[m i v0.00 be- wired before ï¬ance. reached berfection are be. They are any installation is inconvenient . socket as an the ‘25" or the ling Machine, water. or Disc g Dish,Percol- nutes ADDRE>S ron, Heating !otor, Fan or many other >liances. d Base- 'u (K «use with many ll'; Inexpensive TORS SCHOOL \1 medy ice Co. Illinois MAI .tlets rï¬n mdS ()1)! ( ) \1 .VM n cs. (ï¬rn‘fl‘ <0 and county H95 0! ,w: 0' Place 22nd. work ruddy the P1108 givr'n xcern lt' Yo pu- :H-lrv'r: >n Thursday night at 8 D. m. fur tln The Westminster Gulld of the Pres-g Be : Dnerlan church will meet next Mon-Lflruarr 13! aftormmn at thv home of Mrs.1 An ‘ Henry Martyn Bacon, 5M 3". Sherl- rlches flan Road Trul . J43 |:: vii. l’.u'l~ll â€IMHO" next Monday and a large attendance la «lesiredl Everyone ls to bring a 50x luncheon. Coffee will be served. The regular mld~week prayer meet- lng will mwt 0n Wmlneulay nlzht at thznr g a. P. WOMAN’S CLUB g p 1V 12’,†mum}; nn H;-- xftwrmmn 0f :‘i'fli‘u'. April '21. thk‘rl' \ViH h? 3 'nmbinvd rum-ring r'uf thn Stwsion. the 30m; wf Hun-um and the Board 0! “H'w‘ u, Hw- r-hurvh. 1t i< most 7n l'Tltn!’ mrptflwuan (ï¬hhnDn (hon '“Dnrmm ‘hn «H the momhors be Mk \V Thvru will ho 1 meeting of the when of the Sunday School at the “"1! 63 gailwn gasoline tank . $1911) “u gdilnm gawhne tank .. 23.00 173 gauun gasoline tank , 40m 504v pump wnh anti drip “(K‘K 11m! «(rake V 13.01) Residence Telephone BIZ-J Office Telephone 20! Highland Park Fuel Company 102 N. 15! St. HERMAN DENZEL, President Telephgne 335 Building Material A. E. WESTMAN _ SON Forced Sale Must be Closed Out at Once’ 139 North Clark Street, Chicago, Illinois l\ nurninc wrvim “Thv Willing h entnl Avenue Excellent piece of property reduced from $18,000 to 812,000. 305 feet on Sheridan Road, 97 feet on Forest avenue and 207 feet on Wavely avenue. Mortgage 86.000 due in two years. MAKE US AN OFFER PLUMBING. HEATING AND GAS FITTING SPECIAL FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY Soal Solvay Coke Room 813, City Hall Square Building many mots have you 'éav In 'iv up your rum-l) :15 collection \pnl wwnteenth. If \li<.~‘ Lida Gourley. ~ it will greatly help up thv Hat“. trunp< nu' six rifle rim: uf (hr- Highland (‘luh chm-us Ihf' club «1.1)., April <ixteenth. n'vlm‘k ie a luncheon In hw {DHHWQ-d h)’ (h? \V‘Hkl " [hr r-‘HHHI. Jr rho- wrvicr 'n 1! o'n‘lnck Willing Spirit Thu! Thw mhjom u! [Tlv n the same :ervlce I... Rr=~"» Hm! ('mIM T. H. DECKER CO TH-mmu‘r I’hw aim \\(‘ -IH (Not lncorporazgd) Hun“ Day It If Germany is not licked to a stand- still we might as Well begin to merri- orlzu and humbly accept the follow- ing: ' i ['nlt-ss \u- n'fux‘v m men! mouthing m- will he me-rrulml. thrrmn mm [in- th-y We- found them in our early copyâ€" bboks and wv grmv up (m (hem and rent-gum! them :4) often that natural- ly we rnnu- tn think they could be relied upon Thvn Germany ozum- along with an intensuly mmlc-rn \urivty of e-thics hearing thv Inhol of KuItur. 'l‘hv- new medicine i.~ not tvrxmlly ur rubln-d (m as a but you hun- it shot into Izlrgv gun. Dishonesty is the best policy. Be as mean as a skunk and you will be happy. mos sed are the children murderers. fur they shall inherit the earth. Be sure you are right handy with ï¬rearms. thvn go ahead Truth crushed to earth will not rise again if the crushing is done in a superior and efflclent manner. 89 virtuous and you will be miser- able men Do unto others as you suspect that they might (k unto you if they got to be disreputable as you are. Thrice armed is he who goes around picking quarrels. Might makes right. Hell on earth and hatred for 3H LET'S S.\\'f? THE PROVERBS ' ‘By George Ado Wu mu»: win thv big war or else n-nw all mural codes. rewrite n1! pl'd\t‘rh> and adopt a brand nvw set Hr mlw In 20mm]: (‘nnduCL Wv haw awn-pun! certain time- honurpd mlugvs as srlf~evidvm truths. God helps the man that helps him- self to his neighbor‘s house and his ï¬elds and Ms unprotected women. Those don‘t sound right. do they? The old ones that we learned ï¬rst of all are not yet out of date. Suppose we don't revise them. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Steer. who have been living in the J. P. Smith resi- dence. corndr of Prospect and Lake. have Ioaxml the residence at 541 S. Lilldt'h Ave-M for :1 tvrm of years. We shall stand for freedom ‘and democracy with War Savings Stamps. An evil reputation is better than boo pump with antidrip cock. Quart stroke ..... $16.00 Tanks and pumps bear Under- writers Inspection stamp. lnstéllation from $7.50 to $15.00 Eatimtua Furniohod Free on New or Old Building- Highland Park, Illinois Yn [Ilkt' HH‘ “‘0 dim-u Mm! tukon in linemsxnt )uu h_\' z w (rt-ntâ€" ho-lie-wd 2m! â€Highland Park! lwt us not fall ., OCC , . nil" Quota :lgnin! Give )nur hank-,0 ‘ ' 3 (-mmdithw- )DUI' Liberty Loan suh- ;° (‘0.“PANY C 5‘ <mip§inn' “'0 want :I Quatn F‘Ing' WW lip-1mm Tmmship (‘mnmittm- , H is him rogrm that we unnounce ! Servlros far â€10 Second Sunday Third Lilwrh loan. the" resignation (xl' Scrum! Lieuten-; "n" 311““. April 14th owne! ur not hillâ€. bu h yurs of age and shall enroll in the Volunteerl Traiiing Corps. but is not sworn into‘ State; Service. He is uniformed. given a' Serg‘ant's commission, and outside of _a atria" amount of preliminary drill- ing to ensure smooth action as a unit the driver and his car will only be calleii out when the need for Trans- port gService is urgent. In the timel of such emergency we all surely; woula be glad to help and this is; praciically all that enrollment in tbei Tranï¬port Train means in addition‘ to the car. What car owner cannot, mak': ‘this small sacriï¬ce? If you: don'. drive your car, can't you fur-1 nishi’a driver? Let each car owner! iis MEETING IS 100 3 PER CENT PATRIOTISM '1)" {l‘uwdu}: April 16th :| city 9139â€"†Hm: :Mill mkn place in Highwood. E. i’. Spvllmnn ls running for ald- t-rmn‘ 1;!) the l‘ropltgs Pnrty. in tho ï¬rm inn! with nu nppmition. In the \o-c-mi} “uni ()smr Swan um thz- I’eu- plos hurt) ticket ls running for al- th-rman in opposition M Thomas E. \Vukli nu tho Yukon party ticket. Jiu'nh; \V. Frmlinv. for alderman on Hm ifmmlvs puny tickot is running in'thi- third ward. 'l‘lui nmro- important future of tho wlm~ti§nn i< lhv \‘utiIIQDn increase of tum-d ran-I' than (ht- iseunnov of humH. mm. nu mem. Ix J'I‘Hli 'rn \xsmvwr TR uxz put ibis question to himself and try to h lp Company C to got the Trans- port Train it needs. Mn. F. S, Munro, representing the {our tninute men spoke on the Liberty Loan; Mr. Munro‘spoke forcefully of the n'nrt each one has in the Liberty terminating that everyone may help in ï¬nancing the wnr. He said that we inn all be proud to say that America sent her men and her money which helped to win the war. Lieutenant W. C. Hamilton M. C. a horn of Vimy Ridge gave an account of hlig oxporicncps. He wore the at- tractive uniform oi the Canadian Black Wutch Regiment. Lieutenant Hamiilton brought to his hearers the <tern§renlity of war. leaving no doubt 3‘“th tiw justiï¬cation oi‘ the action taken: by the allied nations. Ma} {he council of Defense of our good gcity see fit to givP us another at thine Mass Meoetinge. oaa E EpENmEn EVAN, enuncn§ MY; LIBERTY BONDS ‘E IN HIUHIANID rum 'g Continued from Page 1 mhnairihw in" Chicnuu. va-rtholoss \u' ugzk tlml‘ ALI. Highland Parkq-rs (in 1i" far in pusiibh‘) km-p their ~I1h.~(:fl'ip!iull.~ rm" tlwlr home city. Lot: u.‘ uiu- um um- prnrtunity m rl'ilitéizn Hu- putrluthiln nf â€w City Tlic- last Quarterlv Conference (or thisgcnnlerence year will he held on Fri(?_‘ evening at 7: 45 Rev. Schuab willhhme the meeting in charge. S I day sgrvices as follows: Sun- duy hoo] at 10 n. m. Morning Wor- ahi at 11. Sunday evening Rev. Sch ab will conduct the communion son co. You are invited to he pres- ent J" any; or all of thése services. i E. M. Umbach. Pastor. Prof. Theodore G. Scares of the I'nlvérsity of (‘hlmgn spoke on “Fight the Next War Now." Prof. Bot"? tdk m bued on facts. facts conceirning the reasons for the war. factï¬whioh revealed the present atti- tude pf tho worid Inward the German Empirp. magnum" Hux'rmx 1 TUESDAY. “‘11". 16th IJtth-Qommmon Shown In City Elm-- tln;m. Important Feature Is Vot- ilm: ull Inert-nu- n! ans en B“! the Blasphomer rolls his yes to Heaven. its a sign some we nation has been stabbed. Thb music. all of a patriotic nature was Hn'oharge of Mr. Rollin Pease and has an attractive feature of the progiam. Th:- Poarl Theatre was‘a scene of 100 per cent patriotism on Saturday evening «when the Htghiand Park Defense Council was hdst to the pub- lic. The Mass Meeting was a great sum-95s. Not a data“ was forgotten to We the evening very pleuant. Full: House Glee“ Defense Council and Speaker: Search: Evening nu: HIGHLAND, PARK PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS (‘nntinuml from Page 1 Morioven, We must now notlonly .lwnt the (Hermann sufï¬ciently to get- our own aim? satlsfled. but we must also ï¬at them so thoroughly as to hrl-nkigup absolutely the results of :this nefarious peace; not because Rus- ‘sin doï¬orves it she doesn't deserve :mythlhg- but because we cannot. for this snlqe of future pence. let Ger- ‘many than such in gotten spoils. 0n the nutmeg It's hardly encouraging. 'lnut it'Q got ho ho “head up and win lth wï¬'" with us every minute and 'wn'll mall through. It won’t be easy and if hm“- tako u long tlme but we hzuo to dc, it there is no choice. â€no comps to realize owr here \(T) poignant!) what German dom- itmtimiiwhuld "team-our only alter- 'nntl\'0§§> uinl it is unthinkable. I 'havv :ilreudv seen and heard things unv cannot \wll discuss. hut do try tn heluimnke poopte realize at home Ithm this War means everything. ab- snhttuljfl everything. that Is worth whilo‘. ï¬nd \vv'n- gut tu Win It! I ‘t-unlmt jmtkf‘ it ton strong that there ji-‘ m- choice." h is Mm rogrm that we unnounce tho resignatinn nl' Sccmnl Lieuten- nnl W. (E. “'nnlfulk whn has boon t-nlh-«l lly\\'~’lshillltnn to xerw on the ship ‘huildlng hmurd. 1.10m; Wool- fnlk mudg- a \uluubh- nfflvor and de- «'(‘l‘nw‘ a un-ul (Inn! of credit Tor his unliring wffurn to lwlp mn‘lw (‘0. (‘ one of the best in the regiment Th; Russian peace is about an un- pienflht an example of "might make: right" as I ever care to see. It ls. of count. disgraceful. but probably inâ€" evitnhje. considering the anarchy in Russia. it ’sovms. of course. all the morc‘work [or us for it gives Ger- man)" n naw pride of power. a new and lioundliésis food supply. now sold curreï¬r)’. takes away the easternvob- aiming-and enables ï¬ermany to many morn ftroopn 1n the west, etc. Th9 ntrain under which the non- commiuioned officers have been for the past few weeks awaiting the re- sults of the recent examination was grmfll)’ relieved by receiving the markings on‘their papers. As in the case of all oxamlnatlons. some are oxtnemely happy. some just hapbi and others not quite so happy: Among the ï¬rst class are Lance Corpural Peabody who receiv- ed tlm’lxlgh mark of 98 closely fol- lowml by Sc-rgt. Trumbull who re- ceiveddgh Another to be classed in this “extremely happy" hunch is our Top Sergdant George Millard who re- ceived 91. Several others followed closely. In refmuunx sumo nl‘ ynur letters I camu- across summhing I must have misxml lwfnro. “how you say. "Don't you smn'I-thm‘s wish you were back In qu-r camp? Bo hmmst. now." l SIMIL. and‘jt h: lrut- when I say that if-tnday Mme» um- (More-(.1 me a ~¢~curv $20,000 a year pmitlnn in the l'nitml Stnu's. xmd H I were pnrft‘ctly frm- (uh-aw- tho mum". I would not The ï¬rst battalion had a practice drill mt Sunday at anlnia Park in prepmtlon for the "big event" next Sandâ€. Company C hiked from 313111le Park but coming back a M of the “lame ducks" took the electric. They of course claimed they weren't lune. b'ut‘In a hurry to get home. Sauna “announce." This “happy bunch" might he sat- isï¬ed with any promotion up to and including the Colonel of the regi- ment. Miss Mary O'Donnell whow mar- riage to Mr. Fred Paramon will take place soon. was given an aluminum shower last Thursday evening by Mrs. Walters of Glenview Ave. Cards were the features of the evening. The successful prize winners were Mrs. Harry Rudolph. ï¬rst prim and Mrs. Snsch consolation prize. is nothing particular to write about today, as I covered my adventures pretty thoroughly In my last letter. Th6 Russian peace ls about an un- nlnnlihf nn ninmnln of "might make! The following letter. written by a young ofï¬cer! with the Rainbow divi- sion. gives in idea of the spirit that is actuating3 the men who recently have been hurling back the German attacks on 9? sector of the west front. The author is Lieut. J. C. McMullen. son of Mr. nnd Ire. Frank R. Mc- Mullen. long] resident of Chicago and now of New York. Lieut. Mcuullen was 1’ senior in Harvard last spring when he left to join the oflicers' training catnip at Platteburs’, where he received‘n commission as second lieutenant 'wihen barely 21. For n timehe wee at Camp Devens and later he wee assigned to the Rain- bow Division. Here is the letter written to‘his parents: Soniewhere In France. Feb. 22.--â€" Dearest Mother and Father: There Here is the Splrit That Takes the ; R131nbow:F1ghtera Over the Top Fro-m C’n'cdï¬ Tribune in ‘nly get ust to of Lua- no not.: ier- On .ng. win and 2 may : we . f‘l‘e )m- l ï¬rmly believe that every man who is ï¬t to be on the ï¬ring line ‘should be there. regardless of any personal considerations. no not blind yourselves to the one great get; It is our war over here as ch or more than it would be on o r m coastw and “o are ï¬ghting niit only for America but for the very rock ~ï¬foumintinnsz of civilization and lib- ‘oty. ('nder the circumstances my frank and fervent opinion is that any 'man who honestly wants to stay in America when he is_ eligible and ï¬t- ted to be over here is a coward or {worseâ€"4h“ is. of course. no disparag- ;ement to the ones allotteii to do so iin home service Lord knows I hate 'nghtinx and I hate war the more so since i have seen some of it's “work but I remember and we all imust remember this. i! a pranatuire *pence is made of a peace which does fnot in every detail satisfy: our war ï¬lms and crush German militarism gforevnr. we have failed and the‘whole gumâ€: will come hack againl ‘ l This is a pretty stiff tirade 1 grant fyou. but i want to impress you with ltho absolute necessity of putting all tthoughts of personal desires_ aside until the war is won. After the suc~ Enema “1‘ shall ‘reap the fruits. but ‘flrst must come success. Don't think for n moment that I don't appre- :(~iutv how pleasant 'it would ht- to he Enmr you all in America. but the fact éthnt i do appreciate it makes me all ltht- more glad I am over hare. 80 mm sw it is a case of “carry on" lwith determination and nmer allow- [ink discouragement to creep in for up Then we will win the war by {tho only um that can imprgss the l"(Eel-mam. military victory. and then ‘ “1-". then I'll be glad to not home. 9 With much low. ‘ J. C. Trinity Church‘ School will mind in a body. Automobiles will Ida†‘the church at 3 o'clock, and pm‘ro- L'turn about 5 o'clock. Pump“ In Eremlnded that the daylight} um gplan leaves Mean of duyugï¬ p. In. a Servlrm far â€10 Second†Sunday ’ :I'IPT Euner. April 14th 7130-.IH. Holy Communion ' . 9:20am. Trinity Church School ‘IIH'UILm. Mqrnlng Praye-‘r nï¬d ' Stu-mun J 3:00 p. m. Evening Prayer Wednesday: I i 19:30 3.111. The [.1an Man , ' 9:.303 m Holy Communion ; ., On Sunday afternoon. April 14th nt 3:30 there will be an Enter Rally of all the Church School: on the North Shore at the Church of the Holy Comforter. Xenllwortha The members 0! the new will assemble at the Plrtsh Homï¬u 1245. Offer: of automobiles to transport (he'school will be welcomed-by the came, photo no. 3 , it is patriotism. yet it is more than patriotism; it is pride, yet it is: tar more than pride. There is admoâ€" thing at fluke in this war bigger thm the fate of a nation. even our own; it is s supreme test of might ‘exuinst right. and in the {ace of it all per- sonal considerttions must be swept. inside. The one great good of this war is that it is teaching us ss‘ in- dividuals. and I hope as a nation, the value of seiivsscrii'iee; and" I {eel only pity for those who cumot ‘st- tain it I am lighting it in the hope that my son. should I be so formula as to have one. shall not have to tight in another one, s‘nd I want to he able to tell him that in the max var l was ,on the ï¬ring line. nnt safe back home. There will he no lecture ifor the Bigzhop Pate Class next Sunday. but the following week the “bloc! will be “Christian Dhlcs.†and the anal lecture on April 38th will be t pne- tlcnl explanation Ind “Man of the various services 0! ‘yonhlp o! the Church. All nre lnvitd to u- tend ihm lectures. The Bishop has appalnted Trinity Sunday. In! 86th for mi mud vlsltnlon for the purpose at man. laterlng the Incrment ol' marku- tlon. Classes for young popple m now meeting. Candid-tea m mout- ed to give their nuns to me clergy at an eurIy duo. sum the Pram I than by stunning on" here. to con kaiser! *omethlnl a great deal .blu'er than personal comfort and safety tad web- Hons concerned. I hurt Ind 3 his pwakening over here, Ind I vbuld not be anywhere else lathe wiorld Just now had I the choice. heslute a moment in turning down yhe other. No. detregt motht. there's Now is the mad for I“ shod men come to the "rotting 10! the over We: é Lyon 8: Heat» Would You Like a an: IT o'rmum BY may couga- CIL OF THE CITY 01" HIGHLAND PARK: Section 1:1 n and Cher May 1, )A. 1'). 1,918. no non shall be ("M 1“ license. or be given a freeponnn. ‘Lo conduct any business for which t 311mm is required by tho “an. of the City of Highland Park an!“ {Inchmxhllbesddmolm EUIIM States. or g «sham and n- mmdusuchbymlanoftha ,Unnod sates. LHEIIRD OF IT? Lâ€"‘â€"Dmhahlv Nolâ€" . Section 2: All ordinances sad parts of ordmmoeg in conflict with the proddons of the :bove section m hereby repealed. WI: hum-bulb. lulu“ foreccadgauctl‘mlgnd «- m as m and due publication. This offer imiolvee a most favorabk acceptance of old pianos as part payment and easy monthly installments. Abe z delightful amt of Musk Rolls. It would make all your evening! delightful. Let us mail you a beautiful descriptive catalog am! this month’s Special Offers. Wabash Ave.. dt Jackson Blvd. and special offer on a Pinch-Pita; Address .......... Messrs. Lyon 8: Healy. WM Ava. at Jackson m. CH†Genflgmengâ€"Please‘pend Cgtdog Name â€"‘â€"Probably Nolâ€" Because the vahfe lies in the TIRE, not in the advertising. We back 1" with a 60 year’s reputation and 5000 mik- guarantee. ‘-‘It’s notjuu as good- it Midi-y Known in Mad: Pianola- Piano? annual I. ,9 i.