Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 15 Aug 1918, p. 6

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PM. 813 ”ll-...-:-- L r . CHICAGO TICKET OFFICE EVANSTON TICKET OFF] 137 Search Clark Sm Catt-l 5m» Station Phone Ccutnl 8280 Phone: Emma 2024 North Shore Line Limited Service fer Milwaukee Limited Trains leave Highland Park at 6:40 a. m.,. and every hour thereafter until 11:40 p. m. On Saturdays, at 6:40 a. m., and every hour thereafter until 11:40 a. m., then every 30 minutes until 8:40 p. m., then every hour'until 12:40 a. In. On Sundays, at 6:40 a. m., 7:40 a m. 8:40 a. m, and every 30 minutes thereafter until 11:40 p. m., then 12:40 a. m. Residents of Chicago will find the Limited Service to Chicago over the North Shore Line cool, clean and covenient. Limited Trains connect with Elevated Express Trains at Central Street, Evanston, making only two stops south of Evanston. These trains go around the loop, stopping at most department stores in the loop district. Running time to Chicago 1 hour. Leave Highland Park at 7:17 a. m. and every hour thereafter until 11:17 p. m., then 12:47 'a. m. Saturdays, at 7:17 a. m., and every hour thereafter until 12:17 p. m., then every 30 minutes until 9:17 p. m., then 11:17 p. m., 12:17 a. m., and 12:47 a. m., and 1:00 a. m. Sundays, at 7:17 a. m., 8:17 a. m. and 9:17 a. m., and every 30 minutes thereafter until 1:17 a. m. I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re- election to the office of County Clerk, subject to the decision of the Republican Primary to. be held Wednesday, September 11th, 1918. I have served you in this capacity for nearly eight years. With this experience, coupled with a legal education, I feel that I am as capable of conducting this office for you as any one you couldfselect. The manner in which I have conducted my office you all know. If I have been efficient, you know it. If otherwise, you know it; therefore I need waste no words upon that subject. To the Voters of Lake County: nun-vv , ".-_-_-_- _ It is my wish, however, to assure you that reelected I shall render you the same service I have given you in the past with such improvement upon the same as my increased experience empowers me to add. I desire nothing other or further than the treatment accorded a tried servant, to be discharged or retained in accordance with the fidelity or lack with which I have performed my duties. I therefore respectfully solicit your vote and support. Travel to Chicago North Shore Line Limited Train: for Chicago For further informdtion apply to the nearest ticket oflice of the LEW A. HENDEE EVANSTON TICKET OFFICE travel via the County Clerk. THE HIGHLAND Pm Puss. Elm PM HIGHLAND rm 11¢sz omen Hutu run. an ('HRISTIAN Sl‘II-INTISTS AID ALL I.\' SERVICE. “'ellnrv Work ('onductcdgin 45 Army and Navy (‘oncoutrflion (‘onu‘rx Iundm-le n1 hr~l Inch'H-lnh'nll}. llw ram]- \u-Hnn- “(uh hur hm-n nu-yvul “11h Hu- uur rrlut “urk 1 “mm “4' 1hn~lmu N‘lrnlhh “”1 do”); III Inn-1:1: ruunlrxw Iwhvrr 1hr l Jim-J Mnlou I-htvn-d (hr any FM hulh lhrw purpows nboul «m4 nul- hml Jollun huu- been run-I‘d ’l‘hn- mm of 1hr l'hnnlmn Smrm'r r-mnyn lurkl'rw 1‘ in hr in hc-lpiul us posuhlr to A” lhn» IIH'II m lhv vamp». uhvthor ux nu! lho) un- l'hnnlmn >.-n-..:m., and parhrulurl) lo gm.- nuhtnnvv which may not ho mailuldr u! the- “mu 01 plate thmug‘h an} of ”11- other rump ‘1'!an Autumn. AA frultm- of (hm phnm- of the “ark III an nrmngrlm‘nt fin limping Mlldlt‘h‘ and union III rluw- touch with ”wit l‘rluli\'v~. Ql'h'K (‘HMMI'NIt'ATIHX. Hun-(Tatum unh tha- rolnmntm- In Hmmn. tht-rv- x~ n 1'hrutinn Science" mmnp wvlfnn- (-muumtm- m mh stale. {Ly I'llllllllillQ'-‘ In Um humto Hate of n mhhfr or uallnr «ruin-r3141 by mail umi “Mgruph \ch Hm mmmnm- of the data m which In- is camped 01 Autumn! to fonn u dirt-N and mm‘1 stun! link hohrmn tho mldior ur‘: anilur nml hl~ n-la1i\c-~, Thrn-hy (he1 n-lntiw: an» quivkl)‘ mmh- m-qulnintmh \th Honda 01 \hI-Ir lm)‘ in ”w sen- il‘c'. um! hr h pmvulml with an n\r~ nnv of quick r‘ommumralibn wnh hi~ ‘ hmnv, Thi~ linking nt lmmv aml .vnlnlu unmhinwl uxth the [K'Nlllfll ntten tum at the (‘hn'xtiun Soil-nee I‘urlr (‘l\ in tlu- mniun. ha.- tn-qumltli' lm-n tlu- mn'mns ut‘ «lulu-{mu a soldier} outlook trmn om- ot‘ gloom tn one at l")- «ml nut infM'nentl)‘ it ha- prmml tu he the- htl'fllll nt' reliminu n-lutnc-s ()l tinnm'inl (-mlmrrlvmwut the «munnttm- in thx- hmne state nmk' nu: loans for llM‘ by the relatives un- til their boy in eunp should he put pared to forward money to them. Ill-IA Ll NUS R ECOR DED. The net "mult, for which the (‘hrin- tian Seienee committees tnd amp workers have received many nom- mendntions, hm.~ been a noticeable raising of the morale of many men in the wfiiee and the development of. a better feelim: at home regarding the lmrtieilmtion of their hay- in the servivo. The'cnmp worch my then- is at: am inch-axed willingnasn among the com‘ ' mil mnndinx: ofliccns mind summons to nl- our low (‘hristinn Scicncc trcflmcnt for tin! [hom- mcn who Ask for it. and manyph} (‘hristinn Scwncc hcalinm- have been dc rcconlcd, Rccontly. two mqucntn for hin ('hristian Scu-nce scnicm in hon-its] “wins: wards wcrc mcivml by camp work- hcnhfi M's Irom Invdicnl nurses who had obv wound u-rvml tha- lwm-ficinl cmxctu of (‘hr‘iw 111mm- tinn Science (rennu-nl. THE In or near nmnr‘rnua mumps, the ('hristinn Svirnm- 1'mnmith-4w hnu- vrw'tml mhstuntinl hmMinp. with quiet plut‘e- fur rmuhnz and writ~ ing. and olhvr huilshnus 1411- in course of oonstmctinn. .\ light touring car has been added (0 the equipment of the Christian Srionro camp worh‘m n! each ramp to he used wherever and whent-ver possible in Assisting the menâ€"Boston Sunday Advertiser, July T. 1919. The folio“ mg bmh have been added to the Public Lihnry shelves: “Hum-kn}- I‘ll-I'll ”Int-H ul ‘5! Wu. ("mu- Thr “11' Full! \llnr luv-pm; 0m )‘I‘hln‘r- FM, saw: «in Tull. I’m-Man wunr- sm. Pup-on and Add”. \'unmulor Thrn- t'cnurln n" AMI-ll Pl"*', haw-w)- Out In “VIII. I'm-c Ahghtin‘ Flt-u. (hurrhfll .\ Truth-1 In War Tlmo. ler'r Lawn“ “at in [mun Sl-lnouls. 1'0! Innâ€"303‘. Book a! But-marital ' Hauntsâ€"[Auk (‘hildm In hm H‘nIuâ€"I'ully'n (huh. FAD-19 The (“Wind Inn Hnu‘y U TM Hun-rm. M Red ('HM .nd 01hr! Norw- Hrlgprtmmw (NM Ind lrun lehrl with For Flnrll ' .‘u'lnnnlunr Surlumt' (.oraldy “0 “Ir, lmhmr kxn‘qkhrflum‘l Baum hair-Tho- Ruu‘h Road , ”Whurt Thru- Bl-rk Pm!“ KIIM'M'H" sun Pavlr-«Hu Scum"! “Mr. RInthrFThe .Amlm‘ Ililn-rlub [Cl-churn! The Panda at Mr lMWW \dvntum of Amid Adult. AMK‘IH Ace ”Q“ \\'rl {u rt- Unintu Mann-m. m Amt-flan Dunc PUBLIC mm! nmom Major-General Leonard Wood: “Boys shouId remember that they are now serving in the best twilfle :I‘ny by preparing themselves to serve more efficiently when the time 500mm. It is a great mistake for partly edIu-nted young: men to I‘ll”! to . the colors now. We don't need them. It is ‘\'('l'"\’ important they should flnikh their education." ('0 “9» llepin'tmenl "\ on wru- >\uil:“ivutlllll‘.\ ln gull”: l4! I‘nlll‘fll‘ T0 with" sun- that you «lo not lose them- h) e llpllfl‘llllui)‘ 0| wrung )‘oni 1‘0!” Ty in n direct militiiri expat-it}. inul 'ill be lulu-d to )0!“ the all-vial lni l Staten unn) millage twining unit; that are to be formed You walla» llahle for nen'ic-e at a moment's-j notbe. but became you are worth mo to the nation with your nollege tni inn than without it. you will be ennui ted to stay in college until «I l h_\ the government. This it a I r in which soldiers Are not only mu amen. but ulna engineers. chem- 'physirixts, geologists, doctors, specialists in mnuy other lines. title tnining is indispensable. who direct every important ry operation and who control ines of tnnsport and communica- nm \ In llN‘ same way vhenncal and ph) eul knowledge are in constant do ml at the front as well as he- liin the lllN'N. while the task of “Wins: the live:- nnd restoring: the health of linndrmh of thousands of wnnmlwl «all: for tho M‘r\‘ll‘0.\ 0t N‘L’llllt'lll~ of llllll‘lll‘)‘ physicians. “‘nrglbrplnmnol Ru: (‘uunlr‘ Need:- “fit-nod Ira erntlflt TrlIn- L: In: II Indluptnnble. THE SPIENTIFH' TRAINING “'HH'H I’REI’ARES A MAN TU Fl LEILL ONE OF THESE HIGH IA' \l‘Et'lAlJZED DI'TIES AND THE MUM-I LIBERAL TRAINING WHIVH HELPS TO DEVELOP THE QI‘ALITIES 0]" LEADER- SHH’ NEEDED BY THE ()FFH‘ER (DR ADMINISTRATOR ARE ES- SENTIAL ELEMENTS OF MILI- TARY EFFICIENCY." flighland Park “Fuel Compaq! éUTTERuEGGSuMARGARINES (‘hrislmam S. 1).. Mn. Dolun. lA-unun Mia: Hayes. W. S. Mn. Kennuky. \\'. IL. Mm. Miller, Flomnce. Mini Morgan, (‘. M.. Mr. Paine, Roslyn. Ilium Paine. Roslyn, Min: Pliue, Roslyn. Miss Pliue. Roslyn, Miss Pnine. Roslyn, Miss Russ, Juhn, Mr. Rankin. Mm. Rube. \\'n1.. Mn. Sullimn. Neel)“. Mn. Taylor. \\'.. Mr. “erupt-Ion. Rullnml. Mr. and Mm Vayo, J. 1., Mr. “'efldey, Williun, Mr. Adveni-ed Aug. 13. 1918. 131m; [8 THE noun L; 1‘0 ormm'rl'xrrv .V' L’! YwamCmdifllylnvimn comakcuseofdncpriviuaoftbe Hours93.m..t06p.m. : Every Day except Sunday g;- wmusned by mm Church of Christ. Sciam‘ut. 0! Highland P+ URCH SERVICES; Sunday a. m. at 10:65, Sunday School immédiately followiu. Wednesday Evening testimonhl Same: ”3:00. 1 A] )VHRTISED LETTERS Finest Quality Home Dressed Poultry 515 Onkwood Am lldSL WWW “$00635 uilding Material Coal Solvay Coke bone 57 Wu; )1. Dooley, P. ll; C. B. HANSEN, Proprietor Shore Creamery Id# ‘73 m mun ..‘.A.I* ..UD.FI’M HM rm Tn. is?“ am am. W ll“. faint-as Tdcpbone265 All nuke. 0! watches. dbcku and Jewelry tog. pulled rgfiired W ’ Dopubundpeu‘boud- ed By week or month Chas. E. Riuell Watchmaker and Jeweler Sixteen Year- at Sew. w. E. Waterh‘ouse DR. WATSON 364 Central Avqauc Comfort-L-Cpe r WPuhm'noh

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