Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 5 Sep 1918, p. 5

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3 the§people. :asurgr will collect in mg future. the collector office hav- abolighed. and the will * larger than it. n‘s lél‘y'ears eXPen‘ n acc ntant makes r the _ - He “(111 a g clean admin- or‘ 03C of the most I 0 es m the :5" (gm; 101‘ gyFurtiel' son Street. Chicago ’air and square ioqf for ricket. :dnts= ‘oc::;=100 )Ulily. Illinois. 3 < n‘gaged in ant-fig. Warren fichwfth the 13' and is well ingsnf the CountY' 'sofifie duringeee yea: have n “61 y : po on of thqse Lave n from In mbli moneys. 811d . ed to pl_ace m Ninks payma nd to return the incfis Otfice." 5 ”five the f . g Clea IfO‘ Of‘ 0 CS afions unifiNG H sans his duty yr‘ar. was assistant to Professor Otto \Hpssner. the head of the public school muslo dnpnrtment in the Mllâ€" Vmukoe Normal. )‘i<s Charlotte Borg- mnn. who rendered valuable service Miss Beatrice Tuork nf Wlimq-tlv. who was primary assmzmt to Miss E<ther White, became Mr»: J‘ L Fin- ley in July and will not return :0 Highland Park. Miss Cathvrino (‘rm-kvr. kindergartmx assistant. is preparing for war duties. and Miss Lillian Cornish. who wa< kindergar tvn dirs-i-tnr in one of the Winneika <chnnls last year. will take her place, Mias Inis X'cManue. primary [pitcher .:2 Apple Riwr. iliinnis. will have an» nf thn houinninz second grades. \ii<~ Harriet Amm rneiznml her po- vfim‘. in mlvam'wi sncnnd grade varly this month to accept a pmi. 'imi in Hihl‘inz. Minnowta‘ ”or nlm‘v uill ho! fi‘imi hr Miss (‘iarmlfill \ltinvll, mm of the primary toar‘hers In July Ml<< ani‘hx Shaw of the -i‘<th L'rmlo wrw chmvn tn gn nwr wn in the) cnn'von sorfim‘ n! {he Y \I. (“l .-\. Hi" phlcv will ho taken by “Rs \‘nm Plnur whu has taught for the pfl=t gown wars in rhp Junior chh Svhool at Dpcmnrl Miss Shaw will report in New York City. Sept, 11. (or n wpek Hf llnnl indruotlon ho- l'nre snillng for Francv. Miss Dorothy (‘nrm' resigned her positinn as in- structor 0! Finglhh in seventh and eighth zrmlos and is now in thn om- play of the (‘ommonwonlvh-Edlmn (“umprmy in Chivazn. Mi“ Edna Gre- vxvhlo. teacher of :lppammnntfil Eng- li<h in the tumor zrmlm at the F03- rrr Styâ€"pot S¢honl ln Evanston. will take Miss Curvy'a position. Vi" ltahel Pink. instructor In French. dpclded to remain at her home in Grand Rapids. Michigan. and tnnch in the Grand Rapids High thml the cnmlng year. His: Irma chhpn. a pupil of Pmressor Bouvet n! the University of Chicago. will 'nke up Mlss an's‘work here. Miss Anna Jewett finally decided that she must give all her time to the de- tails of the business in which she is associated with her mother and shter. and so her place IS super- visor of muslc was given to Miss Florence (‘rnne who. during the past Elm Ping-0 School is to open its doors {or the new school year next Monday with right new teachers on in stuff or twenty-two War activi- ties, hudness exigencies have brought about this unusual number of chungex The tragic death of Miss Funnie' (‘rmx which occurn'd Wed- nesday, Aucuit 21. occasioned the most recon! change on the staff. She- was to haw taught one of tho he- uinning second grades. Her posi- tion i! to ‘10 takml by Miss Risiv Lindbergh of DeKth. who hold a primary position at Yorkvillv [ho past year. n,< a cadet the past year. will re- =um9 hor stud‘m in art in Chicago. Vlr. Gonrce Gréeno, instructor In manual training. secured his release t'nrlnz the summer to accept a sim- ilar pmition in the schools of Lake Pal-Mt and G‘onrne. Mr. Ray Mar- vlvnll of Aurora was olectml to fill lsi< prwltlnn. Within the lust week Mr, .\lnr~‘hnll ha: rm‘oivml nrtico tn ropnrt to (‘nmp Grant for examlna- rv'nn. Ho had provinux‘ly been re- iovted twice annr careful examin- mlnn and may pmslhly be «M hack 'rnm (‘nmp Grant. Hie pnsitlnn wlll ho held for him pending final decis- The list of teachers returning to Elm Place follow=3 B=ther White. 18; Lulu Pohrens. 1A: Irene Jones. 38: Kate Svhormerhorn. 3A: Orva Stlne. IR: Wl'llam S. Parks. 4A; Clara Sands. 5R: Bertha Cramer. 5A: Clara \Vhlte. 8R: Etta Grunewald. 7A; Alloc- Davla. 88: Ellen M. Gulney. “A: Eva Glfien. Drawing: Ruth Nora Rpm-ens. Secretary. Mrs. George G. Tnvlnr will act as substitute for an- nther year . inn The High School opens on Monday. So-p'mnher 9m Therc‘ will be regis- Ymtinn during the (Manson and in NW nfternnn short sessions of all <-l.‘\<.<n~'. Pupilc thuld come prepared m purchase their books as assign- vm-nn will be given for the second «lay in the afternoon recitatlnns. Principal R. L Sandwlck will be A- -4 vwnn “ill be giwn for the second «luv in the afternoon recitation: Primipal R. L Sandwlck will be in hix‘ office from 9:00 to 12_00 n‘vlm-k and {mm 2:00 to 4:00 o'clock HIGHLAND PARK SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOL NOTES \T EL.“ l'l..\(‘l‘l M‘HOOL EL.“ l‘ [A CE SCHOOL Shit‘ltl~‘ tho- (nllmvinu Hun-hr“ oxpvct In I'vturn: Mr‘ Pvrrinn, Dr. Nn-“u hnH. \lr. Tzlylur. Mr. Srhm-idvr, \m “ch1". Mr. Fraâ€"‘o-r. \ll-xs IM-nnimn. .\[i~'~' Nuym. Mi“ (lriunfld, M'ss (‘hnmho-rlnin. Mi“ Hid-nu, Mi“ Fitz- dmmmw, “is“ Rc-M, \li~< Hydc- and Mi“ Howls-r2 “ Miis Grundy putt-M prlthv school wurk in NH- NOVâ€"Hump (‘fllc‘tzia'l' Svhuol m Minnvzmrdh‘. Thu pa‘ilinu m which <hr‘ L'mw‘ |\ :\ «uh-“did unc- Irnm awry twin! «f \h-w. 11nd thv fact that she hIN ho-vn (-hnwn fur it R Hw lw<t intlivminn n! Hw plucv «ho nnw huMe :wuwu Enu‘kh touch~ Mi. Here at I)m-rfh-h!$hh-ld< shv Pri. He‘re M UH-rnvlun‘nwm‘ >III' will hp grontlv miswd by puolli. tonchors :md parente Hnr plum) as how! of the Enulish donnrtnu-m will he fillml by MR; Dvunixnn. whom \H-zs Grundy wn‘: in<trumwntnl in bringing here. I Mr. Comm-n, tcnchcr n! physir’s and chemistry. hm hccn elm-(ml principal of the EH-anabn Muh <4'lmnl at Esca- nnhn. Mich. Mr. (‘num-n cntcrcd upon his duties the wcck lwfnrv t-xmninnâ€" tionfi. Ho flnishpd out the» your tit Escnnnha and will n-turn thcrv :1" principal thc cumin: _\o-:tr \ir. Rothâ€" nchcr “ill hmc chnrnc n! lhi‘ (‘nilt-t Corps “hich .\lr. («much has com- mnmlctl thc pant your, Miss Anthony, U'ZH‘lH‘l‘ n! mathe- matics. who has bccn licrc several years and is zrcatly loved and rm- poctml by all ht-r pupih. will rctlro Hum tcncl‘inu fur the- prvq-nt l0 dc- vmc her°0lf in th!‘ "nro- uf an invalid mothe-r. Mi“ Arbour and Miss Simi- dcrs. who fillml nut tho- XVI”: fnr rczular tcnchcrs. who r0<l2il0il dur‘ inz Hm ycnr in tho Spanish and Eng- lish (lcpnrtmcnts. will not rcturn next yt-fl'. Mr. Pcrtz has cntcrwl the navy as instructor in thc m‘intinn depart- nwnt‘ During thc past your Mr. Pcrtz znw n coursc in Snuiurs in :iirplnnc ilrnwinz and construction. His in- termt and studios in this wnrk will nmkc him especially uscful in touch- pn-nurrd. nu thew mm! fuvumhlv rerun. Tho gmrrnmvm Pm" prnmiwd [hr :H<i~‘t1lncv of an :nrmy ”rm-or in the- mi’itnry drill nf thv lm-nl high whuni. The (-nrp~' “ill ho- uudvr HH' immwlinw rnmmund (.f .\lr‘ Jnhn vahnvkvr “'hn todk qwoinl traininx :Ir Sh-o-xvr (‘nmp durinu the summer in :IIlIil'iDIIIiUH u! lhi< mwk. H. L. SANDWH‘K. Principal. minim: nmung Prlday and Saturday of this week. and also after the meeting on Friday night for [he purpnsv of consulting ~tu¢lonts and tlwlr purvm“ and reg- i<u~rlng the former fur ns-xt year's courses. Y'me men who lmw gratluatml (rum thv ngh Schoul can c-ntor lhc‘ t'Ollc‘L’l' u! thvlr choir», ro-m-ivlng tul- llnll. lmnnl. rm-m nmd $30.00 a month l‘rnm ths‘ fwlvrnl L'uvvrnmvm. In thI' vullwum‘ nml lllll\'('l‘.\'lll!‘$ [hwy will r0- (miu- Irulninu tn ll! (Pu-m .I‘ ”fill-9“ in Yurinu“ branch“; 0! sn-rvimu Thln~ i< n wumlvrful Lppnrtunlly «thl- opv rwrmnitv n! :1 lilo-tin)“ (or youm: mmL Buy“, n-iulltm‘n _\'o':lr\' 0f Hit". “lm :In- (-vmlinuim: (lu-ir hiuh school cnurm- will not lw tnkvn lur mill- t:|r\ <nr\‘i(~4-, hm will luu'n- :Ill “FPO?" "HUM tn (-untinm- thwlr «mur'u- uml v‘l‘h'l‘ (‘Ivllv'L’I' a." <mm :h‘ ”“2" "r" plnnos Mr. E. N. Manry. head of tho dopnrtmem of Manual Traininfi m anklnsvillp, Ky., has! been made as- sistant to Mr. R. W. Schne'dvr‘ Mr. Mallary comes with the. highest rec- ommendations both as a teacher and a man. im: Lincoln School will upon next Monday. September eighth. Mrs. Rus- tin will resume her work in tho first grade having served as miitnr in the Press office during the past sum- mer. Miss Tschergi o! the second grade is tonclling'in her hnme town at Sheridan. Wyo.. this year. Hvr successor is Miss Edith Phillips of Elgln. Miss Phillips comes to us frnm Harvard school for boys (in the suuth side. Chicago. She is a crmluato of 00Kth sate Normal and has done considerable studying sit/Columbia University. N. Y.. and at'the Chica- go University. Miss Hammond. who taught third and fourth grade: last 'year. will have chlrxe of the fifth and sixth undo: at Main“ and will teach music invboth Lincoln and Ra- Tl‘v war thp rvpnir or mnnufm-mre 0f LINCOLN SCHOOL mr hm m-cnsinm-d much nmung u-nrhvrs in hizh L'e-no-rnll)‘, ero M Dovrfirhh thv Inllnwinu Hun-hr“ oxpvct M: Mr‘ Pvrrinn, Dr. Nn-“u Taylor. Mr. Srhm-idvr, \m Mr. Frnâ€"‘o-r. \ll-xs IM-nnimn. HUN. .“F‘S (lrkwu'd, .‘Hs HIGHLAND PARK PRES; SUPPLEMENT. SEPTEMBER 5. 1E fink Tc-rrncn Schnrfl at chhwood «mound nn Tur-«dny morning Mr “1'. H Harold of Pontiac. In tho prlncl- nwl fur the onmmz your, Thvro nre all new tonvPH-H on the staff this n vu- 'wnd Hm fallowing I~' Hm Hut: “I“ (‘Inrlm of Rnadhnund. UL. flr-lt crude; Mia: Hayol of Evsnston. comm] grade: Mm Muench of Olney. third grndn: MRI MvOuIre. DeKlllb. fourth grndo; Mlsl Farron. Evanston. fifth grade. \Vnh (hv opening 0! nchool Mon- hy Hm unly change at anlnln be- ~Id¢w the (NW already mt-numwd In In 'hv new-nth nnd elghllh gradnn. Mrs. \inrtun Dummara Chm. who has hovn with us for tho pant throw- years, will no! return to Ravlnla thln yr-nr. Hvr work “Ill be contlnm-d by MIMI Lundurvn n! hovnIun Miss Lundpren H :1 urmhmto u! the Normal I‘nlvorn- ‘h‘ m Normal. lll.. mm! for the pun! "V yvnrs hmx taught n! hemlur. MIN Etho-l RUSH-H. uur art In. «motor. will have (‘hm‘mx 0! that I‘vp'trIIns-nt nunin (hie: )‘c'nr. MI“ 91mm. prim-inn] M Rm‘lnm. has hH-n mending Hn- summnr wilh hor p11- u-r M1“ LiIHnn Stone of (‘invinnmL NI Hittw Park. CIIIO. Th» \\'---‘t Ridge School “in ht- in (-hnrvv of \hu GTIH‘P Wright 1»! Vu'nrnsv. L'L “Ha Wright hn- Ipont Hm HumnH-r at the (‘hh‘mm I'nh'rrs- ity. 00 RA VIN! A SCHOOL \‘inin. Miss Hammond has had a ihor- ough counts in Public School Music at De Kalb sum- Norm-l and has done private work with Mr. Tum- lins 0i (‘hicmm and Mr. ("ndy M Pun- lnnd. Ore. Miss Hammond has niru) been studying M the (‘hicngn l'niv wr-‘iiy ihiu summer. Minu- Sophie lihhlinx, who had (‘hnrgv oi the mus- ic wark for the put two years. re- sigm-qi ha-r pmitinn to on!" war survive. Miss Saxmn, who xnve up hu-r wurk lwvnuw n! Ill health is flue, (‘i‘t‘ili'd hy Mius Ruth Wi‘om‘knm whu has hoon touching M Dnm‘illv. lll.. thi‘ past the your?! and who in ilnlfihing hor wurk fur a lh'KrW M ‘hv l'niw-riity of (‘hivnku Mn. Proo- man will roiurn for her work with 'im svu-nlh and eighth grade-i. Mr- \ii<~' Goddard will rt-wmv hc-r dull.» ml physlcnl director. HIN‘O ((‘nnlinuml from First Page) “om-on. witness the final perform- HH'IVH "\l’k' OPHH SFUZOV (‘UWES SUNDAY ((‘nntinund from First Page) cast in thu opera but assisted In Ra- \inin'i (‘v‘o-hrmlnn 0! Labor Day. by slnuinc "tho Marwillnlsv." (‘urnhnm “arr also rendered “The StarvSpnnâ€" 21m! Banner." The production 0! "Butterfly" brought forth. an formerly. the fine singinz of ("‘31an Muzin. who pre- innts the- music of the Japanese xiri with grout wraith of tone and with fltw drnmntic instinct -it in one of her hvst min: and tho \‘t-ry gond singing of Morgan Kingfltnn. who puts into the characterization of Pinkvrtnn all his drnmntlc Km: and vocal nccomp'lnhmnms. Seldom Is the 3 ADDITIONAL LOCALS finale a! ”w first not so well done as by Muzln and Klngstnn. Sophia Bram lnu. Francesco Dnddl, Graham Marr and lnuln D‘Anxeln completed the vast. Gonnnro Papl. who conducted. mm a colnrful rcadlng of the score‘ Mrs. Hough Lowden and daughter. formerly 0! Highland Park spent Wednesday of last week here vultlng old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Whitfield Pressing". who. for several summers. have made their home in Highland Perk. and stopped during the winter at the Parkway Hotel in Chicnno. have leas- ed the apartment of Mn. H. B. Hen- r) at 325 Fullerton Parkway for the w.inter Their dluxhter. Mrs Donald Fraser Sullhnn. whose husband. En- sign Frazer. in in France. will be with them. On Sunday of thla week Mlu El- nle Rosenau left with her mother Ind Mm Eleanor Beck 0! Glencoe for Denver. 0010.. where they will visit Mrs” Rosennu's non. Ruthh-r. the French imam, was not OAK TERRACE SCHOOL “'FS'T R l "G F. fll‘ll (NH, schoola in each «hoot district nu lune at his discretion and within certain limitationa achooI-uad-ng certificates to children between tho ages of fourteen and Illteen. which certificates free much children fro- nchool attendance as long as tho! are In regular employment and vouched for by a responsible employ-‘ the . cuntodian of Whenever employ- er who acts at! child's certificate. ment (‘cnam‘ the employer muat mail the certificate hack to the Iuperin- tendetit who ineued it and the child munt return to school 'here until authorized to take anoth- er “ion" it o-uy those days to lit‘t‘urt‘ it- not after a thorough physical a certificate iuued only examination; educational tiuull'lt‘uiit'lil‘. and voucher from the pro-pectin em- ployer muminx specific reaptm'lihlli- tiea. Armed with theme three papen the applicant and hi: parent or guardian appear before the super- intendent of schools who may iaeue the achool-and-axe certificate If he is furnished with what seems to him weighty rt-amna why the child ahould nOt he in School. By way of illuntra- tion it might be lflltl that only one ~‘uch permit Iaa issued in Dintrict in? during the past year and that it was mailed hack to the offiee afv ter being in force only fifteen daya At pres-em there in no child holding a certificate of that kind from Kim Place. It In very likely that after September 9 there will he no child under aixtnwn in Highland Park that can he legally employed durin‘ achool honrx are‘ and remain ' .1 certificate of thin north It requirm a doctor'a certificate to be ‘ of certain , Raul-tram. W. H. Thomas and Paul Wahlhmcl. South of Center of Elm Pi. east to the Northwestern track: south along Northwestern track: to center 0! Doerfleld Are went lion: north of center of lieeriield Ave to junction 1of center of (‘entral Are then out Alon. muth of center of (‘entrai Ave- nue in center of Green Bay Rd. then ’eat of Center of Green Bay Rd. north to Center of Elm Pl. Precinct No 8 lteuiuter at ll'ncoln Ave School. ‘ Registrant. (‘hariv-s R. lk‘nnet and lt‘nmrue l. \‘c-ttvr and J R. Gliddcn. North of cutter of County Line. ‘“'eet of Vorthweett-rn Tr‘rk! Phat Yof Iert Town line and south of con- Tter of lim-rilcid Ave. a i \‘lllate of Deerleld Village llnll. Rexietrarx. Theo Knnal and W. ltexielt-r at Arthur Emit-re. H Rtrfit'a TtiWNSHIP SI'VIH Y SCHOOL CONVENTHDN SI'NDAY All Sunday School: of Deerleid Town- nhlp to he Represented. To be Held at lfheneur (‘hlrch Townahlp Sunday School t‘onvention ulll he held Sun- day afternoon at the Elwin-pr t‘hurch on H Second Street near ‘ Laurel Awnue. at one thirty o'clock. All the Sunday school:- of Deerfleld "A The Annual _.._‘_-__a-tl LA It in rendily net-n that the null), inn-m of the law in to screen chil-' dron from l-‘plnitntlon of In! kind. It in n Mfr-guard of which each com- munity mny wall avail itu-lf u the xcnrcity of labor incrruen. The' unrulngn of a child mlxht add miter-I inlly tn the immodiuto prosperity of' n hnm» even though the” otrningl were obtained at the "pt-nae of the child's future. but the community, cannot afford to ween .Ilt‘h costly In the matter of‘achool attendance lndividuslu can .‘ of aervioe to neglected child , porting them to achool off in. "welfare woyer performed such a aervioe for two children laat 'inter. A family in which there who two girls. aged nine and any. mpeetively had moved into l‘hland Park and al- though the ac year was little more than half the parent: con- aldered it not worth while to put the children in school. They had been here aome time before the achool learned of the etistence of the chil- dren and it was then only through a welfare club which the children had joined. When notice was served up. on the parente and the children re- ported at achool. it was found that although they were fairly bright and responsive. and took delight in their school surroundings. they were un- ahle to work other than in the low- est class in school. Another family came to Highland Park in February or March with three children of school age. tsro being under fourteen. It was not until in June after the end of the school year that this fam- ily was reported to the, school authâ€" oritles and that was on the occasion of taking the annual school censua as provided for by law. None of the children had been in behool alnce the preceding January. If the neigh- bors had thought to report the ex- istence of these newcomera. the children Would not have loot out in their educational opportunitiea. It would be fortunate if publicity giv- ‘en to occurrences of this sort would stimulate general oo-oporatlon to the :end that all of the children of school cervlcP {‘HILDBEN 0P M‘IIOOL use Ire In school all of the time school In ln session. School ofllcllln will welcome Iluch cooperation. September 7th ~ Second round Bobo'dlnk trophy. Eighteen holes. match pl”. three- quarter handlcnp. Eighteen holes. much DI” “an Par. three-quirter hundlcu’. Wu Savings Prim BOB 0' LINK GOLF CLUI Mil; ll‘ll‘l’ AHEND Continued rm Pu. I J E883 L SMITH. 1w «‘4' Arr any .., Halo-ring h ”w pmxrnm for Sun (In afternoon: Service. 200 P. M. Why Extend Org-nixed (‘MM Wnrk'.’ The Annual Tuwnxhlp Sunday Srhuol (‘tmvrnuun u”! be hold Sun- d-y nflurnmm a! flu- Humour (‘hurth nn H Second Htrem mar Laurel Au-nuv. at one thirty o'cinck. All tho Sunday school:- of Mrflrld Inwnthp are In be ”prom-Med. To- plcn nf inn-roll are In be dim-unmet! which wHI ald grnmly In the Sunday school prunmm Election of officer'- fnr 1he ennuinn year I”! Mlle place. anal EBENEZEI mmomcmé', South of Center of EIm P1. 033! to the Northwestern tuck: south along Nonhwellern (not: to center 0! Doerfleld Are we" “on: nonh a! center 0! [Mrneld Aw- to junction of center of (‘emrnl Ave than on)“ Alon. mouth of center of (‘entrnl Ave- nue tn comer o! (in-on Bay Rd. than out of Comer 4.! Green Buy Rd. north to Center 0! Elm Pl. Pro-chm! No 8 Re-ululer M L'nt-oln Ave School. Rr-xlnlrnru. (‘hnrlv-s R. IN‘nm-l and (‘muruc- I. \‘c-tlvr and J R. GHddt-n. 2:30 P. M. â€"A Cradle Roll in Every Soho“! “'hy? 2:40 P. M. Baum-u Session. W. E BRAND. Prefldcnt. A W. \‘prcoe. \‘J’resldent. MRS. G. 6‘ GREENE. Soc‘y. and Tron. Report of Township President and Report rotary. Report Secretary Verbal 3 mlnulo reporu of etch Ichnol by It: uuporlntrndom. Shm‘t report by oath departmental nupfl‘in- tondent. RPpm‘l of nominating com- mittee. Eleonora. Offering for county wnrk. 3:15 P ' 8mm Mullc a: 20 PM -Addmal "Keeping Home Flu-a Burnlng." - 8:50 P. M Adlournment. Nufih n! crnlc-r u! (‘uunly Line. “'1“! of Vc-nhwc-xh-rn “Fr-wk! W! o! Ierl Tuwn Hm and south 0! con- tPr nf hm-rflvld Ave. PACT! CONCERNING NEW IIXIIITIATION RI)”. I! {Continued from NH Pue) at 3:00 p. m. The Bible achool meet- a 10? I. m. on Sunday. Preaching services It 11:00 I._1 and $200 p. m. Sunday. ‘ The loinshlp land” school - \‘entIon vlll meal In (MI church it Sunday It 1:30 p. m. 7190 p a) printed elwvhore In thll lune prome 0! I wry prom-bk Inw- Ins. The union vIll close In "no“ Mme to emble all to mend the per nrvIce 1|.th Put later In the afternoon Mr 0. 8 Brand vIll‘ be the convenunn chorIntor Good Mun- Ic and singing are assured. ; Prayer meeting every Wednoodly 10 PA M.-~ Song and Dcvoflonnl of Townnhlp President and Trenumr. 3 minulo reporu of etch vs I! 11:00 I._m. dun ' ndu school - ‘ (MI church it m. The D m n thin Issue

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