Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 16 Sep 1915, p. 5

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WW!!! , L‘rJ rance " «. ml and 85):»; L: It 1 :ajx;e Ltr 1 4 m. g. “(i t ERIC |U Telephone iTY LE Specialty “sing 'our garments mpany pany TS {Hand Park 265 erial ER’S ' 3:1! gent's s, drawnes. ' :1Lated market wersey E 1 LRUNDY. Cali ~:3:c in the ,mston, Wil- E’ark and :erritory is _\ attractive. {It VI‘C‘ thls ,ulormg 13$. but - 8153 * \ <end us reg- r two keep nimun stac- if: Lamps and Brackets House, Power and Motor Wiring Estimates Furnished Highland Park, III. 134 m 5m: m. sou Robert Greenslade 111 E. Park Avenue Motor Car Repair and Machine Work 2 of all kinds f A. G. McPherson Chalmers and Ford Motor Cars Supplies and Accgessories 425 S. LINDEN AVENUE PHONE 1058 :: HIGHLAND PARK, ILL NORTH :SHORE REAL ESTATE H.“ T. WILLIAMS Highland Park State Bank Our new folder, showing the remarkable growth of periodical deposits at intenestn ' worthy of your attention and study Please ask for one at the -‘ The Home of Savings Depositors: FRANK], BAKER, Pn'sidcn! /‘ M. APPEL. Vnre Pm C. F. GRANT, Cashivr Like the rising and setting sun, like the beat' ings of the human heart, like the ebb and flow of the ocean tide money at interest is “al- ways on the job. " Whether you are sick or well, busy or idle aw ake or asleep. that money of yours at interest is Money at Interest Works while You Sleep Bargains in vacant and improved prop- erty from Evanston to Highland Park Highland Park residences and "can! . a specialty Highland Park Garage working, producing, accumulating. distributor of Phone 897â€"\'-2 Will Krulnblch Telephone 140 Highland Put lifted The (‘Imp Fire Girls will be org-m ized into Commonvul Club: this full. which seem to meet the needs of the growing girl much more thtn the (‘amp Firc‘ There \nll be u noc'ml service de- partment whwh it I: hoped vnll be Un- means of dmng some community Inna um- Any girl oxcr lWOlVe yeurs of age who ls interested vnll be welcome to jmn (his new movement bow {or plenum Ind profit. The ”(nary will checflully give any information required. A meeting of the bet!!! 0! durectors will be held Tuesday, Sep- tember ‘11, at 3:30 p. m. The dnncmg chase: will open Ion- day. October Hi. There will be chu- es organiud for beginner: u well u for ndvunced pupils. Miss Doris Humphtey vu a guest at the association Monday. The topic {or discussion in tho Christina Enduvor meeting in “World's ldenls and How‘Fonign Missions Promote Them." The meet- ing will be in churn o! tho'miuion- ll’)’ committee 3nd led by Mum. of Dr Miss Doris Humphtey vu a guest at the association Monday. Miss Humphrey will Again hu-o charge of the dancing this you. Mrs, Howard Powell of Elmhont wax 3 week and guest of her sister, Mrs Scanx ‘tlu' ass I“ hon mom. In the morning Rev. Ven Even will take as his subject “Walking worth- ily of the Lord," ueing .5 MI text the words (Ound in Col. l:l0: “That ye might welk worthy of the Lord unto ell pleasing. being fruitlul in every good work, and increuing in the knowledge of God." At the "min; service the peetor will epeek on ”Se- an Seeking Adv-nun," busing hie remlrks on :2 Cor. 2:11. Booth UBITl'ARY Mr. (ierrm William Sehreure, a resident of MuM‘lllnt. lowa, {ather of Mr. John A. Shmurn of thie city, died suddenly et hie home in low: Tutldly morning. September 6. Mr. Shmn who had lived In Museatine {or men- ty years, was a well-known mennlac- turer nnd inventor. having patented several inVentions. lie took In ective interest in prohibition. Y. I. C. A.‘ and the G. A. R. Death came to Mr. Shreurn when all hia funily m about him. Mr. John Shreure 0! thin city having motored out for I Vie“ to Muacetinei The deeeeaed leave- to survive him a widow, {our eom and one daughter. Funeral mine ”’7'. held at the Muratine I. E. M~ Thuradey mnemoon. the the-here of the Seventh Iowa infantry acting ee‘ pallbeererei The G A. K b4! Chute of the services It the grave. form are bending, ”try The run in the neat now lung fled Lake mug I‘m-iaetrr 0" ll "Minn It... numb. km. the m..- Blufl “m“ on the {.r ”73"“! Ibo" mm“ ”Winn-M, uhuu‘ twinkle-rpm}: re one ““h‘ h“ hand. neatly uent nut-w tn the tune of Home Bxko'nn‘ ’0" IO (‘01!!! UVCY ‘0 m‘ Wt, tr» In he rtp'urrd ll) ’l‘hum-r beenttlul lAnd; (um. 3‘“ n *0 h.” V“. M 9" (hm Thin vine mode known Manda) when all lowllyr oi. bondamen {or Min Ron derided "Hi"? '0' “0" M7 M‘- “ yur Cnhlll would be the men to etnughten om bend 50-- proudly: ‘oqe the poetoCk-e {angle ’Ke p [it tram our don. not our, A postal inapector found the Lake wett- m; , mar arm abort 3000 and and In. ”For ten year- yet deley roving o'er lieu about it. She aeid she didn‘t see the liver Styx!” ‘11“ that rould happen. although she Deer Auetie and Mother. may t4 you Ishined ehe wan a poor acrr-untant. yet be given l and ehe (nee-ed use must have ‘Dieee tee yeare more with ea, hr in' the money that van left ever Mr bright Heaven 'alhr ahe had figured everything up. 11»- nda mid b. mined, rod “.3 n. bondM were “bed to in her leee no in an 5., hack m money. but they mom: anymmorourcoemmoflnmuhmmummm you dwaya. 'rw Mend-Inu- Anlmd Agdnet Boerd all; lid-view l; Declaring that the Lake (ounty Bunrd of Rt'VieWV lulled 14) do itl- duty ; in the laying of \nluntione fin genes» ment on the ennu- of fit lgte Hubert"; W Sara. Attorney "Min C. Dockert Saturday filed in the eitcuh court - J petition Ilkltw that a mandgmue writ. ! iuue “(limit the botrd .nd Mrew' Anne Score, widow of the late mail“. order king, torring them into court in ' shot why they should not ml the fig- urea at the nlleged proper velue A The filing ‘of the petition did not '. come as e norm-tee, at Mveml daynj ago whee the Board of Revlew made? their ruling tn the Seen atate At-i torney Dex-liq intimated ’e Would neâ€" F eort to the triandamue mute to get? ‘whethe “1"” “l MW!) “if AWamn. K. 1.. C. E., 6:45 pm. Preaching Service 7:45 pm. The temperance lesson will be studied at Sundny school. the whim! being “Defeat Through Drunkenneu" and is found in 1 Kings 20:1-21. Mr. W. W. kae of Second SL wll spend the week end It Austin. Mr. John White Ind Anthony ()‘Donrel of Central Ave. left lut Week for a two weekn' trip to Duluth. Miss Lillinn Peterson 0! Evuuton is (he guest {or several dnyl this week of Miss Helen Conrad of McGoVan street. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clow of Second St. have joined Mr. and In. Ray- mond Flinn of Pnrk Ave. (0! - mk'l visit at Broadband, Wis. Mr. Joseph Delhnye and hmily And his brother, Mr. Leo Delinye. with his hmily, hu'e moved to P“! hi, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Roy M. Howe and Mr. and Mrs. George M. Howe upon: the week end u St. Joe. Mich. where they went to attend a family reunbn. They report a very plenum. time and warm weather. Mr. ugd Mrs. Edward F. Dunbnr and daughter, Alice, of Troy, All.. spent Thursday und Fridny with flu. George Howe. Miss Laur- Hewitt 0! North Fir-t St. has gone to Pierce. Net. to wait her uncle. Gorton Hewitt. Miss Berm- Hnrbnugh 0! Ban Plrk Ave. has as her (nut for I in days this week Miss Florence Tyden o! Evans‘on. Mrs. Pom: E. Mush of Pmpoct Ave. but as her guest this week In. Alexander Dunn of lndiuupolis, who has just returned from the Californh Exposiflon. mmcmo Pmmmcxmmpmnmas The little son 0! Ir. Robert Pagan o! Highwood. who fell iron I hydnnt on Hominy tad up“! his ford-d. is [acting ulong nicely. woman». LOCALS Hours of worship: Sunday School, 9:30 am Morning Worship. 1015 mm First United Evan. Church Barn-cu clan met It the home Friuch on Tunday evening‘ Y. \Y C. A. News missionary oflering will be Mrs. Mary Brand. who is‘bclur Jmown to this community on “Gand- jmn Bnud.” celebrated her mnumth birthday nnnivemry on Tuudny ’evening when a family reunion con- fIi-u’ng of Mtythm o! the Bnnd Homily amend at In. Bmd'a homo ‘on Second St. The nflnir n: a dim gnu ”nod to six chlldm, (“nu-on. fmndchfldnn. mm (not grand- ~chfldren, and friends. The out of ‘lown (out: were Mr. and In. Chow ‘ter Waliul’ Ind um, Kenneth. of Manhattan. 111.. Ind Mr. And In. I... I). Rum" of Chicago Following in an annual poem um I: a (man; m Mn Band from her gnophur. Mr. Simon S. (m o! Topokl. 'Knnun: ‘How joyoun all hum while Antidin‘ "Should I urn-r :(nm from at.“ nlumbon nwnh, “Then I pray Thu, dnr Lord. Um my boul Thou wilt uh." Thou dnyu of our youm, .0 fun of 1112': pluoure. Were filled to o'crflmving bet-uh. of the {rt-lune We found in you, Molhrr. “"hlhfl up in!!! nurh rare Fur all our rhildmh porn)". with up )ou did lhlrr, Hut muluphed yrnrl now your {nil fnrm lrt bfhdlh‘, The pun m the I'M! Low lung M- own in sending, Mn. nu, Btu-d n4 nay-am Cucu- 1 Mr. Parker Certainly Make5 GI Fountain Pens T mums mum BIRTHDAY Coloh-uo Eve-I Toad-y Eva-h. Frank Siljestrom, Purity Ice Refrigerating Co. Insist upon your Ice Man furnishing you with 113 E. Central Av We offer a large variety of styles and sizes at $2.50 up' The Ice that is absolutely A“ EARL W. GSELL Purity Ice P10€M111.xr u! tnufrrrnct m. I‘rr- mnncnt mm Sumur) Inrn‘ Imprnvcy monb. Farm («mew Nun dun!“ Issue). The“ munch hunt been sent to the Public Library through the cour- u-uy 0! (hr l'mvnnl Porthmd Ce» 5mm (‘umpuny an I (If! m the II- hnry. and mould pron of ml lulu: lo all thou IhN'TrHA‘d m the Ful'jfif‘r uufllnod I'Zdurulmnnl pulnhraunm of um Lind, both a! u-nnubc And pru- hml menu. Arr wt-lrnmr addmurm to (h. hbruy) Some n! 1hr rrndrrp uf Thqa I'NM Some n! 1h: rude-n uf Thqa I'NM may he .nlrrvuad to lurn mm H lb pu‘nMr h. hm! nohcel- of mu! N'fi'K‘t‘ enmumhum [Inled It Lht I’uhlu' LL by": y Thu In- mndo known Manda) when ch. bohdxmen {or Mm Ron derided Cahlll would b. the mun Lo alnuxhten 0‘ ch! poutol'wc {angle The Public Lubrlry ht: NCUIVOd lune \c-ry prlrurll And uplodnu booklet: on concrete romtrucuon. Thou booklet: Ire wntum h) - corp. of competent cnximn find I" pub- “M under the umpire. o! the Uni- wrul lnfurmutmn Bureau of (Thi- u'o. Their arcuncy, therefore. 1. umeuuonnlde And VHH rI-ndrr them exceedingly valuablo to than Inher- and m then “abject. The booklet: cover the following. nubjoru' Oonrrru for m. F-rmer (‘nnch H. the Bumy-rd ‘ Ounrnu' annnenu, Suicwulks. Public Library Noles 12 W, (xnunl Avenue and let us know your wants in Takang, Cleaniha, Pressing, etc. Ladies and Gents Suns made to order Telephone 341 PURE JOHN HONAKER TELEPHONE Highland Pulx 449 Local Distributor Telephone 65 ln-clny'mx “ml the Lake (oumy Bunrd of Rrvivw fouled 14) do I” du‘)’ ; m 1):: lupus of \nlunupm fin H.393!“ ment on the ,PU‘A‘ of 6am Mu Ruben"; W San. Attorney "Min C. Dockerfi Sunni-y filed in un- circuh court 1.: pehuon ”knit that a nundtmul wrn. ’ lune “mind the bo‘rd Ind Mn. ' Anna Scorn widow of the 'hu mull“ order km‘, formng them mw mur! to that why a...» should not 1" the fig- ura- 11 the “legged pm'or v’luo A NOTIEE by an experienced elec- mcxan, thoroughly oom- pctenl in all matters per xalnlngm electrical ap paratus a n d have 2 years in which to pay for the same ll sorall (m or phonr Geo S. Tinker Phonc Hkhhnd Pitt 532 Have you a house which you would like to have wxred for Electric Light who will gladly submnt you an cstxmateul yum wxrmg and (-xplam the proxxrsixnm fully. ELECTRICIAN PfiARMAclsr Telephonl “9 ,

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