PAOI [IX it PARENT-TEACHER ASS’N: g Because of a conflicting date with ‘ one 0! the High School entertain- 1 merits. it has become necessary to postpone until after Christmas the} lecture promised by Mr. Herbert Ll Willett on the evening of the 12th.! in the Elm Place auditorium. instead of this evening meeting the regular monthly meeting of the Parent- Teacher Association will be held on; Wednesday afternoon. December 18.} An interesting program will be pro?2 vided. Mothers with small children‘ 4 need not hesitate tn attend as ar- rangements have been made tn have the little ones cared for and amused happily in (mp of the adjacent moms. Do your Christmas shopping varly In the Stores of Highland Park. Public notice is hereny g: the Board of Local lmpruve the Clty of Highland County of Lake and m gammy SW HighPricefor rm up niche-c Guil Mc- Drop me a postal card or ‘ telephone me and I will call for goods Telephone 410 60 North Fiat St. Highhnd Pu-k Iron 8: Metal . Smith notice is hereby given that i of Local memvemenls of NOTICE Residents of Highland Park will ï¬nd the excellent uuuug Lcu mum.“ of the North Shore Line valuable from the standpoints of economy and convenience. In these days when every minute Counts it is mighty advantageous to be able to remain in town up to the last minute, board the limited and be on your way to Milwaukee in a comfortable modern dining car. We aim to make our dining car service the best in United States. A varied array of tasty and appetizing dishes is offered and a high level of servicetprevails. Prices are moderate. 'l‘cst our service; convince yourself. Let us know what you think of it. and Park. and State a 310mg“: SHORE. um; E The Construction of a one hundred 'and twenty (120) foot reinforced Con- s crete- Bridge including nbutments ‘and retaining walls in Linden Ave- Enue. spanning the ravine which oxâ€"4 ï¬sts in Linden Avenue between lln-z‘i {vine Avenue and Sheridan Road. ‘Highlnnd Park Special Assessment in! suiilCuurt Docket Number 236,:1ml 1:that application has been made to said fCourt to consiih-r unil determiln- wheâ€" 1their or not ihv (ilk'lr‘ stated in said cprtitivutv uri- true. That a iwurinx: ‘iwill hQ' had upon said :ipplicutiun' Neon Saturday, the Twentyâ€"ï¬rst day Ml .il)ecmnber, A. l). l9lx’. ut the hour nil 'ten (M) o'clock in the inn-noun of, {said «lay. :it the (‘ouniy (‘nurt Roomx: 1of said Court. in Hll‘ County (‘ourtl House. at Waukogun. in Siliil'lAlkt‘i County. Objections may he tllml to said application on or beinrv the hour of ten (10) o'clock in the tori-noon of .'I said day. i i i . i‘ 0! Illinois. h a s n County Court of Lake nola. 3 certiï¬cate that Improvement has be: and that it conforms a the requirements of tht nance for the constn‘ isame. to-wit: :"uf'vm-Iafim: (1 Board of Local improvements n! the City of Highland Park. Dated at Highiand Park, Illinois. November 22nd. 1918. Leave Highland Park I Pave 3.11m aukw at SAMUEL M. HASTINGS E. G. HUBER. WARD W. WILIJTS, n. has ï¬led in the art of Lake County. illi- 'tincate that the. following :1: has been completed. L conforms substmtinliy to :menta of the original ordi» the construction 0! the will ï¬nd the excellent dining car facilities luable from the standpoints of economy : days when every minute Counts it, is able to remain in town up to the last ml he on vour way to Milwaukee in a tion of a one hundred )) foot reinforced Con- mcluding abutments walls in Linden Ave- the ravine which exâ€" .V 0'" (‘ l-‘. is hvn-by given (hut (-ul lmprm‘enwnts" 0! Highland Park. Lug" and State u .- ï¬lpd in (he the II Hffln I'll ny oi‘ PM" hare been held will be nxcd now Ind the m t . "I". much more liberty. It (ourt of Luke taunt). I'M-:W. C. C. B. to provide I ‘thc (‘ity . of Highlnnd rur oil t‘ount)‘ of Luke and State un u , _ . 1 Room I1 1)" llllilnlr‘. h it .~ tiled In mun] â€â€˜mm m l h t n i ‘ l I n ' | ’ldlkt inow, a tert (Mt tint t e 0 on In: c recreltion to m. N! to improvement has been completed. and that it conforms nuhntantlally to tlon. Reporu were nude b; ‘ huur the requirementn oi the original ordi- "I in the '0“ fmm DU" of nance fur the conntruction o! 3‘ same. tum‘it: The Construction of a one hundred~ and two M the crete bridge including abutment-t and in Hue! Ave- ret'ainlng wing walla ilinnis, nuc. spanning the ravine which ex- ist: in Hazel Avenue at a point im- mediately southerly of the intemc» tion 0! said Hazel Avenue and Dnle‘ 1, that Avenue. ents'o! Highland Park Special Annegmment l’nrk. oi said Court Docket Number 237 and State 1 that applicatiOn hue been made to said the I (‘ourt to consider and determine whe- ‘ther or not the incl! ntntctl in Mid v lili- V. i llowingicertitlcnte are true. That a hearing lpieted.llv\*ill he had upon said npplicatinn inlly toion Saturday. the Twenty-ï¬rm day M 31 ordi- . December. A. D. 1918. at the hour of of thelten (10) o'clock in the {nrenoon of ‘snid day. at the (‘ounty (‘ourt Room lundred of said Court. in the (‘ounty Court ed Con-1House. at Waukexnn. in aid Lake- County. ()biectinns mny be filed to‘ before the hour he forenoon of utmenta t. Johns .Mid application on or which ,0! ten (10) o'clock in t between said day. the north shore tavm. and in: indeed to heir the: know how much in D My (120) toot reinforced Otm- the enlisted men. On and men were nerved dinnen in (‘hlcngo tl tort: of the War Car Service. Hundred: I privnte human along ti Mitten thue dinnen dien' and nation' clu provided extra attru day The u'nr hnn cert-tr nminl nrder mmewhn duced mme very iu The mull exclusive h: thrown open to the m buck private and hat the elect: have been Borne interesting at nt the hmcheon be: point i will â€let you them that strike me ually good. A very wealthy w conridered qulte 3 am dier to her home to hat-Via {'1 at Pin-\- -ï¬, SAMUEL M. HASTINGS. H G. HUBER “WARD W. WILLITS Board of Local Improvements of the City 0! Htghland Park. Dated at Highland Park. Illinois. Non-mlwr 22nd. 191R. Tirk‘e! (){Iza‘ M (1m Public notice ls hereby xh‘c-n that llu- Board of Local llnprm‘vmn-nu 0! Wu (‘ny . of Highland Pnrk. November 22nd. HHS SAMUEL M. HASTINGS. E. O. HUBER. WARD W. WILLITS. mrd of Local Improvements of the City of Highland Plrk. Dated at Hmhland Parkflllinoia. NO'I‘H‘E (40-41) (40-41) ever, The Mnu mu. under which the men have been held um b lnxcd [10‘ 1nd the much more “born. I W. C. C. B. to provide some recrenuon to n Ml HUI]. Rrporu were nude by .11 (ha loud- oru In the work from Chic-go lld north shore town). and It I†III-DIP. In: Indeed to heir the-e reports and‘ know how much ls being done for' lhe enlisted men. Over tour lhouI-‘ and men were served Thnnmlvlnl dinnvn In (‘hlcnuo through the el- Inru of the War Camp Community Service. Hundred: were lnfltod to prune human along the north shore? Buldeu (hue dinner: oil the solâ€"1 dlern' and nation' cluhn and cemen’ provided extra aurncnonu for lhttv dnyo . .L- uâ€"Jl The I'M has certainly change-d {he nodal nrder mme‘l‘hn! and has on» dun-d mmo very lunny â€Lu-(long. The mull exclunh'o humes ha". been thrown upon :0 the humble" gob und buck prlvulo and naturally some 0! the elect: ha" been I trifle vlerd. Rome Interesting alorlu were told 3! the luncheon bonrlu on (MI point I will â€let you In†on two (1 them that nulke me n being unu- ‘ ually good. A very wealthy wunun who wu comidercd quite a snob Inv‘led A 50!». (Mar to her home in dine. Al the (I- blv she said: “Your flee mm: very [until-r; haven‘t I won you some- where before?" The boy replied: “Venom. I [new you have; I broutht Ice here all In! summer." not nrndy to law. nhe slid: "l would Ilka m hlt? you call and nee me (m (‘ontral AVG‘IHH‘ ‘hc-rv- nppeu‘u in mm u! â€19 nhup ulndnu‘r 3 mike 10 the 9mm! that two dlanxul-ih- pd smnnl.‘ mm a 1‘. 1‘ pmhwmr. and (he ulher n wo-Il knmnn uruur. are (n «“st m numl' urar dnlr In the fulurv. thv- quvnllnn II- In uthuâ€"r or not "l'lvusurv h- xhe (in-u 0me of UN" I! either one o! (ht-w- dmmqu-h- (-d mvn wvn- m pw-p In .1 lhc_â€lu~ Inn" at the lm~rflvld~9hh~|d~ high schm! nn any Saturday I-vemng. thn-y might save a great deal of llxlut. (up! hall um! and ()ntnrk-ul «ï¬e-cu by runny-sing a Kmhrrinx M the IIâ€- urï¬ and poldh-rn. upnh â€w (wrnnhm of n I'm-Hy omrrulnlwm gh'vn \m- dt-r thu ausph-on of the War (‘Iunp (‘ummunlly Strvlcr. hunt Saturday mam mu lho- "Wr- tnr)‘ Ham-v" and quy 700 poop]:- (-rnwdvd Hw H41)" and (iirlr' Gym. nnsium. In nItnv-~ Hm I-ll'rflhllllnt‘l" vrmidmim) War Inc.“ rummiltm- ler furnml :Ih-rLHImu-m mun 1n (hv Girl-o" (‘nmum-nnn’prnu-d h: hr‘ Hn- mud illllrl'~‘l'lfl rmvflnm'nrm u! it.- Mnd uhvn m Hwhhmd I’J'k ler furnml In. tho: (2m..- (hm'm Hn- mud mun-q I)! it.- khh’ IIHPH u! it.- HIM fur u docmil The gronler pan of the (alum wan what I: known ncl pmhmnlnnnl. m- qumx in some wry ontvrmlnlnx numbers. "in: strange vmmen." [Member 32. 101-5 War (‘Imp (ma-II, flank. mu) Nrpv Hukrum-lx. k‘|\t' n nu i)‘,"fv‘-"I!K pvrrnrnmnu- m Hnnum The “Hot hm ‘HI LIH't M “h De done during ill. row period. H. cuphuiudf it during thin (in. the (‘ommunily Service will pan for more work lbw llrld military discipline l ihe men in the â€Met eld will be somewhat nâ€" nnd the men will I." liberty. It in up to the to provide» u lot of whole- nion to mm thin Illus- Marlin f m ‘\"H .m Incl \mirvtir gtlit ~|zp \lnrlin l\ \\ :31me h ml 'll'! \\ 1.‘ it! n! "nil-lulu. ‘ The n ity of giving a nude-xv";- mm ville uhu preceding the dnnce is tuned (rt due to 1 ma lhni min: of theithe other. inalien- nr‘ ve curly in tho "chins. driven we 3nd h-vc o luv: early 3nd it is from eitha almost i lble to secure dnnoe the race. 9.11er in than before 8:30 or 0:00 ‘ dicrl got i o'clock. 1' ï¬re I" may "no!“ w‘vho wen u to why thin in I well nee wu . but those but qualmd‘ummm il . cu ihu ii in impouiblo : tic or n n; ladies to get ready â€chic! m than 3:30 in 0:00 in the uni oical In; not) cranial d u a row]! wme form cision. 0! enter! nmenl hu it) be provid- ‘ _ Sui for i earlier part of (he even- â€'5': 3mg and 9 WM Cnmp Community ‘Serviro h" moi the niluuion by proâ€" v\idinu a ludevilie show and I.“ mum“ Rulurdnyhvoninx'l vaudeville proved in be h m the moat omen-nun; “'1Ԡh‘ and highg’clnu show ew-r given in doing ihi lilxhl-nMPnrk this mama. rattle-am With 1!}: vaudeville conciudod. [be momma crnwded .sxirln' gymnuium “I My!" ' emptied ‘nto the boyI' gymnasium. u‘iwn- i“ dancing roniinued umii With ti vaudeville «meluoru. uu crowded ixirin' gymnuium win emptied "mo the boyl' gymnasium. u‘iwn- lbï¬ dancing mnflnued um“ Il‘30 n'rl’tl. Ii w“: 'during ihe dancing that the mu ol- cilie Cnikin- In shown. 'or Ii 1' here that Ihe unused for thr‘ont ainment And in! Baum! hich satufy the giver and gratify he receiver. i. ï¬Electric Portable Lammmought I L L__-- ".ml- nnhn u- guru-r- n a nudevll urdny dwentnx'w ifs 99mm. ghodvcc thw' whim !. as attac- PIO ' ;];;>;r, Brush bran, verde Antique, :ilver.‘ iron. wicker with shades in art glut, .0 l0 pu- .... um Cnlktm hld inte rotting nnd guy. tory nor tthuy. tnd they were no corded floor honor: [or one dance .4 ’ - .LA._ "(marl The comes unused a very corded iloor honor: [or one dance a I remit of their victory. The conte- vu '9 race from one end oi the he] to the other. betteen the ï¬ckle! .e the soldiers. The soldier: were he! neued with ribbon: end four youn ladies acted as drivers. The helm were equipped likewise and the stoned irom one end of the hell 1 the other. It was understood that th driven were not to become no from either the ullon or noldieru 1 the race. 0!: the are! 'trill the so !dien got own from the young ludil ‘vho were driving them and ‘h called 0'. 0n the â€col lettelnpt it resulted in what seem e tie or n close call. but suddenly tl â€chic! noted the-.6 on the lat M and of course they were given the d cision. lace I†‘IIIZERPII-ZLD 512's ITI'JIa (‘mtllned from Fun 3 the people who frequent places Amusement any urn! from chur‘ More of the (race of God in need tn. the heart: of the people. Men I doing thlnn fut but not well In t restlessness of thin :39. Next Sum morning Mr. Cumpbell of the Seven ,Prubyterlu church‘ will exchu tpulpltl with Mr. Kelly; In the e lulu I!-7I‘5 the teacher trun 7...... III. .uu ._ doing Ihlnn fut but not well In I restlessness of IN. :39. Next Sum momma Mr. Cumpbell of the Seven Mnerln church‘ wIlI exchu pulplu wIII Mr. Kelly; In the e nlu III-7:15 the teacher InIn clun- wlll have their leuon m Instead of on â€turd-y evenIng. There “Rio objection to leumg Gel-nun: have us much food as I “we our "ind-en. I There isn’t much danger of lsbtf {Hun starting in 11 “mm hmin an ad ï¬equate number u! harbors Tho-re~ i» a [HUN-"l?!“ give M‘html truchvrr :1: as day laborers. Tekphonc 265 All makes of walches, clock: )cwelrylnr (‘nHl‘d reg-aura and dehverod \VM Ch fl} W. Ii. W gums Inns merhou ) 1‘ .“nd )cw In > z-A' 91.121113? 5 2H u U) mu b pay La 7 ' "ti lend