: 0 § 9mm NEWS ITEMS 3 M“. B‘ :k. Kh's" and Mrs. er were {hr unvsh‘ of Mr Schnmdvr I)! Irving Park F Mm. H wvek and Mrs. Loni .\II'+. Fwd 1 m1 '1 f6“ if h' Wednewhx m hmhIIA) .mm Mr. and Mr minvd A 1mm Sunday run Kent's pun-2n uf Chimxo. u New Y( rk Ml “inter. not roim Mr. .1111 “ Hiullland l‘u [)(w-Hirld S: \ll‘ .nu! .‘ Chicagn “~‘r Binghmnï¬x P)lcr. Sund‘u} ngw Duffy Camp \‘urhni. H Camp Grant. Hm'kfnrd, lH Vim-k n-nd “ith hh’ {mm-n! Mrs, 'I‘h-mms Duffy Mr. I. tun-or rx-Iurm-nl St a builm-Bs trip m Hn- k' $135 Moreva ï¬shnsnn Week 0nd gum: MH< 1411 of Chimp». “r. mid Mr". Prml BI» guests as [hr hnmw nf Mr. brother. Frank mwmwm. g0 Sundty r,†_. _ Mr. Anthuny Klvmp hm Accepted :1 p0s'ui6n with mu mum Sc'rvicv company and Mr. Imstor Stumvr, rvâ€" ('ently flischurxzmi (mm 1110 :u'my. ha; accepied :1 pmmuu ‘1! Ihv Kuon Garngv‘. hd‘ 2um i Mr; Frid 7:: 735. :::.:.._; . mm 3.: :::_., ’43:. .17: ’4, .z. $.:::_n 2:; 7?... 5;: 314:: .17.. 5.. : 2,... :0: Ettftk a: .17: 5., .z. ï¬.::_:n 1:: 3:; 7a.... 5;: 3:42:15. 1A. .17.. ’4. : 7:13;; ,1: 2,... :6: Ettftk a: :3. ,: v.5}â€" ;. $13; .1. .:...:.,_:A ’42.? \\' }{Q T1 at fur: )'-< ' 1!: \HH h" Lx-H .1. Mn: Ida. Hnrvnbcrgcr Mr. and Mrs. A. (‘r Tixnm and daughmr of (Monroe were the quests of Mrs A H. \(uhlkv. Friday. \frs. Albert Magi entertained a number of Iwr relatiws in honor of her couain. Mm. Augusm Junge of Omaha. Nebr.. at her home Monday evenlng. I‘( During these hard and unsettled times. it is wise to keep close watch ;: of your mom-y and Valuable". .-\ 5 young man {rom Devrtleld had his: pockets picked of S33 and his watch taken while riding on a (‘rnwded street car in Chicago recently. i' Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barrett have‘ returned from their honeymoon and are living with Mr. Burrvtts' parents.‘ TwentyAeight high school friendsof Jean and Dorothy Reay walked tromi Highland Park to “Briergate.†where: they were entertained. After spend-l ing an enjoyable afternoon riding the l ponies. they returned to Highlandi Park where refreshments were serv- ed at the Reay home. Mr. and Mrs. William Selig and; family. and Miss Mary Tesstan oti Chicago were guests at the Fred; Selig home Sunday. l Mr. Arthur. Misses Clara and Eval ï¬nder. were the guests of Mr. and; Mrs. Geo. Pfister of Highland Parki Sunday. l Miss Frances Biederstadt will give Nil 5 p. m, MIR. R, HHH‘HH ra.‘ thn \\‘ \hw! M .\1 1E Hh HUT Inlk‘lwndvut l‘u-ophw Th PUP I’I‘t'>i\l~-IH rum) MEYER Fur Trustvw MILTHN P‘RAXTZ Fur Truflrw PIN-II) STRYKEH Fur Puliw- Muziflmt (I “1 I’E'I‘TIS .sm “Ll: IN' 'lh‘l'. {rum ’ For Trustw- iiERuAN HAY NSCHIH) Fur Trustee JOHN BECKLEY , Fur Village Clerk SHEODORE J. KNAAK Tor Pulim- Mngistratv RI'GENE FINDER Hum gm» 1 1) H For Trustee EDWARD SEGERT HI" MI EI'GENE Ail H J u h w B. H. KRESS mrmhu \l \\ rx-I u rum! Sunday from ) In Hu- ('Llil‘ ~~ ï¬shnsnn had as her A MH< IAHIJIH Clinv. I I HM Ln! h Prwl Blwinwhl wvrv n" nf Mr. Bleimvhl's Blvlmvhl, n! ('hion- \I I‘ Rd w l | lc-ctinn “hivh will April 15th. promis- {ting Twu tickets 1th lemlnro Knank Haul M £99.»! Mum H \U p. .\lr nmkn M Krill ~ frion \Ul \I‘uiunwl u! ‘1, qn-nt Hu- mx Mr. and \dil)" 1h “,hlvh m~I will m mxt priz l'l‘ \[XJI‘PU Tick»! MH \mwlil End II m \I I" r 1‘x1\4‘l'\ill lftnrnmm ,\|x HM prizv mm-rmin \Lw‘l, :mw H~trl‘ll\.l!l .\l| If! Lilli. H) n M H) h :11 ll a DL)DH~' I‘voitnl for thv parents in tho homo hf Mrs. S. S. anu Sutur day afternoon, April 12th, at 22M o‘clock. Miss Biederstadt gives a recital every two months. or six :1 year. 'demonstrating the modern methods of teaching. I The Edstrand family. who formm'ly ‘lived on the Ringdahl farm. visited the F. H. Meyer family Sunday. Os- ‘car Edstrand will be operated upon i(or appendicitis TueSday. , Miss Eva Pettis of Delevzm. Wis, iis the guest at the home of her {brother. C. W2 Pettis. Mrs. E. Fred Heights. moved Tuesday. ‘ Amelia Petersen returned from the Highland Park hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs McDowell have moved into Mrs. E Holes‘ flat. The Deerfleld Red Cross Auxiliary sent 103 pairs of shoes and 417 warm garments to allied relief work last week. Prédericks of Arlington oved _:to Deerfleld last THE HIGHLAND and while we were not up at uur front lines we lived in a wonderful Gnrmun dugout that the Huns had intended using for their winter home but we figured that we needed it \mrsv than they did so we took it. it was divided into rooms and 'each room had its stove for cooking as well as keeping warm and all along the hack were two tiers o! bunks. So you see the Huns were very thoughtful in having such a nice place ï¬xed up for us. it We had the pleaSure every morn- ing of going up to the guns about three o'clock and on the way up. which usually meant a heavy bar- rage from Jerry we had to pick our way around the dead which was far from being pleasant. Many a night I have travelled around alone and ran around the dead Jerrys that the buch hadn't had tlme to bury. but they never laid out very long. The hem and there sure there for three days were not up at the lived in a wonderful that the Huns had for their winter home that we needed it IN SERVICE PRESS. HIGHLAND PARK' officers always saw to it that the dead were buried as soon as possible. You know how I was ï¬nally sent back to the hospital so I will wait until my next letter and then give you some of the little experiences I have left out of this letter. Hoping that this letter will be ap- preciated as much as I intend it to be. I remain, H. A. Everett. Convalescent. Camp, Hospital Center, ; Franco. jinn Wounded and gassed October 51h, 1918. CASH MARKET The best Fresh and Smoked Meats bought and 991d at cash pnces and you W1“ get full value' for your money at the lSINorth Second Street 909. A. E. F.. France I am at present in Beaune. about 30 kilos south of D!â€" West Side Your dear son, ILLINOIS ‘. N.C.RITTIR Pure Culture Buttermilk Bowman Dairy Company Telephone Highland PHI: 9 Glencoe 70 A PURE CULTURED MILK with all the refreshing quali- ties associated with old-fashioned buttermilk, but with a more even and better flavor and other quali- ties recommending it for use win- ter and summer alike. A twelve-month drink 1/4’1.» KM 739.... can 3.1%.! b'l. a! x CHlCA of TH‘ OWNER: 510(th Park, JOE Kmm n C8}?! or SW urn int-red Thzrd ‘ ton. IL Offl fro I 0 A 10.‘