Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Aug 1917, p. 7

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nfortu-Care Ileanliness Lu and pets board- week or month I: and trimming y and humanly ADJ Engine: vim, Typo- “scape Ind Construc- - 20 year! in Engineer- ryin‘ Ind Construction. . mam M... Lou Fm. Yd. so: m. achth eiixctrd meld Av'. Phone 1223 an! DOMESTIC . Watcrhouse yin: v3. and fish mkx-r and Jeweler Yeas m \iIu-L‘cr's Chadwick €11“? wlh'nnd Park ff a. m. M 0. mm ENTISTS Wrapped in filaume puper ivâ€"keepo them E. Russell fiGlNEER AND ty Surveyor 20th:â€" 10? H HIGHLAND HRH“. 3 {1‘18 «1 muted. Cafled iaghland Park Cd Clocks and epamrd enuc OC'OOOOQC'OC Service CENTRAL TIRE C0. 5 w Vacuum Cup Tire We do the work. We wire houses completeâ€"â€" fixtures included â€"- the cost payable over 23 months. Public Service Company 0F NORTHERN iLUNOIS It is a simple and inex- pensive matter to make these additions to a house installation. and numerous otherlabor saving and comfort bring- ing electrical appliance. is facilitated if conveni- ently located baseboard and wall taps are pro- vided. Paper Hanging and Decorlling D. C. PURDYN‘ SONS PORCH SHADES C. M. GATES Washing Machine Vacuum Cleaner Electric Toaster The use of the Electric Iron PAINTING .LIIOID [‘7‘ INC OI'OIATID Electric Electric l A committee of women headed by {Mr- Etlwztl‘tl Gum-mun. n me-mbvr ‘nf tlm conservation department 0! ‘thv \Vunwn‘s (‘ummittv-e. Council of nntirnnl de-fonsv. Illinois l‘ti\i~ion. lmw- «mu-d out to find a substitutv nmtu-rinl Mr khaki as :x dross fabric. l-‘rum thv Waslilngtun ofllce 0! Jul« fins Ruwnwnld n! the Council M .\':x- ltiunnl Defense, :1 request hm born ‘issuml asking women throughout the t-nnntry to abandon the use of khlkl I'm t'll'llllllg. Tho-r9 is a shortage of )khnki fur uniforms and the gm‘erxr lment cannot get enough. Mn. Gudc- Emzm's mmmlttr‘e has started out to v I timl a «Institute material nnd will «a, w-anv ttw cunyvrutlnn If mnnngemx u! l'lethH' and retail clothing smn‘a. _ \n-ll :H the cooperation of women's -"?';!riv~"= and clubs, “"“1"l'\ w .!t homo vluthe a man at the 5 .~:" 5- the- slmzan adopted by the V: r w: in the new "anti-khaki“ onniâ€"‘ ‘ A ’l'hw (‘nmmittm- nu (‘nmfurh for fiL'hIiHIL :nvn ml [hr Amvrlmm “Pd (‘rm'x hn~ mmw'! tn GO] mer Huihlr ing. (‘hivnum (rum tlwir 410;) m 67 73st Mmlimn Slrm-l. Thw anvr Building i~ located at Mlchigan Av- .Anm- ‘Ilnl Mummy) Strum Word him Just come from \Vnsh- ingmn that ths- Chicago Chapter ls tn furnhh 60,000 of thv 1,000,000 pairs n! sucks. sweaters. scarfa and iwristll‘ts that nrv nm-dml by our fighting mpn. ‘H.’ In. 'x nus: Wrmon’s Cl‘r'ntl-m \Wm'lntfnn V“t‘nu_:!h tl'n opening of tho sovâ€" w‘ Rowrw- “mm-hf Truininc ("1mm : «till lmnglm' in tho future, \c-f :x umhw' hf \\:i\’t'i and nthm' fnnluln- :-|;x!i\¢->‘ u! (‘nndidntps for the vamp "\t‘ :lerHd)‘ :mpllvd to Mrs. Swan-3‘. Part0 Rlco flow boon dry. boon aoemtng to be§muc$ the same the world around‘ ‘ V “.4 That Germug emu will In badly mntheaten barge uh emu; prim get! a chance Q mm on. l'i’Ct‘th‘d from Mrs: McNeil. inspector nf (‘liicugo (‘huptvr Committee on hospital supplies: “We gratefully ac- knimimiuv your r'nnlrihutinn u! sur- uicul ulrv~xsing~ fur iln- unrk of tho :\lllt,‘i'l('i\ll Rmi (‘rmsx A lwnutiful >hipniont." Takinu up tln- iio'Wt'sl <lmzun uf the Rwl (‘rnss “En-ryunc- n Sunln (‘luus fur a Hulilier" [hi' ('vntrnl Slmp will uithin :i shivrl timv fill un-r n hun- «lrml (-umfnrt kite (\K the shop. Thvse kin will contain not only tlw usual personal ('umlnrh‘ lmt “Hil‘ Christ» mas gifts as “vii. Tin: articles in be put into the bags will he an display nc-n \H-vk, if thnrv i< nu (ivlay in (ls-liu-r)’, and t-vvryonc- will ln- intn-râ€" "‘ll'll 'rl 4"“ ”er1. The registration records of each community are kept right in that community. so that when need of service arises there. they mu be re- ferred to. Reports from the different centers, listing the numbers and d”- forcnt kinds of works-rs available are sent from each center to the General Executive offices 0! the Woman's Committee. Council of National De- fense. illinuis Division. at Chicago and from tln-rt- sent to Washington. “HI (‘rmu Laq wee-k 20:3! surgical dress- ings \wre shimwd tn headquarters in Chicago. The statistics cover present voca- tion. it any, past experience and work. education. adaptability for var- ious employmenta and branches of service and the preference of the reg- istered woman. A woman doing Red Croas work three days a week may feel that she is doing enough and does not see why she should register. There is no intention of taking her away from this work. or compell- ing her to do additional work. but the government desires to know just what each woman is doing. what she can do. and what women are avail- able for ‘paid positions. when need of their service arises through va- cancies caused by men being called tqthe colors. It is desired to have each woman do the work she is best fitted for. Women may register for both paid and unpaid or volunteer service. Women‘s Committee The week of September rim is the week for taking the Illinois woman's war census. Every woman in this state should be registered in this census. A great deal of misconception seems to exist as to the purpose of this war census. Many women are reluctant about signing the registra- tiun curds, (wiring that they will in- irrmocnhlp bound to carry out the wrvim~ llli') rt'ulstvt' fur. (‘VCH though circunhtnnces should make inconvenient. The registration is not for compulsory wrvice. and the signing oi‘ the curd doe» not bind the signer to carry out the service should it become inconvenient for her to do so. The registration is not for compulsory serviceâ€"it is merely 1 record. requested by the government. of every Woman in the country. what she is doing at present, what she is fitted and able to do. and what [he is willing to do. Many states have already completed their census of women. 'l‘hv fulluwinu :u'kmm lmlL'mo-nt Offidal New: Note: on all \Vnr “fork S. Main Women to Pom» XII-kl an Dress Fabrlr Council of National Defense WOMAN’S COMMITTEE The Fund Is now ready to an the (‘hrislmus (‘nmfun bags to ho smut to wounded Pronch: midlt-m. This Th.- Dnuxhtqfi's owteml n ntdlnl In- xitnlinn tn lndlcw n! (ht-fir acqunht» :mm‘ In \l~il firm-rung u! lhc- (‘hnp- h~rum1t hu-H-Ctlu nhrk llml Hwy urt‘ Elihu! Thu “I" :flrvmh had mun) NIHHHI:I\H(‘ \h'ilnr . ‘mrrlrnn Fund fur I‘m-nth Founded Th» nrgnnlxuiun n! the Duughwn nnnidos “only ‘ilor knluvd gut-monu- (rev. to m mflntmm upon condition that the numbers uhall turn back the vomplotpdlixnrmvntn mm the “torn of the c 'apter. m.- n-sivh-ncv bl 3m. c. N‘ Kimball On this «mm-Ion the ("hi will be- :in nurk "pail (‘hri-umns ban for French childrw Already they have prvpurvd numlruu-x scrap book! and «her articles in nu mm the ban. July Fourth. 1300 numos h|\r hen-h" Sumect (”r m.“ gummy, 1,. m. ~ignm! m thrirvglstrr. More than ‘ston In "Mind." HH'N' lhnusullfl It'lh'r~ hJIn‘ IN-q-I' written on Hlflxland Park Army 1nd Navy (‘Hlter “axiom-m Balween n hundred and arty und two hundred mm hznv [won urn-m[undue-d. and ”mum! PVI'F) .u-ninu , :‘vrxlcvs are held In [Mr- vhurch u-r) Sunday morning n In 15. <quan School meet- tmmedutoly fig .1 (he mnrnlng nenlce. Ind I: open! .. pupils up lo the use 0! 20 yoln‘ _ I‘hc \Vcdm-ndny evening meeting: ; .rhlrh inrludm u-ulnmmu o! (‘hrlsw "flmfm'h‘ 0.; "N Amflcu "it ,tian Science healing I: n l o'c‘ocku‘ Un Smurduy [hr Barhnm Prnrhlv ('hnplc-r of that Daughter: of the Am-u \‘nu are Curdlnliy Invited to make: M» n! tho rl-mlinl rnmn ll II, E WI. ...“ ---------qv~ -- -'-‘ ' '" :use vrk‘an Flax +111 meet u and INC“ Under the care of Miss HcQulllw the new Y. W. (‘. A. rooms in High- wood. called'the Patriotic Lem. Headquarters: seems in be filling I longâ€"standing" though possibly long- unrecognized want It wu opened something ovbr a week I'O And in rapidly becodlng the most popular cenh‘r for the activitiw of youih- 1m: HIGALAND PARK muss. momma max. tumors 'nt Y. W. A. fifor room Thll huuslng war which Wu token up by the Y. W. A. more or In» an an elnorgvncy ' tlvlt)" during the crowd~ ed days of e hut camp, went: now to have sh n ltscl! down lntn one u! thn- regu r lunctlum of the u- mwlutlun anfl ls being carrlud on with all phylum system and «ll-â€" patch. ln ct s number of room: are now prqltled by tho usmlntlon ltself, ln lta {new roomlng house (the old Charles )Warr'en home) on Wont Central Aveyue. To be sure lt mu startle one '0 hmr that the afore- :mld lww rognlng house so recently planned. in droatb' created. organll- ed and runnbx. ready for Occupancy. Yet such la the t'mua Mlu Marlon leg has Men engaged on houu m-vrvtnry. The bedding and llnen n more or lo. eswntlnl drtnll that had to be ddatedrâ€"and wu. has ar- rlved and la to be marked thls wvek by a patrlottc canmltteo of Y. W. C. A. girls. Th» rent has been pald. Everything. tn fact. ha: been pro- pored for tho copfort ma conven- lence of thefinoldl’er's 'h‘t-r who. I! ls confidentlyt. expocted. wlll lwxln to arrlve and move in wlthln the next day or two I. v _ The Y. W. LC. A. Contlnuel to serve dlnnors ever}: evening. with great success. It 4"”! eontlnue to serve dlnnors throughout the parlor! of'tho next camp and thereafter. new 1011‘. no one can toy! hn-l‘nfllu “ka lllnl “my art Thu haw :flrvmh had mun) \tlt‘ \hilnl‘ . n Fund fur I‘m-nth Found“ und la now ready to llll tho‘ ls (‘nnflufl bags to ho smll' [led F‘l’onch: mldlt-m. This will ‘tnkv place on Friday narrow.) m the Pnrlsh Houw Cplscofil church 3nd ulll for H’e fund er- urged to ll. fin Ind wlh nu:lunxer m-od ere-- ut thug rmttul hr um alm'm UIH‘.‘ ' [H14 ‘ Illh'), lg veg} fut snldInrQ, m'c-r, E'Alxnkcutmn. wool and ~ tn lné‘i-ut ‘p In stuffing for pllluwfi :IrQ still net-dad. Rlco flow [goon dry. boon to be’g’mucfi the use the Mind; ‘ i- “.4 lermué cram: will In badly n horde Illa emu; prim loilm u-n-d Is a- Ynu and when M 3m: «Ill plau- Valu- nullm- lhll xlw undu-nlxned Ad- mlnlntrnlrlx at the "late of blur! »\nn [Mud llnhvr dreamt! will pre~ «mt In ”10- Cuunl) (‘nun of Lilo l'uunly at tho (‘uurl "on” It WID- llllrzulu. Monday. Septem- kmznn. un .lwr ‘Mth, I917. bring one of the re'u’ lnr days 0! the September ("III of said court at 10 o'clock In lhe fore- noon at nld du bar flml report and account u said Adrnlnlltnlm o! rald ”law and will at the entry 0! an order by uld Court approving said report and declaring uld estate mld Administruflx dil- ‘uruml. When nn-l whrm you any rpm-1n and ”Mt-cl I! ,‘nu are m. hnlvd n! ”Ithlnnd Park "L. (MI 2]“! Mn nf AuRu-l. A. l) l917. nt‘l'llm Baker Green. Adull .l-‘lrfltlH n1 llw "flair of Laura Ann hmul Bukrr. Ik-crnM-d. (‘wurur H. PMIHyH, N‘ull-w .‘l-l S‘mrldan llulldlnl anl‘lnnd Park. In, ("l-sud :Hul firm! :1 ntdlnl in- n! (ht-fir acqunht» 1“"! u! I.» (‘hnp- uhrklhnl Hwy an :glrvml) had mun) f \‘nu are Curdlnliy Invited to make fuse o! the roads“; mum .1 II, E lx‘mvlrnl avvmua whlvh II open «on Mun-k day. from nlnr vn‘rlncl In lb! imnrning to II! o'clock p. In. To Roger L Morrlnon. Donuld K. Nurrlmn. Milton H, Baker. Chules H anrr. Grlflflh “'. Baker. Md- zIku R. anrr, lmrnlhy Baker Carl- run. 8“er Baler Green: state 0! lllluoln. (‘olmy d Lula, It. In the Count} (‘nurt Thereof. Tn (he Seplunber Term A. D. "17. In the matter of the ”(no of Laura Ann Dom! an". damned. nlmvnyto manual-a ultra-sum: uvu m "anon 3 Public sham battle drills at Naval Station Wednesdays 3 P. M. m anus: moon. II- M m M .1 Chicago C My Ticket Office: 137 S. Clark Street 'Phonc Central 8280 wankee, where you can make convenient connections with T.M.E.R.8 L. line trains North of you. there's the wonderful Wis- consinlnkeconn- l A tryâ€"mched by NorthShoreElecâ€" tric trains to 2nd and Grand, Mil- theIllinoislakoregionaround Area. Ample and adequate accommodations, whether you wish to stay a day or a month, are available. POI vncnnou 0mm: us: "I: may: ‘ PRETTY Diamond Lake near Area 13 on] one of nonms n? Anllb'fi‘ffll 1|”er 171:0an PRETTY Diamond Lake near Area 18 o91y one of scores of delightful nearby vacation 1‘ places on the Electric Line. Take the Liberty- ville division train at Lake Bluff Junction. Waukeslm Beach. Pee- Good fishing abounds in 1r» Ql'nlrh limited trains. Low rates of fare. Courteous. satis« fying service. Dining cars and bufl'eggarlor cars. The Elecm'c ingmvichsleamficeric rogte be: tween Milwaukee agLChigagLAUâ€"steel,_hpurly Mohunmbdmd- Inufluw hum-p uninv- thmmnmmmhuâ€" qldonblyh. Thomcropubmoduen- ” 8" “double over three Hilton m I whk-h In another M. m for witch ' ”I 813951.. W! I" I" (“Cakf‘l «000.000.coo- 00.0.?000 0...: 000 000 00.000. 000000000000000000000000000.0000 go. 0...; cg o EVANSTON BUSINESS COLL}: _ :3 Our Fe“ and Winter Fibrin are now. r your selection. Febrica of unquestioned qunl x peroond oervice nod pride in (uncut we hope WI“ ment your future patronage. for. .our Hours 9 a. m.. to 6 p. m. Every Day except Sunday Mamtuned by First Church o! Christ, Selena-i. 0! Highland CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday I. m. It 10.45, Sunday Schoolflm wilowlng, Wednecday Evening mimon'ul Service 318:“). , ALL COMMERCIAL BRANCHE GREGG SHQTHA 100C}! TYPEWRITING SECRETARJAL TRAIN New Tenn September 4. Enroll Now w. H. CALLOW. Plow. » 634 libb Ribing Dabfis CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privilega of the I You can buy 9 | your thro'ugh ticket from your‘ local North Shore W ticket agent and save time and money. Ludington, Malian»: Pnnkfoi-t and other Micki-T gun points are reached via! the Electric line to Milvnnâ€"I Rae and Pare Mnrquettostumâ€" %‘ era to your deo- tination. mowoc, places. nukes, Delnfield, M 387 Central Avenue 50" 191? “* ID SWI much; I ___... mhMfi My“ PATCH" m 7-. urn-”u down-III" '1 m

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