Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Jun 1916, p. 1

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ucago I: Street 50 cents 3031' taken sequently vans until nake Coal {ES ral 91/1 ’z'es Iu e ’ ad to know '5 fr. Ilub il l »pert0n iperton of each 40C Der ofthebest ~r. first a Sts. ial :ely wired mfle'ts. let Num'k 633w BEACH OPENS FIFTH SEASON TODAY FRANK Man Y h K‘ J>Ct “up: an Sunda wil! be an Us: beach ever)‘ i ture with the 0w 3Ce> n." V'- ‘ Augciuion to Motor Inrou'n Saturday. Lunchoon n Moraine After a Week's trip through the. Great Lakes, the National Hotel Monk Mutual Benefit Association will arrive In Chicago Saturday morning.; From (‘hicago the association. which numbers between three hundred and: fifty to four hundred and fifty men, all prominent hotel men from all over» the country. will motor out to thes‘ Great Lakes Naval Training Station the cadets in exercises and will‘ Vlrlll. the station. Mr. F. W. Cushingl “'lll entertain the asssociation atl luncheon at the Moraine Hotel afteri their return from the Naval Trainingl Station. All Highland Park citizensli may expect to see a great motor par-<1 Me in the afternoon as the ussociaâ€"1 tinn will return to Chicago in auto- nl')llllr'< through Highland Park. I“ MW i (entrusted 'r'" . v to us) this orial. and thus offer tr memory of one. who by l zenship and devotion to :will ever remain an insp and to our successors." ln behalf of the City ers of Highland Park. :promoting all public im; He was a citizen of t progressive and public ‘in the social life of th as well as in his private relations. an exemplary character. In the Presbyterian ser\‘ed as an activc ofi'ii ing elder for eleven )‘ei trustee for twenty-five president of that board that period. Mr. Shields was. horn NATIONAL HOTEL MEN’S AUTO TRIP Final Function of the Year at the High: School. Election of Olficcrl 1 The sixteenth annual D. S. H. S. Alum- ni banquet and business meeting was hel-l at the high school last night The election of officers for the next year, Which followed the banquet resulted in. presxdent. Fred Gallagher; first vice presi‘ dent, Phillip Speidel'. second vice-prest- dent, Gordon Ray; secretary. Annie Mo Kenzie: treasurer. Harry Eichler; and hmoriaoColin Sanborn The banquet was a very pronounced success and much Jedit is due all those who made It so. In: mnal dancing followed. Hluhwood School Mnku Good Record in Spoiling. Writing. and AIithnCic “ah the keenest competition A: must her. [delle GOOCh of the High- “ ,1 Schwl mm secénd place and ’t- ‘xh'er medal in the County SpelL ALUMNI BANQUET HELD LAST NIGHT A! YcDLRMAND BATHING MASTER JAMES SHIELDS PASSED AWAY MONDAY WILL PLAY CHICAGO WARRENS SUNDAY WINS PLACE IN COUNTY CONTEST (we Features Have Been w" 'rl ‘ pren Swimmers are n k 'turge At All Hour- Durmg the Day rth pim- 1x‘ {a} 1\"00|{ onh re". u'x: m-w purusnh~ :mw benches, am! a new 1‘ to bo property of the n thd W111 alwayv be up The nilving platform and 'h .t dldo are buck In their the summer. All app-Ar. den repaxred. panned and perfect order 31ml bung \‘ :1 the keenest competition‘ her. [delle Gooch of the High-" chow! mm secénd place and er medal in the County SpelL :twt how. at Libertyville last 5 chw- contestant: from 0.1 mukxn: excellent showinz< [:x’i'xl“! (‘arlsom wno was I {nzrtn place in penmanship. [13' Pihcrini. who was given Nave m arithmetic. WWI-V mu one of the best ,H 1: (iv county. [v Motor Through Hot. on crummy mw [h hulhmu H T be Hig’blatw Pack Praia 1e neg“ \hdi‘. aching hnuw, for Ynntht‘l’~ 'H nl‘ HlLll‘ «H LT whwh Thow‘ [hr Hl at chl ‘ In behalf of the Ci and 1 , nen ers of Highland Park )ver 1 przimotmg all .pgbllc l thei e wag a cmzen oi progressxve and pubh tion‘ ‘ , will 1 m the 50cm! Me of " â€"â€" ~ én kéq nrivfl HIGHLAND PARK LOSES WEST SIDERS TRIM THE PROMINENT CITIZEN WINNETKA TEAM 9 T0 1 mm: o: 1 .‘pll'lLL'd cam»: U mg l-ulm\\1 Svptynx!w:, L‘Jm. :AI w nn~ been 41v. mvulhl. 1‘ LHIUI'HA 581W “‘5‘ \\L \luy afternoon uh nu 1311221.) x'esxdenre, l‘r. wL «vffwlatmg. Bux‘ul Lirzwuland ('cmelery. Mr. Shwhh wzh .J mum- whwh made for UK" {hc cummunu) m k'or nearly smentccn member of the lhgh l‘lduculmn and for u nix-m. l’urmg ms L property now occup mg of the pix-sent. group presses this memoiia. v. “n.-." gratitude: “Be it resulwd. Th1”. in the deulh of former councilman, James Hall Shields. the City of Highland Park recognizes its deep sense of gratitude for his long and faithful services in behalf of the city's welfare, and ex- presses its appreciation of the mem- orials of his fidelity and service, which he has bum into the very i w) Tings of our Ln." fserve us daily; ‘upon the PM!es Mentrusbed to u iorial. and thus 1 memory of one. V‘ IIILII ”v ..._v streets and avenues and public build- ‘ings of our City Beautiful. and which fserve us daily; and that we spread upon the pages of the City records, hentrusbed to us) this loving "\L‘nl- iorial. and thus oner tribute tn the imemory of one. who by his loyal Cill‘ ilenship and devotion to public duty :will ever remain an inspiration to us I and to our successors." Hiis father wan the Shields 3 Presbuermn ‘his mother \Iary (a ‘mick. duuzh(er of Robe iof Rockridge County, iShields married Nellie ,died in 1907. In the Pre ser\‘ed as an 4 'mg elder for trustee for t‘ president of L that period. Mr, Shields I Member of High School Bonrd Educntion for Seventeen Year: and tho City Council for Ten Years Mr. Shields was. horn 184‘) in JDniata County, n Luge Crowd See Elellent Motion Pie- Iune u! High School On Mondny evening a large crowd‘ of people attended the moving pic“ tures at the high school. which showed lpictures of the Shakespearean pl- :geants given recently in Lake Forest land in this city. There were 3150 ‘pictures of the High School Cadets, :ard of the Naval (‘adets at the Great Lakes Naval Training Station. There were also some l’nthv pictures show- ing battleships and other interesting pit'tzirxw. .\li'. Elisha Morgan. who i had charge n.’ the afl'air. certainly do- ; <ei‘\e< a good dial u’ vredit {or eat- He is survived by and three sons and by Harry C. Tillmnn. <el‘\e< a goon unn .. H“. hibitinz such good pictures needs of the evening Were “The Highland Park Hosp «'iationf‘ Thv program wn “Mon of thc great :urvwc 51rd to the cause of uducanm infirm [hm buxldmg 15 ca ‘3 H. Shnelds Hall. r ten years from 1M9 ds was a member of the" H: l’ark‘ cxty council and uctnu public recognltmn and appu- uf hxs sel'Vlcca 1n (hxs cupm cny, Ihrough 1L5 officers, :es thxs memorial of 031,681“ culh iom" Thv prugrum Tussdu)’ aftn'noon, IllAZL‘IlS. Ruth Wu HIGHLAND PARK IN IOWES 11105 13m . Presbyterian ('hurch he s an actin- officer; as u rul< r for eleven years. and 'As a for twenty-five yeare. lmng t of that buard for a part of f Junxc Hall thc‘ul emu} Humid, mm: nghlund Park .0 pmmmcnt and put” 3'. Tim :mmuim‘ o I’ {Ch public improvements. itizen of the best type, 1d public spirited, and life of the commumly lis private and domesnc ovpmnlurv and lovable was. horn on Jum- law L County, l’rnnsylvmnuJ wan the Rex. Jamesi ~.b\terinn minister and‘ far) (uroline Md or-: r of Robert Mdormixk1 (cunt), Virginia. Mr. ed Nellie Culver. whoi “cm th )csu-r- “‘3'“ {Wu thlrty it! Uh‘ “1th ‘1‘. K. \‘ulxm Duh». L“ eri [wok plauc Hl pm mun- Hi wcry ' Lhe bcllenncm winch hu: ltved. years he was a School Board of {mu it)’ Commlsslon K. The Mayor an he“) Mr. of the" High‘ and active In and appn-cur thxs mummy- officers. ex- Uf ”teem and INCH Ln .1 i, ”'5 n:- pres five daughters a sister. M"- were to benefit land Park [my this year a Hospital Asso- Augufl lmh was repeated Names nf commiuvw ur appear 1' uur m"! x-un 'n Kk‘h J. In m-.\t Sumizl_\'~ game MM \sulrh n: he wurrwrs‘ take the Blg (‘1!) tm_\~ um 1“ camp. Thr gmm- «urn at thru- 1 Cnllt'd :AL (entrul Park. W1»: Shiv. lendnleu, ANr-chon A! Soulh Sldr Non Sunday. Club bucnglhencd by (he Add-hon of lhree Ntw Phyefu 1m: :1 an 1w h) hard hx 'mg and 1mm; work That um‘mw :1 Wu H:. ihx'm- fur the hull“. hu_\> and I fiznzduy the} duck up annulus! .«(rnng (‘hxn‘ugn Wurrrnl Ami at clxp they urr mung shnuld mah- cu.“ \H‘IUI)‘. Bu! they ure rm: In viMng Lllul. ‘uu ngrmcnt unurxw an Inn.‘ wnl not happen ugum, and upumgxze to “may ulm 3mm their disappommnem. More precauv Lmn \Hll be taken In uhvdulmg gnmqw “15hr: (u ed up, fut m the future. .\'c.\'. Sulrln) Un- xwgulurs wm mvet lhc Lunndu..-» who “H1 hmc un lhc Hung .mv: liaxz hill, the old l’irute pitcher, “ho all the fans remember as hn\llig lw‘ltcli lrulh the home clubs in UN. Thin prom mes to be the most exi‘iting game all the season, 2|: they come \i-ry weLi recommended, hning beaten sui'h teams as La I’orte, Benton llnrboi‘ and Valparaiso. Wuukugnn :nd Evaiistoii are ulreuily in line and Will: cross buts on the ball field Very shortly. So the {an‘ can look for ward to one of the most interesting ‘sensuns that We have eVer had. l-nnii. we must again thank, Ind fllboiukt‘ our hats otY to, the manugenx-nt of ‘this hall club. as the) hme gone out and secured three more of the but men obtainable 3nd now the trim I! set to ~mil through {or the rest of the seawn, and meet all comers. The new men secured include our old friend. Eddie Wallure, who Will take his plui'e at third base, which insures ‘hL-s team of hunng the hcwt third liAht‘HlAlH in llllHHh 13295 to be me the season, 21: recommendt-d. teams as La A! «mum! {mug "Kuhn-H “((L‘lng Why 15 «1mm- fumllmr to mm! of thr- fxtrh, haumg play-d “gums! lllghlm | Park \ch Hurh‘y's Wuukegnn Lenny Aim our frwnd "Rune" u hnlbd for hxs grrut hlttmg ~Ln-ngth am! his ex Coptimml haw rurznmg. The lust and beat 1~ rmrw 01h-r than Tom Mdimrv, who hu- lwen pitching {or Tinker In the Fedcrn! League- {m ‘the past two years. lhl‘uugh u “H uleg team [in HM)!“ .-\\ c. Sm the past two years. With this aggregation of gun show us any mm m :hin part of the country, outside the major lugues,‘ who can trim the home club. and wei WI“ hr iurr ln m‘cnmmudntc them. No“, (um, oonn- out and root for a real ha)! team. as the manngemenl and pluyerx cerunnly desvrve the sup port of all the fans of the ray, And‘ with such support we \nH be ailing: [‘om Mvt'mrv, who hu- lwen vltx'hm I ‘ g ’h' mmmg pu'turr uttrnrh‘m {In In; I'“ .‘h, 1. ‘. ‘ > or Tinker In the Peder-I ltfllue- fur . week beginning Sunday, Ju‘vr 1!!)1 ‘ 1‘ A f. ’ ,‘H hit-.331 3:" "an“ ‘ f u '; sum”; (‘lnn Rum-n Y ung m I ,.. ,- xm wm'h: h l ‘5 figreK‘Ih-Wn 0‘ :1)? Willi-y." Ind "A Royll Knl‘ht.” II " Hm u uttymic' ‘ 0“ us any m m In pr 0 e ‘ ‘tfi'ntune comedy; M0"d')v ”Fur“ 7-V1' NIH" "" ' rountry, ""9"“ a" major luxues‘» 4Myrl Ind PIthe Newp; 'mcbdl). ...v hl'~t"‘ m”..- who can [mm the home club. and "5‘ “and Road" Ind I émwd" :"M Pk” (‘W I Willy hr iurr tn m‘cnmmudntc them. 1 ' nesdnL lumgln~ fulrhl‘hr u. '1'”. '1.» “\r 1 .Nou. (um. conn- out and root for "fit Gooid Had Mun”, Thnpdn)‘ M! "" “U: “M ' a real ha)! team. as the manngement mu. than." I uk- 0! ”H ”(k “I“ ‘WW‘ a” ,. “r” and pluyerx certainly desvrve the sup ”a P-the NH”. Frgdn)‘ ”Th‘ “M“ Jm m- 41(.Im ,. port of all the fans of the nty, And‘d. PM)!“ fonturmg lmumrnél’tnch. J" ”I." “h“ I! d‘ With ”Ch support v" w‘“ M ulhngt-ri on Suturdny, “Molly Who Br Hm”... m,” for the Lake (”ounty championship. y . . . I Ye," featurlnx Mnrfuen'v ‘lnd, \. Thur-«in 0" {113‘s tmeup {or hunda) “”1 be -‘ CI'rtoon Plrturr- and Burton Holmn A“ l' ( W1.“ .' 0 0"." Waive] Pictures- ’ ‘1”,th yaw r \ Wallucr 1th. [zyden 1!, (‘olhnl cfw’ : K 'hc uuvkrn ' Fiona M». Williams rf, Mctinre 2b,. ,1 LAST www m1 ”A” ') .'d'v[|\eo{ "1": Cross 35, Reed c, “CCU”? p. ; Game culled at 2:30 p. In. nharp. i ' .M "Mm” "’ " inn-(L.- Wonnn'u Chi to b. ‘cooo cl (,5, In. ind!“ Plan. And Cumin": lo be Annotated . v m. In in I L-lcr lune \ urn: Highland I’Irl Day. \ulusl IOU! 13901.11" A! u ~pevml meehng u! the Kid). inne‘kn land Park Business Men's Anoc'n- utpwel 0 tion’ held m Wltun's Hull Tueadly ub. Th1 ('VQHIHR It was decided to hnld Hith- niflinl I‘V( 7" HIGHLAND I’ARK, ILLINOIS, THI'INSD HIGHLAND PARK DAY AUGUST 10 h 1h H3 Regular fun mti me w 11!) H) 1 upld h-nl for luy thns year on Thund-y. g-llmi \\ t‘ T\ [Wat 1~ Imrw 01h-r than who hu- lwen withing the Fedcrn! League- fur mundu m1 lu flu)“ unacrslundmg, (hr Tho". I'VKJ UL (he mu mm- mm x) mm 'hunh vb August 10 iMr. Thom" Welch. who ha: con ;¢acted 0w Suburban Span-l DIM-OI Pnthunull‘ .Qionx the North Show dunng h. pat Un Suturd b. AM.“"“ Ion. Innouncu the lust inn- of (hr l'rn-h} " ‘ um: {or Thursduy cvrmtg. Jum- u! (hr r\| \ulus‘ IOU! 13901.11" dnnct \hll be [um 11 ”w l‘nrk‘- gn- o! the High. inne‘kn Womln'n ('Iulv under the my the ‘4 . . . . L . lens Anocn- uspkel or the Kurds 5km” ,lmmng 4h mm Hull Tueadly ub. The John A Hind ”“110an. bud Part to huld Hi‘h- Hiding of n! pu-rrn, VH1. (urnnh m. '4'!th r on T‘Iuridly. mulk. Th)! I! In he I uh!" In“! mu] (nu: m, Ind II II the dnlro Ito nuke For the 1 jun! I! nurmnlul u (hr pn-n-dxnr hnmu-H and plans Will en hlVr been I hm- v-c-r' prurhm gn-IHH) HI llll x‘\\ (hr Hw [ht‘ 1H U! H 01d "whiz prnur M'Hnr vun mm m th lke rd) n-Vliv' arr uv Nahum!“ A\| ran “ch?” 0. .0: k Tun min} In HULK, 1' Ird n ac “huh 1hr unnum- vrh {uh-u lo ar-hmM, “1-,‘umi prer-r “u. lH‘. :‘ud a! (u 'h H} x-‘hu‘k “1-:th min} thr yum ‘ In: ‘4‘ 11'1'1 Hlxm' u! u | nh'wEd, Wlwumu. . \ ”IL ’. 10,: mm m 31 AT ms lam eX‘ fl or“. Chll in ”Molly Mulr‘olicvo" \ han V ', on Sound-y Eva-in. . ‘12: in» mmmg puturr ultrm'w' s {1” I g Vin-k beginning Sunday J r 1‘01 ‘ u" :: Sundny, 1hr: Kiml-nll ““‘un‘ 11 the ”fill-y," Ind ”A R0)“ Km‘ht, n I “::vntune comedy; Manda), M’dgnn ues‘» OMyrn Ind Pnthe Nun; 'I‘llrbdl). n:e:§ (lo-ed Road" Ind I Lirmed)’. rWnendnL Dough“ Pmrlm‘hp u. the Good Bad Mun”, Thumb) {19:}: “muc Urn.“ " n ulc- 0! {hr ruck {ruck ..-.l u A--. lrndu‘vol Ind Lower (. '~ Mndnummcv “I L7) ~JI; " Sum my, Jum- 111b,.“ Jvn. of Mn. Avlhuv i’urni) MM K (Mn :1 $1 1.“. ~ ‘hl‘lgn. Her death “an of Int}. ARTHUR rum PASSES my LIQCOLN 5(HO0L GIVES PLAY 1h! Punf Mick?” '11“! um é mm m 311 AT THE lam ’ul Suvlrtn Held at Mardho‘d y’loconun. Ytflord-y Aftorno? but 1“ lxghlnml umun. 'n-dh Wont-'3 Chi Io 1\(‘ p01“ FUI H writ. Chll in ”Molly Male on Sound-y Eva-in. rd)‘ fl} 1'! TC" 119‘ our! (unit. Ap; uv mcv nghl | “youth 1' ndn). JJ! dn).~ Ml‘ PM u .’v um A Y H H “1“) V1: nml u hr! druih r! U! mo '11 x 12rd) 21 \(1 r. “hm [Hf H \l JLQ' H In“. 'I'Purpdn)‘ val h um; mu v 1! {hr hm? “ICE Mary ‘ any." "rm.- 1-337“ Henri ‘41” 51- Anne x. w Inumrlil‘hh‘h. ‘he nun who ,3 (LL ‘H Nahum-(1AM rty do; “31‘ (P H...pIUI .-n Nil .mwr l‘IU 43 In“? *1!ch Oi [he hnrgr ‘uld M 19m lb. lu Ki’.\4\:<'>"1\7s,\mu; M. HASTINGS fl?! _ C().\II’I.I{TI{ H( )SPI'I‘AI. CAMPAIGN . \K-‘rlr' enthunu-hr Ind mun Un Saturday evening, (he l'r1‘u'fiu'flllv (‘hurr 1;! (hr ru-mhg and “u" my lhc ‘hykc-r, on, ”I Swath) H u u find l‘avk \hr pm- hlh FCYIMUI (I! pull mu] (nun, For (hr pun! lhrw vu hniqu-Hrrn I! Nb )- S hur- V-I-r' n hm) pla . .\ ‘J junior 4 UN» ‘\‘ hunk “up :- urn-kn mi gm Mhunu-hr Ind mlrrvptmg at “n \‘nlurdnv 0".niilt, l’r [lulu- mgr- rm )rnt~ h_ Kl\r r he umkrn ,‘nf of ‘h whip-‘11 n» I'nvk amount“ 3' .1'1.‘ Div 1‘ { slnuIJNK' M ll new \Azn- \Q “AIM“ in ho i M155 ANNE BANCROF'T OOUSHAIME l'b mull) Laud-ad * M 1. I‘ Un- an mm lu'rl. M: “uh-h ndwrtne) In m Hun-Hal cumpuun and wruml) M". ha» been hum» Um! In” lunmghl ‘ t?l‘r(1b and Ml. (humu- lugt-lhm oh ‘ umrum. ru-nnpmy grnumi lwfmr burr) whun-h m lhghlund Park. H...) “(mu-n}- mgnmu‘tnm and eu-ry rm“ ~ urgnnlzuum. that rouln be H-mho-d, Including 0w Highland l‘nrk Hm-Ineu- Men's Auonnhov. through :h- (-ouru-n) of Mr. Pu”) and the Hmhlnnd Pan Young Men'r ('lub though \hc ofloru And mien-n1 of Mv Jame: Hun-on. nu prendent. n. haw been wurkmg Hygethw for flu. mun common cuuu- (or the pub. though \hc ofloru And mien-n m Mv Jame: Hun-on. nu prendent. n. haw been wurkmg Hygethw for Hm. [nan common cuuu- (or the pub. m [pod With Eur] Gull 1- them vflu'umt leader I number 9! “In! unr" team» of young bunnqn men urrr formed. and Int): Mrs, H. B. Hubert: in when! (human 0! the unmen'r vommntu-er. numeodhg Mn. A. R, ('unyuenlle who wn (yawn-i lu l: 4%». the hrnrm .2 v yan) )‘nl'k. «41' Th» 2.» 'u-m n. 1hr hnmh M H. 'r m munn) and hnp gm r'nmllul, unmrrmng lhr ‘whulu 1w Hwhland I'nk : mm lwrl. M: “uh-h ndx m Hun-Hal cumpuun and MN. ha» been mme Um! hm t?l‘r(1b and Ml. (luhmn- 1- umruov. ru-mpmy grnumi Kn'r up an om“ bonus: 0‘ um, ”A charge of 0» women'- om. hum, the v-nom mum of Wuhan law (or On pout nx d-y: heal cor «rm; Highland Plrk, “”9611 and lhghvood in an rflon w figure gal» urnpuonm The complete" llll 01 uurken w» published In" melt lnnuc of the lehllnd Purl It. unLl n» and: And new one o! lnyot Hullm'! axlendr, Lhmufh n pupa h.» [run-Yul lhunlu fol Un- “ uplmdm c-fillfl’ Th- ('omplflc lm wurkpr ulll lw krpl on “ll I'll}! Hoaplta‘ ywurd.‘ and vnll undou y [r- nmnny other record. uurd ‘ n by mg the corner storm {0 W m Mummy ........ , Too much "mm! I» «fit! of fit ,ymymd [Pnor‘llflnp of MQ'or End- ¢Conunuod on m0 ’3)‘ ’ the hxn'uhu ' mnhnmr hon l-m un- nullnny \ln the lwnrm H Volumr 6 -v. fun In pruJerL lnuvrl A‘Hl mt) wratuve hinh)’ in

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