Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 1 Jun 1916, p. 5

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HEIDI. m 1K9 in the Stuff. “fill- :Ucmen's wed learn “’3 why and take ski‘ l m Lttractwe “e this [pany gent S penes Heated T and Lte Baths, :very neva ingpuzt nany . 8152 ial keeps :es all rents 265 335 21' THY was a 'w w‘LIIHAN H. W. Michaels Groceriet Phones 197-198 Caserta School or Dancing. 211 Madison Street Moose Hall Waukegan, Ill. Antonio Caserta Sari Fields formerly Danse D' Hlver Studio, New York. All the latest dances correctly taught. One Step. Fox Waltz, Two Step Trot, Hesitation Results Dream Waltz, W altz, Parisian Guaranteed Martin and Fan- Tango c1 Dances Sobey’s Sanitary Shop Rates to Classes, Clubs orThree or More Couples. Private Les- sons by appointment at your residence or our studio. Classes Monday and Friday Evenings. Social Dance Saturday Eve- ning. Special Notice: we have a Staff of Four Teachers. Open 10:30 a. m. to 10:30 p. m. TeL946 Stnwlntry Cocktailsâ€"Mash one quart of berries; add the juice of one lemon and one orange, one Cup of sugar, and four cups of water; stand for two hours: strain throng!) a jelly bag; put on ice tillvery cold. Serve in tall glasses with three ber- ries sliced in etch glass. A little shaved ice may be added. Bunn- Sehd.--Take short. very firm bananas; remove one strip of peel. and carefully lift out the pulp in one piece; with a large cutter for potato balls scoop out the pulp and lay the balls on a plate on ice: when chilled. put them back in the shells and cover with French dressing. We “Sell the Best” Give Us A Trial and Be Your Own Judge That You Should Have Been Accused and Exonerated To Qualify as A Customer Here The Verdict Has Been Handed Down That xpress and Baggage J. A. McCLORY Banking At Home A recent census gives Highland Park a population of 6932. Three banks are established here, one private and two state institutions. Few communities enjoy‘ such adequate banking facilities and there is every rea- son why the people of this community should do their banking at home. About 3000 loyal Highland Parkers carry accounts with us. We extend a welcome and offer our service to 3000 more. Capitul und Surpluo 880.000.00 Frank J. ngor J. M. Appcl Pruidont Via-Prat. Highland Park State Bank OuWeeHyRec'pe The Store of Good Taste IT ISN’T REQUIRED uneven viAs A “I. 121 St. Johns Ave. Highland Park, Ill. {(3 macaw Freight Transfer Prompt Service TAI'Y Awnwi WE ARE Always Glad With the best tasting edi- bles on the market Cudahy’n Orange Marmnhde Cudahy's Pineapple Marma- lade. . .25c Cudahy‘ s Pure Fig Mnrmalade Sul TO SERVE YOU Nâ€"O nonnwl >£OB§0 170.»: an: I: ¢uN SERVE THESE: Waltz, Two Step Dream Waltz. Max-ire and Fan- cy Dana: C. F. Grunt Cnshm ll'l'hleatnl Vegetable. to 939 m M" on on! A THE HIGHLAND max PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. (Continued from Pogo 1) ‘ bythoroodsidoforthocoreolpoo- ple who my be injured in pox-odes. picnics or other large gotheringe.’ An Emergency Hoopitol is not whot‘ Highlond Pork needs ond certoinly is1 not what Highland Pork wonts. tht we neodhereisnotoshuk orotont‘ but I permonent hospital established on the moot approved lines end pro- «riding opportunity for our people to isend those in need of core to their own home hospital nthor then to risk the long trip to Evmton or Chicogo. Instances could be quoted of lives lthst have been sacrificed in the couroe in! o trip from Gloncoe to Evonston. ilt is becsuse of this greet snd grove need of a hospital right here in High- !lond Pork that the business men who tore back of this mmement ore giv- Jinz their time snd their best eflorto ttowords melting this project s sucâ€" cess. Highlond Pork deserves the 'best snd wonts the best for its peo- ple. We will not be content to uk: lsecond ploce. Also, we wont to build our own hospitsl. and we wont to poy ‘for it ourselves. One men, a multi- imillionoire, who could well oflord to do so. soid to me: “Moyor Hostings, HIGHIANDPARK HOSPITAL l “Al {or the aurgeona from out of' ltown coming here to operate! Why“? lo! eoum they will come to Highland: ‘Park to operate. No matter how. great or how eminent a surgeon may E ‘be, it ia alwaya a compliment to him. lto be naked to journey to another; imam for the purpoae of performing: an operation. He known it is became he in upecinlly gifted in hia on par- ticular field, that be is called upon by out of town people, and it ia a high compliment that we pay to any out of town aurgeon when we aak him to come to our city to operate. Some- one haa aid that even if surgeons do come to operate that they would not come here also to care {or their patients afterward; to which I can reply that the surgeon when he fin- ;ishes with his operation has practit- :ally finished his work, except {or [iv- ing instructions as to the trentment and care of the patient. \l'l‘llt‘h ll‘r structiona are~ rarriml out l_\ the {any ily physwiiiii. Beanies thiit. we must not lose sight of Ilh‘ {iict thiit right hon.- iii our midst we haw iiurgeona iiiid ph_\ii<‘iaiis whuw skill i~ so great that tho-)' tlrr‘ l‘Q‘IYlK «‘iilleil l‘UYfi‘Ulr‘iily ti) (‘hicagm annstnn ziml lithe-r ritioa ‘tu (xiii-rate ii; the large himplull I could give Highlnnd Plrk it: hos- pital but I think I would b. domx Highland Purl: an injustice by to do- ing. 1 think the houpitnl in I civic need and one in which the people will take 3 hr greater interest 1! they help build it. thnn they would if some aummer resident lubscribod the en- tire Amount necessary.’ I know that the public wants to help in thin pro- ject. and never I day pawn but I meet someone. who uyl, ‘thn you no ready for the hospiul. Mnyor Hastings, send someone Hound and I'll have some money ready {or you.’ [wing PIPHJKTE'. 14;» 1 km \\ v? :10 mnro mde-pmtdrrt Hum: .v :v )Mhn-n- than ”lghlami [‘nrk 'Hn-rr .‘H‘(‘ You hero who wa nun-pt anythmg that they camwt pay for. n! huts! in part We W11} find that the gn-ul mujnnty of our patlvnts are {1111 [my putwrh We know 1n sum:- ”swarm thrrv nrr likely to he Ihnu' “h” cur. . ' ." W‘F a “Q‘ Ty *1]! 2x Mrs ('arquevxlle requests (hut. I“ organizations (hurrh sociehn Ind churches that hue not sent in weir lcommizms will kindly mnil them to lher It the enrliest possible moment. cannot pay at all. Sun-Ty L“ om: wxil 0bij in the-1r hemp: rem-Med. in fact, they wxll be received even 1! ‘1 means that the nmuurtt of then expenses :- persunxily mmiv up by other per- sons." Mayur Hastings paid a high tribute to the work of the phyncinns of High- 18nd Park in his ueknnwlcdgment of rhe Willingness “1th “hlt‘h they unav wet calls in all cases whether they know the patient em; pay pr LUL “Our physicians here Very Ht‘rlOuni)’ regard it as their duty to save lives. In our hospital We “ill i.ut ntnp tn ask the creed of any sufierer and our physicians do not now stop to ad: whether the putient :2" 1m) nr not They hme giver: um} me gum): Wiii' ingiy of their time. their i-mt efYorts Ind i-serVice for the peuple of High- land Park. I‘H‘h um! pw-r. mu! l mu glad intiemi h: be htue In pay thin slight public tribute in their geiierr early and sclf-sarnfiru Mayor i{;i_~tir:gs' talk “is: followed by at; open diaCUsMun in which I number of excellent site: were an:- geated by those present. it Wu aug- zested that any other residents of Highland Park who him: in mind sites that would prove especially ex- cellent {or the hospiul, will writ: these suggestions on a postal curd, either signed or unsigned in they pre- fer. and wnd them tu Mayor Hunting: It No‘ 5' Sheridan Blmk Bury Iug~ gestion received “‘1” he ureftilfy con- sidered, The dummy que~t IIYHHU [wrhnp-a uh (3 m (”’1‘ Ihut 1- *1. June: Ihgfiu of Wood Amue, who vu union to tho Annu- my. Hoopiul dim wuh .30, v“ ophtod on Thundny ind m improw m‘ Howl). M the Arden Short luncheon hold at. 0 Martin. Hotel on WM! a! tit week one hundred Ind nix mu tuna ‘1'.th A most unbu- nmu'c muting wu swayed. In P flip S. Post 0! Winnem, the new p Ident, Addressed the mung P ‘l for the next nugon n th. rump won ducuued and 3 [Nu 60.1 of mtg"! 1- being nhown. we MHNM Gertrude Ind i3. Lyn-hum; m’ 5'th hm Sweet, “on (Hm “mm «mi gum:- «‘.’ 1hr Mun» I ”0mm“. LOCAL‘S l a" [11 penny» ‘9 whfifi Lu \» In (In. brunt .md nipping. If): bu Mai ‘ Shem iln lexl liming n! Mxlw-uleo w“. 1va gum! (m Tuehil)‘ v.’ Mn N Mu-xhllr o" Kurih Snund SUN! Mr, Wn‘nhnm Zlmmcr 0! (hicngo 1: ring hu grlndmuther. Mn. Jacut! ' mmrr H! mm Semmd Sim! {0! INT!“ day.- Andrnt .Â¥r.~ :4 memcr u! 3mm Shy-set “I” hue Ia her gnu .‘Ix‘s Hun" u! Hungr- ’thcre “11 be I 51111111111. ‘ipcuui Dunc: at Ran“: l‘nrk L-IHHO Thur: d: ewmng June “311111.11” dlnce “1 be under the au~pnn of 1N th Shore Dunmng Huh Hunt “in be furmahed by the (tuna or- chuul, connsnng of upphonc. but”, curm-l, 111-111» 1nd drumi. rurmg to the request of ma‘m‘ {or- puyfla “ho are “111011: lo H111 Lthwlu-y- 11f 1hq- opportumly of fur Lb r MuJ)’ “11h 5111110 A1110 Dutch. be ore he owns hu Hudm ’m New \q‘k (11\'. Mr Inelrh wxll leach mu quurn 1: June Ind Juh 11 MI Mudm n4)".- hne Aru Hu11d1ng Mr. Diehch iiu‘sh wfio Is weil known here m mum-n} ciryln \nH locum- In New York 1n the In; and has plnnned I (our bur on r gm! Mn Justph Brmbc In- nqxnce the birth of a bnby girl, born 03‘0“- twcntyâ€"founh of May. he Glrl'n Sewing Socioly of OM UQiu-d Evangeliul Churvh will moo! rhh the Min“ Bertha ltd Juno “Indian of South Second are! on F‘dl) nerung I'm Saturdny mumm‘ «(and the Oath of Mr. Thorns: MrN‘H. aged fifty-one yarn. at the horn. of his h‘hcr and monitor, Mr. m In. (“aria McNeil]. Mr. HCNCHI hAd ’fhcupxsmolhherud ch\uu huh Yt-uvphnl "(and Apnl 1b WNW" on cxwmum , 1h- tun pin-d on turn! I'n-dll and ux ub-I-d u I? dune-c km a bum! thin" 11.“ Laue u 1 pot cub“ (filmmrl 16-24 Deerfield Avenue. : bu {um-nun 12 p" (III I And prududmn noon Presumpnwuu int pronoun u! - hams-(nan waunbxmx) neg-mm 1 7”}: 9013le than “3‘13 U! PHI-r Juxhb er. M». "131. U I” for nearly four yarn. and ‘4: point ur wrung sumn'mu (”mm ‘9'.- ‘aur m»! pud (hen ihtzr [1.) km (Dewy I) \0 ha. N1” \ “Arlrn Karina annnum: Arr burr; \alrxda)‘ Chum laboratory 25 15‘)!an SI . um I’m-meld IA firr‘. Chruu ”and Obi! ulry {1. of Ru me \H-rr n Mil)’ of Mr. um} f1 U! N' {In er um} rm 0! .vnl“ (”0 yuan" Thur-1c: n l 5.201 Sun! k W Web"! hmw Charm.) Dull Mxlw-uleo fl) a mumh Ago Xflur‘hmi 1mm . n1 momhs' Ha) I! the “nuke-gurulioo wu; Hu tmuhlr um I form Q! !U lien UH,“ Ir-d >umln) ”Tum. \nxh hum. n'. I)! ‘I'hnrr uh shunt M' M n2» hm parrzu 1-H fuur \udm. WHO‘S WHO AT RAVINIA ms skim Nudg‘hp und Huyf. ‘1 U.” u! Andrru Ind Mlll.l M<V§hm bu. 0! Ann! Con-phi. 'ol 0pc: vol II Kano-u PM u-nur H the Hnnnnrnlux. per: Home It: New L rl u: .1 bond , and {nun-d Ehyimui uhd Amern‘; wxlh Mm- Tau-1111.2, u the hunt $11,307) in the gum: up“: «In! Mr, More .Lnnunvod 1) Un lunm- "‘1." Inch! am The run plru (13‘ a..- .t m- vrxt)! me rncphm’. u! u Cum :1!- («Hour ("unducxnrp Ruhr”: Hug Lhe Mclropuhun (’[wvn 1 firm-pl Knoch, wxlb 3 }um}-«- (I! nnlt I! Mumrh. hummnh and Hound-m Alien-min: the Mrtrwpohun Up”: (on Mlle Rumnl Gail) un- «IMHO, Mflroymh puny, And her purl: Mellogmhun_ Sm: m figho Mflrnpohun (’[K'Th ((-11 you}, I, Mnrgurnlc lie-vul- of Xhe.’ l‘oquue. I’lru. lie-my Ruurll’ Upon (bmp‘ny, “mm". and Grind ”pert (l-nxpugx Why]. MAP-r1 Unrrnm. Mflmpohun “perk Martin Kin‘rum. the Engl‘ un- nr He v1” appear :1 the E nlton Mly ("tn-ll “:01 the thm V Sym- phuny ()rrhutn 1: one of nob. 1:1: 0! the (”rho-Mu on nu print l’lplefle chhnuu “Ah n gum. [Curvy-run men! n'. hl'l’hh. nuu. Frralvur' Ind I'm-«Hm! uh LhJMnm She II to Inter the rank: of Hotâ€" mpohun “per: bump-L) ”:3.” ‘OUF NIHU I’xcro, n tmrynvw of Don-l repubuon mun roe! (he Rune” Boflnn hand Upo: pm,- Morton Adhm x! m. nlury Grind ()porn Company. N" ‘ ork boun- d'An‘do of the (‘en 0p- on Company, New York 5‘ ,. [Alt ol K‘VIIIM I‘nl Art Hrnih- H-rnml, uh. um nor H U" Hannm'ulrn. Don’t use slappy 00” for We chicks If you run! In Abohtoiy Fr.” I 'u Muck-rod u (Lu Phat. Henri Scott. due hull of wmsmu ART. ICE co! PHONE 67 North Shore fuel Supply Co. RICHARD MRI K1 (1) “t n h r. Loo-l Dbl vibe lor- F. SIUI‘STRUH M H P. 65 0. ANDERSON TolGh-ooow 3.. WM 1030 JAHIS KENT Get our ">01:in propu'od Chick Food Kerp them growing and balmy. F uhnn. M'r\ H‘rl , were mummy l) lw\.,J I), hum. 11'. Last “null Highland Pl} d (In mrc Hnw- h of (”win ”12"“) . ’ulnpflh" (mrd hummnh (Jim!!! ion-min: .‘ n o! pun tum; y I). l"!'fY.Al" mu- dun Hpcr‘g'flom- lm‘r‘ aim» *1 U"- m “HAM?" Bon- $ Nullnnv. ’1 Lb. ((‘H put}, I, an of Xhe.’ 'porl ~rand 30-30 wry Ruurll mun“ and m’) t'hwn 1L v.1}. | table 1'. hrrhh. luu. .3‘ A rt ‘ “an dmg Aux. per! bond , and menr; wxlh to" I man, ! he- More MrNcw b?- Curd rat“, I! mom-g Bon no It Yul“ _\ 1 Ac; mm: 3!. John. Ava-o Ibumphol-Ilavmchmoubcnmodm u. to: nus-hm uni-n tron-ow W-w Puma lull-Inhndlhdlcaldndlommd [nrllnhod’u'flm mMW‘KW’fl' umwmmâ€"nfl Mtum w-iunummmvnhlw you at nulmhh‘ldthflnythflflmdtmlhocfly mmntuoovny “Nth-owl V-nmnlymn. ”WM-1C0 MC.Gt-I.Gon'lln. "um, Iu ll “mun. 0 HM Put. In hdl Urn" Dun. the well-known “not of the Chicago Gnnd 0p.“ Com- plh)‘, vhou menu in the buflo rob- wxll Kc nmomborod. M! Inn 0an (All! ropo I The Epworm League will begin In umnenry tonml UM. SundAy Vhlch ml! In! until an end of August DU- !c-nm feature. of Epworth 1m uork will count In ,po‘mu In Us. con- un Alhndunce. punrtunhty, inter- "! and help In .n to be considerod m the content “'xllnnm Schu-ur rill “tin the cap-city 0! lug: director. The flmnrul upon 0! the school plt‘hu u. Balance on h-nd after all run-nu. wen- met. $93.42, an: In 8360 more than last youth picnic mnde. The fund I. {or 0'. school pluygmnd. Th. mmmlfioe in (harp wu {onumu m 3! n; cup- phn a! 3 reduced nu. And an ably ”muted b) 1 number of mé mother: And the boy; lulu. Boc Sweet- l-nd 1nd Gem: farm-had c Inp- phn SIX hundrvd and Mt); lunches were pup-rod Ind urvod. _- o Th1 (.rm (Annual C0 North End M, E. Church ml Iii.“ uh I Ion-n- Elm Place School Notes HIGHLAND PARK. We use but the fix of papers and our graving is mflat A. W. Morrow Telephone 341 April 11 I91 IIII i 1') "I

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