Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 4 Sep 1919, p. 1

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Id uh ne 1C a x} wg‘ we HUM 3w in com FAIR NOW IN PROGRESS 5‘11““ W\\T\ 1‘0 \l \|\'l'\l\ |'|\ \\ \I: Tim: IH'rIcs Inmlum 0! i’uhliv [HHII t I'd- A": \h ”my” Karin: l'r urnt‘IhY Ill mm \u' “JL' H H1\~"IJH h.Iun-~ \1 ll wan ‘ \ rmullvm l‘H'H-H \ \I The Highlanh Park Press nn mis‘hm m. huilv I'vrm inlnu U M lMih lHlHH-X'I If HICIAID IH 'I‘IHC \Hl \l. \H-f\‘.\ (Ll I'» l.m‘\l \\I'l‘\ \H'L“ \IH' l\ "\ \5|H\I(.H'l HH\I\\I’I W h IH \I\|\R \('|{ID(DI..\ 4)I’l-I\ H\ \|~‘.|"l‘!{\||§|-fl Hers.u|'~ Nu ‘I ll I'HHI il‘ I‘l'ul'll \l \\ l I l'l'I \ \l IH‘IFI‘I H‘s \URTH "HH'U \I \l I) lh I‘Y \Huhlu) in “Hill \[I 1 \ I‘rmu Iln- ~tur) \1 H! ”Illnlll I'i-qu pif Hf I) \l UH) \\'nll HM Mk Ii .\I \K h WILMETTE' WARS 0N HIGH COST OF LIVING 0|‘li\l\ \l~}\\' 'l‘0\\\ \IHKKI‘I'I‘ \IUS'I‘ SI'H‘ICSSFI'L SPAM“; Fnrnn-rx N-H l’rmlllrv I’irm‘t to tlu- ('unsunwr. l'rmnutm' I'm-diets I“: SIH‘N‘“ fur Scheme \l DE! HIGHLAND PAIIK. ILLINOIS \il I’l} \\ Ilvl" (‘m J“ meh Ruck '. HELDI'\H ()I'I‘l\\ “I’l’ll'H |\ 'I'III‘ (TH ! crmxris uf puull r) mark. ulwn Tnemlu) ~, 'I ”1y, Illinu> lll’r pm: lu-vuuw- yin din-«(1y 'fmm thv ‘.\ hn~1' \\ zlmm‘ .H H H hl'l mi), mum h l'l'odllt't inlllk gn I! Irilcinu (7r! l\\.'|\ fflm \\ huh ll l! p KM H‘Hl UH ..\-hi ll ll l! U1 “UH“ HI THE WAY IT WflflKS H] Il-(hn md Minn fr. um .ll't' lurks-t} i~ l Ill'up I\\l| \il \l W i hl p [In ll Ihvir 1}} uhlw \H'l" \uml ('hil dnltml (0 mpul lmr I‘( )(‘1 '1‘]; u!‘ Hl~ \n‘r: 1M. Ilwir “xx, _\ L'uthvr- Mu» Umn Mr. nml 1| murkvt \\'l | nu l i ll h m'n fur ll'lHt‘l H whill I'( UH ml \V u I'Q LOCAL BATHINO BEACH CLOSED LABOR DAY le svuvm in 1H hi>lnl')‘. Sinl'v HH‘ vny Pun lulu n mwr [hr upvrmion of Hy» luau-h it inn hm-n mmlv n >01!- ‘uppux‘ting w'njm-t. ’l‘lw smnH fw- vlmrL'c-d fur lm-kwr mums has mnrv than paid Ihu vuwnmw n! tlw ln'm‘h mum-1' :nml (hw :Iltvndnnls. All mum-y Ivft (Wn'l‘ “ill lw “\‘t'd for m-w vquip- nwm nml imprm‘vments fur next 502% «ML ,-\< _\'«‘I nu nffit-iul ropul‘t has hm-n mudc' hut Ihc: mmrugv (‘ruwds fur Suturdun. Sundays and holidays hm- hvvn MHmuIvd M .1th h)‘ thaw in ('harpn l'mlt-I' tlw \Iunuuvnu-nt of ('it) Ufl'iriuL (luv "mu-II Hus Bee?! \Iudv I‘intirt-I) Self- Summrtinu Him! h 'I‘hr- lifl'~SJI\'t'l' jul- tm-nayfnur “HikflN‘ :1 must n Hf HH- lhnux'umls who huh "VAC“ thh sousnn lhe-rv h (‘élSHMHit‘wfi furthvrmnrv huu- hwwn lHHrK arm-n) uuu Hdn' H'H‘M-d Hm lu-zu'h rules without grum- Minx. HiKhiuml Park can nuw hon»! of inning: (in, Hunt hunch on thv north ~hul'v Hf Lulu- Michigan, with its lm-k¢>1'<_ swings. slid“, Mu. and now that it is wlf-mppm‘ting “v may ho :Hsm‘m] uf many imprmw-nwnh for futurv bathing: '\M)Il,\ \vu' (unu-ru “ill Employ (Du-r 'l Hundrwl \"nrl‘vrh. “HI ('un- \nlidnh- 'I'WU I'hulh \\lf1|{|(‘.\N('\N('0. IAN‘VI‘ES IX \\'\l'l\'l£(£\\' l‘uv t\pm\ 11er and Si)\\ In llm‘n mm! Ihi‘ luau-h I) SEPTEMBER n. \unlrum tn mun» its (\w m Hnnva-m. 111., to \szn ‘1» Hu 3" will In- (‘Illlrnhdlll- «mnlrwl and [um (hulh‘ulld I Hf “nor \1).‘1(“' hzn lu't'll H'h r who has ln-en'ml the 11' hours rwr)‘ «My n-murkublc rvpm‘t. Out who haw visilml thr- «m lln-rv haw- boen no lwrxnnrv tlw crmnh H nrdvrly :md haw rh rules without grum- ‘(‘.‘1\UH 1‘ !)\"I In 'l‘hn- hmu-h which by HIV ('it)‘ Clurt‘d (hr mm! >11vcvs<~ hi>mry. Sim'v thv murm-zuri- mac] ”‘0 HI Yin mus. adding nun-him .-\mvric:ul .‘lmvnt p! Mnnufnr' urm‘ H \h MI Mn N H 1'." How u)\\'l H("'_Y"“i milchi HM (an rk 1H n‘\l. In 1) HI HEIIL' mvm his; “0 III sngwrhm-mlrm ol' the ('hurrh [Urn- Ht‘lll') \Vm‘k l l Nu‘sf'u! in hix \uvrk with UH" |Il 1hr 11‘- \\'m:|wlk:1. !\\ \w-H :h' Hiuhlnml lurk, tin-w .1 ru‘iom problem in the |ll.lYlvl' nf huusing its Lvuchvrs {or Huh whml .n-zu‘. l'nlws sumo nf Hw public >[)iri{l'l1 vitizons lukv it npun Hwnlsvlws to mukt‘ hmm-s for thru- .\uung' “omen, wlm :n‘v voming m Him-Mu lhv childn-n. [horv is dun~ uvr 13w! Winm-tkzl will again 10M? mmv nf it: hm! twwhvrs on account hf u1|~nli>fnctury homing conditions, ncwrding In Supm‘intvmle-nt Wash- hnrmn ’ DR. HENRY S. BRUWX 'I‘H SI'IHK SI'XIMY i 1 HI t f {unple \\'l\\'|{'l‘l\'\ ,\I.SU F\(‘|.\( IIHI'SINH I'RUHIJ‘I“ Swim liq-:11 "me l'nr Toaclwre In F“l(‘Cllll_L' tom-hers for tho Win» nrlkd Publiv §clmol<~ Ilwir personali- ty. (-ulturn, and rvflncmont are taken illtn cun<i<lvrntiun n< much :13 lhuir h'ChlllUHl l'nining. lw snyx None haw hen-n salt-um} who could nut grauw any home in the ‘Vlllagv‘ Thc Tt‘iltllt‘l‘S Housing (-unnnittco, rep» rosrnting the Board (If Etlucntiun. “'0- mnnk club, ("mnmunity House. and ‘zu‘van‘vflvhvr association, is car- llcxtl)‘ nppwuling In all pooplo who haw nny room at all in their homes to upon tln-lr doors to Winnvtkn FNII‘ 'I‘ler Srlmols .‘lup Low Sowrul [\1'01k'l‘f Instructors If (‘on- «lhluns Don‘t Improm- (021v hor< 'l‘llv l)«-x-rtlvl(l-Shie-lds High School opened ’I‘uo-Mluy. The frvshmen and sophnmuros \wru enrolled in the morning and {In- juniors and seniors worv onrnllml in the afternoon. At the- prvsent time there are tuur hunâ€" lll‘(‘\l and tift)‘ puhils in attondmlma and it is (-xpoctod that the-r? will lx- fifty or sv\'(-nty-flvn mon- to register who haw nut rrturnml {mm their \‘IH‘MHUHS‘ (ink Tu-rruu- «(-hlml npvnml Tm-s- LARGE I‘INRHIJJIEN’I‘ 0N OPENING DAY le-rliold-h‘hlc-ldu High School lin- V H' :«nw'al _\u-;n'> priur to “(VII)”!!! Lr uxll In lhi~ \wu'k. he “11‘ Dzhlnl' rf lhv lilkt‘YitWV }'I‘I'>h_\tvriun (‘hurvh n L‘hu-mru “1' “us mpm‘inlly sue drml 21ml Sl\l)\\ in: HIM \\ 1‘1lllt'N' rim; Mm 'I‘l ”'1!” In: I > ht I'hv puhlir ll ~iun “nu-k n? llw Prvsluu-r) of Sum roll~ 450 and Oak Tt-rrace Rox- H‘t m 1(1n h-ptl with (hh'uun :1! lmt'ul (‘Ilurrll l\\'ul‘k :nlu! h u-ulil}. \liw Jun-(- In “To Iliuluwt Bidder." Fullr .\(‘t~ \ nudm Hh- ’l‘hursdn) . mm ll fl} 1m? Y\\() Men 2.5 'I‘uosdn) H “I t-i'tivlil-Shie-lds High School The frvshmen and enrolled in the llitl tln- juniors and seniors io-Mlny. ‘5' \Vfi‘l‘t' Him] in the afternoon. At it time there are tuur hunâ€" tift)‘ puhils in attondnnma (-xpoctod that the-r? will ix- ‘\'('nly-fl\‘(‘ morn- to register \ nut rrturnmi {min their npvnml Tin-s- n registration nf two hunâ€" thirty-th'n pupil»: Thv ripen- ‘ri'uvn whim] The dot-eased loaws to mourn hit-1' miriy (loath. her (imnted husband: (he'- tolinwing three (-hildren. Judith, t » lo and Antnnio, and n largrl namfier of friends. The Rwluium High Hm was (‘plubrntod at ton (g‘clock ywm~ ‘1in- 'I‘abvrnm-iv Sm-irty nf St. Jamar ichurch, and aim of the I’uunl Sofa-- day morning. the Rev. \Fathor Gaunt of St. Jnmw church officiating. 3 special choir from Chicago sang I! the funeral SPrViCi'. Thv rm'mu'm: \wrt- laid In rmt zit St. Mar)'.~ at» meter): Mini, Mnrdini wnu :i nninlwr «r . \l.l IHIH l.\' 'l‘ H E FURT Y TH I EV ES Mum: Pm rt 1N u hm I Hill in m uh! Hill hu‘mu H III“ “In \llrpit‘l‘: Ir'int hm 1nd In: v-t'ur-ni r ”mum I) Ihw (‘hun-h r‘«->l>)hvr) uf youth L'l\t f1 hix \ilal Itur l‘t‘lHHNI ylul II' NIH-h Hahn (Li 1H H \\ II («lurk m ml) vhv ( xhi\ «N‘DHI'YHH'HI hull) H'o in} I'J1H¢ III-\I \\ {w ifli'h Ll «in; nrri. Mu." “Mr: I|n*\' l'hrn m \Vm'k, \lt'lH Ill t:~." ill‘l) Bis: uriv \Vulvnmp lntt’rnatiunal in-rml (-umw- wdu). Hilillvl nf two hunâ€" 1hr I‘abnrnmlv Soc-ht»- Th. nptn- i (hurch, and 111:0(Ifflnt to u picnk :hur» Tha- finial ll'lhhlt, the Part-uhE high mum m whirh )nr hrul fur Iwr. mwd); Tu- Thr Tilfl‘l” “HIT! Hlv “Hing 1)., >‘u EM: 1: ‘hn-m: \1 HT! lll't'l fun! h muuh Sup! 1' “Mvh lultlr {, .rtu iit“ l‘o llu- H Ill« mmly Furu Th. in" 1nd H ERAVINIA PARK CLOSES i SUCCESSFUL SEASON mum ATTEND IAIWR [HY Hu‘l'n‘. (‘lIIM‘ nn (H GJHN) pay-:31! fnuuhl fUl' “’11“ U!) (ht' «mun “It 4-Ia-vll‘it' Hmdi INIHHHK {u 1hr park and uwrtluuml Hw puuhun in ”It park Kill um- would ulmmt hut ”naught Hw Sux “UH‘ Inning n .1131: [m “t- llkw npura'.’ \'v.»~, “he” H if fur Hm tint timv us Tuniu in "l'nz» lmwi." “hivh \\;1~ sung: u)!!! an- \in(*ing realism. but a Iitthx tm Haunt' “'er and Fields and Wizard of 0c mukf‘up. frhn Chim Fang was hetbst, if possiblva than at the other porfor» mam-es. _'I‘hv way Scotti uses it? hands is n. marvel. Ae a star, but» m‘ul', one of tho mmt notable things.» about this artist is tho fact that ha makes mpryhody who in ”1" cat shim-111.55 brightest. Miss Ea§tmfz NL-ddu in "l’ngliacci" was the . this wwlsun, and Rothier. D’Angviu, qu'ruld and Miss Gentle also scam-fl inspired. uiwu in suvh an nm'n'nnnn-m and by Mich n I'll”|p;ah}’ of :n‘HA: :n’ Km“ murshnlwl by Hu- Iiminiu nun-aar- mn-m, “'l‘hv nu»! ~'ucc«~.~fu1 warns; \n- have had 3M," mid Innis Hok- Hu‘ill. [SH->141?!“ nf {hv liminiu an Mwizlliun. "Thv uulltwk is mm: ma murngjng 'I'hv tuw tin} night ywzl l‘n 7H." (lvnnaroPaIpi conducted both opera with his {final brio and the men n» sponded splendidly. It has been L. long senson and n trying one ant many of the orchestra men who him had to so long distances to reach th park each evening will be glad of the opportunity to rest, but there 11‘ never been {he slightest wearina noticmblo in any of their perforw r1)!" HH‘ HX‘ munm-s HIGHWUOI) RFSIDENT PASSED AWAY Sl'XDAY Brigitta Murdini, belovml wife «I EHI’N'U‘MOHHHL of Everett Prim, Highwnod. pass‘od away at lhr- Hist- lnnd Park hospital, Sunday, Aug“ Ill, following a lingering illness» Slic- llrlwma )lurdlnl lm-s Following lam lllm-ss. Funeral Yesterday- lntvrmonl at St. Mary's was born in Modinn, Italy. Augux! I“ 1351. and shortly after hvr marriage in May, 1906, csum- to this comma-y II‘L’I IN“! “”150 SI’HNFHR PHS'I' To \IHE'I‘ Tl‘ESIH \' EVE \Iud' Suva-«full Suzhou \1’1‘ \alfu'lmlli‘ Hcksto-in. I'I‘I‘xi- (IQ'IH. "Futun-‘is Hm! Tin: [hum irnn Drain!) huh! 1hr ir} and me l' mrmlwx 'uh fur l'n l'urmuhm‘ l' pH ‘)ru\n'HQ "4 “NWT ('\|H‘l”" n1 amut ~ix!_\-t1°\~ :anHn-r~. Hum-nu“, aux lhl'w- hymn'ul 4H1! Hf!) nun nvrr- i1: H‘I‘Vim‘; {rum Hmhhmr! Park 11’ 3.11!) haw nu! .xirrmh uppln-d fm‘ admisâ€" sin“. mukr rm “men by athnd flu.- n‘k “‘1‘“ an! .xirrmi) nppln-d fur sin“. mukr rm vfiterl tn HIUL mm Inn-Hm; TunnL‘t) ru-nin mg in ml H‘L’ 1r IL» Uru‘anizullnn. To “on u! \rmp-Vanp (‘o-ntor 7D? Ill ‘HIIHNIH l I Muluin) vpn-xm prc-wnlm] (m Mun- hi'uu; hl Signnrt- S‘wili still“ (”H‘f' nu.r«- 11> Chin: h Hrnt-ni llNHll‘flL’ng Rmini 'hh'r‘ 0”, vâ€"q Spwmwr i nf Hiuhluml M mw-Kim: m l! III/I X“\V night ' mun 11> ( hi>~ fourth in HH- Hm, UY" l'l‘ H) VULK’MK I on! Sofa»- -hr.~“r-d {it my {Fl-“Nd? 1 Hanna. \\ 1m Has ism-mhl-et‘ Park. «:1. 29w .\rm_‘ i \H: .\’(J_ A! (J ulna: "vii-II! 'fllh {nlvrllull ("HE wt 1! A {HI-l mm.

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