Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press (1912), 23 Oct 1919, p. 6

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9m '1 on] u a? bi Highland PJrk. Hiin Albnrt hwy The Htgblanh Park Presg Nl'MBER :H .\ VOTE FOR THE WOODLANDS On Tuesday. November 4th, at the regular fall election. the citizens of Highland Park will cast their ballot either for or against the forest preserve question. Those who happen to be .lovers of the great century-old trees of the woods, have all had the galling experience of watching some one hew them down with an ax. It is a common occurrence. (70rd wood has risen in price since so many people are using open fire places, and the forests are suffering accordingly. At the same time, more and more peOple every year are com- ing in motors from the hot city to seek the shade and quiet of the woods in Lake County. or to eat their lunch beside one of Lake ('ounty's fifty or more beautiful lakes. Moreover. the peo- ple of Lake (lounty itself are learning to enjoy its beautiful nuâ€" tural features. and they do not want to stand helplessly by and see the Woodlands hewed down at the sole caprice of the man who happens to own the timber. Surely something ought to be done to stop this headlong course of the woodman‘s ax. And now is the time to do it. All those whose souls have revolted time and time again at this vandalism of our natural scenery can go a long way toward stopping at least a portion of it by registering their vote November 4th in favor of the Forest Preserve. This is Roosevelt Week. Next Monday is Theodore Roose- velt‘s birthday. This is the week in which a drive is being made for funds to carry out the plans‘of the Roosevelt Memorial Association, whose intention is to purchase the homestead at Oyster Bay, and make it the possession of the government and the people of the l'nited States for all time to come. This would indeed be a fitting: memorial for the great American whose life was lived in our time. whose marvelous gifts were bestowed upon our generation. whose hardest battles were fought in our be- half. ‘Ill Roosevelt is dead. lllli his immortality is in its infancy, and it will go marching on. like that of Lincoln, as limitr as the flag: waves and the “government at Washington still lives." He was an Amerit-an t'or all time He loved the American people for all time, but he ll\'€‘(i and walked familiarly with Us in the, dust of our NW“ generation. It is our great privilege as his contempor- aries to Contribute our money to his memorial. Let us hope that our share in this great enterprise will he Worthy of the battles which he fought. the triumphs which he won, the last hitter sacrifices which he made: for We are the American people. It looks very much a> it' Chicagoans would not be permitted to entertain Kingr Albert and Queen Elizabeth on their extended tour through this country. (‘hicago is indeed conspicuous for its absence from the royal itinerary as mapped out at Washing- ton. It is said that no reasons have been given for leaving Chi- cago out. but we know of no reasons why Chicagoans should not make their own deductions on the matter. Chicago has been left out before when no attempt was made to conceal the reason why. The American Legion made their protest before all the world. Is Your Home Ful’ly Insured? BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 86 SAVINGS BANK Entered as second UH\ A. BU.\\H Pl:‘lJ€fl( Quads.) Du nut iusv sight uf the fzivt that am :HHUlHIi nt' insuranm' \V'hi('il would have tin-ii runsidt-rwiadequatezi few years 21w» H114!“ (1)0 small 101‘ safety. This is (luv to the fun than the rust of ivplzu‘emont of either huust-hnld gum!»- Hr buildingx' is IIIUi'll highm‘. We im'itc yuu to come in and talk nver the matter uf your insurance requireâ€" ments with «me uf our utficers. R1" £1"; yuu rurrying sutf'u'ient insurance an \‘uur hmmnmcl m1yumhnusehnld 3th F Telephones. Highland Park 557. 568 The Bdnr‘ of Personal Servsce' PAGE SEVEN (‘HH'AGO LEFT (“'1‘ AGAIN JUHN class matter Man-h 1, 1911. at the post office at ROOSE V E LT WEEK DOI=IUO er the Act of March 3. 1879 ‘30 E Jackx'un, Tel. \Vahush 5212 L YIN-11.1. and PAIV‘L 1.. UDEX‘IJ., It Highland k Lakv County, Illinots IL)H\ OLIVER \vlC.‘ prhlJtvl "v‘ W .. M gnaw» we v.11 . TH l' RSI)AY, ()(‘TOBI‘TR Chicago Advvrtlsing Manager HARRY P.-\l zap-.1 Superintendent __ Editor 191‘) THE HIGHLAND (‘hnrlos (‘halupa. North Second Street. spent the week end visiting his brother in the city. He took with ’him two large bags of mushmums that‘hv had picked in the wnods near Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Michael and‘fm. th‘ family 01' Chicago, farmer resi- Mr. dvnts nf this city, were Sunday \‘isit- ‘ rowivi or: it the hnme of Mr. and Mrs. Uni» m. a : Iey. 55H (mku'mxl Aw. Hand I Miss Anna Hart has rcmvvred {rum Mrs an Operation fur the rvmuval of tan is \isi‘ ails. whivh she underwent last, work ‘ . . . l'umil) at thv Port Sheridan hospital. Mr. Luke Mustl'it'k and John Miller wvn‘ “perm Sunday ph-znuro «'Mllvrx’ in Milwnu- . pita! ku‘ Mrs. T. (‘. Errimzer and (laughter. Barbara, of Minneapolis, Minn, who spent thrm- wm-ks visiting her fath- er. Mr. H. J. Thayvr, returned to her home a “wok ago Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Sattler and IMr. and Mrs. Rehm and small child 1 of Evanston were the week end guests [of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boehm. Mrs. L. R. Rigdun left I for Philadelphia, where she in): relatives Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Butler have removed from their former residence at thc turner of (.‘vntral uvenuv and (in-on Hay rum! to a m-w hnmu at 30‘} Numb Green Bay mud. Mr. and Mrs. ('harles H‘ Warren A left yesterday fur Hurnin. where they (film; will spend tlw winteru Pill” Mr. and Mrs. Jumps Dulan and ML mm! and Mn H. M. Butler moturud in Mr Whuatun. 1”,. Sunday and \'i.<i\rd_.,H5I, Hull Viruil, a student at Lake For 9st (-nllygv. has accept“! a position at the Schumuuhvr pharmacy, Working afternoons. and .\lr> \thfltull friends. Miss Esther Hicks who is teaching in a High School in ('humpaign spent the week end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. ("1. Hicks. Mr. J. S‘ Sheldon of (‘levclmuL 0 is Visiting his bruthvr, [)r. A. F Sheldun‘ Mr“ and Mrs. Edward Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Vail are spend- ing LWu weeks at Hot Spdngs, Va. (‘umplwll (‘haptor O. E. S. will hold their regular meeting this ove- nimz in Masonic Hall. Mrs. (‘. W. Brown of Lancaster, N‘ H., and Mrs. Maud ("heaam of Woods- ville, N. H., are spending a month with their sistrr. Mrs. John G. Hicks of Glenview Aw. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Chapman left Sunday for New York where they will sail for Haiti Island, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. T. (‘. Williams has returned from Kansas City. Mo., where she spent the past six months visiting her «laughtvr. Mrs. Smith. Mrs, Henry ('m‘Vt-r and Mary of Bmukline, Mass, the H. J. Thayvr home I last week. Mixs Theresa Kiemp, bookkeeper in the Highland Park Trust Savings Bank, was confined to her home Tues- day by an attack of illness. Willard Biiharz of Ravenswnod spent last Thursday visiting his un- ('it’ and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bil- harz of this city. He has just ro- i-civod his discharge from the navy after 28 months of service overseas on the “Imperator.” Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Allen who have hcen visiting here for a short time with Mr. H. K. Coale have left for San Francisco, where Mr. Allen will open a branch office for the Braender Tire company. Sitk' Mrs. (I W. Aldridge is visiting: a tow days with her daughter. Mrs. R. (E. Brunks at her home in River- Mrs. Hurry ('lurk and children ac- Shantung and Form. n'mnpanicd by her mother have return- Th“ Railrnud QUt‘FV-imi. ml {rum (‘alifmnim and are occupy; The Latest Phaso of the Balkan nu: the (‘lark hnme in (‘entral avenuu ”‘0“an 2' for a short tinw. before returning: to New MW“ in h‘dU-‘UZV‘ «mum-ma, Ireland. England and America. A. (l. Becker and family. who have lwun occupying the Buckley home on the lake front, have returned to ('hiâ€" mm). when-v they will live during the winter. Miss Anna S. Jnhnson has returnâ€" ed to her honu- in Oakwood avenue af- ter an operation, which she recently underwent at the hospital. She is un» 421']. the (‘iu‘t' uf a trained nurse, and her mmiiiinn is regarded as serious Mrs. George Saxon. formerly of Hmhland Park. is visiting with Miss Anna Johnson, at her home in Oakâ€" mmd HVPIHIC. Highland Park. is visiting with Miss Anna Johnson, at her home in Oakâ€" mmd HVPIHIC. Nont- of the party were injured, and the car was towed to the Koon gar- age. where it was repaired. The Among recent deals, Coale Son driver of the auti: was attempting to "VIM-rt the sale nf the Edgar A. Tur- turn it around, when he drove too close pin home un Ridgewood drive to to the edge of the ravine. Rigdun left lust week Hurry Michael and PRESS, HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS daughter, visited at few days is visit, Mr. George Brand, who has been in service in the Navy for the past two years, has returned home honorably discharged. Mr. Brand expects to leave in a short time for Seattle, Wash, where he will enter men-ham marine service. Wm. 1’. Hammond of Wilmette. Mr. Turpin and family have taken a lease on the Dieter hungnluw at Ravinia fur the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Samuei Newhall are rcu-iving cungratulatiuns on the birth of a sun burn Friday. m the High land I’m-k hmpital. Mrs. M. D. Jones of Austin, Minn, is xisitim: hi r sun. Mr, J. l). Jnnu> am! Mr. J. l)‘ Jones who undurwvnt an upemtiun at the Highland Park hos- pital last Thursday. for guitre, is zoning alum: nicely and wxll return humr Saturday. family fun ICan 15. (hwn homo on huum uu-rn Buy mad [u ()mrgc W. Rossitcr, and the T. ('. Wililams (\Vatkinsb, house an \'im- avvnuv tn G. J. Stanley 0f '1'“' York (‘ity for a term of years. Mrs. Wililam Guyut and three (hil- (in-n spent Saturday in (‘hieagu as the guests of her sister, Mrs. (K H. Dayle. Miss Me“ tL-r part «If the gun-H nl' «'hiinh'm. “1m H-Hdv HI, hrnw‘umu. Minn, nn Luku Minnvlnnka. had A wry nzu'l'uw (wapu from being run- nurly injured or burned m death when tire hrnku nut and destrnycd several vu!!a;:1-< :uijnining thix's 2n 1hv rc- snrt last \vm-k After u-mm'im: his family In :1 \Im-H stun- u mile away Mr. Thnyt I‘vturnmi and ht'hfl‘ul put family In :1 Mr. Thnyur nut 1111- fire Mr. and rhiinh'on. \\ Minn, nn humt A numlu-r of Highland Park people “111- in I‘Ivanstun last Saturday after- nmm attending the fuutbull game in whivh Nurthwestorn was defeated by thv Badgers 10 to 6 in a cloudy fought mam: Therc was no meetinkr of the (‘ity Council last Friday evening. 3]. Bohl, the orcharilist of the north side. Thursday put on exhibition in the window of the Vaupell drug store a number of exceptionally large snow apples and of Talman Sweets. The apples weigh 5‘: ounces apiece They are about the most beautiful speci- mens of their kind seen here this year.â€"llolland (Michigan), Sentinel. Several members of Campbell (‘hapter 0. E. S. attended a meeting of the Wilmette Chapter on Monday evening: at which Mr. ll. 1“. Flow, Worthy l’atron of the local chapter. was the honorcd guest. being given the privilege of acting as Worthy Pa? ron of their ('haptcr. Much credit is duo Mr. ('low for the splendid way he delivered his part. l At the present time when events of tremendous importancu are oe- ‘-currim:. not only in our country, but =all over the world. talks on current events are especially needed. and an arrangement has been made with Mrs. E. S. Adams and Miss Julie R. Adams to give :1 series of such talks at the Moraine Hotel‘commencing on Saturday morning, November first, at ten o'clock, During this course spe- cial consideration will be given to the following subjects: The Peace Treaties Strikes in Europe and Amerira. The Italian (”risia‘. The Illinois Constitutional ('onven» P 7...: firm 73.: N: . $53,}. 3:76?! “1 1:. _ :7; :: .fizalivs :2 (‘l'RRENT EVENT TALKS AT MORAINE HOTEL Mrs. E. S. Adams and Miss Julie lion New Ideas in Industry. Ireland. England and America. Thurv will be six of these talks and the dates are November lst, 8th, 22nd, December 6th, 13th and 20m. CHICAGO CAR SMASHED NEAR SCHAFFNER HILL A svven pawonuvr Reo car driven by a man from Chicago was badly smashed Sunday evening when it trashed down into the ravine near Schafl'ncr hill. r. Thnyur I‘vturnmi and helped pu: M the Hun His hands won- NAHIHH litlll‘u'd. The family will rvturn in hurt. tinw tn St. Paul. their Winn-r ‘Hit- Sun rvpurt the lvasc- of the ~ 15. (hwn homo on Snuth (in-en .\dams to Give Talks Each Sat- urday Beginning Nuv Mn. (lmwr Thuyer an] m n-si‘lv at (Erm‘vlzmd. :1 Nu Brock spent {he 13!» lant week in L'hicagn u< Miss Loon Harrison. 11- w \\'L‘t‘k> Mr. and Mrs Evanstnn hos- tuln-r twvnty H HIGHLAND mx FIREPROOF H mm: comm -«'_'u‘u'~;..',.;... .n... ate... . 00......0.0...000......0000.0.0.0000000000000.... S TORA CE, MO VINO PA (KING aud SHIPPING Private Rooms. Silver Vaults Piano, Trunk and Rug Rooms -â€"§..» Central Avenue Shctidnn Road 7’ m.»- 30=0=0=0=0= ”H”: ~ 000000000000000000000000.0000.oooo...ooooooo'°".‘ E. H. PURDY. Pro-540M IA. C. PURDY. Socnluyo'rron Coal, Coke and, Wood SCRGNTON BNTHRACITE. POGOHONTAS SM“: LESS and FRANKLIN COUNTY SOFT COAL Bulldlnl Material 0! all Kinds TELEPHONE 07 230 NORTH ST. JOHNS Av!!!” ALBERT LARSON Christmas and New Years Greeting Cards EARL W. GSELL f Hallowe’en Goods? R. W. SCHNEIDER l‘cleph‘onc H. l’. 331 393 Ccmrnl AWN” Glnsses Adjusted Lenses Duplicalcd with your name for a small ad- ditional charge. Early selection is important. Yov will find them at Our Store NO GOOD REASON for Straining Your Eyes Our graduated Optician can fit you perfectly. E. A. JOHNSON, Optometrist, with PAUL BORCHARDT E are now showing a select line of Holiday Greeting Cards Looking for Engraved STATIONER I handle the famous Pharmacist TELL PM ONE Phone 23 Jeweler Black Soil 3nd Tau“ Efifififi Genera 394 CE Round, kid. A Tckph‘

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