Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Mar 1916, p. 5

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ihing renovated here this r vmrk a fair tri'al? )YI-LLM; of ‘adies' and gent's urpets. pomers. draperies, a. etc, cannot be duplicated e have the LARGEST and me West. d deliver your game?!“ Management of Trust Company gle and en Suite. Private Baths, 'ellent Fable. Rates to Permanent Guests Job: Avenue 2 AND WORKS Anne. CHICAGO 'f [11' WT In you want the best mzh , Wn‘ guarantee this der the Banking State of Illinois Park, Illinois EEK Vin Pvt-flat [211, President Telephone 335 Wood -- Charcoal d ' Pfessing' Frust Company‘ $100,000 lvay Coke x ‘rrzprm‘ed rm} (astute in the g Rngcrs Park. Evzmstm, Wil- kflrrtcm. H1ghlztmi Park and nmrtgagcs m th1> tcrritory is 'k' r' «.t:- wt interest :5 attractive. IEMERS Fuel Company :l Supply Co. lATED Material Telephone Highland Park 265 @Qflflfifié‘ BANKERS HIGHLAND PARK. ILL. Divemy - 8152 E J uRbNDY. Cah Rates to Classes, Clubs orThree or More Couples. Edvate Les- sons by appointment at your residence or our studio. Classes Monday and Friday Evenings. Social Dance Saturday Eve- ning‘ Special Notice: we have a Staff of Four Teachers. 0pm 10:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. Caserta School 01 Dancing 211 Madison Street Moose Hall Wauke an Ill Antonio Caserta Sari Fields formerly Danse D' Hive Studio New York All the latest dances correctly taught. . F Waltz. Two Step ’9‘:;t,§¥:sitati3: 13'3“!“ Dream Waltz, Waltz. Parisian Guaranteed Mame andFan- cy Dances Tango Men’s Suits Sponged and Pressed 35c Men’s Suits Dry oLSteam Cleaned and Pressed $1.00 Phone 449 12 W. Central Ave, Our Haiti’s “than Ladies Suits Sponged and Pressed Skirts Sponged and Pressed - A pair of trousers FREE'withjeveryTSuit Order. Call and see our line of ‘Newest Patterns, Will call and show samples on request Special Prices on Tailoring and Cleaning TBLBPHONES Bowman Dairy Company Use Bowman’s Safe Milk John H. Honaker Bowman Milk is safe guardedlfro‘m cow to consumer. Four things are essential in the produc- tion of safe milk, viz. Dairy inspection to keep milk clean, Perfect pasteurization to destroy pathogenic germs. Bottling in the country to reduce danger of contam- ination before bottling and abundant Re- frigeration to arrest the development of bacteria. ‘ Capitd and Surplua 880,000 Funk J. Bnkor J. M. Appol President Vieo-Pm Highland Park State Bank We are prepared to accommo- date you provided your secun'ty is right and we urge you to consult us before looking elsewhere. If so, you may desire to negoti- ate a loan from reputable people on reasonable terms. With the advent of Spring gyou may con late buildin 0 North S g n the Loans 0}) Real Estate Attractive Prices fo LadiesZSuits Ladies Suits rem fled into Latest Styles WE will give you the lowest prices on the North Shore for lthe same quality of work you have been fpay- ing double for 101-109 Vine Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. 9. GLENCOB. 70 Vieo-Prou. Cubic: of our baking, your youngster will be as happy as he is healthy. The things that make our breed so superior are: first the very finest flour; second. the employment of the most skillful bakers; third the absolute cleanliness of our bakery produts. Can you beat that corn~ bination? Gary’s Home Bakery 30 W. Cum] A”. Raised on Bread Waltz. Two Step Dream Waltz, Mame andFan- cy Dances 25c lb The score giving_the victory to New Trier was, 25-15. The Business Men’s volley ball team which ha. been or- gnnized from the night school chu- es went to Wankegtn on Friday even- ing to play the Waukegan Business Men’s team. The game we: lost to Waukegnn. Mr. George Min-rd ,il captain of the team. Tomorrow evening the “tilt weight basketâ€"ball team will go to Chicago Heights for a game. The game at Waukegan on Friday afternoon was a victory for Waukegnn, the score 18-28. The home team will play Waukegan again in the home “gym" on the seventeenth. This some will wind up the basket-ball mwn. .The game at New Trier on Monday was won by New Trier in their “gym." There is a great deal of interest beâ€" ing taken by the students in the standard test in algebra which is be- ing held at the school. This test gives the school a chance to compare with other schools along these lines, and Deerfield is certainly mnking I good showing. , Mr. Edgar Steever of the War Col- lege, Washington, through whose in- fluence the school is secufing guns for the cadet corps, spoke in general assembly to the boys. Mr. Steever was a guest at the H. S. Veil home this week. There are four hundred and forty day school students registered in the school at present. 1 The official report oi the night jschool work is now resdy for publi- §cstion. The night school was in ses- ‘sion for sixteen weeks, ten weeks be- fore Christmas and six weeks after. In the mechanical drawing class, twenty-nine students were enrolled, and twenty-five were given credit; in the wood and metal shopwork class there were thirty-four enrolled and twenty-five received credit; in the sewing class, ten out of thirty~six were given credit; in the typewriting class ten out of thirty were given credit; the bookkeeping class which was discontinued after the first term, me credit to sixteen and the arith- metic class, which wss'slso discon- tinued after the first term credited thirty students; in the business Eng- lish eleven out of nineteen students ware credited, and in the English class for foreigners seventy-six were given credit. The program being arranged for the meeting of the Woman's Mission- ary Union next Monday will deal with social conditions in Highland Park, md several speakers of interest will speak. All women of Highlnnd Park are invited to attend. A special feature of the service Pext Sunday morning will be the or- dination and consecration of those who are going to conduct the Every ‘Member Social, Visitation of the Par- ;ish in the afternoon. . About forty or fifty members of the church will visit during the afternoon every family connected with the church. so far as they are known, and give a very per- sonal invitation to the special services to be announced on a card of wel- come which these visitors will carry. The object of this Every Member Vis- itation is the cultivation of fellowship and good will, and to give publicity to the “Go to Church Season" which the oflicers of the church have plan- ned for the period of March 19th to April 23rd, culminating in special services during Holy Week and Eas- ter, with some novel features to be announced next Sunday. There has been a gratifying gain in attendance st the services of the church the past few weeks, and it is hoped to mate- rially increase this; and to make ev- ery one in Highland Park who is not afl‘ilinted with some other church feel the Welcome which is in store for all who attend the church services. Our‘ big word is WELCOME; that this1 may be a “CHURCH FOR THE PEO- PLE WITH A WELCOME AND SERVICE FOR ALL.” At the eleven o'clock service next Sunday morning the pestor will con- tinue the series of sermons on the Lord’s Prayer, taking for the text, “Thy Kingdom Come." Some of the questions to be discussed in the trest- ment of this text are: What is the Kingdom? How does it come? and who are members of this Kingdom of Sunday 1!: {oer-thirty. Hr. Oliver laonud will luve charge. There will be 1 business meeting at four o'clock preceding the regular meet- ing. ,rHE-mcmynmgxpmss. mam» Pmnmoxs This is the first One Cent Sole Highland P-rk hu ever bad. If it i1 properly appreciated III: .Uuited Dru; Co. vnll likely Mvc other: (rom lime to time It Schlnnchcr' I Drug Store. Indny 1t fair-thirty. -Xr. Oliver 9mm Cmémm’é ,l High School Notes i The Graéo Dodge Memorial Fri~ dny evenind was very well attended and showed: the interest that is taken in honoringi a woman who has done so much {of the women of our land. Prayer win oflered by Rev. A. A. Hansfiehl find the address of the evening wts given by Mrs. Carl annstiehl who told of the wonderful character quiss Dodge, giving miny personal touches which brought. her close to us.: Mrs. Pfa+tiehl churned her ludi~ ence Ind Mndled the subject in In adminble ng'ariner. A collection wu tai'en for th'? Endowment Fund which Mr. Johfi Kendrick Bungs, the writer and§lecturer, spoke to a good crowd of lkteners on Saturday even- ing at thd club. Mr. Bangs' talk was on the subject, “Salubrities I Have Met: and was very humorous. Mr. Bangsgspoke not only along hu- morous linois but also of the different well known: men he has met. Every- one thorou‘hly enjoyed the talk and expressed pleasure over it. 3'18” The Passing of Summer March ; Wind”..............‘.MacDowell Themegwith Variations. 0p. 16 .i. ........................ Paderewski The Higfiland Park women who are patronessed for the recital, are, Mea- dames Jo¢ph B. Card, A. R Car- queville, C2 N. Kimball, George Scho- field, Robért E. Smith, Clarence Thayer. ‘ The pictixres on Friday evening were very Egood and other good pic- tures will be shown tomorrow even- ing, when Balfe's popular opera, “The Bohemian ban," will be played. ' t to be Heard At Women'- lub of Evnelon Cream Ammons and Joe- ephine ~Ammona will present Mine Kn tine Goodaon, the world- famoue p ist in a recital Saturdny afternoon, arch eighteenth, at three o’clock, in the nuditorium of the Women's ilub of Evenston. The pro- KATHARINE coonson mm. In. 13 mm in: fig 1. Fanudestuocko ......... Schumum Des'Abend. Au! hwung _ Sonatir‘in Fminor Op. 5....Brahma Allegro maeatoso Andfnbe Espreuivo Highland Park Club Intafmezza (“Rueckblick”) Finfle. Allegro moderate in: yubato ' Balladd in A flat. Op. 47-â€" ‘ Puma; No. a in B miner‘â€" Scherzé in B minor. Op. 20â€"â€" Value 1;: A Flat. 0p. 42â€" Valse #1 A Flat. Op. 42â€"Chopin “A Summer Pilgrimage." (In the White Mountains) ...... Hinton (Ne ) Ro nce. “By the Ammon- 3 On formation l2 pet cent 3| Acid production none Presum 've test {or presence of sewage con- taminl (colonbacilli) negative. Thiswfler in we 1e )nter. } Chicago Laboratory. Chicago Laboratory :25 E. Washing!” 51., Change Thecpedmen of Filtered Ice Waterfrom yourphn: receivedfiprfl 25. 1515 MI on enminatiom The waér plated on Ipeciul media Ind incubned at 37 de C. 10:48 hour: Ihowl 11m bacteria per cub' centimeter.. In... 16-24 Deerfield Avenue. ' Y. W. C. A. News 'bosuc" Idyl “Among the Hills” Sch 0. “Fireflies" Rev ie. “At Sunset Hill” Coulgtry Dance. “At the Husk- {ityjpe and Reffigerating Company R. W. Webster Director Chemical Dept (U (Continued from Page 1) been m-de by mother: the early wt of the week. All the physicians of the city gave a portion of their time in' the physical examinations and Mrs. Beardsley, Mrs. Shannon, and Mrs. Kirchberger assisted the moth- A: {u as the‘ baby conference in: concemod the public was excluded from the examination room though the 0th” exhibits ware open to M Dressing rooms were provided forth. The Port Clinton School where the boys and girls clubs of Highwood have been meeting has been painted white throughout the interior. A new bookcase with suitable books and new curtains added which nukes a very pretty club room. We are in- debted for the interior decorating to the drill team of the Modern Wood- men who also use it for a meeting place. The Y. W. C. A. now hove two boys’ clubs, two girls’ clubs and a night school two evenings a week. Surely this is work worth while and should appeal to all interested in these lines. Visitors are not only Welcome but are urged to visit this branch of our work. The Infant Welfare at the Y. W. C. A. headquarters Saturday, March 4th, was a success from every stand« poin t. Lip Reading teaches "the eye to bear". This study in easily enquired through our complete Correspondence Count By learning to read the spenko's lips you tin again enjoy the comforts of conversation without embarrmment-thmw away all mechanical hearing devices and re-cnter society. A'ood lip reader alde- bot‘r-ya kn duh.“ to . drainer Write for free booklet demonstrated that Miss Dodge still lives in our hearts. This meeting closed the Jubilee which has been the source of a great deal of satisfaction among the leaders of the associntion. can up M. LEVIN Ithe tailor Cleaner, Presser and Repairer of Ladia and : Gents Fine Garments. Goods called for and delivered IOVN.SocdndSt. Highland Park Telephone 372 TELEPHONE 490 Let us give y9u an wtimate on electrical’work of all kinds. ' Housewiring, Power Work, Installing, Interphonm, Vacumn Cleaners, Heat Regulators, Fixtures, etc. Electrical Contraciitig (It? If you want 1c. Abooluloly Pun l h Man-haunt] at th'u Phat. ‘ 0. ANDERSON Phon- Doufidd 7 meEfo m. ICE co. Your Clothes are Ruined by Inexperieucd‘Tflors BABY WELLHRPEXH'BIT Suits Sponged and Pressed 50¢ F. SIBJESTIOM If You are Deaf Read This Home of tho Highland Park SeboolobeLImo,KuamCityMiuou-i . W. Huber Electric Co. My work it apart Innd workonly Personal attention given all work General Electrical Contracting Highland Park, Ill. M. LEVIN the tailor Thumpkofmwfichmw to uformflmuhnmmwwhrificnl Filmmmahmmmdhm puUnitedSuze-nnon. 11:01::de kmnndbmhwuau thhnthe waterblbooluldypurelndl nice” you an mmnbamthnmymxbmmthcdty of Chicagoor my suburbanm Verytmlyyoun. meerCIun‘ncalCo. Roland C. Greer. 6:11 In. Mybelldrim o. Starting Mondny, Mr. Burg. had of the manual training work in the ‘grades of Waukegan, put his young- }sfen to work on the construction of ‘ 200 1)in houses to be enacted in vari- ;ous parts of the city. Hidlhndhrkm. The stunt is the outgrowth of n ngiution started by the Womn'l Club to stir up interest unong chil- dren in protecting birds und doing What they can to make it an «do! Mint the feathered tribe to livl. m 59y; will work in ' an and mums? und it is felt tint. the bowl. win be. ready to erect by April 1. : mothers and the babies protected in every way. be room in which they were examined wu kept et s temper. ature correct for the mked um. bodo' ies When they were brought into the room during the early lien of a:- day a small rattle nth-acted their at- tention; later, howevq, e flesh light belonging to the Visiting Nuns re- placed it. An inquisitive ym who succeeded in removing the shot from the celuloid ruined it. timing ability and overworked the flesh light battery. The conferenoe was under the eas- pices of the Visiting Nuree Anode- tion And we are muted thet in‘ the future it will be nude I future of Baby Week. The highest Icons of the babies will be published next week and on Highlend Perk Day the youthful competitors will enin be, examined and the prize given to the one who makes the most improve- ment. Th: Grit? W Go. 0“ Telephone 341 It

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