Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 7 Nov 1918, p. 6

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mien In: §Pull for your iElectric Lamps 3 Is Good Thing Chain Public Service Co. of Nathan mind! Comfort-"Care Cleanliness Dogs cats and pets board- ed by week br month Washing and trimming skillfully md humanly done. ’mawmu Specid Highfficefor Automobile Tit“. MM and Rubber: a Specialty Drop me a postal card or telephone me and I will call for goods Telephone 410 60 North First St. Highland Park - You know what they areâ€"sockets provided with a chain which you pull to either turn the light on or‘ turn it off. No fumbling around in thedark to find the button when its a pull socket. The majority of the lamps in the averagehousecan he provided with pull wckets with the effect of in- Iron Metal Rags Rubber Bottles N. Paper Magazines needed. . Smith At our Snlol loon- E It seemed refreshing to go into {things again, in any rule vverybud)‘ Efelt and acted in that spirit un lam anturduy evening. Nuvcmhrr 2nd. ‘11! the Trinity Parish Hnusv when :lhe young ladies. uf the» (loud (‘nm- Eradc Club assisted by a number of iotiwr ynung DVDPIP. under [hv direc- tinn of Miss [JuciHv (‘i|lkhl.\'. hvlpt-d rim give the Army and Navy Buys ;\ ‘10in gondtime at a Harvest party and ‘armcr'a~ Suppur. There was fun for «very “no. Those- who did nut vanâ€" ‘m iianm- wrrt‘ entrrtuim-d in :m ud- It seemed refreshing to things again, at any rule « felt and acted in that spiri Saturday evening. Nun-ml to dann- \vrrv t‘lltrl‘lullh'u m nu uu’ jnining rlmm with \m‘iuu.~~ games. such as (’lll‘dn‘. ping-pang, puzzlv game“. run, uluh-r tln- uhlv'munugw nu-m uf Miss Ethel Spmver. For {how “hm chow II, [he dum-ing was not continunum us Hume-m slums illlt‘Ht‘lk‘d. ’I‘hn-n- \u-rv rvlu) rau'w lu-lwm-u («mph-s linml up alum: Hn- hull; thv) >hb\'ml :1 cruquvt hull nixh a thin Huh to NW plutfnrm at um- 0nd of Lhu- 1'00”] and back In [In- l\~'\t Cuu- plv um! so m1. :1qu uguin. 1‘11“ng of Il “null paplvx'rnuu'm- hoop was l‘l)lldu(‘twl in tln- ~znm' manner. Thun- \\'.|> mnwthing guing nn cn-r) min- utv. Nu Ullu‘ hm! :1 Chum-«- Kn {col lmwsuun- Hl' h-fl mu! m‘ In- t: wull \wi‘n‘ ilhkt'tl in paint with n tn-npin \Vhit'h the-3‘ lll'lil, tn :1 griltlvlnzin in tln- virclv. "i‘ln- tiw cuuplm left the room. then ruippvurml with huge {heads npnn their shouldvrs. one u irunstvr and the! Hillt’l‘ n hcn. mad? 5‘0! mini board and L‘ri-pe pziprr. The lrnostcrs iiiim-wl unhilv with tho- hens :thon mil-h hrn‘ \\:i.~' Ilskt'll tn chmsv Hinothvr l‘twstvr and mlvh rmi~tvr tin- gntlwt‘ hull until the «‘lltirv l'irl'lt' was :tmndnrmwi intn niuni'ing ('uuplvi inguini itetrvslnnvnh~ (-unsi-ling (if étluughnnta. (‘iiii-r :iinl luciuus‘ rmi np~ lplvs \u-rv fit'lWi‘li. Miss Mirrinm {French was chairman «If tlu- refreshâ€" 'monts cummittee. Credit must also be given to Miss Margaret Merry- wenther who was chairman of the committee on decuratinns. Corn ‘ stalks and pumpkins suggested harâ€" ‘ vest time and Halluwo'vn. For a time dancing gave way tn a pleasing mus- ical program: Miss Helen Dahn whis- tled several selectiuns with birdâ€"like trills and warbiings. Miss Kish ac- companied her on the piano. Mr. Krukner sung several classical num- bers with Mr. Mzii'vis at.’ the planet These gentlemvn were from Great Lakes. Mr. Paul Lanning, 21 Jackie, uccompnniml by Mr. Mavis. whistled amusing selections. Mr. innning and gMiss Dahn gave smeml cle-ver whin- ltling duets with popular music ac- companying. Mr. [.00 i’cllotiol of the Great Lakes sung entertaining popu- lar airs. A young sailor boy known gfl$ Buhhy O'Noil. sung comically 1| | l l i ulv. NH 01 lunosumr V thm‘t‘r unh Ci!“ :mung lzhllow‘ \H-H- n: \wi‘n‘ :Lskwi In paint \\ Which [hwy hc-ld, ll) 1] [IM- t'il‘t'lv. The “MI (W room. then rvuppvurm‘ heads upnn their shul rtmslm' and the! nthvr of card board and vrv roosters mun-w] awhile thou vm-h hrn‘ nus :\- runs! «1‘ of card roostcrr’ {hon v I "Now ynu may :ill chums» panm-rS lfur tho ‘t-zlke \mlk.‘ " announced UH' ld‘iroctm‘, shining u lurgv calm mad.- (if urnngv (‘rvpo pnpor. Sn round and 'round the hull thv muplvs prancml, ‘bel’nro [lii‘ critical i'_\'(‘>' of thv judgâ€" les. )tl53 Jnhnmn uf ltminla, and In Jackiv. Mr. Winklvniun, "took the cake." and walked away to tho strains of :i \u-nhling march. causing ‘grcat laughter. The partners for one dance were determined in a novel :way: Two small jackâ€"o'â€"lanterns were Iplaced, one at either end of the hall and a large one in the center. The young ladies drew from the end pumpkins, and the gentleman from the cl-nter «in», nvntly folded pnpvrs. on one side of which was inscribed [their fatv. on tho ntlmr a numhor. This number matched with another 'matchod the couples for the next dance. popu l a r The hosts and hn<tesses for the (Iv. ening were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seyfnrth. Mr. and Mrs. John Putnam. Mr. and Mrs. James Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Drake. Mr. and Mrs. Sin-wart Reed Brown. Mr. and Mrs. W. ('. Ship- nes, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Fin, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. 'I‘rrry and Mrs. Paul Chapman, and 31i>§ (‘lnra Sands and Miss lrone Jnnvs. RM’. 1‘. C. Wuh‘um :mnuuncml :n the close that thn noxt party Would he hold in NW Girls' Gymnmium at the varfit-ld-Shivhla High Svhool on next Saturday vwning. Suvmnlwr ninth. a! 7:15. Sunday night a Halluwo‘vh part} lznlio um-i “V" song \u-ra- hum)! m paint with hc vim.“ E’nul Lanning, 21 Jackie, estate are not! by Mr. Mavis, whistled prpfiem the sa -cliuns. Mr. Lunning and adjudication. mvv smerul clvver whia- V] with popular music M- Mr. [.00 I’cllmiol of the Wnnkognn. HI sung entertaining popu- nml. In my Mindfuldml $05 for the (W my unique In our {WU md b: THE HIGHLAND he came out he freely admitted It was a den of horrors. ‘ All the regular stunts of Hallow-l e‘en were indulged in. including 3 'l tug-”f- war between the Army Ind Nun. The Army finally won as they» were much heavier than the Navy. 1 .\tis.~. Prick of Evanston in :1 Han no : propriate Gypsy costume. told tor-i tum-s. Mr. i’mhhy O'Neil and other hlut- jncltets sung. I Cider. pumpkin pie, 'peanuts. pop mm and apples were senetl. Therm mn- d great numlnr of the new [110- i [or t-nrps nu-n pre. sent and they all agreed that flighluml Park is Just“ about the nltest place thm have, fnuml. tiur his (lance zit the high‘ sclmnl will il(‘(‘lilllnll)dfllt' two or three hlllltlrfi‘tli 'l‘hest- dances will fill a long felt wnnt us there lmve been rm few pint-es “ht-re the men in unlfrnni could dance and practicnll)‘ all of them enjm thi< tliwrninn. (‘nts will he prmideil m that men whn deslre to spend tln night in Highland Park will hm:- 11 place tn sleep . » I Mr. Eugene 'l“ Linn-x, wlm is heud of the War (‘nlnp :tt'll\‘ilii°.\ fur Cook nnd Laki- t‘ountim. mum~ out and lurked uver the high «‘hnul nnd nth- l‘l‘ plum-s that we «\pt't‘t: tn usu- in the work. He wan \er) enthusiastlt- m‘er llh- prtmpects. Mr. Lies «lellu-rA ml a short address to the \Vumnn's (‘lnh in which lie t'ltlpittlrizvd the im- pnrtnnee H! the wnrk thnt in to he done after the Will'. It is the post hellnm periml that will cull for the must au'thv efforts of the “'nr (‘amp Community Serum: Dun"! let‘ any- nnv {urget this fut-t when the bill drive is inmh- this nmnth tor tund’ hy the ~'i\ hig \iur :H'lhlltl'm 4".“24-x‘s" 3 ST. JOHN’S EVANGl-ILICAL (‘nrm-r n REV. W. F. ”(HRH-I. 1’: Sunday Svhoul. 9:30 11. In. I’m-aching Sonic.- at lhzim Thfi' lfldit-s' Aid «win-1y of 5 Evungu-licul Church will mow home of Mrs. (‘harles Will A DJ [VDICATION NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Subscriber administrntrix of the Estate of Conutance McCor- mick Shields deceased will attend the (‘ounty Court at Lake County. at a term thereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegnn. in said County. on the first Monday of Jan- uary next. 1919 when and where all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudication. rvuching Svnh‘u- at 1mm 3. m. H- ludios' Aid «win-1y of St. Johns mm-livul Church will Inn-H at the 11- of Mrs. (‘harles Wilhelm n! Second SL. this aflrrnoon, ' ' 'I-A‘run' LAWYIII. 303 chclth st, Yum-gt... II. B. f Nurth (Ere‘on Buy Rum} mu! Hnnn-Wuud Aunuv w. P. ”MIKE. 1mm VIULA 0(4er SHIELDS. Administrntrlx v‘ admmed n 3000 There are mar 2.000.000 United :Stn at” mldiera Abroad. If we trun- gport these men hack to tho t'nitedl lSt tatoz- at th( rate of 300. 000 I month i it Mil tu- over a yeur before they no 1nil returned. Our Army. therefore. ,must be maintained. victusled. um! .rlotlu-d for many months utter pence i. nn actuality. The American people. theretore. hming supported the Liberty Hun with a patriotism that Ntune his- torians will love to extol, will huve an opportunity to nhéw the name ptt-i rintiam in financing the Just and con-i t-lusin- \‘it'tlti’ltlllfl DQ‘MK‘ whenm't-r it, t'l'nlt‘i. , Nut lnr n nmnu-nt. hum-\vr, in thv Trt'JDllrt noting on nnv nmxuxnptlun.’ that pent? in tn tnmo mum. l'ntili potter in :tctuztlh nnurtd tlw tttlitudtL , u! tin Trt-nsur) and tht :tttitudr Mr the wlmll- l'nitt-tl Stattm’ Guvernnwnt‘ i~' iur tln- must vigorous pmnecutiunl ll' thv war, and the motto 0! force; “Knitted tin-rmnny without stint or1 limit will fl(‘lt‘d up tn until pence is an :thmlutal) nt‘cumplishml tart. (luv more Liberty Umn. at lrnat. is curtain. 'i‘ht- fourth luau um- pnpulnriy called the "Fighting Loam" 'tln- next loan may he a fighting loan. too. or it may lw {1 pence loan. What- 'mvr thv conditions, tlw ltmn mutlt be prepare-d for and its surcmn rt-ndert-d t‘t'rlilill and uhmlute. Begin tmw to 'prcnnro to suppnrt it. - Secretary 0! the Treuury leAdoo has announced thu no nutter Will! the results of the vermin; overwru ror peum- may be. there will be an- "(her Liberty luau. To use his er presslon. "We are going to haw to finance posed for A while Just .3: we have tn finance war." HIGHLAND _ PARK. ANO‘l'llEI Liam WA! comm prepare insurance costs so much are often the sumo one: who dept-dc hm “has In wooden barrels. The people who made (he most effort to buy Liberty Bond- uni commonly the sun. on” (hu people; will make the moat eflon to do bur. Being urged to conserve labor. some people an conserving It by waiting until the wind blow: the leaves on their neighbon’ lsvn. Inn; with. Some peopIe'I theory of how to also money for Ubeny Bond- “ to run the price. on everything they have to so]! to the people. The people who kick because Good ,Shat Safety Razor Blades Blades uncalled for will be sold perfegt satisfaction. does not matter If in trying them remarkably g bring some more and tell our friends. use his ar! The sum! vu to have to boy: who crI-ue ! , just .3: we turbnnou II to I an to chat not Razors ........ Scissors ...... s SHARPEN RAZ 125 AND SCISSORS. SURE MY won WILL PLEASE YOU : .fiply flue com- “ spring-4nd in name muun more“) fertiliser (MI lull. Shave Y‘xrself with a Single ge. . Doubl ge. PR‘ICES: Hi“ TMW'IF" CNW.‘MM dMCH-co- Tabbâ€"W ‘ "-1 rawuwm-cal- oncourlfl "1° Hallowe'en dil- om and under- :ned Blade ....... 30 cents per dozen ....... 40 cents per dozen . . .35 cents each . .20 cents a pair The Maurie-I h“ “a whiskers. .W ' doesn‘t '0" ' rum“ ' BM be “magic to fit“- m reel“ Mina iu the! m ”nu!” .nim'n W1 L lmmlflent 1007 uh.

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