! Wide Ind 8|: Fen Dupv \lnrnnttu \\1~. Au: 1’. ATm- nnt dram-(o unit In \lnrimuo mumy his hm-n «umph‘tw! The \‘nmmnr (hall I. {merit-on COMPLETE DRAINAGE CANAL Bay Drounl m Lung Minunuo". “'1‘. Au; I! (bid Lz-u I ”-113 “v 3 Tu‘ n (‘nnnMorlbia lo‘nxzh n! hmc- gnu-«3 for udmunun (0 lhu uv-nrinflnn um ‘3: u-hmthd I (cu urrL' In) An .0011 u. the plum m tmprme the; She-mun mud from Hmuu to Mn \uuh-e are rnmaul-(vd And be. “me H ‘ chlHr Hm (Ln-e ruumw. nu-nhnm-d mu, ark z. m ldHJHI'J h) (hr Du;- Iunrulmn “huh hn. rnnlnvl 0! Un- Ilupvndnur wrmx tn ‘nvr um- hug. comtnunun I'.Y(‘U‘)) .‘f rund rrmn Finn du (trough rum lull-- tn (km-1n TM. “HI mun 1'4! an nulnmrrbnr can sun {rum Muml, P13. mud n» over road. of rum-NM, nuphn” m brnk. through Um- Hnu- rnr IHHP' (purist; lhrmuh Grown. Tennounv Kmnurkv, UM” 1mm \Hrhuln and Illlnnu \HrM‘nn show hmMua nn fur Milwaukee, Aug. 17â€" The Wuron- Iln r-nd o! the Dropout-d unprmud Sherhlln rucd from ('hk‘ngu 10 NH Inukmm Ihlrh un run \hruulb In cum Ind Keno-h: mmnuem may hr conu- par! u! the ("noun hmr Mn: “”4 ‘hlch bid. lair IHMn the near {mure to be (In- lonxrl! :lrru h of 31:) Drum hub!” m the norm 80y Drown. m WII(OHIJ\ my" Wain-nu \\ w L.‘ 1‘ M“ r! 2hr Yuan»: ~ \n-ur HM Mvn Impmved Shaman Drive May Ba Connected With Big Project. BADGERS All] PLAN FOR DIXIE HIGHWAY lawn-t ( .ndurrr ax Hnqur Jun ax Hoqur Jum (It-n Mar}. KP'IIo-x (Lu mu (1 M: M..." INN Mm I! under urn-M :1 Hum- NIH-r IAN was we “he Accmm In”! WOODSMAN BELIEVED SLAIN h. m-a any 0- mum”! nnd tn: 40nd ‘lwfi HR‘n run” I Eagle River Palm. Hold Last Man Seen With Hun. [(h nv‘I.u. 1: 3 “Hr \ug 37 ‘ Ex: I Tram HI. Car. Manson. \\ 1|. tug. Iii-Wink. humor, (of!) )ucr‘ «Ad. 1“. tailed. and John Bergman, "NH” 5"." old. “1.. :4.» Lu” \nann nut. (m Lite m “1.24) Hm) “NP :1an Ian M: by A (“1311‘ Lnin nu 13w «2qu and .\'«‘r(h \K'Hlvrn rflh’wvmi M u Irwin (tn-Mn: one um:- um: or \Irndvu Hulmu ‘ ABOQ‘V” I. 807‘CL Hrnmnn an “WIN! «m 1‘ n Pew; den im 5:» rg L: h §!\‘~- '~ I‘m»! Hrdrrr :1 Cl' Rumor II Sentenccd Y.!I(1;.I’u \\ v- \‘H ' I ”I a ‘1! H] ’.h"! f H ll Wlu 1 the mnhunnhuo Iere 3.1M: of (h.- l.» uan‘e .' 21 m:‘« nrm- HI N'ar u .P flir- Hm) "I ‘Hunh l‘a- :Ijlgr ho v ,-- an 110'!“ H‘ ..- q “1 w-n :, 2*!” I. F H «1rd "on, .I nl ulr M. u Uri-um Yrvm Ho ' [liltt‘d up 1m: HY \lmn vu- in. {'4 (IV \\ H4 u- him. 1M H I. v trrnk In! I... 3 I [murd‘x I uro! HIHII \Inrv u! Hwy I)! h)! ’h .0 (If \hhcn ltfh Telephone. Highland M 17 Long Distance M by Auto Truck: RUGGLES CATERING CO. 212 F. Canal An. Best Home Made Bread; Runs Tm, Copper,5heet Metal. Fm WM: Noah ShoreMo'fl ()ur Trucks go to Chicago every day and if you havq any household goods. going m We can xiv? a reason. able price on moving them - GAMES OF ALL KINDS 3 2 ammuam saws!) on THE GROUNDsi DENNEWS BAKERY THURSDAY, AUG. 719 AT LAKE FRONT PARK: Highland Park Fire Department TONIGHT ’ * ANNUAL 7 ' PICNIC DANCING AFTERNOON AND EVtNlNG Large and Small Calms, Birtlflay Cakes, Pies, Salted Nuts. Etc. Water Fight a Big Feature at 3.30 1). if? Everybody Welcome mm.mkm7 Thin-550 Ii O’NEILL’S TIN SHOP 15 West Elm Place é WILL BE HELD ON ALL BRANCH-3 BY THE lilo-Fora; 21¢: W

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