Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 9 May 1918, p. 8

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Denying herself ths comfort of :1 Pullrfian and riding in day coaches. day and night. as a war ~:acriflcr). Maria Sanford. 8! years old. profes- sor emeritus of the University of Mimwsma. 1i: nnmuto to the Pacific (was! today 011 :1 patrintic locturv tnur. um...“ .u \Iu' . a\|u\‘ (was! today 011 :1 patrintic locturv tnur. nmlll‘o‘“. thv lath-r nmr, fur «In :1‘huap. Akn a largv «*ido hoard, Y‘ fw. v. A. Iflpd "I could not enjoy the luxury of a4 Wanted One nr two rmms With Pullman when (her-0‘ are so many: hmlrd in private family for min}! and thousand buys Suffering on tho 00111.1! _\’¢-:IY‘ 1.1.1 hwy. TM. \lr~'.Jvrnmo batno fleh." .the mid. .Stm-w-r H. P. HM. 10p41 The new aviation school now un- der construction. which when com- pleted probgbly will be the largest Naval aero school in the world. is to occupy a portion of the leased land. DENIES; HEBSELF PILL- MANY (‘AR (‘OMFOR'I‘ Marla Sanhml. And 9!. Making IM- turo Tour of I'nltod Stuns Rides In Day Coach in the meantime, steps were takenf in Waukegan {or the leasing o! 3003 additional acres for the Station. The: acreage involved is said to include all l of the subdivided territory within the 1. limits of North Chicago and east of{ the Northwestern railroad tracks. Thirty acres of Foss Park. formerly a recreation ground for North Chicago. are included in the Land leased. The leaseâ€"holds become effective on May 1, it was announced. The House also adopted committee amendments adding $10,295,000 to the bill for hospital construction. of whtch $66,000 In provided for use at Great Lakes. These messages announced that the House of Representatives, in passing the Naval appropriation bill on Sat- urday. added $887,000 to the bill for the purpose of purchasing additional land for the Station. An amendment to the bill providing for this amount was introduced by Representative Padgett. chairman or the House Naval Affairs Committee. Authority is giv- en the President to acquire the land by condemnation or other proceedâ€" ings. Bl: Land Tract is Added to Naval Station Great LakesrAâ€"alrmdy the largest Naval training station in the world-â€" is to be made still bigger, according to dispatches received by Chicago newspapers from Washington, recent- iv. Applications for iiiis mnminaiinn must he made on tho prescribed form. which. with necessary instruc- tinnx‘, mzu ho ubiainmi from tho (“om~ miQiiUn'S iucui representative, Arvid Magimn. <vi‘ri‘mr)’ iocai board of at m» Highiand Park! flee. or from the undersigned“ Ail person: wishing to take thi< examination fihould secure blanks and‘ file their applications with the unU dersigncd at once in order to aiiowr time for any necessary corrections and to arruncv fur the examination. Peter Newton Secretary (‘ixii Service Board‘ Chicago. illinnis? ‘7: I' R (‘ivil Survioi- Examinminn~z ")prn «x‘mpvfitikv' examination undm‘ vim ruhw Hr vhr- I’. 5. Civil Service (‘ommiwinn fmr tho position of (‘Ierlh Farm-r in rhw Pmt Office at High- land Park, H!” “m he hold on May 11. 191*, (wmum‘nving 2n 9 o'clock a. The I'nitwl Siam Civil St-rvicc (‘ommiwium \Vlsm‘e (July it is to fill thPsv civilian positions, urges. an a patriotic duty, that unnlixléd pvrsuns offer their wn'lcos fur thi< work. work vital m mulling the war. Good salariw um affrrml. and the work is all in rho I'nin-«l Swim. With the “.‘(Cf‘ptinn of ‘u fmv u! the clerical p0â€" =ition::. applionnn will not be as- ;emhlml fur wrirton vmminallons. hui will he ruled upon their educa- tion. training. and experience. as shown in their applimtiona supple- menh'd by cnrrnlmrntiw nvidenco. Reprosemativos of tho (‘ivil Service Commisxinn at the post offices in all Citivs urn pn'pnrml to furnish (loti- nlte infnrmminn and application blanks. Right now the civilian branches of the Army and Navy are in urgent need of thmh’nnds nf highly trained wnrkvrs, and before this year passes those branchm must be increased by at least 20.ntm_ Eyzing hrumLMou, unless. tn wilnin the blow. tlwre is material in abund» ance- to back up the human vflort. How many of us realize: what would become of our forces in France if the organization at home for producing the material 0! war should fall? Charging armies and (hundrrinz battleships are easy to visualize,hut not so easy In accomplish. There can he no going "over the top". no para- ('hfl Service Exnmlnltlons" To Be Held at Local Post, ("New an May Eleventh GOVERNMENT IN NEED OF MANY TRAINED MEN PAGE EIGHT a u- yr), ylvv-UI) vn m :idltlon Call H P 597' 1.! Johns Ave. between Elm Place and .9 PM Sale-A 19” Studebaker 5‘7 Central. Wednesday May 1. Nude! *paq‘eng” “"1”"! ca" ”1“ 0“” 7'0“ mum to 188 Laurel Ave. Tel. 442 miles. Original plant like new. meâ€" Reward. 10 . chanlcall rfect 100.00 worth of y ”e ’ nu wmm extras. New battery. $700.00. Phoneig Deerfleld 206-1. R. 3. Holmes. Deer-f Waldâ€"A hilhir Neommendod field. lll. ufresldent luundreu. Apply .1 180 For SalewRiding horse gamed ‘Roser Williams Ave. Highlnnd Purk gentle. especially well suited tors" u“ H P 37° 1° Iyoung girls. inquire. the surgeon. WM Competom second girl. ipost Hospital. ”references required. luquln. In. For Saleâ€"Pony, cart and harneu.‘0' H' "("33“ 238 North lecrldtn Bargain. at 331 McDaniels Ave. Rd' )0 f1 For SaleHI-‘ord. Complete. in good condition. yith self starter and bat- tery, tires practically new. Also a few other used cars (or sale. Deer- path garage. Lake Forest. Telephone L. F. 80. 941 Far Sak- (‘mnue pony. cart and saddio. bridlo' and harness. $125.00 or for rum. SL271 pvr hour. H. P. Riding Acmh‘m)‘. thw 1069. )3" Hazel Ave. 10 Fur Sak- I‘orch furnimro, chairs mm» vnrnpr buffet! andnflwr piocei. .\'m\ mahogany (‘hiffnnlvr “ardrnhv For Sale~Young saddle horse. Cu: be seen at North Shore Livery. Chestnut St., Winnetka. III. 1~1b For Saleâ€"~0ne 1916 Ford. A 1 con- dition. Call H. P. 597. t! For Saleâ€"«100 feet on St. Johns Av. near St. Johns Place; 100 feet Green Bay Road near Deerfleld Av; 200 feet with 9 room house, Sheridan Rd. and Linden; 100 feet cor. St. Johns and Vine Ave; 100 feet cor. Judson and Ava, Ravinia; 50 feet Railroad Av. near Laurel Av. These and other at attractive prices. Cash or terms. E. 8. Gail, Phone 309. 1 For RHIL 6 room house with bath; ‘AH modern mnvvnlmwea. and thoâ€"j roughly redecorated. Located oni‘ Oakwomi Aw. Apply 104 \Vtflnut"!> Avr‘. Tel. 725â€"R. \ H: For mm “Two furnished rooms for‘ light housekeeping. also sleepinfl room. Electric light. gas. and bath.‘ 392 Park Ave. Phone 1206. mm! For Rent~~Purnishod rooms by (hag day or week. Also roams for HEM! housekeeping. Phone 330. H. For Rent-7 Furnished cottage at; Rminia. Alan 6 room unfurnished: frame voltage. T0). H. P. 747-1. 10} For Rent Unfurnished 3 room: «new house. near mvhw two; baths. hardwood floors throughoutm four blocks from statinn. 216 N Lindon Ave. 10; For Rent ['prighz piano. To]. H3 P. 1191. mm!“ For Rant Furnished mums. Ad- am,- Fm; Dom-field Ave. +91. M. P: fim-R u For lh-nt Purnixhed 4 mum flul. modern mmwnlencos. Can 01 J. M.’ ‘1)nnsing, T»). H. I’. 263. )ddros’s‘ 62:? R. St. Johns Ave. ifl-llpd. l-‘or Rt-MJ 9 room housv thorough-_ l}- rvdocoratod. Steam heat. hard; wood floors upper and lower sleeping porch, 9 baths‘ large shady grounds‘ and garden. J. F. Sampson, Highâ€" land Park. 315 Central Ave. H. For Rentâ€" Furnished 4 room HM: modern conveniences. (‘ull on J. M.§ Donsmg. Tel. H. P. 263. Adross‘ 625 S. Johns Ave. 10-“de Par Rent :3 mom flat. 6C. Contra” Aux. also a barn (wen) Twl.716~M.e ll): Fur lan- 9 mum house. 342 Park Ann, suitable for rooming house. within easy rvach nf station and whools Re-nt reasonable. TCL 224'. hmuirv (If E. M. [Ming 274 Park Av. hut h For Rentâ€"~8 room house. Inquire F Borchnrdt. 573 W. Park Ave. Tel. H P. 273. t For nanâ€"sum depot“: boxes as: ‘ $3.00 per you. One hundred and woxea just received. Highland Park} {late Blah t! J Iwmmronmmonsmlé FOR SALE in: FOR RENT A\t 9-10 I Wanted Position u annulment-‘4 rmm ‘c-lmaxr fur 3. Hull 8100.00 imam by young mlrfled woman. Ad- Highland Park or Hclnlty. u fdrvsx by mail, Mn. A. Blumberg, 17 H H)» part)- I'ho loan 1: pack-'0 n! N. Sm‘nml SK. ‘ 10nd finmwlo-Hr “run-nu» at the Public Wank-d Shuunon :\,~' umwrn' Lihrnn um mu and identify H h! immw \mrk unrl. TV). .346 1npd,c:m haw v-flfn". 1m f Wantedâ€"A highly mcommendod fireside!!! laundreu. Apply 1! 130 jRoger wmuum Ave. Highlnnd Purk gor call H. P. 370. 10 Warm-(Ir Thorough}: efflchntluun- dress for three days each week. Per- nnmnn. thw 615 H. P. 1094! Wanted A compenentJapaneu boy fur xs-nornl home work. 3 In flmll)‘: or n mmdlc‘ aged woman. Must be rvllublv and competent. Good wagon. Tel. 66. 10 Warm-4 Competent girl {or gener- al hmnwwork. Must be able (0 cook. Phum' H. P. 1104. 1" Warm-d Competent armnd maid. warm $9.00. Re-fermm-s requlred Mn. N, S, Smith, 1'09 Laurel Ava TrL H. I" 994. M \"nntrd Girl lur N‘('0Hd vmrk. Tr). h», 10 lmt»~-Medlum sued black patent leather bag conulnlng knitting 1nd 3 pair of glasses, probnbly on St: Johns Ave. between Elm Place and Central. Wednesday May I. Finder return to 188 Laurel Ave. Tel. 442. Reward. 10 dining (abh- Tel. 767-R. ’ For Sllr Hatching.eggs. Engllah‘ oncklml Sudst-x (the birds for mom 1and eggs) 8150 per 15 Tlmmpmnea‘ hurrml Plymouth rocks Si. 30 pm" VI; 1 l l ‘Mumluotll “hitc kalu duclh (from Pullsoum “jinn-rs) $115 per 12. mg llsh m-ncilwl lndlun rumwr- SLLIT pvr l2. Baby chicks of wn-ral‘ lm-o-nls 5.25 pm- plpce. 720 lh-o-ruvlu Aw. H. l’. 1228. xo‘ I-‘ur Snlc- (hw mahogany «lnuhlv‘ bc-d, um- <Pl mahogany bed room {ur-‘ nlturv. (win buds, mm mahogany: (slwralun) china cnblm-l, small In- blm- unul I‘lmirrt. one orlemul nut, lem‘ 34". NW Fur K‘nlr (‘lliun cabinet. vhlfim‘in-r mu- lurm: :m-l mw nnmll rm: and U! THE HIGHLAND Pm rams. HIGIILANI): max. ILLINOIS SITUATION WANTED and coutil, with sup- porters anachcd.. . , .. $1.00 Other: 31.25 to $3.00 Styles that conform to the latest requirements (1 corsetmsr, all new models in a full nnge of sizes; mated-ls are batitte and coutil, with sup- porters attached.. . , .. $1.00 A very specill offer of Warm-r Rust-proof corsetsâ€"models thnt arg regularly selling lor $1.25: Corsets $1.00 Beautiful Voile Blouses $1 .25 The May Sale of Whiiel New Warner The-e mthc dunes that nurmr prefer. {or (hey me correctly pro» ponioncd Ind nude in the regula- non ster. Miterhl Is the fmn! o! cotton and workmanship us pc-rim. Have- convenible mllar; 21‘ sizes; all sun; splendid values a! $3.00 MS E. Lindon Au Nurse Drum $3.00 Highhnd Park New blouses for the MI ' sale. Dainty cnatiom 0! soft white voile in styles finmna “auction. Hun or striped voilesufrenily tucked and hematitched. some lace trimm and other: cmbmidqrcd; choice 31.25 EXCc-ptionnfly pretty styles of orde design. Developed of the finest whit: make. some Vim mlot trimming. Others are skilltully embnfidend. while the plainer model: an tucked and hemaikhed. Choice $2.50 The idnl 13mm {or girl or min The: an: ex- cepflomfly neat my!" 01 poplin: 1nd thrdim. Mnny in dcver military style: trimmed wi sun and national emblems. The values are amnion-l. Middieo at $1.59, $1.65 und $1.95 1n ‘Eranston. “I. 7-]! I will: to announce my rcmoul from 31 8!. Johns Ave. to 11 B. Orton ,8” Road near Centrn'Are. Mrs. George Smith. Jr. ”hymen! DAuzrncy Ta-l‘ 320 _U flu-nod » For 3 aummer month. .wmu a Ionâ€"Country hono’u u. you lot “A' containing 1: to 1: room; nu! Ion-L W. D. 870.1 ”mm modern Improvements; ontur- uni-o M. Glam #1: urge property Ind moulblo by 1‘. Curr. lot 1 Sub hoods good in All nub" to son. had Put. w. D. s hown on Northwestern Miro“ bo- ppw. "other: :tween China) sud Rum. Adar“ Pflmh ond it. 1.01 anl 36, Evuuton Ill. '1le Deerpeld Park. W "and to BubOountry homo lo~; 1", ’R. Sharer om «(ed on [00d rood withln an 11:11.“; I: our! lot 3 l ;of town or rollrood running Into CM- I Pork. w D ”0.00 “can. Noflhnnefli prohl'M. "MI; I: 1. M4...“ be modern home. contain!” from 11 to 16 rooml with “counts bum, garage and enough acreage to per- mit keeping 3 cat. chicken. 'md I vouuble garden. Adana Box :6. Brandon. “I. 7-]! Wnlktâ€"Wuhlnx to like home Address 238 N. lat BL 1094 You Cm, (hamlet-e. urud to all thin opportunity to (he attention of M men In your territory. ad to Inform them (ha gwlicwou would be tent to tho U. a ‘01- Working Re- umv. no W. Adam: 81.. China; In urdrr (but hrmvrs May ink» spirit of patriotism. ndumue or their services. miles- tlonn should be nude 31 until we. Your um-miun 1: called lo the fact that the suave Council of Dpfeme. through cuâ€"nperallon with the 1'. R Buy,‘ Wurklng Rewrxe, ha» succeed» ml ln enrolling 20,000 how henna-n Hu- ages of sixteen and lwenly. for work on the larml. Monk 0! those- uh’ hlgh who'll hop.- and ham» enâ€" listed fur this work through a um- Voile Blouses ENRULLH' 2Q.” BHYS Fill! HEAL MATE TRANSFER »\\'0RK 0N FARMS Pu". Tegry and w! to A. 0. Dari And In part In 10. bit 7). Hllhhnd; Pm: ‘w. D. 810.00 : If Flt-lien Wish to Tue Adv-nun J H. Bauer and w! to E. 0. am! of Boy- Serum The, III; \p- (ind wt. lots 0 to 13.8.52" Resub’ ply. In (Elm-m In RMgedwood Plrk. Highland Park. 3 . (W. D. slofloo ‘ EGARoednndwftoCanil \uur ummiun I: called to the fact and '1 ”n I“ n my 73 flfi.h|.,nd! that the suave Council of Dpfeme. .9.“ w [J ”on A spiendfl vufiety 0! 1m bath towels; attractive border: in {an colon; worth 556 to 65¢; each 45c Wide Wu}; Laces lZVzc Neat novelty designs; dunty for trimming; 2 to B) mchu wxde;yard 12}: New weave: mnsxsunx a! shadow stripes, crepe or xorded stripe! md embrmdcred Med”; :23 m 40 inch”: yard 50c And 59¢ 50c ' A Timely offering of new white dress fabrics. dainty undermuslins, bloués corsets and other white apparel of summer requirement. Merchandise of relialfie quality and correct fashion at prte‘s that will help you to economize. j Bath 1'0de 45c IIDCBLLI N300! An Economy Event Beginning Friday, May ‘10th. fa “‘ ft j~~ $2.50 Sticuuor to ‘1"! W0???” Meyer CO. 59c Ferdinand Pat-h may be the Churlu Mam] who I: to an moi- ern Mvmzulnn {mm the barbarian bun. p,~w. Nathan and if. to E. E. PHI-:h tad If. In" 8 to 14, Blk 1!. Deerpeld Park. w. n. 31000.00. ; 1". ’R. Shelror and if, to J. V. Pb! 13 a pm u» a 1m es Imhlam After a citizen has audited In working: he "lea me Ida of me Ilbofiy loan and takes I! on an I cu. Ruler an he wants no not: pace. MI I" right. vu-‘ll Huh It In!!! enough. R. L Gonna": Ind wt. to F. J Schadenhelm. hot n (rm-unnum- land Park lob w D 10.00 Wt. lot' 1 Madon- Inb In I“ 54 Hll‘flflid Purl. W. D. "5”. John Griffith and fit to Ellen Bolt .1 u. M kl "A" H01“ Bub [Ah TOM W. D. 87000.00. Hallo M. Glenna nnd Inn to I» If. Carr. lot 1 Sub 0! Bin 56 "In, 1300 Ni. V. D. 335,000.00. 0‘!" ll. Imlla tad hut. to L R. 31340!) and v! Not-tn 147.! feet lot 1 5:4 0. L Wrenul ndd to H. p. . .- «000.00. P.‘ H. Bunion nnd wt to Funk Rotunda 1nd wt. lot: 30 um! 8., blk. C» Bunk mamas. Hlxhlud Put. M ammo. J. M. Fitzgerald and y! to Kate A. Honple lot 5 and WD 1m 26 MI 4' HQM‘I nub Lake Forest. W. D. 310. C. B. Flt-aornld Ind v! to K.“ A. “09,10. lot 21 Ind 5% lot :0 block 4 Holt 'l Bub Lake Forest. W. D. 810. Win. 1‘. Claiborne e! 1) co Kuh- erln. ‘Ccpltborne. lot 59 Green Bu Add Ind lot; 0 Had no In Blk 2. In Andgnom nub Ind mm 101 4:, West. am Add Lake Fore“. Q. C. 82.00. An Immanu- mnmem of file: ltcet; fine erct quality; specufly Mud; ylrd 15c l’lun‘ white mndrls. wnlh single 01 ‘ luster drives; extra fine quality; very practical mlIerid; ylrd 80¢ Shbm'n'; the new Pncnrdy twill. as well as the fine narrow will in pllin or Mow sm'pe efledx, 40 inches mde; yard 5’: and 85¢ 59c285c Auracnvc gown. 01 excellent quullty naimook: trimming; u unaxnmonly neat, and then an numcmus styles to choose from. Pmo-A wide sandman 0! Canal Cov style; including trimmed and em- wok comet o broidercd. {ourlow pnccd group: of styles; I: at 8L". “.28. 81.39 and $1.75 ribbon (rimm An exctptional oflet of women's fine muslin gwns: the kind that all for 8125 and 81.35, Slipovcr. square and V neck utyteo; eleganny tnmmed with embroidery mdlecemriced $1.06 Three special wines in envelope chenille, Du‘my m appearance and of miouNc muzn‘al; Muk 0! I0" nninuook nnd nutly finished with embrmdcn' and lace‘ .12‘. 81‘” Old “.75 Muslin Q1 nn Chemise $1.,25 $1.50, ”.75 Threcspecia] villues env clooe chemiye Dum Madgu Suiting 39c Filet Laces 15c Gm. 3125, $1.35 and $150 Gown: { ADPM‘FMII Ihé Kn ,r nromslo frupturu- Pars» if H u 1‘ Ms )Mtnub- ”on and he hm not mum puhjocu. The Tam-bin“ edit In Nanak-lo phl- I‘nl‘ found not My. with All Idmonmon not to do mm. To mm the hungâ€"tinge bombard- ..m In: I seminar!“ first day; the third day I hie. iVoik Predominauâ€" a thread fabric; plum c shadeo; yufi 45c Y-rd wide bleached c clmh: to» dly’: me: is 18c for (h: rude; 16 yud limg; cpl-cm], urd 12 Genumc Fruit~of-thc-l mudin, well known 101 Its rem aunmy yard wnde, annuity worth 23; 4°C )0 yard limit; per yard 2.: ' A fabdc 0! unusual tonne: silky in (min; many ads} inlanuww orfine u Thisqufity tells re‘ul-rly ‘ but a! m market quota worth 50¢; per yard 38c at yard 36â€"inch Nninsook Choose Cloth l and. Voile 7% Lake Forest 1‘ a helium] even colorfi Ir mtm d to an;

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