Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 3 Jan 1918, p. 6

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in M ”Maâ€"“wus- 'AO. III Notice of Special 1 Notice is hereby given to the voters of the City of High and Park that a Special Election will be held in and for said C ty, on for the purpose of submitting to the voters, for th‘ ordinance as follows: AUTHORIZING THE CHIUAUU TELEPHONE COMPANY T0 CON- STRUCT. RENEW. MAINTAIN AND OPERATE A TELEPHONE SYS- TEM IN THE CITY OF HIGHLAND PARK. IN THE COUNTY OF LAKE AND STATE OF‘ ILLINOIS" BE IT ORDAINED by the Council!“ at the cm 0! Highland Park. in them County of Luke and State of illinois: 1 p SECTlUN i: That Chicago Tole?“ phone Company, its successors. lessees ‘ ” uni assigns. are hereby granted the C right to erect. construct maintain Hr new 1nd operate in. upon. along. 5 urea. over and under the streeugii md Alleys and public plums oi' the}c City of Highland Purl, lines of poles. 9 wires, cables. conduits. vaults and int-*â€" cru- and to use the suns (or the,l transmission of sounds and signals»'» by means of electricity for a period. 0! twenty years from the date ml the‘ passage hereof. ‘ . ...- t SECTION 2: The location of we? lines of poles an well as the inter, “I. vaults and conduits heretolonl installed by said Company within the‘ limits of the City of Higniwd Park; during the period of time beginning the 6th day of August, 1915, and end-1 in: the 26m day of October. 1:Ii.’.| n...l all 1!,.: In. nu. .v-.. __, , ere hereby approved and all ii»; poles. laterals, vaults pnd condim _. aid the location thereof. as well as? dl other property heretofore ll'lstJl.‘ ed by said company, shall be w‘w pct to the terms and condition t' this ordinance. All poles, win-n ables. conduits. vault: and humble of said Company wit in said City. Ihall be so placed and maintained. Ild all work of said company :im I be so performed as run to interfere‘ with travel on the his ways of said City. or with on) pn lic improve- ments of any Kind. now or hereafter located in any of the firm-ts. nib-)3 and highways of said ti‘ity. and it :it In: time it should become necvsury for the making of any iocul or public improvements in said City. to remove Ind re-locate said mndiuits. vaulte ur laterals. or any part thereof. raid Chicago Telephone Conlpany shall reâ€" move and relocate the same at its sole expense. and in such manner .15 not to interfere with any of said im- provements. whenever notitled in writing by the city council. or the duly authorized agents ,or reprewnta- tives of said city so to do. and in case of bringing to grgilc- or change of grade or change oi‘ width of any street or alley. said Company shall At Its sole mpcnse change its ~tructure5 so as to conform therewith. .\ll work herein specified shall be done under the supervision and to the approval of the Commissioner of Streets and Public improvements, of said City. or to such other per~on. if any, as shall he designate-d by the city coun- cil of said city. The four several precincts of said City have been created and designated election districts or pre. cincts and the following places have been. by the Council, designated places of election in and for each of said precincts. . First Precinct: Fire Department Building, Corner of Central Avenue and Green Bay Road. Second Precinct: Wm. Himmler’s Store, 113 North Avenue. Third Precinct: Schneider’s Store, 13 50. St. Johns Avenue. Fourth Precinct: Fred Lindholm’s Store, Dean Avenue. E The polls of said election will be opened at 7:00 o’clock in the morning and will continue open until 5:00 o’clock in the evening of Saturday, January 19th, 1918. '1 By order of the Council of the City of Highland Park. EDWARD A. WARREN, City Clerk, AN ORDINANCE Within‘tmny mpnllva side of Oakwood Av- 10 second pole south Avpnue In the first ' Green Bay Road. side 0! St‘ Johns Av THE 01110599 Saturday, January 1961;, 1918 SECTION 4: Ali bin-cu. alleys. highways. public pincen and side- wuliu disturbed or damaged by [he erecting. instniling, consiructing or rmmwni of said pole-x conduits. mulls and inlerals. or any 0! them shall be “1-H and truly n-ntort-d in the same condition in which the) VH-rv below the name were laid, reâ€" storing all the pavements with new mau‘rial win-revcr neccsary for said purpnscfi. All of said work to he dam- in n grind, Ill‘r‘trciaas. “'orkxnanlikc manner, and in the approval of [he K‘UHLlnifl.‘l(Hiil uf Slim-u and Public improvemouhz And said Compmy .... .... n. no Auny.u.....\_‘ shall file .I homl, with sun-(y m be appruuul h) tln- mayor and rlly clerk or and City. runnlng to the Cl!) n! Highland Park in the sum 0! Gun Thnusmul Hollur~ ($1000.00) for lln- full and {allhful periormanco of thew provision» Sum Telephone Company. canon. lessees or uslxm. SECTION 6. All wh company Mung or across thoroughtan‘ witmn said N maintained at .1 height than eighteen fro-t from K emu-pr whvro they (‘ruxs 421-4 rnr tun-ks. at W u .n. .y‘. b(‘ kept painted} unlini'n: color. SECTION 6. All wires of said company ulnnx or across any public thoroughfare within said t‘ity shall bo- maintained at .t height of not less than eighteen i’m-t from the ground. ext-em whvrv they vrws ratilromi or ~tr't-l vnr harks. at “‘hirh point tht‘) >h-\H in' mnmtained at a height or hot less than twenty-five feet abou the 10p rail of will tncltx Thu Company shall within twenty- !nur hours after notice hm bet-n scrum! upon it, tomm'v all its wire! anti cnhlei along or itcrms any strert whore Stud i'o-movztl is meow ~:\l')' to allow tho moving of any building or other xtructurv. provid- ing mid company shall tint be paid the- t-«tinintml cm! at such removal and at! tho rvcunnvcting hf such alrt's and l‘fll)|(‘i. An) amount un- mpmnlcd from an) aunt w deposited shall be returned to the party malt. in: the deposit. SECTION T The locntmn 0i all palm, laterals, vaultn and conduit: inatztlled llllll“l ll'l‘ provisions 0! thin ordinance, as wcll 43 all change“ ur extrusion: uf any pulvs In lint-:- uf pols-3.1.teruls. vuult> ul' conduits heretofore installed, shall 2w under the kupervlslnn 0i and «inject tn the apprmal at the Commission-r of Stu-cu and Public llnprummcuts. or such other person as shall he dcsig» hated by the (‘ouncil for that purpose. who qhnll issue written permits therefor. Before an) bcrmlt in i3- >ueli to said (Yumapny to locate any Conduit. vault or lateral, said Cum puny shall file with the (‘lty (‘lerh 01‘ said clty. a plat. undt-r t'n- :lgnn- ture at said company. drawn to a scale, which plat shall show the exact location of each conduit. vault. and lateral now laid in: the immed- late locnllty In which said proposed work Is to he done. and the exact location of each cnmlult. vault and late-ml pruposml to he laid under this ordinance which plut shull lw subject to tho npprm'nl of the ~ul-l (Tum- tnlssluner oi‘ Streets and Public Im- prnw:rnent<. as to the location 0! mid conduits. vault and laterals. SFA‘TION 3. The cavern for all vaults constructed under this ordin- unci- ilmll he- 0! iron or uther nmA wm'ul satidnctory to mid Commis- sioner of Street: and Public Improve- nwnt<, and said vaults nhall he so built thnt thc top of said Coven ‘hall present an even surface with the street pavement at the point whcrc laid. and the name shall be lowered or raised by said Company whenever the grade of the. street or alley in which said vault is located may be at any time hereafter low- 0red or raised by order of the Coun- cil of said City. The size of said cm'cm shall not exceed in area nine square feet. rUC SECTION 9 No trees along any n! the streets or alleys shall he cut or trimmed without the consent of th«- :Lhuttlng property owners. and thw writtvn permission of the Com- mi><i0n€r of Streets and Publlc Im- provements. or such other person a! shall he dosllnalml hy sald (‘ouncll fur that purpose Ml ran-cu. Valleys. 1m: mama: Tole» n. In- In Illd lied and as In n Sh’l’TlUN 10 Said Chlc plum: ('umptul). HI succo sum and ass-lam. shall km: ~_\ 3‘01". and all propéfly Inn! nmlm‘ulmfl by ll at all ll prupcr and an!» rundltlou d shall malmmn prupu bntrlerl an dunr “grub. tlurlnx the con-tn: “on. re- pair or x-om-wnl u! .1! work perform- ed uml-rr {ho pmvllloni u! thll or- dnmnn, ~u u u) ovoid nl dunno and Injury to llh‘. limb and sum (‘umpnny shall. at luJ DQ‘HMt, defend all Sulu thud brought nunlmt and City. that prompt and adequate n been given the Cunpany ginning of an) null and I and keep hnrmlou the of Huhlnnd Park from u: dun-(cs. 0051‘ 39d Jud every kind, that mu m arlse by rumn of the {Min Chicago Tclrphono Compun coupon or :tulgnn. [.0 pr lecl mm um‘k by such bl danger signal» during m Hon, or that may arise 1h an“ ncxy . ... _-_, of IH‘hlanu-Pal’k "mi u: and ill dun-(cs. 0051‘ 39d Jud every kind, that mu m arise by rcnwn of the {Min 0! and Chicago Tclrphono Compun , “I nuo ct-suorr or :mnllnn. [.0 pr rly pro use! said um‘k by such bl ion .n danger signal» during m outruc- Hon, or that may arise th (I: the negllxenw ..1 and L‘ompnn It. nuc- ceuorn or Julxnn. It: or Mr ur- ku, employm. or contr n. and from my nnd all damages, coma and Judgment: of every kind hut ms} in my whw arise by re 0! lhl! (ullurt' of mid ()anpnny. I mecca-A ors or mum. to properly confirm! said conduits. vault. In la .11! can. work. or by rmwn of the allure .I said company. It: succe or a , sIgns. m or their urvm or cm- ployeu, to keep and work ut nil than 3 during the existence of l e rlgbn herein mun-nod, In a safe ud prop- er condition SECTION ll Baht Chl o Tl-ln-‘ phum- (‘mnpnny ahall pe mlt txn (‘lty u! lllflllund Park “1' ulr u! sulllclcnt space Mr carryl I la pn- llce and fire alarm when t the tub) or nll polo rim-ted lu-n-un or \vhlnh urv mun-d tun! occupled 'by ml-l Trlcplwnr \‘umpuu. und 0 polo- 0! mld Trlt-phunu Comp n\' m- l'llplt‘d jointly with elect to lull colnpuny, HM pollen) and rc- nlnr u wlrc-s rhnll lH‘ placed at 0 top .4 tho spam rest-wed for t 0 use n! mill 'l‘elrplmnr Cclnlpuny; provlthd that snhl wlrw phall be ,u plum-.1 and mulntnlnml hy uld (‘lt tlut the um of rlilllt' wlll not Imps r the hp- I'I‘llullll u! «nlll Tl-lc-phono onlpnln's Winn. \ll .~nch pollen- and m.- zllarm when shall be undqr the «flâ€" rm‘tlon und supervlnlun 0! uh! Trlw phone (,‘onlpnuy'r- authorlzod repr~ sc-ntntlw and upon the ,lnllnulrg cundlthnn No such pnllcamnd fire alarm wlro ~hall lx- nttnclied to any 0! ~:\l(: pull-,- 0! Inlll Telephone Conl- pnn) if am such wlrt‘ shnll our) .| \ullam m’ mnra- than 100 Vol". nur if in my part of tho clrcult u! wrh wlrv It i-“snpmrtod upon a pal» 1n whlch thore l‘ Any Ivlre onrnlnc a vullugc- u! Tull)” \‘olh nr mnru- ln raw any such pollu- and Dre tlurm ulro- In any part nf |t~ Clrc It 1-K HIV pnrtml upnn :l polv on V lch thorn i~‘ an) ulro carrying n volt‘xr u! Ion than 5mm \ult~ and more‘thnn 100 "ulh~ [hon int‘l pollen and Dr? alarm wi' -hull hr attached tn;.Iurh pole at l pnlnl llul lea.- than “‘0, N0! bu luv: Hm) u'lrl' currylng su¢h \nltngn M In.“ than Sumo volt: llld unore that. NO voltl. I v SEPTION 12: Sam Cohlpmy 2m lung m It n-xerclsoa or enjoy: the ‘rlghts hereunllnr shall mrnlnh tn tht‘ City of Highland Pnrlt. froc (\I charge wlth local rxchnnto nervlro for clt) huslnesl nnlj, tv: lvo nlnglr llm- tvlnphnnm and our-nu on: tn he lmtmllml in such place! dlthln um (‘lty fl'i the (‘nuncll from tlmo tn timv shall hy remlullnn (flrofl, pm vlllml that Inld Company'n .Iunl anm n! cnntrnct for Mrh telephnnr «hull lw provluusly Illnpd for (Io (‘lty M the Mayor therfd hnvln endnnwr‘ thereon the terms sparked. an" chull alm furnl-h to Ml rlty nnd Its officer: frve‘toll llne rvlce 'nr rmmnunlvutlnn txrluilvplf on (hr hnulnv“ of salt! CI" to 1.! pnlnt- nv‘ the ”hr.. of Mid (‘nmpnn hPtVPOh thu clty u! Wmtkegnn. La 9 (‘nuntv llllnnli. and the (‘lty (‘Mrnl’h (‘nhk k‘nunty. llllnnln. lm- )dlnl nnlv' I‘lUO‘. nnd‘ths Mayor nhnl mrtlfv nh *tntemo-nti of «och free ll u-rvlcv- rvmlorod by "M Cnm any from mouth to month that t wvorn‘ ralh ll-tecl thomn word mndo nr the huilnnsn of the Clty o! nghlund Park. RFA‘TION 13' AH rlxhlfl and privi- ‘ozoâ€" hnrvhy granted phfll nm N- owluulvo. hut uld (‘Hy "Corvu- the rhzht m (run! I "he rIqM of way and like prSvIlem to onwrn. Hu- mmv. however. not tn Inmr'ere '10: the rights and mm.”- her-eh, granted. And the right- tnd priviâ€" their abproval or rejection, an vlroa l the hp u-rruu (r \vhhh mled MPH (10*b polo- «b! Coenp m w 910d 1c ht! K and rc- nlnr u d a! 0 top J for t 0 use Hf carryia: It! p.»- Iago. hereby grand In to be ukon nu! c-u-rclud unwed to any ochn .nm- or reguhuon o! n poHoo nan" now ext-ting; In aid City. or wllch um (‘nuncil nu have (he never or um m u my limo hammer to Map! SECTION H: Any mum on the pan of aid Chump Talophone Con:- ...A.‘ .4 .._ m fil-K‘Tltm 15 Hnld Company» rate:- {or cM‘lmnxv nenlce In said (‘lly shall not exceed the ruler charged by. uld Compnny In unm munlclpalllh-n under like cundlllom fur nlmllnr elm: n! nc-nlce lull mm (‘mnpnly'u rnln fur toll awnin- ble'n-n Ill‘hllml l‘mlu and other will“ (m mild (‘mupmu‘n llnm ll. llllnnls ahnll mu nxcm-d Ho- ulnndnn nu llm' hltxk rnlv In ram-l bleu-v mln-I puma In Ila h’rrlmn Tlu lrng: ..{ filld rulvl nhnll fur ul pulpu'uw he huhkcl Iv lho- Jurlullr Huh «I! ll.-~ Illhmll Slulv Puhlk‘ Utlll tn- (‘ummhumu sI-H‘TIUN 16 In «hr m-m nm the llllnuln SIM» I’uhllc L'llllllt- Cummlu-lon 0! An) other body, hoard (‘ummhu-lon or mum at mmpeu-n' jurlwllrllnn. rhnll “(Undue- uh) pm \‘lllnn hereof Invalid. lilac-l or vow such lmnll‘lt) ur Illegtllly thll 1» nu “in uflfitl (he \alldlU or legal“ u? Hp " mllulnx purllnu (1’ Hal. (yr dluam-t and (MI- ordlnlnm- ln ll 0th n-upocu- sh-ll mvutlnur In ful‘ Mum and elect an 1! Inch portlon o. pnrlluun had not been udjudnvd lll vulld. Illegal ur wold, If the lurnlnh 1n; n! the u-rvlcc prmlded Int 1' Berlin" 1: hereof Ir w udjudu-d Iv \u‘lld, Hlvull N’ \‘nld than rnld (‘hl cngn rv-ln-phtnn‘ Company almll l- ”on u! mid Mnu‘r and an :1 ll"! alltuto- men-fur, pay in rnld Clly an nunlly the lam of mom) euulvnlon' to lhr lawful rnle~ 'ur pervlm‘ er' would hnv. bat-n furnlnhc-d undo! Smut.“ 12 brrrol SEPTIHV l7 AH grnnu. fun chlw». mum and privilege: berth» hm nude or [Inn In “M (‘nmpsm b) mm (‘Iu by ordinance ur other nun- nml now oxmlnn an twrrhy n \‘nlu-d and rondn‘red n! no effort. II" ;-|‘ Nisllnl nrdhmm‘m and rmflu (Inns of nld (My urnnung rllhlu nn‘ prhllegm lo MM (‘mnmmy ur- hnrehy reponlod. It Min. iho Inlen' that (M: Mlnnnce Ihnll (II! flu plau- n! all prIor ousting ormnanoe- rt-nolulkmn Ind franchln- haw”! said (‘Ily Ind MM Company. SECTION I! T'M~ nrdlnnncr nhn' be In Inn-9 1nd tlocl from and nflr Ha pun-axe. nppr1wM and due puhls rann and nhvr ”w nnmn h.“ Dm- duly unmarked nnd nppmvod by : mnjurny of the cit-Mun of "w (‘II‘ n! HWhInnd Purl voting (Maroon 7- n upo-rlnl oh-(‘Hnn all required h ‘nw (“HM by 1th (‘mmrll 0! (lm (‘h' of, Highland l‘nrk 'nr nurh purpnr and a: mum (hereafter n Hu- MU (‘Mcnlm T’rlpphmm (‘nmpany uhn‘ m.» with "w (‘Hv (‘ierk the how horrln rmuflrml and “~er In Irl‘ horrln rmuflrml and “~er In Irl‘ In. [he termu and mndmnm n! th' ordinance: 'pmvldrd that 1' «mid (‘nn‘ Nlny. "I mom-Inor- or "up". uh" not Ma an acceptance In vrntnu n‘ this nrdlnnnn- and IM- bond hon» required. vithln (Mny than from Uh Juno nl HIM OlN‘Unn (In the rvmv ‘l'd nrdtnlnn II authorized and or waved at nm elmlnn here‘nnhnx-v "Jerrod to) than 1M: nrdhnnoo uhnl N» M nn "won and Mod and an (in rum- hI-rfln RUM!" lhtll uhuvluh‘ ly crane Ind dflormtne. anufl M "tum". Mnym Pnswd. October 12th. Ill'l. Appmvad. November ”h. "17. Aunt: E. A. Warren. City Clerk the day. “0|. do!!!" murmured m. beumu-et. anally coo-xi. â€" - can" M .1210 “DC!" uuw you Wt point at w “And that In?" qun‘ Sloan union-1y. "\‘nrlr (‘yruu II mmmx In prrmnnrmly." "Uh. Hahn-r1." Myru file qul'r, The-w wm» n huum in her husband‘s on n h puny u I nrld?‘ rl:l\l m uddh- you will: H mm ru- nway-INN”. Auuln. Luv) In n-uun'." 1 nvwl yu- mu-l lwud all nur wlln'v'flh‘p In "0'1“”: her out In “(1- rvflwflnldl. Incl Sulum mun [o lo hulk-g". l'nclv (‘yrup uuuld jar un llu-m, mu! on ymL loo, lh- ls full of whhm. l‘l‘rullonul Ind. uhlle n his MW 1 mmld fulfill my omnplclv duty unurvlr mm w. firmly and wllllnxl)‘. l mum mm on!» tide-r (hour man-r Ind lit-um to mu. )‘nu and ”10- I'hlldn'n." “Alvunp luyul (0 [hr home (-ruml. mm uulnuu'” upplnude-d Robert ur prmdn‘l), “but I don’l [Mull you qullo comprvlu-ml the situation. I am [ulna m tell you .000an you never new, You wondered years 130 how I own-r not om of the load of debt lncurn-d "0h. luau-11. It in (or 5hr“ Imuu-nul 10 gm), . llw children. I tool mm mm m uddh- you will: through [ulna mm a hnsmum \vulurl‘ with I (Ilfl ffirud. \\'r11. 1! uni l'u- (‘Ie (‘yru- “Inn “Ho-d lm' um and I have new" hvrgwIU-n n. He in wolv mme lu my [mine In an uun {nun-r. “Hi I fro! pun- hr will upprm‘lnlt' H In" um: I learn of m. exponent-«- “In two 01W hnnchn u! the rum”) Ibo Ind but om- hope that he would Ala. and our vision the lnhn‘llum n! In fortune." 1'hnl umfled It. god .1 hurt Myr- vru glud. Tvm ewe-muz- later Uni-l9 Cyrul nrflved with an old hidebuund trunk and l nun-d. Umouom carpet- "thI n the am comfortable nnd Donn-like «pm I‘ve struck for five years." he muted complacent}. Is. In" un “mu-nun; maul which be fully «Mon-d. he wu‘uhown up to the mm) furnish“! ruum apportioned him. “Now. (ht-n. uc-phew and niece. l‘m 11ml of being pawn-red and potted by I [mood 01 burplex. who tolerate me huplng to get me {0 leave mom «numbing when I die. You fulln- won‘t poison or smother me. 1 un sure. but human mture ll humn nature. and I “In: to n: a! the oulwt mm If I lave any fortune left wlwn I come to [nu away I! will all gu to charity." ”We hue tamer had nu) mm.- tlom meet-nun you. Uncle Cyrus." woke Robert bluntly. “and don't lu- tend to have.” “Good!“ npplnudcd (be old manâ€"- "men we undcuumd one another.‘ Now. that. to set down to bane-3.! l hue plat-ed ten (hon-Ind dollars ln I d1) bunt. Each month I shall hand you I check fur one hundred dollm n long A! l )h 1- When I dle the 9.1-.I men! cm so ll II to your linen-l to keep me “he." i “We cannot norm»! any much amount.‘ bean Robe-r1. manual): but Uncle Cm lntrrcrpu-d Mm nun: “You‘ll mm In or I (1011'! m. Yarn [at - announ- to nun-I1 01! IM 3 non madame. The money will help out. Nnfl' not. M‘s you Undo Cym- pwnd in be my In» no trouble. Ho and Notably nod qulle rhc'efll)‘ In” (M little “I“, dn‘lv. The am a each month he handed Ruin-n I check an“: on a my hank. and the money proved v.7 m- plahh- und Mefldll to the (midi). I'll uhh llw [all u was planned to an u dn no! in“!!! a! your m-url' WW -v~ m1. V“! ion." U“, Vphcu Around Hum V ‘ Myru filmm com-[mull rm» n huumruu- twinkle 1‘: eye In hv remurlmd: tum-m to NH «'1 n..- runny" m-urI-III rI-IMIH- In Un- . not "(uh-o a wry h" aunt-find Iwr hm- II Worn 10 value, {rum point 0! flow.” 1-?" cue-Nuns! In. n h tur ynur uke.’ ln NI)”. "mm vlnn of tool Hull l have Im run will: H mm r0- m live with l vvâ€"â€".â€" don between you two and I wont m m.- dcuuu Camp. on no I“ What“. .11 um gloom no BM about my Influx dl manoneyf' “Wehnvenorlghlmuyuvod ghoul n." In on CW ma» clued Nelson. but l’ndo Cyrus m peril-tent. Mr. and Mn». Sloth I10!" sin-um" . few can van: u rend” In unumet town. and 1.00 “led Undo Cyru- lu twat! xhdr Mum for no particular! he demanded The old mu: would not huh- I! so. howevu, find MI by Mt he» worm-~11 um the fact! a! the an. ‘ "So I‘m :‘ pauper, 12111" hv rhuckled, ”Bunk hunted und my ton manual dollar: gone? Well, my young mm um wu a speck! WI and m 10- don't quite W 136., In mm. [M bulk of my mom-c. In I. ate m0. hlflldfl. Lucy. you and for mt no. young fellow who mnu marry yo. um tell hlm you don‘t V! to pod» pour the “Hiding." ‘ ““'h). l’m'lv Gymâ€"7" "No why! or swim-«fore» with you bothersome old relative! Jun do a [direct and I’ll pt!!!» mu. H‘n! dour Balm door In» thinking col: at my pace of mid M [Ind to UV. no I (m home (a It!" Think I'll let Inch golden heart! slump! N. W: Nelson, make your mm menu to sun for college the in :1 opens. ‘10: luluon ,and txpenneu pull In sauna for me fulls'conm. Why, this dtmwu or gvnmne. MM rrh-ndn makes rm- happy .11 over!“ “Why. what In mm hwy?" Inqulqod her mother surprisedlg as. mumed home, she noted "fl“! [)0er m6 bundle. on the (filing able. "PM! of m) trauma-a mammt.” to lecd Luvy lnodl'rt’y. 1 “And what we you hp lo With cl than book-T" challenged Mr. 8| [HM-(In; Net-ounwo pt uurroun by u great pile of.,?w 190mm”. 3'”) college a) air," «*I’Iflllled h‘ VLWIJâ€"J bend-fwd 81mm. ‘. W "Hm <" john-d 5 mo puzzled baud. :‘ v "l'nch Cyrus ll 'uplutu." ‘an- f mun-d grateful. 1; Lucy sweetly. : “And what ha‘ ya (a! w I) about It?” «lvuuanm L‘hcle Pym h1- : pelt. appearing '_ ll > w-uc. “I‘m 2mm: m be In»... I s Imus! “and! Luv) A. unlud In’her "town huun- and lenou 13 nun-(rd: ll College; Bunk hunted? um mun. pauper! an In! : It would be viz-1p fit “-1 time! the ad Â¥ to learn than you ,«opk' are truly m ', people. and here [rump duwn for ll“. v and everythlnx I". not In ymm." ' Ilcw to Tomlin The unto “prelu- mun ha. and mm mm and In“ ffrom madam. "1'0. b-long m m. ownar of me am- un‘ property. This mum-r In: {or "In been held In (hung. but now that Â¥ An..- the mar! u! lust reach In: max-I It In vwll fur \‘nnduln O'hu Stop full [Jammy uums lo [wipe'trull to W that (My arenuyoihctnn' m hm Angela Tim 1 Under the luv, .0 90n- .8! a under or M HQ Indian. O. «a devil odvedp u'm u b 3 '3 125 The-38, lift-“imam A m m ”Mmâ€"Whit do you Intent! Am“? 7. Immigrant-41W mum. ‘5 mu. ‘3' Much? r;ml-â€"-A Ihovdlul u I "the

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