Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 2

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Mr‘ and Mrs. Charles E. Park Avenue. were h‘ ess at a fannly dinner ' when the guests were. I Harold Harbaugh and l C. J. Schmidt. all of Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hill of North Green Bay Road entertained about eighty-five guests on Sunday. the oc- casion celebrating their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. A course din- ner was served at two o'clock, the tables being beautifully decorated in white Chrysanthemums and white roses. The house throughout was decorated with Chrysanthemums. The biide of twenty-five years :30 was gowned in the dream she wore when she became Mrs. Hill. The host and hostess were the recipients of many immm'fnl crifts. Games and music beautiful gifts. Games and mumc formed the entertainment for the evening. Mrs. C. N. Thomas of North St John§ Place will be hostess tomor row afternoon (Friday) at seven tab- les of bridge. Lictle “Billie” Egan was host on Monday afte nuon at his home on North Linden \venue, to six hm.- iriends, {or hm fourth birthday. Mia»: “any A. Parkin 0: Last‘ Laurel Avenue. will be hostess Thurs- i day. Dcvember ninth, at the Morainei Hotel, for thirty guests at luncheon? and bridge. i The Embroidery Club met last Week at the home of Miss Marguer- ite Follansbee. and will meet next Wednesday afternoon at the D. M. Erskine home on East Perk Avenue. The members of the Epworth League of the North End M. E. {'hurch will hold a Harvest Home Dinner at the church. Friday evening (tomorrow). A social evening will follow dinner. Miss Annie Cobb ,was hostess on Monday afternoon at. bridge. Mrs. Fred Preston will be hostess at a dinner party on Saturday even- ing at the Moraine Howl preceding \the second dinner-dnnce, in 1 series of three Min Helen Williu of S. Sheridan "Rotd. wu hoatess Sutmdny evening ‘to sixteen guests at dinner. Later Ethe guests went to the Junior dance at the 'Highlund‘PIrk Club. ‘ Mrs. William Plants yesterday aftamoon A! bridge. The Social Side of Life This evening the members of the Alumni Anociltion of the high school, will [other together for their regulnr monthly party. in the Eng- lish Club room at high school. There will be informal dancing. On Thenhgiving nfternoon, Mrs. John Irwin flush“ of Prospect Ave nne. was hostess to tony gueets at On Tinnhgifinfl John Irwin lush“ ‘ nne. wu hostess to an “ammo!" P‘VW' SOCW WEE Sims50C Beginning December 6th we Lulien' Skin- for 50¢ each. 7 price. You can have TWO 5 for the price of one. DON.T High Class Lnunderen 1nd French Dry Clams Phone. 178, 169, 471 Charles Harbaugh of were host and host- dinner Thanksgiving ; were. Mr. and Mrs. rh and Mr. and Mrs. 'arkin of East inc was hastess A! five tables of Local Affairs of the week ’12 1.. Charles. 6th we will clean and press all each. This is just half the regular TWC Skirts cleaned and pressed DON.T MISS THIS. By the Observer The second dinnerdances will be given cember fourtl be made as e The second of the series of three dinnerdances at the Mornine Hotel, will be given Saturday evening, Dc- cember fourth. Reservutions should be made as early as poaslble. Uruce Marsh entertdined twelve little girl friends at a 'dinner party. Fnduy evening; later tfie guests en- joyed th: vhlldren's party at the club. Miss Mae Krueger entertained fourteen guests at. a supper puny on Thanksgiving Day at which time her engagement to Mr. Walter Meicrhofl was announced by her mother. Mrs. Gustave ~Krueger. The table was I“ u'active in a center piece of yellow Chrysanthemums. The evening was spent in games Ind music. No date has been Mrs. Edwm A. Artnstrong an- nounces the marriage 6! her daugh- ter. Marie, to Benjamln Hecht, of Chicago, on Tuesday. Following a honeymoon trip the young couple will reside on the south side. Chicago. Mrs. Axel-Larson of North St. Johns Avenue, was pleasantly sur- prised on Tuesday m-ening when twentyâ€"four of her frinds came in to celebrate her birthday. (‘ards were the order of the evenlng, at which Mrs. John Larson “on the first prize for the ladies, aim Mm- Ruth King. of Wnukegan. tl‘e second; the gentlemen's prizes went to Mr. H» car h‘reherg, first. and Mr. Samuel Steiner, secmnl‘ Delirious refresh ments W01"? On Tuesday evemnu. the Muses Helen and Elizabeth Graham enter- mined sixtyfive of thlelr frn-nds at a “Siotxh (.athering" in one u! the \acunt Leiiciom stores you W. (entrul Awnue. Dancing Wis enjoyed to the music of the bug pipes. One of the most pleasing stui s on the pro- gram was the "Higllnnd Fling" which was beautifully dnmed by M G. Marshall and Miss Helen Graham. at ten-thirty the guests enjoyed re- - cashments at Mrn “pton's restaur- ant after which they Returned to the hall and enjoyed darifing until the “wee houis cf the morning." Among those enteétaining before the Merryweather-Ha'kins dance at Exx.oor Saturday chIing. are Mes- dames John Harmon, Ilishn‘Morgan, R. K. Buckman. Jr.. and Miss Shields. One of the Commonweal uuos give a Thanksgiving party'Tuudny even. ing under the menagement of Mia Margot Cushing in the gymnasium. Music, games nnd dainty refresh- ments filled up the tine very pleas- antly. . ; The next meeting 9! the Mothers' Club will be held Tiesday evening. December 7. The entertainment will be furnished by Miss. Goelitz's Com- monWeal Club who will give a play entitled “Coats and Teak-oats." The girl: have qum 3 good denl ‘of time on this Ind-it will be well } worth seeing. A group of younglladiea met Fri- day evening in the Aiaociation Rooms and organized a new Y. W. C. A. club that will meet londay evening: until Christmas, after which perhaps ’ another evening will be aolocted. They ‘will take up clay modeling and has- Ike! making under “in Shumaker. the art teacher at the Lincoln School. _ The membenhip 3 is opon to any 1 who are intemud in' the above work. llnformation can be Loecurod by call- ling up the mercury. Besides the than there will voctl und instrument-l music a good time. of the Commonfieal Clubs gave set for the wedding served Krueger entertained News the Muses We wish to cornct a typographi- cal error in this column in Int week's issue of the Prose concerning the amount of money reoliud ll. the en- nunl boner given by l‘diu' Aid So- ciety of St. Peul'e Even‘elkul church. The amount realized we- al- most 260 instewd of $2.60 ‘ The entertainment [Wen by the :Holy Cross church in the Auembly Hell of the school Friday evening, proved the faithfulness of the com- munity who were imprenoun to rain and chill for the room wee comfort- nbly full. ’ There wn nbundnnt reeâ€" non for gnufluu'on for the pro‘nml was well worth baring Two vml 5 in: and n puniu (no the first parti of the program. Miu Elva A. (‘hryn 3 ler a sopruno “hou- voico ha- | wide run‘e full of "Iceman Ind rc- . Liut Thursday nfternoon Mrs J. A. Stiykei enteruint-(l at I lunch- eon in hunm «if her daughter [Aur- el's eleVenth Mrthdly anniversary. Eleven little girls were prenent. The idol of Thanksgiving Uly prevailed in all the table decoratiomi. There were turkeys everywhererr-on the in- dl\ld\lfll plates and on the plume curds. nml there were little cakes in the shapes of a turkey. while the {M'- ors were little bronxe turkeys The dining-room W‘s decor-ted \Vith yel- low Chrysanthemums, The only out- nfâ€"town guest was little Edith Stryk- or of Wheeling, lll. Mr. and Mr.» Wain-r Imnge nre 1h? pruud parents of a son horn “'eduesdn)‘. Nmomhcr 24th, The Misses Gertrude Ind Mug-re! Svhnetder uf ('hlcagu. npent the week «In! at the home 0! MD J, U “'01". Mrs Lou».- Usterman of ('hlcngo, was the guest of Mn E H. lelmln, Thunksxlvmg Du) Mia“ Murmur! \‘vddrr r-pen! 1hr w uukee “1‘! .“ls‘h \x an 1hr hut we“ we! 'l'llr l'uH,|~ Sunk-l) Will hold UH- il'i'.u;|l Law.“ 112 (he ('ummumly Illtllrl' Thuxvlny momma, December L’ml. bogmmng :11 gm o'rlork, Thu will he lhv lint wrumon when th- Huuie will he used publicly, All de» tails of the urgamlutmn and class vull ln- outlined and published, Rm. Urslmrn's Sundu)‘ Morning sermon tn the children will: from the text “He sure your sin wnl! find you nut." Th» new Tenlamen! let-son was on the martyrdom of Stephen The sermon on (‘uurnge hnd {or in: text the lag; ”hr“ of the twenty-second Psalm. Mr. and Mr‘ 'ugn. \H'H' Kurd Thu'xkiu \H‘K l' Beginning Sunday. December 50). ('hrislmn Endeavor nen’icel will be held at 01:45 Sunday evenings. m- stcnd of at eight o'clock Wodnendny evenings. Min Elfriedl Knuk wu loader last Wednesday evemng. Mr. Ind Mn. W. Caddie Innounce the birth of 1 non which occurred It Colorado where Mrs. Caddie he: been visiting her parents for the punt two months Miss (irlce Schhe who u attend- nng the Deli-lb Normnl School and Mr. Irwin Pluggee who in attending the L'mversity of Illinoil, spent Thanksgiving with their parent; Mr. Woodman Todd is quite ill. Mien Eldn Horenherger we: the weekend guest of Mn. Helen John son 0! Chicago. Hr. and Mrs. J. C. Wolf? visited with Mrs. Eliuboth Rnpp of AInu'n, Thunday. The Every Tuudny Evening Club met with Kin Marth- Knn‘h lu! The Altar and Rotary Society of the Holy (‘rou churrh was alt-min. ed It the home of In. W. H. Suflis Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. R. D. Supple Ion Sunday for Springfield to “and use Parent and Touch"; Association conwnuon bold there. She nlno viaitod hot dumb- ur. Winnifrtd. who in Whirl. Don- estk Science in the high nthoolu the". fMI n deserved The hrnmnuc (‘luh who playlcl werv (he and Ruth Kn“, Florem‘e (‘nrolnm Mrs R Penis Ind »rh-r Hf l‘hu‘nxn. u Eleanor Meyrr hunt“ k Supph- of Vhl Supple-«ink Farm 24th, Ind Mug-rd pen! the week MI} Mr. And N daugh!!!‘ “I plednle farm 4-1:! lupll- \\ MI. I! TE. 0‘6 Turnplkol '1 m- hm! un-ul \nu-I n In Hm l-o-Hu~rn Sr“ \--rL and plum “an Inn: Inn-mu n- [In rnuvl. lln nuntrxr Hun In 17 (-xrnnpll- “In. I! in! lln- - HHH‘Y It'll)" III-Ill]; Hu‘ A l-mvu l-Vttlln-H‘llt’! Mum.” l Harm \u-n- 1m “.Ih-x hum-- u~u.n)l\ I-uHI lv\ xlmrlrnul zm-l \u-n- . Iain! Vuh 1 ILr-‘ I‘rx.n-\ :\ .m n ‘-'l mu H- HI Inn“ hn-l mum [nucl- I |. 1.11“ h .m nn-l l.:«1wn~h-I In IMI fund in ln‘ Q fill Inflow n! I ll Mkm- In \vu Lngluu-I "In lHHhI: HH- Ill-H hu-nh I ”I'll!” L'u‘I-rmm-M upon! m Inf JOHN!“ HI «‘un-nnan’ “‘nvx l-ut Hw [-mh- n! I lumdlnx of mun-ml- um! :- rhd tn ”mi hlnlnh u! “‘an Jpr‘qu h. ’I‘hr In"! H :1- hull! ”pl \\ I'll hunk "I‘m Inn-1n: [uh «I or )«m ' mun"â€" “1)h Hm!- nll rum. I‘m-d Jlmpmm "lum‘t «pr-k n! H " "()IL but ! nun-I unfit o! "OIL hm ! nun-I In mun" nu! “rain-hunk I Wml llul fin}, yuu wan! to [It you. nml Inn thin; If )uuu‘n l4 '()II but ! nun-I Input 0! H. Mai mnn' nu! “rain-hunk 'I In“! «real I Wml llul um um hum Ind l-l want to pat um IIMI I «In Jlmp Inn (Mn; If yum" lo-Iul m« ‘1‘ II!‘ pay "If thnl dullnv duh! Inn" And wr flu start (rm-h IL'NIn“ â€" Yew \‘ufls A Swumrmn. Crmdflom. floun- of mo n~hrruwu nu llu- rh'OO Tyne. In liuxlnml. nrv mu nu!) um" mm. but nun-M HI- mu- «urn-hm OI‘n‘ of that fl-lmrnwn urn- 'fHIKll‘ by I hem; {nah-4 and drhrn mu 0! lhri rh‘rr In no. \- Ilw “on gut-c. mu- uf‘ the Wu H" In Ilw dunk a lump ”I : tn; by The hoop In full 9! (am. "“‘e arr nun-l?" c-xrl-qu-d (he mu 9 “Barn - [find-lone Iii-mh|?"~FL1 Loch GWWL column-m “In your Ian-laud II mum-l Y" "Well." mind Ibo “red looking vo- mn. “In-'I an autumn in hating m Ibo Int-IL In"! a [mud deal of I W In Wurklhg fur I! " \"IIh‘nflW HOP. Lon. We; “'th‘im F. (HIIII‘ODE. “It"! I. VII 3mm. Humor. once made I M n lemlu‘hnm. the openlnl "than M which muuino-l 176 word: sum.- Mood h .n norm-M of mi Robb- lr'im chunfloflu the W! nddonl [put ln-rr nnd Mn. Fr-nk 1.. Suppl: nnd :er were week viuwn It Sup- We have assembled here for this occasion the best styles of the famous “Classi” Play- ts. and Boy Scout Suits, in- suits made They consist of the new Military Service Sui eluding Caps. Hats. Caters. also rich Indian Suits and Cow Ho 3 Suits. wuth headgear ’ ‘ e “Khake” c 0th, brass buttons, etc. and complete accessories. all tailored of high . _ ‘ the best suits produced to our knowledge. Al Sizes. ranging in price from 1.(Xl to 3.50 r-.....l-o- gnu-Hon of Christmas Trees and Ornaments tl un-ul \nu-u-nn Inglmm «I'll NP“ \UI'L NIH] I'll‘i.u|rl lung lilifl!“ AI- ll|l‘ul-l \nlk n nmntnr Hun In 17!) “In an “Mb I! ha] lln- ”thud-In ll hl~ III-II”; llu- A'lnnlL \UIH-H'llt" -nn\l.u rumh ulwlr l‘lun “Mr ’4‘“ v nu “.Ih-x h-Hlv- IHHI lv\ xlmllrnul many-ulc- .I§iml VIM) 1 ILr- of [NH tund- .|l| .\ ‘ "11A“(D‘Hl nut! \l" ml mum [nucl- n! Hw Mn-l murmhuu mm! In \nwlhn In 171': l~"\\H‘n l'hnmlo'phm awn-I In I!!! ler \u-n- '4 fall mum ..{ . lulu-In! Ium \vu Lxuluu-I nun! \u-n \uv‘k hu- Ill-H hu-nh u-nh the nu u-rmm-m qwm mum nnlIh-n- - m t‘nlI-lHN‘HnJ urn-H high It Hw lnllh‘ n! PCT and Ho:- of rnlhmul- mu! rnnuh pm In Hml anh .4 umornmmu -l mum tund- Inm-xuhuu mm! In 171': l-vHu-t-n mun-I II: IHH ‘ fl" lnthN u! ll Store The Santa spirit will be ylpp‘ml in center is _brimfu|_ ofdehgh dehghtful mg: m an m The Santa spirit will be strongly yappemt in Toyland. for Highland Park‘s toy center is brimful of delightful mmf in an amazing array. Never before have we such displayof ofnovelties from Toy Ki domBrinc the kiddies here ted Emmy. their heart: will rejoice in seeing what ta has prepared {or them Toys A annncccr. -rv- JllHlN-In ' unnl "ruth- h‘nllm murllho-l ail-ml no! |‘ hm L Illnl dull-r l harm"- hul .lmu- lunl hum-«Hy old A m, were-um luv 10, borl An autumn hf SIM ll!!!“ MK" The greatest Amen 00¢ 0! these trun- me. hnnu‘nl (rum I [In great!) II In my: 0! today No boy": Me n comp I! you canon! nflurd l0 spend [hr Wk? van-1nd nnd vmhm your Ynu «An nm do more yum“ m yum am a (run (In: mmd Ih-n l0 furnish hum wuh unr ol thou nmtrucmc butlden LII-dot bund. budget um ,u A.â€" .wuum. :;;‘;;a"h;,;dm.‘oqrmu Muun‘n‘ll [on find a grommet“ pix: m out large dmphy. mouth org-m in punt» ’rx‘ed u lot 1: 11k ‘ Ind up oatâ€"timuom Erector bufifilete section of Christmas | Mum MK? Mechanical and DOLL “Clusi” Phy Builders-«5% to $1.00 lot. “I"! .0" ‘ . 54 MI! 0! all deu’nptuma do in I“ MM. lino m can Inu "NW-M, _.-__-, undue mu: Indy. duo lime boy dolls from Ger- many. wnh renl hair. I grand w Mm; pncnd I! irom 2 t. we to numemus to permit of specific mention here, will be found in this most completi- d splay‘ Rocking Horses, Tin and Sleel Toys of all dis- cri ions, Soldier Sets,Guns, Cannons 1 Houses. Dishes. Rubber Balls and hundreds 0! things to please the kiddies u; yqu UH} (If. Bowman Dairy Company TELHPMUNIH A Multitude of Toys ‘-Suits for Boys, An Ideal Gift Come in and hear the New Reginaphone a combination of Talking Machine and Music Box the, latest at SAMUEL LEVIN'S Jewelry Store h a "tumble to name wmblad heft 101 you the must (‘ompklr W The Butter with the Mild. Sweet. Delicate Flavor u oomph: until hf ha. owned 1nd (melalrd hr on" 101 In eknnr tram. vou wnll find the [tumble to name III the dxfirlrnl game} Mad her: 101 your udn‘mm Puutneh ms! rom u- Mmenl ever Shown hen» m « nm' 'abk- Tum» gum muonnbu 1m Casual. loud- “ 81.7. to 83.78 121 Vine Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. 9 GLBNCOB. 70 New Games in M W! mothfl nrvev bake-d and we on provr n M yuu'll Ir! us The N hatch bah-d huh ru-r) day M hnw pnpulm n n, ext-n wnh would who Iormnh (Md then own Mk“. 1r) a loaf ur my 01 :l and you'll are the uncle-“um m balm With home blkndg an) longer, No boy'- Chnumu I! mmplctc wuhou! m A banning lo_\ mdn-d I. you" and 0“ Book. ulwavu pleat our'rkrt um cnmprnn modern fimm nmer mung stun hook; to: boy; and ["18 Stun and pwturr books to: Imk ton lo: u ".50 The "and. Iod la I.- .I.” 50c "£23. Cary. Home_ Baku Such Bread as Our. J Brighter 36 W. Cantu] A"- u?!

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