Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 8 Jun 1916, p. 1

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ittston 1cor. First Elm Sts. It Wankegan is the Commercial .Ikegan has been hold a gigantic lay. and Sane bratxon to mclude !" place twenty ad ‘George Hutch.’ :e his fnends be- y In man. n in Lax: (hunt); in hm m-xghbor- W Amencan citi- n one. then teach >Mir adnme! «soun- ri? new flag. Such , the 'Hyphwmtes’ In Page 1) led his conversa- m on his elm: It 0! divulging Que ould see him close n Pm 1) it stands forâ€"and y love fostered {or we: known defeat, ; for the afl‘hcted. used. and the di- Cull taken ns‘cquently u'zuts until make Coal afo tb pef ton b5 per ton t ni each Er WC per pantie doesn’t support ‘nizations 1n the for newly mud. athletics. {01k ches at. Electric it .r of service in any or all once. three edge '0‘ I: fixed case, out. oi-i father- Number 15 WEST SIDE TEAM TAKE SUNDAY OFF‘ELM PLACE TO HOLD IUSICAL PROGRAMIUNICIPAL GOLF LINK FOR WINNLTKA Both Teams to Phy next Sundny. Rer Lincoln and Ravinia Schools Meet Join‘ uhn to Rub Agninu the Strong Hi‘h School ",4 1mm“)... co... Aven A. C. from Lyons, Ill. > caption u Ravinin Puk Game ulled It 2:30 Theatre Park V,.,00501000‘â€"6 12 3 Lacey .-\.C.001000000â€"l "i ‘2 “By Cupid" The Home Warriors from the West Side camp did not play Sunday on account of the recent death of Mr. Duffy. But they intend after the lit- tle lay-off to come back strong this Sunday and annex a. victory. The boys have gotten together a couple of times this week and they are develop- ing good team work and ought to win the percentage of their big games which they have yet to play this season. For the benefit of some of our rooters who do not know the actual location. Central Park is four blocks west of K R. tracks. Pm Ruolution of Condolence to Family of John C. Duffy By Publicity Conniuion At last meeting of the City Coun- cxl, Friday, June 2, 1916, three com- tmssioners and Mayor Hastings were present. After the approval of last meet- ing's minutes, the resignation from the Library Board of Mr. R. G. Evans was tendered and accepted. Then there was read from the Board of Local Improvements. a petition hav- ing reference to a proposed subway at (‘edar Street or grade crossing at Beach St. It was referred to the city engineer. The report of Accounts and Finances included the pay roll. amounting to $722.44. A motion to accept this account prevailed. A resolution of condolence ad- dressed to the bereaved household of the late Mr. John C. Dtu was read and approved. It was thought that the respectful lowering of the city hell's flag during Saturday morning’s {u- ne'ral services would attest Mr. Dufiy's faithfulness as a public offi- cial. while the closing of all business houses in the city at that hour would signify how universally he wus be- u leved by his townsmen. rouowmg is the resolution: “When-u it has pleased the Cre- ator of All. that our esteemed fellow citizen. John C. Dufl'y. should be called to answer to the finnl roll call. Be It Resolved. that we, the Mayor and commissioners of the City of Highland Park. extend to his family and friends an expression pf our sin- L‘er‘e sympathy in their bereavement. 21rd of our appreciation of his ser- vicw in the past M a public ofiicial: Be it Furiher Resolved that the Cm: Hali be clna'i and the 118K 0" the (‘ity Hall displayed at half mast ii iring the fum-ml services on Sa‘tur- lay mhrning from 9:70 to 10:30 HIRING OF CITY COUNCIL townsmen. Following Elm Place Program The annual closuig exercises of the eighth grade will take place on l’ri- day evening, June 16th, at the school llUllltOl‘lUnli The program will lie ux‘ follows: Chorus. l‘hening Slur. Win: ner; Invocation; chorus, The l‘ipvr. a Bohemian Folk Song; The l’uini‘ul Plough. a Sixtvcnth ('entiiry English Folk Song; The Girl I Left. Brlllllll Me, an Irish Folk Song of 1754); ml» tll‘L‘fiS, Prof. Henry (I (‘owlrs n.” the Chicago University; girls' i-horiis, Dream and Snowflake, Moskowsh, and I’ippii's Song, Hammond; charm, The Princess. Briish, and the l)ri'hc~'~ Ira, P. (‘. Lulkin. Following the mu- sical numbers [here will be the pres« enteition of diplomas by Presiduit of the Board of Education. on! the l)(‘¥‘.t‘~ diction. High School Program 011 Thursday evening, the fifteenth, the commencement exert-ism of the lleei‘fielilShii-lds Town>hip High School will take place at the Karin Park Theatre. The gram will be given: thc school orchestra, invocation by Rev. John Herbert Edwards; chorus. class of 1916; greetings from tho (lass by Fairchild Doty. class president; solo. Music by “Venetian Love Song," Isabelle Kingz, address, "Training {or Londonhip." by Dean K. C. Babcock of the Uni- versity of Illinois; girls' glee cluh; presentation of diplomas by B. N. Parmenter. MIX, and music by the school orchestra. following pro- 1 Talk. Bathing Hench for “ilmetlc Bathing houses. H lifi- min-r, pluy yrouml apparatus, and sun Junk-s an- to lie in full the Wil motto beach by July Fourth, accord- ing to the of thc Wilmette beach committee. The lake Will not only be made INTBCIH‘E (or llfllhlhfl with a swimming instructor and bath houses, but also a summer playgrounc equipped With mung and slides wil lie installed. to “'hlt‘h mothers tukc thcir children, if the committa secures sufiicicnt funds." lake Shon News. in «ration on plains ('Rl Wlukegln' Day. July ‘ The graduating exercises of the Im< ‘ maculate Conception School will take place Wednesday evening. June 14th,i at 8:15 o'clock at the Ravinia The- atre. Ravinia Park. The program is to consist of readings. essays and! music. The school orchestra will furnish the music {or the occasion. The eighth grade pupils are to give a one-act play, “The Graduate's Choice." The play is on the order of an allegory and is certainly a very pretty one with a fairy element in itm Mayor Hastings will address the graduating class. i a one-act play, “The Choice." The play is on an allegory and is cert pretty one with a fairy 1 Lincoln md Ravinh School Prognm The evening of Friday the l of June has been set aside graduating exercises at School and at that time the School eighth grade will diplomas also. Mr. R. L. f of the high school will give dress. “Education and Life Falch's pupils will sing Sh: ean songs. which will be fol‘ the presentation of diplomi exercises will take place in sembly room of the Lincoln An Ann-gain Messrs. James Economoan and\ George Briggs, Jr., who come from Wilmette with a great deal of experi- ence in the candy kitchen business and in the catering line will open a very modern and thoroughly up-to- date tea room in the Witten Buildin‘ at 220 E. Central Ave. next week. in the basement there will be a kitchen with all electric machinery where the candy will be made. Above this kit- chen on the first floor there will be the main store where afternoon tea will be served. and light luncheons can be served and purchased. thus en- abling business men and picnickers to procure lunches already put up at Every reasonable prices. There will lalso be an ice cream parlor on the ‘u... -- .. abling business men and picnickern to procure lunches already put up at very reasonable prices. There will also be an ice cream parlor on the second floor. The proprietors prom- ise the best of service and inVite the public to inspect their equipment at all times. They further plan to make their establishment. “The Highland Inn." 3 first rlass business. making their own ice cream and confections. and stand ready to serve the public in every way, making the business one that Highland Park may be justly one that proud of Immaculate Conception Prognm 1'“ Room in Nov Winc- on Central Am“ of Friday the sixteenth been set aside for the exercises in Lincoln that time the Rm'inia .h grade will receive Mr. R. L. Sandwick chool will give the ad. ition and Life." Mrs. ; will sing Shakespearv Iich will be followed by ion of diplomas. The take place in the Is. of the Lincoln School. 1" TO OPEN NEXT WEEK Jointly. 1 “Wlukegln Dry" Cclcbnlion lo Con- ' H.“ on July 4th. Wilmett- to Open Bathing Beuch. Orpct Jury Completed Municipal (éolf Links \Vl'mctku buys :11 41 g.r!~, Ami thv older rulk.‘ In”, “I“ 3mm h- plaqug go”, bunelxuil. lennn um] ulhvr mm- mar qmrls um 1hr nmv Influxxt‘lpfl! rm rc-ntion tumor at lhv um! nf ”Iv Hi Inge on Him stxrot x-xh-Infcui. The plum outlmml by T S. Sctz'c. tic-Id sv'r‘vtury uf (hr I'in_\gn~_md um Neon-Mum Asml‘HHlUIl «If .\Iln‘l‘l\'2|. “ho \lslled “'mnetku I‘M‘k'HU)‘, pm \‘ldes for u nchhulc Kuif (‘<l\11’>r_ which uuhzes nlmut Lhnl) m‘rr~ «If Hw tract, and the uw nf (hr n-mzmr dur for t\\n hum-hull dmnmnds. nu outdoor skzumg rmk, several tenms courts, and other uutduor >purts and 211mm. The park Imurd hm dw‘xdul In lay out {he pl’uposcd gulf ('nurm‘ and busrhml dmmumh 2n. Hung um! it is hnpul that both may I)» mm!» able for use thh‘ ~vu<nH anm-tku Talk. ing to the pluns of (he Vv'ilmetle beach committee. The lake wxll not only be made attractn'e (or lmlhmg with a swimming mstrucwr and bath houses, but also a summer playground equipped thh thng and slides will he installed. (0 whn‘h mothers can take lhoir children, 1! the cummiuer secures sufiiclont funds." lake Shore News. Or”! Jury Completed ‘ The third Ind lut panel m the “Ilium JOrpet cm was secured yeuerdn utter E noon It 3 o'clock when the Attorneyu {or t f the defense Iccepted the {our venuemen l jtendercd by the «use With the nreannci §in of the jurv a battle lhll hu extended fover n penod 01 2| (12" In.- ended and» teverynne. from Judge [Mr‘neHv m ()rpet, ‘heaved I Slilh of relief ‘ The last panel of yurnt\ "AI corn . ‘posed M the Mllnwmg men I E R Walsh at Warren Innn‘tlpv Ed ; 'trd Fabry 0! Lake Forest. Dav-d Cari ‘ on nnd W J Mannlv n! Hmhland Park 1 ‘The other eight memhen n! the jury nre‘ Jutollmu‘ J J Brlnd and F. J Back 0” Highland Park, J3me: ()'\hr1 01w" t kesun, samuel Nrndhurv pt “nukfjin,l Len Barthel! of Antmrh. Hen A Thomp " goon! Newport. H F Km. ud T W } Willoughly of Mcllhum , Ida- and Wall hay,“ Eat-Mich um“ '1: Located u Fink St. ad Ll-nl Ava. \unounrument hn£ horn mania 0 0w owning of a not (Inge lot-1r! ll Fin! 8L and [Ju'rel .-\w, by [Ar- son BrnlhrTL The glruxv n mo.‘.nr fin every rwpevt Ind {h pruprmtor- Iim to please the publw vth promp! and expert service. Diodcm equip men! and .nkilled mechnnws are {u ‘ureq of (h; raw unragu HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINQE, THURSDAY, JUNE 3. j, 1hr l-'.1»- 1.11/1- “hxn'h h|11g~ m '1.1\.1111-\‘ '1'111’ grmtu.“ [mpu 111 1f (hl‘ “Mgr :- 11Hr~11~1i (0 l1\ '119111111\ 1101111111111 1 41111 x 11111151 111: VH1) 11: 111 0111 mur. drum-1) 1111 1.11111 *exluv ~ 111' 3““ the 111-111 mun-d homu. surrounded l1) 111-111 laun- 1m! gurdmn ubnumi 111 \uncnlnrvd fluvwr~W11rk 11m- begun 1111 1111- 1101' highwny h W111 ”11-1111 51111111 {111111 (‘NJrnl ue (o 1111- 1'11)‘ ‘11n111~. mnkuy 11 -r ronnu‘ting 111111 R101 (he 11913117 111‘ 13 11mm The 11-w Hulmlmk golf qunm now 11111” (unstructmn. when 111“ out WI“ flunk 1hr c1“ on the ntflh 111111 1111 1111111111111 ng1 “wail Tahy. u the H... d but | 3‘ O’cghhr.Hr-. has a. Gm- ) » rn. [Jun A. filler, Widow of flu- nl Dr. M. u an" of iflihlund Wt‘ journeyed up pant the spot 7 v the \(‘hOUl vhxlxlrvn recentl) ' ' thexr plrturmque Shu‘xhficnnin um, Wt «‘nuld nut hvlp thlv‘kmy u an ideal plucv {or a City purl lnyground». Thu elnnhon here ite high. Then- ls an abundlnn- m’dy shade tn-es. and the new the Shokn- \"nllry. with it: t‘Vt'r- (V \gmg mists nnd sunlight nn'd hul- np, make it u delightful 3 spot I: d be desired. rr only now \n- d hau- u m-w (My hlll. situated re the present one now lands. the unsightly water tower moved n to the bluff near the water- ks or to the relr of the pment ()ur growing town demlnd- I hill in kee’ping thh It» growing , and when We look It [Inn of mette. Lake Forest In other us, We y-hould not let our thnnr - Itic 3pm! of pruzn-u {all duwr. i‘ hm Innunre. 5 dim-ovum mmum , Dani-I- i- "Cnoh'. WM" 5 .1 goo-ha, Pub. No... and (In... ‘1‘ Pktmo other Nd‘N Foch-woo rk. dad at the up of hghly at a! the home- of her daugh _|rh ucvurred u the renul‘ 0! her flaking her hlp, inn Saturdty. Shc u:- been In unshd fur a number n! Mn linker \nu mu- n! tho and) "turn of our ruy, comm: here 1r ”(-8, and w" "nu-l) Qn‘l‘t'd u. 1h.- rl)’ u‘uvmn uf lhghi-nd l'nrk Highland Abd Sons-(y um man :6 M hcr home II the 1mm» 0! ‘hhnd l'lrk wen found nu runny) by hr? hunhand. Dr. Ruhr! The "Mind Park Worn-n": (lulu. of kh sh. II In hononry member, Hn Baker leave: to "mum her 1h (hm daughtnn, Dr. Proxima- hr ind In Funk (hrbon c’ \‘ennwood, Ind In. Fn L (Zn-or ”I‘M-11d Purl. [hm .onn, My rlu Baker M Kuhn-(L Wu, [*7 M link-7 n.’ Furl Hod". l0‘l_ and ‘1) \n Apprrrinlne Uhsrrvrr lNew Bobollnk Coll Cont". nor 'uodor (crusader-(Son. who-I laid on! W'ull flunk lb. City ' on the North. r. (B. W'. HIKE! 0! ‘hl‘l[|t_ Ind (h! [nudrhlldren Funcrll sen-re; wxll he hdJ n the me of her daughter, Mn Funk H non of Plan (‘mtrnl Aw! I! (m. 'lotk lhu Iflerrmon Burn] will be into. Ivnporv." 1nd "Hurling Sur rt)" loudly. Myucnu of I’m uh: “be eru. Tue-day, John Hum-r: "11w erpcrl " Wodnrndn), “Thr hlldnn 1:. (hr Noun," und "Mn Md Ind null“! .. Thqv.J-,' Crook)” And l’nlhr NruI. ind-y. We Heart of I‘Iuln." 3nd Kru) Kn! unoon p|rturv.~. Saturday, “Th: oven," with Elam-he Sun-O ru! unon Hufmn Tune! ['nrtun - The mono hi” for non 7M l Hm": Sunday. “The blunt h LAURA A. BAKER. HOWE!) [IFS rum! ESTATE ALONG THISHICHIAY uh 1n ~prmgtmu‘, 1mm Emlv “hxx'h hung we: to "mum he! tr", Dr. l-‘rodrk‘ll Funk (hrbon c’ In. Fn L (Zn-or [916 OPENING DINNER wnufi In 5111 u r‘ uhnch upenn 1‘»: 41.1 x: flu v2.0.4.1", ngtnm hum ? In]‘~(‘l,\h‘bl"l Xhme (hxyr Thr km: a gal) “Ah flnxs m1 prnmmh- ndu‘rhsu.“ (he grrnl “U; men! {or ”Ir m‘u huswlm x\ any Hrm-l banner nmmuun In {hr p Um! {he ('unpmgh |~ lu“ n. gzngrém. unrurhn- penmmh ('3' 'mm 0 r) nulumuluh-. and mm, M 1}”.- wr’l ng divifln u! ,N‘TY-"YIP Pun: l-m-x \H- in]: thc thL ”0er Vun \Ahuh rn rlnmn- (Pu-1m! thnl ”hr \u-mur 3m. guru 10 ”w Huelmn {um h‘r) nun, uumal. and (MM uhw mu. ‘1') Inward! lhe' “lghllnl’ l'nl‘k “Us (1“ fund durum “up vnnpmgh \I'Il In gum. 0hr u.’ ‘hc (umpmgy; l-utéump vhu‘h how“ u phuumn‘ph u! (he’lr \nhun of m. vamwd Huspnul [no]. Uh!’ n! \n(' (IYMPIAKI. |'\l|rv||r “huh how“ u phuumn‘ph u! the Jr \nhun of m. vamwd Hospfluld If you \H-au n lmllm‘ 3..“ “n m] n. {rum nil further yum» xpm ku‘ m! u! 1hr CIVHPIIKL \I’orkon H \u‘ dn my! war one You uni! prulmhli h4- culled upm. {mm 1m: to mun“ up n «1-) from mm unh. (h. (10R! ( the (umpm‘l. L) 1hr «mmgdn 1H- wurkrrs who-11* gnu g thr m N do“! n «1-) from nuu unh) (h. (Inn. ( we (umpm‘l. L) 1hr «mmgdn 1H- wurkrrs who-11* gnu g thr m N do“! (inI m th! work Q In a ronnplruuun plnm- duun ‘m’n [hen pundn n gm! Mumnmtmn urn Iron-rd beurlnx n npnudu-(mv u the Hosplul rlnnhun n. Mink and rd In the building rrpnudurlmv lhmÂ¥un n. s. a. s. ALUINI nw'n JUNE gm! Wills. H.“ II M... ‘thool ll Outfit. to Folbu III Poyu' C Thr nxtumh IIAHdh» lunqurt‘nnd Ivunnrun nun-hug 0! ”It Alumm tum culmn n! (hr lm-rtwd Shirldr xlgh School ‘3' un- plnn m Wed" in} culmn n! (hr [bu-rum nmnu thunl I111 lake plum m “'04 Honing, Jum \Hh, M Nu high Tho funqur‘t “I” In- M'vu-d l- u'rh-«L n ”it «in! Y» high «hi-oi. um! dum n gymnlnum \ni‘l {01M Mmsln: u' ~ ' HM: I‘eynrtmem M Ihr m, 'leff 0" ”yr nuhu :1!“ ‘he dome-Mu Mlt'ln‘f y. Nru-r l-rfnn- H "u A lumm \r-purmlmn hm hll («~11 drnrr 14v hl‘t up "u ‘Ul' hard h (he )r-r. u H pul. Pull- \MI ‘31 run 1 1 r.‘ very Pcnon Who Don lei Toynrd the Highland furl: Hoapilal Fund During ha. ampfign wan be Givé. 1: Button Bearing Photogrnph of Elevation of i ‘ Propo‘l-cd Hoopiul .5 awn.“ rm. w.“ now-mm“ W FM 0. [vnfll [Ion-d (' ~ "“15“ Mid." Y PIN hm Iii“ Nu Thl- "nun“ of UN \‘Onhun H! (h; (.rvu 'x Women} (‘lulu IL” York {rum ll) ‘Irru 'HJ’L u, Jute strand ht» tU' 'nnr) 5mm h hnnur or. IE!” ml. find unuml) 'u mu own mt), ”\xhland Paul. with“ Mn ann 1‘| F‘rrflt In.- . («11 (or ‘ ro-hnndlhl uaxvury u! ”I: V m ”muhuv rrupondmg ha ”‘11 than! tome-n lln n a xwm., .....V Bowen thdnxuhrv up! Mrfi M: Grow" A Minn. lupvtuhlml Hug (Iuh In Hun-r! chlrufl .5 m- AAUKhlrl “In .m-dk -. ; V‘u‘ (he “lam-1 ', 4 :x M ' ' ‘ I!” _, and Min Am) i'nthm'm w v n w m. qumd I»... u~ . .f ‘ w Th0 {Ml !hl1 “1mm , “:0 w v- :- hy I llrgov deity-hm YIm' n r Idol- punt-t [Jun [Hum ~ “""i' n - rhn‘.r, I" nrhw‘} y" wg‘n‘ ‘ "Eui‘ Mr ( HAI‘I mum coumnon II m you I“ ,1 It Hm ~ .‘1 Wm.-r.'~ m“ manual) 1 ’nl~|1i!.gu{ Hm (h. Marni in) rpm.” y Hy}. ,‘ hm ph !'('1hm|“(" I'( u' muhr lhu unfit-u (he [O’N'Y 1 U1 (.kp ‘.K.(‘o I1 Nu 1hr mum l-lnu nrr ,\‘ hk Mn h p.“ )u n' numhtnn hr H lhr li‘ujulh H: Hn‘ H h (Luv k: ”A an- "i (Lawn: l’n'M luv'rn) t7“.‘ -I |;._\ «\1'u u l-lhu u~ju1hn ( umpdm; x-~ UH V2. Sh -~ 1.:4-1 nudnn. In M (1 m m 3 K. {gm (Ir! in, n: ueunhnu Xhme n,” m! l [”511 :II) “Ah 9. : (he gyrh "(thj-I‘hl yu\ In {h ,'\ 1' 1' an“ in .g.» n. “muffin. Y')’ 'vnm v 1, M 1h].- hu l-m-l I'uHoy \Ah “W4 “1‘ H h r) Mg 7)}: Yo I 1hr \u-mrr 3m. H" r _\ l'JL {Hui MM uh“ m1 l‘m‘n «mp-1,111 mu. lA-r lihh (It \I'Il he 1.1: 81.0 [NIH hqul ”Mil (in) l} 7 “h! mg mm . Hml‘ M mm “Ml [um Am and pm; mu- (h1- lhux \I’nl- r\(‘! m‘r: Hue mg Um 1n!- BE SERVED THIS EVENING ,l D, A‘ I. to Pro-om Flo. [Jayme- J-oFâ€"M '. “.000. Am the reports 0! 1h. cum- mun-n are turned nl mghfl} the mun-r" wxll he fillnl In {or aflmlny Umuwnd n are turned m in that dn)’r report. For msumcr, If '101‘00 L» H‘l‘urdt’d lhe fin! dny 10 squares vull be filled m before the next, morn- mg The Man 11- electrically lllunn- lulled and mottl utruchw. ['1 Wu mmlr .nd punbed by lrnng Brand. Mayor Hunting: especmll) rcqueau Um! every “Lien m Highland Park “'1“ and in spreading nbroud the ”03- ['lml Campaign message ll) flying hm Americnn flux bod-y partmulurly, and every other day during tho rum- pulgn if OM weather permits. . MI mun-reg. Each pquuu» reppumu All of Highhnd Park nppnrefiti)‘ is llilermthod in the [rut movemem for the Honplul. and Monday nirht’r en- thusiastic meeting It ihe rity hull \I'm- reproummtivo of every church, .«u-ry urflmulinn of buxineu men, rw-ry lodge. 3nd every Civic body in Highland Park The women'r meet- ing on Tutu-tiny Afternoon :1 Trinity Guild Houu Wu equally "present:- hua und included C(bmmHWl from mory one of (he imporum nrganiu- lump. The Campaign opem ummhl I! havrfieldfihieldl High School where puppet will be served (0 ill 1h, Work- vn- ll G o'clock sharp. lmmdl-uly following the supper thy first report- of Lhr Cunpuign will be given Ind m remulndor of the evening will be rprnl m securing nub-cripuom a! people Lhroufhout the city The com- mnm will meet train on Friday (\vmng n 6 o'clock And on “today nnd loud-y cvoningu u thy um: hour ,‘ Loohforthe “II 1" your mornm pip" JUM (Live H a prominent plan It“. llrlp w at am the “I! h “0‘ damn-It‘d .nd (he In in rot-rd w n n kept It In prrnnwd :3! the North Shore Chapter of the much- u-n of Amonun Revolution. " , "lind- I’h‘ LII ‘ Bo n amt-ted ml any prison who for exhibiuon or display Ihl” piste In) word. figure, marl. picture. de- n'n, driving or Any ndvminmtnl u! an) mun-e upon any flu. or end“ t.’ the Embed Salt-n or sun: at; of 1m. Malt m nhnll cxpou- to public new a M. to whwh shall b0 .9 lurhe‘d, appended, “fixed or ”mend my word, flrure, mark, picture. do- “(n or nglnl or my udvvruuin‘ of gay nature. or shall upon to not or maul-nun. all, [No Iwny. an article or truth»: for tunaporung mofihlndlu on which shall hurt lawn prmwd, painted or nnulwd. - "pre- nuuuon of lny Iurh flu. m mnngn- u» ndvefluc, rull uwnuun to. dorm um. mark or distinguish the am or skull publicly mutilate. deface, No or My, tnmph up“ or rut 1 umpt upon Any and flu or m1 b) vord or m shall be doomed guilty of u madam-anon punish-bloflyy hm m mambo-mom at both. , Hodge d AW to (hm Flu; l plod‘o “1qu w my fig. And u» the country {or which it fads-â€" om nation. indiviflble. with Ilfibcrly sud just)“ {or .11. manning}! Mm five "a of omy‘nymem m». m Hughbnd Purk n.5, um Hrlen Conrad bu rough-d It you hum u mly editor. the re union haunt when «Mort Hands) "n! this um» um Either Baker '10 flllin: 1M VOC‘DC)’ made by Mm (found Ind Mb- Honnu' Wm!" U to _be urn-1y «Jim in the fumn. ”‘1 N ' In every one o! the local c’urchu (€90th on page 6); WEI.“ LA! or distinguish the ”umâ€"â€" buy Card Sn Inc lg, 1916. Volume 6 or mum your (‘0'!

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