FAG. POUR The Highlanh Park 1317255 Published Weekly by mm} 1. UBELL and PAUL L UDELL, at Highland Park Lake County. Illinois =O= Highland Park. HHnois. under the Act of March 3. 1879. John L. I’deli Paul L. Udell NUMBER Ill: All fr. {I unw yv nni< K nni< them :1 mldiwr in tho- [rl‘llt‘h>“. Thu in“): arm «if thv :uxv-riiinvnt ii.1~ rt-iivimd intu mwr) kind of bonus in [110 land and taken nut u buy And [ht' arm) Hf Amorivun youth thus liruuglit tdgortlu-r hits ni‘fcrcd. invide-ntully, to thv hih‘vrn'r n! sm-izil (-on- .litmns an experimental station :1 human liilmiuttury whmt- \‘(lhll' can never be estimated. ' Thu gmrrnmo-nt fnund thwv lwys undr-r-imurlsht-d to 2m altirnh im: extent. it found them uIld~*r~¢‘duvntcd fur n-sponsiblo posts which nuanced them. But, most immediutw of all, it found them in need of ent»rtainment and it wholesome nutle-t for surplus energy. L'nch- Sam made 0. quick survey of the situation and found ho had 3 “Hit?! nwglm-tvd American family which he must immediately gather tom-thrr .m-l set [0 rights. And so hv (“Strihull‘d fowl bulletins and much son-mine litt-ruturw on food values and {and propurzuinn, ho Sf‘nt the boys tn tln- S A. T. (‘,_ but all the time hc prnvidmi (-ntvrtziinini-nt for the men in «THC-5, This thing was done from ï¬rst to last, lmtli abroad and at home {mm 50‘“. to sea. , Now what? The W. C. C. S. is still spending its hundreds of thou»- nnds for this good work. It is the one grout structure of social ilChIPV‘p. ment which Still stands monumental before our eyes in memory of the war. - .... .. . ,u hwn wear, )UM Cvmtwmnxf, hm ro-vrcatum And Valium and MM 'l‘lw rmull Th.) sucml 1m nxwhnme. Bur hn‘ mzw h‘J'ulx'wi .unf [ prepare aura-Ix.“ . before this g( take up Its broken threads wherever \V NHL)! UHH) B l!{!}l}\[ o‘f. uni <1):er am 0: our Kim! [)‘1‘ th into tiw- in. â€5- «011th ini'n: )1 'h HH‘H CH Iniv I) aim [\I lH h lL' Entered as second class matter March 1. 1911. at the post ofï¬ce at lli~corp rvln'ifl‘ l( L; ‘nq-unp- ‘ W [y lniv Ht‘~‘H [In i Hut But: {hr W :\ ['v ‘11 Hi Spring is the Season When One Considers Building JOHN A BUNNELL JOHN OLIVER HARRY PAUL .\")HL n'l H'Y' H \s lml Immn p: ngHLAND PARK TRUST 8c SAVINGS BANK \\ I f 'i NH E ARE PREPARED to loan money to prospective builders, and to those who wish to pay off mortgages now due. I} Do you require funds for either af these purposes? If so, we will be glad to 'quote terms upon application. COME IN AND TALK IT OVER. Premdcnr H tlu Hu'll'. fur Hm tuttwt'n Hf tulllliUlH} "t'lltflllh thv >um1‘. Hf IH tttu- !» "a pvn'pr ut' [hr “111‘" \tht .f :1†Un- fHHn! v‘\DT‘~*\<iH's m thqa Y. .\I t'. \. 1hr Kniuht‘ Hf (‘n|» Hup L‘ummumt} Stratum tlw Suhgxtiuu Arm). Library ~.‘t \Vvlf'tfl» Ixuguw" Humit'wh uf millions of tin/Hum hun- m mnkv {hr yuunu manhmni ut‘ ttw nutmn ('Hmfnrtnblu and Hmrv Hum that tn pt'mirlt- (‘lmm \\'hxll«*\’uln(’ farms of unthvmvrtt which would partly compvnsutt- fur the pri~ thhtgw “Em-h thv‘ Ilfv of 21 whiter Pntnikt l~ ~|Killï¬runL :\ mighty army has hm-n rum-1!, cumpnsml nt' \wH'iLI 2mm. fit“ blond-wt tm-n, mm {NH nf lit't- :md 4mi~ 5 1! ha: hvwn l (hum army hm' the MM \leur at frlt§ lwmm" [4 Highland Park tn 1M V. C. S. cannot last forever. The question now is. wiil we N . before this good work disappears from our midst. to n threads wherever it may lay them down and "carry on?“ H \\ m (in :HY, of UM» :uxv-rnmvm h.1~ Huu‘hwl min mwr) K xkcn nut 21 buy And [In- nrnn Hf Amorivun hzh nï¬crcd. Invide-ntully, to Ihv nhsvrn-r n! menml station :1 human lithol'dtul')‘ whow \\ h Hf IN Ian- P and v‘\hf‘~*~<i.w, ) L‘ummumt} erf'lrv Ixrlgu mnkv {hr _\'uun )rv Hum Hm! Telephones. Highland Park 657. 668 [h ku'ho- mu m’ ~-\ (hpr “Mr-L, It It) â€I" H‘l‘lu‘? The Bank of Personal Serwca' \l \\"v' hi! \o't‘HI‘H) “‘0â€. fl ful Hut no-«l nmt ’ m {In \ I 'I‘IH' RH; LESS!“ 0F 'l'llll “CH! l H the» MM \111 .-\[)A;Flw!h'~'s had A") lH i l C. C. S. is still spending its hundreds of thou»- It is the one grout structure of social achIPv‘e- monumental before our eyes in memory of the fl0===l0= hr- ll I ! H‘II w H mm mm] It! 1 I ‘lv'u 1m} mm. lm mm! [11' ' hix 1‘ IVHHH“ I l .1" \\ It «I l mlh' hvn “In President Hult'l H - quit» Ilvu‘h‘l' thmh; HI pint’nlh Alumni. mlk ll lining n hm “m- 'lnffl‘ll. Akin." ('MHIH“ THI'HSHA Y. APRâ€, n} H H‘IH'VH .4 .lppx'ln .Lix‘sliflh‘. H h‘lhi nlf llHl Imp! In ('0'Hh:l‘< as :m (“Sltlh “IN-v], Vlllll pu<hvd furwuwl :u'vus (in " ['Hih'd SIAM-x HIM [11 I'I 1H (}(-\ Th H H hrvumy- hruthrn m'rr “nirm! in Iinv tugvllr 1 ("\v \\itnw\<. "I #:lu' np an :\ dwu'~(I-1) “ith . nu‘l‘ hvr JIM! IHniu-r life mv-xnnu-m has >pt-nt - Hr prmhlim; dimm- humamh mum Ihmhâ€" M'Uh'tl this w‘vlurum um. ’I‘hv} huh- ju<t fur [hr ('u’uw. l‘Q'pl‘t-SPHH thv r1921!)- Im-n mmr hrnught KH- hll‘dll [hi-1' mr mMn-x'sum! mil» 1!! 5:1“ thv no-CL'ssn)‘ ur< :xn 1-sl:|hlishvd I‘lrmt Hlinv ~‘ div [0 l) ______________ Editor ______ Superintendent :h (if 4ka 1n Ilu- \uu‘ld IH H'umv ‘lulx Cashier =0: h Highland Park In .Im-ponml and 0va ..- 5mm: pounl.» u! ' Ixf l‘l‘t'x‘tnlir‘vn, mfwrmhlu h4)lll"‘.‘ ;.:< lumzht u< tn Ihn-H'Hl tn mukv in [h as Ili> physical is, fur insumvu hvfun- lhvy 1m~ ht‘l' JIM lllldu'l‘ -r m hur >\\:1‘ 1 lhv park And i4 {luv kind nf tint Inzlkw it [Lo S‘m Frun‘ Iiu-d through l‘~'Illl‘nt'1l ;\ in unifurm kind of bonus n youth Hum )( sot-in] (-0"- <0 \‘uhu- can 4» dub {In-['1‘ pin “urn h) Id Hum- lelv UH)“. T'lt huhy in Illi< (11)“ n h HM (mly \thl n â€In 1919 1 Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Abercrom- ihy and [Wu children are spending a mumh in Park Ridge as the gursts of Mr. and Mrs. Le Roy Dickinson. Mr. Hurry Si. Pom-r arrived last ’i‘umduy an Charms-tun. S. C., from mogul-:15 somicv. Hu will he sent in (‘amp Sherman, ()., whore he will lw mush-red nut. WEAK!) m’som ms] [rum _\'. Second St. In 1012 (mm-u ILLV led. .\11a ()millvb §mk who has bu-n in wrvirv mersvus fol the past (9,“ months. has :u'riwd in New York and i~ waiting to be discharged. RM: and Mrs. t“ G. Unangsl are mm‘ing this wcvk tn Dixon. “1.. qu-rv Mr. Unungst will assume the dutim u! pustnr n! Grace Church dutiv“ u! nvxt Sund em-e Warner ï¬n Elmer (Heser ~whml in 1.0 Mars. this week with his Mrs. Puul (Neser. MI: and Mrs. A. E. Smith spvnt (ho wovk 9nd in Milwaukee as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Forest Cummings hun- rvntwi the Martin flat on Onâ€" wvnlsiu Aw. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard have moved from the (‘unrud house 011 Mohan- ivls Aw. m the homo of Mrs. Auv unstim- «an Ravine Drive. \lhs Alma ()lvmn. who spent the past \H't'k \xitlx hvr purl-ms. Mr. and Mr‘. 0‘ l.. ()lcsnn. rvlurnvd to the l'niu-rsily of Illinois Monday. 'l‘hv {\Ilssm Marian and Miriam Prom-h left Munduy for San Diego, Cal, where they will make their home in (he future. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ball and childrvn of Evanstun wvre the Sun- duy guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Bull 0! Rillgmmnl Drive. The Luther League uf the Swedish Lutheran church will mu't tomorrow owning an the lmmv at Miss ldu owning an the homo at Miss Nu Benson. Mr. Charles Svhwuh, who has hven stationed at Zzuu-M'illo, 0.. in the: chemical warfare svrvivv for the pus! >ix months. n-turm-ll homo Sut- urdny. having lwvn honorably dis- Chln‘gt-il (‘urulim- Schuï¬uld returned hnmo lust wm'k from Smith College to spend Ilw Easter vacation. Frank Knight. who nth-lids HIinOis‘ l'nivvrsity, is smmding lhv vacmion with his paronts. Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Knight of Park Aw. tinnwl nt Fnrt V spvnding 11 h-w ( (Zrm‘n Bay Rum! Mr. and .\lr-. XL (‘, ('unrnd and dmluhtvr, “1‘5, Pl'mlvrivk 'I‘. )tuldt‘n and sun. spent the “(wk and in Park Riduw ;I~' tlw gmw‘ls Hf Mr. and Mrs. M. H. (‘unrmL Mrs. Irving Humhrnok and Miss Ruth Donnuthnrn were called to Michigan on account of the‘ «loath of tlwir hrothor Saturday. [)r. and Mrs. J. B. Francis and mu rvmrnml lust Woduomluy to their humc- in Troy, (L. nfh‘r spflnding a row \weks with Mrs. J. 1.. Miller . city inqnllnlhm Hf nffi(‘vl'.~ ll|i> evening in \\'ill¢-n Hull. Tln‘ nfTivL-rs tn lw H‘n‘tullml HM“. (‘hivf Hnngm‘. Mrs. Agnrx lluft); \‘im- (‘ll'u-f Ranger. Mrs. .luliu Stine; RN-unlinu Svm'wtnry. Mrs. \\'illi:1m l)ll.ull_\': Financial Sm-rotary. Mrs. (,‘nmvrnn: ’l‘rvusurcr, Mrs. John Slu-uhvn. Mrs. Wm. A. Dnhsmx of (‘hicagn >pvnt Monday \i~'i(inu frivnds in this Schnridn Mr.» David Hwnnvlt and daughter Mnrirl n! Chit-ago \wro HH‘ guests luq um-k M Mr. and N1!‘\‘. Raymond Mr. Brvin Clow, a member of the Nth I“. A.. stationed at Camp Stanâ€" ley. T¢x.. returned home yesterday. having been honorably discharged from the service. He has been in the service for eleven months. Mrs. Tipton returned Monday from the Highland Park hospital where she underwem an operation. She is very much improved. Mr. and .‘1I‘<. Ham. who have been mm: :1t 1012 N. Greon [lay Road; have rvntml tho Rankin house on \'im- Aw. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Skidmore and family are returning Sunday to Cald- well. Idaho. where they will make their home ln the future. Mr. and Mrs. James Boylan of Summerdale were the week end guests of Mrs. E. L. McLaughlin. Mrs. Lloyd M. Bergen returned Sunday from New York where she spent the put few days visiting her son, Van Bergen. a member of the 149th Field Artillery. who has just been invalided home. Mm Ada Williams of Evanstun m the “wok end guest of Miss Florâ€" n-o \Vnrnnr, Thu l‘h wt. and Mr HIGHLAND PARK PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS Mul'tvm. \\I|u In: it Fnl‘t \V:l)’lH'. Ml} 1:! Mrs. Burkv have Second St. In 101‘} ll'!~lt‘l'~' “ill hnld [Iwir nffi(‘vl'.~ lhi> evening 1. Th“ nfTivL-rs tn hp (‘hivf Hnngvr. Mrs. ‘im- (‘h'u-f Ranger. Mrs. -(-ur<lillu Svm'wtnry. Mrs. Financial Sm-rotary. who is ath-ndiiig 1a.. is spending parents, Mr. and (ll Francis and :4 lwm] \ln- Detroit. is, his hnmt' on moved G I‘m-u Mrs. Wm. Lawther has been con- ï¬ned to her home with bronchitis for the past week But is much im- proved. The supreme president of the Fra- ternal Aid Union has: appointed 0H- ver Syren as secretary of Highland Park Lodge No. 3006. Mr. John A. Croke returned on ‘Monday afternoon from Ft. Meyer. Fla. Miss Grace (‘arnlan of Chicago spent Sunday wlth her sister, Mrs. John McCaffroy. Mr. Robt. Renner, florist and gard- nor at Exmoor Club. has returned (mm Lansing. Mich. where he spent the winter. Ensign and Mrs. Edmund Eitel have come to Highland Park and “ill rvmuin here permanently. They are making their home on Dale avo- nm- next to Mrs. litel‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. I). Mesï¬ngor. Ensign iu-l is stationed at Great Lakes. Miss Rose Fuurerer and Miss Mar- garet Williams of Racine. Wis.. were tho week end gumts 0! Mr. and Mrs. T. l’. Merrimun. Mr. P. Glilott of N. Green Bay Rd.. is seriously lll with bronchial pneu- monia. Mr. and Mr.s George ()leson are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, born March 25. Kenneth Frank Miller Kenneth Frank MHler. eldest son oer.:1nd Mrs. Frank Miller of Homewood Ava. pasesd away Sunday morning. Mun-h 30, at 11:15, at the age, of seven years. after a brief Sll- npss of influenza. He wus born on szruary ï¬fteenth. 1912. Besides his mother and father. he leaves a brother, Merrill. and a sister. Louise. Funeral services were held at the home of his parents Tuesday morning at nine thirty. with Rev. C. G. Unangst officiating. Interment was made in Northfieid cemetery. Richard Renner (‘role Little Richard Renner Croke; six- tr-vn month old son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Croke. passed away Tuesday morning, April ï¬rst at one thirty a. m., following a six weeks’ illness of scarlet fever and bronchial pneu- monia. The'body was placed in a vault in Lake Forest cemetery, yes- terday morning and when the fam- ily is out of quarantine, burial will he mmlo. Besides a mother and falh‘or he leaves three brothers and two sisters to survive him. a ' C! 13 UNITED FVANGELICAL O 777777777777777 , On Thursday. March ‘18. the pupils of the â€Garï¬eldâ€"Shields were given :1 very wonderful address by Major Ray Rridgcman, fm‘mcrly 0! the La~ fuyettr Egcmlrillu, more rvcemly of thn Amvrivnn Flying I’urcvs in France. Major Bridgcmun is from Lake For- vst. and was in his third yrxm‘ at the Amerienn Flyingv Purces in France. Major Bridgemun is from Lake For- est. and was in his third year at Yale when he decided tn volunteer. Needless to say, he hml many thrillâ€" ing adventures while up in his ma- ehine. His description uf the way it feels to he up in the air about three, miles frmn the earth is very realistic. llunmrous‘ incidents light- ened his speeeh here and there. while there were nther incidents that were very touching. Major Briduemnn concluded his speech with an appeal for America to “hm-k up" the League of Nations. for he said that those men who fought in this war realize and know now that this Leugm- is to he the snlvutinn of the world. The princi- ple for which our men died must be the ideal that we uphold. else they will have died in vain. 9:30 a. m. Bihlv xcluml. 10:45 a. m. Morning svrvlce. 6:45 p..m. Christian Endeavor meeting. 7:30 p. m. Evening sermon. The Rm: J. H. Koagle 0f ancrvllle will preach his ï¬rst sermon in ngh- land Park on Sunday murning. ,The Unique Tea Room of High- wood is serving a regular 45 cent dinner at noon. Home made pies. cakes and doughnuts a specialty. Your patronage is solicited.â€"â€"â€"Adv. The Bolsheviks are made up of the people who have nothing and are wimng to divide it equally. The servicoa for next Sunday are '15 {nlltm‘st Don’ t forget 33.232233: and when we dog so we do it right. Earl W. Gsell. Pharmacist HIGH SCHOOL NOTES _\ NNOI'NCEMENT DEATHS With woman suffrage soon coming} Congress will no longer dare to dodge the all imporunt question 0! the na- tional nower. * STORAGE, MOVING PACKING cud SHU’PING Cantu] Avenue Sheridan Road Highland Park Fuel Company 102 N. 15! St. » HERIAN DENZEL, Pram Telephone 335 n. a. rUlDY. In“... A. c. PURDY. heat-"WM“ Private Rooms, Silver Vaults mm, Trunk and Rug Rooms Phone Oscar Mayer's . famous Busket Bacon Palace Cash Market 31113334231: 241/2c Native Pot Roast, Fancy Per Pound. Peacock Pork Loin. wholesale per 1b.. Veal Roast. Leg or Loin Pork Shoulder, half or whole Special: RING THEM in and let me repair them for you. My workmanship is . guaranteed and my service is prompt. ' 517 Centnl Avenue now who“! YOUR ow MOB/WAY! H. GREENWALD WHOLESALERS To THE CONSUMER )so GEORGE a ROCK, Mp. 533.535 Casual Ave. ANOTHER BIG SATURDAY SALE oal Solvay Coke United States Food Administration. License No‘ 018642 Armour's Oats Small SiZed . p 30:â€: v'floWWW vii 39c; 32m 30c? Zion City Cookies, per pound ...... Fresh Liver, per pound. Strictly Fresh Eggs, ‘per dozen ........ Lamb or Veal Stew. Square Deal Bacon. sliced. per pound. Asparagus Tips, a snap at, can Some men climb the ladder and; can no rnpldly they miss their (ooh lag. and bump they go to the bot- tom. Highland Park 10c zooodi the