Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 2

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One hundred and fifty people gath« ered at the Raviniu Village House on Tuesday evening for their annual George Washington dinner and dance. A very delicious dinner wins served from tables beautiful in decorations of favors quite appropriate to the oc- casion. The room was decorated in flags, red roses and ferns. and no- where w‘as there any lack of decor- ation which speaks true hospitality. After dinner a unique entertainment was given by the young men and young ladies. The men appeared in an amusing minstrel show in charge of Mr. Hardacre and the young ladies in costume were charming in songs, depicting life in the early history of this country illustnted by songs. Mr. O. S. Brown presided at the piano for both the entertainments and his untiring efforts were certainly much appreciated. Home talent had con- tributed very clever original songs which were sung during dinner. A grand march started the dancing “finch was enjoyed after the enter- tainment. An able chairman was Mrs. Joseph Schoeningex who had the af- fair in charge and was assisted by her efi'icient committees. Before the evening was over Mrs. Wilder an- nounced that the piano for the school had been purchased. The whole at- fair was a great success, financially and socially. which success is un- doubtedly due to the strong neigh- borhood spirit which marks every so- cial function held in the Village House. \ On Monday there was meeting of the Red Crt held at the home af Mrs. All sorts of bandages we a great deal of enthusiz Mrs. Glass served lunch 1211' meetings will jbe he] on. Mr. Albert Larson was very agree- ably surprised on Tuesday evening when a number of his friends came in to celebrate his birthday. At five hundred the prize winners were: Mrs. Charles Larson. Mrs. Henry Clow, Mr. William Thomas and Mr. William Salynrds. Favors appropriate to the occasion decorated the tables. The guests presented Mr. Larson with a gift At the close of the evening. Mrs. Arch Abercromby entertained a few friends very informally on Fri- day afternoon. The Social Side of Life Our Dry Cleaning is for your soild outer apparel, from the party gown to the woolen ulster; everything, and you must realize that it means contentment, comfort'and economy. After a pleasant trip with pleasant company there is keen satisfaction in enjoying a service which re- stores the original smartness of your apparel. Whether you go away or not you can settle back in your own home and realize that “Dry Cleaning deLuxe” is the best you ever had We beg to announce that we have opened a First Class Mattress Factory at 17 West Central Avenue. Our ex- perience in thisline of work will enable us to render the most satisfactory service. We are expert Manufact- urers and Renovators of all kinds of Hair. We guarantee high class work and enure sat ka Called lpr and Delivered. We Retail at Whales: We do Rug and Carpet Cleaning and Repa' Upholstering, Furniture RepairingSz Refini: Dealers in Furniture etc. 17 West C North Shore_M_atty_e‘ss Factory High Class Laundercrn and French Dry Cleancn Phones 178, 179, 471 the Red Cross Chapter, lome af Mrs. John Glass. bandages were made and l of enthusiasm shown. served luqcheon. Regu- ; will ‘be held from now r, Felt, Moss, W011 Hosk Mattresses, Pillows Box Springs Cushions ' . Réllablg Lauqogy T-lephone I 15 .entral Ave. Highland Park, Ill. Local Affairs of the week T a Park “@133.“ nigh class work and entire satisfaction Ind Delivered. We Retail at Wholesale Prices and Carpet Cleaning and Repairing, q. Furniture RepairingSz Refinishing By the Oburver Mrs. Roland Bleimehl cut the Euchre (‘lub on last 1 afternoon. The prites were ed to Mesdames William Rudi A. Knudsen. Mrs. William will entertain the club on Wi afternoon. The afternoon Euchre (‘lub ed Mrs. Nels Nelson of N Street last evening. Two t euchre passed the evening pl‘ Bleimehl entertained luh on last Thursday 0 pr'ues were award- 5 William Rudolph and Mrs. William Rudolph the club on Wednesday uchre (‘lub surpris- snn Of .\'. Second g. Twn tables of evening pleasantly. On Thunday stumoon. Inch second, Muffin Buhr will enur- Miu Genevieve Holt 0! E. Linn]? Avenue. enuruinod Sunday cvonin.‘ for I number of friends In I supp!" party. ' 1 Mr. Lionel Roberuon. who lw‘i In! summer in this city, enuruinod‘ friends It I five o'clock lea Sunday afternoon at his L'hiu‘o home, liu Catherine Merrill gnvc n all on tho- Elizabethnn drums. ? Colonel and Mrs. R. P. Daviduon of the Northwutern Hillary and Navll Acndemy. Arldemy Purk. l‘ko Geneva, Win” entertained friend: It a Wnshingtnn bxr‘hdly celebrlnon on Tuesday. Afu-r dinner, nen'cd at noon. nll mm o! wmtcr sport: vcrc enjoyed. Then Wu 11w 1 very pret- ty dame at two o'clock. Mrs James Healer entertained I number of friend). at cards on Sutur- duy afternoon. The guests Included ladies from Evunston, Wilmette Ind Kemlwurlh. Mr, and Mrs‘ Fred Schaehr of S Shcrldun Road WM «nu-Hum It I few mhlu of bridge tumurruw even mg Mrs, Stcwnn Reed Brown enter- tumed (hue guwh M a George \Vashmgtun dumer on Tm-sdn)‘, her gm-sts \u-rc: MI. and er J J. Ar- den, and Mm Trur)‘, all of ( hn'ugo. The next regular mucung a! nu “5301! Hub “'1” be held m Lb. High land I'ur‘n Hub house, Thursday, March ‘.'r.d. at ‘.':43 p. m. The: day 1: u: churg- of the (‘xncs uni l’bll~ anthrupy lu-purmwnt, Ind Mr. How uni H l:rn~'~ “'IH qn-nk on “A l'crm~ uni H. Gross WI“ urn-M «Nob lint» 310' Un Fxhiu) t-\'l’n|!1‘ some \er)’ good plt‘lult‘! \u'v'e shmuz. mrludmg Lb: Selig Tribune plclun-n wharh wen ox- cepuonnny good. l’wtun-s of “(DL lege Sports." werc l grul future and rrcened Immeduu: Applluu from the "youngsters." The mouun pictures {or tomorrow cvmuxx uc “Friend Wilson's Dnughur." On Tuesday memng 1h- qumly mnlh, Mr‘ James E. 1:11.: \I'xll |p¢Ak on "Fire and the Fight Axum“ XL" The members of ‘hr Fir. hewtmeng (he Young Men's Hub, Ind 01. But mess Men's Anson-non Ire cordully muted 10 attend thu lulure winch wm be Illustrated. 0n Much fourth uL ugbt-fifmn Mr. John Kendrick Bangn. vnur, vnll nddress the club on "SalubriLnu I Have MeL" ()n Fnduy eYt‘nan, March lhmd, at the Highland I’nrk Club. "Qumcy Adnms Sawyer." the awry of u in» yer Who tnen to make anyone bap- py, “I“ be shown. The pre~l.¢-Iucn dance ‘1“ be gnu cm H! the Huh hnuw. Tnnsdn)‘ even- inz. Marrh seventh. ' inx Next Sunday morning Rev. Herbert Evans of ()rmnell, IL. "iXL preach h» the congregation. The memben 0! lb. church steep!- ed the invuauon uunded to them by the Highlnnd Park Wmn' I Club, and attended ‘he lecture It the Prel- byurun church In! nighL [hen by Mr. Fletcher Dobynn. The Young People': Meeting at aix- thirty on Sundny evening will be led l) Mrs. Willnm Ru- who in the chmrmnn of tho Mmlonlr) (um mince. Highland Park Club i Baptist Church Notes There is 30in! '0 be H can! Sula in town 000:! watch the date Ossoli Club l qn-nk on “A l'crm my. Tanfl k ummn Laurence ('mlh Amnmm Ind Josephine Rel-Ammunn. dxrartun of {he Ammonl lunar S‘udxos I111 pn- sen! the [ren‘ I'lhghnh pumn. Knh mm: Hoodlum, m 3 mu.) 3‘ the Womnn'n Hub of [\nmmn, Sum h}- nfternow;. Man-h lfllh, ll Lhrn o’clock Kllhlrmr Hoodlum, ‘he {lmmu pun)“, hu been culled "Pndem'pkx In pflucuau' Born In End-rad n1 Wnlford. nhe p11)“ In lhe l‘:h[hrh pmvmcu u a thud. Al the up n! twelve lhf lent lo UH Roy-ll And rmy of Hunt m lnndon, when nhr Itudlod Ute punohwu 101 In yo-rr wnh (ht-r Bering". She plnyod It (he public concern of the Academy und in 1892 went to \Honnn. when she Itudied wnh the gran Irwin-1n Ly {or {our yun It VII noon nftrr Kalhunne (loud It VII noon .nn Kalhunne (loud inn \efl Vlrnnn ”and uh! rrlurncâ€"d 1.- her Lathe (nunlr'y, und :1 hr! Yin! appelrlhce H. Landon (not thr pub hr by Norm Some of the (rum 0) rlannod ”A! ‘unt. I !emprr-m Lu! rnnrtm a! Engluh birth." “Hmury gun?” In her 0‘" (nut. try. Mm Goodwn null-d m. 1m.“- mm of Europe. when she trimmed tnumphn In .1! n! (he music-1 “mm:- Compare Our Prices With Others before buying Our famous New Method Blend 30c ' Coffee reduced to 26¢ lb. : 4 lbs for $1.00 3 lbs Dutch Club Coffee 96c 15 Finest Ceylon Teas 50c lb ”0“” February 28th, we will sell 15 lb; j of Sugar for 80¢ with eevry $1.50 ’ l order Flour and Soap excepted New Method Cash Grocery ll 17 S. St. Johns Ave. MISS KATHARINE 000195013 Who in]! app“)! a! Store open until 9:00 p. m. every day except Sunday We carry Bowman’s Milk 5c‘pint, 9c quart El'amtun H'mmm‘x (‘Iub 510711! 18 hndr The Barhn music critic. luv. ,_ pun-d!) pruned her withou: sunk my Mum! words. On one of her Vitiu u. mm m) she played {or flu En- l-um nhd limpn-u 3nd land. I (roll ‘mp'lwnnh (m Lhfllr “IW. The (.ummu. mun have ukon tho phnifl mu) umu through Gomny, Aun- '.vu-. ‘ruure, Belgium, Hollnnd, “ally, NMHD). Swoden, l-‘mlnnd. Alum“. nhvf England In Addition ‘0 a)... my mm, Rum-rune Good-on hn mum hu- exltnIn-e tour! in Ctnldl n! vi xh» l‘mwd Shun, when, in 1907 rhr mude her debu! I! I ”if of ”I. “(n-14m Symphony (Donut-u in Baum under Dr. luck. Sh. Ml pk,“ Mll- dm nurly ovary [nu musk-Al con- dlu‘lnr of the world 3nd in each an 1hr run [zoom 3m. of the phnilt und her wonderful mulkilnuhip mud! 1hr unull imprmnon. Thruughnu! Europe. Anita“. 3nd 1m New Worid amnion, Knunr‘ine 1.0!L1IUI‘. ha: lurroedod in electrify‘nj h : uudmmn. Mnny man have triad 1“ define the extnordm-ry (in: of Hm Hugh-h punut. and path-pt one u! the brief”! and strongest ondoroe- mc-nu "pm-nod nbou! her came from Arthur Nikinrh, when. that playing unh hxm I! one o! the 6'“!!de concert- in Leipzig. In add: “I m known mny musicians In I, I“ many soloists, but Lh- trln I!“ I can count on the lingo" of an“ ~Yuye, Ptdomuld. I'M no then- names I nowgddm- Good-on." viii: fund In. Amou- will I” {or flu. Goodhon int! ’13! w Mr. Arthur thtoa. En‘hlh compo-oh 0 En‘rl‘nh mm, on noon from four to um, I“ w in their chm-min. senato- h I” Lust evening the mombofld chum. bird the all .1 duo air < mrnn church, by Mr. Flow 0" ’ ym The invitation to mud -:§ from the flighlnnd Pnrk wm Ciuh Lug: [Id-(uh! rehearsals for a and. I}: be given before Easter, an m ”5“ every Frfiday evening. Dr. I. L Ila-I- Dr. hr! I. DENTISTS Suite (, 5 and b, Slur Bank 3*- 1* m I” "J North 81,300 equity in .ooa’" 'renI-L H2? . a.” 1.». Tel. 558‘ club“; in; dny 9r 149 cm; Phone 169* “II 3“ For Jewelry, W etch“ and Clocks Repaired R. \V. Schneider. End M. 15.01% )0“ elrr (-Ic phm c 33‘

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