PAGE EIGHT BY JOHN (‘. LATHRUI'. (‘. S. B. A large crowd attended the lee ture on Christian Science by John C. Lathrop. C. S. B.. mumber of the Board of Lectureship of the Mother church. Th.- Firsf Church at (‘hrisL Scientist. in Boston. Massachussutts. delivered in the First Church of Christ. Scientist, last Saturday eve. hing. .argv (‘ rmul “tends Lecture at First l‘hIImh of (‘ hrist Sci‘ entist. Last Saturday The lecturer was, iiitruuutcu Leon E. Stunhnpe of Wiuuetka. who spoke. as follows: Friends: ~ I On behalf of the members of this c hurch. First Church of Christ Scientist, Highland Park. llls.. I ex- tend to you a cordial welcome. The subject 0! the lecture we are privileged to hear this evuning. Christian Science. i~‘ unv nf \itul and absorbing interest to all mankind The Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mun Baker Eddy. with wisdom and foresight far he- yond human intellect. prepared a lit- tle book of laws to govern the memâ€" bers of the Mother Church. The First Church of Christ. Scientist, in Boston. Mass" in the early days 0! The Discoverer and E Christian Science, Mary H with wisdom and fort-Sig yond human intellect. préx tle book of laws to gm-vrn the movement and from time n time. as the need became apparent she added to these laws. Concerning these laws a lawyer in a neighboring city writes in the cur- rent, issue of the Christian Science Journal as follows: “Finally a copy 0! the Manual of the Mother Church fell into my hands. Being a lawyer by profession. I started tn read this Manual 05 an example of law and il.‘ a study of Mrs. Eddy as a lawgiver. As I read I marvelled at the won- a study of Mrs. Eddy as a lawgiver. As I read i marvelled at the won- derful way in which the Discuu‘i‘I-r and Founder of Christian Science had checked individual with indivi- ual and balanced function against function in the government uf the Moth er Church. 1 nut only realized that i was reading the most perfect- ly balanced and the must wonderful law in the world, but I found my~ self healed." ' In this Manual Mrs. Eddy writes she has ordained the Bible and Sci‘ ence and Health as Pastors uvvr {lu- Mutlwr (‘hurch and brunch churches. thereby prmilling' ith'lN‘Hllill preachers tn prom-h for all timl- for the churches and the world. in this Manual provision is also made for a Board of‘ Lectureship. the members of which shall deliver pub- lic lectures on the subject of Christ- ian Science. The lecturer of the eve‘ ning is a member of this Board and is further qualiï¬ed by long exper- ience in the work with Mrs. Eddy. to speak with authority on his suh< iect. I now have the pleasure of introducing Mr. John Luthrop. C. S. B.. of Boston. Mass. Mr. Lathrop spoke as follows: Christian Science was discovered by Mary Baker Eddy ï¬fty-two years ago. Thirteen years after the di.<« covery the ï¬rst “Church of Christ. Scientist." was organized in Boston. Massachusetts. Since then nearly eighteen hundred organized churCheS or societies have been Mâ€" tablished over the world. forty-one cities each containing two churches or societies. and twvlli)’~f0lll‘ other cities each containing from three to eighteen churches or societies, At the \Vedneaday evening meetings held in these churches and societies over ten thousand people each week publicly and voluntarily bear grateful testiâ€" mony to the healing and regenerative beneï¬ts they have received through Christian Science. Scores of addition- al carefully authenticated testimon- ies appear weekly and monthly in the Christian Science Sentinel and The Christian Science Journal. If these are some of the present fruits of Christian Science. Mrs. Eddy asks in her book. “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" (p. 349. "what will the harvest be, when this Science is more generally underâ€" Md?" DiSCOVERER AND FOUNDER I ï¬rst met Mary Baker Eddy twen- ty-two years ago. when. on leaving the business world to embark in the practice of Christian Science. she inâ€" vited me to visit her at her home in Concord. N. H. In those early days there were conflicting stories afloat about Mrs. Eddy. andsu I decided to keep on. as it were. my “business spectacles." look at her through them and thus not be fooled by any possi- ble personal influence. Great was my relief and satisfaction on meeting a person who did not at all accord with what I had heard. I found myself in the presence of a person of mark- ed gentleness and reï¬nement. whom- mnnner was quiet. modest, and (108?- Ewnin ' I. Church at (‘hrisL m. Massachussutts. First Church of last Saturday eve. In lin turn strongly Lfllplvnaul. ...\. , iremember she answered some difliâ€" ‘euit questions. and her simple. un- 1hesitnting, strong. and certain man. ner convinced me that she was not depending upon her mortal self or human will for knowledge. but that her wisdom was the outcome 'of her implicit spiritual faith in God. Those nvhn knew Mrs. Eddy best never had but one opinion about her absolute telinnve upon the divine Mind for every daily move. i may add, merely ' in the way of conï¬rmation†flint in after yvnrx' it was my privilege for n period of time to be a member of _ \ir~. Eddy'“ household, when i pm ' «Nani t‘Vi‘f’) opportunity of watt-hing ') her daily habits, which i found to be as honest and consistent in spiri inul guidance and practici- us here the fruits in nhundunt and livin-tL cient resulH. What I then “‘ifiit‘.~>t'ii (‘Uiifii'tlimi whiff l hud umdually been formulating in my t-oim-innsnew. e namely, that Spiritual Truth has ul- " nuys been revealed to those who d Wn'l‘i' liithf <pir tuuiiy minded. :ind that l )ir's. Eddy"; natural love for God and ’f Hi3 laws enabled her to understand y. and reveal both to this age. And so " what I saw answered conclusively to t‘ me :in old question. \Vns Mrs. Eddy 1‘ t-omniissioned by God or by mun: “‘ And if by God, can God make u mis- ly sincere. who spoie with (real. earnestness, continually referring to God with such unugunl iron! and con- victlon that my thought soon left her personality and dld not, return to it. I discovered that Instead of her human personality dumlnntlng me. something entirely above the human was governing Mrs. Eddy. and in turn strongly impressing me. l take? Gratitude opens the door to spiritual umlorstanding. wharous harsh judgment closvs this door. Urutitudo, for the lives of [In-at pm) ple. rather than oppositlon to their work and doctrine. Constltutvs the 090†door to spiritual undmxtuml- lng. History shows that thum- who proï¬ted mmt through the unselï¬sh and noble lives of great men and wo- nllu lur uIIIIx 1 men were thuse who were most deeply touched by a sense of grau- MATTER tude for those llVPs. Noblv muln'es A (“mm of mine ("we tude for those lives. Noblv motives will prepare one's thought for spirit- ual thought and discovery. and there- after the honesty and verity of Mrs. Eddy's great discovery will never he doubted. RIGHT VIEWPOINT In the world today. as always have been. di- wrsities of human opinions or points of View Onm- succeed changing it person‘s point of \‘it‘\\' and you gin: him it wholly tliffvt'wnt when you change his point 0-».u ......o o ..... nth .lr front There there an- many in outlook. of View \l'bx" H“ in ‘ler A friend of mine once said. “I rec- ognizc the power of the human mind uwr the body. and I recognize matâ€" Mattt-r is actually the greatest humhug In the world. as the world “ill sumvllmt‘ (ill-cover. Prob. uhly othcr kind of ghost. has fooled so mnny poople. or deceived thorn so badly. I‘uruphrnsing the My- ing of a American, matter may tool some of the people all the time. and all of the people some of the but 1“ ('IHI no longer fool all people all of the time. To muterlul senses. matter also" “U famous time. of the the ï¬ve RIGHT VIEWPOINT There are in the world today. as there almiys have been. many (li- \ersities of human opinions or points of View Onm- succeed in changing it person‘s point of \‘iv‘\\' and you giw him it \I‘iinll)‘ different nutimyk. :u‘ when you change his puint of View troni West tn silllth or {ruin west in east. Suppwc u persun. who, trmn birth had‘lieen taught In “our hluv glasses HUI! tn \'lt'\\' [hl- \uirld tlii‘u them. utter twenty-tin- yvurs a! t'nntinual use of blue _L'|I|.~>t'.~', Wi‘l'l' will that everything was nut Illlll' but white and guld and green und brown. it Would be difficult for him :1! mice to credit the truth and viinnge hi< wuy of thinking. If he were tnld [0 take off â€1050 useless and disï¬guring glnxses and hun- u look at things as they really are, he would reply. â€You are mistaken. l have always seen the “writ! this way. and su has every une else I know. 0! cuurie the vmrld la blue and not green and brown and white and gold." That person's point of view would need tn be changed. It is certain he Saw everything wrong< 1y. but was ignnrant of it. Most persons today are wearing; “blue glasses" and do nut knnw it These are nientnl glnsses through which they see the world. nut us it renlly is lIlld “us t‘I't'lIIt‘lI. but .I‘ their educated point of view has made it to them, and aeonrdlng In prevailing npiniun. they will insist an ~weing it so until they tnkv on their "hEue glasses" and change their point of view. Chnnging their point 0! view will change everything (or them. and if their new viewpoint be correct, the outcome will be an ever increas- ing degree of harmony. health and happiness. Only proof and demonstrw lion, however. convince ua which point 0! view is right and which is wrong. Words only serve to awaken us and show the way. us and show the way. There is little difference of opinion about the fact that mortals need a clearer way and a truer point of view. All agree that the world seems to be about as full today as ever 0! sin and rear hatred and jealousy. im. purit? and disease, vanity and sel- ï¬shness. and that calamities. tu- mults and wars have not sub- stantially decreased up to the prenâ€" ent hour, Surely it is too late now to believe that the cause of these evils can be traced to the great source of inï¬nite purity and good- nose. the one eternal and immutable Spirit, called God. Surely intelligent people do not any longer believe that God is the cause of human din-om and suffering, any more than the) believe that the principle of mathe- nmtim is the cause of the failurm of pupils to understand and prove it~ unchangine rules. An ignorent >en>v of the rule-s prevents the principle of mnthemwtics being correctly pi'm mi. :mni‘ just so. it is today (H~'(")‘-(‘!' on the (“ï¬lm Mind for move. I may add, [In-rely of conï¬rnmtinn.. (hut in it was my privilc-pv fur n with trot! ed by all (air minded persona who have removed their "blue glance" that it is an ignorant material aenae of God and His spiritual rulu. which re- sults in fear and diaeaae. aelllahneu. war. calamity. and'death. The v†0! health and harmony. the way of true prayer and salvation. lie: along the pathway of right underatandlna. This right understanding come. ihru the study and practice of Chriuian Science. and in the measure that it is attained it constitutes a spiritual sense of God. The chief purpose of this lecture in to consider and. no far as the time allotted and the speaker's ability permit, to reveal this trut- sen-w in contradlstinctlon t.) tin- claims Illltl evidence of thv false mutt-rial sense or the material paint of VIOW. Whvn. as 11 business mun. I attend» ml my tlrst i‘hristiun Science mot-L Hub and understood Vt-ry Hub of tho talks which went clear over my ht-mi. l ill'll‘l‘llllllt‘tl thut if ever in tlu- futurt- l spoke publicly on thu- .‘llhjt‘t‘t, l wuultl cunt-h my rvtnatrltx :l\ it wvrv, in tlw plain lnngtmgt‘ M tho .~trt-vt. :1! that tho huxlnvss man and nth: r pvoplv (‘1)llll] cutnprcht-ntl (‘hrintinn Sch-two. llut an nllo'.‘ thought vhungvs from tho materiul viewpoint to (“1' Apirituul. â€H' latter bet-tuning lllttl‘l‘ nnd more tmturatl :ttnl \‘llllplt', on:- i.-' int-lint-tl to for- gvt thost' n-atrl) resolutions. Bvsldo-n us the ~apirltunl ltlt'fl is so trxnctl) op- poaitv to tho- material lwlini. it in difficult :tl»\‘tt)stttt-\prt-ss tllt' high-1r idwtinortlinur) tnzttt-rlultrrms m :L- to tn lk" it t-otnprt-lwnsihln from tin- Illillt‘l‘lill point of \ my. Jl'\u.\' mtm- shill. ".\'o man putteth new wine into old bottles." He ust-d parables and simi- litutlvx to help rc'vt-al the spiritual idem Wo- nrv therefore confronted with the hanpy task of attempting to vhangu your thought about matter and m‘il hy thu employment first of human reason. nitorward dependlnx upon tlitino rt-wlntion and demon- strution awakening in your thought thv trun- spiritual idea of God. man. and the univerxw. Hub and â€ID lulks m-nd. l d Ilu- future suhjvct. l seems to l’l'i‘liii wivnthh “ill toll you llth it~x (‘imin nf [NL‘I‘PSSHIR life or in lolligrncv nr minimum in now («fund in lw :ihwlutvly fulse. I‘ndvr increns inuly povn-rfnl magnifying glannosita naturq- iii >uh<tnncv continuous!) change-s, nmi its original form and (‘lmrnctvr nrv rn-tiucmi tn tlm minute fnrm~~ (‘nllml inns and n-lvctruns, and tlw lulu-r in turn are reduce-d in what practically in materinl energy or mind. Here material science finds itself halted by a gram! gulf. which it never will ho- nble to bridge and continue further with materill rea- soning or material knowit‘d‘e. Un- der a very strong magnifying gins tlu- particles of matter are aeen to ht‘ constantly changing tnd moving about. us tlmugh at war with each nthor. This in actually the (net. and ll hns bm‘n taught in the school; that tlm matnrinl hody undergoes a rumplvtr rnnownl once In seven ,n-urs. This period of time has in re- m-nt _\'t'I\l’.~ hm-n gradually n-ducvd. an eminent French ncientlnt. (‘nmillc Flammarlon. reducing the time by nmn- than nuc- half. and quite re- cently n sch-mini has announced that this bndily chnnxv taken place once in twu mnntha. If this be a fact it makes a total of just six distinct material bodiex that you and l have exhibited during the put yen. And we would ask. by the way. what bu become of those soâ€"cnlled chronic dim-maxi wth you thouflht you htd lwu, four. or sh mnnlhl ago? Surely they were nut In matter. Am] 51) matte-r is diRcowrod through human reasoning to be quit: it dim-rent suhxtance from what it appears to (ht‘ material senses to hr,» and to possess no life or no in- telligence or its own. And on material energy or mind. it is found to pos- sess a very iulse sense of life and intelligencn. Then it must follow that ii mutter has no life or intelligence of its own. it can have no sensa- tion. Matter as flesh or blood. nerve- or arteries. cnnnot ache. swell. hord- pn. or be diseased; matter can torm no opinion or report no message: for it is toumi to hr :1 dream substnncv. which seems wry real but which i. not. Nonintolligont matter in not a lawmaker nor a luwbreaker for an it i< without mind It can impose no laws whatever upon man. Matter is said to be largely impregnated with m-rnw and micmbes. Bad germs are mid m mum diwnso and good germ,- '. h“ t|q~('v~~‘<rlry fur health. A! mat- wr u- (mum! in km unintelligent and s to lu- wry rem], mu mnuer ha It all what it HWY“! [0 he; ma- 1 wn‘nthh “HI loll you ll.» who pave u of 1 Al (or the flu tuneful ml ‘zhrouxn which mom! 3mm new} ., stunting. mater. the-agave â€moo: "3‘": correspondingly fulluloun null: m 1eplwmenl. Inter hula; up lnlolll-i n ‘ gence cunnot o! Itself u... hear. M0,! .1 ‘ much. or smell. lnnumerflile illusth lllunl couldbe cued proving um the‘ malerlaleyendo not mmor the Inn- :lerlnl organllm o! the our hear. etc. ‘Hundruls of times daily you do not nee who! the malorlul eyes are lookâ€" of no he ml 1)" momma mx. W013 ‘unnd. than cm In nq m or good germ-z nun mgr. n In. an ten or honor 1n this jlbn. in; at. because the though! bu been distracted by something else. Drew uro splendid lllustrnxlons to pmé thls. Eyeglass". which are ourelully plncmi outside before the emit. should - anâ€. L. nu. ihnnuhL and not to plncml outside before the enn. should be HUI-d m the thought. and not to m-nm-lvss mth-r. Jusj N) with the Iwurtnx, A («-w minuu-n (Humour «an did not hourthm nulwoll (he. Arc-H. Hmpl) Inn-num- your' your! do nu! Iu-nr. \‘uur thought or onnpcluuunvu was un and hourlnx (Mu lecture. the truth. Human conuloulneu awakened to the- truth will cnuu er- ror to {all back upon lnd dntroy‘ Itnelt. Jesus uld. “It ll the I’ll’ll that qulchenrlh; the flesh proï¬teth nothln‘.“ God In Iplrlt u the Bible teaches. and Christian flclence re- venln that Ha I: the only Splrlt. nr Mind. But how to he qturhened by God. ("sperm“) in lht' hour 0! trlnl. In the questlnn. The Scrlptureu de- olarv that God In too pure to behold lnlqulty. nnd thnt u talltty cwnot hr beholden by the dlvlne Truth Is now quite apparent. Then, If God. Bplrlt. clnnotbou-enornpproachod through the muerlnl tonnes. through that humsn Innue run He he reuhod Ind Hts lntlnttc bleulnn be honou- ed? The answer to thin pmmtnent question lhould not be more Illn- pls. If God. the dtvlne Ilnd. In to be ruched through thought onlyfu many bellow. that other chnnnol of though! eliltl nfler [he muerhl ha been eliminated? There in scarcely a normnlly mind- od morul who holds not dnily some thoughts of truthfulncu nlnca'lty. filth. hope. courm. nfloctlon. purity. honesty: in other vordn. some unal- nnh thouxhu. which ctnnot be cull- ed mnterlal. but which point thoulht higher to n unlveml good. then- one knows that than and kindred thoughts bring satisfaction uid hap- piness to load to’bctter thinn. Turn- ing away from matter and sell. mow» (-d by some motive for the universal good. is in touch the divine Principle' 0! being. and i1- 10 gain some nine" â€r Spirili or God This some, whichv all normnl mnrtuis mama to conu- mu-nt. men limuxh they may he in nornnt thereof. is known in Chrhil > ':in Science as <pimuu| sense. nun A the only way through which mun; IATERIAL “will SPIRH‘UAL SENSE vW Intolll- . w, 6% swim-I 2W prove Jolly would 01 to \ the ‘ «art (re-H. U ml nines: rluro. nn-nl. en] in fact. the of smut renl common at lunar be non-e . me Christ“: ' r mine for u t of life. In. I Christi 1SchmaoIn her ' Divine 'Ience" (p. l) I of God. go luv 0! 30041.; and dcfu’mnnunx the (H ple and 19 of universal IVINE Pï¬lNCH The up? John. tha dllchple 9! Jews made amt-Hun rule-:- of HIP. v is low: â€Id he that dwe? dun-Hedigln God. and G WW" wow _V- be thus aver-nod and} may e u very commoner Ion-w in fact. the true neme‘ of 3mm; roll common sense. even » of Inner 1: round to be none . end Chrlulnn Science is iScIeneo‘in her "Rudlmennl Divine 'Ience" (p. l) u “the law of God. go luv 0! 30041.; Interpreting and defu’mnnunx the divine Princi- - , A a...“ "I nnlveflll harmony." The ' ntUe John. than whom nn dlllciple “Hews made clearer Ihe thir‘lua rule-:- of HIP. and "God u love: ï¬nd he um dweneth In love dun-Ila :In God. and God in him." He (ha “waneâ€: In love. purity. hum-sly )unsemshnem. knoweth God and I: .prentng God. whereu he who" t ugh! tn I channel for "the luut o! 1? {It-ah. and the lust U! the Pyon‘. n. the pride of life. h um u! the her." as John declares. “but iwrfllud urld And Hu- world pnssflh :mn’v xhe lust thereof: but he :mn'y the lust thereof: but he that d h the will of God abldcth lurever Thla "will 01006" Is known in (‘hrt ‘qn Science alum u the will of Prtn le. the will of the one Mind. 9. and lnw. for I! the will of mnlmr an orr' tunnel! 8 subtle m diretul on wine rl proved. D nulls. oduru II In: h (h a em: I Or- that (he 0 “on I Hui nll rlple plied u to non. lc-m‘od In ('Ht'l' I“ ic-m‘od In munnl Hie? Christian Sclâ€" 'su‘o»rn that as (he means i» ‘V e method is equally so. To ilh. the, wierenee already the pupil. applying the prin- t'iit'i' plain. begin mndt' ciple (1 rules of mnlhematlcl to or «room error in I {air illustrltiou o! hm: in Hi: spiritual in“ should ed In the minds of morals to 9 [here lhe errors of exist- he up m ere crime. of m: In: t rum Ihe clple Sptm‘ dawn: Ind e1 disco! 0! Hf‘ maï¬a 3nd Ii Man 3 non dlvllu Iho \1 p ropo! Th ' method of believing and If- llrni with Ibeolute certainty that‘ God just vhnt the Bible impiiu Him be. nnIner All-in-nll. uni he- lievi u locus taught, (but the thin one righteouliy uh (or lhl“ can 0 pun. indicnten something of 'the nature at pnyer according to C ietinn Science. Proving the di- vine rinciple of hit being in the .deet tion of sin. sickness. And death is n acticul nnd cert-in illustrntion _()' tr prayer which nhould Appeal to ‘rn‘r en'rneet Christian. Instead of :boln pnyerleu. u some hue llneg» lined :Christinn Scientists. in .0 hr u t: y prnctiee their Science. live ‘iiv t coutlnnnl prayer. They pray .rnor g noon Ild night; they pray ,hefo they work. cut or sleep. The ‘Chri nn Scientist prnyn. not to heâ€" lneec the inï¬nite to grunt me per- ?Ionn desire, or to Inform the All- (If with . nnd “Iv-non and perfec- mm r: attained. No movement uhonl be nude. no work undertaken no 1 gm nhould be given to Qhr had). 0 though! prnjvcu-d mm mm- wlou m. belon- It in nm Weighed by a tan! Truth Ind Ipw- um! 001 fan anung. aonn desire, or to Inform the All- wind ' of mmmhlnx God doel not sire y know. but he conulenflounly nllr II the lnnh of being. and doplu (he . mu of belief. open- one 600' of ' thought and shuts the other. uml nrmonyl health. and hence are hr l Into and govern \M: con» mln‘ ‘ on and his prnyvr ha been an Ked. Th1: prayer Ir not. there- fore. belle! In a Mind. person-I dc!- In there ‘he errors of exist- he truth about the prtnctple 0mm†dawm upon the striv- ght of the pupil. and 5:: thin 19 errur disappears; jun no. lh about the Inï¬nite prin- ! Ufa. God. the lruth that ‘IVINE P81NCIPU£ Lune John. than u ’5 ' inï¬nite and omnipotent. upon the receptive thought. tly In the lame rulo do the m 1nd (nlu mnterhl belief: “I: matter vnnlnh. In mnthe~ {this In culled dnmonntrauon. its called the amt In Chrlu- Lance To domonstrute the all- ntputvnce. and perfection of Princtph. therefore. become: ole duty of mankind. and In tom 1: thin to done. the lives uh- un- brnukht into hnrmon) r the flmï¬h h- prm'ed (0 lu- ; some forcing mortals Into lg fears. Int-mum! ‘mublm. nu. distrenulng dlwnw. and huh. lhen’lhe wâ€! a! db 'rlnclple. when proper!) produce: the opposite re- d awaken: moruln to moral Inert-mung purity. nbound~ 1h. unlimited harmony. nnd Life. RACTlCAL APPLICATION n; then. a All Cbrlsunns do. I h one infinite Spirit, or Lipoiem Allâ€"in-nll. the ques- m. ihui all-nbmbin. prac- mien which vitally interests Ill. How in this divine Prinâ€" lhe nllness of good to be ap- »r a havering faith in I farâ€" ‘PRA YER “the law deed!" an lerpreting harmony. ne Princl- ain and how to haadle '1t; it km. armour." 1““ how to uncover and â€b05930?- ror. thereiore this fatal omission Wâ€" 'E ‘vents the inner to its I’m-"“ï¬- fluid whom ha I faith ‘cmmpngha acme measure t)! carer lhv‘md; good motive! could hardly (an aid "Gmim reg some reward. hut mental? th in ‘0“!blindneu. Mrs. Eddy explains. "elitists in him." ' fut to mgquny" (Science and iii-amt. a, purity. (p. “3). and naught else than might- )weth God '41)“ spiritual understanding will hereu he g uncover ‘nd destroy the million ii for "the j deluaion‘ of gin. aicknesa- and ‘d ' til, . lost (If thi’l t . â€c. it â€up Dist-LARK AND 1T8 REME \'_; 13,11 “but. Gaining an understanding of â€Ix‘L land the omnipotent power 0! p ‘g- "Id pumwih‘ ,, )f: hut helnal lawn. and an understand go! 0d “we“, |the false nature of matter and r-. .. ‘ known gal mind and material lawn. th, :1de ï¬ me ‘4“ :ér is armed successfully to mp9 ï¬n. POM lindJ‘M human discord. in it the ï¬r- the “.th‘priain; that 'he should p nine (“ed M m. (to heal diaeaae a's '«veil as sin “at lot-tul- intol“ disease that it should ‘elu e ’he It inhibiting-"m“9' "“1 5. “33‘8““ (0 ‘ twnu_ “disician, and what in sin that it id mm a! (11.10“! the physicien and be. all t m â€weâ€, the minister? 3mm whence o a. lunatic re-i‘d both! Prom‘ God? No.nelt or he I, to moral :one more than the other. Jesus 1 u r. abound- Ic“ hmdllnu of sin and 1‘... rmony. nnd “0"†10!!! I10 have wavln this. world that they have an t l faource. Centurlea ago David :22: 'ICATION “Tools because of their trans triatiana do-iand beeauee of their iniquit ,an 39""- oriafllicted. . . . Theh they cry \i td'the ~ "‘0 Wa'ihord in their trouble. and .} .". rblna vr-c- aent his word. and healed th 3m Ily interests delivered them from their divine Printâ€"3:10...." Christian Science has night- )d to be all-Tab], ï¬mqnstraied that much 0‘ the I“? HOV “Etc-called chronic and incnra lodii- main. of be ‘0'“ an ahdl Inherit one Is caused by hIdden o Ital nIn. and very few phnlc du wIIl comrAdIa lhIs. 'l'h Mme that they both hnye [In In Ihouth: Ihllr cause be In matter. slnce matter I telllgem Their remedy I.- (h er thch wIII permanent!) Pthought came. and (III: re ‘Ihe Word of God acIenIIï¬caH (stood. thch. In the words Blble. “Is quIck. and p‘owe ohnrper than any Iuoedxe ,pIercIng men to [he dIvIdIn ‘er of sun! and spIrII. and Lonmn .nd marruw. and In 3 ‘er of the thoughts ahd Inten heart." '1 My lrivndu. to one who h this truth for over a an. century. at l have done: and we» ed the Principle oi Christian ï¬ance ed its present high standi 5.; an! that in the 'opinion of so cal men dileuea Are on crease." In. Eddy 'writes i sick and reforming the «i one and the same thing Chris jtian Science. Bot): cures r in- th‘ «armi method and are in â€ram ‘ln Truth." This cannot ï¬r b ‘doubtod when. spiritual un tel-nu ‘mnteri-l seine in clearly I: Brim Fesr 1nd Iin. Christian ï¬clenc teaches. on element.- o! :11 dint-4 venu tear tnd he‘ll fear. chd i thin alone is Christian iofl‘ce priceless boner-ouch to th hum: nee. bublinhod on the lot." or whnt mortal man mom belief can do unto you. for consciously the 191180 of div Ity and protection. "where is or the oppreuor?" FALLACY 0!" HUMAN [IL BLIND FAlTH 1‘ Chrl-tlan- Sclence teaches hit tl real power In the unlverr-e £0“ aarlly Bplrlt. Mlnd. God. an at l the ï¬nal analysts. whatever ht toll porary "M'ldence may be to hr col trary, there really cannot hp III other power than God. If atter 1 Its dlfferent format cannot 11% ll alck. no mom can it: {use no lull poaltlonal mentalcauae. mo II In" nr human will. do so. both IIIS U name In quallty and powt-r PIM 71 human wlll expresses llu P6103 mum“. and therefnrl- I!“ n tun of mortal mlnd. .Thly- f In M "MU appear} to control ll turn 3 Inn and human- dc-stlnph l ItJChri (‘uutluuvd on Page .t r . or II" inherit all-:hlnn" o! onrcomln; an m], m mu. we". W“ a“ \l‘ “a." “I“ H‘ t h .'m 0’ ‘ I ' â€k "'0.†s." a: . blind venoml pad God or I P0 .‘mi we should n ad man wit his 807 u tinder- d the ul.hnd bl Chris In- NH np'rabh ï¬r b< Ienu: n m ‘1- Ir; ori- mn- min