7/8 ,ke \\-/’ //( Will“. y I Park hm.‘ h: venue £1 EILEENâ€"2'] I‘ MUTUAL com. co. Thoughts light : atingMbursting ] >2 :1 soapy brain Coal Solvay Coke Highland Park Fuel Company Office and Yards. Uine avenue 102 N. 1st St. HERMAN DENZEL, President rekihone 335 387 Central Avenue Hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Every Day Except Sunday Maintained by First Church of Christ. Scientist. of Highland Put CHURCH SERVICES: Sunday a. m. at 10:45. Sunday School im- mediately following: Wednesday Evening Testimonial Service 3t 8:00 BUILDING MA TERIAL Telephones 550 Leuer’s Motor Transportation Co. DAILY TRIP TO CHICAGO Baggage and Household Furniture CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM EEEEIEEHEHEJEIE You are Cordially Invited to make use of the privileges of the @EEIIEIEEEEIELEJ 508 North Green Bay Road arried a’t Reasonable Rates Marriage often ends a couple's in- tvrest in astronomy Highlnnd Plrk, lllinoio EIIEHEHIE] Phone 22 Girl Resene Rally 31 -\11 the Girl Reserves of the A180- 1-121111111 met on V\ e11n11s1121y evening to 1111M Miss 11113 Baumxzardner. naflpn- :11 Y. \K. (.A. girls' work secreï¬ry 1 11111)\\'1n1,: the 11111ptu1 talk to the (1113 111 “111111 51111 explaimd man} of:; $1111 11111113 “111111 1>t1101(1i1'1 Insurveï¬all 111'11 t11111nu11t1) are doing the drls gave :1 program “111111 they had ireâ€" 112111141. T1111 £11111'mim: numbers ï¬re parwl. '1 he fullnwmg numbers were given: 7ԠDance Miltlrul Gm'litz and Iainâ€" ('th- Zoliion Shadow l‘icturvs “The Oysternéï¬h," â€Imnl l'llin's Daughter." and a citinic [lll turc of a dentist pulling a tootlil5y the Smonil and Third corps of :he Girl Reserves. : Mother Goose Rhymes in Atfljpn, given by the Third and Fourth cgï¬ps. A prize of a Girl Reserve pin waslaiiv- on to the girl who guessed the laiï¬est number of rhymes correctly. ;§ Vespers Next Sandy Mrs. George G. Greene will lea VeSper services next Sunday talk is sure to be an interesting: helpful one, and all Association .. and their friends are invited tqf tend the meeting. Darlene Jones}: act as pianist for the song se Mothers Hear Capt. Morriso: Mrs. Sylvia Morrison, staff can of the Salvation Army, who has many friends in Highland Park, a splendid talk to the Mothers’ cl ,, . the work of the Salvation Armyi men in foreign lands Mrs Mo ' has a charming personality, and}; talk was most interesting and ininir- ing. Miss Taylor. of the Coluat’bia Sihool of Music, gave a delighï¬ful piano solo which added much toéffthe pleasure of the evening. Refâ€):- monts were served, and the mo rs enjoyed talking together duringt. he social time. xiii Song, “The Maginties," Ethelégflr- ickson, Nettie Crimson and %y1 Holland. ii THE H1UhLA1\LI l‘nl.k\ I wTh'éI-e will be a meeting 0: Board members held Tuesday mo: at ten o’clock. Elllilllilllllflllllllillmlml :i'ng Our Great Annual Between Holi- Sale of Women’s and Mieses In Both Long and SholrthModels at the ' Most Sensational Reductions 0f the year Coats up? $20 I Coats up to 37.50 I Coats up to $40 Y. W. C. A. NEWS 39: Coats up ti Priced i 12 loats upn Priced Fur COATS are Reduced to $69.50, $97.50, $145, $197.50 Ex Ham Go Lake County '3 Greatest Store For Wolnrnfnl and Chi/dun 325%!†v u Most Sensatzonal Reductzons 0f the year $20 Coats up to 37.50; Coa i, In Both Long and Short Models at the %t Priced-at 'ncluded are silvertones, mstabcloths, bolivias, sealettes ab. HIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS Included are kerseys, broadcloths, velours, plushes $60 Coats up to $80 Coa1 ' Priced at 1 ‘ Dix Amies Meet . Eleanor Beck was elected chair- man of the Dix Amiea club at their =last meeting, Elsie Blomdahl vice- ‘chairman, and Margaret Mayer sec- retary-treasurer. During the past week or so alter- ations have been made in the west wall of the auditorium. Masonry was re- moved and the opening framed up with six windows and paneling uni- form with the wall construction of the floors above. This will insure ad- equate light in the west end of the au- ditorium and add to its value as a re- The Entre Nous club girls will meet Friday evening. Every member is needed at this important meeting. The Dix Amies will hold their next meeting Tuesday evening, December 9. The Rainbow girls will meet on Tuesday evening, Dec. 9, and will con- tinue their sewing for their “adopt- ed†orphan. Club Meetings The Aster club will meet on Thurs- day evening at 7:30, to make Christ- mas stockings and their contents for the children at the Deerï¬eld orphan- age. Camping Songs,- Second and Third corps of Girl reserves. Give Magazines for Christmas Magazine Subscriptions for Christ- mas Presents, is the present slogan of the Girl Reserves. The girls are taking subscriptions for {our maga- zines, Good Housekeeping, Harper's Bazaar, the Cosmopolitan, end Hearst’s, and will use the proï¬t which they make as a means of adding to their camping fund for next summer. Friendship Club Elects ' The following omeers were elected by the Friendship club at their last meeting: President, Elizabeth Wil- liams; vice-president, Janet Swanson; secretary, Lulu Ditmer; treasurer, Esther Swanson. The club decided to give Christmas gifts to the children of the Deerï¬eld Orphanage as their present service work. The chairmen of the committees are: Service commit- tee, Burnetta Scharf, and Social, Mary Daley. ‘ ELM PLACE SCHOOL 19° 75 During the repairs of the auditor- ium the pupils have been without an assembly room. This would have been a great disappointment when the time for the Thanksgiving exercises came round had it not been that Mr. Pearl generously offered the use of the Pearl Theatre for that purpose with- out charge. 0n last Wednesday sf- ternoon all the rooms marched with flags flying to the theatre. An excel- cellent program was given. The chor- uses under Miss Jewett’s direction were unususlly attractive. The spe- cial feature of the program was the citation room. Miss Hefl‘ron’s English classes use this as a recitation room. the rolling psrtition being fastened down while the room is in use. The great increase in the amount of light admitted adds to the attractiveness of the entire auditorium when used for assembly purposes. ' Pear-l Theatre ‘ P R 0 GRA M This Program will be found in this position. every week FOR COMING WEEK 0N OPPOSITE SIDE CUT OUT AND PRESERVE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Coats up to $125 Priced at 77:2 Ill 2} Coats up to $40 Priced at dramatization of “The Courtship of Miles Standish" by the 6th gnde pu~ pils under the direction of Miss Clara White and Miss Sands. The play was staged in such a way that in each of the different scenes the leading char- acters were represented by a difl’erem set of pupils. The result was very interesting and in this way the star parts were distributed among a large number of pupils. The pupils them- selves had chosen their representatives for the difl'erent parts and practically every child in the room, whether ap- pearing in a leading part or not, was able to recite the lines for seven] if not all of the scenes. The people who forget to buy their Christmas gifts etrly, will. soon be complaining how disagreegble it in to shop when everyone is crowding in- to the stores. PAGE ELEVEN