Fertiï¬cates ‘3: Deposits hlwxjss a. chance ‘bacterxa no matâ€" ‘it reaches us. 7. Pasteurize itâ€" jottle and cap it. ‘human hands. 5. 5t. johns Ave. ntl 1k heated to ap- eit and held at er Dempaten rel Romhdl Cemetery Co ;nutritzve value estr‘xy harmful mrdner ‘r ( Imago Title Trust Co :hen cwled sud- .nke Fore: 738 nue in» [h ‘mmercial Business g: carpen- iring, Etc., 31.2.3 51. 50 D t ervice. L-\ 'I) ent $120,000 Sheridan Rd. ‘et 'ompany 112-1 )1 ompany ‘! hneider )‘9 an In It ï¬f'jv n )\\ Sirurday 1m". EI-fi with- Thl‘ {rum-y‘- ar- u 4‘36 and â€'3'- ig‘ Rutledge. \:my :11va Num- "tt In the Post In good crowds nyw boys reg- xrday and Sun- rey Lama 1m- rm. 1’. :In-y be‘ v»).- m the ey mntvntedl." 1m: x time as lf't! 01" will ar, This is dinners. afï¬x-noon Acfl Th. puhr {1‘ .4 their um I-‘urt xt the r‘\’{€l1d :15' thv.‘ (wok- [he loan wr ".\II Ann-rivun hnusowiws are nskv The centre wishes to announce that m! to can." But what If they can’tilt Is now a branch of the recreation \m! if thvy can can, what if theirgdopartment of the Woman‘s Commit- ‘ wk mn‘t vzzt what Hwy can. 'teo of National Defense. <:I_\' tho Highland Park girls took 21 prumiiwnt part in the production. Tllt' cottnzv for tho next twn weeks will ho rmcuplml by Mi<s Gtwlitz and li--i' umup‘ tlu- Astor cluh. composed (If tlw .\li<.~o,‘- Dara, Esthvr and Ella lx'rumzvr Miltlrwl (it'wlitz. Mildred Hmlnr. Kntlilvon Kruvzvr nml Mary Pay. The utlmr mvmlwrs of tho club will jnln them next wnvk. cum) and especiuliy the Highland Park cottage which has been built by the Y. W. ('t A. of this place fur the urw of tho girls for a summer muting It i< a most delightful plum- :uml nmmh nutdoor sports of all kimh under the guidance and direc- [ion of trained workers employed for that put-pow. A pageant was given durinz Hm tlmo tho Bluebird club was in camp and it is needless to The Bluvblrd club and their lead- rr Miss Margot ('ushing returned frnm Drucos's Luke Monday after- :mun “In-re they hm'v been cmnp- mg fur Hu- pmt ten days. They are wry e-nthusiastic nver the association flair Thi< :Ifh-rmmn there is :1 tvu dmwn yr thv ynung people from t to T luruv mnmpAm' of omens from th» vrz :lrv In he’ present. HES. MISL Automobile Tires, Metals Rubbm A SPECIALTY PublicServiceCo. Electric Coffee Percolators It’s delicate enough to draft an expert for it however. The best wayâ€" the most certain way-40 prepare acoffee fluid that retaimtheflavor of the berry and that contains none of its deleterious qualities is by PercolatiLn. Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods Telepnone 140 60 North First St. Highland Park is properlyperformed the boiling operation It’s perfectly tru‘ that boiled coffeei W all Retail Dealer fu Special High Price for Iron Metal Rags Rubber J. Smith N. Paper Magazines 'im' Pay- the Higheat Cuh Price. Y. W. C. A. NEWS EXMOOB CLUB Bottles of Northern lllinoia 71-5": Elm MYâ€" Ens coffeeâ€"when Material“ for gurmvnts and )nrn will be dolivvrod tr) pmnph- who will make article-s m homo and when ï¬n- ished will he (-nllml fur. I ium-d randy Shop: (‘prlvh‘ h-d ï¬rth-IN Traim-d nursos needed ~ Young women who dosirv tn rondor patriotic svrfoO ofthe grontmt vnluo. are urxzvd to enroll as regular students in *bhonls of nursing. There Is: a great! and lncrnnsinz need for the pro» fwsipnni trained nume. (‘umpmoo nn Instruction for VVumon l‘flï¬Ã©'i‘mvor Building. Last week a large shipment of cinghnm and blaok phmfnrw. draw shoots. and hospital shirts was snnt to the Red (‘mss headqunm-rs in Chlclgn. The plnnfores go to Frnnoh ohildrnn. There is need for many more, Please come and lwlp inr-rvnse tho number 0! shipment; hr making more garmentx N6?“ after the socks In order of necessity in the matter of knitted ar- ticle's for soldiers comes the sleeve- less isweators. In the matter of the machine- nmdé socks against hand-made ones. America is reaping the beneï¬t ofthe experience of French. English and Fanadinn soldiers. who have tested both kinds thoroughly during their three years of warfare. and now will not listen to any arguments In favor of the former variety. An important task for women is that of knitting socks for the enlist- ed men. Authorities assert that no soldier can get along without the hnndmiade socks in anything like comfort. Other equally well ini'orm- ed persons say that the demand for hand-knit socks by the boys of the army can never be supplied. The machine-made varieties have only the quality of cheapness to recom- mend them. since they are non-elas- tic and nonâ€"absorbent. twa necessary qualities which the covering of a soldier‘s foot must have. Also there is not nearly as much wool in the machine-knit sock as there is in the other kind. Another important feat- ure oi' the hand-made socks. not to be overlooked. is that they will wear much longer than the machine-made ones. in addition. they furnish the springy padding between the shoe and the toot which is most desirable to men who must be on their feet con- stantly, as the soldiers necessarily are. Direl Thu latest knitting in<tructlons in pumphlt-t form may he had at the (‘t-ntml Rod (‘ms‘s Shop at Elm l'luco Selma]. These instructiuns include the sprcinl m-lntnrs helmets and mils fur ambulance drivers and aviators. Export knittors. plouso apply at the (‘vntrzil le (‘ross Shup for yarnfor Mn'kk‘. The following clipping from Rvd Cross Bulletin No. 6. explains the great need. All Rucklnrd 1x planning to wel- mme your boys and to do all that is n} thvir power. fur their pleasure and comfort. Committees have nl~ rvud) been appointed fur <uvh ser- vice Rpckford has never had It “red light" distrlr‘z. and we do not intend In have one now. All Rucklnrd 1x planning to wel- Ruckfurd has [won a "dry‘" town hu'_ :1 number of years and Is sur- rmmdvd by "dry" lerrltnry. Thus one gront' m‘ll has hm-n eliminated. Bockl'urd has boon saloon-d as [he <ite fur tln- lllinuis (‘nntnnmenh We lwlim‘v that this locatinn has been chasm) hm'nuso thu military ofï¬cials lhupght it u gmd mm. The following lvttcr has been sent out {rum Mi» Jm<ic Spuflurnl. chair- man of voâ€"nrdinullnn. lloh-nso- will prt-svm a series of lI-r- tures to be given every morning of the wee-k. beginning July 30, the hour nnd place to be announced Inl- e-r. - The work of the various branches will hr presented by persons familiar with the subject. it is understood that Friday mornings will be devnh-d in “Red (‘rnss" 21nd “Alllt'd Roll?!" work Woman'u Committee The Lecture Extension Cumunm-e Tn-uutgr Reports a Balance on u! the anvns Council of National Hand! 0' $572.35. Booby PP?- Official Newt Notu on a“ War Work WOMAN’S COMMITTEE Council of National Defense \vlatlon Corps 'tinns {or special helmets nH-nâ€" in last week's Press urv nuw at the (“antral Red (‘russ Notice Tho Rzibbuth Selma) hold! its u<un| Sund‘y morning exercises at 1930 and it should be noted ihni :uiuit.~~ un- inviiod to come and 10in nith tho younxrr people in their “nrsiflp. ‘ Word but been worked 0! the «lo-nth n! “in ï¬rms! Huh- 0! La Porte. Ind. formerly of this clty. which omu d on Tuesday Rev. Pro rick L Gratlot lg spend- Ing a two eek‘s vac-(Ion It Ma home In Klfkwnnd. Mn. Howl on 1??!“1._\'. July um. i Mr. PredfGnanx and Mr. Ernent; (:arllng aro‘ï¬ln Ln Pnrte. 1nd,. today; win-r0 tho-y" will attend the (um-ml; I! Mr. Ernflt Mnahn. who died an: Tuesdly. '., ‘ The Lad“. 0! Highlawd Park nn’ “wind to *tend a display of mtrac- Hw- chlldroï¬'s «in-ms at the Moraine u! the month 0! July ‘ Anwme who! has had the privilege to hear Dr.} \ic(‘ lure Ihnm it should be remem-E hered is th. President of the McCurâ€"i mick Theogoozica] Seminary. known: what u manage he gives out of the’ abundance .6! Ms long experience 0! wrving (‘hiistitn people and we Thv nglalnml Park Presbnerlw vhurch is 'onjnylng again the very hvlpful sermons of Dr. McClure of Luke l-‘urelt. who has but recently rvlurnml flom n few weeks visit In tho Ellï¬l. Dr. McClure prvachvd last Sumln) nnd wlll continue to occupy vhv pulpit (hr the remnlnlng Sundays g anmmm cannon g The puhlicity committee announces that the pouncil of defense is ready to assist a†organizations in Hilhland Park in furthering the cause 0! na- tional and local defense. Books. per- iodicals aim other reading matter are needed :it the naval station. All persons iitoroated are. requested to deliver miterial at Bahr'a store and the committee will ship the reading matter to-the naval station. The committea‘will alao get in touch with the National Conmmittee o! Patriotic and Defet'ue Societlen. the (‘ouncila‘ oi Xntionil and State Defense for the purpose of getting information and data or the use of the local council.i The no“ regular meeting of the1 council wul he held Tuesday. tht“ 24th inst. ï¬t 8 o'clock p. m. in the council chamber 0! the City Halil William R Ruflner. chairman of the consqbation and relief commit- toe was lhstructed to co- operate with similar committees of the National and Siam“ Councils of Defense with referenceWo the distribution of in- formation pertnlning to the content tlnn of mod. Earl W. Spencer. chairman of the l’ntrnl coinmittee. was instructed to ascertain- the legal status of the Home Meme Guard: and to rec- ommend ‘1 the next meeting whether the men [hould be afï¬liated with the new state guard:«. or whether they should be-nwm'n in as special police or assistgnt deputy sheriffs. John M. Turtle. chairman of the Americanlzaunn committee reported on the ejtertunment and recreuion actlvltlea'n‘ow being conducted In the (‘Ity of Highland Park. u hulunc. un hand 0! 572.36‘ The chairman of H10 ï¬nance committee was roquesu-d tn submflt n dflnlled ropnrt at the next montlng of the council. Miss larnrette Brown. repruant- In)»: the “'umt-n'n (‘mnmittm- u! the (‘uum'ii o! Nuthmul [h-h-nm- and the Women's Committee of the Sate (‘ounvll 6f Dv-tmuw. midn-mwd the ('nunvil - tn the methmi o! tnkin. a went-us 02 women in Highland i’lrk. She will cooperate with James H. Huffy, chairman of the Labor Bur- mu and Census Committee. and with E. A. W‘rren. City Clerk. and Bur- ridgo D. nuth-r. in uurkilmuut npinn lnr [llt' atrium which is tu be taken :it ()fH‘t'. â€The prc-aidvnt of tho mun-i cil was .‘dirocted tn write tn the, (:nvvrnoréof the State and nncortainh whether cc-lmus taking will he com-f puisory lhrnuxhuut tho Stntv and if: m tin- mthod of taking the awe. Tiw tlt'onsuror r0p0rte<i that the total recflpts to datc were 8695.505 nnd lhl‘ “tx-ndlltires 8123.â€. leaving! m Himmno max Pm mom max. mars An Important meeting of the coun- 011 was held Tuesday evening In tho' count-H chamber at K ()‘clm‘k. The prunldell‘ urged the m-ceunlty of I full attendance of the mamtwrn of the count-ll ind the chalrmrn u! the \arluus committees. It was thv wnw of thn met-ting that whenever a cnmmutu- chairman Is unable to In- prosont that hv appoint some- bud) to got for him. CENSUQ or WOMEN PLANNED; \anmNn Loon. mum. and mm Rénd- lnz Mutter Needed MPORTANT MEETING i Ir. Hem K. Cone. who bu con- ?ducted u pal tug-to. billion. In thh ,‘clty for the put your: m u. u. ‘H. Kolm Tone. Jr.. wily d the éKcIuo Pru. hue opened up I rod mane. Ida: and Immune. Mun In: the my Purl Thou†bums; [The pm on In alto conducting n nnernLnuto sud are 1mm Ebulineu. ‘The once is open mn Myrnnï¬'IOLmtoONOp... The mines toe- under tho n.- v ’ l'v“) R (0510 and Son. l Edwar’ Pt-terson an w! to Anna H. lWontmn ’0! 65 Groen Bay Add (‘IU of Luke pores: w. n ssooofloo Thwxi$§~ Schourmann nnd w! to ‘Aifrvd Bhnsnn and w! in! MG (ex W MO I!) R’vlnln. W D. 8750.00. ! Marx-l F Hurlun In Annie N. Camp Hwn pan m ~ Mk 52 Highland Parki :w I) 8000 l ‘ â€15:111an Park Hlulc Bank to bouh' furmndm.wu E rm n u! w 400 n a!5 1191, MR *5 Moan: Pin! Hlxhwood. W.! D. $10.06. i l REAL NATE AND '. INSURANCE OFFICE (‘ A, Qum-Mll and w! to Sadie Ag lemcmu ,luc 2:. lu-Sub of part blk, Mr. (‘h.r|.g u. mu. the Chlcugo ldn A.}’Mulnxxdcr Eu Selma I. Biomâ€" zn-n. In 36 and 37 blk 1 Lloyd: Sunb Pp wood. Deed $1.00. A. 1‘. rommn and w! to A. 0. Fly lndm- N 676 A. P. a; A. M. NW pt nf Int 9 â€1k 21‘ Highland Park. Q. C. D 31.00}: l-ZrnvsliSI Ga†and w! to Fredk Llndholm’ and w! lot HG In Sub 0 1m 145 South Highland Add. High land Pmï¬. W. D. $10.00. C W barman and w! to R. E. Bel~‘ lump an. wf pan km 237 and 13†. Lulu» Pun-u. w. I) 81000: David mr and w! to Abrnhun Phone 909 Rnsenbe 29 lots In blks 4. 6 and 9 Deornpd Park w. n sxofloo ; l-Zrnvslgs. Ga†and w! to Fredk. Llndholm’ and w! 10: m m Sub 0L '1 D John Grifï¬th and w! to Rosnnna Y. Smith. lot 25 Washington Circle. Lake Forest. W. D. $10.00. W‘ W..Balrd to Gm. Glader w 10 I! E 163.†(9 blkfl Nears Plat Huh- wood. w; D. $10.00 C. G. huembour; to C. A. Plund- er.- IM 3 blk 30 Lake Blufl. Q. C. D. 31,00. .’ Highlflld Pnrk. “C am." nsn'rz “warns Highland Park State Bank The OldReliable Bank‘ FRANKJ.BAKER.Pm. 1.1mm»; c..rmn,w You an make it hard for him and pmteÃ©ï¬ yourself absolutely by moving your trunks, silve'l.L ware, etc, into our ï¬re and burglar proof vaults and renting one of our safety deposit boxes.‘ He locates the unoccupied home, robs it by night and next morning by motor at he is many When people go away for the summer or ï¬x- a visit or vacation only, that is the favorable time fix- the house burglar to ply his trade. away. :‘-.§aâ€Â§Â£$l J. P. S T E F F E N Beware of Burglars A word to the V is Sufï¬cient DO IT NOW - PHYSN‘AL TRAINER You. no- ll Highland Put .1» “cl they cnnnot pun the army or nuvy physical eumlnuuon- on no can! a! ham too that! of “are; cur or and" weight. otc.. VI“ do V0" to mnuult Mm u M: (‘hlcua‘ lrnhlrr cunnort‘ TM: nervloe I- Hr. Poul In favorably known In Highllnd Park :nd recently nude n Inn. oontflbuuon lo the chhlnnd M Hound Bundlu Fund. a be It mun-tot! In nemhln. pennin- Iu to 1mm. Mr. l‘nntl'a Im‘k Inn» mm the np~ prawn! 0! I“ the various marine. navy and army heudn. To am he hu mum sixty men no mu they tun Physical Truner. hu oflcred hln serum: to the government for the purpose of (ruining men who have been rekded for minor physio-l dis- lbllltlet (‘lnrln I. Poul (Hun 11-0 to ? lick-0M Candid-um up to Standard PHONE 67 boon W when n-enm- Gran] Comm Good Qudity Building Matetiaf] OFFERS SERVICES THE KESSLER SAFETY DEVICES? SAVE LIVES AND PROPERTY COAL con. wooo, HAY. smw ad nan; gm A Brick gurg- nu Comm Tue 01m Pinter Fm cw Ron , Rod ud Whit. chnlnn tor Prim-n Bombardt Bros. mMStJoh-IAM The Miracle of the Ono moot be: h Ira-co without b can!!! . j: I . riot VIII" New :1, m 3.1â€;- fl The band 0! H. W'. Co. covering a coat .lor (he dog Lric wiring In the . “CI to :1. city hall, in the “out; of $317 with D. c. Purdy ‘ am y run-(y. an; the bond 0! Fred Schufer, con-tin. the contram (or the plummï¬g. “I mm... "worm wary} em. In ghp' amount of 3716.00 WM Alex-“w ber Elm r'ï¬ At UH regular math: 0! the cIQ council Friday t-u-nm‘ billr and pi roll: con-rinll a period from July I to July 13 were wprovpd and unit-b: ed paid. J r’ o ‘ It“: a! Huber weenie. tor m In: Ind Prod Schâ€? {or I'll-b- Ing In (‘11: Halvï¬mpud free'of churn 1nd-“ mtrlybitmohd? a pntrtouc act. ' i I 1mm LAB MEETING 0!" ‘ THE CITY ml'xvlL HIGHLAND PAEK ILL. HIGHLAND 1’qu