L1 Entered as secondrclass matter March 1. 1911. an ‘ h as been the sue“ of the post oï¬ce an Hmhiand Park. thuxs‘ undex ‘ . . ‘ the Act of March i. 1379, I“ l" U Conic Jr. W P16025150 per Year in Mnxei WNW†PARK PRESS ILoCAL AND Pmm NEWS I Published Weekly by JOHN L. EDP)“. at Highland Park. Lake County, Ill. John I- Udell..Edi(or and Publisher Paul L. Udell. . . . z: , Superintendent Esther C. Baker ........ ;.City Editor Florence Warner. .::..Societ_\' Editor Loretta Kress. . . .;Deerï¬eld Reporter Albert Levy ....... C hicago Adv. Mgr. 5th floor, 20 E. Jackson. Tel \Vabi 5212 Telephones. Highland Park 557. 558 Sunday morning. Bible School. 10:00 a. m. Sunday morning service. 11:00. Sunday evening service. 8:00 p. m. The subject for Sunday morning wili be "Freedom and Truth". The evening subject will be “Twice Born Men," illustrated by the “Criminal" The study of tho Acts on Wednes- day is becoming more Interesting as is shown by the increasing numbers in attendance. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenâ€" ing 8:00 p. In. The prelude on Russia given be- fore the evening sermon attracted much attention. For the present it it. the purpose of the pastor to give a. short talk on current events before the evening sermon. Thru the kindness of the Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Electric road the <(‘h0ul hml the pleasure of hearing Mrs. Riddle speak on “Safeâ€" ly First" on Monday afternoon. The talk was exceedingly lnterestlng. the U. PAGE 81X William Nelson Thomas. Ph. D X’HI'HSIJ \\. \1 HIV†BAPTIST CHURCH LINCOLN SCHOOL Candy eggs from one cent to ten cents. Easter bas- kets empty or ï¬lled at? all prices. Minister The HIGHLAND INN Easter Novelties 360 E. Central Avenue Telephone 237 niH-rsary at their home In Liberty- iViHE’. : Miss Belle Meade of Kansas City mm Edith Lindstrom is seriously ill with pneumonia at her home‘on Hnmewood Ave. Sevm'nimyoung people of this city attended a surprise party given on Thursday evening. in honor of Mr. umi Mrs. Henry Boy's birthday un- niH-rsary at their home in Liberty- Miss Anna Rooney of Edgewwter was the Sunday guest of Miss Nellie Fitzgerald. Miss Nita Anderson who was oper- ated “pull on Saturday evening at tho Prvshyvrizm Hospital. Chiugo. is wry much improved and will be m hnnw soon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gurrily and family have moved to Highwood. Mr. Garrity has accepted a position with the North Shore Electric Ran- road. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Fishback will return to their home on Vim: avenue, in Highland Park, about May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Creed Brunelle and two daughters of Chicago were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abercromby. Mr. John Jacovy of Highwood, is conï¬ned to his home with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trlmble Jr.. are at the Moraine Hotel Highland Park. Mrs. Trlmble was formerly Miss Catherine Cashing. Miss Bernice Swanson of Chicago. was the week end guest of her cousin Miss Ethel Hill of N. Green IBay Road. Miss Helen Golden of Grant Park. was the week end guest of Mr. tnd Mrs. Frederick '1‘. Golden. Mr. A, M. Lowrle is in New York City and will return the ï¬rst of next week. Mr. Louis Eckstien. president of the Ravinia Company is also? in New York City. and together they are doing business in the interests of Ra- vinia Park. There will be a business meaning of the Deerfleld Shields High School Alumni Association at the high school this evening at eight o'cmck. Mrs. Otis L. Beardsley has retumed from a stay in Camden. 8. C.. and is now at home. M rs. Hen ry ‘ Aldus-on,“ _ ' ‘ as tins and of It. Nathan-f {at om; second a. may enl. Kn day. ‘ _ Ir. Groves mu Elizabeth Buckley Mu re. turn this week from aï¬eenwich. Conn.. where she attends Rosemary Hall. e inn spend the Eye: va- cation iwith her purenm. Miss fflaael Bell spent at week end ln‘ Champaign as the nest of Miss Alma Oleson of this dity. who attends: theUnlverslty o! ll‘lnois. Mrs. C'. W. Buckley and Eur. and Mrs. Robert Buckley havelrecently returned from New Orlearl‘ls. Mrs. Earl W. Spencer who has spent some time in the south returned to her home last Week. While In the south she was the guest of Mrd. C. W. Buckley. Mrs. Georke Richmond Nichols and Mrs. Benjamin F. Bird will go to Dnnvilln. ll|.. next week where they will represent the North Shaire Chap- ter Daughters of the American Revulutiun. at the State Cdnvention n. A. R. 1 Temple Huyno Buell of the Uni- versity of Columbia. and Charles C. Buell. Jr.. of the University of Illinois. are expected home? for the Easter holidays. Mr .3111! Mrs. Henry ‘Buya of Lib- ortyville. were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. F‘r'nnk Swnnspn of N. Green Bay Road Mr. C. A. Kuist or N. Sgcond St. left Tuesday for Texas. where he will spend a few weeks. ' A number of Highland Park peo- ple attended a play ghem by the chk Kin Klub of Lake Bluff at the Lake Bluff Club House: on Satâ€" urday evening. ‘ Mrs. Henry" Bell left Tuésduy for Grantsdalo. la.. where sheiwill re- side in the future. Mr. Bell left two weeks ago for Grantsdfle. la. Mrs. Lester Levin and buliy daugh- tvr Dorothy Jane spent the week end in Libertyvllle with relatives. The foHowing young podpka who antend the Lhï¬verflty 0f_ lHlnok. will spend antvr at Imnw, Mr. Hurâ€" nlll ()loson, Miss Alma mason. Mr. Walter Gnolitz. Mr Alhort ERenning. .\lr. Leslie McCulTory. Mists Gladys 'l‘m-kq-r. Mr. Walter (loelilz. who is a junior at lllinois University spent last week end at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Goelitz. r Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haï¬baugh of St. Charles, 111.. were the ï¬veek end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chakles Har- baugh of E. Park Ave. g Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wendling have returned trom.the sou‘th where they have spent seven weieks vist- Ing San Antonio. Galvestouiand New Orleans. \i’iss Charlotte Brand din spend the “eek end in Crown Point. Ind. as the guest of \1rs.Buehler. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Goldberg are the proud and happy parants of a baby girl born Monday March nine- teenth. Miss Clark of Dronsbn Avg" return- 0d Tuesday to Milwaukine after spending a month in Ravlnï¬a. Mr. Walter Garrlty ls building a bungalow on McDanlels Afe. The cellar has been dug and the con» struction is well under way. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hardacre of Ravinia. are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of an eight pound daughter. born Tuesday. March twen- tieth. The ï¬rst meadow lark has'been heard in the vacant lots just west of the anlnia station. This is a sure sign that spring is here éfor every year meadow larks are heard in this lot earlier than in any other place. Snow Drops were seen on the W. C. Egan place and other citiiens have displayed crocus. 'V \lrs. l“. C Nuremberg Had an: her west on Tuesday. Mrs. R. G. Munâ€" <<l\ of Chicago. 5 TM regular meeting all Campbell I( 1mm. r 0 . E s “m bq held this inoning in Masonic hall Mr. and Mrs. Jamvs Crosby of Libâ€" ortyVillo. are visiting Mr. and Mrs Orren E. Keller of Kincaid Ave.. this week. Mrs. Daniel Cobb will rbturn this \vc-ok aftm' an absence of several wovks in New Orleans. ‘ The F. A. Watkins. who ihuye been )iv‘mg in tho (‘hupmnn house on Laure] Aux. hm'o moved back into llH'h‘ homv on Han-1 (New which hm hm‘n rmnndoled. MN. (‘nrl H, Bunth i.- in St. Mary‘s (mm, wlwrv shv i-‘ syn-Hiding two \ujukï¬. H) hi5 monia Mr. and Mrs. F. 1-) Matthews had u; thrir Sunday quests. Miss Maud Trm'cthun of Wnutun, Wit; Mr. anry Rico. night u'pvrutor for tho \sztorn [Thinn Tvlvgi'nph Carib- pahy is nmv ï¬lling a vncrim-y in the Evnmton ofï¬ce. ‘ Mrs. Mzn' Markwm wméremrn tho lath-r part of npxt Week lfrom Cali- fornia. where she has spe'pt the last x months. ‘? Mr. William Van Ever hi5 home in (‘hicnm ls conflnod with pneuâ€" parent». in and er of E Cantu! It, and Mrs: J! stopping at the daft.- "Cal. , lulu:w of Lake Forest. 1' ' 5 Miss Priscilla. Noren rk'tpent the week end wigh iendsg and relatives; in Chicago. . p x Mr. and Mrs. A. L. ï¬enping have purchnsed the avidsén mouse on' Ravine and Lin on A e. My ex- pect to move in“: it abxnt the middle of next month Mrs. William goals): left Tuesday. i 9 evening for St. uis Qhere she will act as' delegate‘lo the Royal neishj bors convention; *' Mrs. Fred Fllsher fl... spent last week 1n Indladapolis.. Ind.. as the guest of her cohsin. Mrs. Ross Bar- tholumue. ' ‘ The proceeds: of the card partr Hive-n by the Catholic brder of Lady? ForestoFs at \V‘ttén Hall on Thurs-’ day evening. amounted to sixty dol- lurs Mr. (Tinrencemorennerg spent the week em! in :Chumpnign visiting friends n! the iUniveriity olelinois. Mr. Van Eyoéu is Improving from :1 severe case of pleural pneumonia. MISS Berthanhinebart of 21 S. Green Bay Road spent the week end in Fundâ€"du-Luci visi ing Mrs. H. S. Blum mu] son Swept-Q.» Mr. Blum is 11 former student of Déerfleld Shields H. S. and is now an instructor in thv Vm-ntional‘ Continuation School of that city. " "new, mm UNITED EVAN. Qua Mr. Cooper Christmaï¬h of Gary. Ind.. spent Sunday wnh his pnreuts.‘Mr. and Mrs. John Christwan. Corner of Grben Bay and Laurel Ave. ’ Rev. C. G. Un‘angsté Pastor. In the abseube olï¬the pastor on last Sunday morning. 'John Hay. who has been Secretary? 'of the South American Island Mission for twenty- flve yours was here to tell us Home of the almost éhocki’ng experiences which the mtsstpnnrtqs of that coun- try have to go hhrohgh in order to carry on the great Work to which they have been dulled; We were for- tunate to have had the opportunity to entertain such an interesting per- son. As was announced; the Christian Endeavor fook charï¬- of the even- Ing service In dï¬cnssins "The Curse of Cowardlce?! all traces of it were obliterated. for a great number of leaguem spa visitors took part in the testimonm and otherwise. The singing of Faun1§ Crosby' s hymns was made more vital and interesting by the story of er life given by one of the members! i‘he pastor will beiback this week and will speak on Supday morning at 10:45 on “The $52er of Aï¬ounding by and Peacefls Reigns 15:13. His subject in the {evening will be "The \Iesage {rbm ï¬lani," 7:30 is the hour. ‘ § Just an hour before this service" in the basement‘ of the church our Christian Endeavor yiil hold an in- teresting meeting and will discuss “The Saloon. the Fa. of Society " If you enjoyed the meeting inst Sun- day we would like you to come again at 6: 30. in the Sunday Sdhool which con- venes at 9: 30, this sunday will be a review of the lessons of the past quarter. The: class in personal soul-winning is being continued i. every Tuesday evening from eighth-to nine o'clock. Prayer meetings arfl held regularly at 7:45 every Wednésday night. If you are a strangerlfeel free and welcome to drop In‘ t any of these services. Rogulnr services (To hold in this church as follows: :‘Sunday. Sunday whoa] at 9:45: Junioi‘ League at 2:30; Ftpxmrth League at 13: 30: Wednesday prmvr nmolim: at 7;;5. zmd Choir re- hoarsnl at 8: 4:3 shat!) (“Maw prayer tub-tings (â€â€˜0 held this \\‘f‘(i'k as follow}, Tuvalu): with Mr. John Mt‘yvr‘s. “ï¬dnnsduy. at the church. Thursday 5: (tonight), with Mr. Frank. "I“. Tomorrow owning there will be 3 Workers (‘unfl‘mn " lu-M at the church. Churches mm Glencoe to Wnukognn will bédnzprespntvd. A hu inc?“ mulling lectu'ro are to h;- nn tlu pmgrm‘n; ' 0n \lnnduy vvonï¬m March ~'i\"h. thoro will he a Sunï¬ny Schnu] hnnrd mowing at the church. On Monday Mmrrfpon a very interâ€" esting talk on #‘Séfoty First" was given to the pupns @3' Mrs. Riddle. RAVINIA SCHOOL Slum: M'- w much- General Checking, M an! Commercial Business undwotthnbout$25,000 Mm‘ndpmpaï¬awï¬h 0* 5‘ dieutandunmkcymgmmh m1; North Shore Gas Campany ï¬vflbhnden-Aï¬e†WflSette, End of “Lf’ g capital: and Surplus, $120,000 N. w. Corner Cam} Ave. ma Sheridan Rd. Hummum 4 ‘per â€cent P.3d on Time Cettiï¬catu 3 perpent Paid on Savings Deposits (AMI-id