oncts Fitted Ex- 1r bf flue“. Ovner >y “1. within; “an bk LIV (“all I. P, of ' f‘f‘n‘ Soft it'n stltchinq $7.50 are Lllty‘ in white ‘3 in mntrkxsz- 4p, xii .ize a odels 36.75 :2.50 ‘hn ,\ v a. $1.75 888$ 75c loves T‘TH Number 38 CITY COUNCIL PASSES; TELEPHONE ORDINANCE Among the matter: of impurinncv acted upon h)“th(‘ (‘iiy Council Pri- dny evening was thi- pnsango U! [in- Chicago Telephone Co. franchise or- dinance. which grants the company the right to maintain and operate a telephone ~\ystem in the City of High- land Park for 21 period or twenty yearn. This‘ howevvr ilOQ’S nut uwan that ihv franchise i‘ now in nifnct. Bci'urw its ï¬nal prumigv ii innai ha- submiilwl in the minre ni' Highland Park for their zipprmni. A <peclal election will b» Uzilit-d Pui‘l)‘ inlllii fur [his pnrpmr. in iin- illt'niitiilit‘ it shoulll ln- thv illâ€) of all \‘Htui‘r to he- cnmv flunilim' will: the conditions ul’ (hwlr i'r'incliiw which is primml min- ph-[N in furin in rlii~ hsnu of the Prowl The Fl'lincliiw (‘Hllliili"‘i0li. the “3301‘ and Cmnmisflun-‘h and (‘nrpomtiun (‘mmwl haw dovutc-d mun-h timv um! «‘nv-rg)‘ in fuming up this ordinance and mm hand it mor m â€I" \oh-[m \xilh thuir vutirv up- prnvn}. FRANQ‘IHSH II’ T†VOTERS m Ciry 4! Highland nthr-r condition; of Read {hv wutix'v - Back Taxes Urdort'd Paid on Strip of Land Belonging: to thv (‘itp Just North nf Ravinin Park 'zm-1 ! [wish-i y-rihqf‘ I i Ciry w! Highland Park and :11.my nthr-r condition; of equal lnuurhmvo. Rem! Khw wntix'v nrdinancc on pngn aix n.’ 'hi~ i.~~!\o 'md hr-cumo {hurâ€" 0:ngny pwlmi before: thv elm-tilnL which will pmbubly in: culled in Jummrv. 19H. BMMM uppx-wmu NH": :mh-mni'm m 51.37)") Mr a prim! from lh-twhnr 1.111 m‘cn'irdiuzh Ilw muting “g“ ,d j‘mrm-d um]! now \\'o-<111n*~’du_\ M‘rr. inu. At (hut (inw .‘mnthcr th‘Cill ('nmmith‘v “ill ‘.)-- emaihtw! tn Lm 'm .\ new paahnr. The nctlnc pzmnr. Rm: Jumw \ K \h'Chro norm! n< mudrrntnr Th Inmting “11" murkm‘. M ‘1 Happy *2:\' FM mu ’3 "wig? --v1' xtn‘. ,Ilmmnus SH‘ font Ran pay hm‘k mu- City has fzxilml, fur some reason mm to Hm pr~<0ht city ofï¬cialx l tho tzxxm :m rhi< property. .11 Rminia Company has paid the tho tum :m Hm property. .nnl (he Rminia Company has paid the same for thr- yenrs 19"“) to 1915 inclusive. The amount of muney actually paid out by the Ravinla C0. is $251.96 It is rhh .wmunt that the Council voted to rwimhurso 1hr! anlnia Company. TRINITY GUILD BAZAAR DATE NEXT THURSDAY SLIDE 'I‘Iu- lunlitw Will Hmv \n)‘thi Ynu Mm Want Hither fur \cmrsvll or \uot-hor.‘ u- riut) Entortainnwnt By the time of the next issue or the Press the Trinity Church bazar will be in full swing and bids fair to be the event of the season. if those desiring dinner reservations will call Mrst Tom Wylvs, telephune lLll and state the hour ht'lWPC‘n sh and sew-n thirty that they wish to he served a table will be held for tin-m, but only for ten mlnutoi after the time set. One dollar Is the prtce for dinner and the entertainment afterwards. Those who do not go for dinner may get tickets for the vaudeville for thirty-ï¬ve cents at the door. The en- tertainment begins at a quarter af- ter eight. 80 there will be a little time after the dining room closes at seven thirty for the men to enjoy I smoker and give the guests and work- era a brief breathing spell. Do not forget the menu includes turkev with all the rest that goes Do not forget the menu includes turkey with all the rest that goes with it. A! rln- mxm hnur one to one thirty an appetixing luncheon will he served for ï¬fty cents and Mrs‘ \Volcott with hvr assistant host- esses will have ten hn-wing with dainty sandwiches for twmxty-flve cents the cup, mid n-n cents and cakes will be served. Any time from half after three to ï¬vo you may drop in for man There will ho some inter- esting sldo lines such as The Magic “fell in churL'v uf \ii~< (litheriuf‘ rum-his: H' . \‘m' 1-? thv t‘n'mul \ulwl to ~trip nf land lying ju‘t north at ‘1]! Park \xhh-h was gixou [0 [hr some yum ago by the ownvrs .- l‘xl‘k Sim-uthnttim»,thu City 'zxilml, fur some reason unknown .v prwnut city ofï¬cialx (-v pay (Continued on Page 5) I" H! I): m ICR T" S E If l'l‘ N) DUI] the next issue of Hmv \nythinx wmlilim umm'M mthilm cm qr trim Hum hirt) «hm-“Q um H1 1h \‘l I FGI’I) BI RGI ABS ’ HFII) I,\' BII: WINDS .lnhanwlundnnd Frank mulTnny: Slm‘kn‘)"llrt‘ lodged ln [ln- mum: jull a! Wnuks-L'nn on n. clxurgn‘ of lmvlng uttrmpled to hurglarlze the store of: Tnlhvrt Dally. Ths1 lm-nl pollce. whol haw (‘léx'erly‘ handle-d the emu slnco; the. attempted robbery was dlscow-red. g an,- ln powesslon of written confes-L sinus on the attempted burglar)" Churgr‘. Frank Smokey. lumen-t ls charged with. not only attempted? burglary. hm wlth burglary and: rmwlvlng uf stolen property. I Articles.‘ won- !ound in hls pos-i «melon which are claimed by Mr. Dally Id be artlcles stolen when Mr store was hurglarlzed a tow months {120 thn Rowland and Tony Stock- .-_\- \wre ulwn a hearing Friday be? m.- Jmuco A. E. Smlth, and worn‘ huunnl over to thr‘ Izmnd jury ln lmmli of $2000 s-avh. Tho c4150 0! .luhu Stockvy was heard Monday and in hls case the bond was flwd at $6000. :Thr‘ local pnllco dowrvo n Krnnt den] of credit fur tho rand Lm-ul Polk-«- Succeed In lluumllnu l p â€on Who “amount to Hur- Irlarlzo- llully'u Stun- RHSUL’I'TIUN 0_\' NEW INSTUR 'I‘I'RVED IHHVV (‘HIHS'I‘I \.\' N‘HIM H LI‘N‘TI‘IHJ 'l‘tHIURRUW l'rcwlntérhm Flinn-h \h-mhor‘ \h-I [.mtjlfn-nhm to \nh- ull \‘pw. 'l:Il (ulllllllllo'v “ark A free lrctnrc on Chrhlllln Scucnre will be given tomorrow (-venlng, No- vember 16th under the ausplces o! Flrst Church of Christ, Scientist. Highland Park. at the church edmce at eight o'clock. The lecturvr is Mr. John Sidney Bralthwaite, C‘. 3.. a member of {ho Board nf Im'turoshlp of the'Mothor Church, the I-‘lrxt Church of (‘hirsL Sclontlst in nus- (on Mass‘ Tho public is curdiully in \‘itod to be prPsonr \‘lNlHY EVENIXH ('I.l l!- I‘WDR HIHIIIANI) I’HiK Vlr. .lulnl “duo-y lirnltlmnllv. ( In Mwuk an (‘hurt-h l‘dhim- Ilzllvl \wnm‘ A Sunda) owning club is econ tn be formed in Highland Park for the purpose of affording an opportunity {or the citizens to hear prominent speakers. as well as to provide a pub- lic forum. Gerard Van Schniclr is at the head of the movement. Judge K. M. Landis will be the ï¬rst sponlmr AnnOuncemem in regard to time and plpce of these meetings will be given later. l’lum uro- Ruin: Made for "(‘Ifllllll‘ \lvetlmrs. Prominent ï¬lm-nh‘rx ,\rv Promised VI‘ISl'l-IR \‘HRVH‘I‘N \T TRINITY (‘HI'IH‘H SI'NIHY The ‘regulur monthly vespcr service held on the third Sunday of each month‘ at Trinity Church will [)0 hold hmt Sunday afternoon. The hour lb wt at four thirty The pro- 2mm 1s. (‘horul Evensong, Tums; Mugnlncut and Nunc Dimitln In P. Slmper: Anthem, "Hark. Hark. My Soul". Shblley: Hymn 398: Orlmn Hymn (Sung Knellng) 33:3. The sololsts are ï¬rst ('t 0. Alexander and .\H-~ Ruth Emory, The ‘regulur monthly hold on the third SI month at Trinity Ch hold no“ Sunday at hour in wt at four (hi \ml m‘cn'irdiuzh Ilw muting “u‘ ,1!- Jur'uv-d um]! now \\'o-<111n*~’du_\ run nu. At (hut time .‘mnthcr .svailll 'nmmittw “HI ‘.)-- emwimwi flu Link I!) .\ [\Q\V pglahll'. \ln. (‘. H. \h-umdn and )“nn lluth l men '0 ho Sololstu at Remini- \lonlhly Mot-(Int ex [hm don] Hf or lqnv In thi (ri (H! im H (‘itin-m u! diuhlun-l Pnrk \Ul' no‘rxu .md urn ( :AlIo-(l upnn‘ In drmn‘p-lruh' [hr \\-‘ .n'n 01 (m! that \uur i>mrluth~m§ I.~ not 2m lhc nun, . l'lllpl) hnust, â€1:4 it nu-nnq wmnthlnu \ Hmlnbul morn- Hum th kinking u, Hu- Shqr mmuha IH Spanglwl Hunnr} :uu! ntlzcr Imlmnul mnxn: I! 1mm:- moan Hrt‘riflm- {nr ouch and MI. "c an mi longvr hx hq-kmmn 21» En liphâ€"Anu-rflcnn, lrinh. Amvrh-un. Hurt}!MrAnwrlFun. (irr- m:m»Amrrir;m, 9r no) (MhFr hyphrn- Mm! Amerivun.;’w- mun: slum! :n Amuru-um :unq'nu Amer’cnns. W.- musl tukc- uur K'lull Invas’qrv of duty and ulla-uiumw In (Pm hiKhl-M «'ull fur which n prnplv-Evu-r [III-it'illhrvl H» Ah [ml Huh. 2‘ men ugd wumo-n pm~.~r.~t~’ing ('I\l(“fprid(-, \H~ :I'nuat rum“- nurwlvow frmn (ho Imhnru‘)‘ that ha: cunn- mo'r u» during HIMpm-t “’H‘k. and in Hu- (o-x‘ Ilny~ rvinnlnhlg of thi~ urruz \ M. I“ .\ ‘Ithr. stand lurk n! Hu- mim .lmi “(mm-n who uh- puttinu {“21}: .x ~1xpjvmu~ n-flm‘t xwurd llll‘t In “ill ulxll‘hdh' F1 prim m m} Y \I. (‘ hrrnkfnk’ HI 1mm .| Irwrrfnio tulhr Ht'lnlu'r uf an \-\[‘0‘ri('n(‘('\! ImMIt-r qu- Y'xphlwm: "In .| :I'I'JX .lild n-H-nl’ mnh‘Iu-d 4: â€:1. 1h. {tin} \silh ,Hn} Mrmowt “'I‘ln- llrnmlnlinf flu- h'ï¬urd" tn Mu-n I' Illu Hart- than“). \memm 24!, (‘hrintiun A-M‘tlnlhn nï¬d Patrlouc h-nmu 1! (In him Plarq: nudlmrium Suturdu) mongnu .\n\ It. 1917‘ It n-pn-m-ntd Um .nlr’un of tha- dim-rant nutlubn lulu Qw bro-sent var. . uh um --pn-unlln‘ thdr pk. bc‘fln‘r (h- (mun ul Judhv, Ilho r1) nml Truth i '. \\ Thv- "I’m“:ég d Hn-l, Sunni". ;\ \ urn-t!) up In puln- Mllil’r) l‘uucnnl will hr gin-n by lhl- Ym+bx Wunu-n'n prnu‘hl' T’u‘ lwuhnu Charm-(rd urg taken h)‘ mm.- mm. Ada Hymn-h. Gor- lruslv With-n. \(Iss ï¬nine,LA1mQ Ko-llp. Du!" lx’ru-uvrml'hthor “tiff. ('Alh- uumn «ml U HIGHLAND PARK. kLLINOIs, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15.1917 A céAIiL TO ARMS rhw puurdnl \l A subwription cur; for tht Y M C A Campaign Fund can be obtained at peeâ€.- Drug Store of the Highland Purl! prcu H you hdlvc not :ub'bcribed. Occur: I card It once And ft“ it out {or In)' Imounti; you an “ford to donate to thin worthy “up: Stu" amounts of :0 cunt! “d 25 cent: wt" help luv-rd: die oucccu 0‘ din Campu'fln d, win lnmcfnmoun". .0 (but a“ luv. the opportunity 0‘ liv- ing â€Do Your BIC"; Mike life cheerful for lb: boy: in the trench“. Hf Un- "\(‘ll puttinu {(111}! :lli/t‘ H1“ ~0le 31f (h \II lk' m )H wuplull‘h“. (In ilhl' ~ \‘mlingf “‘1': I! .hwt 'nr ('outlnued on P3 this m": )n vhv ï¬nal! Mod‘uc'g \ nun-Hf Hm I, {hur'x {.I-r HH- \ \\ :vk H l(' \. in) PM. MT \IILITun' '\l.‘E\\T Ir II I'luus nrllti-II Mn! [Ir-l rhr puth.! July, [917. h uIlh [In-:prrwm m- t1 1‘, :UL Inm ~Hxl; {I :I (\k'li'tl V! f. :L’urh M»! -h mp (who: 6)- llu- Yul u t'klnlhn n d him Plant: 1‘ I,“ \m It Um v nlr’u Dbi in!“ QM fl 0m not.110127533mm‘mm nrg:xnl7:*'i-m .m.» groan! nurK fox “Hrh 9 \ «uric: uhn‘h hth I' Ih‘eml). um! uhh'h W“ ..2'. am ind n-.sii1.glul DUI! ï¬t Aâ€: y-mvh I“ (l‘ lh l UM) gm ‘ 1H uar I n ’mihhxmlm' :he Ernnt‘ TM punt-tr {In 1. m1» vau- {m . x- M- u r the rump r~ A] .m! Tnh, “HY ‘H my: '1', all ~| ht march- m in-q Mra. Ear, W. Spawn- 'leum and :r ~ihmn v-n all I“: ~m.de unl'! Pu ".Iurt #HIUV'IIX' ï¬th'r Ar! pulp (for Inn “1| I)!†HIP mu! an: he h‘qmnu- “. lhmu-flrr and Jr.» Spell- Inu \pan in “M In: had- our Sula-ml \nnu" nt‘r\4' .md Imp-l Inn-rut,- um~ nut “v .m uumlncvd our [urn huw lhc- nun, um! Hu- Arm) Y. MY (‘ \ «'onlrllmln- ulmusl rmin-I) lu mmulqa IH whmlulr vmbrnm-r. Rr- hxinu~ ‘H‘KIVHIO". Physical Arllvllhw Eduvnllmml Avthihvn and Social Ar- thitiw Whom uddh-rp an- (nken prisum’rr- (ht Y. M. C, A. “I†[W Hu' IIKHH") (hruuuh which mm| and fund “M h-- Iwmmuwd. lh plvmurn l“\|l u an'H KM Mn! wrlphvm Hr HHFHAK' lO' ~ulr~vrlYH ' ‘1 \\".nl ul“ fully Hm! \l'l’ )huf‘ "l‘ fnruurd m thv “(urn u! the mm. um {warm}: \\‘w|- umlo'd Indr- that lrf! _\-Iu whh Hu- n-qumu that )uu km-p Hw Home Plum hurnin‘g for the (Brunt Ru-unlcm H mm h- mnnthl HN‘U. .‘I'I‘HIS PLAYING I\ I'\Tlll0’l‘l(‘ “0"â€! (‘muge w Hone-Her o! Chicago. Jone Hpuï¬llnx and Paul Mn" 0! uke l-‘urot nnd (‘hlem who have any magnum hon. use an In the pod me! all: "Who flood- our Nusonu Army“ which VII rem-II In Chlcuï¬ on Nmmbor 6. The heron 0! be do" At. Ir. Wu: and Mr. Minx both of whom ON number: N the IL 0.1‘. C. u M Shoridan- The pros-«II hull lb renul of 3b! Man will be m to (hr “palrï¬ud land" 0! the Trunk. Camp- Iluou. Mr Sp In: In a nephew u! Harv: Glut of had M and h m hon.huullnlhonforu-o Ill by O a pic. .- mum lll‘ Thi \VI mpg IIIIou. woru u- . Mr Sp Inn In a nephew u! Harv, that Rn. R. "In! ludMoï¬hMplflofMthï¬ m. M u IIv-I but for tantrum chuck De. m I: also know-gel tho Am th “HMIUIMIO‘HIWI.AII , ,._A_- IL. ,p Hll\\ usl), (Hm-me ‘ ("uh-ch HHUL mums!†H «gm '~ 1? xnd n? . I" hr ‘0!!! 131mm 10 \le and mr [TA Ynt-Rr'nlr fur we mn- nnxlouply wamnl. lhlt w-U wnh Hu‘ had ~ H hut 1h" Hum It. luv up '[H'AI- l~ Hu- Hnw In Khr and )nu hm Him \"Hf ~..h.mu:um .Irl :u- lu’m m» f our ru-Inx holxhhorn, hut lLr u. \Vh.« (u :mphn-lu- r Um! .:.u~u].m(|: r mukr Mr dmmnnh Hm .I~ hr 1- ."Mt'. 14! nu! Bu')’ m HM II'IIH‘\I‘!«{ HuHHdunI 1M L113 HM lO' \VIH 1X|1~I 4! l7 l ~m'v mm. m the- rm' 'Ilwx Tum-n", nu :mnnul plclurv n31 “rlHIK IHMPNRH 3’0 and Mr and Mr! Drew. SMurdaL 1d “hvv- hr ‘9" WWW ‘0 \lmguu-vllu Clark in "'l‘hr Amazons" HM mr HA Ym-kr'nlr râ€? .m! n Irinnflr Hmstrmv- (‘omedlï¬ Inn-Y -. nun) (rum (huh-«,- ;u'liUH-' providvd by :1 "Ha Du you rvulI/r n a" high nulhnril} m Yht mm! that more uh Mumm- den-loved (In I’vrvv L'I-IH mliunn‘,’ n\rl' Il' Gvnvrul hm Irp H’du ' Hum 11. luv up 4- lmw In Khr and Hmr In ~nrrlth~v in ’H .lppl-nl lu )(nu : (h: mnltnr run-A 1; "me you done _\uu have )(m vrlll lu (hr Mum‘lmlm- m- :lll )ull could. mt}: hr able hlaph rlï¬lxl (I) luok u! the mm. Io-d Indr- that I41! that )uu .1â€. mum If l‘l ~ll â€I The Chicago North Shore and 1., u lMHvuulee Railroad â€will open I lick- ,†ll 0-! ofï¬ce and waiting room In the n-ub num- vacated by Mr. Larson. The (non Reliable Laundry town ofï¬ce V!“ 1 ‘heimow Into 364 Conn! Ave. formerly Huu. «LI-cup!“ hp lmperlll (‘Ivanen- and raver . "FM"- Mrv AHN'N Larson, Win» In- Uf- vupiL-d Hm «hm- at 7 8. St. Juhnh A\('. (or Im- mu! number of )‘l‘lll’ï¬. will- mnvo- (mm Mn present place to 388 (‘o-nlrnl Aw. (h: former Ra-Hnble Laundry (own ofï¬ce.’ December â€1.: Mr INN)“ will (‘onduct a stationery bur-Inna nu in the put. but wll) diu- mmllnue the “II? n! 013an and lo- haven. ‘h'o I‘l-ltrrs Know WI: int fol ‘- Mke count) by [03(an at)“ provm; m In 'l‘u («ad-fl Manner, lulu-i II In ltu- Fun. In 83‘ (‘omul hunt T\\'I.I)B IIOLfllfli IN â€PW" BIT SEATS†WED. Mnrrm-mo (‘lul to Appur In “The \numun" Sal-flu lire-II: at Furl Theatre â€1W!" LAWN TO MOVE DECEMBER In! I’I‘YI‘ITIIDNS 1‘0 AI‘TIHDRIZH FMâ€: 0F INCH! SULIHERS I'vhlluun arr being circulated thruâ€" on! [he Unllod sun». zit-Mn. than! ('ungrrm pm» a bl“. authorizing the Anwrn-nn l'urpk- Cm» AhsOCiDUUfllO «an (Ur HM Indies of all do“! bold- nrn. 1n the uniform of (be Unfled Sun-a. Tho Purple (‘mas Anucin» Hun undvnnhmn lhlï¬ Iurk M m â€In rayon-1', and nlmuld (he bill he [-znnhi‘d. “HI NW that the dead he prop-1'!) ruled fur undyrvturned home In a unnilnr) condlllun. l'I-HUuns of this kind can be found In 5m) 0! [hr throw local hunku. at Mr lmfh'r Hrul Extnlr ufflce.lnd ul Hm rvnl 00(an offlm‘ of "wiry K. “1L\!l. 3U" l'urlolc- Fran \mlnflon Pulsar-rd u. nlw \enlrr Ahmd II nwn IL1 mum- “l\'l‘l)|.I-IR \ \(‘I‘I" T0 BE IERVSENTHD HERE Prom-«h In (.‘0 la the L M. (2 “ar Fund In Help our Bap- In (‘unp [Me HM ['h‘I-y- u! Ihv \ M t‘ A “M r'una r4 1 - It! rr HI war H h! t‘uumuuw, \HII b0 shown U W Gr†‘TH Q h r “L W5 in ‘ n-xl \u-oi' Pn-n- lilll'p $8,000.00" spot-Inch, "lnlulor- ‘ h 3 :lel‘o'." 'I'Iw «Miro HM proveedu will i he uwd Inward Hw «Ituhlluhmonu M . ’ ml Is “mm.“ N Y. M (‘ A. huts for nor bnyu "some- “ho-r“ In Pruner" (mum In its his- "ONI‘TW 9“?! Iuru-nl :md n-ducnlhmul \uluo a stud- :nh- muthuw- “III hr gin-n It 2116. ~ Tha'rc' \AIII b1 Hm rH-nhm ï¬lm's. the-Pmbyleߠ(jun. C u WI] (â€-1 ml “‘30 and NW um-uml II 0:15. “I!" 0. Mb", 41“"!!! ï¬nal“ 'I'lm (ulloulnx nmtlun picture: urv : Iw nhnwu at (ht I‘c‘arl TIu-nlrr o‘\l wm'k, sunda), â€urhhi luvkuond w I'urmnmr Garden". and a commh; DR. INDIISIDN IN I'HAIHE 0F ARMY Y. M. (‘. Word I- method hero um vet! that Rut. R. Calvin Duh-(In. lornlcr â€dot 0! (ho Highland Park Pro.»- urm chuck. has been put u: chm «(MAI-73210.. Lac... Hancock. Auuu. Goon“. Ir. not you ulna that the tort l- mu! I“ that he II «alarm. H tmmc'nwly. Vamr PM ham-n Pam-u- .- Sun-Oar) III Miter. \rllp ('nup Nu H1 Hn Sulurdu)‘. Dvm‘mhvr "I‘M. at r l’x-nrl Themna under Hm nus- ...w u! Hw \ M t‘ A “M Fund d"). Fnur sch: 0! \nudmillr nnd Every dollar rniï¬od in Mr 8 3 .- F‘ntul Ring"; Tuendns’. Junv El-;(-xnlnpulxu will be US“! {0 â€I? 4 ‘r um! Arthur mum in “Slmll‘pocu fur whirl: it h: Rhm) nd 2 i f Pounn Hr!" from lhr fnmnup idolhu‘ will he judlcmll) r H m ‘ h) ('hurlw Earn-r; \Vu~de~d:u,jmu m the H‘lnfufl an! h puuw ) In" Huhm-~ m "Tm. HS! 3.4“,".'vln« rph'u'hd )nung Pun w 1 .‘rp â€1 :x \lmual um! l‘umnd) dr:un:n.~. lug Hunmhu‘ Hm! Aun'rgrn mi,“- y..:..\ “hum Fuuchc m "Sn! hr 1- TI! nmrl “ml â€7.1) undo ,,4 1‘)â€: (w †run-1 :1 Mn: \'Hnuu:aph ue- «'an. 11-» [u (‘htNl oir‘ \0‘3 v.4} Pridn} (in-um†Hrhnll H: .muvr‘ {rum-2h Xlu ~en'iw-i g4;f’(!le}"\'.‘ \ 91 ‘ .1 TIAH-H“, nu :mnuul piclul‘v M. «L A 8: Mn Had my ,n3flo in HM" from lh ‘hurlvr Earn-r; \V thm-~ m "Tun H Jual um! l‘umnd) “hum Fuurhc Y. [C L'CM Contribuliunl from Do. Id ‘1‘ ship Ahould be made ! ugh Goo 31mm cimr “ of g Township, or am number i (he Ibl lowing committee: Char) den [on Rkhmond Donn; (Bern. W. Yuk Gear-m A Bchonold, JAmeI Martin Theodore C. Hutu. George .A M William R Runner, John John P. L. Cufllï¬. Hen Frank l. (‘lu-neyi. Gnome man Thoma}. Edflrd John L. Udell. cool-é R. orvu 1.. Millard. Brian on. William A. Alclun (‘uï¬hlnm James H. Duffy. Morgan. Jon-ph Schunin M Vail. Prod D.‘POH H Donn). Rnlph A. In“. w. oï¬i run-lulu Ila-um In»! W m, (L A us can do‘ (m Tuesday exerting AM"). In land Park thyteflw cl rch . lrimk- mot-ling was held th pose nf vxphnmng’ this V M. um uurk, Mayor Snmu M.3 “up, uhn mended a! t m rpmkr n! rm Inyallu o! 1 9 NH: ‘0! Highland Park. H the hl‘lfl . uxmu- «0 all war inu-rQfleti npeah-r n! the t-vellng. “91'. D‘ Hugh Jam-v-~ D. 1).. 6f the nt 1‘ ban-rim: curoh of [Van . gai mm! Yurcvful mom. a Inin‘f \' M «‘. A. work. not I)- in†â€tuning rump! '0! (his mtry? mun; nll (he mm. Hnu jot sari Amber feature at the dug- the rond'ln; cl um ‘h-m- one 1 um. wnmm n; )4 n. 1 “Somewhrre in Frau" um 1 Henry Schnalfler. ï¬lm I» n tut at Allentown. P5,; bot. mu: Park hon. tn “â€3 they peak I highly of the Y C. Mu ar I The- hump will wponr Mn !u! m- it \u- â€0‘ v- Pn- n- 4' ‘ Mr Krmdk-I wfll bo‘ut U: hour-ml Manda} nlxlcl r the â€mm, and drain" in NH: altrnd Plan in un lmnd [Wu H) u p In In â€10- flunfl)?‘ :l roo‘ :Ihr Pru-iu1-r0nn'obur24é Thinï¬i lmu- ;-«lnmh â€â€œ9".“ q; «ht-run; ,Ihc-rr I: mum form In mure Inlnnrn. hr (‘5: a be u t«mum "Tm xuv w. .Knuf 3|. um~ nf lhl mud ï¬rm-HI l mu- ghum urclu-n [M 190 h duy Mr. [nub Krvtdlor in . «hum 1hr (‘hrhltmmi ('nnbu be (IV! the Prumyflorinn church the Hf llfl‘l‘lhf'r I‘ll it h! Rh ' Judlcil“) vlnfufl ‘nd In In»! hW‘ tannin! A! Ibyteflm cl rch ' was Mldé hill. (Ms ayor Snmu Hded a! I mall†0119 5:: Irk. I‘ "19%“ war Inur hi: 9 v-vellng.%:1 ...I) 0' the I of Ivan" addm:,o. IIIIr york. I of (Mo: mu flrIII. Ilneu in! I! m at the 'um 1mm- 1 â€(than um ler. ï¬lm In, a Ir PL. ml u-Mc they on! Y. }C. A.“ “‘N' {III Imps-gr Eh; I "-10- 3 mm N â€my-gm . mi,“ air ‘00 â€Igor. â€16‘". ‘ 1th , n) :50 on Id ‘1‘ t ugh r â€4 of #1 her t me ’61 n1