Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Nov 1918, p. 4

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The house of the ”slacker" however did not escape sonic, of the old‘time mischiefimaking of a real Hallowe‘en. The children seem 1.) know just who these people are and where to find them, having been turned from their door with the curt announcement that they would not take any liberty bonds or thrift stamps. Children are not inclined to deal generously with poor pafiriots. Very often the wheels of democracy cause friction and Jr horribly. But. to use the preshlent’s own “'Ul‘ds.‘ "That i< price of democracy.” « ' But the American people have answered "no" to this rt’llllt'<l. To them it was illogical. It was not fair play. It might have passed with a more plastic people. It did. in fact. meet the up. proval of many who live sheltered and protected lives. hut not with the fighting men in the arena of business and labor today not with those who live and suffer. They have not forgotten the lessons in fair play which they learned. not in the American school room. but on the play ground of every school in the land. It 13‘ they who have pronounced the president's request unfair. It is they who have answered "no." When Durwfathers framed the Cunstitutiun. they meant that Congress should act as a check on the authority of the preshlmit. otherwise there was always the possibility of inmerialism. of High Commands, of all the mockery of a Reichstag. m, “H”... m H”. mm... ‘ Mr. 41ml All“. Frank Gulch-n are He- But at last. he who had been so nicely, so scrupulously “ii-’vtinMnu 11:. Gnu-mu I‘mmp.‘ humc- (m servant of the boundary lines of those three departments of our . ”mu-um. .-\\~. government, impinged upon the rights of the legislative in asking‘ ”mm" Guldbrrk “1" mm“! "”0 for a one party congress. If he had called for non-partisan i-ep- ”‘9 mu“ "“ “MM“? "WM" ""m‘ resentativesâ€"men who were willing to erase the lines of party m" ”CNN”! by me PM“ mmm' prejudice for the time. and work with the president for the na- M” 0 8’ Hummm ""d lm‘ ”nan _ spent “mlnosdny with HH'H' mother, tlon's goodâ€"â€"â€"that would have been another thing. But a Dem.» Mr, A. New, M “m. punch cratic congress, returned at the president‘s request aml committed Hug. ”MUM m...,,,.n..;.L “I”, h,” wholly to his policy. dill not exactly wear that morning face of lug-y m um; w mnunnzn fur the freedom which we are accustomed to see in America. PM ""~‘ “”4“ " "WW "1”“? ""5 thanks to God for such a man to follow in the days of peril; E From the very first moment of war when Henry Cabot Lodge declared, “All party lines stop at the water's edge!" our country. both Democrat and Republican. has rushed to the common defense and stood 'by the president. And the president. distinguished for coolness and judgment, and careful conservative statement. was worthy of his following â€"â€"so much so that the people gave Fervent thanks to God for such a man to follow in the days of peril; Someone has said that public opinion in America is usually right in the end. Public opinion. represents the entire scale of of a nation’s activity» ~~fmm the news~hoy to the capitalist-74mm the clerk to the college president. and since we have never made it a cardinal principle. to conceal our sentiments, public npiniun in America has always made itself felt. NUMBER 36 John L. Udell -_-~ Paul L. Udell --__ Albert bevy ...... Published weekly by JOHN I“ L'DELL and PAUL L. UDELL. at Highland Park Lake County, Illinois Entered as second class matter March 1, mm. at the post office at nghland Park. Illinois. unher the Act or March 3. 1379. The Htgblanh Park Press rims FOUR IOHN A. BUNNELL JOHN OLIVER HARRY PAUL President Vice President Cashier HAVE YOU A SERVICE-STAR IN YOUR HOME? HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 8c SAVINGS BANK F 50, we would be pleased to hand you a copy of our album entitled. “My Soldier." In this booklet full record can be kept of his military experi- ence from enlistment to discharge. also place for snapshots, letters, etc. This will be a very interesting and valuable keepsake after we shall haw: won the war. YOURS FOR THE ASKING. 8th Floor, 20 E. Jackson. Te). Wabash 5212 Telephones. Highland Park 557. 558 "The Bank of Personal Servico' .\ H ER“ "\'S A XS“ ER nox==:=lo:: THI'RSDAY. NOVEMBER _-_.,.-__‘_____ Supm‘intemlmn Chicago Advertising Manager Editor Mr. John Sheahen spent I few du- last week In Fon du he ad on. field, Wis. Mn, Liam. and Mrs. Jm‘m McGuire are [WWI-hing mnurzuuluuuns on the mm: at a mu. John Jr.. burn Thur» L1). «mum-r 314, m the Highland punk }:(x\*‘)f(‘11. Bum Mrs. McGuire md hwr \mm mm aro gating along nice- !y. Liout. McGuire has returned to Munlgunmry. Ala., where he 11 3'11:- mg order-slur overseas service. Arum” Rm“ Rghr‘l‘nll 515: in}: for PM“: in") mm Hm H. l.-:«-. hzh' r~~oei\(\d Imlicv that. he 1: 1)HUUflht"UllT bu).- II! hr 54'“! {0‘ (hi 1Wivm'~' Training ('nmp :u R-K‘kfnrd 911mm) ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frye of N. Second St. ‘nrv l‘t'L'Q‘hillg (-unuralulutflom on the {birth nl’ a daughter. horn Wednes- Mn 0. Hn1.~1rnm und Mrs hulan‘; spout \\'w!nosdny with tho-1r mulhorw Mrs .-\. Sioglv of Lnko Pun-4‘ .\lr.~x A. F." Whooln-r’ will h-uw [he lull-Ar part of lhh \u-vk fur (‘Hnâ€" I'Il!\i“l‘. \\'i~‘.. Whvrv \M‘ will make hvr hnnn- in (hr rulurv. MN. )‘ZHSDm Morgan will «um have for St. lnuis, Mm. “hcrr shv “HI mom! Hm wintur. MIN: H. P. (‘Ims :uul duughh‘r. Huh-nun >pwlt Smut-3 In Chicago MIN: H. I". ( Pluh'lh‘l‘. >pv~nt \i~iting {rh-mlx nm‘k “ith Midi Nun-nhvryz. Ml“. .\L (‘. ('nnrmi n-(urlu-d ,Mnrh ‘hy from Clinton, 111.. win-rv Hm spvnt the p.15! (on days ”Kiln”: hc-r dnugIm-r. Mrs. Prmlo-rick T. (mldvn. Mex Jrvhn Sha-uhrn uhn mu): rm-nl :m upvrutmn at thv Highland Park huspiml smcrul “wt-ks nun. has re- lurnud hunw \cry much hnprnn-d. The Minn-s Wolu-r and [Mum-It u! (Mk Park \wru Hm Sunday mum” of .\11~< [’rix‘cilln Nurvnhorg. Miss He'ln‘iz'tlu \Vr‘lu-r Ls sxu-mhm: [his nm‘k “ith Midi Nun-nhvryz. 1«‘a...\.1,..r Showrml \\"l'( Hu- m ~14 of F. .\. SI. )‘t'tcr. lax! mm- :«unl. Mr \h L'l'il’K H Mn Mrs. Clyde H130, (Nancy McPher- Mm), has gum- cut to be near her nusbnnd who has transferred to (1m Motor Transport Corps until he leaves for France. She will also visit lwr aunt and uncle, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hwnr)’ Buymnn Jnhnmn or New York city, in'l) Mrs. Ralph Brooks of Rlve'rnlde. was the guest of her mother. Mrs. N. A. Aldridge. last Thursday" Mr. Lloyd McCufltu'y of Camp Gram spout the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. McCaffery. “V1 1'! WWW \ll \i t‘ ll Tm THE HIGHLAND hum Prams. HIGHLAND PARK. ILLINOIS 'Hlu Mr NI \ir‘ and .‘h‘\ Eduard 'le LIN] H ' k huzm 1H IH'uhilhl) Yr ”.1me [{lmunllM-i, who him in) “in; NW innm‘nzn fur the \\'~ \\~-vR~. i~ m-(tnu: alum: vor)‘ Oct. 30th H v‘H “Muir SLH‘H, “luv has ln-q-u -( lunv, n-(urm-«l Saturday (0 Lkau nu) 'u! ()nxn‘nh ile Sull Schrrurs. “hn hus‘ [won in T. F. at Lake Furuwl (‘0)- rvwiu‘d Imlicv that. he is fullTb:))‘.~ In hr .wm tn" (hr m» l’l-Hilu and Miss Prml- yin} Hf (‘hirzu'n “vn' the lo‘\'(~' at tho Shrt-w- hmm‘. Mn \mm mm and“ <pmn Sunday in (‘hjrugu as: n! Hr». (Drunks Hi”. ; Tl‘w “uh In 1); “NH!“ H, hm)! n» 0mm: 114! qudny oven- Islnnd. S. (‘.. whore he Marinm. \Llr} Thuruh) ( lhwriin-M I" Win-vim" will lt'MY“ [he I‘(‘0\V}I.VTI0‘ 0y BI'NDJY ”I ”1‘" “""k "'r (‘iin-! M'INKILS .‘T WAI'KIZGAN an. whvrv \lw will make; (Continued from Page One) N ”I" “IN?“ {dim-rent pimp“ of Sunday School ha Funk Huiih-n :m- oc- ' umhily Mil be dixcunM-d a! morning. GIN-11w I‘hl‘iipa humc- on I guru-moon and vu-ning ounierrnct-n. -\\~i {Thv Rrv. Frank Pm will await a! Johibrr}: 1.", mm“, intuix‘m’ o‘clock tonight on "Children'- : (inwcutsia Awnup (firm. ; Rights." Mrs. Franch- D. Everett .‘1 by (he pm.“ family. lwill speak tomorrow morning a! {on Hnlflrom und Mrs. Ihianit‘wmy on "Spiritual Raulu 0' "'0 oudny with tin-1r Ililvl’iPi’,1("rndM Lesson!" A” (bone inter- ,” oi Lnko l-‘onuL 34mm! in the Welfare of Sunday ~Schnoi \mfk should attend the con- rnM [{lmmiiloi-i. who hm _ :n-uilon. A {my cent «upwr will be H; iiw mnurnzn for ihm wrw-d to delegate! thin owning in ‘ka i~ fl‘lllli): nlon vor)‘ . ' ' n _!hv Fm: Baptist Church. Mr Purim um Knudmsn hm! H (iilhluf‘tm :Hnl hrntlwr nunl\\vr1 Hu- m ~14 of 09mm”: un-Hlul.~nn. ml S!.. Nt'\\ \‘nrk .mâ€" nuuuruum u! (ht-Hr “W. [U thlull Frui- KM!) .\\o n! (‘hivngu «pent (ho guest 0! Mrs 'lll‘JL‘H Mil! Hahn 1M AH Xh h ux‘. “ A it}: PM 1‘ Mung: u! (‘hivngn spout rrr, My". WHHam (In! (rip. n't ~H4' \Ix'l” MINI ill u Hh In MI“ Flnl‘x‘llul H ~pvndtng \h. MN. ”0! \mp nnhin n Huh wit} m .I fu-V .LIUUMM in (‘i‘ldn Null}. (If lh-Xruil [M «H. \ rz'h u: hc-r HI {H1 Will someone who thinks adventu- inx doesn't pay please explain why it is that the biggest bullueauu m the best taunt-cu? (“ll") 07 THANK! I wish to’ thank my many {fiends !nr their kindness durfing my recent horouvemem. We wi~h to thank uur frin-ndn and nvtghbm‘u for their law and um- pathy; Mm for ”W beautiful floral cum-rings: sent during our here-vs mvm. We L-Ipvcmlly thank Mr. Ind Mrn. J. H. Prakes. Mrs. L Brown. Mn. J. Booth. Mrs. Wm. Kronor. Rev. Hoike. Dr. Hakim! and Min Brymer. are visiting nuruA Mr, and Mrs. W. Lip: and sons. There “I” be number Sunday morning drill hr (‘0. (‘. next Sunday morning between 9:00 and 11:00 u'clrwk. EH-ry nu'mln-r u! the com- pnn)‘ Humid ho pro-«mt M we need cunmdtrubh‘ "tuning -up" for in- qx-mum (hr lulur pm uf (hi:- month. It H wry lm'pnruun that nH-‘ofiic rm and nun-cnmmhfilnm-d be present .\ {vu m-mlh- ugh 1hr Huh-rnuu-m run-«l Ilu- lnlhm‘lnx hnlvr pertulnmx In Hu- puhln-Mlnn n! m-uspupt'ri: "Nu publlI-‘her 1:! n \umkl). mun. “wkly, or tri-weokly uewnpapc-r ahull um In Its produmlnn uny paper cx~ ‘Ct'pl “nowsprlm.” mu! 0! n wlem on Etho husls of not henrlt‘r than 305x ‘H 50 lbs. All stock: now on hand inmy he urwd whv-er new-prlnl or 'mnchhu- finlnh. regardlou u f wright." The rvgulnr Buxulnnu Ofllcers' Tminmx School will he lu'ld as un- ual a! HH‘ (‘ommunm Huuw, Winn»!- kn. Friday Inn-hing 0! [Mi \H-vk. ‘ Mr, and Mrs. ChanI-H W. lchk‘y ‘nnd dnuxhh-r. Sudlo. Dune (-hmd ithelr residence. . 1’ I'vrc) Prior, Floyd Kmn nml Juhn {Sum-3 1qu Sun-in: fur Llwrpool, lll.. lulu-rv KIM-y le ripL-hd u («-w «'nng on in hunting trip. f Mr. Humid Rum rerun-d n (‘l\l)ll‘~ jumm \lnmhw morning informing him {‘Hml hh brother. Guy Hunt. had Yum-h \ 0d and in compliance with the ‘uv- ornnwm nrdcr vu- slnrl (u use "newp prim" {with toxin)": hum». From its beginning the Hiuhhnd Park Press has uud only a good quality n! pure whit:- bmk paper In It» publication and had on hand mhmgh paper to run up to the pres- 9ut time. Our supply I: now exhuuvt- lunlmll lhl< “( PRESS STU?“ [SH 0|“ "PRINT" PU'ER TIIIHY Sum! Hrv Mn. Rom-rt B. Gregory hill moved (mm (Mu rny tn 1833 Pralrlv News. Chicago. hum. Iii'a'l Private John O'Neil of Hllh'wd. who Is utnlloned it Clap Gordon. Gm. has been promoted to Berle“- l.h>ut. R. B. Udeil recently back from France. fluted his brothén. Pan! and John Udell and ulnar. Mrs. Walter Cope. Sunday. on route to FL Leavenworth. KMB.. where he n:- jolnr-d the signal corp: which ht pmâ€" paring to embark for France. u numb-d K} HIHIIIAVI) PARK "NY IHN'l-IH'I‘S I'INHIU'I'IIDN Hr. nnd In. r. 8. Rain!“ went thp week end with their 3011. rank. VD is attending the 8. A. 1‘. C. at ih University 0! lllinnil. 1H0“!!! .LK Vamp Illgml, Umelu . , Inn low-u promnh-d In MnJur, \lupu‘ \”«)rvm»;rc “a; runnuibslnn 11!"! {luuh'nunt n1 Hm Sew-III"! ()f a-:~' ’l‘ruimnx Crunp n1 Furl Sin-r1 I: and \\n- uHigm-d In ('zunp [.09 r. Lulrr hr “2p lmn~h~rrrd h n. I'lurflu-v Surrnlwrx ('ommls- Hum-ll II)!” II (‘Imp Taylur. 1'”!an at Furl Rho-rlclun Iur uluvru. nu!) 1“” \\:|,\ prmnuh‘d In (I. ~ u! “mar .\'nr~ “my IDY (‘ARD 0P THAN Rh HRS. HAT‘HE BONN‘ rwu'mm Ii IrnHlm COMPANY (‘ Hl‘l HI and (h. Nvl‘u-Inlwru. u flu in “h In ('Hllu‘ Jnunlhk :mo. plum ’rm l’nrk . 111M pro Al |\ ‘mâ€" Catt-l Ava-nu; "d 2 , . In ad lung (or 2560 more sum» onlphe the government does nu absolute! 'rcqulm um they we“ their Ikhélnp to their kneux. A: vw warned that food wm long he roe. men after (he vtnr. it is (u h; hoped that some of our can‘tloun drawn win he cmbnlden» «d to kept}: pig (Mn winter. The Hua agree :0 our peace terms. Mm form 1, they agreed to the neu- trality 6f lgium. Mao the peace in Ruula bout annex-Hon or Inâ€" demnmu Ne‘ur flu“! books 01 poetry 16 n hurgleruflouer flip down to the telephone‘ nd can the police who um oporf‘ on the unrundnlonal xurrendcr Ian. The as are unable to decldn uhelher I take their lickma nut. or ban- 1 pleuure 0! looking fur~ ward In n ‘uqu next spring. 5 . .Men’§ Furnishings 393 tn] Arcane Telephone H. P. 33] E I?!) USE G1 I @IEE @@@u3@@muummga@@@@@@ L-JE. STORAGE Park Fuel Company lOZNJ: WMPmfld Nellie-£335 Building Matéi'ial C631 8: Solvay Coke 8' THE TELEPHONE .9 . chemo TELEPHONE éOMPANY fossible In Your EleaseBe As Spary 5; AN APPEAL T EELEPHONE SUBSC . e'n’s Silk Neckties Ien’s Silk Shirts Our already reduced forcq operators, through War C3 tions, is further depleted b prevailing Influenza. The W. SCHNEIDER MEEIIIIIIEJLECQEJEJEJEIE Choicesf Selection of Values 65c to $1.50 and Values $5 to $10 Bell PA CUM; The pulmc having been reque: ed to confine loci-J vlflun; over I «:10th“ m I minimum. It fit su Mod [himour women friends 1: Below the Huns get pounce, ”1 may conclude H in hunt-r to mm some vflort to pawn in human in inn. A [fiend asks “hm should br- dun ; with anyone who hem-"m the flu will \‘oluntuny km‘p the promi. they make in the Peacv (roan. We! loud Judge: an- din‘du-d whether lh 1' Ihouid he confined in a hnmu for t ‘Nhk minded, or be allowed at Iar with guardians appointed over the 97099"!- Although «scientists claim th there hm; been no appreciabm chn In the cllmne of Euruxw in 18 years the German:- >ay )1 :~ grown) a: hotter In France. mono (bu: half an hour w Systém Jse of [BERS uf no:

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