Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Sep 1915, p. 2

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A pretty home wedding of last Wednesday evening was that of Miss Marjory Rosina, daughter of Mrs. Anna Rosing of Ravinia, to Dr. Wal- ter C. G. Kirschner. son of Mrs. Kirschner of St. Louis, which took place at the home of the bride's mother in Ravinia, Judge Brentano of Chicago read the service. which was followed by a reception and dance. The house decorations were of mu. and autumn leaves. Sixty guests were present. After a honeymoon trip. which will be a motor trip to the White Mountains. Dr. and Mrs. Kirsh- ner will be at home in St. Louis some time in October. Mary S. Baker entertained infor- mally a few little friends Saturday af- ternoon. in honor of Cleona Udell, who has recently returned from a summer spent in the west. On Thursday evening Mr. Fred Fischer, Sr., of South Green Bay road was tendered a very pleasant surprise when thirty 01' his friends cnme to help him celebrate his birthday anni. vemry. Cards were the feature of the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clavey were host and hostess on Saturday evening to about two hundred guests, the occa- sion celebrating Mrs. Clavey's birth- day anniversary. The guests were royally entertained with dancing in the barn. which was fittingly equipped with a new floor and gay in decora- tions of colored lights and Japanese lanterns. Pritchard'a three-piece or- chestra from Waukegan furnished the music. Cards were played by those who did not care to dance. Delicious refreshments were served, including two large birthday cakes with lighted candles. The out of town guests in- cluded folks from Chicago, Waukegan, Deerfield, Glenview and Shermerville. On September 29 Mrs. Richmond Dean will be hostess at a supper dance from 5:30 to 9 o’clock, honoring her daughter, Miss Dorcas Dean. House decofations are to be in yellow and white. On Friday, Mrs. Otto Zwink was hostess to a number of friends at a beach party. A good time was re- ported by all the guests. Mrs. Zwink honored her guest. Mrs. Leams, from Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Robert Louis Barron, the violin- ist who is to give a recital at the Mo- raine Hotel on Sunday, October 31, will be one of the soloists tomorrow even- ing at the opening reception for this season of the Lake Forest Woman's Club. The others appearing on the program are Mrs. (‘atherine Ried‘ Martin. pianiste. and . Miss Adah Keehns. reader. the artists who will assist Mr. Barron in his recital at the Moraine. Mrs. John Udell of West Vine Ave wxll entertain the North End Embrm Llcry Club at her home this afternoon Mrs. John Irwin Marshall of Pros- pect Ave. entertained twelve guests at luncheon on Friday last for her guest, Miss Louise Clark of Washing- ton. I). C. Pink and white asters made the luncheon table vary at- tractive. .-\ large number of Highland Park people attended the dinner given at hser Lick Farm on Saturday evening wrth Mr. and Mrs; Ford (‘urter as host and hostess. On Monday evening the C. E. So- ciety of the Ebenezer Church, num- bering about forty young people, en- joyed 1 beach putty. The program included games of I“ sorts, marsh- mallow rust And delicious refresh- menu. .‘l N The successful prize winners at r~. Edward Huber-'5 euuhre party. M last Thursday afternoon, were r<. Nels Nelson and Mrs. A. Knud- The Social Side of Life Your Rugs, Fancy Curtains and Cretannes will need Cleaning “The Reliable Way." Ask your neighbors how they like the work we do for them. They tell us it is “The only Way." And mind you it is seldom we ever lose a family wash customer after we show them what kind of work we do. Better get in on this we will save you quite a lot of time, labor and money.__ High Class Lnunderen 1nd French Dry Clunen R5335? W Phone us at 178â€"179 or Local Affairs of the week By the Obocrvcr Mrs. H. B. Clnrke of But (Ientrnl 'Ave. entertained at luncheon yester- ‘dny {or Chicago relatives, the guests [being Mesdnmes C. F. Spaiding, tHempatend Washburne. Kinney Smith, iJohn Coleman. Jr.. Jesse Spuldmg and .Miss Mary Rand. Miss Helen Gruel wnll amen-In. During six guests at 5 o'clock supper on Sun- nude I ‘ day evening in honor of her birthday i" 160 CO anniversary. mulicalel The Campbell (‘hapter Guild, an or ganization formed last spring of members of Campbell chapter Eastern Star for the purpose of making arti- clea for a bazaar, has finished its work. and judging from the amount of articles made by the members, who so willingly gave their time, proved a success. The public will haw a splendid opportunity to see for itself the unusual and complete display of articles when on Wednesday. Septem» ber 29. the bazaar will take place both afternoon and Meaning in Masonic Hall. Miss Myrtle Wenban of Lake Forest. who is general chairman of the guild. has the. affair in charge and is being ably assisted by the followA ing ladies, who are chairmen of the following booths: Mrs. Herbert Strung. chairman of the fancy Work booth; Mrs. Samuel Levm of the can dy booth, Mrs. S. R. Bricknell of Lake Forest of the apron booth; Mrs. Wm. Marshall of Lake Forest of the tow'el booth, and Mrs. Paul Roeder of the bakery booth, Final arrangements have not as yet been completed. but those who have the aflair in their guidance extend a cordial invitation to the public and feel confident that a good time is in store for all. Supper is to be served from five until seven o'clock. The large hall is to be deco- rated in autumn leaves and wild flowers in which booths will be lo- cated, while the dining room Will be used {or the dinner. The proceeds of the bazaar is to be added to the [runs- ury of Campbell chapter Eastern Star. Nuthing |.~ being spared to make the November bazaar n (‘Ol’llplrlv \ucr n‘t‘si. The date set for the humm‘ ls Tuesday, November '13, and It Is Lu tu- held in the parish house. Mun) alr travtlve mI-Ies h‘ve been planned for. such as baby, utility and dolls tables Fancy work. towels. aprons and other articles whirh will make :ppropriate Christmas gifts are to be on sale. The Junior Auxiliary is u. have a grab bag and a fish pond. (Tandy Wlll lu- niulle on th: platform. and although full nix-armaments have not been marle. it L“ planned to serve lunchenr allll supper in the parish house, [ht l2i.lies in charge of Which are wall Mrs. Gcorge Lytton of E. Vine Ave, ts entertaining at six tables or bndge (hIS atternoon for her guest. Mrs. Chester Atkinson. who comes from a ycals stay In South America, Tomorrow anemoon Mrs. Lynon will entertain at Informal bridge for Mrs. Athnson. The Mises Wessling entertained the Philathca club of the United Evangelical church in the parlor: of the church on Tuesday evening. Mrs. A. R. Carqueville 0! Hazel Axe was hostess to eight out-of-umn guests a! a luncheon on Tuesda_\x knnwn for their talent in culmary art The bazaar is in charge of Trmll) Guild. The regular fortnightly meetings of Trinity Guild In to commence on the second Mondty in October. Trinity Church Notes Robert Loun- Barmn. the well- known Aerit‘ln \‘Iohniu, ml! pro 1 red“! at tha- Mornne Hum 011 Sun. day evening, ”(lulu-r 13 Mr. ”.er is well knnwn xhruugh hh v-‘lfnln‘e convertumg H1- hns guru mun) th cagu remain and (his WI“ he 1hr thud ream} n! ‘he Moraine, up he app-.‘nrt-d there In NH! join! ruclullx but ream”, alrs put 1h: \lunrern 1n 3 man trulu some splrxt. A red. white And llluc CUUUIUH was a feature of thc part)". whllr fur um- dance the light: were lowered und “Young America" spark» lers were ht, “'hlt‘h nude 1h. ballroom a pretty M‘Hw Very Ittrtctivr {I- Vors of pretty red, white Ind blue fans, parasols, hornx and cap. were generously tlhtrlbuted among the guests. The evening closed "th many regrets that that lumeuful Tuesday evening parties were over. in 160 concerts 3nd numeroul private municalu. He hu .130 filled conge- menls before 1 number of (Tm-ago clubs. some of which lrt‘ [hr follow- mg. Town and ('ounlry ('lub, Rah enswood Mlpumr Club, Furlnmhtly The an Tul'Miu) (\enmg dunner dunn- vnu hrld on Tuesday 0! this “:‘t‘lx. Thr (LUWQ‘ “I! m the nllure of n "gr-mic mu! ensemble nationalc." tu whn'h Her) guest ray-lulled \nth u gn-ul m-ul n3 enthualnnnz. The ballroom was decanted 1n ml, “hit: and blue. luntvrnn, purlsoll and {tn-- towns uf panr, all of “hH‘h added to the guyvt) u!. the (K‘K‘IMUH. and gn\e a wlrm uppournnvc lo the town The national (‘Ulurs served well u I docu- ruln'r schemu and wnth UM n-twnnl alrs put 1h: \lunrern in 3 man {rulu some splrll. A red. white And blue The summer liming rmum has been closed. and Alan the new unnex‘ which hfls‘ been used all summer. Mntmn pictures Will be shown It th;- hotel awry Thurndny evening, he- gmnlnx next Thurxdny evening. The Thurmluy evening dancing classes under the dimllun of Mr, (‘nug Ruy.~tnn Harrison lnd Mu: Francn Mutlvy Packer Will he dnscon- tinned. The mn‘t‘cst!‘ of the Tuudly ewmng d!!!twr»tllnres 15 due to the unttring efiorts of Mn llnrnwn and Mum Parker, During the watch 0! 1913-“ he nude I tour of the west, Ipp‘rm' It Is huped that no um- um ml.“ the opportunity of hearing then- finc Artist:- Dr. and Mrs‘ Frank Allpon, who have spent the wmmcr I! the Mo- raine, left this week for their Chicngo home. I.-\y~.~c~~nwnl Nu. 322! Board of Local lmprovenwnl.~ u.’ (h: III) of llzghlnml Plrk. Noxzu- ls hmcl-y given that M112. \nll lw 1m maul In: {he rmmlrurunn of m elghl I'M ”H h main umury sewn, together “11?. manholea and h-HIM‘ junctmm (u lw mu utmt'ted and luid in. alum: unvl *Htll'.’ Judson avenue. be gmmwg u: n pwxrzt 1n the cenlrr lure “f auul Judmx. :nenue, ten (10) feet north uf 1b l"l 'rm‘lwn “11h the northern lxm- u!’ -\\‘u street, pr'nducod easterly, llh'l‘n‘r vmtherly on Mid cen- u-r lme Nu lnnulred Ind uxly {2G0} feet, thumc mnth .«rvenlcen and one- fnurth :17") degrees. east eighty two 48;!) fee! In and connecting Into a manhole in the prawn! sewer 1n nrd lot Lhn-e, blm'u eighty-prven. all m the Ci!) of llxghlsmd l'urL, Like «mm» 1y. lllln"l~, ;\.~ I! “hOll‘ m acrnrdnnco With the nrdunvw- there-(or Sud bld< will he uprnvd on the 4th day of ”(lulu-r. .\ l'. I‘ll-"v, a! the hour of T n'rlm'k p m. at the ofhcr o! the llvmnl lmu' Improvements in the mly hull uf H)» at) of Hmhhnd Pnrk 'l'he agwmtuutmna and blank rn penal, wxll be furnished IV. the o Kt of the Bturd u.’ Local Improvements m the cfly hull In said city NOTICE OF LETTISU (‘().\TK.\(‘T The cénlrnrmr WI” Be ‘pud In bondl. whxch bonds will druv when“ at urn;- nm- or five pcgfigent peg I_nnum. All pro Jul» 9!" bids m-uu be It compam by a cortifled duck ply Mule 10 1h: l're-Idonl of tthBoud ut [HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS Moraine Hotel Notes a! 1 Style and Service Albparet 3 For Men and Women Inc-l Imyrmemenu u.’ the (11) of: Highlnnd ‘lrk for ”to sum of nm Ir"! Hum [en Ilm per can! u! 1hr :33"- guu' uf me prupmul. Sud prnpoul muul he delivered 10" [hr pn-udent of the Board 0! Lou] lmprovemrnu In open "13mm of nud' board at we um: and In" thudi hrmm fur the opening 0 the ume.j No proposal or Ind \nll be considered unlen Irranpamod by I check It. hemin provndod, , I (Annulment N0 1321) Board of Local Improve-mom. u! the City of lllghlwd Pnrkl Notice u hereby xnrn lint lud- \nll hr rm‘en‘ed for the ronltructwr. u! an eight 1M inch mun unlury sewn. \nth manholes, flunhm connectmnu. nnd huure Junt'llonh. to ,. ronntructgd and hid Ih, Ilmlg, and under (Duk‘ utrect, bcglhmhu ut thr manhole- u! the pres»! wwrr. loo-ted m the m- termuon u! and (tilt Itmt Ind Broudwl). runng from thence suutherl} on a hm- twentx-um- 12H {vet from and purullc-l WI the writ Inn of Unit street I distance of three hundred and forty HMO! foot. at \I'hlth pomt then shall he I mnnholr, Ind at which point the uwar nhnll u-rmumu; all u. the mty of lh‘hlnnd I’lrk, Lake t-nunty, lllmou, an a whole In wont unvc Vlth the ordinance thcntor. Sud hid» \Hll be upened 0n the uh «luy of October, A ll. 1915, ut (hr hour u' 7 o'clock p. m. at thc Min- of the [hard of lAIt‘ll lmprmcmcnu In the rd, of Highland l‘nk l'hr ppm‘lfirutlmm 3nd Inlnnk 'rn- Lnul~ “\ll l-r {unvn-h «l at Lht' :- we u! thr lluanl uf lmu. Improvement.- 1' thu nt)‘ hull In mid mt ', Thr rmtrnrlnr will be [In In lmndA, “lnrh lNIlnl‘ Wlll «luv mterr~t ut the mu uf tnr p” (rut per ”mum, All pfhpu~fllh m lll‘ munt ln‘ ur- mmpamul t) a «I'Fllld‘ll (th 3:.) Mule 10 thr pxrntlr-t u.’ U“ Build 0!: Local llnprtnrnuzxts pl the city Hf lllghlunnl l'auk (ur thr sum of not lu-m than um mm per nut u! the “(Km- gnu of the proposal “fie hoard of Local lmprvvomenu rewrvu {he nth! In rend any ur .n bid. 1! they deem it but for tho pubhc "bind u Haghland Park. thou, lhu 22nd day of Sepumlxr. 19”.. .\()Tl(‘E ()l“ LETTING ()DNTRAFY Sud paupuul mual lu- dohrrn-i [U (h the pr. “Id?!” of ”11- Moan! u! Lot-l lmorm'emenh m open nun-hm u! saxd board ll Uu- lnnr and pluu- fut-d hvrtm {or ‘hc- mummy H! the Hume. Hilr‘ixed bl ”KM-I‘d Park, [Hint-in thu 23nd day a! September, A. h SAMX'HI. M. HASTINGS. )‘n-udam n! (he “and of Local lm~ {mu-menu o! u": (H!) u! Highlund SAML‘EL M. HASTINGS, Pnsidtm of the Buurd u! bur-I Im- mxemcnu n! the City 0! Hi‘hl-nd (91 y'ap-un For Full Underweur 'Hnuk‘d ham of lawn! lmprmwmehu 0 1h:- ugh! lr- rut-Cl any or all my) drum I! but for (he pubhr HIS a I most "mule muovauon You 1.4m ol mum m: will moody con 1 lads“ ol mum ”w: win moody can .617 (he dxham no." you. To an the 18 modal: we have ”Hod hate 1m your telec- mm M mandarin. gt. ”"0!!! workman-hip. IIuH-n-d far I» “noun. a! u mmflwmfl m .- ctane-1h. 9| run-d Thu only puma-tun n M mm (man out alum-rd and d mound and plan lb. Ind drum-u 'I-w llbfll‘l. now "95" mm mil-id raw- uud ponnm Styiish Crepe do Chine Biome- The Qlebratcd Gipsy model for ladies that want exclusive styla, shown in midnight blue battleship gray and dull black Fme soft ktd leather htgh boot button st)lc $3.50 and $4 m ..__‘ you would not tblok o! (be pure lot the many to In In. than no or 500. but beau-amp than xmpfla m kmd n1 wpnmrm and whcn norm. mac delumful blown tutunn‘ the [nu-u lumen detail. [hm mun Ihcm m :r rnmthk you ml] admit [hr-y an - .mfl w (M «hunt al . A Most Convenient Service Man-Tailored Skirts $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 p” («L1 per ”mum, mu!» m hi- munl hr ur t) a wrmmd (th pl) pxrndr'l u.’ U“ Build 0 .nrnunh U! ”be city 1- Unusual Smartneu in Autumn Shoes We Show p. ._ \r u u.’ the (11) of ”to sum of nm Ir" rent of 1hr :33"- made to mount. Chas. H. Warren Co. 71 1w runndrrrd ) n rheck An â€"-â€" for new standards of service 7-â€" flared here "hush! huh-If- Bowm- in Dairy Company? Bowman Dair‘v Compan II'IJ‘I‘HUNI‘N SAMUEL LEVIN" the Jeweler n-‘Aâ€" A The Butter with thtj Mild. Sweet. Delicate Fhvor BUTTER Perfectly Pub Slinfor mitt. ya! new for The daflcnendu m {mm‘ ‘endy-to-Wcu sum m no! unknown to you. The Morin; ol the Made-m ()rdet nervicc II the result bl our clone hVNMI' uon Along lh'. hm - So carefully m that sub uilorcd and .0 mm. Indy do they fiL (hut _t are _rell|y a bunne. There In colon and patrons lot my type 0! m... browns. now I0 90901". 6“ Nun lie-408 n and youlblul mimru in audio. "new. {guy panama and modda [mm which to elect Men’s F £111 Suits an; iii-‘6} (in then who film the bait m lull .9 pan-l we ode: the h [rude nub whorl-d u men-um. at in: wool.“ u Men's not! Fall Hm In city new than; and in (he tubbooahlc duds Io! young mu: who do- mmdl the extreme. and t ‘ concernuvo dress. Dunning o! W“ audition in our m dnnplnyof h-u C0906 d huh priced model. a! . , . . V . $1592 120 E. Cabal Av‘nuo 121 Vine Avenue Wmen's Handy shown - nun-knit“ di-phy of unity Pure Cream - A Clothes Economy Plan HII:NLA.NI) PARK. 9 ULENCUE. 7° _‘ k 6 annual. _ . an all; made to order prom baked band And an u .i chap u- m mzkt u tally- an em truugmt to: he! to unthrgo tN but, uprk nnd worn 01 home hlk mg. Hm- bread {rah every dd 69th 3! any door 0n Urdu uibk hburwflc whcn we turn loaves 3of luch my wink-ll hnmfibrthotw'hlo'lbylhe GEAIY’S HOME MY Taming Mmhind as [well as Watches, CIOCks and Jewelry REPAIRING 4; Thenk more {haw Stars (In Her prim would grim? you 10 under- stand. 0] all mulch of Smten our

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