ies J the ncc ILL. Ave- it! DDS 432 Hidg Highland Park Trust Savings 35k Arvid Magnuson Dear Sir. Your tango ‘Baile Espanol is undoubtedly the Bat tango on the mar- ket today. For sale by Lyon Healy, Chicago, and Albert Larson, Highland Park Keep Bonds, Abstract: or or other valuable Papers In your home; Our safety boxes cost only $3. 00 per year and protect you from both fire and theft. Fire destroys. Thieves break in and steal. “Baile Espanol" tango, for piano net 25 cents "Springtime", waltz. “ “ “ 25 “ “Wiltz o; the Water Lillies " " 18 :‘ “Sylvia". minuet “ “ 18 “ Above letter not solicited Yours rmpwï¬uuy, Bauer Bron. (formerly of Souu's Baud) Oshkosh. Wis. Jan. 30th, 1917. The score ended 35-29::011 next Saturday the lights will iii†the Naomi A. C. and the hepib'ies will tackle the Mystic A. C. in We biggest“ game of the year. Gama am 3:51 3:00 p. m; at the D. a 11.5 s. an?! Dr. Herbert L. Willa“ {spoke to. the club on Tuesdty ï¬ernobn at th¢ Highland Park Club on at subject “The Changing Orient " E E The 'Exlles split their double heed- er on last Saturday. the lights locâ€" lng by three points and the heavlee winning by six. These were two of the closest games of the year. both games being undeclded until the last minutes of play. ,The lightweight: were‘ unable to locate the basket negr the end hnd the Beware were lead- lng 29-28 It the 61086. ’ The heavies got the but of Save ard Pay-kl and the basket spooï¬ng of F‘. Gullngher'were the onlygfoatures. club will take place Tues y mang- noon. March thirteenth. T ere will he a discussion of the prophed plq‘n to devote the time and dnergy W the club to philanthropic and pa}- riotic work. The next regular mamas of thp The constantly enlarging interest in the comprehensive work of the Parents and Teachers ' Association movement was demonstrated at a well attended meeting oi’ the glllinoia Congress of Mothers on Nudny‘ in the Board of Education Room. 'i‘rib- un'e Building. Chicago: The dele- gutes from the Elm Place division were. Mesdamee William Bletsch. Herman Denzel. John St Bell. Thomas Clements. John Reesman and John D. McDousal. Today the club is holding a rash- lar study class. Franklyh Snykr of Northwestern University Swirl cap- plete his series of talks: on Co’i- temporary Fiction. % Today's subject is “mic Short Story Today." 5 Mom :A very WM mined ‘ mm: do'. â€presenting Christ}! ‘ 11H: 11‘s childrsn. has ’1 2 church by Ir. J In memory of In. Iols IV ins. and vs: blessed st Eucharist lut Sands: m window was mule by Silos mist and Rune, the famous In ï¬sh lush: e s. sad :1 mud have boot: in nlscpj last Christmas. but." lusd bf: dimcultles in "W : At the same service‘the ' In: dab blessed an unusually beau flu] ‘ o! Loonu‘do go} Vlncl‘a' " Baum given by Mr; and Mrs. . rge 11¢- Bean in memory of Madam McBeln. by whom thaplcture was burchmd in Italy. ‘ ,/ The preacher at the ediï¬ce on Wednesday evening. March sevenqh. will be the Rev. Professor Theodore B Foster. of the Western Theologldnl Seminary. In another part of the paper will be found a notice of a mandolin ro- pita! to be given at the church thin- evening. x Regular services are_hel_d In this church as follows: Sunday. Sunday school at 9:45; Junior Lease at 2:30; Epworth League at 6: 30; ednesday prayer meeting at 7. 45. and choir re- hearsal at 8: 45 sharp“ The cottage pruyor median took place this week as follown headâ€. Mrs. Charles Boyd. Wednesday. at the church. tomorrow evening. In. Grelsmeyer Owing to a sprained ahkle Rev. Tetreau will not be able to attend to his duties {or a time. and in 3“! place Sunday evening. Rev. R. Calvin Dobson will preach. ' and Com“! in. in. Saucy Surveying And EM: Minn-heap. ind Ca; HoIWork. zap-nigh Chas. E. Rusisell ammmi EXILE ATHLETIC CLUB '1 Naomi†HI hid Tel. 1860 constantly enlarging interest comprehensive work of the I and Teachers ' Association ant was demonstrated at n tended meeting of thp glllinoia u of Mothers on Nudny‘ in 5rd of Education Room. 'i‘rib- Hiding. Chicago; The dele- Prom the Elm Pinon division Hesdnmos William Biotsch.‘ 1 Denzei. John St Bell. Thomas “YEWâ€!!! Cmty SIMâ€! HIGHLAND PARK M. E. CHURCE H. “I Mrs. Robert Smith will be hostess to the club on Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty. “Treparatlon of the Son" wm'be the subject. discuss“ by Prof. Wade McNutt of the Seleneo' deputment of the DeerfleId-Bhleldsi Hlsh School. Word. reached hqre last week of the burning of the Ewart property In Santa Fe. Inle "of Pines. “West Indies. recently. gr. Hurry Ewart and family are wall known here. having made thelr’ home here for many "Mi. , Mr Clark G. Wright is in Winslow 111.. where he was «lied on account of the serious, lllnepa of his father. Mr. and Mrs. George Mchden 0! Bloom 8t. announoo the blah of : baby girl. Friday; Februury twentyn third. - The next meeting of the clubï¬gll. take place Tuesday afternoon. M sixth at Witten H l. The mam meetgpg will take; place at t‘yoj o'.c|ock and will i 'ude the 11.qu nation of ofï¬cers . "l Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mono ml were host and hostess at the B! k- stone Hotel. Chink, Saturday a n- Ing, gt a “men party for Mr. and nix-3.1131 Tyler. who have been their guests recently. and who are now on route to New “9:100. Miss Bessie Watdrhonï¬o entertain- ed several triends'on Tuesday even- ing at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Elsie Laegleq whose max-rim to Mr. H. V. Nichols, will be an event of the early spring. Miss Elsie Lam-ant: and her ï¬ance '0! Racine, Wis" were the Sunday guests of M}. and Mrs. Rich- ard Lawn-ants. ix Miss Helen Gouriey was: a week- end guest of M13: (Nadya Tucker of this City. who is a sophomore at the University of Hllnois. at Cham- palgn. Ill. Mr. Smith left (in Tuesday even- lng for Kansas City; Mo.. to attend a meeting of supgd‘nteiiden-ts. Miss Jones, a momber‘of the Elm Place staff has gone us her home In Bloomington to recupérate from an attack of the grippe. Some of the teachers of Lake Ebr- est were visitors at Elm Place. dur- lng‘ the week. The regular pro : will begin at three o'clock. “C fro, the Feder- al Capitol of Austfla" will be 'tho aublect. with Mrs..;H. Medota Long spenkipg. ‘ ‘ The W. T. 0. ll. Club entertained at a very unique petty on Tuesday evening It the home of Mr. and I‘m. Cul.Kuist. A- novel pmrun‘of original stunts by the boys we: given end “old fashioned" genes and dunty refreshments completed ; very enjoyable evening. Mr. And In. Williun Blotach. the newly-weds, mind 3‘ stmlln; Ind noisy aurpriso. Wedneadu last. when a goodly party of their friends do- scended upon them like a bond of Apache Indiana with drums. horn. whistles and cow-bells. But they dit- fered from the aborigines in-co-mnch â€they fetched along a bountiful nup- por, which tho: generously shared with their captives, ‘ 116 Park Avenue ADDITIONAL LOCALS ELM mot $011001. HARDER CLI’B Y are oftenheaxdthattheBuwkisthemostpowermlmotor eBuick Valve-m“- ï¬end arrangement' 18 the reason fox-that gxeat power. If you areinterested, call us up and ask for a demmsu'a tion. We just received ï¬ve car loads of Buiclm and immediate de- livery an be had, on any model you chowe from: this lot. Now is: the time to place your order When better (ms are built Buick will build them. Becker Garage MoHanerHumu 61nd8N.Sbida'an.t -/ I'd-dual†‘ Abbfltbh . â€Tum (BA-Ib- Asktoaecthemanwho ,JoagA BLANK m ' ' mum-Um Rina" Express" Hm Paw-nth 8.0.... mine mune» can: Suitsdanqi‘izdpresned 5125’ Wcleaned‘mdpraeed 1,25. smmmaacam Dmcleaned and pressed $1.25 Three quirter lengthooats 1.15and and we can give you THE BEST at prices rep, resenting substantial sav’ ing' from the small local tailor‘s shopâ€"and more than 1500 exclusive wool ens with the best work manshlp of "' ED. V. PRICE 59° CO. Certainly! We Sell Tailoring! GentsSuitsSO'oeï¬ts LadiesSnita 75.0mm ’ 7“..- I“ «nanâ€" Millard-cud“ C; M GATES Telephone 119 Tel. 54