Iothing renovated here t1" bur work a fair tnal? D Dnm; of ladies‘ and germ carats powers draped ns, etc. cannot be duplicat we have the LARGEST ad .the West. ngk and en Suite Private Bhs, :cecht Table Rates to Pr'v'rnanent Guests 1 Park, Illinois I. LEER Va Prudent 'uel Supply (0. t. Johns Avenue on amprm-ed real 6513:? in the ling .Rogc-rs Park. Evanson. Wi]. me Managementof a. (Renew, Highland Park and 'r mnrtgzues in this teritory is the ratc of Interest ‘.>' extractive, der the Banking State of lflinois FruSt Company $100,000 nd Pressing rd deliver your gamed Avenue. CHIC AGO Wood -- Chatoal Fuel Comma Materiil lvay Coke! AND WORKS RATED IEMERS rust Company A ~sz {Cc best‘ .s: guarunrce this BANKERS Telephone Highland Park 265 HIGHLAND PARK ILL. Divomy - 8153; L J. (1.“. (do Caserta School of Dancing. 211 Madison Street Moose Hall, Waukegan, Ill. Antonio Caserta Sari Fields formerly Danse D' Hirer Studio, New York. All the latest dances correctly taug t. One Step, For Waltz, Two Ste; Trot. Hesitation Raul“ Dream Waltx, Waltz, Parisian Guaranteed Maï¬xeandl’an- Tango ‘ cy Dances Rates to Classes, Clubs orThree or More Couples. Private Les- sons by appointment at your residence or our StUdIOs Classes Monday and-Friday Evenings. SociarDance Saturday Eve- rung. Special Noni-a we have a Staff of Four Teachers. Open 10.30 a. m. to 10.30 p. m. Phone 449 12 W. Centraleve†0m Butler's Barium Men’s Suits Sponged and Pressed 35c Men’s! Suits Dry or Steaijleaned and Pressed $1.00 A pair of trousers FREE with' every Suit Order. Call and see our line of Newest Patterns. W ill call and show samples on request ladies Suits Sponged and Pressed Skirts Sponged and Pressed ‘ TBLBPHONES: Bowman Dairy Company John H. Honaker Four things are essential in the produc- tion of safe milk, viz. Dairy inspection to keep milk clean, Perï¬ect pasteurization to destroy pathogenic germs. Bottling in the country to reduce danger of contam- ination before bottling and abundant Re- frigeration to arrest the development of bacteria. Bowman Milk is safe guardedlfrom cow to consumer. Funk J. Btker President. Highland Park Sfate Bank We are prepared to accommo- date you provided your security is right and we urge you to consult us before looking elsewhere. If so, you may desire to negoti- ate a loan from reputable people on reasonable terms. With the advent of Spring you may contemplate building on the NOrth Shore. Attractive Prices for Ladies: Suits Ladies Suits remodeled into Latest Styles Loans on Real Estate WE will give you the lowest prices on the North Shore for [the same quality of workIyou have been 'pay- ing double for 101-109 Vine Avenue ( HIGHLAND PARK, 9 GLBNCOE, 70 Capital And Surplno 380.000 :r J. M. Appol Vice-Pr... of our baking, you? youngster iwill be as happy as he is healthy. The things that make our bread so superior are: ï¬rst the very ï¬nest flour; second, the employment of the most skillful bakers; third the absolute cleanliness of our bakery produts. Can you beat that com- bination? Gary’s Home Bakery 20 W. Colin-II Ave. Raised on Bi'ead Waltz, Two Stet Dream Waltx, Maxis“: andFan- cy Dances C. F. Grunt Cubic 50c up 25c ‘upu The team won two baht-ball vic- tories on Saturday when Chicago Latin lightweights lost 37 to 4. And Material on Baby Welfare Week has been placed in the library of the school and is available for reading. The election of cancer: for the Forum last week resulted in the fol- lowing: lfor president, Betty Dur- borrow; vice-president, Edgar Gur- ney; secretary and treasurer, Irving Clow; sergeants at arms, Mary Marshall and Ernest ()rsbome. The monthly consecration melting of the Christian Endeavor W41 be held on Sunday evening, the topic being “The Consecution of srength" and will be led by Miss Emil] Brown. A large number of the Eideavorers attended the great intexlenominaâ€" tional Young People's Rx“? held at the Moody Tabernacle on Tuesday evening at which time Kev. Paul Ra- der gave a very intereStlng address on “A Lasso Lesson, n a Tenderfoot and His Lariat." Arrangements are being mlde for the Illinois Conference which is to convene at the local (hutch March 14-21. The subject of the Sunday Schofl lesson will be “The Death of Sterh° en,†as found in Acts 7:1-8z3. Corner Green Bay Road and Laur- ' el Avenue. Rev. J. Foster Van Even, pastor. Hours of service: Sunday School, 9:30 A. M. Morning Worship, 10:45 A. M. K. L. C. E., 6:30 P. M. Evening Service, 7:30 P. M. Mid-Week Prayer, Wed. 7:45 P. M. > At the morning service next Sun- day, Rev. Van Evera will téke as his subject, “The Two Saulsâ€"a Con- 5 trast," basing his remarks on 1 Sam. 5 15:24 and Acts 26:19. In the even- ing the pastor will speak on “The Sinlessness of Christ," using 1 Peter 2:22 as his text: 1 Miss Helen Young, the visiting nurse, will speak of the physical health among the foreigners. There will be special music,‘ and other de~ tails to be announced later. The Home Missionary Department of the Presbyterian- church will hold a meeting on Monday afternoon, the thirteenth. at two-thirty. The pro- gram is to be on the subject of “Im- migration.†Miss Krieger of the high school will speak on her work among the foreigners in her night school classes, and what she consid- ers the need among this class. We are also glad to welcome again, Miss Barbara Wait, contrnlto of the Chicago Grand Opera Company, whose singing at Vesper service some time ago we remember with the greatest pleasure. ' The program for the Vesper ser- vice next Sunday afternoon is of an unusually interesting character. In the past we have, at least once in the year, invited some visiting organ- ist to preside at the keyboard, and on this occasion we are fortunate in having Mr. Francis A. Mackay, of Chicago, organist of the Church of the Redeemer. At the morning hour of worship, next Sunday morning, at eleven o'clock, Rev. A. A. Pfanstiehl, a for- mer pastor of the church, who is via- iting in the city, will preach the ser- mon. Dr. Pfanstiehl has recently accepted an invitation to supply the pulpit of the First Reformed Church of Bayonne, New Jersey. the hearty welcome which the church has for everyone. Another feature decided upon was a social canvass of the parish, one week from next Sunday afternoon, when every home in 'the parish will be visited by a couple of canvassers, merely in a social way, to give a spe- cial invitation to participate in “Go to Church Season"â€"March 19th to April 23rd, which will conclude with special Evangelistic meetings during Holy Week, and a public reception of members on Easter Sunday. These and other events in the church life will enable the church to put into ef- fect some of the splendid suggestions made at the church advertising and publicity conference recently held in Chicago, and extend more generally . '1th ant-annual church banquet of the Highland. Park Presbyterinn church, tnconnection with the an: nual meeting of the church and so- ciety will be held on the evening of April 3rd in the parlors of the church. At a joint meeting of the elders and trustees of the church last Sunday afternoon the pastor presented a comprehensive plan for the coming months closing with Easter in which this was one of the proposed changes, which met with a hearty endOrse~ ment, and plans are now under way to make this one of the big features of the church life. First United Evan. Church THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS'HIGHLAND PARK rumors High School Notes i Pmbytetigg Church-Notes l (Qontinued from page 1) lhelpless little children were allowed lthrough:superstition and religious lfanatacibm, to set forth on pilgrim- lages to me Holy Land, on which oc- ‘lcasions 'many were stolen, and sold las slaves. Sometimes they could not lget food; and thousands sickened and ldied. é AMERICAN BABY OUR GREATEST ASSET Longfellow says of them: “Ah! what master hand shall paint How they journeyed on their way, How the‘ days grew long and dreary, llow their little feet grew weary,, How their little hearts grew faint." Poor helpless babies, vicariously sufâ€" fering; poor deluded parents, who un- consciously immolated to themselves the livesof their children, not appre- ciating the fact that their sacriï¬ce was useless, and resulted only in grief and sorrow for them, but that the consummate conservation of child life is the greatest asset of any nation. Fortunately through the existence of a few brilliant minds, the country <urx'ived, the renaissance followed, i be A social hour after the discussion. Amie from the program the high fyhool extends a cordial invitation to 5“ parents and friends to visit the school zit any hour during the day. The next reguar monthly meeting of the High s¢hool Division of the Parents and reachei's’ Association will take plak Monday afternoon, March sixth at two-thirty o’clock. The spenke; 0f the day will be Mr. W. C. Kn¢1k, principal of the Wau- kegan Twnship High School, who will sped: on “Supervised Study." Mr. Knclk is a leader in education in thisfart of the state and fully un- derswés his subject. He is a pleas- ing Miter and those who attend are mug to be beneï¬ted. There will ' Patents and TBachers’ I : Association The girls' dinner will be kld on Saturday evening, the ekhieenth. The dinner is under the auspices 0f the High ‘School division I “If Par- ents and Teachers’ Assoï¬tioni Mrs. Catherine McCulIoch, d Evansbon, will have the principaltoaSL Fur- ther notice will be made concerning the dinner. The tournaments in volley ball md basket-ball in the night school cllses are going on nicely. There is “00d crowd in the classes and morr are welcome to join. One cent will buy one d )1]. ar’s worth ; t Schumacln r’a Drug Store March 16,] 7,) 8. the heavyweights, 71 to 19. Both games were marked by good playing. On Friday the team will go to Wau- kegan. On the fourteenth the team will go to New Trier where the boys expect to win the honors. The last game of the season will be played in the home “gym†on the seventeen , between Waukegan» and the locJ5 Gas formaliwn 12 per cent Acid produclnm none Presumpiive test {or presence of sewage con- tammalmn (colonbacilh) negaï¬vev This Water I: safe potable water. The specimen of Film-red Ice Water from your plant {waived Apnl 26, 1915 shows on exammanon: The water plated on special media and incubated at 37 degrees C, for 4.8 hour: shows 13.800 bacteria per cubic centlmdcr‘ 16-24 Deerfield Avenue. uritÂ¥_!pe and Refgigï¬ating Compahy 25 E. Washmgton 5L, Chime!) tuft; "r3 9;: Ch imgo Laboratory Chicago Laboratory. R, W. Webster Director Chemical Dept h! 1 'F Ti“) Babies are the raw material of civ- ilization; the plastic city to be wrought paxtly at least, by our hands, into what form we will. If we decid§ that we have no responsibility for shaping and molding this clay, we show ourselves to be outside the present trend of scientiï¬c thought. Leading thinkers not only in the United States. but all over the civil- ized world, are telling Us that there is no better index to the intelligence of any given community than the one to be read in the condition: under which it allows its infnnt citizens to' Jevelopfthe comfort 0‘! it: hm; New Zealand has long hid the low- est infant death rate in the world, and more than any country in the world is actively working to reduce its infant death rate still further. iand the revival of the arts and aci- 1ences show today the fulï¬llment of prophecy, and the results of study, for tomorrow opens a campaign ‘or line of work unique in the history of civilization. A campaign neither of politics, commerce, nor reform, but lone purely of education, and includes every citizen in its purpose, which in that of teaching the community the value of infant population. The mod- ern movement for saving babies lives is of recent origin in all countries. France took the lead ï¬fty years ago in organizing community workdor infant welfare with a society for instructing mothers, and encouraging maternal nursing. The infant welo‘ fare station was later developed for? which France deserves the credit. 1 Agood lip reader uldon balmy- hia duh.“ to I an... v Write {or free booklet. Lip Reading teaches "the eye to hear". This study '3 easily acquired Wm complete Correspondence Course. By learning to read the spelker’l lip you a again enjoy the comforts of conversation without embarrassmentâ€"{hm am ‘ mechanical hearing devices and re-enter society. ' Cleaner, Presser and Repairer of Ladies and Gents Fine Garments. Goods called forland delivered 10 N. Second St. Highluad Purl: relapse-a 372 Your Patronage Solicited HighlandPark. m, humour: 490 Your Clothes are Ruined by Inexpetielced him My work I: expect hull workouly Personal attention given all work HI mum. P ".9.“ 0. DERSON P Doorï¬old 7 WINNn‘xA ART. ICE 00. His d Park If you wut loo holy Pm ( il Mumftcturod i this Phat. Suits Sponged and Pressed 50¢ Call up PM. Winnotk- 1030 Anus KENT TcL Glam. 385 If You are Deaf Read This M H. W. Hubpr Electric Co. Hun (filo/f Schooloflime-MCR’ General Electrical Contracting M. LEVIN the tailor mumdmmmwb mformlmmfmowwwhth“ Fumwmihmmmdhu perUdtedStnaénflon MMMM icmatterandb-ctedawadl mum watertiboolï¬Ã©bmmdl mien“! you ll". mmibaterdunnythnhmdehï¬om of Chicago 0: my wburbanm Vernmlymn. WGMChmic-ICO. Robotic. GMAT-«flu. Purixy Ice 5: Karim-um 0‘ Highland Put. Ill. sever ‘the contest, puny- mult be in an» aim. in the not“ IQ; begiventotheouechfldh â€â€™ grade who write: the beet using as hi: subject, “Why a“ Perk Needs a Hoepitel.‘ ï¬ll! her-est is being taken by the â€M ants. 11th is not a part I! w; studies but than who volt“. hi“ 0.. Shut" Gin-d kWh“ MHZ-coy may oldnechildnn mun-um? seventh :nd eight and. It a Pluce zchool are very mud: W edinthepmpositionmndoth. ) the trustus of the Bonito) I. ' BSAY WNW“ tion a week :30. A prime you and uh youmlf m h» _ conditions in this country m .d 3‘ as make it an ideal plan to: m f the-purity of its drinks... um #0 :5, clanlineu sad at. W-dhr-Z milk producers; the m mg: o\er refuse removd, ï¬n â€HQ paving and drainage, tho I!“ ‘ 1?: fresh arr and recto-w h gene'nl oversight it “a“ 3" its unitary conditions. 5‘, , This is the responsibility “ ' _ .. adult citizen. whether m R “b Baby Week has been w h; the purpose of hinting hunt “ 10$ sponsibility to 11] of us. but I†The Greer Chum-cl Co. Au. Wou Gum Telephone 341 . MILII