«to- a. mes-4 are; 3!?“ mm... {harem um «awâ€"q... . . m now -.. 1-? , ramsâ€"mu; .. 0 me». .- w A...“ row « ï¬wlflii‘. -13.. a , VT†.. .3 ..- : “an... . m.- . f Attention! Housekeepetsll We can launder your entire family wash cheaper than you can have it done anywhere else or by i any other method. We will do your entire wash at 7c per pound, ironing all flat pieces. Below we give you an average of what each rt") 3.. .‘v" r piece weighs. Figurelit out yourselves. a: ‘ Face towels 4:01: Spread: 2 to 4 lbs . i ii Bath towels 10 02: Wash Cloth: 14 to the lb : it Pillow ulip- 5 on Men’s Hdkfs 23 to the lb 1: :3; Nï¬pkim 1'5 013 Ladies’ Hdkfn 64 to the lb ' ‘ 13E; Roller towels 5 oz: Rough dry averages three 32'. Sheets 1% lbs and one-third pieces to § 'i‘ Table covers 1 to 2 lbs pound. i i When you are convinced and ready to prove it for yourself. phone 178 or 179 and we will have our representative call for your bundle. The Reliable Laundry Launderen and Dry Cleaners HlGHLAND PARK, lLL. WMWK~1"2~:ï¬"2*:~h5s\¢<~:€m5¢~w<wm"< 'MWW WWhï¬ï¬ï¬hkmkÂ¥:¢hߢ}Hâ€"tww~ W“ 0 3’0". (H: ,4- â€W xwxx l l dr’flWrfl-ï¬e’fl .~:~’a‘:~'z¢¢ .wx «xx . cl .¢~:~:~E â€"_ The Social Side of Life Local Affairs of the week BytbeOt-erver \o :iI‘m_\ relief hop \\ill h.- \[4-ll. Mrs. (‘.irleton \'.ii|. Mrs l" .\i w»- lie-Id .it Fort Siil'l’lilull ï¬}llll|.l‘lillll. l.o\\r. \irs. l-‘ K. .\|cl\'~-iir.ie. .\Ir~ \\ th-mher hill: The :ifl'uir Is to lie ll l'utnnm \li's. (ii-o. ilohcl'ts Mrs. xix-wt for the ‘llltil'tll ot‘licet‘s. Special \l.i\oi‘, Mrs W. l.. i..'|l-‘.‘ill. Mrs. Theo . trains \\ill comi- from t'liieiitzo zind :iore Butr. Mrs. Hrndshau Egan. Mrs l‘w-t'l’l shori- towns. and probably pri- \ii-rrill Pollutishee. Miss Mason. Miss. \.l[t‘ parties from different states, Bonniique. Miss \\‘iirner. Mrs, George represented h) the men in training. Moore, the Misses Shields. Mrs. Ed Smith. Mrs. William i’lnnt. Miss tester-hi) in .ill tl:i_\‘ ~‘\t'lll for In Ethel Spencer and the Misses lM‘Jlt. divs took phice :it Ixmoor. They cilled it [he "iinnunl “llilt‘ vii-pliant The next nit-etini; oi lllt' (Earth-n. do.“ tiolr ims pl.l_\-'il in the morn< (‘luh of Highland Park \\ill tak-~ in: and luncheon was serh-d at one plzit‘e :it ten o‘clock next Tues-hi} o‘clock. l-‘ollouini: luncheon theseof» morning at the home of Mrs Mc- ficc-rs \\i-rv eh-cte-l to czirc for Ladies Gregor Adams Two very good papers coming year. are promised on "Garden Expo-r by Mrs. Rex Jones and Mrs.» The election of oir Golf t'\t'l)l" for lilt‘ Mrs. W. \' H. Aimes. chairman. Mrs. icuce." Arthur Jerri-ms. \'i\c chairman and M. E Sumpseli. Mrs. J. B. liurnxii. handicap. tier-rs \\ill Like plnce :it this mort- inu. This is the last meeting of the year, The club \\ill .idjourii illilll‘ February next. i Miss :\llll.l annch \\;Is hostess on Tuesday evening to the Worth \Vhilc Circle. The 0380†Club Will begin its us_ lziln .iust ls tilrls l‘illll .it iH‘l‘ hlmwi uni busy winter season on Saturday “mum†9mm“ 1 evening next week. October 6th will Thi- Educational t‘ommitt-w- of the, be the date of the benefit dance Womnn's (‘lvic Club of itavinizi tuni-l which the club ls giving under the it \t'i') delightful reception to thi- auspices of the Philanthropy Depnr- Rtuiniu teachers on Fl'llltl) i‘ti ment. There will he bridge for those "““â€v "‘ W'" "i“l'fl" “W" Th“ ‘ " who don‘t dance. and an opportunity lug-- House was beautiful on this or to dance for those who don't play cards. There in of course nothing to prevent one from doing both. A live- ly orchestra will furnish the music. Prizes for cards and light refresh- ments will be included in the eve- ning's program. it is hoped that many will come to help make this this affair a success. and help the on Suturdn)‘ flm’rnm-H cluh ri-zilizc its many phllnthropic “er-- sold, and in addition mun) iillilli' ideas. The plain for thi- \\ork linked articles Wt-H- sold The :imiir “‘2“ ill llellt‘ili thi- \'Ill.t::- Holist- :iii-i t'.|>_'ltlll. flutters Illitl lhr .l’lt'ldlthll siiii uiviiiu the room :in :iii' of hospitiliti \lr. l.:lllrt‘n('t' Buck's L'Iit. :i mural painting, representini: .‘I portion oi the out doors about iiuitnm \\.is much admired by the uni-sis. A h.it‘vrst li‘s‘iivul ill-i s.llt \\J' llt‘lli l'l ihn‘ \Ilildht “IVE-- I' (lard-rn thltius' li.t\i'il.| \vorkthis year is to include as much charity work as pussihle. The club hopes to create a fund from which decoration which is being done there, which to draw \vhnt moneys are nced- \irs, ii). 'l‘. Skidmore will l'nit‘riflll‘. ml to carry on relief \\ork during: th-‘ the Martha Society of th-- Highland. winter. Those who are in charge are l'ark Sm-dish Lutheran t'lilll't'li tor Mrs. Rolland Hastings. chairman. tomorrow :ilioriiooti. her commit“? ‘5 composed “f Mrs. l,llilt' Marjorie Wiuhtrtmii enter Ralph Bard. Mrs. Schaick. Mâ€- Henry Glidden. MW- :1 part) on Monday afternoon honor- Roger Vail. This committee will he in: her iourth birthday. “Si-““13 ‘hy the following, Mrs. Jns. Miss Margaret Wilhelm \\ill i-nti-r Martin Miss POllan-‘h"°- M“:- George t:iin the l's (iirls clnh :it iii-r lltllllt 1 Hart. Miss lnsull. Mrs. Parker JOhn< “mm-m“- i-u-ning. W a ‘ V o DEEBI'IELD NEWS [TEMS g Thi- miscellaneous shout-r uiH-Ii iIi honor of \ll'>. .\lt‘\ \\'illin.in hy the \ll“i“ El-lu :ind Main-l liorenlu-ruv-r on S.itl|t‘d.i_\ i'\o‘llillL2 \\:is indeed il \‘i-ri preit} ~‘\t’lll. l‘t\\-‘l‘\ for loiirtm-n’ Optometry ls the legally reg- \\il't‘ litl'i lot the to“ writ-«ix lunch- ulatedprofessionofexamining ‘" â€â€œâ€˜ ""“""' “’ "' "â€â€œ' “-“ . illl [HYOI'U'Il nmhrclli con-in! with eyes for lenses. and ï¬tting of 9th mm. in... “m M. .i..i spectacles and eye glasses for _ ““"'.“" .i m . .r...~i. nun-st s phici- cur-l \\illl‘il \\wrw Ill th.- the aid of improvement of form ..r â€mm-.41.- lill.ltl't‘llll ‘.\t’l'l' tin) pink or low! thw- “lllll‘ til-lions llhliii‘ tl- itl'L’t vision. tric ‘Itzhls \\Ithiii pink imp-r t‘ill'\\.l'l' ll-Miiitlh. Thi- l'.i\--I‘s \\-'l’- iil'1hili‘l Optometry Means ~th . n... i" iiv‘ lt‘titxiri‘ of th-- -\itii:__ Eye serViCC \lrs Bruin- illninn \\.l\ :l\"'l :i Iviis- t'rlluiioons shun-r h) Mrs .\iinim If youreyes trouble YOU al‘vays Punt-r“ Thurs-Li} 1‘\t‘lllllL'. Flh- ililli. CONSULT AN OPTOMETRIST tin-Ii \Vil‘ t‘lll‘)"|l. .\li'~. lliuino- \\ill FIRST ll.i'iii'n: mus it. s-vcoml. Mrs. lll.tlll0"~ liiI-hJiiil “:is 'Iiium: ilit sn- \\ho \\e rc ('.Ili"ll to limit {.m! Septivniher lifih. We are registered Optome- tI’lStS. COIlSUlt US. .\I-- and Mrs m. itinuliiin or (iii ctL'o were the \\m-k t'lili tilt‘\l~ (I muu‘un @nï¬m] «a. tin hitt- r's mother. Mrs .-\m--li:i i‘ili \llss liurriei (ilHii-h il' \lil\\.it:ltrf‘ \isiti-d her sister. \ll‘s l.--l.i tiliiii-h I Optie'enc-Optometrintn Ocul utn Central Avenue and 53: mil Street Phonelli;hlard Pirlt Hs ~' l' ‘-\ tin.“ lust woo-k ‘iwllli-i l\ :‘llllll'l \\i-illtlltlll) ltir \lrï¬. ,\|rs. SuIi-iuistand children. Mn. lit-ill <i-i'i\~- Ill‘ll children: \lr-, Krlnhrlnd ‘er h-d tho (la-\t-(tlllh i to help pay for some Very :ittructnvi Gerard V3" mined twelve of her little rrii-nils 'Il ‘ O l nin: first pri7- :iiid Miss ltuth Kro-ss‘ : l nu: amalgam P 5'14 ’2 v .\ir. and “mi-1A. thlmnn are anâ€" tertained nt Miner il'hun-dn’ hr the luttcr‘s Mitten-Mrs. Elmer (Entry of Highland Pnr‘!‘ ' Mr. (Hill in; P‘rhnk Kimip and son .lt'l‘ttllIP o! Chit-utt- were ‘t't‘k end ‘ ï¬nest" in tlic‘zliomc-1 of the glormcr'w pni'riits. .\lr. not! \irpn, John '(lemp. Mrs lid} think-d and -on in-Ro) of li.|lt~itlllk. 'ir. \isiiinu h-l' sister \lr NIH “cl-d}. ' \iiss \liime i‘iutt oi l.il')crt_\\llle \izis tli-~ \\tt'k (mil Mic-i oi MI-A Hitltt liorv ill“ in: r, .‘ils li-I»t) Rein-It ('Q'il‘lll’hit‘ll llt'T llil‘l‘lmlr.‘ Sunday .l'lt'r' ,.,.,. \\ll mil) the li'itlHI" livintt [\l‘rsrlll. \lr .lllll Mr» \‘|'_\l'r ""¢ liilnil) iiv...i....~.i i.. “(whit-hi it. \bii int-tr yin» .\l\|l- Map-r. \Iis (in: ()(iotlnmn etiirr‘ultu-tl :lt ()lsnii, l'lil il.iuL'lIti-|"nil u! lliur l‘llllltl anti \iivs-l.ini~-s Johnston. R- KL". Gurih and l‘itl‘il'dllli oi [ka'rllt'itl 1 \il‘ Fulton, I" in! (‘irizfl Luke: \;I\ -l St itioil, \\xiâ€" .l uni-d :it ihr Siioili-ililv Firm 'l‘liiirsilii .ind Fri -i.i\ 1 Mrs l‘ H, id.il\o- oi (inlesliurc at is t’.i \\m-lt. Hui H-It"l 1»! “Is J A lin'lt'iiv‘il. Sr \ti .ind Mrs .\ ii Miiltliie ll:I\-* i- [ll-*tl' Lin-1“ illl- It-vk. Mr and \li~ l‘l‘Httï¬ i‘irlirt of l.|b-‘l‘i\\llll‘ \i- .. \ir‘ .l ,\ llilll .. t’..-ir souls Hominy. “I not \ll'~ liill-u'll Rllil t‘llilllr- Ii Ii‘ (.lllt‘dflfl i‘t- it llt‘ll Jr \li t'tl \lr- \t‘tiu FIMII/ \isitn-il “Ir 1. it Mimi I)l (iuiawttil’: mm lh- \\w 1k I'lill. \ll\ l‘l-‘Irii'v .J Iliulilnoil i'uk \\.is [ill rid-Al oi “rs Pruitt l’clcr- son list \\‘cilltiwdnii and Thursday. \il .Ilii'. les .\ll>¢'l‘l ('iflpprr :Illll . Hon .\lll|'ll \\ori- the \\t‘t'k .ind guests at th- lIlIllit' of Hit lull-w": pircnls, \lr. .illll \lrs. S-‘K-ri Mr .Illll Mrll. \\‘IIiti-Iis had as their Lillt"l\ Sunday shtr-o fi'iotiids from (‘ll|I'.IL'I' \lis. Soivlter til-l ~II‘I William \\l'l'l' uni-sis at the l i'. Tod-l homo Sun- tl.|\ ii-w-Iu- Kurt-h .lt. \\il‘ .mionu tliosc who hit from iiiuliliIi-l i'.uk 'l‘hurs <l.i_\ iI-l Gimp tiralt Rockford IN-i-rtii-Itl Presbyterian ('hurrh 'l‘hr Si-pti-mhor Ilia-villi): it! the \\'otn.iii‘s Milt-lunar) Social) of the {FUNiUlI‘Tl-Ill church \\‘zis ht~hi at the lllllllt‘ 1! Mrs. Fri-d Haunt. Thur-tin) afternoon Mrs (hildrinn linii charge of llil‘ program and Mr- Fred Mey- .\rticles on lllt‘ ill Africa vwrn- read by Mrs, Rel- (‘ill’ll. Sr. and tho Miss-rd Emilio '\.ll.|.ik .ilitl J"llllll‘ \Io‘Ht’r lt-1‘\ 1)..) \\lll hr ohso-nv-d In the «hum. sinidm .n 10.3â€. it i: s-inii oi illuhlauilil'ui‘ Will ni.iiw Iliv' :iddrcss. l’tu t".‘i4(i.iu i’.:itlr.i\4~r llll't'lillg ti.†i..l li\ i’l‘ll‘l l‘i-ti-isou :ii i Hun» "Iii! \\KIlh'i‘. thi' ‘tllUt't'i lnillig "\\'ork Pl tilt’~rtir 'l‘â€L'"lllt'l ‘ \ll~~ Irizilt l.l1l‘.‘tl\\tkui li:i~ her-Ii 1-llleliiitl‘}'~llpt'rlillt'lI-it'lll of .lit-li .1. ll. . in. L: township 5%“me 9 FIRST CHURCH 0!‘ g g CHRIST. SCIENTIST a {WWW llzixvl (\\oh ncar St. John's Ave. Stillji‘t‘( for llt'\l Sunday's ll’tlrt)" Sermon is “lit';|ll[)." ‘ Sn-IxIm-s uic hold in this church Ipor'ii'i: it ill 45. I \t“\ Snodn) ‘h‘ni'nlziy School met-ts Immt'dintcly af- l‘wr lllt' Iii-inning arr-ice. ï¬nd is open l.“ r'mils up to the use of 20 years. The Wednesday t'\'(‘!llll‘ meeting. iwhii-h ll cludcs t-istimonios o! l‘hrin- .lin-i Sciatic. hcnllnx is fl 8 o'clock. \w'i 'l‘l‘ Ct-riitull) lziiltt‘il to make :t- I-' lhv l-‘ullliL' [will] at lll‘ E ‘t‘e- 'v ~‘ mun-1e. which is‘opcn cn-ry \\I'i‘l‘ Ill\'_ from hilt" o'clock in Hit [morning to SI? o'clodt p.,m. l i 1 lo 7 1 1 ' . ' D "g HIGHLAND P‘BK g g M. E. CHURCH g 6 . i Strut-rs ut-i lit-id in lhi‘I Church 3 is ioll-m- F-Indd)‘, Sunday School at ~ ;: ,1 your l.i .lL'll" :it â€illâ€. l-ipworth 'l; .; i- i ll l7». :ind t-vanu worâ€" ~l li' At T 43 \\’i ill:t'<ilfi_\ evening [-i’ i\-' son-m m 7 if. (‘hoir re. 1. ~lâ€".!l :tl l‘ l.» . 'l‘h. l-Zi-Wo'tl; lrugu- :llit'l'liliL‘ :it i. 1' <;iiliy t\t‘lll"‘.{ “Ill ln' it'll hi “I .\ i“. Rein ll}, who lUI\ 'H‘I‘Ii :u-t» .“IL v x-.I(l(lii- lilil‘i‘l .it Humour i'm ‘llt t‘lu‘. tllli’inL' ill- ~H'HHH'Y i“- \ "i‘; tot-lilo :Il- ‘iud it- \\n-l I‘ ‘ 1' \li ‘li-il sur- that his llllh oti social ~D‘Y' “\iiw- \\ill bear it ll\1'~’~:|pl' lot I'lH‘h ioii. {oh-l‘is .il llii~ illiir :iiid ,7 D . ii the) Mani results. people who l"l" l' Iodllir Wnr b) tahtnu .1 nit-r "'llh' \wtl liutilti lulu! it 1‘ Hut 3‘ l'\ ‘V l-\' Uh- t'r'llt‘r thfli llllf“ the l -' I‘ut femi- it. there are too ‘\ " lliti" it: this, lii'in‘. o' â€W 5'4‘ ‘ tl- litimt o.’ l'll' K'" d not HUS. i f Popular Materials for Fall and Winter? -' HE variety of our assortment of new Silks and Dress} Goods is of surprising extent It includes all those; materials that have receivedfashion’s foremost endorse-g, ,ment-«fabric’s in popular vogue for dresses, suits and coats?. These charming materialsare represented in colorings; ‘of every popular shade. ie' is They are materials of splendid quality and correct styled? yet very moderate in prices. 5% ‘5. "Changeable Silk}: ~New Novelties Among these popular materials are: 1 --Wool Tafleus _ «Black Satin: --Silk Plaids ~~New Serges --New Poplin: r --New Velour: on CHRISTIAN SCIENCE by Bliss Knapp, C. S. Bf Member of the Boardlof Lectureship of The Mother Churgii The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, MassachuSetis m: r) will be given under the auspices of- ‘ HIGHLAND PARK 01 wee-n. Au... ‘ The Churnch Ediï¬ce Hazel Avenue, near St. Johns Avenue Monday Evening, Oct. lst, AT EIGHT O’CLOCK wsfl- “gem Lil-«rem: out... i. " 1 t -‘~MW11:EHM;.V k i i '. i to be present EMOROIDER Y MATING- IUTTONS HEMSTITCHING 10‘ I oldâ€"all col-n BRING Yogwo‘x IN um NO'HNO ILA WHEN YOU CO L Hail 0M!" Glut Pro-pl Athena- LOUIS J. wnonu: lJS Sq State St“ can- A“ oven Faucet- . PHONE RANDOLPH-U"!- ‘ I it , Robert Greensla 1 Electrical Contracting : Estimates Furnished on Lamps and Brackets. House. Power and Motoii Wiring. 2‘ 134 2nd. Street Highland Park Teli805- WWW After “or-day. Sopt. I015. I will open my Gown Shop at 1002 Chicago Av..Evnnotpa. who" [will . npprechtc your futon â€mango. MADAM M. A HADLOCK -;- n... im... an i. w' . .- xT-f-C-OCW _W‘/W'm¢.f 114.35.; . FIRST CHURCH or CHRIST, SCIEN’QIST The public is cordially invited ‘ MI: E “‘1’, a.“ .â€"* u.n,‘_w‘, ‘i‘ ‘i‘ 'v t ~ “1%“ 3.311 )‘r" *gsamuï¬â€™ï¬ï¬‚ ‘ Y" ' r L i O . { . «é ,- ‘ I. i 3 ‘ ‘