9‘5; 13% THE HIGHLAND PARK PRESS PQBLISHED “’EEKLY BY JOHN L Umm.‘1 at‘ Highland Park. Lake County. Illinois} Telephones, Highland Park 557, 558‘ W PrimSLSO pet Yet! in Entered as secundclass matter March 1. 1911.31 the post ofï¬ce at Highland Park, lllmons. under the Act of March 3.1879, THURSDAY. MAR?! 3w, 1916 John L. Udell ...... Editor and Publisher Paul L. Udell ....~..A.......,Superintendent Helen Frances Conrad ........ City Editor Esther C. Baker..............Society Editor Loretta Kress.‘........Deerï¬eld Reporter Albert Levy ............ Chic: 0 Adv. Mgr. 8th floor, 20 E. Jackson, e1. Wab. 5212 No matter whether you own a Grafonola or a Victrola. No matter where you] bought it. Our large and varied stock of Columbia records, is sure to inter- est you. Columbia records play on Victor talking ma- chines. Yours for good record service. Inspected Milk Guernsey Lream Bulgarian Buttermilk Plain Buttermilk Butter Arcady Farrrl§ 244 E. Puk Avenue Local Office 212 E. Central Ave. 39 St. Johns Ave. Highland Park C. M. GATES ‘Iper Hunging md Decor-ting Telephone 1098 TELEPHONE PRATT’ S 9355â€â€œ T Everything from the ARCADY FARMS is striétly fresh, pure and safe. Our Certiï¬ed Milk is de- livered twelve hours after it is producedâ€"gosigively fresher than There is only one way to obtain ARCADY FARMS dair roducts ---DIRECT FROM THE? FARMS. JO I! N I EACH LANDSCAPE GARDENER Work of any kind by dav or Contract. Care of Furnaces No other dealer can supply you. Be on the safe side and start with us today. PAINTING Soloist Trinity Ouch mrmmrw nan-immun- N1"! Certified Milk and Cream 437 Deerï¬eld Ave ï¬lGflLAND PARK DENNETT’S BAKERY 4mm up ransom mews The Highland Park ï¬re department wishes to thank the citizens of High- land Park for their co-operation in making their dance a success. Those having tickets are asked to return them or send check, which will enable the committee to make a ï¬nal report. Mrs. Roy Zimmer and small daugh- ter, Loraine, returned Sunday from a three week†stay in Stoughton. Wis., where Mrs. Zimmer was called on ac- count, of the illness of her father, who died two weeks ago. Miss Ruth Donnithome of Michi- gan state is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Irvin): Hembrook, of McGovern Stl‘i‘ct. Miss Emily Wallen and Jack Lavin of Chicago Were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Frederick Fischer of South Green Bay mad. 0 Mrs. James Bowden, who has not been very well for some time, was taken' to the Presbyterian hospita] Sunday. Mrs. Fred Zuhnle and smail daugh- ter, (‘m~rainv. are visiting relatives in Fond du Las. “'isconsm. Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge E. )IirM-h were the Sunday gucsts. of relatives in Chi- cage (Fur‘merly Ruggleo Bakery) Telephone 193 John Hesler of Carbondale, [IL was the week guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Hesler. John Gasser of ('hicnzo. formerlyI Mr. and M of Highland Park, spent Sunday \'isâ€" 1 welcomed a d icing relatives here. :last Tuesday Mrs. Frederick Fischer Sr, Mrs.‘ Mrs. P. Th Frederick Fischer J11, Mrs. Henry ; Brealnwll 01 Yiseher of South Green Bay road and I daughter are Mrs. John Fischer of Glencoc at- 1Breakwell of tended a birthday party on Thursday ‘ who has bee at the home of Mrs. Gnssar of Ravens. I. Texas, will rz wood. formerly of Highland Park. ’account of M The body of William Kelling oleCO- Braeside was found dead SaturdayI Friends near the railroad crossing near Sher» ler of Isle ‘merville. Mr. Kelling was a singhï¬ï¬‚elen Ewart _man and was thirty-ï¬ve years oldigrieved to h - He has many acquaintances in High- 3 infant son, V land Park. ldied of acub Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delhnyo and E1 the 889 0f ‘3‘ family have returned to HighlandldOinR nicely Park from Paw Paw, Mich., whereients» MF- 8|†they resided for some time. Mr. Leo Mr. and L ’Dolhaye was a guest of his brothers' children of 1 over the week-end. iend guests ( ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hicks are mov- Grant, Mrs. ,ing this week from Washington streetf; The Lenci 'Highwood, to Waukegan. ‘moving this The house on Chicago avenue being 5" J°h“:5 A new buildu built by Mr. Axel Stenson of Chicago,:‘ I'a brother-in-law of Mr. B. C. Swamésemnd St" - is nearing completion. Mr. Stenson“ Miss J98! land family will move out as soon agitumed Sum 'the building is ready. she spent tl l Guernsey Cream Mrs. John Mayer of 1038 North Green Bay road. who had a very se- Vere attack of rheumatism last. week, is recovering rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Morse. Mr. . d Mrs Clarenc: Shetzley and $3.; Frank Stupey journeyed to Aurora on‘ Saturday, where they attended ‘he‘y ‘funeral services of Mrs. H. Hubble.: ’vwho died of heart trouble on Thurs-f (day. Mrs. Hubble was a sister of" ,Mrs. Morse and Mrs. Stupey. l mumtfunmollr.nndfl .‘L. A. PM of Highwood avenue thin week. - Mnfnd Mn. Lewis A. Pegs receiving congntlhtions on the o! a son ,bom Snmrday, Much Mr. and Mrs. Thomas N. Manur- ney of Chicago were guests on S ' dny of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sm! of West Park Avenue. Mr. MadBdmey sang the solo on Sunday at the fres- byterian church. 3 5 Mrs. Roger Vail and Mrs. C». econ Vail are in Ashvine, North Car “lina, {or two w eeks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schumapher spent the week- end in (‘hampaigï¬ 111., where they were guests of their 5011‘ Howard “ho attends the State bni- Hersity there. Miss Edith Davies, who underï¬'vni ‘an operation for appondicitiy at the The Misses Frances Hoibfook, Glace Andrewa and Caroline Willitts are leaning next week for Thomas- ville. Ga" where they are to be giests of the W. W. Wiiiius until after Fas- ter Mn. dark Ind mall non~ot st. W. E. Ten medg and MRS Jean Ten Broeck are in Florida isor a few weeks. i Le (‘ercle Francuis, a French club in (‘hicugov has been instrumental in hanging to (‘hicugo u troupe of :Frem‘h players from Paris. This Week and next this (ompanv is giving {Fiï¬ mh pluys at (entlall Mus if hull 1Chixug0 A numb‘ex if Highlafld lPark people are interested in these ' plays. Miss Edith Davies, who underï¬'vni an operation for appondicitiy at the Presbyterian hospital. Chicago, has returned home. Mr. and Mr.» A. G. McPherson‘and daughter, Nancy, returned lastJWeek to their home in North St. Johns ave: nue, after a pan of me winter being spam in Josephine, Alabama. Mr. and \lrs. R. J. Beatty if South Sheridan Ruad are at F'remh LiLk1 Sprinés for a while. 3 t V ‘ Mrs. James Hesler, who haxbeenl ‘ seriously ill for the past week, is very": ‘much improved. ‘ i Miss Anna Muno of Evanstm‘i wasi lthe guest Saturday of Miss Helen. Conrad of McGovern street. ; F Mrs. F. M. Ingalls and children re-‘ turned in th2ii' home in Lincoln Place; 'and (llencoo Avenue last week, after]! .soverul months' stay in California. 1 l l I Miss Margin-01 Stewart, who lives‘ at the E. V. Price home on South Sher- ‘ idan road. returned home on Thuraday ill from a two months' visit in England, Scotland and Ireland. Mrs. Frederick Ullmann and Miss Bessiv L'llmzuin hm'e returned from a two months' stay in California. Miss Leila Hysnn of (‘01umbus. (ih'm, who. hm- been the guest of Mr. > and Mrs. Harold Larsen of Green Bay, Win, is th? guest this wwk uf Miss Emma Evans. - Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Koznï¬nski, who have made their home in Highâ€" lund Park for a number of years, are loaning the (ongress hotel Chicago, where they have spent the winteg, and will make their home in NewéYork City. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Allen of South St. John’s avenue. are receivin con- gratulations on the birth of gson, born Friday, March 24th. 1 Mrs. Mary Powws of Chicago has Hue week-end guest of her daugflter, Mrc. Raymond W. Schneider. : Mr. and Mrs. Flynn of HighWood welcomed a daughter into ï¬hei‘s home last Tuesday evening, March 215:.- Mrs. P. Thrum, formerly Miss Fay Brealnwll of Highwood, and span daughter are visiting Mrs. 83 uel Breakwen of Highwood. Mrs. Th, m, who has been making her hom in Texas, will remain here indeï¬nitol 0n Friends here of Mrs. Frank ul- Ier of Isle of Pine, formerly iss Helen Ewart of this city, were uch grieved to hear of the death of her :nnmo cnn Wininm Ewart Funer. ho â€VI-vs.“ ~-_ _- Miss Jessie Taylor of Rav'm‘ug re-iLehn deï¬ne War turned Sunday from Oklahoma when: j ln 3 Seraflliu's ( she spent the winter. 5 1Silvahn ........ t a Mr. and Mrs. George 310330 of Das Maedchtfn. Hubbard Woods are soon to ave‘; . :SS their home there to open their um- i Mumunn$lcF Romance ...... mer home on Beach street in thi 'city 1 A ‘ ' D Mr. H. M. Prior has purchald a; mass ante} {new Halledny automobile hears“. ‘ _ i . .The Pnncess. Mrs Joseph L. Leaming and §Mrs.‘.1‘he Swan. 4 _. iSewnll Trunx are spending three :clays ] [ch wae Dich :of this week in ()‘mwn. 11L. ‘qherev, {they are representing the North i Suite for violin {Shore Chnptet D. A. R. in the *mttv Miss Julia conference 01 that organizatioué M55! '- :Miu lubricant“ will recur-uh the W of April from Cglifomh, when she has spent the winter. The Public Library is open every Sundny between the hours of two 1nd ï¬ve in the afternoon. Certain mqfn-; born at the OMB club are in chunk of the library and report that mï¬iy people have availed themselves of the?1 .opportunity to read and stuily.: Books can not be returned a; duh, out at this time, but silence is] main-. tained in order to make it n quiet‘ reading place. Mrs. A. A. Putnam and Mr. Viril- iliam I). Putnam returned this wQek ‘from the south, where they have spent three weekza. E‘ Master Char-1w Svhnuï¬'ler, Mrmgr- 1y of this city, who attends 1h) Mor- gan Park Academy, is spa-min“; u wvo Lweeks vacation here. He is iix'ingiat Sthe Wavrunck home On “June Aac- xnue. 1 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bletsch of Moraine Road had as their guest a few days of [11?! week Mr. Ludwick , ‘ Mrs. Barnes Hf BOsLUh, uhu W5 iboen tie guM in Mrs J It Manip i . it‘eturned home last week. a 1 Mr. Edwin Rothschild of Lincdii (Ave, is in the West on :i ‘i‘nsingss orth 1 Suite to a year or Tennessee Missf Esther llxcks .uf (Lom‘igw Ave., who attends school at the Uï¬iâ€" varsity of Chicago, is smnding by vacation at home. ‘ _ '2 Miss Alice Clem: of Winnetka ms the guest of ‘Viun Lee Whitman for a few days this “eek. L‘ The Beta Chapter of the We>tm'mâ€" ister Guild will meet at the home pf Miss Lida Gouxle} ‘on “adv .c~da_\ afternoon of next Meek. »' Mr. J. L. Fearing and {a the Moraine Hotel are spendir weeks in Macon, Ga. Mr. Ralph Ely of San Fi'zmciscb, Cal., is the guest for several weel‘s of his sister, Mrs. Leskor Levin of S. First Street. _ Ground was broken (his \vvek for the new home of Mr. Charles (ire-9i). The house will be Situated on Wth Vine Ave; ,, Mr A. W Fletcher has donated ,1 beautiful, huge trex m the V‘ “5'. Ski Park. Who will be {he ï¬rst f0 offqir to mov; the tree ur so» that it {5 moved? ‘ , I. Munimwuc, Wis Mrs. Alice J rm“ of GeneVa m, is} the must 0: 31r~..~1\l»(rt Sm Rh of W. Linden Awe. ‘ vhange of meeting place. whivh will be in the Lecture Room of the Pre - byterian Church instead of Trini ‘ Pan‘sh House, on Tuesday afternoog, April 4th, at 2:30 P. M. I, h. Highland Park Woman's Club; The Princess. Griegl N The Swaneâ€"Grieg. 8 Ich Liebe Dich. Griegâ€"Miss M830? Suite for violins and piano, Sinding -~Miss Julia Marshall. Miss Mayi, Miss Mary Marshall. Sonata for violin and piano“ , . . .(lrigilg Misses Helen Mayer and I‘rm‘xllaCarv'er Lehn deï¬ne Wang ......... . Jensér ln 3 Seragliu's Garden,“ V V . Sjugrér Silvahn..........‘......‘. I..,.Sindifu Das Maedchen ................. ,Jensgx Munnuring Zephyrs Romance ........... Anitra's Dance _______â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"1, Attention is especially called to £89 e for violins and piano ,. . . hl‘.‘ Miss Julia Marshall, Mus Ma)†Miss Mary Marshall Miss Marion Mason Miss Carve Miss Mawn ),. ,.. .Urieg} I‘rlscxHaCarVieT Jensén V V. Sjngrén' .5..,.Sindiï¬gi ,,,,,,, ,Jensï¬n'} am. iXy gaf mg ' :1 1'6"“ Jensï¬n Sibel res .J, \dmx (mm Grieg (meg North Shore Trust Company Capital $100,000 Orgtnized under the Bulking Laws of the §ute of Illinois Making a specialty of loans on improved real estate 13‘; the North Shore territory including Rogers Park. Evanstmt, \Vn. matte, Kenilworth. Winnetka.~Glencoe, Highland Par}. and Lake Forest. Security under mortgages in this terri'u m is continually enhancing while the rate of interest is warm We. AITIUI W. mwc, Pruiâ€" LAUREL INN 3‘167- 317 East Laï¬tel Avenue HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS PHONE 67 102 i. In St HERMAN DENZEL President Telephoné 335 North Shore Fuel Supply Co. Mine operators have not set Apn’l price~ \\ c will ï¬ll orders and protect you in price Coke 13 25¢ per ton higher than a year ago. We are booking orders, can we ha\ 6 wum Why not have voqr clothing renoy'ated here this week and glve our work a far trial? Our CLEANING AND DYEING of ladies‘ and gent’s garments, oriental rugs‘ carpets. pomers. draperies, piano covers. lace curtains. etc. cannot be duplicated by any local cleaner. as we have the LARGEST and most SANITARY plant in the West. A wagon will call for and deliver y oal for Spring Filling MORTGAGE BANKERS oal Solvay Coke Cleaning and Pressing Open Under Managemént of 7;. ____. ,â€" MRS. WIEMERS MAIN OFFICE AND WORKS 2123-2133 Lincoln Ava-no. CHICAGO Highland Park, Illinois I In J. unflinchuha l J mm (as. Rooms Single and en Suite. Private Baths, Excellent Table. Rates to Permanent Guests 230 N. 5!. Johns Avenue INCORPORATED HIGHLAND PARK, ILL. Tabb-t wand m 265 that looks clean and fresh. you sured that regularly. is our busmes: and we take spt-cxal (are m (um 0m your (ht-3:85 waxsts‘ lingerie and damuest garg menu ma perfect con. damm. equa) to new Gwe u~ a U13) and be connm (-d Wink-scum Madhwiz your garments 1mmaculately auracnvely can feel as n visns u: - 8152