Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 6

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COIPIEI'E LECTURE "ON \ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PAGE SIX Continued from Page I acquired the an of being kind. I! .11 had gained :he demonstrable knowledge of infinite love. This demonstrable knowledge urinâ€" nnlte love. God. is the Christ spirit of scientific Chrlsumlty. We an .11 striving for a working understanding of Divine Truth and I take it that a desiretolearn more of it has brought us togvthor this evening. It is there- fore. my privilege to present to you Mr. Wm. D. Kilpatrick. C. 8.. a mem- her of the» Board of Lectureship of the Mother Church. the First Church of Christ Scientist, of Boston. Mass.. who will address us. Mr. Kllpatrick. ofGod The following In the full text or Mr. Kllpatrick's remun: I have chosen for the subject of my discourse “Christian Science; The Law Present day interest in Christian Sci once is finding: expression in a demand for a wider dissemimflion of its uu-s Inge of hope and good cheerâ€"in a hun- gerin: and thinning for a fuller un- derstanding at this pure gnswl of the Christ. it is Min: univvrsully uskmi What is ('hristinn Svienrv? \tht doc-s it touch? \tht are in um-nnuulish merits? Un “hut nullmrit)‘ lint-s “IN religious muvmm-nt within the short span «r n :mwrutmn command the re lpeetfnl musidvrntion U! a world? It is the purpose of the i‘hristinn Sciente literature. of Christian Svienve church servives and of (,‘hristiun Sri- ence lectures to answer these qnes dons, nnd. it', pervhnnee. we shall hun- been able this evening to throw swine little gleam of light on that hook of all books. the Holy Bible; if. pen-inure. we shall have been able to awaken the smouldering: spark of hope and eneour agement in the hreust of some silr burdened. sick, hopeless or sni’Yerin: man or \vomzln we shall vonsider the hour well and protitnhly spent. The world's interest today in t‘hrh tian Sl‘ience lies in the world's new-«i t? for (“hristinn Svient‘e. Lonzrsnn'er- in: humanity is in sore need of a live. vital; (lynnmlt‘. :‘onro'fruvtive. spiritual. religious awakeningâ€"an awakening predicated. not on hectic outbursts of fanciful, {unzitival (error and tempera menml. mesmerie enthusiasm. but an awakening resulting: from sober, pm)" erfnl. thoughtful and sanctified eon victionyx, The World is demumlin: something besides mere formalism. something besides the hollow mm‘kery of creed and ritual. something besides a religion that otters mere spwuiativo, future possibilities in place of a truly Christ-like religion that can point to its present works as evidenc of its divine authority. by human opinions and conjecture. without one element of error. founded on the Blhle and rostorlnz the twirl) ings and works of the Master. That in What the world demands today. nnd that. my friends, is why it is tumin: to Christian Svience. The proof of it; divine origin rather than its profession has set the fave of the world towards on. religion. Definition of Chriutian Science Probably the briefeet and one of the most comprehensive definitions of Christian Science is to be found in the book "Rudimental Divine Science" by the Dismwrer and Founder of ('hris- dan Scion 0. Mary Baker Eddy. Where she describes it "as the law of God. the law of good. interpreting and de-m‘ onstrating the divine Prinviple and rule of universal harmony," it will be liul‘ ed that “uanersnl harmony" in this definition is the ultimate and its ac- complishment the result or the inter pretation and application of “the law of God." . Humanity has arrh'ed at it“. point where it demands a religion whh-h it believes to be Wholly true. un‘tninml The religion that in to bring about “universal harmony" must necessaruy be based on a clearly defined, unchang- ing. ever-present. demonstrable law or Principle. Its teachings must be capa- ble of proof and if they are capable of proof then it necessarily rolInWS that they are wholly true and without one least element of the false or un- true. Humanity has had Its full quota of religions based partly on truth and Barfly (Rival-hr. an}! ls 'today groaning under a surfplt of religious creeds. each differing from the other. Law is nnchancinsz and hwxorahlp Law knuws no nmmsint: power or prin Chile. The inw< nr mathematics rnn~ not he hindwrml. tbwzlrtwi, usurped or set aside Nu nmttor linw errnnmus our npiniun of the hm‘s «if umtheumt- 103 may ho. its laws rmnuin q-wr the same. unvhmmod throuulmut all time. If not our lmrmn nu thv fit“? of the earth ever km‘w une sinzln‘. simple law of Hlfliht’luilth'fl. that would in no Wise alter its ans or ttw {mt that its laws twist and nlwnyq lmvo oxl<tml unr'hnnzmi in thoir pm'fwtlnu \ml 30 we find tlmt tho law at Gml alwnyq has existwi. unnltorml. otvrnul and [WP fwt. hut that. exvvnt in n tow in; Slflilt'tN. this law hns liven hiddvn {rum mankind thmnzhnut thv nzw To empliwize the tart that his \w-t'ks were in (‘xvniplifit'atinii ur the Truth be Y:l|l'.'lilr\\'t'rt‘ evident-«w uf :iu nn derstnndin: based on :i lit‘lli'lli\‘irfliiit* law of God. .lt-s‘us divi nut n-snrt tn lmtiment- tn finely vhuw‘n <tmm~h (11‘ liven-d in his («)lltm'eri with ”stentn tious formalism. but. rather. in anuvvr to the question put to him h)‘ the enlifiiiiril‘s‘ ~wnt. {mm JUhu the Baptist â€"".\rt than he that should mun-'9 0r look we fur another?" Jesm replied simply. “(in ynur way and tell .lnhn what thin-1s ye have seen and heard: how that the blind see. the lame walk. the leperfi nre vlennswl. the deaf hear. the dead are raised. to the pnor the gospel is [treat-bed." The recital of his work: was. to his sense. sutiic‘ient prmf that his teat‘hlnzs were divinely Ordained and in strict explanation 0t Owl's law The works «if Jesus pmred that they were nredivuted on a me mi<e Wholly right and that no element. of error was present. He must imve been working from a pt-rftwt under- ltandim: of God‘s immutable law, Universality of God's Law. The object of all Christian endeavor should he to prove the )ltiater‘H teachâ€" lngs to be true by doing the worn Jail mnot given us tncreiy to show what he could do. Christin) 8d- i once pmvec that these work. Were giv- en to the world hy Jesuit in demon-tn- tion of a divine everprewnt. demon- strable law. that immunity. through his exnmple. might know and under :Itand this law and be able to intelli- ‘ gently apply this knowledge. This low of God must. from the very nature of God and his relation [0 mnu and the universe. be universally and eternally applicable. It must be at the com- mand and for the benefit of all of God’s children throughout nll of God'o creation. Thus we find that the law employed by Jean: in his mighty work: Yet Jesus said “Think not that i am ‘ come to destroy the law or the proph. ets: I hm not come to destroy but to fulfill.” Taking. then. his works: in support of his words. is it not obvious that his efforts were for the purpose 'rot establishing an undenmnding in the consciousness ui' hummity of s law of Spirit, pr God. which would supersede ; .n so-called physical lsw, thereby prov- ,ing matter and its luvs to be unreal , And not of God. hen_co powerless? , Ass. is the same law that enabled the is- ruelites to pass on dry land through the Red See. that restored her son whole to the Schunamite mother. the! delivered the three Hebrew young men from the fiery furnace. that enabled Daniel to dwell unharmed in the den of lions. and the same law whereby the apostles and the early (‘hristinnn for some centuries after the time of Jesus obeyed the Master's (-nnnnandl by doing his work; And this is the same law through which (’hristian Sei- once is today twinning to humanity the world over relief from ltu suffering- nnd misery. Jnus, Demon-tutor oi Goi': Law That the teachings and lyrnwtir‘e 0t Jes'lls were prelllrnted on it hvlunhesia wholly spiritual to the I‘niili‘Wli‘ exrln siun of nmtter and its MH'HHH] luws. Jeim' own wnrtls and works leave no (lulllvl. The entire purpose and im- port of his inreer were to educate mnnkind flth)’ from the belief in a materinl universe as real and into the understanding of mun and the uni verse created by God. spirituallyâ€"a unirerse governed by the law of God. Spirit. and not subject to chnnee vhnnce nnd the mutations of time There in nu known phyairal law or flitâ€"walled law uf matter that Jesus did not mmple-tel)‘ annui anti overthrow thrnuuh His intelligent application of (lmi‘e law, At the wedding feaNt Jeans tunmi the water into wine. provimt unve and for all that material qualities and phenmnenn are mental and have no ainhurity of their awn in the pren- enwe uf an intelligent untlerutantiim‘: and application nf God's law in the healing of the son of the nnhlem t at (‘apernaum when a innit dixlunve‘nm the sit-k man. and in the inatnntuneeuu translmrtntion of the ship a- rma the sea of Galilee. Jesus (ienmnstrated that time. place and space are mental qnal ities and that they may all he elimi- nated through the corn-wt application of the law nf God. Jesus stilled the tempest, quietim: the winds anti the Waves. proving' that even the elements Hf the material “nrld are subservient and subject to (lmi’a law. He walked the waters of the Sea of Gniiieg prm‘» int: of an mm the law of gravitation in the. presence of an intelligent under- standing and application of divine law. Jesus fed a treat multitude nf people with seven loaves and a few small fish. thus provin': that man‘s supply in pure- ly mental. that it is abundant, ever- present and available. not dependent upon matter or material conditions and disereditim: forever the. belief in .the necessity for poverty. lack and lltnita< tion of every name and nature. Jesus proved by healing the multitude: of sick that disease is not of God and hence has no authority to fetter man; that matter does not make a man sick and that mam-r and its 80-(‘11H9d laws have no part in the heallmz "nd the health of mankind. He proved hy ml»- lng Lazarus from the dead and by his own vh-tory over the tomb that there is no dlvlne decree. authority or law hack of the rendition culled death. and at the Instant-of ht: ascension ho prov- ed the utter nothingncu of mutter and theI supreme nllueu of Spirit. [flu HUB VA. uuu. Hyu‘v rv .. » It cannot be readily Imagined that Jesus was sent to snnul or destroy God's hw. This would have been an impossibility. for God's law. we are repeatedly told in the Bihle. Is omnipo- tent. Furthermore, of what heneilt Would it have been to humanity. in; Jesus or to God. for Jesus to set aside ; God's law for the mere space of a mo : wont. even were he capable or so do ‘, ing. in order to perform his mlrm-les?‘ Could there he any other explanation , of Jesus‘ mission than that It was for ‘ the express purpose of relieving mun . kind of the burden of self-imposed, s0 4 called lnwa n! mutter. In snhmlttinz tu~ which tho-y have whim-ted themselves throughuut the centuries to t‘nndltiuna' of sin. sickness and death? Christian Science and Matter Christian Science has received Its in splmtion from A pure. spiritual Interw pretutinn of the Svriptures from Gene 1 sis t0 Revelntlon. Bihle tt-nt'hingi run ‘ stitnte the Min» lllll‘ mm! of l‘hrlstinn Sclenve and in its somewhat startlini: assertion that the spiritual is the real and eternal und matter the unreal nndv temporal. It points to the Bible, to t'tel Words and works of Jesus and to Its:l own nor::mpllshments In sulwtnntlntiun of the truth thereof. Christian Svlem e,‘ is proving itself to be the truth hyl proving the liihle true. l‘hristinn St'ience shows us that mat- ter is the veil of misunderstanding through which mankind have been lug hw'inusly peering throughout the (‘eng turies. and that underneath this hover-4 in: of mortal nnrenlity lies all the sin.‘ sivknow. m‘m-ry and unhappiness tu‘ u'hivh liunmnitv him been ever suhjevtfi “'11:" then. shall we do with matter? By “'hut p “4'th nt reamnlm: shall We thzin lt< elimlnutlnn? Jesus said "it is; the Sp‘rit t'nt quivke‘wth: the flesh- nrufiteth nmhing." nml .h-stis never ut-l Prufitpih nII'llill‘;." IllHl .lI-sus never ut- tered an it”? word "'0 nre further adnmni lIed IImIII tiuuu and in many ways in the IlilIlI- to have that mind in us “whith “:Is II'su ln (‘hrist Jesus.‘ The lm.»k nf l‘rmorlm tells us that an . mun "tlIlIIkvtlI in his heart. so is lw." and nn m. e w- - ll'llnli Jeans said in rI-ply to (l: . IIIIMriuII In in the “lII-relemIIti of lIvIII MI. The kiIIudom of G 0d mumth nut \\ ilh olNorI-utloII: neither shall thav flux: in hon-Y or. In there; fur. behold. Ylh‘ klIIL'dnm of God is within you" 1 how 1' ml: pnsuazw show clearly that the “hole problem of salvation from materiality in I mental one. healing worn at if. thou. un- mutt-rial ullirom ll rmo-n-ly n (‘0 0m 0! ttu- mnrtnl mind 'nu oxtvmzlli thm. tn huumu mum iutll mix. at multnl thnught. nnd the true or Illil‘i{uul:('l‘(‘flllttll in Hip t'lllllln‘ merit of itl of the divine Mimi, of iwhit-h maria thought: nrv tbv mvuuter~ ,fvlt. must I: t our task of putting nfl thn i'ulw llléllllilhlk on the true. mn- nist In plurk 1;: out and rvmm‘iux. «me thy «mo. thu‘ orrmmonn t‘tlllt‘t‘ptl thnt ”gt! to umkv in) a mH‘allvd mnterinl uni- vvrw. ntnl i} plmv them»! plant the ‘true spiritual Mon? And is it not «‘lmr that i undertaking thin “-4er two must be It with thv more Iitntvlo prohloms? Int WM the way Jc-oun ntnrtml. mul‘ 'lwu hc- hnd out nut the ,last Nome-nth! mortal hath»! be hand ihimnolf at (he “aunt of Au‘onlion. twbt're all [tau-rial": fruit-o into its native nothi gums and the true. the spiritual mutton-null. wern his forever 1T0 rpplur‘e mlo- and nmlive with love, to rvplm'o ishnnpsty with hnnuty. iimpurity wi purity, Swim)” and r9 ‘ mm with re'dveneu. mi and self isbnms wit 'thnrity. impatienvv with [patient-e. .- f-rlxhteounuou. ultimo and St"! pit with sotftorgvtfnlneu ,nml Rolfflltlml'ifln may not seem of Lvtust import lu't‘. hut to fullnw the {noun-[vs of he Master and to tioumu strum the I“ uf God by lwnlim: the Lnick and rating out the myriad of mortal iuhuh‘nnuh-II. these chnnum in i our thought prove" are an absolute nc vanity. 1‘83me mm: mm plan or spiritual munu-rfoit nully (morn! l‘nul. “but life Ind I my. "net-m mind I! vnl am}, in place of mu m-ep. “Fur to he car. i m dad In dean)" my: be (ritually mluded ll " M! In- au»: on to the vnnml «or murtnh y anhxu God: (ur It in not suhjm't lhv law of God m-Hher Indeed run M then they that a" In th» flesh [unmet please find Hut" he mnriudo- "ye fire nut in the limb. but In [11» S It. "so he that tlm smm of find mm” 11 pm." Thru In. If no he that the up! tunl far! of hell): (I'd! < Foobupu Thl- jnum 3‘ out n! a mute of ma terfiullvy, la. u M mm. nut un may one In {rave Tn thwnrt the spiritual anvvr'n M II h'vnnd ls rm Mums-mum; “n‘htian S 0'1"" 124 n nH-rn (hi-1m!) I-nhm. H4; xh-r and IN dmnnndu arr n< dhtln-t 14! mi than!) (h'hnwl aw nn- thv rnlv ml laws of mnlIu-xnnxl-‘t Thorn nmu In bozzlnnlnu slung Inmt t-lelnvnm! H ‘ 5 mm: mum In [m-L'rv-u mn<t la- n: pruuf v! nn mhnn l'l‘ nn dorulnudhr: 9f Hod and 1111 law "9 rum tho Mull‘r dvmonmrntlum of Iqulr Itunl Inw ml mine tho-n- nmst lu- lho putting Inm‘prn-tko of what “1' un- dQ-rnlnnd In | lulu!" wny Hn-furr‘ we Walk m» muIt ('rvep Bc-fnn- we run:- the dmd we mm! heal the sln'k ()ne mop {ulluws lnmher If. (hon. tho mam-Hal unh‘om I! m dhtln-t )4 un- thv rnlv I Thorn Inn-u 5 Maximum! H ‘ 5 mm! lw n: pl“ dorulnudin': 91' (um tho lulull‘r In vunn‘hn'uieu u) the complete ex rluslnu of allzelso " Thg. Phyalcai 30"... But. it mwfhe objet‘tetl. how can one help believing in the reality of matter: when mallet mny be seen with the eye. when it‘mny he touched and han- dled. when we taste and mall in when 1 we hear ita myriad of sounds and; non-en? Let us here refer to a Very ‘ pertinent and explicit statement made ‘ by St. Paul touring on thia very point. In his epiatia to the Romans. St. Paul 1 an, “If ye live utter the flesh. yei ahail die; but if ye through the 8pm: . do mania the deeds of the body, ye, ahall live.” ‘Mnrtity"â€"what does that I mean? it means "to ailenee." “to daadeu."' “Thmuah the "IMFâ€"what does that me‘n‘! That means. through the undentuullm: that all thing: are spiritual and thnt nothing b material. Now, what ate the-"‘deeda of the bud)” that Paul hqe athnoniahea na to “ai- lent-e" or “(i‘ den“ through an under- ltanding of run things an npiritunl! Why. seeing.nfeeling. tinting. smelling. ; hearinx.â€"ths: teatlmony ot the tire , physical mafia. These are the deed- l Then. in fact. eonutitute of the body. . all the “3.121 “mm“ of the fleahly : or mortal . and all that we know ‘ or the mat l univene or ever will 1 know in mg led through these aenm. . And we, are old plainly enough luy St. ' Paul that are to “mortify” or "ai- ' lenee" the :stinwny. We have been "Vin: all these yean reading and hearing read this pan-tun of Svripture ’ust quoted, the while we have been nursing the delusion that the tire phydenl senses furninh na the only evidenm u! existenre and mum» quentl)’ lllli‘ he find-enduvved, Yet‘ this [vn-amluegfl Scripture is plain and is: in nnlrt nvmvnl with all at the lenrhinu ”I the Hinder. "1! ye through the IN?" (10 munifv the lieedw of the had); )0 shall live." Tth in. that nut until. thmugh the perveptinn nmi nmh-rstlmlina ut Hod. nmn nntl the universe I! nplritunl. we nu-mmize the fire phflivui ~Ienwu an «'rflltiona nt errinx. Infl’tztl tlmmzht. shall we tve‘ L'lli In expedem-e that life Yutln‘btlufed ua by St. Paul in this passage of Scrip mm PMoo-ui Mind Now what 1H "or authority for he Having. or thflmch what madlum (30 we believe. that tho mIlPflll mum of seeing. fooling. tinting. smelling and hmrim: uro tail and Godwiven quali~ tips? “'hut 1‘ it that makes that faculties F91"! ronl and «Dentin to us? “1m in it that boars to an evidence of their rt-ullty’ Why. nothing but thin mortal nr «‘Mnnl mind which in bark of all mntvrinl phenomena and whivh St. Paul tvll. us must be put 08. It in tho humna or mortal mind. instead of innlrvr. tlmt new, tools. tastes smc-lh :iml vln‘rm Tnkv nwny tin mind of a ntrtn! and what testimony van Hu- mp Micah-:1! salmon utter? l‘nmnlc-tp‘y .ht‘ll (- hi1 monullty Ind all the nrgttt‘vui In tln- world «‘Innot nmlw :i mnniml‘vn- that ho Hm, fool. tastes. «melt. or ht-an. Nothing of a material natrv- imprmm-s him. .10 in not m't-n t-nmi “ml of the mortal body In \t'lxlv-h ho I. ~ ‘fl'nn‘fi' in "with Su M <‘vmilvl he inlxrftv'lli' impart-vii that 'hv v'\'lll¢"l"‘ v' tlh- lt‘lIIP! talmm rur rn~tlv hi!""!h IN of the truv I'l‘fllllll‘! of mnn unvnnmi by nn immutable law for [1w mu“ |t';‘~|l<~nl SPINOfi may lu- si‘nucod whflr law and Hit mnuifmtn- tlonl can n or he, Pb icnl ln“:rmonl:~ i-‘olinwinc'lthia understanding. that v -v-â€"â€"-â€"~â€" -_ .7 7 . - t yawn-tatto- at tho aaoo bind. Wk; without tho nalu g.“ law. It natal-mi follow that W came a l W «M by that at?!“ moat ha the de-mmnd. Auyottbe mulled tnhanaoulaa at man ml- !aatod by a dlatartxd play-loamy mull Wbthmultolthaaam and or caoaa underlying phydculll)‘ Cummtlypthe renal: (or all an called tuhyalcal luharuoulu lln ln the corn-cum of tho talaa aonar or law or cause. the vault of the mlud teapot-u No for those luhannoulea 11m. otwl oualy. cannot be accompllahod thmuxh mortal mind. the Inlnd that err-ale- tbm Inhlrtuonhu. for mortal mlml up ante. by rlrtua of no and law or God to xlro It permanency of author lty In any new mndltlon whkh lla whlma mlzht rmta. t‘ertalnly than. we have but one mum of mrrm-tluu and that In the dlvlm- Mlud‘ or find. whlrb la porfn‘l. whloh knnwa un ln harmony. ndthrr rarlahh-nmu nur ahadow o! turnlna. but whl: h la “the same yuterday. today and forever.“ Thla con-«cure prom-an Ila-a In dla plm‘lng that. fall-:- vum‘epta of t‘n-a tlun. at man and the unlru-rw, and the multltude 0! v-mfllvllng tnnt‘lnl law: alumna-ed tn [nu-rt) thrlr relntluna tn ear-h uthor. wlth the (-orn-‘t undPt‘ ntandlnx 0! 0nd and hla t‘mtlnn le the lava governlnl It In hla work of do-umnatratlnz the {nvI'erlnam-aa unm- no-valled lawn of matter tho t‘hrlatlnu Montlat has only to deal I'Ilh aorallnl mortal mlml and tho dlrlnr Mlnd Mat, tor and In anecmpanlmonta do not t‘onaumte a lonat part of Na ronaldI-r allum an he rem-culm- matter no merely a phaao of mortal (hulwhl, 'nm (‘hrlatlan lick-tutu Mrmllm the dlrlm- Mlnd. or God. aa true and mar tal mlnd as the Ho about the Truth Then- muat be truth undorlyln‘ errr)‘ Mr. A He l-annot he told about an) thlng but tho truth Thorn-turn. tho only pmhlrm before the (‘hnatlan Bol- entlat la that of Mllarlha the Ila wlth tha truth. ln hla remark "\‘o are of your father the 00"“. and the luata of your mm ye all! do He wan a murderer from ”w l-eglnnlxu, and abode not ln the truth. trovnuaa- thm ll no truth In hlm. When he ape-hell: a He. he awakvth of hla our for ho la a llar am! the rather of ll." Jr'- cloarly alum-a that mortal man wlth hla aln. airline-n and drath mmtltutm the Ho about the true man or the man of Hull'- rmtlnl. and, lnt‘ldrullll) that the only dovll tho-re la la the mar tnl mlnd whlvh Joana hert- atalu to he a up. When we truly porrolro that thla entire operntlon la a nwntnl mu- and that the mutul evldem-a ut aln. (ll-ease. poverty. mrruvr and M on death. are lllualnna of thla mortal mlnd than tho «nurmlty of any altua don. tm'lnaller how apparently grate. autumn Iona formldahle proporllofll and the poullvlllty of dollvcrance and ultimate oomph-tr nh’atlon apurl un our «aorta to more cemln achlorr month Prayar flaw: you rn-r heard it aaid that Christian RPirnliala are a prayetieaa pmploâ€"that they do not believa in prayer? You probably have: l have. Do you know what a nal Christian Sci-amt deal from the tuna ha aval- ana oath day to tba time be ‘00. to aim) at night? Ba pnya! if than in any one thing that the (Thriatiln 8d. and" Kinda will bring him peace. health. pro-merit! and happinaaa. it ia prayer. and be coda that tba mora ha pray- the more of paaca and health and prosperity and happinaaa ara Ma. There-rum. lha mom of thaaa dadnbla qualitiea ur mnditiona be manifaau tba monyoo maybaaunabaprau lhaya gone to acne length in an an- deamr to explain to you tin canaa of humanlty'a slavery. ita aicknaaa. in want and wool and l ban andaamnd. in a way. to auto plain to you ba- manity'a "mod; for :heaa ill. aa taught in (,‘hriatian Scion“. Now. it may he asked. by what moana ia thia nmedy to ba Intelligent]: and also tirely applied? Bow ia ona to atart out to prove that man in (Both imam and likene- ia not aumact to the lava of mitts. the lur- of sin. Ikkne- Ind doom. when nemlngly I" one known of "lama omhnm I knowl- edge of them «may 11y Manda. you start out by paying. you continue praying Ind you never vmu praying. True mayo-r ll «me u! madam-nah: It comprises I knowledge of me far" of ulna-two, n-wn thmmh l-lnlly db «mod at first. and It finds «nu-pulon In lhnl mental lltitudo which dalm- l’ur one-eel! lhnt (hull-enhm'q-d freedom vnurhnfod to all of God'- ('lllldr'finâ€" mun'n birthrlgbt of dmnlnluu m‘er all the earthâ€"mu all mll Ind luntemllly A! the lamb of Iauru- Juno exem- pmlnl (rm- prnyl-r m (In- outemem “Fnllu-r. l v‘tzmk Ihw that ”mm but beard mn- .\ml I know that thou hur- Mlt mo nlwnyn.“ ‘.\ln~hlu1xlll Laurua. who had bm-n {our on,“ ln the tomb. Walked hm: "fins prayer engender“! (rum In "meat, hunwl gouging lo he GmHlle "Jet-m In any pan of God'- kingdom that whlvh Inn to do with the Illu of the net-h and prw‘lnhnl the omnipo- tenre Ind nmnuorvwnce of (he law or gnu-l the lnw «If Hod Prayer run Ills-H of knowing Hu' truth about Hull and man Wln-n lhls truth ll mental ly undvnlwul and rulmlllvmly (-lun-J M, n-znnllw-n Hf llu- vvldt-nvo u! the pens», tlu-n wlll begin In bro-k flirt-nth thi- rlumln of dllrkmml the xlmunn u! Itch! whl h promu- n fuller rldlnnr‘o as tbu- nonm- dmm- are run qulsln-d. and Hum wlll begin n more vomprvlmmlro nI-pn-lmnnltm «If the mmmlng of that [mixture In the "ruler n! xiii-7:11:31". "Thy ktumwm nvmo‘ my “'1" he dune In nnh II 1! 1- In baron" Frui‘. Smc-e (he mmhw: uf (‘hriann PAH HI 1- m (In- n'ulld rq-Hrlnn and material . nuHNIh uf hnanx' Imu- ‘llll‘Pl‘L‘t'lm; mum mdit-nl mul Mnrtllng rhunzm , Mun! of n- lwre run \u-ll u-Im-mtu-v bow (‘bflninn Etienne WM ridhnh-i Inn-'lml 1 x d l’ “(h-d at, [wruvun‘d tun! [mun- um! fnr'ltu revolution”) ”-11 h in: Hm ' Mll‘r :‘ztumvt «‘n-uh- ur um «kuw :l' .1 ”1'! 121! true llwrnpoullv n ”M In an IZ!)""\Y'H|!IH'3 "f (In! M Ilhhm Min! 1‘ , ux'y l‘mm- ur Hm lnr Tho 1w '1' h‘ih‘i “hlt‘h Wort- h. -m H! ”punt "I'HHIIII S in" c- {m an Ilrnn: that mnn-rul rrmmflm (‘nnuot rnro d|~ - paw nm 1m» “nun-rum and h." d!- . trmxhnu to repeal “'th In tho um tndv of the work! ind-v In this ruin], nuloly nn-rul rrmmflm cannot ruro d|~ T now today. What do we th? Almost m 1.... mum-run- and mu m- lovory roliuuuu denomination «mu L: to repeal What In !ho IHI llul! (‘hri-(Inn lull-ha. in u ”an, film work! man in this rec-rd, m helm In healing .- I m u l mu]: of [In (new ol‘ pan of Walt}. Ion. m filhfimm u! €51: Mn'. Eddy an. 00'th on: your: I80: namely. that It II no! the drug um halt In the Jnnmry. 101:. Issue of ”Pub III: “film." a monthly publication of the Michigan Sun Ward of "mm. mm; In Inn-u to I linemen! by . George Gold- I. foflovn: “Re-I- modldne u adv-nan. an that we have ulnar! arrived at that can when our patients do not my us for medicine but In some. nnd weâ€"omne of III .1 HI)" nlowhnrr Ilmmt cum- to the point I'm-n we nn- willing: to lath-rt the nadir-hu- nllmther. and our pn- uonu hu'o Immed lhlt We In AM! to do than more good Whom mam do. thin with m" Christi-n Mrnm bu distinctly mm- n that than I: but one “gm-vomit. mediduo." and mat In the nndmmnd- In: of mn'l God-dun Mom from dunno I: uuxht In (‘hrI-flan lids-um- â€".-‘- .â€" ..._,..., .V, The New York Tetarrnph «mortally print: the followtnr “The dorm" In tho dull: rnh- In the (‘nltod Status ho- “) “ht-n "w (‘hfllflln Sflmtllt! cum-.1 ”er ntbllfllllt wnrk ('1‘!le tun Srh-nthltu have made tbll a at “on of omlmlnt- Mon Ind women haw ‘tnt into the- hth 0! ln-tng well] u (NIH-r \\'t-ndu-l| ”Mm": "M (‘hrll kiln Sch-mint- have u‘urked urtthout rel-In; to ubmr their follnwmon that Ill. skinn- und den: an nhnorml ruminan- of tm-rtul mtnd and they hare uurrmvhd .\'u grnup of relllrlun. tutu tn Amt-rum has "or had nuvh In 98M on the lu-uple. 3n oflw‘t for good. flfltufll)‘ and luodlly 1|- lun- the (1mm... firhnttntm ' ' ‘ The 2006 lull": 0f the ("I-nutty nhnun llm mull of that work, l-‘txun-u prme u " And pot-ml! m m nmd hrlvfly from n human dent-0M by lbr William K Bulk-r, a phynlolnn n! (Wile-m. llll noln. ll 9 largo (‘h-utauqun unlhrrln: It Buy \‘lnr erhlgun. 1n the xmmm-r of lfllll The lkrtor'n mm. In- n pom-d In part In follmu "The ex nmplm not by (Wurlulnn Sch-mints Ihould put (n uhnme ou-ry mmplnln mu, mwllnx (‘hrutun on the fave- of the earth .l um I phynlvlnn. no you can't try me for horny The (Imp l- ooming when law will midt- m away from the "mun-o of twllnc The (‘hrlltlln mutton. If unlw-ruallx~ HVM. would hank-h all lllnna and div-aster It In the» nnl)‘ nllxlon that l: [myt‘hn logically Hound When the low: or God and of mph "Mu-r la portend! In ua It will an out I" fur." ”Chadd" for a moment the pane. mou- Idea of u lovha 60¢ a loving. communal". omnloou-M Father ny- Imam m- chudnqgâ€"fftm‘lldreu. 1 am sorry to have to dmllullon you, but What Nune- wrote In tho book of Gen cub about man being made ‘tn the in.“ und atom-u of God' and hnflmz floquIon om all the “fill" and whnl the Bible (carbon from omer to mvor thou: the la”!!! klndnm and pron-r! In: can of tho Fuller and nu Inw- ud companion for BI: childrpn. la n” What. my friends. do you "Dunno would harr hnpponnd to the pond humor I! he had \nlvred than mm! mm" {rum l utmll-r unmg before the lnflunm'e u! (‘hmmn “drum was felt In "I. I'urld’ A! “III [pt-tn! lfl u- pause 1M low: amount: to pay our brief mpovtl to our little friend. the serum. and to the germ tbmry. I refer IN)“ to the bad ~â€"tho untied germ. We am told that than are and term. but they do no! aanm to be popular. The bad germ it tho only one we "or bar much abom Do you know that I! there were om ton. of truth tn the preaent day toat‘b lag and theory about the germ there would not be a man. woman or child born this M'vnlnx'! If the [9m theory were 0111911th and hid the aenrflon of 006 Hall old ,world would have been dqmpulatnd atmoat baton It waa pop uhtod. a myth. You mull hen-ah" place nu confidence In God. lulu-ad of bom- your [murmur and cvar prmnl help In trouble I In. Jun Ibo opposin- My 1! In m'I-umplllh 1hr nymph“; undoing u! my vhudrl‘n. and In u» -I no In my tank I qu- rrmm-d 1‘“ fitted new I have mad:- Mn. l'w deadly enemy of all my lurnd mum l hue then hIm Infinitely mum [mm-r Ind lmrlngrnm- ”um I hum uh'ou my rhfldwu um] I Inn-(- plnrod him In 9‘ orythImr ynu ml. drink. Imnd‘v nr m '11"- norm In Indrvd ‘Ihr rhusvn 0! the Fltber.‘ and 3m} m) 4")“drt‘h. aw Ms prey ”v 'u :- u*\[tn¢'11 Imnruvnm ,\ from luv In umummhh )uur dosIrur “on sun! I hnn c‘1\u\\d‘d hIm “In; Hu- pouvr um! Ix_h~I‘I-_'I~n-~t~ lo rurr} nut [Mi purlvmw Hr n’hnr-w nmnhmH-nv‘v whh mo uhIlv )uu. :thnm are nhjel‘lh' helph-sn In M« l-rnu-nvc- II In my pur- pose IImI «mm-r nr lnIvr envh uf yuu Ihnll (In \yu'IIm to My; pruwmul " Thu! l-h-turv. my frh-ndn. I: not whm mm" he «‘nHt-d a hmullful one. ha 11'! Yr! II h- It“! «we-rdru‘n In Hu- has! pgrflvulur I nulmm mm the tom-h hurt (I! llw L'H‘XH ”work! t-umplvwh «Hmlnnu' Hm! nr nn) Mon «.1 God 1-: m-u-smrs m Hu- 4rth-n nr mhutxn: Uf IIIHII InfllHH-X) mun' in lw ul‘uMH Khan (lw m-m) ht Hu- Yt-nr mu! drnnv‘ or u an up” an Hm uu-ntul m-mro of (flu-nu- uud 1hr {our of 1! Nnuondvru by n-mHu-r Hut-~4- frxlm- llwm'u-x 24nd l-j radlnx hUl‘HHG'd health \zllku and An urn-lions or (MN-null amwnfin: pm pm finely “I (luv Imm- (If Hm vuuulry n‘ {be pron-em linu- pm:- G: rm Thoory ‘ definite to o of ”Puba Work of m Mention of. well bl- v“ (If Mulch. m?! M "I. m I .16qu ad m m use! of Chum.- m It can To attempt to m on ("I non a! mac and CI" but mnoelnmm mm Iorinl W, to rev" ~ the one hand. to on God and HM III. mo: and Giant“. TI." 1- and Hut 1- the in: no sch-om. tho way by w an known to kind pd. the way by web ‘;‘ ‘- '00! h hem: I ,. u ‘90.!" "Fr." My. m an in us new Iliad world. All.“ . hmty m lnrlec an) in til. , a like. It the way hy w v n Edam bu healed and U .. organk I well u tum-Mono h'. Inch d] can. u tuberculous. .emperlnr mum. tumor. mum ,of the [pin mink ban (1m. k. malformation of c annu- nllamu. math 6 blindne- dufneu. npopkxy. with u all the m- to which I I been 00 adored heir. Tho MW and F of an The menulr proce- ‘ comp "mutation invalu- winding not! from the and. awful rance: it inroivoa iodivfiuai pa . Hon 0! thought, no mien of truth: at Christian Stifico doe- u come- read“) to the mindito filled vi animaiity that there in film. abi piano therein for auxht 0.2.1110 In mutt he gradually 9W of th‘ which doea not load w’vlplritual difl- cornment The lfis of tcriality believe and the more _ apiritulii We know. the more or kingdom heaven in mm The . the par cannon and dimvery offlhrintian 8d- ontv must haw been thoxmuitma part of it: inmoverer (1 Fan Mary Baker Eddy, or a tho purlfltation I»! thought. 3T0 no part mentality that what In. Eddy h taught us hecomu nppa til no task for most or us t dam-an“ puritimtiou. than. with tight but t¢ guiding hand of Divini ' through t help at the Holy Bible. t he re Mn. FAdp'xf What ha of earns prayerful «mam end»: must he“ hot-n mum Ivy tu-r that h' unity m t know or thin Truth tb ‘ makm m fret“ The 9min Mater! 0! Christi in M‘ nf spit h Mun! Ill Adrnm'emem along ih ml ends-mm in_ purely one‘. juunwy henvenwn . «intend: e flrI-ly on individual Elf and .000! pllnhmenl. A ml no i nxfl'on thin aw in, in lflklllg munch: at 1M.- snbja i0 t‘unllflt'r ii omlr-ly nhd’lI-IH‘ in «'0 nm-tion with )nur Rilllé’ilnl the lit: that Inn} lw thrown on fits [lnly Bot ”trough the «em-him:- u ' hrlatinn ‘4 once. What Mum-om in (be m of nplriiunliulion of i in may 1 yonn; what ”Movie: 0 Din Ind ‘1 can you may be able accompls M yourself and for I will (i pond on ynnr own ofi’ . Sole-min- will he “flu-g" point if way I hit rlI-lIrPr a! ll . but no 01 mn 0pm: fur yum iho‘un of the tin dam ni' hoaven This 5‘ mun do I mums-if. And. If you earned. I! friends. in your effort io neck :1 kingdom naming will under you your nrumrmi for you till inn 7" “In not on (he cut] of I] :13! II] no:- und Imuf'hi hm ( Hem-I‘m tank“ of God and h '“ Ivar-u I have abiding: place in (inn «@631th temper-M mun To! the sun otol' an: O a- ‘ comp winding mun-I :lvfiual pa . mun-not (loo 1) 84‘" mind!“ filled '1 In fume ab! at etc. The In lap In

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