Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 26 Jul 1917, p. 1

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01 Swivty. The group of women work- irm with Mrs. Martin J. Insull thru ti!» spring. have been taken with tin- (iro-nt Lake's Auxiliary M the Navy iolioi'. as the Highland Park Chapter. in nrdnr to expand their Wurk. in addition to making com- fort bags and knitted articles for thv rm‘ruit". and garments for the huspihll. ilH' chapter will furnish ro- lipf tn familins of the sailors when m-m-ssary in a district (mm the south of Port Sheridan to the north of Gimmoe. reaching ten miles west. The PSPCUUVP onmmittm‘ are: Mrs. \l-min J. Insuil. chairman; Mrs. Ruin-rt P. Carr. Mrs. John H. Har- rnw». Mrs. Thomas Clements. Mrs. Ini": Randall and Mrs. Gvnrm‘ Al- lnn \insnn, Mr. .md Mrs. Rulwr! Franklin (‘urr hm‘w iSsm-J invitminm fur :1 Go]! Garden party for Saturday af- tornuun. Auxufl fourth frnm three tn 4x o'clock for Hlk,‘ benefit of Th0 Highland ‘Park Chapter 0! the Great Lnkq-s Auxiliary of the Navy Relief Mr. and )lrx. Rom-rt P. l‘nrr l~'~up BENEFIT GULF The Navy Range will be at your enrvice from ‘1 a. in. until 5 p. m. withuut intermission. Ammunition will be furnished at the range under the auspices of the N. R. A. with- uu! charge. The Navy equipmi-nt 0! the range; including the new Spring- fiolii rifle. and the services of the Navy instructurs and markers. will be (1K yuur service. it is not neces- «nry to bring any cquipmont «every- thing nocossnry for shooting will be suppliml zit thv-rango. if you prefer. you may bring your own Krng. Krag ammunition will he on hand for thoso who bring ihnir own Krag riflrw. Nurlll Chicago. on lhw‘ V. N" \V. and (‘yvlnno Station. on the Chicago. North Show R: Milwaukee Elvctrk‘ :xrr- ll".ll'[h~‘ r'mgv. Navy mun will be :H tho-v- «minus to direct Visitors. Timu- coming by auto should drive m PM“ Park in North Chicagn. The (Continued on Page 5) muzzv fur thv rally. Thp rullmvmi: suhw-mnmitm «Ix‘n .mpulnlml Publirity ('(mxmittnm: ,‘lh‘ inlh Sx'lrumzn-lwr. I'lmil'nlnlu Szunn, Miss Edna Dwktvr. Mi IA-m' Jrrm-s. Miss [Mrmhy l..| \liw‘ \lurthu (iipp, .\li.~'.~ Dear Sir: Through the courtesy of Captain William A. Mnffvtt. i'. S. Navy. Com- mandant of the Naval Training Sta- tion at Great Lakes. Illinois. I have lllr' pivusurv n! extivliilingg) the Prnsi. (lent. Officers and members of all rifin clubs of the National Rifle As- sucmtion a cordial ii'ivitation to at- tend on Saturday. July 28th. the nponing to our clubs of the Navy Riflv Range which has just been cnm« plotml at this Station. [hum Huh" within the reach 0! this. range. opportunities not enjoyed by rifle clubs and citizens elsewhere. nnd wives the most difficult feature whieh confronts civilians who wish m lio- in<tructed in rifle practice. The Vice-President of the National Rifle Association. Major William C. Harlem nf the Marine Corps. is tem- pururih «in «lull :it the Orr-2n Lnkm‘ Training Station. and will he prewnt on Saturday to assist those whlu desire to organize new rifle' clubs. All eitizene are cordially in- vited tn attend. and as many as poa- <ihln will he afforded an opportun- lt)’ tn shoot. The fullnwing letter has been sent tn the rifle clubs whose, addresses .\l:ijur llnrlee was able to obtain. He “Rim-4 those rifle clubs Whose nd- drs-«rw he has not obtained to con- <irlvr thi< letter addressed also to Captain Mnflet's action in furnish- ing the range with all its facilities and the services of the range instrucâ€" rnr< and operators, will give the rifle AH citizens interested in rifle prnctice and the organizatinn 0f rifle clubs, are invited by Captain Wil- imm At Muffett. L‘. S. Navy. Com- mundant n! the U. S. Naval Training Station. ‘xreat Lakes. ill. to attend and pnrticipatp in rifle practice at the opening of the Naval Station Range. Great Lakes. I‘ll” on Saturday. July 28th. lmilutlum fur Vin; lh-cnllts' \ld OF INTEREST TO ALL BIG PATRIOTIC RALLY ' ': HOIE GUARDS TO HAVE HEALTH DEF; RIFLE CLUB MEMBERS SET FOR THURS. AUQ 2 CARRY YOUR OWN PARCELS -= NEW DRIu MASTER ASKS I Uponin: Day Sm fur Jul)" 'lfith. \ \ln‘ior William (7‘. Hnrloo of .‘Inrinv ('olps in (‘Imrmu \H Equipment Free Number 22 [SI-I (iRl‘Il'l‘ LAKES RLVHI‘I .\'I‘ THE HI.“ I’LU‘H M'HUUL Sutunlu). \mnM lth 1i \ RDEX PARTY T be Htgljlatm Park P1155 The following motion pictures are ,to be given at the Pearl Theatre next week. Sunday. Norma Tnlmadge in "Poppy" and Fatty Arhuckle in “The Rough House"; Monday. six acts of vaudeville. with pictures, one per- formance beginning at eight o'clock: Tuesday, Alice Brady in “The Di- vorce Game.” and Musty Suffer: Wed- nesday. Jack Gsrdner in “The Range Boss" and Mary McAlisier in "D0 Children Count;" Thursday. “The Sixteenth Wife," with Peggy Hylnnd and Marc MacDermott: Friday. “A Romisido impresario." and a Mr. and Mrs. Dri-w Comedy: Saturday. "The hirior." n va Bench Story, and n Trawl Picture. NURH \ T\l..\l,\l)GE IN "PUPPY" 0X SI'NIHY l-‘nny \rhurHe. Sunday. “The Rnnm‘ “on" and “Do (‘hndmn ('ount" “Minn-why IIVPnllm Publirity ('(mxmittm-: ,‘fh‘ Elim- inlh Sx'h'umzn-lwr. x'huirmzm \li<~ Finn“, Miss Edna I)“l'k1“l'. .\!i<~ M-r- IA-m' Jrrm-s. Miss [Mrmhy I..luwnvo, \liw‘ \lurthu (iipp, Mi» Lillian Tucker. Miss Hilda Larson. Miu Sophia Belski. Miss Ethvl Hill. Miss Ruth Tru\'l<. ”Social Commith-c: Mi.“ Alma Kol- ly. chairman, .\fi.~'< Novronlwrz: Miss l-‘imlh-L Mi<s Alim‘ Danunfl. l’rnszrnm (‘ummittves Miss Agnes! \lvlo-rhan. vhzlirmnn: Miss Nita .\n- hs-nnl lu-r spunk. I! \\;u dm-iclml tn huu- n lurgn- l‘utrintic Rally n! (hr Elm Plum? Sx-hm») on Thurulny. August 2nd. at R p. m. in nrdvr m prvsvm tlw ~uhjvm [u thv ynung www-n :Iml :irls nf Hmhlnnll Park and L'iH' thvm a (‘hilllt'l' [u juln in 'hi‘ umwrnl patriotic mow-mum. _\li<< Marum (‘uéhinz wzw nppnint. ml chairman of (he l‘ummitrm; tn z|r< Thw sungslinn mmh- by Miss Hrm-nmmh that HH- girl~ 0! High- land Park 1w gin-n an appurtunity to join <uch :| Immuo was mot with 3. By adopting u simpler mod» 0! living: in n-garxl tn dress, food and rm-rn-utlon. that I may hu 1; mort- vfilcient :uul wnrth-“hllt- (-ltizon. l tzlkv thi> pledgv “lll all slnvorit)‘ H-lyinu upon the lN-lp of (End for its fulfilllm'nt. Nnnw AddrI-ss Ihv 11mm» isSLlIN “hich my 0mm”) 1‘ nmv raving, dwtvrminv tn du my .~h:ur<- in it< vrisi» l. H} ken-mm: the- etandnrd of “unmnh'md in my cummnnity high um] rlvun thrnuuh purity in my pvrsmml lih- and in my public nc- Manx". 2. By plmlzing mywlf to such rolminnship with m‘ mt-n friends as wil give thvir manhood and my \rumnnhhml the hvst pu<<ihlt~ chance. klmuu 1h [hr Imuguo-s n! thv Triph- I": Purity, Porsmmlit)‘: Patriotism. Thaw whn join thuso- lvuguos >ign [hr rulluwing pledge: it) Hmt rests with them In pn-er» in: :1 high moral standard in (hv wmmunltivs nmu‘ (hr camps. Hffurls urv thvrofnn- twin: mmh- In mplain' H1" >iKuutiun to all the- yuung m» mo-n and girls so [hut tin-y mm my thvir ~hurv in rhi~ t‘lllt'FKQ'IH‘)’, Girls thrnuuhuut thv muntr)’ nru being? nluunized inm Patrimiv League's klmuu 1h [hr Imuguo-s n! thv Triph- At a supper held at the Y. w. C. A. assembly room on Sunday even- ing. July 22nd. Miss Greenough o! the National Young Women‘s Chris- tian Association spoke of the war enwrguncy work which Is being done throughout the United States in coni- munities in the neighborhood of trainirg camps. The National Y. W. C. A. wus milled to undertake this Work hy‘the War Department Com- ni|~~i<~n on Training Camp Activi- tirx in Washington in vii-operation, with the Y. M. C. A‘ which is work- ing “ithln thv camps Miss Urcen~ nuuh i-xpiuinod that it is of HH‘ ulâ€" most importance that the Wumvn nnd :ziri~' rmiiize the unusual responsibil- it_\ thiit rests with them in prr-er» Run lwnrt)‘ :xppnnul 0! Hum» “hm l lu-r spunk. I! \\;u dm-iclml to n lurm- l‘utrintic Rally n! (hr Plum? Sx-hm») on Thurulny. W. (‘. .\. and Y. .\I. 1'. are to (Hp-operan- tn Lift Standard of Morals Higher 'It i p. m. in uhjet’t In (In :ix'ls uf HIL'hIn Th urulny. in nrdm‘ m realizing my mu“ wm’lw Sent (but to Tum I)rul’!rd 1‘?‘ \VQ‘OI. Mm! .\|'|)1'Il" _“_' w-nm- find mum. r. I)”. A‘ ynu pnsg the Army and Navy (‘q-ntrr on E. Central Aw. stop and )(mk .1! that ’reny poster In the (Cgmtlnud on Page 5) . lww nu! (mm, :u- u .~urpris.-. it lw- cm,“ in!” ”.0 vi!) in [lvr an c-n» ll'L' mnlu-nt for Nllllo' limo that frw- t-wurluulm: “71114- to (ho mnn o! the dvliu-r} nuul‘ nut lw mnlntalmwl mullcrhmd. much Innuvr at the present murmur of lu-lp uml the inert-using t-m‘l. \‘wrp . Cunw-rxatiw Igurv-s Mill slum ”"“,TM “IVE PRIZE“ 1‘" ll .wlunll) («its 2| ml-rrlmm {rum ‘1 NI'CVI'NSFI I» “A ""33 In M «run [n.‘muke a dn-llwr). Thls nrw policy will result In an», plying food (0.!le custunu-r. whu ls‘ymm“ ('nnflldalow M Rn," 3..., willlng to caQy thelr purchzmvx. a! l‘nmpnlrn m 3",.” “Ms [he luwwt paslhk- (‘mL ' “'l-de‘l) II ml!" Work 0! Mlu.}‘runt~r.~ [hull Minn“ Rmmu for Rays In “ball and Blue- ll'L' u-uxh-nt dvlih'l‘} t‘l much Inmuv of hvlp um! cunwnatix. it .wlunll) In M «'rl:!~ \RMY-NAVY (‘ENTRE H \8 PRHI'I‘Y POSTER H1) and unit“ Auulm nr-t Hu- In] hminx gnu-0f: um! huh-hem n! Highland PM" will mukv :l (-hurw- I)! m.- m-nh‘ tor dvlh'ory au-rvim- ml :IH urdo-ri of less than 31 I"): (‘wnruu' P, Book. (‘haflm L. (‘u-minvr. John- qm .md (‘()..-H. P. Joppown. Je-~‘~¢' finvhgk Paul Ohm-r and A‘ .\‘ (Hmu‘r TM: :wtitvn‘by thv local mon-hnnu (‘HLVt-‘E 0F POLIQ‘Y HY GINN'EIS \ND BI'T1‘IIHRS two-n )‘vrlh of :me \CHI prnhuhh h.- rwmpt hm will In- n-qulro-«i In filr :m :Imdmil Mun-[her wilh tin um dun n! two; ”tho-n slam”: [tn-Ir riuim fur (-xfimptinn. It |~ mpmw ml by ”I" HIMIHI‘ I)! Ih-\Y “(H-k llJ‘ Thc exemmon'board. of {Mn dis- trict. Mr. \Vud w. “111m, Dr. (lul- lnwuy and w. James Murru). lmu: established p1 ()fllco ln mo Milln-r Block m [Aeny'vme Nullimm \nll lw 8011! out}? In [hom- tll‘flftml Ill].- wN-k mud the: will he t-xpm'u-d to up- pear before du- lxmrd n1 Lllwrunllu- {or uxuminuuun within the any: .lf‘ tor n-ccivlnncnntke. l-‘nllurc to n-- (‘vlvo lmtim- hmww-r. wlll not I-M'Usr :mymw. Hulk-rum: and Dr, Slu-ldun of liixlnlumlil‘urk “Ill (L‘risl ln Hm plush-all l'xnhllllmlnnr. le Imur'l rxpcct [0 rcoilw (hr umclnl llrl lu- rluy which will] hu pu~tml lmmmhuh» I). Thmn- wlib ll.l\'v sull-ly dl'pI-ntlrnl ”me them . “HP, (‘llllllh‘lL :mul pun-11h. \HllWo-Il nmlhr', urphnnwl (‘llth‘O‘lL >lH[.r or hrnlhwr nmlvr ~I\~ two-n )‘vrlh of :me \clll prnhuhl) h.- EXESII'I‘IOS [mum Tu BE; AT LIBERTYVIlJJ-I \umixmti (‘hnnu- of Flu- (Huh to M Nude Fur IM-Hvel.‘ Svrvln- un (Inlo-rn LI'II 'l‘hnn $1.00 HIGHWD PARK, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. .H‘LY 26. 1917. I 0m» your ago last March. a hnby irnmpnilzn was rnnduclcd ‘lnml Park and carried forward to a :wry sun-mini conciu-ion. At thnt ltime, a board consisting of the phy- lxicinns oi the city. the vilitin‘ nuns {and Mn. Beardsley. examined twen- ‘ty nine bnbles Ind money !or prim In” given by Mrn. Wm. B. Bleach. 10 be used the iolluwing ,0” (or the babies showing the mat impro‘e- ‘mom and (reliant perfection. This‘ spring there was so much contagion Continued on Page 6 in High-’ ”'1‘. .‘lTlIUIl. .Irl I'TQ‘IIU‘TITI \‘Il' man. Mn. lnmierhnck, Mrs. (Wand-ll. Mr» H l. (illddvn will warm malu- it reâ€" port on the inivresting work of the doll tnbie committee of which Ihe is chairman. Highland Plrk hom- wives will do well to take adv-nun n! this nah». to buy necessities, Ind pnminll)‘ the prt-lu-rvn. otr Th0 commute-v mean:- to npocinliu: In 'plum pudding. and minor meat. appear from pveryone In- Ot hi'l’ nnlclpq will limo in limv. keeping formed 0! thin November Baur. l Until now my ‘dvance ha been gmmlc- in“‘hnrb¢~ring" Ilnce the day- uflln-i’nrliun ("tho-rm ilu- Hhc‘nrr HY ’ihm up being thou- of today; but .thv shears are now detained to become a rulic n! the put so (Ir a bnrber nhups an- wncernnl. and their wu- for hair cutting will soon be ("1er termed "bub-mus." thv Iluuurv'o-r- ,4 tlm Amvrh'un Fluu‘ \uru [mu-w! In rc-preu-nl Hu- D A l" in Hm yum-iv In (‘Im‘nurx trulax, under L'nv Hutu-h Empire RP- crumng \H-rk. Thq (‘zmmllun Rm! (‘rmny Hu- "KIHn-~." "Hi (‘nnmhan lehlnudrr- union.- Arm-ricnn l’alrmuc organ!- zntiuns. tom-(hrr nun \"M‘imu flnuh. "ll“ llnllv h) Hlv Hulluhh-r- 1,! (h!- British Empin- :Irv In Hm pnrmI-n The hand! from lhv Naval Tnlninu Sluiwl :uul Pm! Shrrnhn with Hu- Amt-TII'HH ~n|lnrx and mldlrrs :url' al-‘n mun-hm“ “any v! ”I" girlp' Irlondl have 2mm in!” (1-0 vi!) m [hm an ml» mug-in: “71110 to (ho “mu 0! Hu- ('1‘ mm!) « rhmd. Nu pu-‘fiihilily nf cutting. pricking or otherwise hurting a ouutmnor. This machine l~ among the several most mxownnh) nu-rhanicni 16!”??- moms u! the prNu-ni day. Inn-n: Lunn. nun-nor of Luuu‘n Sannnry Barber Shup in the [tn- olnni hundhm. hm: just equipped his shop u-nh the now Moore Eleclrfic Hair (‘uulng Machine. Quick notion. Lmlv time lost In wnilink ‘fur tbv ml! “you're next." lirlllnh Nprrnmuu “Ml Bdrm tin- rourmdl My \M~ [rum \Dfl'lrln \rmy and \u). TM.) "\RIHIH FRI'N‘HIE (”Ill-9 IN l‘HH'HiO PARUDH lmn-m Lung \tH- H H}! (‘l"l'|'l.\'h‘ I” Thv Hnrh llulr (mm- In ELH‘TRH‘ .\l.\(‘Hl.\'l-I Barbe-r h‘hup Fntrhh» (‘hamvr (If ,4 tlm Amvrh'un m! In rc-preu-nl Hu- ynm-lv In (‘Incnurx Hutu-h Empire RP- - Mimi-r lllN‘lrlr “In lp-lu-lhlo- A.mnnx Hu- dlflvrvnl chairmen hnldlnu mm-Hngu any. Mri. [alt-an. chairmen n! thl- huh) table. which (-nmnnumv mo! It )u-r hump, one day (M. “Mk. Mrs. A. 8‘ Mamfnuxhvy, and “In. Turnh-y, crrchalr’man of the prmwru‘r and canned goods uhlo uill hold A mot-Mn: (omorrmr at Ml» Turnloy'n homo. nun-r mamhvn 4.! Hal» cummmm- arr. Mr». Wylm, Mrs. Nk‘holn. Mn. Frederick Ull- man. Mn. lnuderhnck, Mrs. (Wand-ll. Mr» H l. (iliddvn will warm mahâ€" a reâ€" Thv oummmrm- for (hv Trinity Guild Bulur “lm-h Illl lx- held at (hr l'urlnh lluuw ln Nm'emlx-r, “'1' all :‘v-r) lvlh)‘ (hm-u- thus and hold Inm-llnp (mm limo In Mme, and mnlw mm! o-nmvurnxing "pom. 'I'RIVITY IHYAR “'Ianl-TRS \RE BI'HY THESE IHYS .‘lrx. Lalo-an and "or Thr l'uth‘ll)‘ (‘ummmm- ulllwunr- «w HIM :| mu- (on! Hump plum-d on n mngzulhr and drnppml in lhv mall “I” he \h-hu-rvd by ”1" pasta] nulh» (WNW! («I lhl‘ l'nlh‘d Slutvs Mfldlf‘rh m Fianna Nu nddn'ss is NquIred. The P‘nurth 0! Jul} rpm-(h of Mr. \hllmn. Mnlhor lrwn- at lehlnnd l’urk h- lem: distributmi hn-ndrufl Vlu'nnuhuut llw rmxmn Addm‘unn] rummHlm-r Hm! «m hy unmvn lhruuuhmn tln- (-nunlr) Thr prnpmu-d unnu'n'r com- mun..- “uuld be- m (nurh \I'Hh Hm Hui (‘rnn and HH- Wunu n‘> Commit (m uf lhv Nuliunnl :md Shul- (‘nunâ€" ri|~ n1 IN'fn-nw. und VHIII unr H!» summit-ma ‘! uuml-n In Hluhlnnd Pu rk nru mm-an n! the Chum-H Thr ('uulu‘” (‘ullhhh'rmi enlarging H- (mmmlltmm h) adding on wnmrn'r lurk and n committee on the proâ€" h-vunn um! (‘unwnnlhm of food rup- pllm Mt“ Maruawun Hrnwn was pn-u-nl :md Infurnwd (hr Council of the dxfluru-nx unr aclhilw» now our» mxl‘fnt'l. llu-n- I~ n rlmng under- rurrrnl«ulpruxrvm-inllw Hum dirm» 114-!) Mr urn-d llw (Tuum‘ll (u xu-vun' m uncr n vumph-u' MM 4;! drnflml mvn nml lull mu» m In lhrlr lam» llll‘h. «II-andc-nb and r¢~|ulnm~ I'm Hm! tlw (‘onm-il mu) lw prrpurmi tn rI-n- «h'l‘ um Ilwn rpqunln-d Muun Hurtlngr uddrl‘fl-H'l‘ HH‘ (‘uullv HI and imp“! the public nuuld un- do-t‘lnthl that much hm bun-n dmw I»; Hm l’ra~~:dvnt and (‘tmxn-n- m pn» paring lht nnlmn for Inr. In xpllo w! “w rrm-u ('urrrnls nmmH-hl «mlhr mxrfmw. llu-n- I~ n rlr‘unx under- Mon \nhn mny form purl 'u u gru-nl nrmp that x; 1H n'nllm! In ”H (‘ulurp Ml‘!‘ Hi drill unh the xunnb um! mm. M drlll is . xpovlmi Mr Mnlum- ulll drill Hn- lmllnhuna-u-r) Mnndn) mum at ‘ u'rlm'k. Hu cumpanH-r Yurmfin. in 'rnnl u! (M (‘Hy HHHV Bur) man no! m'lnrl) «nu-um! in Hm pmrrmm-m menu»: In urn-d m run In Hu- hultullnn n nludt-nl at “ft-H I'mnl‘ HH- up pnlmmrnt hm- urnuvwd xrrm wmhur Imm tummy lhc nu-mlu rx- n! flu hm Inllun and n mm‘h lnrw'r numlul 0‘ mm. M drill is - xpovlrd Mr Mnlum ulll drill Hn- lmllnhuna-u-r) Mnndnj of Went Point. «on of “W Malone .(ntlunm! at Port Sheridan, has been dwixmuvd by (‘olunrl vahohum lu prnr an drill mun-r m {hr Highland Park “oh-luv Guardn Mr. Malone Ir \ u'rlm‘k [-2an W Spl‘nl‘t‘r rhnl’r man u! (hr l'nlrnl (‘mnmnll-r, an nnunvmi Hm! Ln-ut, Paul H Malam- Tht' n'xnlur Inc-rill”; of the High- luhd l'nlk lNâ€"lrlm- (‘uum'H um hrld Tun-ruin) “ruin: a! (In (‘1!) Hall at \Vttllll‘n.‘ ('mnmittm- tn he \«Iclvd Ih‘lnu i~ lA-m r of Dr.:BI~rm-n to tn lu-I'rnq- (‘mmril “ML Stam- Ha-ulth ugpmnwnt i W. “. IA-\\i~' \ddrvu and u (up) of unit , ('irrnlnml Reply LIH'T. \I UAINE ‘I'I’UINTI'III l.\|\'l:‘ “ \THR IS IDWHHIIDK'Q v-m uhvn tho) ropurt at r lu-nrm (‘anmn Mn“. Hm PN- (‘nnl inm-d Th: will in u- n v- 00an "(1‘0 (-n-ann n! nddiunnul “I” kw nd-rmhwd m [ht- m (-nlurx nrv nun”! In the guard: and rrrvh'o u! this mHHur) trzunlnu be u! grim! \nlm- In In hurt grim! ’H (‘1!) Hall H! Spc-m-rr rhnir~ “RH sum In Huh) TIMo Hluhlnnd midi! |nnul HI prev In xpno ll unlho under- ( durum ”H After helm: 2m «urn by the local health authentic: the danger cl contract"); typhoid PT from bathing on ”It he‘ll. H I dlvlalnak um um Illllnx to anathema-la thereto thc um um In " um; um rllk the health of the mull.) any h. enamored Chou be taken Into comidentlon. , T Yours vary t _ F. St. Gglr . IL I). m nl the ‘t any)” is any qnptninn as to the city authurilies to' proh from lmtloinx at the be to ion. as this pollution calm: :Inch pr? hlhition helm: a nun ‘ hr the protection nut onli , of ‘ e health of the individual "11.1 ‘ public health generally. ; t; It In humus-r7 to he you mu 3 typhoid paflent is.) menace to the community 3" I beg to acknowledge he roomy" or ynur leuer of me "In‘. «hum; me that In cnannence « the fan. that untreated now-n f nppm lmuely 5.000 lndlvldu mmiu directly Into the lake at 'poim lass thnn 2 miles from the phuo hathâ€" lng bench and water I In the bathing bench hu bee% oMrlaHy‘ cloud tmmfia 3321'“ “fir-£133- The notion of your c this In this matter I! 01 and should rum-1v. (be all cMIwns, I do not b Dr. Llnyd M. Bergen. Highland Park, ”"1101: Dear Doctor: ‘ can“. ‘1“ . In Iddltlon to um I Ih’ld ttko cog; know whether our heltth MS has the rtxht .nd nth ’ , police force and mouth the beach by Indlfldudl their own suit: And In. tn: Into the water at th The situation u. of emergency of short 61: preunt the above We!" pointed um! um!) ‘ (er-nus. Whlle m 9. nd to Amt-0.3;! the. I feel mm the whole ’ should be protected in! _‘ after an epidemic: nan We have mum: tho be.“ “anew-1.; ly" and the city by a: ‘ tuned hâ€"Q suing perm“: for the nu‘ f lockefté lulu. etc. 5 The dnnxer in this matinee II bot: Imaginary, but rod and “Q wisdom of uklng m-«ry DI‘OCIDU cannot be‘,» o‘erenlmued Lake P0 ‘folkwml Highltnd Park'n example 3m taken: similar acnon '3'; Secretnn State Board 0! Health Springfield. In My Dt-nr Dy Drake: â€" hfirv‘“ Tho enclmmd l-uul'un w by un M a result of the: nu sewngo (nu up] 6.000 lndlvldunll «maly‘ bench And lntq the Ihli of the lake. loss than 4 from our public bathing Inter lnuke. The cumin. 0! our ringing beach during tho hinted ummerteason will undoubtedly deprive a ”at many children and adults 0! remain!) and pleasure. \‘uur health bparunont rc-aliuso nmi dt-piorm thl. fact, but in How of the highly dangerou- Ivater conditionr now a in; any other action unuld hegaogloctful and almost criminal. it Q. far bet- ter that we deny ourwlv'p a little pleasure for a ahort time ”than fight a typhoid epidemic. u my other cities have done. later. ()ur my health depnnhem believ-‘g' In. that the owner-mocha! the en-* tire community In prob)” of pubf m- safely in but wulnodgffiy general publicity or facts um foomlmom,“ 'publlshrs belu‘ the” co ‘ umcnflon‘ to the nunoxu Hate mom or; Public Month and the y to the} «me. I! I ' xlc. u my other Iller. this tnlt‘lce “I not I1 and [be wisdom cannot be: ‘ folknflnl example sins taken. Bighln Park. [11.5 .x 19. 1917‘: card 0! enllh. ‘ tho be 1“!- d! )1 the on f lockers. .--â€"." “vâ€"un. nee Q! the not. 9 f nppm- , Idu empties at 'poim lass n. He hathâ€" r I. In. the bee%l oMrlaHy ‘ I‘Ub“£§ :3 rt“ Ham.- v w :4 “mama amfimw“ ’ 3 o #1» you It It. menace Lru by the yen flwdnnxer : 9r frmn . H I dh'hhmk mmawx-vv" 3 Volume 9

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