m- w l eK.mder- Monday .d inter- girls in lasscs {or to 6:00, ‘ evening ning, Oct. r (in. 4th lGLAs utgeun re IS rivi- Bing mer- hwy :e - dunn t~ Dos! exclusive hum; Cownn. Iii. Bloules SHIN. ()H TS SO DUXS Ind y 'tsrnartan‘ 'orest 216 Avenue Work KS 1LT tdener II-ilh' Ian? Son-u Gowns pcn 'al Ave H 15 Ht m 21V inst ON NE Chicago WORK Licensed El EMPLMMH‘T . (saved 1-»: J“ 1 wymen: 12 81‘ ms. Mn 1‘ ~' ’1‘ 6’1" Mrs my Lmdcw Wurul ‘ American V1 .WECK short Blnk 8m FOR REN‘ b0! W XLC‘ lighw~ m Fuk E‘ .1 mod n porches; $50 0) P FL) R puss fon R m vault spam- FOR R6\f rooms and a dfld- 47 SK 199, F. P. E Fdn RExrï¬Furnished rooms and also housekeeping rooms. 231 N. St. Johns Ave. - tf Fox RENT-~A well furnished seven room house for the winter months. near Exmoor. tel. 1071, address 227 WA Vine Avel tf-pd FOR RENT Modern furnished houses, from $65 and up. also small furnished 88! $20. Address N. A. Aldridge Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. H. P. 345 30pd Fox RENTâ€"47w: room cottage at 461 W. Deerï¬eld. Tel. 709â€"W. (f F03 RENTâ€"Small store centrally locat- .1325 per month until May 1. N. A. Aldridge, Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. '2‘ NUIIu‘L, .. ....... _ _, _ 31 FOR RENT ANiccly furnished room for rent. 235 W. Vme Ave. Telephon:405 tf-pd 1mm), mum, roam] FOR RENTâ€"Four furnished or un- furnished rooms with bath, in single or in suite for light housekeeping. Tel. H. P. 330. 32 FOR RENTâ€"To May 1 or longer. u cottage with bath, furnace heat, and laundry: $25 monthly. N. A.’Aldridge, Erskine Bank Bldg. 1191. 345. 32 FOR RENTâ€"Furnished three-room suite housekeping room: with heat and water; east side; $40 monthly. Address N. A‘ Aldridge, Erskine Bank Bldg. Te1.345. 32 Posmm; WANTEDâ€"Young woman was position as companion or cap do secretary work. Tel. 249. 31-32pd WANTEILâ€"Stenography work for dumoon or evenings. Tel. 136. 32pd POSITION WANTEDâ€"By young lady as stenographer. For particu- lu's call Tel. H. P. 330. 32 WANTEDâ€"Dreasmaking It home or by the day. Cm give best refer- ences. Hrs. May Tnvis, 204 W. Cen- tnl Ave. Tel. 1094. 32pd FOR SALE CARDSâ€"For sale at THE Puss ofï¬ce. 5 cents each. Fon SAL8 -Cheap if taken within 30 days. corner lot and 5-room cottage. sewer. water, gas electn'c lights. small barn. ï¬ne trees and shrubs. Worth $3000, will take $2500: $500 down and balance ontime. N A Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. If pd F0! SALE -Two 5-year old horses. combination. Inquire Dr. C. W. Young. Tel. Lake Forest 110. If ‘ Fon SALEâ€"Comfortable 5~room cottage Ifllood condition. nice lot with trees. Mas and garden. Small payment down Ind balance to suit purchaser. Make an clef. Address N. A. Aldridge. Erskine Bank Bldg. Tel. 345. If pd FOR SALE -Choice lot. 100 feet front- Ile. near Vme Ave. station, Highland PlrkJ‘ZOOU perfoot; sewer and water Md. Address the Highland Park Press 0‘ F. S.-:\mick, 534 Leamington Avc‘. Chicago. tf pd Telephane 7:9.w. ‘iinG FOR \'\II-â€"0ne Apperson car. hmolh‘n‘e "Ioh in ï¬rst class condition. Address 13‘ .\. St. Johns he Tel. 796‘“. 3'3 F11). Hmkms ,j ‘ ~rruoms and bath, hard- I»,â€"7 .uk and maple ï¬nish. 2 , H ks from Ravinia depot, _-: r um. F A Tucker. Tel. 57. :1 {mt ~mxety deposit boxes and mgr m: «urage of trunks, etc.. at k;..:- Hunk tf 25w , Ream heated apartment, 6 ma «mix. We extra rooms if de- ‘ Sr, 'm'nns Ave. phones 49 and 4 FOL’ \' SITUATION WANTED \1 \w-sly tarnished front room 3 'tnth. telephone. electric l'.\ :~. mr. Tel. 155. If gumâ€"For sale at Tm: 1 \ rnzs each. d Employnnnt Agency \r AHENCYâ€"Flrst class help .lll household positions. Em- ail lundsfor women and 1‘ WJlsh. 3l5 E‘ Park Ave. Tel. TU! R. If \12 kinds of female help: : l mreign. Wages $7 to $10 . - rqu class help furnished «1m. Apply Room 1 State \1 ~. I .\l, Dunsmg. telephone ar FOR RENT FOUND V‘ A string of rosary beads. H} have same by describing 4 paying for this Idv. Tel. .‘ 'xfter 5 o'clock. 3'2 FOR SALE tf FOR SALEâ€"One fumed ook library table, 1 large size duro Wilton rug. 11-3 x 16-6, one tireless cooking gas range. Address Arthur St. Peter. 716 North Green Bay road. 32 FOR SALEâ€"A gentleman's farm, 81 acres, black soil. fenced'with hog tight wire all arount; also cross fenced and tiled. ll-room house, hot water heat. bath, hot and cold water. large cistern, large porch all around the house; barn for 20 cowg and 10 horses, granary. ice house and ice pond. chicknn and hog houses, ï¬ve- acre orchard, {arm on high elevation on county line, Northï¬eld township, Cook county. An ideal country home. For price and terms see owner. Also for sale. 6 young Red Durock sown, $10 each; one fresh Holstein cow, 3 years old, choice at $125. Will hold stock until foot and mouth disease is over. John A. Reichelt, Deerï¬eld. lll. Phone Deerï¬eld 234-R~2. 35 HELP WANTED: WANTEDâ€"Patrolman. Applicants will mail application, giving full par- ticulars and referencu, w Pblice Com- mission. Highland Park, Ill. 32 mission. Highland Park, Ill. 32 WANTEDâ€"A girl for general housework; three in family. Must have the best of references. Addreu Mrs. Maud Shannon, 1259 E. Plrk Ave. Tel. H. P. 80. _ 32 WANTEDâ€"A mun to,do work in and about the house by the dly. Apv ply at 436 Sheridln Rd. Tel. H. P. 50. 32pd WANTED â€"- Young experienced nurse girl to are for two children, ages 3 and 5; must be eble to help with sewing; references. Tel. 1138 or call at 441 N. St. John’s phce. 32 LOST LOSTâ€"Black leather pocketbook containing bank book, 850 in bills and some change. Also a couple of letters. Finder please return to 216 West Vine avenue and receive reward. â€"â€"pd LUSTâ€"A lady’s black hand bag, at N. W‘ station Sat. A. M. about 9:00 o'clock. Contains keys, nilrmd tick- et with one ride. and money, Finder please call H. P. 752-W‘ 32 MISCELLANEOUS ‘ Farm Hnndu Fri. â€"â€"Frce of charge to tarmcrs. help pay- ing own tram fares. We supply single farm hands. dairy hands and married couple thoroughly experienced. Dumond Farm Hand Agency. 32 So. Canal 51., 2nd floor. Chicago. R. Diamond: Phone an 5074. [1 One or Thom Told n limo‘pln Truth â€0 ' Didn't Care to Hour. 1 The mlszulded old lady who would persist ln mlsnpplylm: word.- wlth lu-‘ dlcroua results ls as much among us today as she wu when Sherldnn wrou of her In hls play. "The Rlvnls." two centurlen ago. One dear old Indy re cently lnqulred of I well known pro tensor whether soda water should he wrltten us two lemme Word! or with n alphon between A well known blahop who ls very stout tells the story of n mnldnervnnt who had been Instructed to nddreu the prelate In "your emlnence." lmâ€" Igloo hll horror. however. when the girl dropped I courtesy to hlm one mornlng wlth the words. “Yes. your lm. mense 3" Iucuw‘. . An Ameriuu policeman became fl- moun for his slips of the tongue. He used always to explain to recruits um "Third avenue rnn paralyzed to Lex- ington," and on one occasion be proud- ly stated that he never paid say It- J -__., tenuon to "unanlmom" letters A zealous munwrance worker used to have :1 habit of coufldlng to her friends mm certnln pIrV-‘us were "adapted" to drink. while another cen- flemuu In a min-d moment once asked I friend to upon the window and “pulrefy†the antâ€"Landon Speflalor, Jul! Like 3 Com“. A well knuwu ntmuumrr and mulb- ematlt‘lan was on Ills way hume one eveulug after unvluu uncut uu hour or two In an observatory luoklng through a telescope at I comet Directly opposite lllm In a man With a loud vol-12 wlmw ml+ lufm‘umtlun vunt-t-rulng (mun-ts would have suppllml the umtcrlul fur u â€hr:- .,_|. h... I... t [w I'nr mt ry and Who uppeurrd to be In! the lwnvï¬l or xhe mum-nun" trunnlner liilvm-d path-ml) {m llmu In- mid in u luw lune In sumâ€: m-xx m hlm' "Uur frh'nll on lbe ollwr «M nhllu rvmlnd" me sulneWhEH of "our frh'nll Mslv rvIulndi Ultimo†“ "Maw 90?. ““9 ls \‘llH' lung um- " Y In an 1‘1"“ [U ['1' 5'0““ .l \‘t‘nh‘d far ‘3 Sahib In NH ln Hm farm 0 six». Fi‘l"“"‘ h"; :1 ltrM~ under H" IN um! mmt' u- [hp gruu t» --f the dun.- xv ï¬â€˜rinxz'punn found ï¬n TI‘ otlmr evldm' SLIPS OF THE Toucua nnnlr“ nf Hu- Input“; nu lwud h. nmke Yumh" l'nunmnénn - him In tlu- var an d voi-‘r. whnw ml+ rulng (mun-ls wuum umlcrtul fur u "hr:- rrd h) lK‘ lulLlng fur pawn-nun" The no path-m1) for u Mme. luw mm- In â€W mun Hm um'nhm gm.- of (be r‘alrnll' BU‘M'I (If Nooxl unn- wan In tho- HuiL an apple- 2 “LN in MM 1:) hl\ mmwr kuvll t nude and Inc-n u uuwl l‘HE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS FIND ROCK'ISLA'ND IAV DEAD G. A McDonald. Rained Merchant. in Bollcved Slam. Santa Monicn. ('nl UM. 5.â€"-(‘i(y. and county “menu are invvstixnlinfl Lhe riuth 01 G. A. Mrimnm-ï¬, n n- tirml manhunt of [luck inland, iii. “alone nude body nu found on the Lt-urh a short distance north of here last Friday. Identiï¬cation \uu nude by Dr. W. H. far! 0! Lou Angelou. n xwpnew. The body ‘1; found dune lo Hm water nnd n! lint it "II beliewd that drowningvnl (he tune of death Later invelii‘nlion, tho police mid. shoved there Wu no water in the lungs. u would be the use hnd drown- imz been the tuna o! denth According to Dr Curl, Mr. McDon- ald usually married large Iuml of man- ey Ind wore u lune dlnmund ring. ()fllcer. hue been unable to ï¬nd the clothing. nor “I t ring Yound on the body. WET CHAMPION NOW LIFER lull-n Who Murdorod Pollco Chic! '9! Entonlng Law untoncod. Benton. “1., Oct‘ 5.~-Thomu (‘npel- lo 0! Sen-er, 11]., in. found guilty by n Jury 1n the l-‘nnkltn county vlrcnlt court or murdertn; Robert T H111. chief or police of Sooner. (‘npello vu Ienlenced to life lmprhonment in the Che-tor penitentiary. WE. UYMAN GHABGES SINISTEB INFLUENBES Hill in killed July 1!, when be u- templed to prevent the unloading of I ctr of beer in Senor. (‘npoflo “ruck Hill on the head with I vuon nun killlnl hlm lnaunlly. sumo Lam: cmlclm m slon Fund Application Chlcs‘o. Oct. 5.'.\llnlslors of the Methodlst Eplscopsl chnrrh. srrhlu. ln L‘hlcuo to sueuq the openln; ses slon o! the snnusl Rock River confer tune or the church st the First .\I. 5 Church o! Bugle-soot! Wednesdsy sure Itlrred by charges whlrh lhslnusle graft and slnlslcr Influence in the upplluallou of the penslun system 0! the church. The churn-n vu-n- Issued lu pamphlet form by George b; lm-h» sou. s L‘hlcaxu lswyer sud s prowl non! Methodist lsymsn .\lr. Dickson in his pamphle! vhuxel mu the unnuily plan 3nd the 85w.- 000 pension fund 0! the Rock Hive-r dhu'tct were udopled without the knowod‘e of the membership of the church; that by lncrculn; the pen- lion (uhd other funds necenunly up much decruud, And um the pen-Inn fund. incrulhu u n hu from "T; 000 In 1912 to 330.000 in 1914, bnl been onlnrzed beyond .11 )uulflcallon. .\lr. Dick-on hold. that the pension should be ndmlnlllered with con-Mer- Illon (or the nnnncul condmon of we prolpectl've benenclnry DEED 0F ANOTHER LOVER Follow “Loved" am so Much Ha Trlod ‘0 Km Hur. Mutoon. â€1‘, Oct, .3.- Wlllhm No “on, twomyone year: old. who re- sided tn Alt-moat, Ill , died In Hemor I.“ hmpllll here from the can-u or I bullet wound in the head. unmnm ed. Mlu Mnrxhn 8». ant. Ive-My yeul old. 0! Neogn. who tn that and wounded by anrll bot-use. he mid, Ihe ï¬lled him for Another man. He: in n nerinug cmuHHnn In S! An than)", hospital m EMnxhnm The Ihuchug m‘rurrrd 1n the mu.n “for! n! Noun Hm Swank l uh:- umv wan m {I'm rumpnn) u! hrlberl HuH‘ an apple- buyer {rum Vubdrn, “Lo 13 Rah! Ix) hm" been (ha ncceplrd nulmr â€mu-i: rum-<1 \Hu 5‘5an nude and I‘m-n me rrlum-nl to Iran- nu; “as mm down 'lhcn m- 0110! nulhr Hnu nude and 1‘ Hall “as I hznmel! Luca, Op'rIIOn Am. Tucmm Sprinxï¬vld, m, “M .' Sdmol lPIl‘hfrl of the Hole Ihn were mm (mum! Whiz bq-{ure Jul) l ‘11) um be- rorlmlrvd, undvr (M- (v-mhrru' pen-um 1.1“ In H l\lr1hl.h- (u H.“ fund. m curd 1:.‘1012h inio rwn UH n n! Nu- m! h) Aziwrnm lam-m; l .u-\ unnuumvd Wu Den: Sprinxl r r'.m« T!“ It the a“ Spun-{1:030 ulna! H. J my: .rtvr IrlH vrntM I Fran: ls I’Jl’ Open New $13!: Bank candan: o! Nuucrc Bufwvor NChI;C"" an DIQI VI’LIH ~ â€2;. u 1“, “an. A a ‘ «\uraxz, Alf .n Grad J! ' nun nu \\'I'.l'nm “1‘1! ! Sum-r and humly mn- Flau- .‘u \Irg Hur Supt-ND irrnrfm Lxunl I pt'r In PHWT HAM]: I'l..\.\ tumour rmnm â€a... This plan In: de-I‘nnl fur a 1mm": lmlldln. In! The from m... "In luv [bu-d In and «farm-d The mm“; mom lu- I lmlrh window, with pic-n!) of buffet Ip-m In (In- n-nr u! {lu- mom Mn. 22 {rm “Me by an he! 6"†mm the main pan. Flrut story. 1. hvl, mum “or: b fool. Inpatient. 7 rm RIM} and mi oak flown. with rrd ml, harrh ur \\ Ithiuxlun or numb for llw an-t Ilory Ind nine In palm for tho u-«md liar) (‘ml to build olt‘luulve 01 healing and plumbing. 32.3w l'pou mm of 31 m.- pummu-r of un- pup" I‘lll furnhh a copy or an lon'o book of plum. "Alarm-In Imtlllnxn." ll «um-In- or" W daun- tut lug from 81.0w to flu“); Ibo - bout u! Inn-don. :1 per copy â€". » . â€7‘ ..__ STUDY IN ROUGH CAST AND SINGLES-‘1 Dunn beam 600. by Glenn L DESIGN F08 A NIRROW PLOT. I'll: I VLOOII PLAN PIRII’ECFI V I PERH'EPTH'E by Glenn L. s-xtoo. Architect. Minna-pout. Minn. l Hu- pummu-r of un- pup" I‘lll furnhh a copy or an Amenrln Imtlllnxn." ll «um-In- or" W daun- 00“ III); Ibo I bout u! min-don. SI luv-r copy VIEWâ€"FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. VIEW -- FROM A l’lll ITOURAPH Oaxaca. Arthflofl. Mlnwolk. Mum l‘ln-rr In h-muu-o lm-unmnlo-I HH- lluah lrhhh “11‘ I‘hk'h I!" H‘ I) lnullrd h mm In Inna-r bun-w- [M-m l- Luna] m and run hr nur- [hr Ih‘lar u- “I‘ll In in Hue nun: 5- mm nn- v‘ mud“! (m nunnwv 'l‘lw lhln. -...n. 1- MT". Ilw 4-». hum ’Hmn air (out uluduI- u 1111-)0- wlwhu- H. Um n-nr mm m.- lmflr! '1'!" It in unpu- rum-nan} I-l-ar :- h. Hm LH‘lu‘h “llh vm link 1:: Hum u! we vm-I- M II: the Irvoud v-lun Upon lrr Hum .humlI-n and u mm- uu! a lu'l hmdms In tho Inn-um u. lho n-Ir vulnhh nu) l-r nan-d nu u flan-tux umh on 1‘" II" «If «qu hum-o )- '34 lat-l nuk- In a: {M 0.1-1: mar nu- mall. [an Hull Mon H («A nan-d Mar) 96 flu-C errh nmr» Ihhtmwl "N1 all bifl'h "r “'nlll melon or In the am non ma plnr In palm In Ibo â€-1de «or; Van-1 (.- tmfld, on-Iu-Iu- M luv-um; and Mun-h In; 12.780 l’puu [rm-nu of II Ibo pubuuu-r "1 na- pup" um fund-h I «up; of h†(00‘! [link of [IX-III “mt-Hr.“ liur MRI. ll rum-1n- over ll) denun- vouuuc from “(m !o um" um n boat of "normal ‘1 not my. lull IDND FLOOR PLAN h n.m In Inna-r bun-w» burn] m and “In hr Mum x u- url‘ up in Hue nun: ‘xr wwndui (m Hunnu-v , -wm h I'Tulll Ilw 4 [mil air You! I‘llaUII l' llu <Illllh‘ erlllu lino-1' llll' n-cr “\ “I lht' Iu i|| lame“ 0'?“ Six. BUR ON 1 HOL Esf Chas. E. Rune“ â€in-Impound “Wat. 201 5' (Vim I u n â€" Bantu! hue-nod" MEL-Shut vac-10¢ '5 mLSS-L tau-01116 1......- u‘h-i P-ï¬ â€œY4 “an“ ORCHES‘ “deadwnm Iron Lf. Rubuer lwillcaflfor 0d.13.15,16. AHALL CM. m