Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 27 Mar 1919, p. 2

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The Luhwr 1.4 :IL’uz n! thu \Wsnii‘h LuKht'rnn (-hurch met 10.! Prim,» tho- church parlurs in M?» \knu‘lw Srn-knwy nf ”mu-n tuenuv vhwrtzmmi n fmx Hie-wk (hmp-r nu ){UH‘RIV whining 3““ “Art: n f‘u- n1,4réi‘ngw (I1 Mr, Efbui.‘ \Vm'n. “was, play»: .,n; .\I.r\n new Yam! «wml ~I|§_\' “'4 “- xery pieasinzly \l H math! 'mc-Mi \I V V \1 u (mun l‘? H \Va 5} c it) . brie}. T‘h \h g‘OOCOCf-QOOOOWOOOOOQDCOOOE: 0 sm HI “‘1'“ IT\ :3 I:- C‘OOCOC-ODQCOCK2‘COC’UOOOOC‘C‘C‘CK: riagw :rf .\h~s Ht? ‘C .\II‘ :1!va Mr ‘J ”luff, AIM \1;' Cum n' M:‘ u: ' .\|I'\ IV If ”I! 'Ill H M Ed .\ l'l PAGE 'rwo \‘H u 1H: 11»! Simmw‘ ll H H Mniman 'mtvrtni! 11st Prilhy :\fh "I >IHHIU‘IW' {IIIH'HH)(‘(‘\‘ n’ Imr d‘umhtwr. {{‘llt‘l, Mark: I»! (‘hu‘zugu and Thn‘ murrinzw t‘mk h 2! m (‘hicrxuu two groups of songs mt .:‘: \! \II‘WOI“ 15w lf mvninu X'I ling fur n \Ir Mn («mum-i t Ih-- h The hr‘i h-r. \Ir, H Archp- anpu ‘nm Fr uu-u \\ H H!!! H \I Ii ‘0‘) “\ith *Hl Mr (Ulla Smith )Hl: 1f! H H'jh'HU rmiv .mw (if [In me‘rn “mu-H. r? men V uul‘xr \Ir< ill: \I W‘ h n‘th H \VK'H 11" hzimlst 2.11'1- :1 \tnmu [Hutu-1121p 111111 mi 1111' (‘111111111111‘3' i11 r11l11ti1111 to ‘\\'11rl1l 1'111-1111st1'u1'1i1111. ”1- 1111111l111siz131l pruyvr and “iv swrvirv. ()wr twenty 1111111 from Ft. Shi-rillan were at this <1‘r\'i(‘1-. ()tlwr speakers will appear whn will speak on other phases 1)! :1h11 Contenary program. We have :1 right to expect that our pooplv will [attend these services and got the in- l'111‘111'1ti1111 \xl1ivl1 “ill make pussihiv tho inflow of the inspiration to do this thoroughly Christian jab so big H111 1-1111111 111i111l.~ (111111111 1l1- -11| \\itl1 it £1111 11111< 1111! full of lift‘- 211i”: 111111191 ‘ that Closed 113'115 11ml selfish. shut- 11p hearts can never enter into the hmwms guaranteed to all who accept ‘ with (1p0l1 minds and hearts and con-f Stet‘raled wills the challenge ropre-. wntwl. ‘ 1H l!‘ IH l1 t} H‘ AH ’nmo tn the1 services noxt Sunday 1h ~p|ntus11 truths uf tint 1.1% Sunday: (*thrt-n drmulhtl‘ zh'w' )‘mmu mémh HHHp Hf ,VHUH .V Hn- man PMs“ I; :m :x («Kiwi in [hr (ii-\o-lmpmem of (-hild HHM [u know (if our chux‘Lh scl'viu' for in: H the- 1i111111111 at 10 4 1 Sunua) morn. 3 mm 111:. II uiil in :1 di H1111 in-ip In that part 11f :111uti11-r genm‘miun whn 31111 cling; in tin. ago mid 11mm“ that children from 1111' gunk I)! [0111‘ to H 1m- mu 111111131 to grasp tiw grunt. ~pizitu1i trutin Hi [[111 umpvl In know“ 1111 1.14 811111111“ .4 >er\i1u< fur the tn I huu Whr \k M »p .u .! mm! [In NH Lord. when t‘lrllt'hwl 11) MIL l!‘ 11w \Lh 1m [ill-[UV I vpurl «)f H)" murni (HM Dl‘lh'fil'IlH) \\'M‘ hmmrw uf Hu- Innr UH H )‘nun In: K qwk: 12H! I ! hr! \\ Nu mm; minds lHH‘t Th: r luv juniul‘ m. ”er0 pr H u!) Hu- m an UHF r'vh Hw u.-\L Hh- [lt'ill‘ I'MH-n is m finds he K1! 1h. in number nr ihl \e‘T)‘ WILL”: ltu-nt 1m) [In (' ago HM norm“ that [w ugw 1)! [mm to H to grasp tlw grunt nf Uw gmpvl In know I) “.4 >er\iu'< fur the \trutml Hourly Emu «ls are n-ry quick (Q Hi" LIFO.” lmu‘hlllfi.‘~ hon those (put-hings languuuv within the uhy-(‘t fUl' wru’w tho purtm rm) nf {wvntyâ€"fnur hw above was an sorvh wit h it] UH N First ('hm‘vl ms 1’.\. Mlk HI h H11)! III‘H 1111i!!!) M'I‘Intm which futuro thc- 1w H‘. HI l" IHWI >PTâ€" Thu Man In mm: I») (In owe-HI wrung se-x 1min“. Ex \\‘«- urge rir (-hik- rm-rmry ~~-rmqn. {Hr “0rd lgm- \m' ~' made «hildrm hnld in l! ll'q H I‘hm w i The TIM A H up ffht pun-Hts at the ago of [on yours. to Hm’unu. HI., whore the service and interment under? the zluspicesrof Hesâ€" pvrin (‘hupu-r No. 137. Order of Eastern Star. took place. She was ‘the churn-r warden of this order and also had served as secretary for fif- tw-n years: She was also a we”- )owd nwmher 'of tho Daughters of Rebekah. Royal Neighbors of Ameri- (-n. and of the Woman‘s Rene! Corps. and was very proud of her Revolp- tionury ancestors, those having been‘ on both the mammal and paternal sides of her family. I) H in _\’0:|r,<, (-nmin ' )Irx. Ih‘jlllllllllt' Snyder Mn. [)vluphim- Sm'de-r, Wit Elijah Sm‘dt-r. pnssvd on Sundu} mummy :xt Hw home :lnughlwr. Je-nnio Myrtlv, wi va‘y (‘. HI‘vidt-rt. MIN, Sllnlvr hm! hum- .. 1111 ‘ only: 0110 good hand. el‘~‘ Huwm'or, it; won‘t affect my danc- )f relation turntawnrk. That the story mid by those .iong engaged in this form uf war work put to silence all oppnsitinn. and. unfriendly criticism of this kind of cffurt. That the Sheridan (‘iub is in a position to help thv mon in the service in a k x titan] p )Hxl g wan CAMP COMMUNITY 9; 8mm”: ntinm \I Boom will he mustered out this mumh and Mothm‘ will then return in Highlzmd gurk to open up the huuso. and Will probably be there win-n l arrive. We”. regards in Mrs anhnm I'uu uumpmm- Snydvr. widow 0! 1h Snub-r. pnsswl on quietly In} mummy at the: home nf her :hlwr. Je-nnio Myrtlv. wife of ry (‘. ”with-rt. Snulm‘ hm} hw-n 21 resident “lilluix fur nuurlv firm-mic!" H \n h III Ii, M lk'l pm IH \\'H H It by th}? \\'nr (‘amp Commun< m was m-vor mum urgent his Fund hour. That lhD)’. n-lm.;_lm:u‘ un unhrvnknblv ’l‘hv $horidun Hub 1h nvr mm hot-n 21 resident fur nuurly fifty-eight Hg (rum Nvu' York City. nr-dn-r birth. with her Mr hill”; HI ”\I HIGHLAND ‘IL’ARK PRESS, HIGHLAND Pm, ILLINOIS In H nutnumh m, .lml Hm! HUM)“ u PHI mz :éll Pm lulun rm gards to Mrs. Newbnid (WrdiaHy. \md min); in [mm In“: My i1 l I I'H'I DA N COBB HM vh;u‘n)~ It-lxl nhm'ml H who c Thu num mi ”N MU ‘(‘IH< ”our nin-l)‘ mm K [\juyt {I‘m nflvr [my r mum inslvnd Hh (Mum m“ h gum! m-h (h. hill ma The campaign to raise the three million dollar unduwnwnt fund starts next Sunday. March 3n, and contin- m-s until April 12‘ Rev. W. I". Suhr, pzhmr Ur (hp Ink-:11 Lutheran Zion L'nnm‘rgntinn uth-ts his church to have rm difficulty in raising their quota. The Lutlwrun Lnymen's Dengue. an iorgunlzutlon or lnflumttiul laymen o! .tlu- Mlamuri Synod, has launched a ‘(lriw for u Thl‘l't‘ Million Dollar Enâ€" '(lm\nwnt. Fund among tlw communiâ€" f'cant members of HS own Synod. the ‘Ylnuomu or “hit-h will ln- mod to sup‘ rrmrt tlu- Rynorl‘s lnt‘npw-itntml pas- Ms‘idows and orphans of the deceased. The mombers of this Smod have enthusiastically subscrlhed for a large number of Liberty Bands purchawd by its members. A resolution was adopted that all congregations be uskt-d to raise a sum which would firm] at lt-ztsl lerlwr cent of the Liln‘rt} Bonds‘ purchasml by their own members and dotmtv the same to the endowment fund. You are cordially invited to make ‘use of the reading room at 387 Cen- gtrai Avenue, which 13 open every ’week day from nine o‘clock in the ‘mornlng untii six o'clock in the ev- ‘ening. i Subject for next Sunday's Lesson Svl‘nmn, "Rvulily." Sun-view are heid in this church u-w-ry Sunday morning at 10:45. Sunday whoa] meats immediately af- n-r the morning service, and is open to pupils up to the age of 20 years. The Wmhmsday evening meeting. which includes testimonies of Chrisâ€" tian Science healing, is at 8 o'clock. [ Hazel Avenue. near St. John's Ave- 5 peculiar way. In a way that would bring a feellng of gratitude to the heart of evéry rather and mother in Highwood whose sun was far away from home among strangers, possl- bly wounded and lonely, wlth no one to whom to go for companionship and help. This is an appeal to all residents {of Higlmood and o! the north end 30! Highland Park to visit the Club 5 rooms and to lend their trlendly help” and co-npq-ruzion tn thme in chars?- Wo have this institution here, sup- purtml hy the gvnvrul War Camp Zl'ammunity Sorvico. Lot us help [umkt- i t a sm'cvss. ~ H. [3. Dick. iH'huirmun Publicity Com. J,,P STEFFEN, Propri:tor 522 Central Avenue 383.000.000 (T A M PA I G N @pming finn'aunrmmt I will specialize on the Carlisle Cord and Fabric Tires. WISH TO announce to the pub- lic that I have opened an up- to-date Auto Supply Shop at 522 Central avenUe, corner of Second street, and will carry a complete line of automobile accessories. part of Vulcaniziézg and Repairiflg Workmanship Guarantéed cWWW (”Ho-x. F. ARENDT WK-é‘fi-W W i your patronage Will appreciated SHOWING LATEST fRENCH MODELS modiately following; \Va-dnnsd mwz: M: .E. .a 35:31 ”WELTVEEW IUQDIU Maintained by 402-34 szwonru sum. - 29 £457 numsou srncz'r' C HICAGO Lamas- TMLM Central Cemete Com an 703 Marquette Building. gcypt'bbb3 81:12:: 2:39.23“ WW3?! 0! Wat a: ..A_._.4 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING BOOK CEMETERY and ANNEX MEMORIAL PARK TheC< cry. . paths. and YOU ARE INVITED ED amid-t nature's own beauty. man has created a beautiful I: ceme- tcry. The sunken gardens. e winding paths. and the imposing chapel makes this spot a vision of beauty; It is indeed a fit» ting final resting place fpr our beloved ones. You are Cordially Invited to make use of the; privileges of the 387 Centrdl Avenue Hours 93. m; to 6 p. m. Every Day Except Sunday First (.‘fiurch of Christ, Scientist. of Highland Park msncnon «wrran lemetery Beautiful “((06 AND WI! IMPOK’TIR u. :m. a! 10:45. Sunday School in:- Evmling Testimonial Service a! 8:09 ”3 nxiMe 3“ Cah'h “med :1! t :.J(“ll$, Son :1th “r "1.. T061; the 1 :1” gun.- .p(- r91 iierfled mm 38!! to get 3nd; ‘frurm km“ I h)” N4 )ed k'h v Fun u ”4:; romixn f: ‘ ms; (if 'at a?!“ than: V can: that ,lzfion of J: )téfled on Server Villa ‘9! 'Umwlhgy find ‘M ign ‘hoolnm trlghfi hut‘ 3mm ‘ ' um*W (ii-su- .0"? h}' t _al mun) in (‘hdrci L“ 4"“ :1 -" anano ‘ehi‘nl'flz'i; 1‘ he an . «Ml iv 2;" JD Xv in] {5 3m did 12f Mn ‘ -‘ .10! g; cm life. ~~ , auhles u-n.~zic ,- And ye ., mmplm gas been} _t 5 had 1 *J‘A' do In ‘Lflflerrm a» .M‘. ”I em? km the ‘3?!” '1 » rq If? 1 2 (arm L When Church 3 truth of remind! Chrflstil .and the S simphci 3; simple r} Christin 3‘: slur; in ‘ theuum ed in ‘ mariti i, nd men lounds iv! hima him to a Y'Is Ila-re , (hm? Th4 _$3vsus ma 'binl may] ; er Jourm hrely w Iough. Y1 8 hope. m arrest )at is ll Dcracy fl ramuun; 'Democr: Irist, am :k of ch source of the war] he in th: I wt here aem to l '9 “‘Iyr‘d hrisuaru" lie to a Nation 1 ”b; but I13 hifio bother team a utt 18â€"0 lion. 8F :11) kmd f ”1‘ riff It m The

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