Ms. Nels Nelson was hostess to the Euchre Club last Thursday after- noon The successful prize wlnners were Mrs. H. P. Claw. Mrs. Charles Freherg and Mrs. Louis Shetzley. The next meetlng wlll be at the home of Mrs. Henry Dltmer. The Junior dancing class under Mr. Bournique's charge. held “guest night" on Monday. giving those _ln- terested a chance to visit the class. Two home weddings were celebrat~ ed at Ravinia on Saturday afternoon which are of interest to Highland Parker's. At {our o'clock occurred the marriage of Miss Jessie Taylor. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bayard Taylor of Rice St. and Mr. William Brent Wrenn of Wilmette. Dr. P. C. Wolcott. ofï¬ciating. After April ï¬rst Mr. and Mrs. Wrenn‘ will be at home at 518 Linden Ave.. Wilmette. The other wedding took place at ï¬ve o'clock when Miss Hazel Doch- ham 0! Boston. M1229. was married to Mr. Victor Drieske. Rev. C. O. Unangst. ofï¬ciating. A reception fol- lowed the ceremony with only the immediate families present. After April ï¬rst Mr and Mrs. Drieske will be at home on Kenmore Ave. Chl- cago. The Luther League of the Swed- ish Lutheran Church. Highwood met on Tuesday evening at the Johnson home in Highwood. Miss Charlottv Brand will enter- tain Just Us Girls' Club tomorrow evening. Mrs. William Frederick Peter Jr. a! Chicago, formerly Miss Marion Mason 0! this city. will be at home on Wednesday of next week at her home. 946 Margate Terrace. She will be mlsted ln receiving by her Slater Mlss Blanch» Mason. and Mrs. Fred A. Preston. Mrs. Carleton M. Val] and \llss Prlscllla Carver. Iggy-w, An Optician i‘ w mniiuhctur‘ m‘ of 21mm“. An optmnmrin i< 1icvn.<mi to fit zimsos to thy aye, after having passed his examinations before th»1 Stat» Board. The ocuiist treats diseas- «N‘ of rim Fly“. “'9 are miuippmi to do vvwry- thing needed {or the Eye. Your eyes gladly examined by a competent ()ptomntriï¬t withuut charge or any obligation. Jewelers too. We don't charm“ Chicago pric- ed, but no hotter sorvim- mm b? had nnywho-ro‘ at (my price. In the rough state. the value wouldnntbe great, between the diamond and the ordinary white stone. or bvtwwn the flint or crown gins; over the common gins. it is the cutting and the polishing that ziws the hriiiiam‘y to the» diamond and the grinding and polishing of the ionses to currvct the orror of the vye that nmkm~ them vaiâ€" uahlu. it is said ono Chicago mun workmi six months on one lens and sold the lens for ss,mm,nn_ W0 haw 400k reading glass- “ as lnw :is 250 pnr pnir. We grind lensvs in order from $3.00 and up. PAGE TWO Optici'ans-Optometrists-Oculists Central Ave. and 2nd St. Telephone 186 Woman-m DIAMONDS AND LENSES The Social Side of Life Bu":- lam Local Affairs of the week BytheObcarm Mrs. John A. Stryker and daugh- ter Harriet were the guests of Mrs. Pragon of Chicago on Thursday. Miss Hormina Huunschild wastho L'umt nf her sister. Mrs. J. N. Ber- mm! of Libertyvillo. a. few days last week. . Mrs. Lincoln Penis entertained Hm § DEERFIELD NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Lincoln Pettis entertained the “Sun" club at heLJlnmo on Osterman Ave. on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Llndstrom entertained thv Dorcas Sewing Circle of the Lutheran church on Tuesday even- tug. Mrs. James Healer entertained a few friends of Mrs. George Healer Sr.. on Tuesday afternoon. The oc- casion honoring her birthday anni- ve rsary. .\[r<. (‘hnrins vainer entertained a few relatives and friends at supper Sunday. the occasion celebrating her birthday anniversary. as hostess on next Saturday. The proceeds will go toward the church. A number of rel‘ntlves and friends of Mrs. M. C. Conrad rendered her a very pleasant sdrprlse on Thursâ€" day afternoon. when they came to help her ceiebrate her birthday an- niversary. The ladies of the Tabernacle So- ciety of St. James church are giving a series of social afternoons. Mrs. N. F. Williams of nghwood. will act The Misses Siljestrom of Oakâ€" wuod Avenue. were hoslosses at a bunco party followed by dancing Fri- day night-at the Y. W. C. A. club room. Among the guests were about ï¬fteen young people from Waukegan and Lake Forest. Tho “'t'almilh'tl‘l' Guild mot Wod- nesday with Mrs. H. M. Bacon and Miss Moss pn Sheridan Road. Mrs. Md‘uughvy of St. Louis told stories during the social hour. The Catholic Order of Lady For- esters have tickets out for a card“ . party [0 be held Thursday evening! The regular Church services were March ï¬fteenth at Witten's Hall held in the Presbyterian Church on Five Hundred and Euchre will be Sunday. In the morning Mr Stev- played. The proceeds are to go to“‘â€-‘ Of Chicago 91‘0“th 0n1"R8;Pent- thp orpham Ema-v" and in the evening on "False Mrs. Raymond W. Schneider enter-.St‘mdards†mined a few friends informally oni Th" 0'0"†1493' Cil‘CIG met at the Wednesday afternoon at her home (Hem-no: Ave. Thl' Five Hundred Club were en- tortuinenl on Saturday evening at tlw home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Salyanis, the affair honoring Mr. Salyard's birthday anniversary. Mr. Bournique‘s dancing classes which nwet at Witten Hall will meet together on March twenty-ï¬rst for a masquerade. This will be guest evening. Miss Mary O‘Donnell entertained the Euchre Club at her home on (‘cntml Ave. Monday evening. Mrs. O. B. Brand' entertained the Worth While Circle on Tuesday even- Int. The Five Hundred Club will meet' Saturday night at the home of Mr. 3 and Mrs. Hoke in Glencoe. The famlly wish to take thls portunlty to gratefully acknoyle all courtesies extended to them. Those who survive her are husband. ï¬ve daughters and one Short services were read at home yesterday morning. ()n Monday evening, March ï¬fth. at her home on Vine Avenue. Nina Elizabeth Baker. wife of S. J. Baker. quietly passed away. \irs. Btker was born on December twang-bev- enth.1864 in Middleport. i'ew Ybrk. Fifty 39am ago she came to Chiéago with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Sprague Baker and at the agei of nineteen years graduated from the old Burr schaol.‘ In 1866 slie as married to 8. J. Baker and in 190 the family moved « to Highland . P rk. which has been their home since. The next meeting of the Woman's’ Civic Club at Ravlnla will take place at the Ravlnia Village Hause. Wednesday afternoon. March tom- teenth at two thirty. Mrs. Orrin E. Keller will speak on “Current Topics." This meeting is the regu- lar monthly meeting. - fP eslntorian Church on Saturday ev- luring The topics for discussion :“mv “The Place of Fear in Home [Discipllno‘ and The Qualiï¬cations of Ihginnvr and Primary Teachers. Tm Ofï¬cers and Teachers of the H’nwhuerian Sunday School met at the home of Mr J. A. Reicheh 9: on [Tutsday evening. (ion of the Lincoln School metéyes- A lecture on the ‘fVVonders oi the Heavens" by Professor Moultoh‘ of the University of Chicago. wiii’i be given Thursday. March 15th at gight o’clock. Further particulars otjthis lecture aré given in another pan of the paper. 7 Mr. and Mrs. William Merriam and family of Chicago hme rented one of ithe Clapper apartments. . The supper given by the St.:Paul ‘ .S. on Saturday evening at the'Com- ‘munitp House was a great saccess isocially and ï¬nancially. Over one fhundrud pvople were served and sixty Edollars was turned over to the Sunday ESchool {or future use. \ 1 L i Mrs. B H. Kress entertained a E number of friends on Friday even- i ns ; i Miss AUreda Knaak was the week gend guest of her sister. Mrs. Ro- émaynv Stryker of Chicago; 3 Miss Edith Anderson had as her week end guest. Miss Selma Nelson i0! Austin. (in Friday evonlng. Mary- Phékford in “(‘imlerella" was pretentull at the School Assembly mu. 2 The picture was very enjoyable null the largv audience showed their appre- ciation of the type of plays the en- tertainment committee are selecting, After the movies the children of the vurinus rooms. held a patriotic demonstration. Each room sang one song and fur the ï¬nal number the entire school sang “The Star Spang- led Banner." the auditorium darken- ed and tin‘ spot lights were thrown upon the children who wereieach waving an American Flag. The Saturday Afternoon Sbwlng (‘luh “as entertained at the }homo n! MISs Helvn Reichvlt on Sazfu’rgay um-rnnuli. WTâ€" Mrs. James Fritsch onlor‘ained thv Missionary Society of the (finned Evnngolh'nl Church at her hoï¬ne on varï¬vld Ave. on "Tuesday aftei‘noon. Mr. and Mrs. Franc Hemémtead had as thtiir guest on Friday‘Capt. “'0“: Eger 0! Austin. é Mr.’ Puzstol Gilmore of Chicago, was 319' week end guest, of Mr. and Mrs. John Huehl. Mnknd Kn. John Wool! ‘ In". Kist and um Hunky mist Wil- metto were the guests of â€mod Joce- phmd Woodman on Satdrdan ‘ Mas Marie ï¬oédgr of Chicagb. was the éweek and guest or Miss Mabel Hordgnberxor. ' Mrs George Vetter 0! Chi go, is the guest of her sister. Mrs. 3A. H. Mulhke. Miss Helen Schfnleber had #5 her guest her cousin, Mrs. Henry! Dor- ney of Hooppole, III. a fgw/dkys of last week . : Mm Jennie Karol: had as flat wee end guest Miss Viola quel of Chi , i THE mcnm' mm mm mm!) PARK. MOB I'RESBYTERIAN Hiram LINCOLN SCHOOL OBITI'ARY her ithe The S. M B Club anti the Dorcas Society will meet next Tuesday even- lng. The cottage prayer meetings are held His week as folléws: Tuesday with M and Mrs. Heutls, Wednes- day. at the church and Thursday (tonight) with Mrs. Juhrend Tomorrow evening the Epwonh Dengue will hold a bisiness meet- ing at the church. Regular services are held In this church as follows. Sunday. Sunday school at 9: 46; Junior League at 2:30; Epworth League at 6:30: Wednesday prayer meeting at 7:45. and choir re- hearsal at 8:45 sharp. . The adult Bible clan meets on Monday morning: at 10:30. all who desire to come are welcome. The subject of the lecture next Monday will be the period between the 01d and the New Testaments. The subject, of. the illustrated lec- ture on next Sunday evening will be the: Southern Mountaineers. Mr. C. C. Thurber spoke mt‘ intercit- ingly about these people to the ladies of Trinity Guild on Monday in con- nection with his appeal for the In- dustrial School and Farm for Moun- tain Children at Covington. Va. The speaker at the Wednesday evening service next week. on March fourteenth, will be the Rev. Ed- ward S. White of Libertyville, virhose church with all its Contents was re- (-ently destroyed by fire. The'ofler- ing at this service will be for the Libertyville building lung and it will be an opportunity to help these neighbors of our: who have done so well and shown such a ï¬ne spirit under the mlnlstrations of Mr. White. Mon 0.. J. Miss? Hoyt Bertha M. Mn. chndorf Harry Jr. Mr. Kuhn 801 Mr. ' theo P. 8. Back Annie mu ADVERTISED LETTERS Adina Louise mas Brann- R. w. Mr ‘ Cunningham John 1'. Mrs. Planer R. Rev. ,) Gardner E. J. Dr. TRINITY CHURCH ina, endurance. “Made to you: mew me" is the aï¬swer. Prices $18.00 to $40. [U MAI ltlt how rich the cloth, how ï¬ne" the workmanâ€" ship. or how stylish th Cutâ€"if the suit doeé not ï¬t, its good lines and its good looks simply will not “stayrput.w y RoyalTailored clothes are not only the apex of styleâ€"but the $3110 stays. The clothes ï¬t; hence there is no friction, no tension, no slack or pull between the garv ment and the: body. Good ï¬t mans stamv O MATTER W. W. Johnson, M.D., D.D,S‘ Prunes limited to disease: 0! the mouth Ind Dentistry Phone Wnukom 841 Sobey’s Sanitary Shop 210 Cantu] Avenue Finance“! nnd 432 Lard the rounded side of the liver; try one onion in salt pork (at; put the liver and onion In a casserole; to the lat in pan add three tablespoon- fuls of flour. brown, and add stock or water to make gravy. add one tet- spoonful of salt. one salt-spoon of pepper; pour over the liver; cover and simmer in the oéen for two hours. A. C. M‘cCLURG CO. 218-224 So. Wabash Ave. BdwmAdanu Jackaon Books in Sets Watch for Modern Mary’ 3 Next Letter North Shore Gas Company One-faint!) the Regular Price ANNUAL BOOK SALE This Week Only ’ Shopping Hours 8:30 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Cnlf’s Liver Ruined Chi. Tel. Bldg. Wapkocnn. m. Standard authors in sets beautifully bound are offered at grant reductions in price. \\_ An unusual opportunity to enlarge your library at a fraction of the pub- lisher’s regular priqe. S Here are books on great variety of subjects offered at 1 than If you have not yet visited our annual Book Sale, you should do so now.- This sale lasts one week only, and the throngs of shoppers are rapidly reduc- ing our stock. LAUGH meals-pew N. B.Cor.Chrk 'dxinnon 5a. JOHN E. CONRAD That’s One W‘ay? Another Way ' And A Surer Way Is to Eat Our Quality Meats Each Day Ade-w