PAGE EIGHT Shirts and therd â€"â€" Men‘s Porosknlt shins and drawzers knee or ankle length: 39c all sizes; garment Men’s Athletic Union Suim at 75c Cool. roomy union suits of barred nainsook. in the athletic style. Elastic ribbed waist: all sizes at 75c. A Sale of Knit Underwear Your Bathing Suit is Here Distinctive styles in blouses o! the ï¬nest white voile; many plans- ing models In embroidered and tucked effects; pearl button trim- med; sale price ................. Great Mid-Slimmer High-Grade Voile Blouses Children’s Gowns â€"â€"â€"SHpover style of soft namsook, em- broidery and lace trimmed 48c (‘hlldrcn'x' Sox â€" A white, tan and new color combinations. pr Women's flue muslin pettlcom. with double panel in front and back; neatly trlm- $1 35 med at bottom with embroidery; special 0 Silk Boot Hoseâ€"Women's purr- thread ink boot hose. In black only: ï¬ne Hsle tops; sizes S1? to 10; 59c pair ................ This sale will not only impress you with our progress and development as a Ready~towear store, but with the fact that here you will ï¬nd beautiful new styles to your liking and values that are unequaled in the money-savings which they offer. - ’ HIS Mid-Summer Sale has been planned for the purpose of in- troducing ourselves to the pub- lic, more thoroughly than here- tofore, as a store for Ready-to- wear, for we are daily enlarging our Ready- towear stocks, and carrying more com- plete lines of apparel and Furnishings for Women, Children and Men. Mid-Summer Sale of Stylish Blouses §}g A w$1_2_5 \ . A At; Blosuse A 7 Days Event Beginning Sammy-Remarkable Savings Wonderful Hosiery Values/ Muslin Petticoats $1.35 25c Plain, Women’s Vestsâ€"Fine ribbed vests - the famous Kayser make; hand crochz-t lace yoke; narrow shoulder 28 straps; at ................. C (â€nion Suitsâ€"Women's light Weight union suits of ï¬ne cotton; sleeveless or wing sleeve; tight knee. umbrel- 45 in or ankle length: sale prico c Children‘s Ventâ€"Minneapolis knitted vests of ï¬ne ribbed cotton: 10w no-ck. ~"hurt sleeves; for boys and girls; priced ........................ 25C Children‘s Union Suitsâ€"Boys' and girls‘ the ribbed union suits for sum- mer wear: hAVe combination 48 waist with taped buttons; priced C Che-Ilse â€" Child- ren’s ï¬ne naineook chemise. with em- broidery trim- minz: snec. 59c ming: spec Slim: and Drawersâ€"A spec- ial lot of Men's bnlbrlggnn shirts and drawers; reg- ular 35c values; gar.29c Lisle Hoseâ€"Women‘s ï¬ne white “510 hose. reinforced for service; perfectly shaped and ï¬nished; special pair 25c Inmm's Hose Fine white llsle; worth almost 5 double this prico. 1 c Women’s Bathing Suits Made in the belted style of blue mohair or cotton panama; prettlly trimmedln 2:23:13“: $2.50 At $3.50~ Women's attrac- tive mohair bathing suits, belted and {etchingly trim- med with contrast-$ 0 lng color. Special 3.5 Women's Cotton Tights. Him. Women‘s W001 Tights.$2.00. N :Vléh’s Bathlng Silts~()ne- piece suits of grey wool. 2121; â€Liidifl‘ $2.45 Blouses of Individual style developed of Georgette c and crepe do chine, In W e and tints; colored embro - cry, hemstltched or trill. Exquisite Silk Blouses You will he surprised at xhv mm- derlul blouse values this sale offers at $1.25. New "cations. fresh from the hands of the†makers. Designed of soft, clingy white voile. and sheer organdle. Exquisite embroidered ef- fects. tucked modgla and plain tall- ored styles. Unequhled values at $1.25 sTOR‘ All our ball Gloves, M t t s . Bats. Balls†etc. at reduced grices. These arg the reduced prices at which “I! are now selling a great many; of our ï¬ne straw hats. They are the latest sailor and fedora apes, and are shown in all sizes , Every man can af- ford one étgthese prices. Men‘s Knot Kloth trousers mlaptmi for . sport and hot mmln r “on dressy and prac- tical: price-«1.1.95. Men’s Straw Hats 95c, $1.65, $2.15 Tmusei‘s at $1.95 lluuw Ute-«H- Aur m-w house rams-m, m-nlly n! â€no gins. mus and pv'rt'n >Iripvs and “gurus. whit. lin collar Ind trlmâ€" $1 mink: ‘DPC‘H‘ Madv amply full in percales in mud light sloovvs; special valuvs HouSe Dresses at $1.15 We secured thvsv Summer Dresses from an «werst-ked manufacturer of the East, and at a wry 'nntahle saving. We arc {hon-{ore onahlml to nll'er them at this sale for prices one- third lessrthan regular. They are wmlerfully protty styles, all possessing certain distinc- iw features in designing. Developed of elegant quality voilos, In stripes, novely patterns and plain'whlte. in combination with color. Bolted. gathered, plaited and smart coat effects. In three lttractiw usisnrtmonts at $3.25. 3.75. and $1.25. 125 Lovely New Voile Dresses Remrkiblc Ofl'er (Ilewr gingham dresses, nntvworthy for their distinctive style and remarkable value :\ttrzwtho plaids .ln blue, pink and lmmulvr; ulnto nrgandic collar and cuffs; belted. ‘lml plzdlml; special $5.50. louse Dresses at $1.15 I Breakfast Sets at 95c f Beautiful Gingham at $3.25--$3.75 and $4. 5;:- $68! Aumctlx r cull)‘ mud" prrtnloa. In Men’s fancy {ou- lard or washable ties on special sale at 2! . $1.85 size of good quality colorod [)nttvr'm_ 3’»! at SLIS. pup DuckTrousem$159 Men's While duvk lrounon for summer wear; nicely made nnd runw m all Ant-L vxcol» Ivnl \nlm-w $1.53. Bon‘ Romper: »» Plum or chevked chamhray; " Id o, knoemhort or lung ï¬lmweg 45C Boys' Will! ï¬ll" . Um- piece nulls u! clu'vr Mylo; xahnr- (Hm-u and n-pn; trimmed In- color; 79c " $1.59 Girls’ and Boys’ Nobby Summer Appargl fï¬r gElla-48¢ l 3395c hrnlll ml nl trimmed, un- Cover-ll Apron: Cmnlnn» mm, mum) nprnm u! dark and light vulured purrnlv, 1n nvnt pultrrns. hellc-d. pocket: and Highflass shirts such as men 0! good taste al- tmys select. The patterns are new and remarkably attractive. and come in a wide variety of colorings. Made of reps, madras and crvpvs; French or double cuffs; all sizes 8135. Beautiful New Assortment on Special Sale ll F~con PénA'rzo Arrow Collar! in a vlriety of style. and sizes; wk. agv of 6 for 55¢. Apparel . Sadie (‘urmm of mm and skirt to match; made '1' n splc-ndnl quality percalo in stripes ‘xml figures light or dark; $1.25 values 951‘ Cmnrnn» Con-Ml AMIâ€"Alto drum 1 dark and; n-‘lrlpvd and dotted per- n, In nvnt mm. In m-al patterns; 1 va- wkcu and up!) u! suing. nu spr-clnl Lalo .. 0:1. a! the low price (1 1K Made of a good (rude of plnln color- chmnhrny; size: 3 to H yearn; spec- ial!) priced “it. Middie Skirts at $1.25 Made of plain material and plaid gingham, with heavy muslin wuu (up. In be worn with middiea; [1.85. Nubby style: of whfle xulutou. with detach-hie plnltod skirt of checked malerlnl In Various colors. â€.50. (Hrh' wash drt-Iu-H of ginghams. “none-s and crashes. trimmed and mlddio ntyler. 2 m 14 years; values to $1.00; snln- prion 4V. Middie Dressas $2.50 85c Girls’ Bloomers 48c Rnyal Tailors are making a special feature of ï¬ne wool suits this month at $25.00. They are suits that hereafter will cost you 830 to 835 because of the rising cost of materials. You are offered a wide selection of handsome f - rice to select fmm, every suit is made in a high- ly attractive fashion. 825.... Let Us Take Your Measutk Royal Tailor Suit at $25 Attractnc nvw models of white unhardinv and 1mm in natural color; regular $3.50 values for 81.95. An exceptional offer of nobby new dross skirts; designed of ï¬ne linene in white and cream. with Khaki Koo] dos1mm;.alm skirts of plum whim gnlmrdino; sale pru‘e $3.75. Handsome silk pettiooux. in all the popular shades; stitched and tuck- ed flounces. special $2.96. Stunning Dress Skirts at $5.50 Wash Skirts at $1.95 Silk Petticoats $2.95 for a new At 5.0 M11 mule Ol‘lofl nun- look; tuclod and trlmnod with hoe; Inocul . Int-M's (‘omâ€" Winning new Mylesd cm serge and non!†In"; homllwhed S rllk braided and ï¬nished with silk cord Sale of Infanm' Dresses $1.15 Children’s Aprons 29c Made of striped plisse crepe. ‘in white only; no imning or start]:- inx; priced M 25!. 1‘ Glrlu' Ind Misses“ mlddie “indict plafln galuet And ‘hlte pique; new ntylec. all sizes. ".50. f. Coverall aprons of printed pore“, plain chnmhrny and striped ere“; short sleeven; priced 29c. Middie Skirts at $1.50 Beautiful. new platted and bobd sum- for the girls 6 to 14 yo} ; made of phid gingham tn ch e colorlngs. neatly lrlmmvd 9k. irepe Bloomers at 25c