mm: SIX ‘ NUMBER 38 The Highlanh Path Pram r" P ;bhshed weekly by JOHN L UDELL and PAUL L UDELL. It Hllhland Paul L. Udell Albert Levy ______ I .‘m L. UdeH Hmhlaud Park, Illinois. under the Act of Much 3. 1879 Now that the canning season is safely over, now that all the fruit in this vast land of abundance, has either been harvested or left to rot on the ground, whichever the case may be, announce:- ment comes that the sugar shortage is to end this week. As a result of this prolongued shortage of sugar during the entire period of fruit preserving, jelly making, and canning. there will be a demand for this kind of canned goods never known before. And will the‘ prices.0f these necessities be lower than they were in previous years so that the helpless consumer will have the beneï¬t of it? Not a bit of it. The quotations on this kind of groceries are right now higher than they have ever been before, with all the chances pointing to a continued rise. During the war we had our allotment of sugar. 'It was small and very inadequate, but yet it had the advantage 01' being a deï¬- nite amount, and we could count on it. Now, on the other hand, we have been living without sugar. unless we availed ourselves of the numerous ofo's in the City to buy four dollars worth of groceries and get ten pounds of sugar, or to make a ï¬fty cent purchase and get one pound of sugar. We are now told that the shortage will soon be at an end, and we are asked at the same time not to hoard. This is all very well as an injunction and the request is only fair, but yet we can not help feeling that the housewives should have some protection in case they do try to be fair and act for the best interests of all. They suspected nothing in the early fall in the way of a sugar shortage. otherwise they would undoubtedly have provided them- selves and their families against the day of need. It is Major A. A. Sprague who is the author of this report, and who makes this request to the housewives. It would be in- teresting to those same housewives to follow up the tortuous course of this sugar question, and ï¬nd out who it is that makes the big reaping from the canned and preserved fruits which the "system" has forced us all to buy. The visit of James Moore Hickson to Highland Park will be a memorable one to those who were fortunate enough to hear him. and to come under the spell of his presence. Although his mming was not known until the night before. yet the church was ï¬lled to its capacity. Nothing could be less sensational than his quiet. simple manâ€" ner, and the modest grace of his ('hristia!‘ faith. It is unforâ€" tunate that he was heralded in Chicago papers as a “sensation," for surely nothing is farther from his mind and character. To quote from the Trinity Church Bulletin: "Mr. Hickson makes no pretence of special holiness and he abjures all sensational methods. He is a very simple man who believes that God uses him to manifest the gift of healing which He imparted to His (‘hurth t. gift which everyone Wlio has the simple faith which he has and the magnetic Vitality which he has in such abundant measure. may exercise." The Dawn of a New Era The fervent attentive audience which listened to this apostle «if the ministry of healing last week at Trinity Church was sym- bolic. in a way, of the times. They added their silent testimony to the evidence which is slowly rolling itself tipâ€"that America i4 about to experience a revival of the Christian religion. USINESS is beginning to show marked activity. A new era of progress is ahead. There will be oppor- tunities for busineSS advancement and business develop- ments such as have never been offered before. Are you preparing t.» make the most of these opportuniï¬es? If not, let us urge you to start NOW by opening an account with this strong helpful bank. Our officers are keenly interested in the welfare of the bank’s Cir‘omers. They will take pleasure in rendering you direct. personal service exactly suited to your immediate needs. Nnucmhvr J I, 191.†Novemï¬d' 11, 1918 Im‘mm m one year HIGHLAND PARK TRUST 86 SAVINGS BANK JOHN A RUVN Inland 3: second elm matter March 1. 1911. at ‘th Floor. 20 E. Jackson. Tel. Wabash 5212 WHO ARE THE PROFITEERS _;n‘.< of P'; so’nal Serv-ce' Telephones. Highland Park 667. 668 JAMES MOORE HICKSON Park Lake County. Illinois uo:=::xo=:::::s 11:: DE P051 TS )OHX OLIVER Vic: Presudcm THURSDAY. NOVEMï¬ER 20, 1919;0bsen Chicago Advertising Manager 8516 ’07. 44 25x), :40. 76 $262,066.68 rz===lo=11 HflRY‘VY PAUL the post ofï¬ce a: Cashier Superintendent -_ Editor 7 Mrs. Nelson Mowers is visiting in} Elgin for a few days with friends. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Winslow of Fer- . gus Falls, Minn., visited for a few; day this week with Mrs. P. W. Schu-‘i macher. They have gone to St. Peters- ‘ berg. Fla.. to spend the‘winter. Mr. Henry L. Gliddvn is spending‘ the week in New York on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs Sheridan road. from g ten (in) Pity. Mrs. Hallii (Hh11111l1e1lain. who has lu-en 1~pvn<ling the past month with Highland [‘axk friends. has return- (d to her lumw in Santa Barbara, Cal. Mrs. Helen (ualo Stair): has left fur San Francism ('al., where She will visit with her sister. Mrs. James ('ualc 6': Son haw sold the A. L. Bourniquv home on North Linden Ave. liulwrt 'U. Szunuvlsnn uf Linden {n .\w. and Beach St. )lrx. Ryan McNeil and rhildrvn of Nurth St. Jnhns plm-c spvnt the week vml with her pnrvnts. Mr. and Mrs. William Kuohm- uf (‘hicagm Mrs. (h-urue- (lilcs had as her guests Sumlu)‘ Mix and Mrs Gilt-s and Mrs Richards and sun 01' Irving Park. Mi". and Mrs. Alht-rt Larson won- tln' Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. livstei' Ball of Evanstun. Mrs. Esther Mead and daughter. Pt‘ul'l. nl' Ntnrth ('himgu spent Tues- day visiting llt'r pundits. Mr. and Mrs. llan (lai‘i‘ity. Miss Elizabeth Brown of Ottawa, 11].. was the \ka wnd guest of Miss Alice Duffy. Mother Goose and her children met Tuesday afternoon to gather up the toys and bun-buns and surprises for the grab bag at the Army and Navy ('untci' Saturday afternoon where they are to help thl' mothers and sis- ters in the Building Fund Sale for the Highland Park Woman's Club. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Black are‘ itho: h‘uppy parents of a son. born on~ ’ Thursday. , Mrs. Walter Garrity spent a few idays last week at Lake Geneva, Wis., .as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Jacâ€" ; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin have {moved frum Hubbard Woods to this why and are living on Green Bay 1 road.- _ \Ir. and Mrs. Dean Aynesley enterâ€" imined Mr. and Mrs. George Blott and daughter Gwendolyn. of Mukwon- iazo, Wis., last Sunday. ‘ Mr. Lloyd McCafl'rey is in Boston, :Mass" for an indeï¬nite stay U ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Udell and fur) [ ily were the Sunday guests of Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert E. Davis of Chicago. Mr. M. A. Bamboruugh and family are muvim: tn Chicago this week where they will make their home in the future. Harold Bamborouzh will remain in this city and complete his senior year at the Deerï¬eld-Shields high schooL Miss Helen [)9 Lucy of Waukegan was the Sunday guest of Mrs. William Dooley. Mr. Duncan Rowan. of Kincardine, Canada. who spent the past three weeks visiting his sisters, Mrs. J. P. Steffen and Mrs. George Giles, has returned to his home. Miss Ruth Schwab. who is attend- ing Northwestern college at Néper- ville, and her room-mate, Miss Mil- dred Nearman. were the week end guests of Miss Schwabs parents. Mr. and “Is J G. Schwab. Dr. C. W. Balke spoke before the Illinois section of the American Chem; ical Society of the University of 1111- nois. at Champaign. on Tuesday. ’ Mrs. Peter Hintz, who underwent an operation at a Chicago hospitél two weeks ago. has returned home very much improved. Miss Gertrude and Mr. Oscar Lundzren have returned from a tem days' trip to Cooperstown. N. Y.. an'd Nu}.- ank City. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Barrett of Prairie View were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John McCafl'rey. M!“ Edward Conrad, who has bedn un the sick list for the past week, is very much improved and able to be around again. very mucn improved and now u) 0e. around again. An article entitled: “And Forty-ï¬ve Missionaries" appears in the Ladies Home Journal for November. After you have read this article you do the Educational Committee of Lake (‘ounty Sunday School Associa-‘ tion a favor by forwarding same td, Mr. W. F3. Bletsch. W111 t‘e“ officiating. Burial was made in Rose Hill cemetery. Mr. Oscar Goepner, butler for Mr. Emanuel Mandel of Roger Williams ,avenue, died last Friday at the High- land Park hospital. Services were held at nine thirty Monday morning at Prior’s chapel with the Rev. Suhr Mr. and Mrs. John Faulkner of Oak‘ wood avenue are receiving congratula- tions on the birth of a daughter,botn Monday, Nov. 17. Mr. Charles Kuist left Tuesday eve. } great pleasure in announcing that at ning for Bloomer, Wis... and Casper,ltheir next meeting, Tuesday, Novem- Wyo., where he will visit his two sons; 3 her 25th, at 2:30 at the Highland later going to California. He expeéts l Park Club. Professor Scares will to be gone for several months. \’ {speak on “Industrial Democracy.†\Ht m: Max Mahler. South all, have just; returned dzxys' trip to New York ,. 3 .94 nwxxmnmw ' ; mass? .HIGHLAND EMrs. Clara J. Balke of Manituu, u., hgs “rived to spend the winter with hér son, Dr. C. W. Balke. gA new sign is being placed over the front entrance of the McPherson garage sales room. :George Schuman, Sr., South Green Bay road, has returned to his home from the hospital, and is slowly re- cbvering from his 'ï¬he Highland Park Trust and sav- ings bank is presenting copies of a new war map of Europe to local business houses. Mr. H. K. Coale has returned from a week‘s trip to New York and other eastern cities. Announcement is made of the marâ€" riage of Miss Stella Barton and Mr. William Saxon which took place on Tuesday evening at the Evangelical parsonage with the Rev. Keagle ofâ€" ï¬eiatinz. The bride's attendants were the Misses Gibser and Keagle. The young: couple will reside at the home ‘of Mrs. F. C. Richards with whom .Miss Barton has lived for the past ten years. There will me a meeting of the‘ ‘American Legion held at the City; Hall Monday evening. All men who are eligible for membership are re-‘ quested to attend. . Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. (‘hristnian and "-hiltlrvn. Victor and Olive. of Gary. Ind" were the week end guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Christ- nmn. of Laurel avenue. ' Those who have in the past admired an urder of Christmas cards and nov- elties at Mrs. Gutsell’s. designed each year at this time will be glad to know that the new book has come. The :money goes this year to the auxiliary {of Trinity (llY‘Y‘Ch f4‘Y‘ charitable pur- gpnses Anyone wishinLr to see the i book kindly on“ Mrs. Timson, 559 Fort-st Ave. T-‘l. 399. i The Lady Foresters are giving a ‘card partv this afternoon and evening i in Witten Hall, for the beneï¬t of Phil- anthmpy. The public is cordially in~ vited to attend. son. 0.. and ed relatives Mr. William King has returned from a trip to Jackson, Mich, Jefl'er~ son. 0., and Troy. 0., where he visit- 1 There will be an entertainment giv- en by the bazaar committee of the Swedish Evangelicdl Lutheran church. Highwood, Saturday evening. There will be no charge for admission, but all holders of raffle tickets for the .hand made quilt in oak leaf design will be admitted. A very enjoyable evening is promised. Mr. and Mrs. Williun Lefl'er the happy parents of a daughter, Saturday, Nov. 15. Mr. William Aldridge, city en- g‘ineer of the city of Winnepeg, who went to the engineers“ convention at New Orleans, spent Sunday and Mon- day with his sister, Mrs. Josep‘1 Mooney. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Brown of Van, Ark, are receiving congratulations on the birth of a son, John/Howard. Mrs. Brown was formerly Miss Es- telle Frakes. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. “’illiam Matthews on Nov. 14. James Baker of the Rasmussen shoe shop this week received his diploma from the American School of Practi- pedics of Chicago. He has been spe- cailizing in mastering the science of foot troubles and their remedies. The young son of Nick Peterson. employed by the Highlanï¬ Park Fuel company. sustained I fractured leg about 2:30 o’clock yesterday after- noon George Dewey Stain: left Wednes- day on a business trip to points in Maryland. The window on the south side of the Sheridan restaurant in Sheridan road was smashed Tuesday evening when a car driver backed into it. Construction on the electric railway tracks in St. Johns avenue is pro- gressing rapidly. The east track has been relaid, and set in concrete, and the work on the west track is rapidly nearing completion. This vastly im- proves the condition of both the tracks and the paving in St. Johns avenue. A new platform is being constructed west of the tracks. OSCAR GOEPNER PASSED AWAY LAST FRIDAY Professor Theodore Scares needs no introduction to the thinking people of Highland Park. The Ossoli takes great pleasure in announcing that at their next meeting, Tuesday, Novem- ber'25th, at 2:30 at the Highland Balke of Minitum recent illness Williun Lefl'ert ILLINOlb W PARK FIREPROOF STORAGE COIPAHY EEA’EBERT LARSO STORAGE, MOVING PACKING and SHIPPING Conn-l Anon. Slur-Hui Rand ""5 :o==o:=ao===oo=ao‘ Ioc===01 Private Rm Wm Vaults Hana, Trunk and Rug Room: amaammmamamaama@@maa Do You Know What a Bottle of Milk as Delivered by Bowman Dairy Company Represents?†L H. 'UIDY.W PU‘IDY. Sadat-Tm An Elegance 571-579 Vine Avenue Telephones: Glencoe 70 - Hi Try Our Cold Gream A ‘ Beautiful Line of La Tusca Pearls EARL W. GSELL I JUST RECEIVED-«Beautiful gifts f9: your Mother, Wife, Sister or Sweetheart Sustain: its reputation as Distributors of QUALITY PRODUCTS: MILKâ€"CREAMâ€"BU' L W. SCHNEIDER"; let: Inspection to verify quality 2nd: Pasteurization to insure safely 3rd: Country bottling to insure purity 4th: Abundant Refrigeration to insure sweetness COLD CREAM Elegance means purity of product with dainty and pleasing odorâ€" gN espemally ni line of ChriStm-j i Card's this Year your Stationen :" n Put up in liberal jars ordinary price. Pharï¬zacist Central Aw £~WM~$¢€~$ €4~2~>¢<~3me ' Jeweler Phone 23 393 Centnl Anni 44$ 0 , A Saviiags saée a porzion . depositjrd 10 1h! It is lard Lo belle iei about; the sham diet â€ring :11 1- FREE DELIV Raism Home ‘diessed (‘h‘ Jones Fpmous SI (31¢;er } anc ï¬ve Choice 1 pct 1" Leg (if; Mutton. u 11ml @ ~- Plantation s I hm», Shickory Prime Erib ’0‘“ Beef‘enderlm 3nd ï¬der. m smd- steak 0mm Muyi‘Y'S Crisco or SM“ F“, New Je! Panick brand Pen-8d brand Jana Dam" F Jone. Dairy P?